Uploaded by Garfield Smith

Power Tools Safety Test

Use Power Tools Group
Class Test
Name: Date:
Instruction: Complete all questions
Section A Multiple Choice
Circle the correct answer in question 1-30
1. You notice a worker placing a circular on the ground next to his feet immediately after use. What
should you do?
a. Allow the saw to come to a full stop before placing on the ground
b. Place the saw on a surface after the ground
c. Nothing, the worker is safe
d. Place the saw a little farther away from the feet.
2. What should you do when using a pneumatic tool producing hazardous vapors in confined areas?
a. Ensure to monitor humidity within the space
b. Be sure to wear ear plug
c. Make sure there is proper ventilation
d. Avoid producing static electricity
3. Which of the following portable tool is the most likely going to expose workers to flying objects,
abrasives, and cuts.
a. Pneumatic paint sprayer
b portable grinder
c. hydraulic jack
d. floor buffer
Use Power Tools Group
4. Exposure to grinder wheel should not exceed a maximum angle of
a. 90 degree
b. 270 degree
c. 180 degree
d. 145 degree
5. What is the most common hazard when using portable hand tools?
a. Being cut by high pressure air stream
b. Expose to excessive noise
c. Exposure to dust control by blowing air
d. Being hit by a tool attachment or fastener
6. Which of the following is NOT listed as a serious hazard when using working with pneumatic jack
a. Awkward position
b. Excessive noise
c. Excessive vibration
d. Exposure to silica dust
7. What is a potentially fatal hazards associated with cleaning work clothes with compressed air?
a. Exposure to cold
b Increased flammability
C. Excessive noise levels
d. Blowing dust into the air
Use Power Tools Group
8. The most serious hazards associated with the use of fuel operating hydraulic power tools comes from
a. strains and sprains
b. fuel vapours
c. exposure to sharp edges
d. being struck by flying objects
9. who is ultimately responsible for the safe protector of tools and equipment use in the workplace
a. the employee
b. the employee
c. safety manager
d. supervisor
10. Excessive vibration of the hand while using tools over time may cause
a. trigger finger
b. weaken finger syndrome
c. neuropathy
d. none of the above
11. when choosing tools, the best tool is one that
a. Has on OSHA-approve stamp
b. Does not require the use of your arms
c. Fit the time available to get the job done
d. Reduces the force you need to apply
Use Power Tools Group
12. Which of the following power tool cause the most injuries on the job
a. Drill
b. Saw
c. Nail gun
d. Grinder
13. Which of the following hazards is resulted by not using guard on the tool
a. Flying materials
b. Splashing
c. Excessive air pressure
d. Too much noise
14. Which of the following is the recommended control switch device for powder tools?
a. Position on-off control switch
b. Lock-on control switch
c. Instant-release switch
d. Constant-pressure control switch
15. What is the best type of electrical power tool for use in areas where there is considerable moisture
or wet less?
a. Insulated tools
b. Double-insulated tools
c. Single-insulated tools
d. non-insulated tools
Use Power Tools Group
16. What should a workers do if a double-insulated tool dropped into a puddle of water?
a. Go ahead and pack it up, and wipe it off
b. Wait at least 15 second to pack it up
c. Turn off power to the tool and then pack it up
d. Pack it up and then turn off power to dry it out
17. Which of the following is a requirement for the fluid-operated hydraulic power tool?
a. It must be a fire retardant
b. It must retain normal characteristic under all pressure
c.it must be approved
d. It must retain it's operating characteristics at the most extreme temperature