Name: Decy Raye M. Cimeni Course & Year: BSEM - 3 Subject: GEE140 ACTIVITY 5 a) Computing Latitudes (Lat = length x cos α) LAT1-2 LAT2-3 LAT3-4 LAT4-1 b) Computing Departures (Dep = length x sin α) = 134.53m x cos (5°59') = -133.80m = 205.54m x cos (72°31') = 61.75m = 129.44m x cos (5°59') = 128.73m = 208.10m x cos (73°47') = -58.12m DEP1-2 DEP2-3 DEP3-4 DEP4-1 = 134.53m x sin (5°59') = 14.02m = 205.54m x sin (72°31') = -196.04m = 129.44m x sin (5°59') = -13.49m = 208.10m x sin (73°47') = 199.82m c) Tabulated Solution Line Distance (m) Bearing 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 SUM 134.53 205.54 129.44 208.10 677.61 S 5°59' E N 72°31' W N 5°59' W S 73°47' E Computed Latitude +N -S 133.80 61.75 128.73 58.12 +190.48 -191.92 d) Determining Total Closure in Latitude and Departure ∑NL = +61.75 + 128.73 = +190.48m ∑ED = +14.02 + 199.82 = +213.84m ∑SL = -133.80 – 58.12 = -191.92m ∑WD = -196.04 – 13.49 = -209.53m Computed Departure +E -W 14.02 196.04 13.49 199.82 +213.84 -209.53 CL = ∑NL + ∑SL = +190.48 + (-191.92) = -1.44m (total closure in latitude) CD = ∑ED + ∑WD = +213.84 + (-209.53) = 4.31m (total closure in departure) D = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 = 134.53 + 205.54 + 129.44 + 208.10 = 677.61m (length of the traverse) e) Determining Corrections for Latitude => [ K1 = πΆπΏ π· ; cπ = π(K1 ) ] −1.44 K1 = 677.61 = −0.00213 c1-2 = 134.53 x -0.00213 = -0.29m c2-3 = 205.54 x -0.00213 = -0.44m c3-4 = 129.44 x -0.00213 = -0.28m c4-1 = 208.10 x -0.00213 = -0.43m Solution Check: Sum of Latitude = CL -0.29 + (-0.44) + (-0.28) + (-0.43) = -1.44 -1.44 = -1.44 β f) Determining Corrections for Departure => [ K 2 = K2 = 4.31 677.61 πΆπ· π· ; cπ = π(K 2 ) ] = 0.00636 c1-2 = 134.53 x 0.00636 = 0.86m c2-3 = 205.54 x 0.00636 = 1.31m c3-4 = 129.44 x 0.00636 = 0.82m c4-1 = 208.10 x 0.00636 = 1.32m Solution Check: Sum of Latitude = CL 0.86 + 1.31 + 0.82 + 1.32 = 4.31 4.31 = 4.31 β g) Adjusting the Latitude => Adj Lat = Computed Lat ± cπ Adj Lat1-2 = -133.80 – (-0.29) = -133.51 Adj Lat2-3 = +61.75 – (-0.44) = 62.19 Adj Lat3-4 = +128.73 – (-0.28) = 129.01 Adj Lat4-1 = -58.12 – (-0.43) = -57.69 Solution Check: Algebraic Sum of Adjusted Latitudes = 0 -133.51 + 62.19 +129.01 – 57.69 = 0 0=0β h) Adjusting the Departure => Adj Dep = Computed Dep ± cπ Adj Dep1-2 = +14.02 – 0.86 = 13.16 Adj Dep2-3 = -196.04 – 1.31 = 62.19 Adj Dep3-4 = -13.49 – 0.82 = 129.01 Adj Dep4-1 = +199.82 – 1.32 = -57.69 Solution Check: Algebraic Sum of Adjusted Latitudes = 0 -133.51 + 62.19 +129.01 – 57.69 = 0 0=0β i) Tabulated Solution Line 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 Correction LAT -0.29 -0.44 -0.28 -0.43 DEP 0.86 1.31 0.82 1.32 Adjusted Latitude +N -S -133.51 62.19 129.01 -57.69 (∑NL + ∑SL = 0) Adjusted Departure +E -W 13.16 62.19 129.01 -57.69 (∑ED + ∑WD = 0) j) Determining Linear Error of Closure, Bearing of the Side of Error, and Relative Error of Closure πΏ = √πΆπΏ 2 + πΆπ· 2 = √(−1.44)2 + (4.31)2 πΏ = 4.54π (linear error of closure) tan α = = −πΆπ· −πΆπΏ −4.31 −(−1.44) α = 71°31′ π π = (Bearing of Side Error = S 71°31′ E πΏπΈπΆ π· = 4.54 677.61 = 1 149.25 π π = π ππ¦ 1 100 (Relative Precision)