Uploaded by Thomas Casey

Arduino Digital Trumpet Code Snippet

Colone IOT 6
Circuit 6: Digital Trumpet
Use 3 buttons plugged to play musical notes on a buzzer.
//set the pins for the button and buzzer
int firstKeyPin = 2;
int secondKeyPin = 3;
int thirdKeyPin = 4;
int buzzerPin = 10;
void setup() {
//set the button pins as inputs
pinMode(firstKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(secondKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(thirdKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
//set the buzzer pin as an output
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if(digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW){ //if the first key is pressed
tone(buzzerPin, 262); //play the frequency for c
else if(digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW){ //if the second key is pressed
tone(buzzerPin, 330); //play the frequency for e
else if(digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == LOW){ //if the third key is pressed
tone(buzzerPin, 392); //play the frequency for g
noTone(buzzerPin); //if no key is pressed turn the buzzer off
note frequency
c 262 Hz
d 294 Hz
e 330 Hz
f 349 Hz
g 392 Hz
a 440 Hz
b 494 Hz
C 523 Hz