Student Learning Targets: WE WILL UNDERSTAND: ✓ what kinds of information should be kept private and why. ✓ that everyone deserves to have their privacy respected. ✓ how to see privacy concerns from different points of view. ✓ how different scenarios call for different levels of privacy. Why is privacy important? 2 Why is privacy important? To not embarrass someone 3 Why is privacy important? To protect our reputation (what people think of you) 4 Why is privacy important? To keep us safe 5 This is why privacy is important? To protect your reputation (what people think of you) To not embarrass someone To keep us all safe 6 When is it ok to share a photo or video of someone else? Never without permission Always be sure to think about how what you say or post can have an effect in the future. 7 What is a “REPUTATION”?? The ideas, opinions, impressions, or beliefs that other people have about you which is something that you can’t be totally sure about but that you usually want to be positive or good. 8 Wait, what is a “REPUTATION” again?? WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU. Online or in-person. So you want to have as much control as possible over what you say/share. 9 Let’s try something fun. Make up an embarrassing secret. Make sure it isn’t real. 10 What other info do we keep private? WHY? 11 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG OR WEAK? 123456 3. EXPLAIN WHY Why not this? 13 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG OR WEAK? 3. EXPLAIN WHY Your Full Name Why not just use your name as a password? Easy to remember! 14 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG OR WEAK? 3. EXPLAIN WHY chocolate ... 15 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG OR WEAK? 3. EXPLAIN WHY Your dog’s name Does anyone know your dog’s name? The vet? Your neighbors? Your relatives? Friends? Siblings? 16 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG, MID, OR WEAK? 3. EXPLAIN WHY iG2Lm$! I GO TO LEBANON MIDDLE SCHOOL 17 Strong? ...or Weak? 1. LOOK AT THESE PASSWORDS 2. ARE THEY STRONG, MID, OR WEAK? 3. EXPLAIN WHY Iw2We$t4g3. “I went to Western Elementary School for grade 3” 18 19 Write some password ideas with your partner Look at this person’s social media stream. Try to imagine their age, hobbies, and values. “ Lilly Lilly is probably... 21 LILLY A high school senior. She’s going to college next year, hopes to study chemical engineering, and eventually wants to start her own company. She cares most about: family, volunteering, pop culture, fashion. 22 Look at this person’s social media stream. Try to imagine their age, hobbies, and values. SHAWN “ SHAWN is probably... 23 SHAWN The starting pitcher on her high school softball team. She’s 15 and lives in Philadelphia. She has an 8-year-old sister. She cares most about: baseball, studying art, playing the guitar, hanging with her friends. 24 Look at this person’s social media stream. Try to imagine their age, hobbies, and values. TANNE R “ TANNER is probably... 25 TANNER 14 years old. He just joined the soccer team and has two cats. He’s very good at sketching and likes to build robots on weekends. He cares most about: technology, his soccer team, animals and animal rights. 26 Student Learning Targets: WE WILL UNDERSTAND: -Positive reputations (online and off) -Respect for privacy boundaries of others. -Potential impact of a mismanaged digital footprint. -When to ask for adult help. “ Remember: Online life is NOT REAL LIFE 28 MEDIA CREATORS FRAME WHAT THEY SHOW_ “ Visual media makers control how much information they want to share by framing. They decide what to include inside the frame (what we can see), and they decide what stays outside the frame (what’s invisible) 29 “ 30 “ 31 “ 32 “ 33 “ 34 “ 35 “ 36 “ 37 “ 38 “ 39 BIG CONCEPTS What is your REPUTATION? A: What people see about you online B: How many followers you have C: What is believed about you D: How you feel about yourself 40 BIG CONCEPTS What makes a .pdf file special? A: It can be edited anywhere B: It can be opened by almost any computer C: It Can be easily changed D: It is not easily edited or changed E. Both B and D 41 THANKS! Make sure your share with care .pdf is uploaded. 42