INTRODUCTION INVENTED IN GERMANY IN 1952 THERMAL MATERIAL REMOVAL PROCESS THAT UTILIZES A FOCUSED BEAM OF HIGHVELOCITY ELECTRONS TO PERFORM HIGH-SPEED DRILLING AND CUTTING TYPES: THERMAL (BEAM IS USED TO HEAT THE MATERIAL UP TO THE POINT WHERE IT IS SELECTIVELY VAPORIZED) AND NON-THERMAL (UTILIZES THE BEAM TO CAUSE A CHEMICAL REACTION) ABLE TO DRILL MATERIALS UP TO 10MM THICK AT PERFORATION RATES THAT FAR EXCEED ALL OTHER MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ALTHOUGH EBM IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING ALMOST ANY PROGRAMMABLE HOLE SHAPE, IT IS OFTEN APPLIED FOR HIGH-SPEED DRILLING OF ROUND HOLES IN METALS, CERAMICS AND PLASTICS OF ANY HARDNESS PRINCIPLE High speed electron is bombarded to the workpiece Conversion of kinetic energy into heat energy The material will be removed due to heat energy Vacuum Chamber CONT... A stream of high-speed electrons impinges on the work surface whereby the kinetic energy, transferred to the work material, produces intense heating. Depending on the intensity of the heat thus generated, the material can melt or vaporize EQUIPMENT HOW EBM WORKS? a. First electron gun produces high velocity electron particles. These electron particles move towards anode which is placed after cathode tube. b. Now this high intense electron beam passes through magnetic lenses. There are a series of lenses which take care of only convergent electron passes through it. It absorb all divergent electron and low energy electron. It provides a high quality electron beam. c. This electron beam now passes through electromagnetic lens and deflecting coil. It focus the electron beam at a spot. d. The high intense electron beam impinges on the work piece where kinetic energy of electrons convert into thermal energy. e. The material is removed from contact surface by melting and vaporization due to this high heat generated by conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy. This whole process take place in a vacuum chamber otherwise these electron collide with air particle between path and loses its kinetic energy. VARIATION IN ENERGY DENSITY WITH SPOT DIAMETER OF THERMAL BEAM PROCESSES APPLICATION Produce very small size hole (100 micro meters to 2 milimeter) Produce holes in diesel injection nozle Used in aerospace industry (producing blade) Nuclear reactors ADVANTAGES Produce very small size hole in any direction It can machining any material irrespective Provides good surface finish, no any surface finishing process after EBM Highly reacting material can be machine easily DISADVANTAGES High capital cost High skill operator required Low material removal rate Frequent maintenance is required It is very diffilut to produce perfect vacuum PROCESS PARAMETERS Beam current Pulse duration Lens current Deflection coil MATERIAL APPLICATIONS SHAPE APPLICATIONS THE EXAMPLE OF EBM PRODUCTS MATRIX OF COMPARISON Machining method Technology Work piece material Work Piece Thickness span Installation and Maintenance Uniquenes Electron Beam Machining High speed electron injected in the work piece Metalic and non metalic material without restrictions 100 micro meter–2mm Highly cost in installation and Maintenance Highly surface finish Good electrical conductor material / regardless the hardness 2-4 micro inch Highly cost in installation and Maintenance It is independent of the Hardness of the work piece Electrical discharge Electrical sparking with electrode machining Laser Beam Machining Injecting of laser beam All Types of Material 10 micro meter – 1 mm Highly cost in installation and Maintenance Abillity to work on all types of material regardless of Hardness Ultrasonic Machining Transfer High frequancy electric power to vibration energy Hard Brittle material 10 – 40 micro meter Average installation cost and High maintenance No heat generated in works so no problem of work hardening or change in structural of work piece. THANK YOU