CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY (H&S) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT- A CLIENTCENTRED MODEL INNOCENT MUSONDA 2012 CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY (H&S) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT- A CLIENT-CENTRED MODEL A thesis presented by Innocent Musonda to THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the subject of ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA March 2012 PROMOTER: PROF J.H.C. PRETORIUS CO-PROMOTER: PROF T. C. HAUPT ii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my two daughters Nkatya and Nkumbu Musonda. It is also dedicated to mum, for having endured so much for us, may this work bring joy to you. Your sacrifice was worth it. It is also dedicated to construction workers, who continue to endure the harsh construction environments. iii DECLARATION I, Innocent Musonda, declare that “construction health and safety performance improvement – a client–centred model” is the result of my own work, except to the extent indicated. All sources that I have used or quoted have been duly acknowledged by means of complete references. The thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Management and has never been presented anywhere else for a similar purpose. March 2012 ______________________ Innocent Musonda Date iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to my Lord Jesus Christ without whom, accomplishing this task could not have been possible. Ebenezer I would also like to recognise and acknowledge the following individuals and organisations for having contributed in various ways to the successful completion of this research Professors Pretorius and Haupt for having spent their time to offer professional advice, insight and motivation until the task was completed; Professor Haupt for having facilitated financial assistance from the National Research Fund (NRF). I was able to have study breaks, collect data, and attend national and international conferences as a result of this financial assistance; The University of Johannesburg for the financial assistance and office facilities; My wife, Patricia for having provided that extra support that I needed most of the time; Mr Ferdinand Fester, my head of department, for the support and numerous time off so that I was able to conduct research; SACPCMP, 2010 second year University of Johannesburg Building students, Chiwala Maipambe, Kauzya Siwale, Martin Bwalya and Bwalya Mukuka for assisting with data collection; Statkon for data input and analysis. My special gratitude goes to Jurgen Becker for the countless hours spent working with me on structural equation modelling; Mr Harrison Njamu & his wife, and Pastor Evans Chinthalima & his wife, for their encouragement, support and prayers; My work colleagues; Clinton, Justus, Kauzya, Didi, Maphefo, Nazeem and Ferdi for their encouragement and for making this task easier and enjoyable; My family, “abena munkonge” for their prayers and for having provided the motivation that I needed to push on; and Heidi, for critically and professionally editing the language content; v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Health and safety (H&S) is still a problem in the construction industry. Both locally in Southern Africa and internationally, the construction industry continues to lag behind other industries in terms of H&S performance. As a result, there has been a considerable amount of research and interest on H&S performance improvement. However, there seems to be little research of note focusing on the role and contribution of construction clients to H&S performance improvement. This research project investigated and modelled H&S performance on the role and contribution of clients to H&S. The primary aim of the research was to model how improved H&S performance could be achieved if clients and/or owners were involved. Literature was reviewed on the status of H&S performance in the construction industry, the significance of the industry and on the current trends in H&S performance improvement. Empirical data was collected through a Delphi study and through a field questionnaire survey. Analysis of results from the Delphi study was done with Microsoft Excel to output descriptive statistics. These descriptive statistics informed on whether the experts had reached consensus. Analysis of results from the field questionnaire was done with EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0. Both of these are structural equation modelling software. A conceptual client centred H&S performance improvement model was based on the theory developed from literature review findings and the Delphi study. The questionnaire survey was conducted for the purpose of validating the conceptual model. The questionnaire survey was conducted in Gaborone, Botswana and Johannesburg, South Africa. Respondents were asked to report on current construction projects that they were part of as a professional. Respondents were asked to indicate their assessment of client H&S culture, contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Results from the investigation pertained to three broad areas. The first results related to theory on H&S performance and performance improvement. Findings were that H&S performance improvement was unlikely if H&S culture was not improved. vi Further findings were that clients could provide the needed impetus to improve H&S performance. The second set of results pertained to the Delphi study. Findings from this study were that the external environment, made up of the political, economic, social, legislative, professional bodies and technology, and had influence on client H&S culture. In addition, client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Further findings from literature and the Delphi study indicated that the client H&S culture could be a six factor model defined by leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, competence and communication. These factors were collectively referred to as the LIP+3C model of client H&S culture. The third set of results pertained to a field questionnaire survey. Generally, the findings were that the hypotheses that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance, could not be rejected. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture could also not be rejected. Structural equation modelling results on the model’s goodnessof-fit and statistical significance of parameter estimates met the cut-off criteria for the hypothesised model’s fit to the sample data. However, the factors of client H&S culture found to be of significant influence, statistically, were client commitment, procedures and communication. The current study established through a Delphi and a questionnaire survey, that construction client had influence on contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance. Furthermore, the study established that client H&S culture was influenced by the external environment factors of legislation, economic, professional bodies, and materials and technology. Findings also showed that the client H&S culture construct fit the six factor model. The six factors were leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence (LIP+3C). Based on the obtained results the client centred model seemed to be tenable in the current sample of construction professionals. The manner in which the observed variables reflect the client centred structural model instilled confidence in the construct validity of the structural model. However, due to the idiosyncratic dataset, it remains to be seen if the proposed theoretical model replicates to other datasets. If this vii is indeed the case, the current research makes a significant contribution towards understanding H&S in the construction industry. Indicator variables could then be used as check items to determine and characterise client H&S culture as well as project H&S performance. Therefore the study recommended that the construction industry should focus on improving H&S culture in the industry. Particularly, improving client H&S culture was seen as critical to improving project H&S performance. Consequently, it was recommended that all key stakeholders should be made aware of the variables that define project H&S performance so that planning, organizing, monitoring and control could be possible. Improving H&S culture and performance was found to be a factor of undertaking these activities. viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVA Analysis of Variance BFTU Botswana Federation of Trade Unions BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics BP British Petroleum BSc Bachelor of Science degree CFA Confirmatory Factor Analysis CI Confidence Interval CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction CIB W099 CIB Working Commission on Safety and Health in Construction CIDB Construction Industry Development Board (South Africa) CDM Construction Design and Management regulations CFI Comparative Factor Index CIOB Chartered Institute of Building CRC Construction Research Centre CSO Central Statistics Office (Botswana) DOETE Department of Energy, Trade and Enterprises (Ireland) DSc Doctor of Science degree EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis EU European Union FV Full Variable model GDP Gross Domestic Product GLM General Linear Modelling H&S Health and Safety HSA Health and Safety Authority HSE Health and Safety Executive IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IET Institution of Engineering and Technology ILO International Labour Organisation INSAG International Nuclear Safety Action Group IOSH Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Institution o ix IQD Inter-Quartile Deviation LIP+3C Acronym standing for Leadership, Involvement, Procedures, Commitment, Communication and Competence LM Lagrange Multiplier MAD Average (mean) absolute deviation MBA-GP Master Builders Association - Gauteng province MSc Master of Science Degree NRF National Research Foundation RML Robust Maximum Likelihood RMSEA Root Mean Square Error of Approximation SACPCMP South African Council of Project and Construction Management Professions SEM Structural Equation Modelling SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences SRMR Standardised Root Mean square Residual TLI Tucker Lewis Index TRIR Total Recordable Injury Rate UJ University of Johannesburg UK United Kingdom UMIST University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology USA United States of America USD United States Dollar ZAR South African Rand x TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page No DEDICATION............................................................................................................ iii DECLARATION......................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................ v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... xvi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... xviii LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................... xx DEFINITION OF TERMS AND CONCEPTS USED IN THE THESIS ............ xxi CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 THE PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................... 7 1.3 THE STUDY ................................................................................................... 8 1.3.1 The general objectives of the study ........................................................ 8 1.3.2 Methods .................................................................................................. 8 1.3.3 Results .................................................................................................. 10 1.3.4 Limitation and delimitation of the study .............................................. 11 1.3.5 Assumptions ......................................................................................... 12 1.3.6 Importance of the study ........................................................................ 12 1.3.7 Research organisation .......................................................................... 13 1.3.8 Ethical consideration during the study ................................................. 15 1.3.9 Resources ............................................................................................. 15 1.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................... 16 CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................... 17 THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND ITS HEALTH AND SAFETY PERFORMANCE ...................................................................................................... 17 2.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 17 2.2 THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY .......................................................... 19 xi 2.2.1 Complexity of the construction industry .............................................. 19 2.2.2 Contribution of clients to industry performance .................................. 21 2.2.3 Contribution of lack of integration to performance ............................. 22 2.2.4 Construction workers’ challenges ........................................................ 23 2.3. H&S IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY .................................................... 24 2.4. H&S PERFORMANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ............ 27 2.4.1 H&S Performance at International level .............................................. 27 2.5 H&S IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES & SOUTH AFRICA ...................... 31 2.6 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................... 33 CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................... 35 H&S PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT AND CULTURE .............................. 35 3.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 35 3.1.1 Performance improvement ................................................................... 35 3.1.2 Measuring H&S performance improvement ........................................ 37 3.2 TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE H&S PERFORMANCE ............................. 38 3.2.1 Influence network technique ................................................................ 38 3.2.2 Climate / Perception surveys ................................................................ 41 3.2.3 Behavioural audits ................................................................................ 42 3.2.4 Conformance to H&S systems ............................................................. 42 3.2.5 Developing a H&S culture ................................................................... 43 3.2.6 Improvement through design ............................................................... 44 3.3 CULTURE .................................................................................................... 45 3.3.1 Why H&S culture? ............................................................................... 46 3.3.2 What is culture? .................................................................................... 50 3.3.3 Climate and culture .............................................................................. 56 3.3.4 What are the factors of H&S culture? .................................................. 58 3.4 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT’S INFLUENCE ON H&S CULTURE ..... 66 3.4.1 Legislative ............................................................................................ 66 3.4.2 Economic .............................................................................................. 70 3.4.3 Political influence ................................................................................. 72 3.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................... 73 CHAPTER FOUR ...................................................................................................... 74 INFLUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION CLIENTS ON PROJECT H&S PERFORMANCE ...................................................................................................... 74 4.1 CLIENTS’ ROLE IN H&S PERFORMANCE ............................................. 74 4.2 ROLE OF CLIENTS IN DESIGNING FOR H&S ....................................... 80 xii 4.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................... 85 CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................... 86 RESEARCH METHODS .......................................................................................... 86 5.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 86 5.2 RESEARCH DESIGN .................................................................................. 87 5.3 METHODS.................................................................................................... 89 5.3.1 Literature review .................................................................................. 91 5.3.2 Delphi method ...................................................................................... 92 5.3.3 Questionnaire survey .......................................................................... 111 5.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................. 132 CHAPTER SIX ........................................................................................................ 133 RESULTS FROM THE DELPHI STUDY ............................................................ 133 6.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 133 6.2 FINDINGS FROM THE DELPHI STUDY................................................ 134 6.2.1 Impact of the external environment on client H&S culture – D1 ...... 134 6.2.2 Client influence on H&S consideration in the project lifecycle - D2 137 6.2.3 Impact of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance - D3 140 6.2.4 Impact of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance - D4 ... 142 6.2.5 Direct client’s influence on project H&S performance - D5.............. 153 6.3 DISCUSSION OF DELPHI RESULTS ...................................................... 154 6.3.1 Objective D1 ...................................................................................... 154 6.3.2 Objective D2 ...................................................................................... 156 6.3.3 Objective D3 ...................................................................................... 157 6.3.4 Objective D4 ...................................................................................... 159 6.3.5 Objective D5 ...................................................................................... 160 6.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................. 161 CHAPTER SEVEN .................................................................................................. 162 THE CONCEPTUAL CLIENT-CENTRED CONSTRUCTION H&S PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT MODEL.................................................... 162 7.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 162 7.2 CLIENT-CENTRED H&S IMPROVEMENT MODEL ............................ 166 7.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................. 167 CHAPTER EIGHT .................................................................................................. 168 QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................. 168 xiii 8.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 168 8.2 STATISTICS ON SEM ASSUMPTIONS .................................................. 170 8.2.1 Outliers and Missing data ................................................................... 170 8.2.2 Distribution characteristics of the data ............................................... 170 8.2.3 Identifiability of the model ................................................................. 171 8.3 FIT STATISTICS ON MEASUREMENT MODELS (CFA)..................... 173 8.3.1 Client H&S culture ............................................................................. 173 8.3.2 Project H&S Performance .................................................................. 186 8.3.3 Contractor H&S performance ............................................................ 193 8.3.4 Designers H&S Performance ............................................................. 199 8.3.5 External environment ......................................................................... 206 8.4 CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF THE SEM MODEL .................................. 212 8.5 FIT STATISTICS ON THE STRUCTURAL MODEL .............................. 212 8.5.1 Model 1.0 – External influence on client H&S culture ...................... 213 8.5.2 Model 2.0 – Client’s influence on project H&S performance ........... 220 8.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................. 233 CHAPTER NINE ..................................................................................................... 235 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ................................................................................. 235 9.1 QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY RESULTS ................................................. 235 9.1.1 External environment’s influence on client H&S culture .................. 235 9.1.2 Influence of client on contractor H&S performance (H2) ................. 238 9.1.3 Influence of client on designer H&S performance (H3) .................... 241 9.1.4 Influence of client on project H&S performance (H4, H7 and H8) ... 243 9.1.5 Influence of contractor on project H&S performance (H5) ............... 245 9.1.6 Influence of designer on project H&S performance (H6) .................. 246 9.2 QUESTIONNAIRE AND DELPHI SURVEY RESULTS ........................ 246 9.2.1 Direct external environment’s influence on client H&S culture ........ 246 9.2.2 Direct client’s influence on contractor H&S performance ................. 247 9.2.3 Direct client’s influence on designer H&S performance ................... 248 9.2.4 Direct client’s influence on project H&S performance ...................... 248 9.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY ............................................................................. 249 CHAPTER TEN ....................................................................................................... 250 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 250 10.1 10.1.1 CONCLUSION ON THE OVERALL STUDY ...................................... 250 Objective GO1 .................................................................................... 250 xiv 10.1.2 Objective GO2 .................................................................................... 251 10.1.3 Objective GO3 .................................................................................... 251 10.1.4 Objective GO4 .................................................................................... 251 10.1.5 Objective GO5 .................................................................................... 252 10.2 CONTRIBUTION AND VALUE OF THE RESEARCH ...................... 252 10.2.1 Methodological ................................................................................... 252 10.2.2 Theoretical .......................................................................................... 253 10.2.3 Practical .............................................................................................. 254 10.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE ........................................................ 256 10.4 RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................... 256 10.4.1. Methodological ................................................................................... 256 10.4.2 Theoretical .......................................................................................... 257 10.4.3 Practical .............................................................................................. 258 10.5 LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................... 259 10.6 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH .................................... 259 10.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ..................................... 260 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 262 APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................... 286 APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................... 287 APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................... 288 APPENDIX D ........................................................................................................... 302 APPENDIX E ........................................................................................................... 321 APPENDIX F ........................................................................................................... 322 APPENDIX G ........................................................................................................... 334 APPENDIX H ........................................................................................................... 335 APPENDIX J ............................................................................................................ 343 xv LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Incidence rate of accidents at work in EU-15 ................................................ 28 Table 2: Accidents in South Africa's construction industry ........................................ 32 Table 3: Fatality rate in South Africa .......................................................................... 33 Table 4: Definitions of culture ..................................................................................... 53 Table 5: Common factors of H&S culture ................................................................... 62 Table 6: Indicators of factors of H&S Culture............................................................. 67 Table 7: Research procedure followed in current study .............................................. 90 Table 8: Delphi panel composition by Regions ........................................................... 95 Table 9: Delphi panel composition by highest qualifications ...................................... 96 Table 10: Delphi panel composition by number of years of experience ..................... 97 Table 11: Number of publications by Delphi panel members ..................................... 98 Table 12: Calculation of Likelihood and Impact significance ................................... 106 Table 13: Impact significance and severity rating scale ............................................ 107 Table 14: Likelihood rating scale .............................................................................. 107 Table 15: MAD, range and percentage agreeing values ............................................ 109 Table 16: Cut-off criteria of fit statistics.................................................................... 128 Table 17: Respondents profile ................................................................................... 131 Table 18: Contract value of projects reported on in this study .................................. 131 Table 19: Project type reported on in this study ........................................................ 131 Table 20: Client organisations represented in the survey .......................................... 132 Table 21: Contractor selection method reported by respondents ............................... 132 Table 22: Influence level of various project stakeholders ......................................... 154 Table 23: Univariate and Mardia’s normalised Multivariate estimates ..................... 172 Table 24: Postulated model variables for client culture............................................. 176 Table 25: Average absolute residuals for measurement models ................................ 177 Table 26: Robust fit indexes for client H&S culture construct .................................. 179 Table 27: Parameter estimates of client H&S culture measurement model .............. 181 Table 28: Factor loading and Z-statistics of client model.......................................... 182 Table 29: Correlations between factors of client H&S culture .................................. 185 Table 30: Reliability and construct validity of client H&S culture model ................ 185 Table 31: Indicator variables for the project H&S Performance construct................ 187 Table 32: Robust fit indexes for project H&S Performance construct ...................... 189 xvi Table 33: Factor loading and Z-statistic of Project H&S performance model .......... 190 Table 34: Reliability and construct validity of Project H&S performance model ..... 192 Table 35: Postulated contractor H&S performance measurement model .................. 194 Table 36: Robust fit indexes for Contractor H&S Performance construct ................ 196 Table 37: Factor loading and Z-statistics of contractor H&S performance model .... 197 Table 38: Correlations of factors of contractor H&S performance model ................ 198 Table 39: Reliability and construct validity of contractor H&S performance model 199 Table 40: Postulated designer H&S Performance model .......................................... 202 Table 41: Robust fit indexes for designer H&S performance construct .................... 203 Table 42: Factor loading and Z-statistics of designer H&S performance model ...... 204 Table 43: Correlations of factors of designer H&S performance model ................... 204 Table 44: Reliability and construct validity of designer H&S performance model .. 205 Table 45: Postulated external environment influence model ..................................... 206 Table 46: Residual values for external environment influence model ...................... 208 Table 47: Robust fit indexes for external environment influence construct .............. 209 Table 48: Factor loading and Z-statistics of the external environment model .......... 210 Table 49: Reliability and construct validity of the environment factor ..................... 211 Table 50: Reliability and construct validity of the client H&S culture model .......... 214 Table 51: Robust fit indexes for SEM Model 1.0 ...................................................... 218 Table 52: Model 1.0 factor loadings and Z-statistic .................................................. 219 Table 53: Robust fit indexes for SEM Model 2.0 ...................................................... 224 Table 54: Parameter estimates and test statistic for model 2.0 .................................. 228 Table 55: Specific indirect effects of client H&S culture .......................................... 232 Table 56: Total indirect effects of client H&S culture .............................................. 232 xvii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Fatal injuries in all sectors in UK ................................................................. 29 Figure 2: Fatal injuries in UK’s construction industry ................................................ 30 Figure 3: Fatal accidents in USA ................................................................................. 31 Figure 4 : Influence Network Technique ..................................................................... 39 Figure 5: Relationship between interventions and number of incidents ...................... 47 Figure 6: H&S culture ladder ....................................................................................... 57 Figure 7: H&S culture framework ............................................................................... 58 Figure 8: Research design outline ................................................................................ 91 Figure 9: Delphi panel members’ contribution to publications ................................... 98 Figure 10: Delphi process .......................................................................................... 102 Figure 11: Plot of MAD and range to determine consensus ...................................... 109 Figure 12: Percent of panellists with similar inclination on an issue ........................ 109 Figure 13: External environment construct................................................................ 116 Figure 14: Client H&S culture measurement model .................................................. 117 Figure 15: Contractor H&S performance measurement model ................................. 118 Figure 16: Designers H&S Performance measurement model .................................. 118 Figure 17: Project H&S performance measurement model ....................................... 119 Figure 18: Questionnaire survey procedure ............................................................... 124 Figure 19: Impact significance of external environment factors to client culture ..... 136 Figure 20: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements ........................................ 136 Figure 21: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements ........................................ 137 Figure 22: Impact significance of factors of client H&S culture ............................... 138 Figure 23: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client’s influence ..................... 139 Figure 24: Impact significance of client factors on contractor H&S performance .... 140 Figure 25: Contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements ................................. 141 Figure 26: Impact significance of client factors on designer H&S performance ...... 144 Figure 27: Overall impact significance of client H&S culture factors ...................... 145 Figure 28: Designer likelihood to implement H&S elements due to client influence146 Figure 29: Designer & contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements .............. 147 Figure 30: Impact of client factors on designer and contractor H&S performance ... 148 xviii Figure 31: Impact significance of factors of designer H&S culture .......................... 149 Figure 32: Impact of client and designer H&S culture on H&S consideration ......... 150 Figure 33: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to designers' influence ................. 152 Figure 34: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client and designer influence .. 152 Figure 35: Theorised client centred H&S performance improvement ....................... 167 Figure 36: Hypothesised model-Client influence on project H&S performance ....... 168 Figure 37: Environmental influence on client H&S culture ...................................... 169 Figure 38: Theorised six factor client H&S culture model ........................................ 174 Figure 39: Contractor H&S performance construct ................................................... 195 Figure 40: Designer H&S performance measurement model .................................... 200 Figure 41: External environment construct................................................................ 207 Figure 42: Model 1.0 - External environment influence on client H&S culture ....... 216 Figure 43: Model 2 - Client influence on project H&S performance ........................ 221 Figure 44: Finalised model 2.0 for client H&S culture influence.............................. 233 Figure 45: Finalised Client-centred H&S performance improvement model ............ 234 xix LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A Invitation letter to participate in a Delphi study APPENDIX B Request to experts to submit their curriculum vitae APPENDIX C Delphi instructions for round 1 and questionnaire APPENDIX D Delphi instructions for round 2 and an example of completed questionnaire showing group medians APPENDIX E Delphi instructions for round 3 APPENDIX F Introduction letter and questionnaire for industry survey APPENDIX G Delphi Mean Absolute Deviations (MAD) APPENDIX H Model 2.0 covariance matrix APPENDIX J Model 1.0 covariance matrix xx DEFINITION OF TERMS AND CONCEPTS USED IN THE THESIS Client Client is the party for whom construction work is performed and is also referred to as the owner. The two terms have been used interchangeably to mean one and the same person (Hoonakker, Loushine, Carayon, Kallman, Kapp & Smith, 2005:467; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:164; Tang, Qiang, Duffield, Young & Lu, 2008:458; Ulang, Gibb & Anumba, 2009:2). It refers to the person or entity that procures the services of a contractor to construct a facility and enters into an agreement with a contractor to construct a facility. Clients can be once-off or repeated procurers of work. Climate Climate is the “descriptive measure reflecting a group’s perceptions of the organisational atmosphere and the way things are done within a group or organisation” (Flin, Mearns, O’Connor and Bryden, 2000:178). H&S climate reflects employees’ perceptions about the organisation’s H&S. It is a snapshot that describes the way things are done (Choudhry, Fang & Mohamed, 2007:208). It is also referred to as the indicator of the prevailing culture in an organisation (INSAG, 1991:4; Flin et al.,, 2000:178; IOSH, 2004:7; Wamuziri, 2006:169) Culture Culture is referred to as the characteristic set of beliefs, values and attitudes held and shared by all members of a group or organisation which influences and can be seen from the behaviour patterns evidenced through observation or description of what goes on by those that are part of the organisation. H&S Culture is therefore a subset of the organisational culture (Cooper, 2000:113; Hudson, 2007:698; Wiegmann, Zhang, Thaden, Sharma & Mitchell, 2002:11; Wamuziri, 2006:167) Delphi The Delphi Technique is a structured group interaction that works through rounds of opinion collection and feedback from the researcher. Each round is composed of a written survey conducted through administration of a questionnaire either electronically or hard copy, followed by feedback to the respondents by the researcher of the statistical scores for each survey question. After each round the respondents are xxi surveyed again to determine whether their opinions have shifted after seeing the statistical results from the prior rounds. As a result of the process there is typically a convergence of opinion. This is achieved usually after three or four rounds and a stabilised opinion emerges. Group opinion on each question may reflect agreement, disagreement or some of each (Pivo, 2008:23) Designer The term designer comes from the word design. To design in relation to any structure means any hard copy or electronic drawing, design detail, design instruction, scope of works document or specification relating to the structure. A designer is 1. Anyone who specifies or alters a design, or who specifies the use of a particular method of work or material such as a quantity surveyor who insists on a certain material; 2. Architects, building designers, geotechnical engineers, civil structural engineers, building surveyors, building services engineers, landscape architects and all other design practitioners contributing to or having overall responsibility for any part of the design (Queensland Government, 2007:8). The term also refers to those individuals that arrange for people under their control to prepare designs for a structure such as project managers (Griffiths & Griffiths, 2011:65). Health and Safety (H&S) Health refers to occupational health and is defined as the wellness of workers relative to their occupation or place of work (ILO, 1983:1491). Safety, on the other hand, is the prevention of risk to the health of workers, and visitors, a work place and to property (ILO, 1983:1491). It is freedom from unacceptable risk (Kinnersley & Roelen, 2007:32). Impact significance According to the Oxford dictionary, impact is described as a noticeable effect or influence (2001:447) whereas significance is the importance of something or large enough to have an effect or be noticed (2001:838). Impact significance therefore, is xxii defined as a measure of the level of effect of an influencing factor. It describes whether the impact is large enough to have an effect or be noticed. In this study, the magnitude of the impact significance is defined by an ordinal scale of 0 to 10, with ‘0’ being low impact significance and ‘10’ being critical impact significance. H&S commitment H&S commitment, especially by clients or contractors management, is shown when they undertake or perform inter alia the following: 1. Make useful regular visits to construction sites on H&S matters; 2. Discuss H&S matters with staff; 3. Spend time and money on H&S; 4. Do not tolerate violations of H&S procedures and actively try to improve systems so as to discourage violations (Loughborough & UMIST, 2004:23). It is also shown through participation in the organisation’s H&S Management processes, with the allocation of H&S responsibilities throughout the project organisation (Lingard, Blismas, Cooke & Cooper, 2009:134). Competence Competence is a performance shaping factor which influences capacity. Competence is also associated with knowledge, conferred by training and instruction of personnel and by their self-education (INSAG, 1991:5). H&S communication H&S communication is achieved when information is circulated to all stakeholders about risks, ensuring that mechanisms are established to convey and record H&S risks throughout the project life cycle facilitating bottom-up communication of H&S issues. It is also a consultative process that enables worker participation in the making of decisions that impact on H&S (Lingard et al., 2009:135). Communication can be achieved through good, clear, concise and relevant written materials such as letters, specifications, and posters. It can also be achieved through good briefings on current issues day to day and in formal H&S meetings, listening and providing feedback. xxiii H&S involvement H&S involvement is shown through the extent to which stakeholders get personally involved in critical H&S activities, their presence and contribution to H&S meetings, and planning sessions. It is also categorised by the extent to which there is good communication about H&S issues from and between all stakeholders (Human Engineering, 2003:14). H&S leadership H&S leadership is demonstrated through the incorporation of H&S considerations at every level of decision making, through having a policy on H&S, active monitoring, control and coordination of all stakeholders on a project. Leadership is further shown in the statements made concerning H&S, the questions, the items on the agenda and in the criteria used to evaluate individuals or organisations or plant (Simon & Frazee, 2005). H&S procedures H&S procedures are also referred to as rules. They include systems, policies and plans, procedures relating to monitoring, reporting, and analysis of H&S risks (Human Engineering, 2003:4). Lagging indicators Lagging indicators are measures of H&S performance (Lingard et al., 2009:136; IOSH, 2010:7) that are based on accidents, incidents or compensation cost records on construction projects (Flin et al., 2000:177; Choudhry et al., 2007:1006). They are also referred to as trailing indicators and are linked to the outcome of an accident (Toellner, 2001:42). They are reactive in nature. Leading indicators Leading indicators are metrics associated with measurable system or individual behaviours linked to accident prevention (Toellner, 2001:44). Leading indicators therefore include measures such as H&S audits or the measurement of H&S climate and are described as predictive measures (Flin et al., 2000:177). The H&S climate is also referred to as a “leading indicator” (Seo, Torabi, Blair, & Ellis, 2004:429). They are proactive in nature. xxiv H&S Performance H&S performance entails complying with H&S standards, procedures, policies, goals and or regulations as well as participation in H&S programmes or initiatives. It is determined by knowledge, skill and motivation of an individual (Griffin & Neal, 2000:349). H&S performance measurement can be done by evaluating several indicators such as the H&S culture (Arezes & Miguel, 2003:25). Severity Severity is referred to as the consequence of an event (de Leur & Sayed, 2003:713). In terms of a hazard or harm, it is the seriousness of the harm that could result from contact or exposure to the hazard. Therefore, severity is the degree of magnitude associated with an incident or event (Hallowell, 2008:9). Severity is therefore the degree of magnitude of consequence of an incident or event happening and its units may be a subjective measure of negative impact. This subjective measure could be rated as negligible, minor, moderate, major or critical. xxv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Construction health and safety (H&S) performance improvement has in recent years become a priority and therefore has gained industry-wide attention (Cheung, Cheung & Suen, 2004:159; Hamalainen, Saarela & Takala, 2009:125). This development has been in part due to the poor H&S performance of the industry, introduction of major pieces of legislation coupled with increased personal responsibility and accountability of senior managers and organisations for H&S (Fitzgerald, 2005:324). Other reasons include a need to develop a good or better image of the construction industry (Misnan & Mohamed, 2007:401) and in some ways to address the H&S record which in comparison to many industries is undesirable. For larger multi-national organisations, the need for H&S improvement has been a corporate social responsibility issue and a driver to improve their H&S performance (Smallman & John, 2001:237). Apart from the legislative pressure, the debate concerning the personal responsibility that senior managers should bear for their organisations on H&S failures has resulted in most organisations placing focus on H&S improvement (Fitzgerald, 2005:324). Cost is a further reason why more and more organisations are beginning to focus on H&S (Hamalainen, Saarela & Takala, 2009:125). However, improving H&S performance in the construction industry has proved to be somewhat challenging partly due to the industry’s complex character. Despite the complexity of this industry, H&S performance improvement remains a crucial issue and its importance or need has been demonstrated in numerous studies (Smallman & John, 2001; ILO, 2003; Hoonakker et al., 2005; Lee, Halpin & Chang, 2006). It is economically important that H&S should be improved in the construction industry. Poor H&S performance is costly and can impact negatively on an industry and indeed on an economy. It is estimated that the costs of accidents account for about 1 four Percent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), (ILO, 2003:15). Egan (1998:15) estimates that accidents can account for about three to six Percent of total construction project costs. Studies conducted in Europe among members of the European Union in 2002 on costs of accidents, revealed that as a percentage of the GDP they could be as high as eight-and-a-half Percent (Karjalainen, 2004:3). In the United Kingdom (UK), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report of 2008/09, indicated that 1.2 million people who had worked during that year were suffering from an illness, both long- standing and new cases caused or worsened by their current or past work, equating to 3,900 per 100, 000 people or three-and-nine-tenths Percent (HSE, 2010a:2). In terms of costs, occupational ill health and injury accounted for almost three Percent (Wright, 2007:161). In South Africa, it was estimated that occupational injuries and diseases accounted for about three-and-a-half Percent of GDP (Republic of South Africa, 2003:4). In Botswana, the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) estimates that occupational injuries and fatalities account for over three Percent of GDP (BFTU, 2007:14). H&S performance improvement is therefore a fundamental issue because it is aimed at eliminating or reducing the risk of accidents and its severity in the construction industry. The construction industry is an important industrial sector of a national economy. In highlighting the importance of the construction industry to national economies, Egan (1998:6) argued that the construction industry was a pillar of the economy. Murie (2007:3) reported that globally, the construction industry is a USD three trillion (ZAR 21 Trillion) giant industry. It is estimated that the construction industry accounts for about ten Percent of the global GDP (Murie, 2007:5). In Botswana, the construction industry contributes about seven Percent to the National GDP (World Bank, 2008:online) and about five Percent in South Africa (CIDB, 2004:5). Furthermore, the construction industry is one of the largest employers globally. According to Murie (2007:5), the construction industry employs about 180 million people or about seven Percent of global employment. In South Africa the construction industry employed about seven-and-nine-tenths Percent of the total labour force (Statistics South Africa, 2011:Viii). In Botswana, the construction industry was the third largest employer (CSO, 2009:6). The construction industry is clearly an important sector of most economies including that of South Africa and Botswana. 2 Because of the importance of the construction industry, improving H&S performance in the industry is also as compelling as the other highlighted reasons. Despite the industry’s importance, its image in terms of H&S can only be described as poor. The image of the construction industry has partly been spoilt by poor H&S performance. It is reported that workers in the construction industry are more at risk of an accident, ill health and or even a fatality at work place than other manufacturing based industries (Loughborough & UMIST, 2003:vii; Hoonakker et al., 2005:461). Likewise, generally construction sites are still one of the most dangerous workplaces because of the high incidence of accidents (Teo et al., 2005:329; Kines et al., 2007:53). In the construction industry, the risk of a fatality is at least five times more likely than in other manufacturing based industries (Sawacha et al., 1999:309; Loughborough & UMIST, 2003:6). According to Bomel (2001:0.5) the construction industry is a hazardous environment where workers have direct exposure to heights, forces, and power. Workers face these risks every day of their working lives. Of great concern, therefore, is the exposure of workers to hazards that are in construction projects. Consequently, H&S performance improvement has to do with the elimination of hazards that workers are constantly exposed to. Apart from these hazards, construction workers have also been subjected to various challenging situations. The construction industry is a physically demanding work-place requiring resilience and strength (Bomel, 2001:2.3). Coupled with the physically demanding nature of the industry, the construction industry offers low status, low pay, short term employment, unregistered, informal and hazardous jobs in a highly fragmented industry (Murie, 2007:5; Kulchartchai & Hadikusumo, 2010:47). Furthermore, construction workers are faced with exploitative employment practices, and hardships experienced by especially migrant workers (Murie, 2007:5). Therefore, H&S performance improvement in the industry should be a priority. It is warranted that research should be encouraged on this matter given the importance and dangerous nature of the industry. In addition, much research on H&S performance improvement in the industry is justified to improve conditions in which construction workers operate. 3 Consequently, a number of studies have been conducted on the subject of H&S performance improvement. However most studies on H&S performance have tended to focus on understanding the causal factors underlying construction accidents, such as the studies conducted by Mansingh & Haupt (2008), Bomel (2001), and Loughborough University & UMIST (2003). Other studies have focused on addressing H&S at the construction stage and on issues such as the use of incentives to improve contractor performance (Tang et al. 2008), and designers’ roles and responsibilities (Kartam, Flood & Koushki, 2000). Furthermore, studies that address procedures and systems at the construction stage as well as behavioural issues surrounding workers have been conducted (Goodrum & Gangwar, 2004; Cameron & Duff, 2007). In the recent past various studies have been conducted on improving H&S performance through improving the H&S culture of mostly contracting organisations (Dingsdag et al., 2006; Chinda & Mohamed, 2008; Zhou, Fang & Wang, 2008). The studies on H&S culture have been complimented by studies on behaviour based H&S performance (Duff, Robertson, Phillips & Cooper, 1994; Lingard & Rowlinson, 1997; Petersen, 2000; Keil Centre, 2000; Cooper, 2009) and H&S climate (Zhou, Fang & Mohamed, 2011). Despite these numerous studies on H&S performance improvement in the construction industry, few studies have addressed the role, contribution, responsibilities and influence of construction clients on H&S performance. There is little evidence that studies have been conducted on the role of construction clients apart from the one conducted by Huang and Hinze (Huang & Hinze, 2006a:164; Lingard et al., 2009:132). They analysed project characteristics, owners’ safety requirements in contract documents, owners’ selection of safe contractors and owners’ participation in safety management and related these factors to H&S performance. H&S performance was expressed in terms of the total recordable injury rate (TRIR) which is the total number of Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) recordable injuries for every 200,000 worker hours (Huang & Hinze, 2006a:167). The TRIR records were provided by respondents on the projects they investigated. Owner representatives were interviewed in these construction projects. 4 Specifically Huang & Hinze (2006a) tried to establish whether H&S performance was influenced by the 1. size of the construction project, labour arrangements, or type of the project; 2. selection criteria of contractors; 3. provision of contractual safety requirements; and 4. owner involvement through participation in H&S recognition programmes, monitoring safety performance, funding H&S initiatives, investigating accidents and conducting or requiring H&S training. Projects where respondents indicated that the owner was involved were compared with records of TRIR obtained for the particular project. It is interesting to note that the average TRIR for all the contracting organisations selected for participation was below the industry median value of 7.80 recorded in 2001(Huang & Hinze, 2006a:169). The median TRIR of the selected contracting organisations was 1.48 and therefore were considered to be relatively safe. It was concluded that owners could positively influence project H&S performance because the TRIR was consistently below 1.50 for projects where owners had a safe contractor selection criterion, provided contractual H&S requirements and was involved in H&S management. It was found that owners’ management commitment, H&S observation programmes, personal accountability, safety communication, implementation of H&S programmes, safety inspections, H&S and constructability reviews of designs and H&S culture were important ways to improve H&S performance. However, Huang & Hinze’s findings may not be conclusive because many authors have highlighted the limitations in using accident records as H&S performance indicators, from which the TRIR they used is calculated. The TRIR is a lagging indicator and lagging indicators are problematic indicators of H&S performance (HSE, 2001:5; Toellner, 2001:42; Jafri, Ahmad & Kamsah, 2005:707). Consequently there has been an increasing move away from relying only on lagging indicators such as the TRIR (Flin et al., 2000:177; Svedung & Rasmussen, 2002:398; Galvin, 2005:254; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:169; Choudhry, et al., 2007:209). Therefore, this limitation demands an alternative approach to investigate clients’ influence on H&S 5 performance. Furthermore, it is necessary to investigate other factors such as the influence of client H&S commitment, H&S observation programme, personal accountability, communication, implementation of the H&S programmes, H&S inspections, H&S reviews of designs and H&S culture. Therefore this study presents an evaluation of the impact of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. Client H&S culture has been hypothesized as an independent variable having influence on the dependent variable of project H&S performance. In this study, H&S performance outcomes have been taken to be factors of H&S culture since H&S culture can be used to measure performance (Guldenmund, 2000:254; Arezes & Miguel, 2003:21; Wamuziri, 2006:169). Good H&S performance is reflected by a positive H&S culture and H&S culture can be determined by assessing H&S climate of a construction project. The influence of client H&S culture defined by six factors including the aspects of management commitment, H&S observation programmes, personal accountability, H&S communication, implementation of H&S programmes, H&S inspections, and design reviews for H&S was evaluated. In addition to these, the influence of the leadership and competence factor was also evaluated. The approach used in this study was aimed at evaluating the influence of factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence on project H&S performance. The following procedure was adopted, namely: 1. A review of literature on H&S in general and H&S performance improvement in particular. The review of literature on H&S roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in construction was conducted; 2. A Delphi study to explore the influence of various key stakeholders on H&S performance. A conceptual model was theorised based on the literature review and Delphi findings; 3. A questionnaire survey among construction professionals working on current or on projects that had just been completed. Construction professionals include persons working for major stakeholders of the construction industry, namely: 6 contractors, clients and designers. The survey instrument was based on the hypothesised relationships between variables in the conceptual model. 4. Client H&S culture was analysed and related to project H&S performance; 5. Conclusions were made based on the findings from the questionnaire survey. Findings relate to the goodness-of-fit of the hypothesised conceptual model in relation to the sample data and how statistically significant these relations were. A final client-centred H&S performance improvement model was thereafter developed. 1.2 THE PROBLEM STATEMENT H&S performance improvement is a very important issue because of the human considerations, economic benefits that result from a better performance and the importance of the construction industry to the national economy. The H&S performance of the industry has consistently been poor and consequently the construction industry has developed an undesirable H&S image compared to other industrial sectors. Previous studies on H&S performance improvement have focused on issues to do with mainly contracting and design organisations, H&S management systems and procedures and more recently with theories of H&S culture and climate. A review of literature seems to suggest that only one study has investigated the role and influence of construction clients. Moreover H&S in the construction industry is increasingly of major concern and lags behind other industries. Therefore the problem that has been addressed in this study may be stated as follows: Given that contractors and designers may not be relied on to drive H&S performance improvement without the involvement of clients, the limited research into the overall impact and influence of the direct and holistic active involvement of clients in H&S performance, and the absence of a client-centred construction H&S performance model the achievement of incremental construction H&S performance improvement is unlikely. 7 1.3 THE STUDY 1.3.1 The general objectives of the study The primary objectives of the study will be to inter alia GO1. establish the status of H&S in the construction industry, the role of clients, designers and the top management of contractors in H&S performance; GO2. examine current trends in H&S performance improvement; GO3. establish the role and impact of construction clients and their potential contribution to and influence on project H&S performance; GO4. develop a client-centred model for H&S performance improvement in the construction industry; and GO5. validate the conceptualised client-centred model for H&S performance improvement by comparing the Delphi and literature review outcome with the field questionnaire survey outcome. Objectives GO1 to GO2 will be achieved through a review of literature on H&S performance improvement. The review will provide a theoretical framework of what the trends are in H&S performance improvement and what the status of H&S is in the construction industry. The general objectives GO3 and GO4 will be achieved by conducting a Delphi study. The Delphi method will be explained in detail in the methods section and the reasons why this method was opted to other methods will also be explained. The final general objective GO5 will be achieved by conducting a field questionnaire survey and modelling of the results using structural equation modelling. Software packages namely, EQS and MPlus will be used for structural equation modelling. 1.3.2 Methods A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative data collection was used. For the qualitative part, a Delphi study was conducted and for the quantitative method, a field questionnaire survey was used. 8 Data needed and means of obtaining it (empirical measures) Literature on H&S performance improvement was reviewed to provide a background to the study. Various sources were reviewed including books, articles in accredited Journals, published and unpublished works such as dissertations and the web based publications on the subject. Two methods were used to collect empirical data. These methods were the Delphi and field questionnaire survey methods. A detailed description of these methods will be presented later in the text. In the Delphi method, the data that needed to be collected was the ratings of impact of factors of client H&S culture on construction project H&S performance. In addition, ratings were also made on the likelihood of H&S elements or programmes being implemented on a construction project as a result of client’s influence. This data was obtained through the use of questionnaires. Experts were asked to complete the questionnaires and reach consensus on the rated likelihoods and severity of various H&S factors. The process involved a three round iterative process with the main aim of getting experts to reach consensus on the questions raised in the questionnaires. Experts were also encouraged to give reasons for their dissenting views. In the questionnaire survey, the data that needed to be collected was the evidence of factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. In addition, data regarding H&S performance at project level was needed. The H&S performance was determined from perceptions of respondents who included all construction project professionals such as engineers, quantity surveyors, architects, safety officers and project managers. This data was obtained with questionnaires. These were completed by construction professionals working on on-going projects or those projects that had been completed within the two years prior to this study. Data source In the Delphi study, data regarding the ratings on the impact of factors of client H&S culture and the likelihood of H&S elements being implemented on a construction project as a result of clients’ influence was obtained from the expert panel. 9 On the other hand, data from the questionnaire survey was obtained from construction professionals working either for construction clients, designers or contracting organisations. The data related to on-going construction projects or projects that had been completed within the two years prior to this study. Data analysis Data obtained from the Delphi was analysed with Microsoft EXCEL, a spread-sheet software. The output from the analysis was a set of descriptive statistics such as means, median, standard deviations and derivatives of these statistics. As for data obtained through the field questionnaire survey, structural equation modelling (SEM) was utilised using the EQS and MPlus software packages. Outputs from the analysis were univariate and multivariate descriptive statistics as well as measures of goodness-of-fit of the hypothesised model. Other outputs included measures of statistical significance of parameter estimates. 1.3.3 Results Efforts directed at H&S performance improvement require an understanding of the major influences on H&S. Results of the study related to the relationship between the exogenous variable, client H&S culture, and the endogenous variable, project H&S culture. These results will be presented as graphs and tables of values describing the extent of the client H&S culture’s influence on project H&S performance. Using data from both the Delphi and the questionnaire survey, a client-centred model for H&S performance improvement was conceptualised and validated. This model will be presented as the final output of the study. Delphi specific objectives The specific objectives for conducting a Delphi study were to establish the influence and impact of the: D1. external environment factors on client H&S performance; D2. client H&S culture on H&S consideration (hazard identification, risk analysis, assessment and mitigation) throughout the project life cycle; 10 D3. client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance (top management); D4. client H&S culture on designer H&S performance; and D5. client H&S culture on the overall project H&S performance. The main outputs from the Delphi study will be the identification of the factors of H&S culture with significant influence and a conceptual model defining client, designer and contractor interrelationships. The conceptual model will be validated by results from a field questionnaire survey. Specific objectives of the field questionnaire survey The specific objectives for conducting the questionnaire survey and thereby satisfy the general objective GO6 of validating the conceptual model were to: Q1. identify external environment factors that had a higher influence on client H&S culture; Q2. establish clients’ influence on designer H&S performance; Q3. establish clients’ influence on contractor H&S performance Q4. determine Clients’ influence on the overall construction project H&S performance; and Q5. determine the goodness–of–fit of the hypothesized client-centred-model to the sample data. 1.3.4 Limitation and delimitation of the study The study will focus on the influence of client H&S culture on construction project H&S performance as well as on contractor and designer H&S performance. A causal analysis between the exogenous variable, client H&S culture and the endogenous variable, project H&S performance will be established through structural equation modelling using the software EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0. 11 The study was restricted to the South African and Botswana’s construction industries. Questionnaire surveys were conducted in Johannesburg and Gaborone. Information was obtained regarding construction projects that were currently on-going and or had been completed two years prior to the study. 1.3.5 Assumptions The following assumptions were made namely: 1. H&S was managed to a varying degree on construction projects; 2. all construction professionals working on a particular project were aware of all processes, procedures and were privy to contract information relating to the construction projects that they were reporting on; 3. respondents were capable of responding to the research instruments as they were considered to be knowledgeable individuals; 4. questionnaires were completed honestly within the boundaries of the knowledge of the respondents; 5. H&S performance on construction projects was influenced by external factors that include clients, the external environmental factors of legislative, economics, politics, technology and social; and 6. some clients were involved in H&S management in construction projects. 1.3.6 Importance of the study A gap exists in literature on the impact of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. This study will therefore contribute to existing knowledge by establishing the impact of client H&S culture on H&S performance. In addition, instead of using lagging indicators such as the TRIR as indicators of H&S performance, factors of H&S culture which are considered to be leading indicators were evaluated as outcome variables. The study also used an innovative mixed methodology of Delphi and structural equation modelling to analyse and model client’s influence on H&S performance. Therefore the study will add new knowledge on the impact of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. The innovative methods and H&S performance measures used in the study will also contribute to the existing body of knowledge on H&S performance improvement. 12 In addition to the empirical study, a critical review of literature on H&S performance improvement will expand existing knowledge by providing a synthesised literature that will be useful for improving H&S performance in the industry. H&S performance in the construction industry is poor and is of great concern. Research conducted in Botswana by Musonda & Smallwood (2008) revealed that the level of H&S awareness in the construction industry was low, H&S legislation was not complied with, top management of contractors was not committed to H&S implementation, there was a lack of H&S management systems, procedures, and protocol, and clients and designers did not participate in the implementation of H&S. Consequently, the construction industry has a poor image compared to other industries. It has been described as hazardous. Its workers are constantly exposed to these hazards. Workers also face added challenges due to being involved in physically demanding jobs which are low paying and of low status. The construction industry is dirty, difficult and dangerous (Kikwasi, 2008:56). Despite the poor image associated with the construction industry, the construction industry has also been described as a pillar to national economies (Egan, 1998:6). The construction industry contributes about ten Percent to global GDP and about five Percent to South Africa’s GDP. In Botswana the construction industry contributes about seven Percent to the National GDP. The construction industry is also the third largest employer both in Botswana and South Africa. Addressing H&S performance in this industry is therefore logical for an industry that is so important and a major employer. 1.3.7 Research organisation This study is organised as follows: Introduction (chapter 1) This chapter presents information on the background to the study, a definition of terms and key concepts that have been used in this study as well as the main research problem. The chapter also presents a general description of the study stating the aim, importance and objectives of the study. In addition, the assumptions that were made in the study are also described. Furthermore, a description of methods that were used 13 to conduct this study, including the results that were obtained and ethical considerations are discussed. Literature review (chapters 2 to 4) These chapters present the review of literature that informed this study. The literature related to the H&S in construction, the status of H&S in construction, the concept of H&S performance improvement, current trends on H&S performance improvement strategies suggested in literature, the nature of the construction industry and the concept of H&S culture. The clients’ role and H&S culture is also discussed. Research methods (chapter 5) This chapter contains a detailed description of the methods and the tools used to collect data for this study. In addition, this chapter describes the participants to this study as well as a detailed description of the results, analysis of the results and how results are presented in the findings section. The above is done for every method of data collection used in this study namely: the Delphi and field questionnaire survey methods. Finally, the research design is also described in this chapter. Chapter 5 also presents findings regarding the nature of projects that were reported on by the respondents in the questionnaire survey as well as the profile of respondents to the questionnaire survey. Findings from the Delphi study (chapter 6) This chapter discusses findings from the Delphi Method. These findings from the Delphi study are presented relative to each Delphi objective. In addition, a discussion and interpretation of the Delphi results is also presented at the end of this chapter. Conceptual model -Client centred H&S performance improvement (chapter 7) Chapter seven is a discussion of findings from the review of literature and the Delphi study. This discussion forms the basis of the conceptual model’s theory. The hypothesised client centred model for H&S performance improvement is presented in this chapter. Chapter 7 describes the Client-centred H&S performance improvement model in detail. It describes the variables of the model as well as the interrelationships between all variables of the model. 14 Findings from the questionnaire survey (chapter 8) Chapter eight contains findings from the questionnaire survey. Findings from this survey are discussed relative to each questionnaire survey objective. Discussion of questionnaire results (chapter 9) This chapter covers discussion, analysis and interpretation of the results obtained from the questionnaire. Discussions on the goodness-of-fit of the postulated client-centred model for H&S performance improvement are presented in this chapter. Conclusion and recommendations (chapter 10) This chapter concludes the study and contains recommendations based on the conclusions drawn from the study. Recommendations for future research are also made in this chapter. As part of the recommendations, a description of the finalised client-centred H&S performance improvement model is done. 1.3.8 Ethical consideration during the study Ethical issues were a key consideration in undertaking this study. The principle of voluntary participation was upheld. People were therefore not coerced into participating in the research but had to give their voluntary consent. Great effort was made to help protect the privacy of research participants by ensuring confidentiality in not making available identifying information to anyone who was not directly involved in the study. Confidentiality was further enhanced by keeping participants anonymous throughout the study. The study was also subject to independent review by the promoters to help protect all participants and the researcher against potential legal implications of neglecting to address important ethical issues and also to uphold integrity, honesty and quality assurance. 1.3.9 Resources Financial assistance for conducting this study came mainly from the management of the University of Johannesburg. The University paid for all tuition fees. Further assistance came from a National Research Fund (NRF) research grant on H&S of Professor Haupt as grant holder. 15 In addition, this study benefitted from the exposure gained from attending national and international conferences. Other resources included easy access to library facilities at the University of Johannesburg and its large database of accredited academic journals. It was not going to be possible to conduct the study without these resources. Furthermore, the teaching load of the candidate was reduced especially in the final year. This permitted for enough time to be devoted to the study. 1.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY Chapter one provided a background to the current study. The motivation for the study was that Health and safety (H&S) is still a problem in the construction industry. Both locally in Southern Africa and internationally, the construction industry continues to lag behind other industries in terms of H&S performance. This problem is compounded also by the situation were contractors and designers may not be relied on to drive H&S performance improvement. Consequently it was theorized that H&S performance improvement was unlikely without the involvement of clients, and therefore there was need to develop a client-centred construction H&S performance model in order to achieve an incremental construction H&S performance improvement. Both qualitative and quantitative methods namely, the Delphi and structural equation modeling method were chosen as the research methods. The importance of conducting the study was because a gap exists in literature on the influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. The study will therefore contribute to existing knowledge by establishing the impact of client influence on H&S performance and further develop a client-centred H&S performance improvement model. Therefore the first step in conducting the research was to gain an understanding of the construction industry and its H&S performance. This information will now be presented in chapter two. 16 CHAPTER TWO THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND ITS HEALTH AND SAFETY PERFORMANCE 2.1 INTRODUCTION Health and safety (H&S) performance improvement in the construction industry has received considerable attention in recent years. For many large construction organisations it is a top priority (Choudhry, Fang, & Mohamed, 2007:207). This has been in part due to the introduction and the pressure from the legislative environment (Mitropoulos, Abdelhamid & Howell, 2005:816), coupled with increased personal responsibility of senior managers and organisations for H&S (Fitzgerald, 2005:324), a need to develop a good or better image of the construction industry (Misnan & Mohammed, 2007:401) and in certain ways to address the H&S record which in comparison to many industries is undesirable (Mohamed, 2002:375; Loughborough & UMIST, 2003:6; Behm, 2005:590; Haslam, Hide, Gibb, Gyi, Pavitt, Atkinson & Duff, 2005:401; Kulchartchai & Hadikusumo, 2010:45). For larger multi-national organisations, the need for H&S improvement is a corporate social responsibility issue and therefore corporate organisations are working at improving their H&S performance (Smallman, 2001:407). To help synthesise recent research on the subject of H&S improvement and aid in a broader understanding of the subject, an elucidation of the problem of H&S in the construction industry has been made and is presented in this section. A review of relevant literature has been conducted on H&S performance of the industry and the impact of accidents in the construction industry. Further, a review has been conducted on the H&S performance improvement methods that have been proposed in order to establish the trends in the industry. There are many proposed methods and approaches for H&S performance improvement. Many of these approaches have been suggested to be used in conjunction with other strategies. Some of these include: 17 designing for construction worker H&S (Hetherington, 1995; Behm, 2005; Gambatese, Behm & Hinze, 2005; Hecker, Gambatese & Weinstein, 2005; Weinstein, Gambatese & Hecker, 2005; Kinnersley & Roelen, 2007); continual improvement of H&S Management Systems (Chua & Goh, 2004), addressing H&S culture (Molenaar, Brown, Caile & Smith, 2002; Parker, Lawrie & Hudson, 2006; Molenaar, Park & Washington, 2009); use of incentives and disincentives (Tang, Qiang, Duffield, Young & Lu, 2008); multi-stakeholder involvement (Suraji, Sulaiman, Mahyuddin & Mohamed, 2006; Lingard, Blismas, Cooke & Cooper, 2009), and behaviour based H&S (Duff et al., 1994; The Keil Centre, 2003; Salem, Lothlikar, Genaidy, & Abdelhamid, 2007). However these studies tended to focus on specific aspects of H&S improvement and did not necessarily approach the problem of H&S performance in a holistic way. Culture and particularly the H&S culture of an organisation and by extension, the industry has been identified and is seen to be the only way through which H&S performance improvement is going to be realised because it is at the core of some of the major accidents and incidents (Gadd & Collins, 2002:2; Wiegmann, Zhang, Thaden, Sharma & Mitchell, 2002:3; National Commission on the BP deep-water Horizon Oil Spill and offshore drilling, 2011:ix). There is a general agreement that H&S culture can influence or has an impact on H&S performance (Wamuziri, 2006:168; Choudhry et al., 2007:207; Fernandez-Muniz, Peon, & Ordas, 2007:636). Despite this agreement by various researchers on the potential of H&S culture to improve H&S performance, there is no consensus on the definition of culture and how culture can be measured. Of the 19 definitions reviewed in this study, 12 of them have differing definitions (INSAG, 1991; Hudson, 1999; Gadd & Collins, 2002; Molenaar et al., 2002; Wiegmann et al., 2002; IOSH, 2004; Fitzgerald, 2005; Dingsdag et al., 2006; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007; Misnan et al., 2007, Molenaar, et al., 2009). As a result it seems as though it is this lack of consensus that has caused in part a lack of full utilisation of the concept to improving H&S performance in the construction industry. 18 Therefore in addition to reviewing literature regarding H&S performance in the construction industry, a review has also been conducted of the concept of H&S culture and its influence on H&S performance. The rest of this section presents a discussion of literature regarding the construction industry, H&S in the construction industry, H&S performance in the industry, impact of accidents on the industry and the concept of H&S performance improvement. Furthermore a review and synthesis of literature on H&S performance improvement and the concept of H&S culture is presented. 2.2 THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 2.2.1 Complexity of the construction industry Performance improvement in the construction industry is made difficult by the nature of the industry. The construction industry is a complex industry. Teo, Ling & Chong (2005:329) observed that construction sites were generally complex and unsafe because of the extensive use of sophisticated plants, equipment, modern methods of construction, multidisciplinary and multitasked aspects of its project work force. It is this complex nature that shapes the industry’s way of functioning and its performance (Sawacha, Naoum & Fong, 1999:309; Dubois & Gadde, 2001:2) which according to many leaves much to be desired. Tzortzopoulos, Sexton & Cooper (2005:471) argue that the complexity of design and construction is the primary reason for the difficulty in sustaining significant improvements in the industry. The industry’s complexity is described as follows, namely “The physical substance of a house is a pile of materials assembled from widely scattered sources. They undergo different kinds of and degrees of processing in large number of places, require many types of handling over periods that vary greatly in length, and uses the services of a multitude of people organised into many different sorts of business entity (Dubois & Gadde, 2001:2)” Constructing a single building requires procurement of many types of materials from many places and suppliers, involves many different types of organisations and is conducted in different kind of environments. The construction industry is complex and unique and is different in many ways from other manufacturing industries. The 19 construction industry has unique characteristics that compound its complexity and pose a challenge to performance improvement such as the following, namely: Temporary employment (Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44); work location for any group of workers often changing (Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150; McDonald, Lipscomb, Bondy & Glazner, 2009:53); Temporary work sites where workers are employed by different employers but working alongside each other ( Chan & Chan, 2004:203, Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44; Misnan et al. 2008:1902); An industry comprised mostly of small employers (Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44). For example, in the United Kingdom, 98% of the registered companies, employed 24 or less workers in their companies (Dainty, Briscoe & Millet, 2001:163); A culturally diverse workforce with some workers coming from foreign countries and other workers working as self-employed independent contractors (Bomel, 2001:2.4); Large numbers of people are employed in this industry and have to combine a diverse range of skills to complete a project (Bomel, 2001:2.4; Dainty, et al., 2001:163; Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150; Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44); A large number of subcontractors (Bomel, 2001:2.4; Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150; Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44); Construction projects with short periods (Bomel, 2001:2.4; Dainty et al., 2001:163; Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150); Sites evolving as construction proceeds thereby changing the hazards that workers face week by week (Bomel, 2001:2.3; Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150); A fragmented industry (Egan, 1998:8; Chan et al., 2004:203). Dainty et al.,(2001:163) argue that the proliferation in subcontracting has further complicated the situation through the increased fragmentation of the production process; An industry subjected to cyclical economic downturns (Egan, 1998:9; Dainty, et al., 2001:163), and 20 An industry with a low and unreliable rate of profitability (Egan, 1998:7; Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44). In addition, the construction industry is largely operationalised through a professional system. In a professional system, the requirement is to have designs fully specified at tender stage. However assumptions regarding the competence of designers in the technical details of a wide range of construction technologies and the ability of the client to keep requirements fixed over a period of time, compromise the effectiveness of the professional system (Winch, 2000:142). The reality is that designs are rarely fully specified. The professional system arguably has led to developing complex contracts that enabled changes to be negotiated. The professional system became over time “a risk-shedding rather than a risk sharing system” (Winch, 2000:145). This professional system as a result introduced further complexity in the industry. Further complexity arises from decisions made on costs as well. Construction which operates according to short term contracts in a very competitive environment tends to drive decisions toward the lowest cost bidder and the immediate cost is usually favoured over long term quality or H&S for that matter. This has resulted in the stagnation of the industry. The industry is also by its nature involving change. Various activities in the construction industry are subject to a constantly changing working environment (Bomel, 2001:0.5; Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150; Suraji, Sulaiman, Mahyuddin & Mohamed 2006:52). This characteristic creates an unusual working environment when compared to other work places such as factories, offices, process plants and even farms which in comparison to the construction industry have experienced tremendous improvement in all areas. 2.2.2 Contribution of clients to industry performance The types of clients that the industry serves also do not help the state of the industry. These include domestic and small commercial clients who generally have no knowledge or understanding of construction or the construction process itself. However the industry also has major clients whose reputation and repeated need for construction ensure that they understand the construction process. The client has been key to the improvement or lack of it of the construction industry (Bomel, 2001:5.3). 21 For instance, the developer as a client presents another situation where the aim is to convert a piece of land into a high value structure which can be sold for profit. As a result, there is no regard for the in-between process including H&S consideration. Notwithstanding the private developer, Egan (1998:7) contends that too many clients in the industry are non-discriminatory and still equate price with cost, selecting designers and constructors almost exclusively on the basis of the tendered price. This tendency is seen as one of the greatest barriers to improvement of the industry. Clients almost exclusively focus on cost, time and quality. As a result, many aspects of production are compromised and in a highly competitive market, the successful tenderer will frequently be the one that pays the lowest wages, does not provide safety equipment or have insurance coverage for accidents, and has the largest proportion of informal workers (Cotton, Sohail, & Scott, 2005:21; Wells & Hawkins, nd:3), for whom no tax or social security is paid, and who are not covered in practice by any legal or social protection. This lowest-price culture in competitive bidding is incompatible with H&S and definitely with the quality of products (Murie, 2007:7). 2.2.3 Contribution of lack of integration to performance The construction industry suffers from the problem of lack of cooperation and integration. Egan (1998:13) observed that the construction industry was basically an industry typically dealing with the project process as a series of sequential and largely separate operations undertaken by individual designers, contractors and suppliers who have no stake in the long term success of the product and therefore have no commitment to it. Therefore, changing this culture is fundamental if performance improvement is to be realised. Egan (1998:19) rightly argue that the rationale behind development of an integrated process is that the efficiency of project delivery is presently constrained by the largely separated processes through which they are generally planned, designed and constructed. These processes reflect the fragmented structure of the industry and sustain a contractual and confrontational culture (Egan 1998:19). Riley & Clare-Brown, (2001:150) also contend that the industry is typified by conflict and an adversarial attitude between all parties in the project. Furthermore, the construction industry has always been bifurcated between an established high performance and high cost sector and a less skilled, lower cost sector. 22 As a result, organisations have different outlooks and aspirations and therefore compromising performance. In the construction industry, there is little focus on other important issues such as cooperation, integration and partnering that have resulted in improvements in other industries. The saying ‘time is money’, is taken quite literally in the construction industry. The driving force in construction projects is the schedule as capital investment cannot be realised until construction is complete (Bomel, 2001:0.5). 2.2.4 Construction workers’ challenges The construction industry is a physically demanding workplace (Pungvongsanuraks & Chinda, 2010:178). As a result, it requires resilience and strength and consequently has developed as a male dominated regime with the associated macho culture (Bomel, 2001:0.5; Mullen, 2004:283). In addition, the construction industry worldwide, principally offers low status, low-paid, short-term, unregistered, informal, and hazardous jobs in a highly fragmented industry (Murie, 2007:5; Kulchartchai & Hadikusumo, 2010:47). Many workers, in particular emigrants, are faced with exploitative employment practices, hardship, and hazards (Fitzgerald & Howarth, 2009:2). The construction industry is also responsible for far more than its share of occupational accidents and work-related ill health (Hola, 2007:255; Kulchartchai & Hadikusumo, 2010:45). Construction is a hazardous occupation (Ng et al., 2005:2; Chen, Lu & Huang, 2011:398). For almost all key risks, chemicals, dusts, manual handling, physical hazards, and psychosocial hazards, exposures are routine and excessive. Poor welfare facilities compound the hazards and the notion that only the tough survive seem to be a predominant culture in the industry (Murie; 2007:5). The construction industry is not attractive and because the work in the industry has a low social status, its problems also have low visibility and their resolution a low priority. For example, workers’ health conditions are often not recognised, but if they are recognised, they are not diagnosed and if finally they are diagnosed, they are not attributed to work and are rarely compensated or effectively treated (Murie, 2007:6). The conditions in the industry further encourage a culture for rapid hire and fire in addition to the low status jobs that they offer. This rapid hire and fire scenario creates 23 uncertainty for workers and a pressure to perform. The pressure to perform inadvertently results in poor H&S performance (Bomel, 2001:05). Protection and representation from unions is not guaranteed in most parts of the world seeing that construction industry union representation varies and many sites are nonunion (Walters, 2009:3; Bomel 2001:2.5). At professional and industry level, the industry is dominated by many bodies that claim to represent interests of various players in the industry and sometimes demarcations between various bodies are unclear, and their roles are confusing. The industry has many issues and these areas need to be considered if improvement in the industry has to be realised (Bomel, 2001:2.5). Clearly, the construction industry is complex, unique and dogged with many difficulties. However this unique nature of the industry should not hinder performance improvement because the industry is critical to national economies. Egan (1998:6) with reference to the UK’s construction industry rightly points out that this industry is one of the pillars of the economy. The construction industry worldwide is a USD Three trillion giant, accounting for around ten Percent of the world’s gross domestic product and employs 180 million people, or seven Percent of the global employment. Apart from economic contribution, the industry improves the quality of life for product end users. The state of the art residential and commercial facilities, recreational and transportation facilities all testify to the contribution that the construction industry has made to civilisation (Egan, 1998:6). One area where performance improvement is needed is on H&S. 2.3. H&S IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY H&S is a combination of two terms, namely, health and safety. Health refers to occupational health and is defined as the wellness of workers relative to their occupation or place of work (ILO, 1983:1491). Safety, on the other hand, is the prevention of risk to the health of workers, and visitors, to a work place and to property (ILO, 1983:1491). Workers’ H&S is constantly at risk either due to conditions within and outside of their work place or their inability to recognise and handle the risks. The construction industry is not an exception when it comes to this problem. 24 It has, in fact been reported that construction workers are more at risk of an injury or even a fatality at their workplace than other manufacturing based industries (Suraji, Duff & Peckitt, 2001:337). Many researchers such as Teo et al. (2005:329) and Kines, Spangenberg & Dyreborg (2007:53) argue that generally construction sites are still one of the most dangerous workplaces because of the high incidence of accidents. In the construction industry, the risk of a fatality is said to be at least five times more likely than in other manufacturing based industries (Sawacha, Naum, & Fong, 1999:309; Loughborough University & UMIST, 2003:vii). The construction industry is considered to be hazardous and is among the most hazardous industries (Abdelhamid & Everett, 2000:52) considering its work related mortality rate, injury rates, and worker’s compensation payments (McDonald, Lipscomb, Bondy & Glazner, 2009:53). In some studies such as one by Bomel (2001) the construction industry is described as being a hazardous environment where workers have direct exposure to height, forces, and power. According to the Irish Government’s assessment, statistics maintained by the H&S Authority, illustrate that the construction industry has a consistently poor record on worker H&S relative to other industries (DETE, 2006:1). The construction industry, despite some gains in recent years in terms of accidents, continues to lag behind many industries in H&S performance (Gambatese, Hinze & Haas, 1997:32). Research findings trace the hazardous conditions and unsafe behaviour in the construction industry to the following sources: Organisational factors and arrangements (Sawacha, Naoum & Fong, 1999:309; Suraji, Duff & Peckitt, 2001:337; Mullen, 2004:278; Manu, Ankrah, Proverbs & Suresh, 2010:4); Competitive tendering that is characteristic of the industry (Kartam, Flood & Koushki, 2000:163; Svedung et al., 2002:398); Inadequate consideration of H&S during design of structures (Mohamed, 2002:375; Loughborough & UMIST, 2003:vii; Manu, et al., 2010:4); Short term and transitory nature of the industry (Sawacha et al., 1999:309); The H&S culture of the industry (Bomel, 2001:5.3; IOSH, 2004:6); 25 Inadequate or lack of training and education (Sawacha, et al., 1999:309; Bomel, 2001:8.3; Loughborough & UMIST, 2003:viii; Spangenberg, Baarts, Dyreborg, Jensen, Kines & Mikkelsen, 2003:525; Gholipour, 2004:63); Lack of incentives (Smallman, 2001:398; Tang et al., 2008:465); Government policies and regulations (Kartam et al., 2000:173); Extensive use of subcontractors (Lingard & Rowlinson, 1997:243; Kartam et al., 2000:173; Manu, et al., 2010:4); Confrontational cultures (Gholipour, 2004:63); Small size of most construction firms (Kartam, et al. 2000:173; Ringen & Englund, 2006:388); High labour turnover (Kartam, et al., 2000:174); Work pressure (Mitropoulos et al., 2005:817; Mullen, 2004:278); The macho culture characteristic of the industry (Bomel 2001:0.5; Mullen, 2004:278); Unsafe proximal conditions (Abdelhamid & Everett, 2000:59; Suraji et al., 2001:337); and Unsafe behaviour of workers (IOSH, 2004:6) In addition to these reasons, Bomel (2001), Abdelhamid & Everett, (2000) and Suraji et al.( 2001) identified the proximal fundamental sources of H&S risk as being factors that will directly cause harm and that may include weights of materials, equipment, height, electricity, pressure, collision, energy, human factors, heat, noise, and numerous hazardous substances. However, beyond these proximal factors, there are other distal factors such as commitment and culture of clients which have an influence on H&S performance (Bomel, 2001). There has also been awareness that organisational, managerial and human factors rather than purely technical failures were prime causes of accidents (Flin, Mearns, O’Connor & Bryden, 2000:178). In fact, most theories not only attribute the cause of accidents to factors that relate to human actions but also to remote factors generated at project inception (Suraji et al., 2001:337). To this effect Behm (2005:590) argue that the H&S of any operation is determined long before the people, procedures and equipment come together at the work site. In the construction industry this scenario relates to factors that need attention at the inception stage. 26 Suraji et al., (2001:337) argued that management and organisational aspects were the causes of accidents. They contended that from the introduction of the domino theory by Heinrich (1969), accidents have not only been viewed as a consequence of operative unsafe actions and unsafe site conditions, but also that the lack of management control and organisational failures were often precursors of accidents (Mansingh & Haupt, 2008:466). Further causes of accidents have been identified as management system failure and human error (Petersen, 2000:38; Chua & Goh, 2004:542). This theory highlights the fact that trying to find the unsafe act or condition deals only at the symptomatic level, because the act or condition may be the proximate cause but invariably not the root cause (Behm, 2005:590). This theory holds that the root cause of accidents is in the organisational and management processes (Abdelhamid & Everett, 2000:59; Behm, 2005:590; Bellamy & Geyer, 2007:15). Therefore, effort aimed at addressing H&S, should be directed more at addressing organisational and project management factors. These factors should include management at industry, project and company or organisation level. In brief, accidents are prevalent in the construction industry. Various causes of accidents and ill health have been identified. Workers in construction faced a real risk to their H&S compared to their counterparts in other industries. The source of hazards and unsafe behaviour had its origins not only from proximal conditions but also from distal conditions including organisational and management conditions. 2.4. H&S PERFORMANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 2.4.1 H&S Performance at International level The construction industry employs about 180 million people, or seven Percent of global employment (ILO, 2005:2; Murie, 2007:5), which is nearly the same as the percentage quoted for the construction industry in the European Union (EU). In 2001 and 2002 the EU was said to have employed about eight Percent of the total workforce (Dias, 2004:1; Karjalainen, 2004:3; Ringen & Englund 2006:388). Despite its size in terms of the workforce, the construction industry in comparison with other economic sectors of the EU causes about 20 to 25% of all fatal accidents (Dias, 2004:1; Karjalainen, 2004:3; Ringen & Englund, 2006:388). Clearly, in comparison 27 with other industries, the construction sector does not have an enviable record or reputation and its H&S performance can best be described as poor (Haslam et al., 2005:401). In fact during 2001, preliminary data released for the European Union, showed that there were about 822,000 accidents at work resulting in more than three days absence from work and about 1,200 fatal accidents (Karjalainen, 2004:3). The European Agency for safety and health at work reported that many more accidents occurred in construction per 100,000 workers than the overall EU national workforce (Karjalainen, 2004:3). The incidence rate of non-fatal accidents at work was nearly two-fold in construction compared to other sectors and even greater for fatal accidents. Table 1 show that there were 10.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers in construction and 4.2 per 100,000 overall for other industries (Karjalainen, 2004:3). Table 1: Incidence rate of accidents at work in EU-15 Year Incidence rate (per 100000 workers) Non-fatal Fatal Construction 9 NACE Construction 9 NACE 1994 9014 4539 14.7 6.1 1995 9080 4266 14.8 5.9 1996 8023 4229 13.3 5.3 1997 7963 4106 13.1 5.2 1998 8008 4089 12.8 5.0 1999 7809 4088 11.7 4.8 2000 7548 4016 11.4 4.6 2001 7213 3830 10.4 4.2 9NACE= agriculture, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, wholesale and retail sale, repairs, hotels and restaurants, transport and communications, financial, real estate and business activities. (Source: Karjalainen, 2004:3) The most recent statistics for the United Kingdom (UK) show that there were 152 workers fatally injured in 2009/10 equivalent to a rate of 0.5 fatalities per 100,000 workers (HSE, 2010b:online). The construction sector in the UK had the highest rate of 42 fatalities (National Statistics UK, 2010:8). In terms of self-reported work-related illness and reportable non-fatal injury, the average rate per 100,000, showed that the construction industry was the third worst performer after transport, communication and agriculture, considering the average for the period 2007/08-2009/10 (National Statistics UK, 2010:16). However reference should be made to the number of people employed in the UK construction industry. 28 In 2009/10 the UK construction industry accounted for only 4% of the total workforce but had 27% of fatalities and 7% of the reported injuries to employees (HSE, 2010b: online). The construction industry had the highest number of fatal injuries among the main industry groups accounting for 42 fatal injuries giving a rate of 2.2 per 100,000 workers (HSE, 2010b: online). The construction industry also accounted for 35% of all reported injuries involving high falls and 24 % involving electricity. Although there has been a marked improvement over the years as Figure 2 shows, the construction industry has consistently lagged behind other industries. Figure 1 illustrates a comparison of the rate of fatal injury for all industries of 0.5 in 2009/10 to that of 2.2 for the construction industry in Figure 2 for the year 2009/10. 350 Number of fatal injuries 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 Years Figure 1: Fatal injuries in all sectors in UK (Source: HSE, 2010:8) 29 Figure 2: Fatal injuries in UK’s construction industry (Source: HSE, 2010b: online) The H&S performance of the construction industry in the United States of America (USA) is not much different from the UK and the rest of the EU. The performance is poor compared to other industries. Statistics released for the year 2010 show that most fatal falls occur in the construction industry (Figure 3). Workers in the construction industry incurred the most fatalities of any industry in the private sector in 2009. Of the total 4,340 fatal injuries, the construction sector accounted for 816 fatalities. Although in 2009 the accident record “improved” compared to the year 2008, this improvement has however been ascribed to economic factors. Among those factors is the total number of hours worked in 2009 which fell by 6%, with percentages in construction estimated to be even higher (BLS, 2010:1). 30 Utilities Information Financial activities Mining Educational and health services Other services (exc. public admin.) Wholesale trade Leisure & hospitality Retail trade Manufacturing Professional and business services Government Agriculture, forestry,fishing, and… Transportation and warehousing Construction 0 Total fatal injuries = 4,340 All worker fatal injury rate = 3.3 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 3: Fatal accidents in USA (Source: BLS, 2010:3) The construction industry in Singapore appears to have a similar record. Although the construction sector in 2005 contributed less than 10% to the gross domestic product it accounted for more than 37% of all industrial accidents (Teo et al., 2005:329). H&S performance, even at the global level is not impressive. As a matter of fact, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) identified the construction industry as one of the high risk sectors and estimated that at least 60,000 people were killed on building sites every year and ranked the construction industry third highest risk sector (ILO, 2003:11). Clearly there was an urgent need to improve construction H&S performance. 2.5 H&S IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES & SOUTH AFRICA H&S performance in South Africa, Botswana and other developing countries is poor. Occupational H&S remains neglected in developing countries (Nuwayhid, 2004:1916). In comparison to developed countries, performance in H&S is poorer (ILO, 2003:11; Anvuur, Male & Kumaraswamy, 2006:2). According to Kheni, Gibb & Dainty, (2007:160), it is partly because of lack of resources in developing countries that has constrained H&S performance improvement. In addition, the inadequate legal and institutional arrangements for the management of H&S have compounded the 31 Utilities Information Financial activities Mining Educational and health services Other services (exc. public admin.) Wholesale trade Leisure & hospitality Retail trade Manufacturing Professional and business services Government Agriculture, forestry,fishing, and… Transportation and warehousing Construction 0 Total fatal injuries = 4,340 All worker fatal injury rate = 3.3 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 3: Fatal accidents in USA (Source: BLS, 2010:3) The construction industry in Singapore appears to have a similar record. Although the construction sector in 2005 contributed less than 10% to the gross domestic product it accounted for more than 37% of all industrial accidents (Teo et al., 2005:329). H&S performance, even at the global level is not impressive. As a matter of fact, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) identified the construction industry as one of the high risk sectors and estimated that at least 60,000 people were killed on building sites every year and ranked the construction industry third highest risk sector (ILO, 2003:11). Clearly there was an urgent need to improve construction H&S performance. 2.5 H&S IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES & SOUTH AFRICA H&S performance in South Africa, Botswana and other developing countries is poor. Occupational H&S remains neglected in developing countries (Nuwayhid, 2004:1916). In comparison to developed countries, performance in H&S is poorer (ILO, 2003:11; Anvuur, Male & Kumaraswamy, 2006:2). According to Kheni, Gibb & Dainty, (2007:160), it is partly because of lack of resources in developing countries that has constrained H&S performance improvement. In addition, the inadequate legal and institutional arrangements for the management of H&S have compounded the 31 problem of H&S performance (Kheni, Gibb & Dainty, 2007:160). Other contributors to poor H&S performance include a lack of effective mechanisms to implement laws (Cotton, Sohail, & Scott, 2005:21), lack of infrastructure, equipment and rampant corruption and a lack of concerted effort by policy makers to address H&S (Kheni, Dainty & Gibb, 2007:159). H&S performance in the construction industry of the developing countries is even worse. The industry in developing countries is dominated by small & medium contractors and most of these do not have effective systems to manage H&S (Kheni, et al., 2007:159). In addition, the industry is also labour intensive and utilises old technology which has an impact on H&S performance. The construction industry is also characterised by a poor knowledge and awareness of H&S (Musonda & Smallwood, 2008:85, Kheni, et al., 2007:160). The result has been a poor performance as revealed in the number of both fatal and non-fatal injuries. A research conducted in Botswana in 2006, revealed that most accidents occurred in the construction industry (Van Ooteghem, 2006:43). Similarly the South African Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) report of 2008 showed that the construction sector had the third highest number of fatalities per 100,000 workers after fishing and transport (CIDB, 2008:9). The construction industry has also seen an increase in the number of accidents that have been reported from 2004 to 2008 (Table 2). In comparison to other manufacturing based industries, the construction industry rank first as can be seen in Table 3. Table 2: Accidents in South Africa's construction industry Year Accidents Non-Fatal Fatal Total 2004/05 170 54 224 2005/06 257 81 338 2006/07 255 79 334 2007/08 416 162 578 (Source: CIDB, 2008:5) 32 Table 3: Fatality rate in South Africa Industry Fatality rate (Per 100000 of workers) Construction Industry 25.5 Mining 23.5 Agriculture and forestry 12.5 All industries 11.4 (Source: CIDB, 2008:5) According to the CIDB there was gross underreporting of accidents and therefore the actual statistics could be even much higher (CIDB, 2008:2). The construction industry in South Africa and Botswana has lagged behind other industries and the performance record for the South African industry has not been improving when compared to its past record. The construction industry in South Africa is known to be one of the most hazardous with an unacceptably high level of injuries and fatalities (Geminiani, Smallwood & Van Wyk, 2008). 2.6 CHAPTER SUMMARY Although statistics are not reliable to inform on H&S performance, H&S performance in the construction industry is almost the same in most parts of the world. The construction sector in comparison to other industries has not improved much. It has consistently lagged behind other industries and its position is among the worst H&S performers. The level of H&S performance in the construction industry established from even the unreliable statistics of accidents is therefore unacceptable, specifically with the South African industry which has seen an increase in accidents in recent years. The status quo cannot be allowed to continue both for moral and economic reasons. The ILO (2003:15) has estimated that four Percent of gross domestic product is lost due to accidents and work-related injuries. This estimate for developing countries could even be much higher than 10% of the gross domestic product. The impact of accidents is severe (Hermanus, 2007:531). An occupational injury to one worker can seriously reduce the income of a household. In the USA, for example, workers who receive a partial disability due to work place injury lose about 40% of their income 33 over five years. Workplace injuries and illness typically reduce the overall earnings of households (ILO, 2003:17). It is clear that in comparison to other industries, the construction industry has (a) a higher accident rate; (b) one of the highest fatality rates in comparison to other sectors; (c) a poor H&S record and therefore a higher risk on H&S compared to other sectors. The construction industry’s H&S performance is unenviable. Further, H&S performance in developing countries is poor and the situation is even dire in the construction industry of the developing countries. Therefore strategies should be devised to improve H&S and should be considerate of political, economic and socialcultural factors (Kheni, et al., 2007:161). As Nuwayhid (2004:1916) argue, the traditional workplace focused H&S performance improvement, has been insufficient in developing countries and therefore real progress in H&S can only be achieved by linking H&S to the broader context of social and national development. 34 CHAPTER THREE H&S PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT AND CULTURE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The Oxford dictionary defines ‘improve’ as ‘make or become better’. Improvement is defined as the action of improving or the state of being improved (Oxford, 2001:451). Therefore it may be that one intends to improve on a previous record or indeed produce something better than in the past. It may also entail adding something, a component, to enhance performance. Relative to H&S improvement, it has to do with a better than previous H&S record expressed in terms of accidents and incidents. It may be expressed in terms of statistics on injuries and fatalities, a better performance in comparison to other industries or indeed in the way things are done relative to H&S namely, the H&S culture. For H&S culture, it means that improvement should also be reflected in the perception of H&S performance by stakeholders in an organisation or indeed at the industry level. Therefore, improvement is said to be attained or experienced if the new record or way of doing things has become better when compared to a previous state, record or indeed a way of doing things. This improvement would also be reflected in the positive perception of H&S performance by the concerned stakeholders. 3.1.1 Performance improvement From the definition, it appears that improvement could be dramatic, or a gradual gravitation towards a set goal or vision which does not necessarily mean attaining the goal, whether clearly defined or not. In this way, improvement is described in terms of the extent to which the initial state has been exceeded or what progress has been made cf National Statistics UK (2010). An example of this measure of improvement could be the improvement in the perception of employees concerning the state of H&S. From the perception surveys conducted among employees in year 2000 and 2004 by Petersen (2005), there was an improvement of 9% in the H&S system between the stated periods. The reason for his conclusion was that there had been a shift in workers’ perceptions about the H&S status (Petersen, 2005). 35 Improvement could also be slight, moderate, or significant depending on the scale that has been used. However, the level or extent of improvement depends on the defined or set goal. For H&S, the goal could be zero accidents or simply a reduction in the number of accidents from an existing level to a new one. For example, Egan (1998:16) proposed improvement to H&S in UK’s construction industry of 20% reduction in the number of reportable accidents per year. Another example is the initiative by the H&S commission in the UK cited by Smallman (2001:409), being a target to reduce the incident rate of fatal and major injury accidents by 10% by 2010. In 2000 the incident rate of fatal injuries in the UK was 5.9 per 100,000. The goal was therefore to achieve an incident rate of fatal accidents of 5.4 per 100000 by year 2010. Statistics released for the 2010 show a fatality rate of 2.2 in the construction industry (HSE, 2010b: online). Compared to the goal of 5.4, a fatality rate of 2.2 could therefore be described as a significant improvement. However the rate of 2.2 is almost 4½ times higher than the national average of 0.5. Nonetheless, compared to the goal that had been set, there has been a significant progress. Therefore, improvement relates to the targets that were initially set. Furthermore, the speed with which an industry, entity or individual moves towards achieving the desired goal may not be a fundamental issue in determining improvement, but what may matter is that there is a movement towards the desired goal. In the previous example, the fatality rate was 2.2 per 100,000 workers. This fatality rate was calculated from 42 people who died in 2010 in the UK as a result of workplace accidents, yet it can be said that there has been progress or rather an improvement because in 2000, 100 people actually died (HSE, 2010b: online). The desirable state is that no one should die as a result of his or her work. However insensitive the measure might be, it is fairly acceptable to measure and determine progress or improvement in this manner (National Statistics UK, 2010 and BLS, 2010). On the other hand, improvement also has to do with benchmarking. Benchmarking compares for example an organisation’s performance against the ‘best in class’, wherever that is found (Johnson & Scholes, 2002:174). Benchmarking provides the context for assessing performance. It is an approach to process improvement and is defined as a systematic process of measuring and comparing an organisation’s 36 performance against that of other similar organisations in key activities (Rankin et al., 2008:896). The reason benchmarking is popular in for example business circles, is because it can change the mind-set of managers so that improvements in performance will be gradual as a result of incremental changes. Benchmarking breaks the frame within organisations and industries regarding performance standards to be achieved (Johnson & Scholes, 2002:174). If benchmarking had been used to evaluate progress made on H&S performance in the UK construction industry the verdict could probably have been ‘no or minimal improvement’ considering the fatal rate of 2.2 in construction against the rate of 0.5 in all industries. Therefore, statistics on accidents alone may not be useful to determine and plan for improvement. Jafri et al., (2005:707) contend that incident and injury rates are important, but they are not always useful for occupational H&S performance improvement. 3.1.2 Measuring H&S performance improvement In order to measure H&S performance improvement it is not adequate to use only statistics of accidents. Suitable and appropriate measures are therefore important in addressing the issue of H&S performance improvement. Cameron & Duff (2007:870), contend that current measures of accidents and incidents are today recognised as invalid measures of H&S at the workplace except in very large organisations or over a long period because they are insensitive to real changes in H&S behaviour or conditions. Besides, these statistics are often under reported. As a result, an alternative measurement that is based on evaluating management actions and worker perceptions has been proposed. Evaluating management actions and worker perceptions can differentiate health and safe sites based on the observed level of H&S management commitment and perceptions of workers (Petersen, 2005:48; Cameron & Duff, 2007:870). Worker perception surveys were used by Petersen (2005) to measure improvement. He argues that perception is one of the better measures available to truly define reality. This is in agreement with many researchers who argue that using statistics alone is not sufficient to measure performance improvement (Carder & Ragan, 2003:158; Jafri et al., 2005:707). They argue that incident rates which involve statistics are important, but they are not always useful for process improvement. They contend that without proper investigation of causes, incident rates indicate that there 37 is a problem but they do not inform what the problem is. There are better methods to reflect the reality than injury statistics alone (Petersen, 2005:48). A method such as climate survey is used to measure H&S performance. Consequently, it is possible to implement a safety cultural audit through a climate survey as a valid and reliable measure of H&S performance in the construction industry (IOSH, 2004:7). Determining cultural improvement has become important because it has been found to be at the heart of most accidents. 3.2 TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE H&S PERFORMANCE 3.2.1 Influence network technique Several techniques have been proposed to improve H&S performance in the construction industry such as the Influence Network Technique (Bomel, 2001). The use of the Influence Network Technique is operationalised by first assessing factors systematically at the environmental, policy, organisational, and direct levels that may have influenced an outcome (top event) such as accidents or poor performance on H&S. In order to improve performance, the identified factors with inadequacies are then targeted to ensure that they meet the required standards. A top outcome event, such as, H&S performance level or a specific event such as fatal falls from height is first identified. Secondly, influences at the direct causal level of the top event relative to the predefined categories of hardware, human and external events are defined (Fig 4). This process is repeated for the subsequent levels of organisation, policy and environment. The weighting and rating of current status or practice of each influence are then made by a panel of experts either through a focus group setting or a Delphi procedure. The weighting is based on an influence scale totalling unity for influences at one level of influences. On the other hand, the rating value is based on a scale of 1 to 10 to describe worst to best performance status. A calculated risk level is obtained from the sum of all products of rating and weighting agreed upon by the panel. Critical influences are then identified for the top event and the necessary risk controls instituted. After implementation of the risk controls, the procedure is repeated for influences 38 at various levels (Bomel, 2001) TOP EVENT DIRECT LEVEL COMPETENCE MOTIV /MORALE TEAM WORK SITUATION AWARENES/ RISK PERCEPTION FATIGUE /ALERTNESS HEALTH COMMS AVAILABILITY OF INFO/ADVICE COMPLIANCE AVAILABILITY OF SUITABLE RESOURCES INSPECT & MAINT EQUIPMENT OPERABILITY WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT EXT CONDITION ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL RECRUITMENT & SELECTION TRAINING PROCEDURES PLANNING INCIDENT MANAGEMENT & FEEDBACK COMMS MANAGEMENT / SUPERVISION SAFETY CULTURE EQUIPMENT PURCHASING INSPECT & MAINT DECISION PAY / CONDITION POLICY LEVEL CONTRACTING STRATEGY OWNERSHIP & CONTROL COMPANY CULTURE SAFETY MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE LABOUR RELATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL LEVEL POLITICAL INFLUENCE REGULATORY INFLUENCE MARKET INFLUENCE Figure 4 : Influence Network Technique (Bomel, 2001: 0.9) 39 SOCIETAL INFLUENCE COMPANY PROFITABILITY Analysis of the Influence Network Technique suggests that the technique is very useful as an analysis tool of causes of either accidents or poor performance relating to one aspect of H&S. The Health and Safety Executive’s incident investigation reports for example, provide some evidence on say an accident and in addition to this knowledge, the experience that those working in the industry provide further complementary insight on the accident (Bomel, 2001:6.2). However, according to Bomel, evaluation of this data only provides evidence of what has occurred but it is far more important to be able to implement appropriate courses of action to prevent the accident happening again. Therefore in order to determine what these actions might be, they propose that it is important to be able to structure the disparate sources of evidence to provide a comprehensive ‘model’ of accidents and therefore the necessity of the Influence Network Technique. Influence network technique makes use of past events such as accidents and or evidence of poor performance to formulate improvement strategies which after implementation could be analysed again. The technique appears to be useful for evaluating the possible effect or level of improvement that may be achieved on the top risk event if improvement is made on either direct, organisational, policy or environmental level influences. Nonetheless, applicability of the technique in the construction industry to improve H&S Performance may be limited because it is not clear as to where this tool may be used; whether it is at the organisation industry or at national level. If at all the tool has to be used at the organisation level, then its reliance on experts and complexity makes it impractical to use because the industry is dominated by small contracting firms (Kartam et al., 2000:173; Ringen & Englund, 2006:388) who may have limited capacity to fully utilise its benefits. On the other hand, if it is meant to be used at the policy government, industry or client level, then it may not be very useful as involvement in the evaluation of practice is best done by key stakeholders that are affected such as workers (Petersen, 2005:45). It is also worth noting that the Influence Network Technique relies on past records, namely, accidents and or H&S performance. However, recent trends have been a movement away from methods that rely only on past records, such as accidents towards more proactive methods that rely 40 on leading indicators (Carder & Ragan, 2003:158; Jafri et al., 2005:703; Petersen, 2005:45; Cameron & Duff, 2007:870). 3.2.2 Climate / Perception surveys Other techniques to improve H&S performance have been identified. One such technique is the use of perception or climate surveys. Petersen (2005:45) proposed that perception surveys can be used as an indicator of a H&S system at a point in time. In a perception survey, members of an organisation or industry are asked to give their opinion on H&S performance in their organisation or industry. A perception survey is a better predictor of the future H&S record than any other indicator and it helps to clearly target what needs to be done to improve H&S systems in an organisation. In a study of 160 organisations in which questionnaires were administered to workers in year 2000 and 2004, concluded after comparing results of worker perceptions from the two data points, that there had been an improvement of about 9% in the H&S system. A perception survey established a baseline and diagnosed what needed to be fixed at a point in time in an organisation or indeed at industry or organisation level (Petersen, 2005:48). A similar technique was proposed by Carder & Ragan (2003) based on a survey system for measurement and improvement. Their study involved a H&S perception survey of over 6000 employees in 50 chemical plant sites. The difference between their study and that of Petersen (2005) was the feedback system with employees that took part in the survey. A feedback system was included as well as convening focus groups within an organisation to better understand the results before developing focused action plans. Carder & Ragan (2003:161) argued that organisations that undertook a perception survey, provided feedback to employees, convened focus groups to understand the results, developed action plans that were reviewed by senior management before implementation would experience a reduction in accidents of 25 to 50%. However the improvement level of 25% to 50% may not necessarily be generalised to include for example the construction industry, as the survey in Carder & Ragan (2003) study was conducted in chemical processing plants and organisations. It also assumes that an organisation would have systems in place that are assessed from time to time. As in the study of Petersen (2005), the technique of Carder & Ragan (2003) 41 was based on the philosophy that there had to be a measuring tool to determine current status in order to develop improvement actions on various elements that are found to be weak or poor. 3.2.3 Behavioural audits Another method that has been proposed for H&S performance improvement is the use of a H&S management behaviour audit with goal setting and feedback. Cameron & Duff (2007:870) argued that an intervention of management audit, goals and feedback could be used to improve H&S management performance. They argued that it was possible to implement a H&S management behavioural audit as a valid and reliable measure of management safety performance in the construction industry and that goal setting can improve management H&S performance. However, Lingard & Rowlinson (1997) found that there was a limitation of all behaviour based H&S management programmes in that worker behaviour, although important, is only one factor affecting industrial H&S performance and H&S behaviour can only be achieved where a basic H&S infrastructure is already in place. Nevertheless, the Lingard & Rowlinson (1997) study was directed at workers while that of Cameron & Duff (2007), was directed at behaviour modification of managers after realising that behaviour based method may not work without management commitment. 3.2.4 Conformance to H&S systems H&S performance can also be improved by emphasising conformance to H&S systems (Manzella, 1999:33). Therefore, by measuring the level of conformance to system requirements, risks can be identified before an injury occurs. Consequently, improving systems based on identified deficiencies can help reduce risks and produces improved statistical performance over time. According to Manzella (1999:33), identifying root causes for system deficiencies and taking corrective actions will produce long-term, improvements by continuing to lower risks. The assumption is that organisations will have H&S systems in place and that the systems are effective However, even though a systems approach may work, as argued by Manzella (1999), It is only organisations that have intrinsic ‘H&S’ that are able to withstand its operational dangers and still achieve its objectives. A systems approach is not adequate in itself to prevent accidents and improve H&S performance (Hudson, 42 1999:8-10; Leveson, 2004:238). In high reliability organisations which are prime examples of systems approach, organisational culture is in fact of profound importance and therefore suggesting that best results are achieved with an improvement in H&S culture (Reason, 2000a:770). 3.2.5 Developing a H&S culture Reason (2000b:3) argue that only a H&S culture is able to provide any degree of lasting protection. Consequently, many authors see cultural change as the way to improve H&S performance (Fitzgerald, 2005:324; Wamuziri, 2006:173; Choudhry et al., 2007:207; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:636). As in other improvement techniques discussed in this section, there has to be an assessment of the current situation in order to provide a basis for an improvement plan. If H&S performance can only be improved through culture change, then there has to be a way of measuring the baseline H&S culture as well as the H&S culture after interventions to the baseline (Fitzgerald, 2005:325). The assessment of the H&S culture could be achieved by using climate assessment tools to gauge the prevailing attitudes to H&S within organisations. A climate survey highlights the areas in which there are issues and provides a basis for defining the required improvement plan. However climate analysis is only an initial diagnosis step. To operationalise the culture change approach, a methodology is proposed that first measures the climate through a perception survey, followed by a planning workshop with senior managers to develop action plans. The process is then repeated after implementation of the action plans to determine the improvement (Fitzgerald, 2005:326). Improving H&S culture was central to the Australian Government in developing the model client framework for H&S improvement. The aim of the model client framework was to facilitate the development of a positive H&S culture (Lingard et al., 2009:134). According to Lingard et al., (2009:134), through the model client framework, the Australian Government for whom the framework was developed would strive to ensure that the major stakeholders involved in the planning, design and execution of construction work, work collaboratively to allocate responsibility for H&S and integrate H&S considerations into all project-decision making. 43 3.2.6 Improvement through design Apart from the H&S performance improvement methods described earlier most of the studies are directed at improving specific disparate parts of H&S management. Such proposals include having laws or a set of regulations enacted that address for instance the requirement for H&S to be taught in higher education. The argument is that this is the best prospect for long term improvement across the whole industry (Anderson, 2010:97). Other H&S performance improvement techniques include prevention through design (Gambatese et al., 1997:32, Kinnersley & Roelen, 2007:35). Prevention through design and therefore performance improvement is based on the reasoning that designers set the scene for a project by defining the work to be done. Designers are in a unique position to eliminate hazards from the project and to alter the design so that risks can be tackled at source (Hetherington, 1995:5). This approach does not however, enjoy much support from both sides of sciences. For example, Smallman (2001:412) argue that employing “designing-in” H&S is certainly feasible through employing orthodox high reliability theory. However, according to him, history has revealed spectacular failures of systems designed around these principles and suggest that it is probably time to re-think this philosophy. He further contend that from the point of view of normal accident theory “designing-in” H&S is somewhat of an oxymoron, since the act of developing high reliability in fact exacerbates a system’s propensity to fail (Smallman, 2001:412). Therefore, regardless of the proposed method and in order to achieve a holistic approach to the problem of H&S, the input or involvement of key stakeholders in the process of H&S performance improvement is critical. Lingard et al (2009:132) argue that success in H&S management can only be achieved through teamwork between all the project stakeholders, namely: the client, the designer, and the contractor. In fact, Barrett (2007:279) on the issue of general improvement of the construction industry, argue that institutions, governments, clients and procurers of constructed facilities could all create the momentum needed to improve the industry. It appears therefore that in order to address H&S performance improvement holistically, measurement has to be conducted, and that success may only be achieved if several approaches are utilised. However what is also apparent is that the H&S 44 culture is increasingly being recognised to be at the centre and critical to H&S performance improvement (Wamuziri, 2006:169; Chinda & Mohamed 2008:114). In addition, the involvement of stakeholders, such as clients, designers and contractors, has also been identified as critical to H&S performance. A proposal for a method to improve H&S performance should therefore consider the following: applicability to the construction industry; ability to be operationalised at both industrial and organisational level; holistic in its approach to improvement; based on H&S cultural change; simplicity and ease of interpretation, and Possibility of performance measurement to be done. Performance improvement on H&S in the construction industry has been illusive partly because of improvement methods which do not exhibit the above. Current disagreements on how to operationalise the concept of H&S culture is one example of one concept that is not being utilised even though it has the potential to contribute to improving H&S performance in the industry. 3.3 CULTURE A review of H&S performance improvement techniques or methods points to the fact that there is no single approach that may be successful. However culture has been identified to be all encompassing and transcends all the proposed techniques or methods. It appears that H&S performance improvement in the construction industry may not be possible without a major change in culture within the organisations or industry involved (Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:149; Baram & Schoebel, 2007:632; Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114). Culture has been identified as key to industry or indeed organisational improvement (Fitzgerald, 2005:324). Culture has been recognised as the main driver for change in other industries (Schneider, 1997:81) including on issues such as H&S (Wamuziri, 2006:169; Chinda & Mohamed 2008:114). Therefore this section presents a review of literature on the concept of culture and in particular, the H&S culture. 45 3.3.1 Why H&S culture? The H&S performance record has been attributed to an improvement in the H&S culture of organisations in many studies, including that of CRC (2006); Dingsdag et al., (2006); Baram & Schoebel (2007); Fernandez-Muniz et al., (2007) and Chinda & Mohammed, (2008). A better H&S outcome has been associated with the prevalence of a positive H&S culture within an organisation and indeed the industry (Molenaar et al., 2002; CRC, 2006; Chinda & Mohamed, 2008). According to Glendon & Stanton (2000:193), organisational culture, however defined, is widely acknowledged to be critical to an organisation’s success or failure. The prevailing culture is therefore very important in so far as the improvement of construction worker’s H&S is concerned. It is because of this observation that Chinda & Mohamed (2008:114) observed that it seems that attempts to improve H&S performance will not be fully realised until the H&S culture is improved. In fact, the Royal Academy of Engineering as quoted by Riley & Clare-Brown, states that: “The construction industry would benefit significantly from the study and adoption of best practices from manufacturing and other industries. Elements are identified which could lead to early advantage: they include better supply chain management and considerable improvements in culture and organisation.” (Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001: 150) The achievement of an effective H&S culture is recognised to be a vital element of achieving and maintaining satisfactory standards of H&S performance. In his foreword to ‘A construction safety competency framework: improving H&S performance by creating and maintaining a safety culture’, Fisher claims that in his view, sustained improvement would not happen without cultural change (Dingsdag et al., 2006:iii). The IOSH (2004:6) contends that it is insufficient, for example, to provide safe equipment, systems and procedures if the culture is not conducive to a healthy and safe working environment. To illustrate the inadequacy of systems and procedures, a “poor H&S culture” was identified as a factor contributing to the Chernobyl disaster by the international Atomic Energy Agency (INSAG, 1992:18) and recently, the H&S culture was questioned by the National Commission on the BP deep-water Horizon Oil Spill and offshore drilling (2011:vii). The report on the BP deep-water Horizon spill and offshore drilling revealed that the immediate causes of the Macondo well blowout could be traced to a series of identifiable mistakes made by BP, Halliburton and Transocean that reveal such systematic failures in risk 46 management, that they place in doubt the safety culture of the entire industry (National Commission on the BP deep-water Horizon Oil Spill and offshore drilling, 2011:vii). To illustrate how other industries regard H&S culture, the so called ‘high reliability’ industries such as the Air traffic, Petro Chemical and Nuclear installations were observed, where significant hazards were always present, operating organisations and their regulators paid considerable attention to H&S assessment. They noted that these assessments were mainly focused on leading indicators regarding H&S climate - a measure or determinant of the prevailing culture, because, as stated earlier, most of these industries had realised the importance of organisational culture (Flin et al., 2000:178). Figure 5 shows that there has been a movement away from a systems approach to culture based solutions and the results have shown an accompanying reduction in the number of incidents (Hudson, 2007:700). Figure 5: Relationship between interventions and number of incidents (Source: Hudson, 2007:700) Furthermore, the reason why the H&S culture of an organisation was considered to transcend all techniques and methods of H&S performance improvement was that it influenced the deployment and effectiveness of the H&S management resources, policies, practices and procedures (Gadd & Collins, 2002:1). H&S culture did not 47 operate in a vacuum or in isolation. Rather it affected and in turn was affected by other operational processes or organisational systems (Cooper, 2000:113). Dingsdag et al. (2006:2) argued that it was the H&S culture that guided actions and reactions to situations as they arose. Culture is a powerful, latent, and often unconscious set of forces that determine both our individual and collective behaviour, ways of perceiving, thought patterns and values (Schein, 1999). According to Reason (2000a:770), it is the imbedded culture that provides workers in an organisation both the reminders and tools to help them remember the requisite reaction or action when faced with a situation. Even in terms of innovation in response to situations in an organisation, culture lies at the heart of it (Martins & Terblanche, 2003:64). It is argued that a positive culture leads to both improved H&S and as well as organisational performance (Dingsdag, et al., 2006:2). Culture creates a homogeneous set of assumptions and decision premises in which compliance occurs without surveillance (Grote, 2007:642). On the other hand, the presence of an inappropriate H&S culture of an organisation can lead to catastrophic consequences once a hazard strikes (IET, 2009:1). A culture of H&S is something that was lacking in the organisations that were affected by disasters. Reason (2000a:770) argues that organisational culture takes up a profound significance in responding to situations. However, there is evidence of mismatch between problems and solutions to H&S as has been revealed in the major accident investigations (Glendon & Stanton, 2000:201; Mearns, Whittaker & Flin, 2003:642) such as the Chernobyl and Piper Alpha accidents. Accidents are not always caused by human or technical failures only. According to Wiegmann et al. (2002:2) accident causation has moved from technical causes, human error causes, technical causes, social technical causes to a stage that is referred to as organisational culture. Gadd & Collins (2002:3) and Flin et al. (2000:178) argue that an organisation’s susceptibility to accidents does not arise from just ‘human errors’, chance, or technical failures alone. On the contrary, it is the entrenched organisational policies, procedures and standards that have been shown to be at the heart of the accidents. This conclusion is especially reinforced by the fact that progress has been made towards ‘engineering out’ the physical causes of accidents in high technology plants. 48 Therefore it is now generally acknowledged that individual frailties and pervasive organisation defects lie behind the majority of the remaining accidents (Lee & Harrison, 2000:61). Recent accident causation theories, such as the constraintresponse theory by Suraji et al. (2001), also refer to the influence of culture. In this theory, the basic assumption is that inappropriate human behaviour – response, is the central feature in accident causation. However, it has been shown that the action or reaction by an individual, at whatever level in response to whatever constraint, is guided by culture ( Reason, 2000b:9). Since it has been established that the cause of most accidents has its roots in the organisational H&S culture, the solution should therefore lie in addressing the H&S culture and that is the reason why culture is so important. Therefore, the solution has to match the problem. Relying on a technical system approach to the problem of H&S would be a mismatch in as much as addressing this aspect is also important. In a technical system, many accidents are anticipated through H&S rules, prescriptive procedures and management processes. However people did not always do what they were supposed to do and according to Lee & Harrison (2000:62), undermined the system of multiple defences that an organisation constructed and maintained to guard against injury to its workers and damage to property. Pidgeon & O’Leary (2000:16), on the theory of man-made disasters, explained that, despite the best intentions of all involved, the objective of safely operating technological systems could be subverted by some very familiar and ‘normal’ processes of organisational life. Lee & Harrison (2000:62) argued that the H&S management system was essentially a social system wholly reliant on the employees who operated it and therefore the concept of H&S culture had been identified as the way of formulating and addressing the problem of H&S. Reason (2000a:770) noted that high reliability organisations are prime examples of the system approach. These organisations anticipate the worst and equip themselves to deal with it at all levels of the organisation. However, Reason (2000a:770) argues that it is hard, even unnatural, for individuals to remain chronically uneasy, and so their organisational culture takes on a profound significance because when individuals are faced with constraining events, they may forget to be afraid, but the organisational culture provides them with both the reminders and the tools to help them remember. For these organisations, the pursuit of H&S is not so much about preventing isolated 49 failures, either human or technical, as about making the system as robust as is practicable in the face of its human and operational hazards. High reliability organisations are not immune to adverse events, but they have developed a culture, a H&S culture to be able to deal with these setbacks (Reason, 2000a:770). Therefore culture has become popular among the various methods to improve H&S performance. H&S culture offers a more powerful support for changing and achieving the desired improvement in the industry (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114). In fact, IOSH (2004:11) contend that occupational H&S professionals need to recognise the importance of a good H&S culture in influencing the H&S performance of the organisations they advise, and appreciate the characteristics and benefits of a sound H&S culture. Furthermore, it has been shown that major accidents have been attributed to a poor H&S culture. In addition, the problem of H&S has its roots in the H&S culture of a nation, industry or organisation and therefore the solutions should match this problem, which is to address the H&S culture. It has therefore become necessary and important, to understand what culture (or more specifically), H&S culture is, in order to appreciate the concept better and for it to become useful because: “When we know what culture is, we know what needs to be changed for culture to change. Only once we appreciate its nature can we understand how it might be changed. When we know its role, we can comprehend its importance” (Williams et al. 1993:11)” 3.3.2 What is culture? There has been an increasing interest in the concept of organisational culture particularly the H&S culture (Cooper, 2000:111; Dingsdag et al., 2006:1), mainly because of its impact on H&S outcomes (Cooper, 2000:111; Wiegmann et al., 2002:3; Choudhry, Fang & Mohamed, 2007:207;, Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:636). It is therefore not surprising that there are also many different definitions of the concept. According to Fernandez-Muniz et al. (2007:627), it is the recognition of the importance of the H&S culture in preventing occupational accidents that has led in part to the numerous attempts to define and assess the H&S culture in many organisations. 50 As for the concept of culture itself, its conceptualisation and definitions have been derived from the more general notion of organisational culture. Complications and differences in definitions of H&S culture have also been due to the interdisciplinary nature of culture, and as a result, the definitions and methods for studying organisational culture tend to vary according to the academic discipline from which they originate (Wiegmann et al., 2002:4). Although it is generally accepted that there is no unanimity on the definition of H&S culture (Choudhry et al., 2007:207; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:627), or culture in general, many authors are however in agreement that there is no unanimity on the definition of H&S culture (Cooper, 2000:111; Hopkins, 2006:876; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:627) and as such there is no common definition of culture (Baram & Schoebel, 2007:633; Mengolini & Debarberis, 2007:520; Molenaar, Park & Washington, 2009:488). Fernandez-Muniz et al. (2007:627) argue that despite several attempts to define the concept, there are still gaps which remain in the literature and that there is no universal agreement about the definition or content of the concept. According to ACRCCI (2001:4) culture can be defined as being a set of mores, values, attitudes, beliefs and meanings that are shared by the members of a group or organisation. A similar definition is given by Dingsdag et al. (2006:2), who contends that H&S culture is characterised by H&S beliefs, values and attitudes that are held by an organisation. Culture has also been defined in terms of it being a product (HSE 1993; Choudhry et al. 2007; Grote, 2007). For instance, Choudhry et al. (2007:211) defined culture as being a product of individual and group behaviours, attitudes, norms and values, perceptions and thoughts that determine the commitment to, and style and proficiency of, an organisation’s system and how its people act and react in terms of the company’s on-going H&S performance in construction site environments. However contrary to Choudhry et al. (2007) of culture being a product of behaviour, Reason (2000b:13) postulate that behaviour is a product of culture just as much as accidents are a product of the prevailing culture (IET, 2009:1; Glendon & Stanton, 2000:201; Wiegmann et al., 2002:5). Culture has been defined to be a product of individual or group behaviour, that some researchers argue is difficult to measure because behaviour is difficult to measure with, say, a questionnaire except through 51 ethnographic studies or observation (Hopkins, 2006:877). Therefore, the aspect of culture being a product in the definition by Choudhry et al., (2007:211) seems to be problematic and makes the measurement of H&S culture difficult. A definition by Wiegmann et al., (2002:8) is probably clearer because it uses the concept of “product” appropriately. He defines H&S culture as being the enduring value and priority placed on worker and public H&S by everyone in every group at every level of an organisation. H&S culture refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to personal responsibility for H&S, act to preserve, enhance and communicate H&S concerns, strive to actively learn, adapt and modify (both individual and organisational) behaviour based on lessons learned from mistakes and be rewarded in a manner consistent with these values. This definition suggests that an action or behaviour is an outcome or a product of a culture. Several authors agree that behaviour is an outcome or a product of culture (IET, 2009:1; Glendon & Stanton, 2000:195; Wiegmann et al., 2002:8). In much the same way, Dingsdag et al., (2006:2) define culture as a description of values, norms, attitudes and beliefs that are held collectively towards H&S within an organisation and it is these values, attitudes, norms and beliefs that guide behaviour by indicating to employees what will be rewarded or punished by the organisation. Table 4 presents a number of definitions of the concept of H&S culture that were reviewed in this study. It is clear from the definitions, understanding and perspectives of H&S culture are wide but what is central to the H&S culture concept is the notion of sharing - the sharing of experiences, beliefs, values, and assumptions (Molenaar et al., 2002; Fitzgerald, 2005; Dingsdag et al., 2006; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007; Mengolini & Debarberis 2007) which guide actions and reactions. The key terms common to most definitions of culture include sharing, values and beliefs. These in turn influence attitudes and produce perception and behaviour. Therefore from a synthesis of all definitions, culture can be defined as a characteristic set of assumptions, beliefs, values, knowledge, attitudes and symbols shared and held by all members of a group which influences behavioural patterns and perceptions. These can be surfaced through observation and or description of what goes on by those that are part of the organisation. This definition is also summed up by the statement ‘the way we do things here’ (Cooper, 2000:115). 52 Table 4: Definitions of culture Author INSAG (1991:1) Hudson (1999:8-2) Cooper (2000:115) Guldenmund (2000: 251) Cullen (2001: 60) ACRCCI (2001:4) Gadd & Collins (2002:1) Molenaar et al., (2002:8) Wiegmann et al. (2002:8) Martins & Terblanche (2003:65) IOSH (2004:6) Hartog & Verburg (2004:58) Definition of culture Safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organisations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, safety (Nuclear) issues receive the attention warranted by their significance Who and what we are, what we find important, and how we go about doing things round here Is that observable degree of effort with which all organisational members direct their attention and actions towards improving safety on a daily basis Safety culture is those aspects of the organisational culture which will impact on attitudes and behaviour related to increasing or decreasing risk The product of individual and group values, of attitudes and patterns of behaviour that lead to a commitment to an organisation’s health and safety management. Organisations with a positive safety culture are characterised by communication founded on mutual trust, by shared perception of the importance of safety and by confidence in the efficiency of preventative measures Culture as being a set of mores, values, attitudes, beliefs and meanings that are shared by the members of a group or organisation Concept that describes the shared corporate values within an organisation which influences the attitudes and behaviours of its members. Safety culture is a part of the overall culture of the organisation and is seen as affecting the attitudes and beliefs of members in terms of H&S Performance Culture is defined as the beliefs, values and behaviours that are consistent among all members of the corporation The enduring value and priority placed on worker and public safety by everyone in every group at every level of an organisation. It refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to personal responsibility for safety, act to preserve, enhance and communicate safety concerns, strive to actively learn, adapt and modify (both individual and organisational) behaviour based on lessons learned from mistakes and be rewarded in a manner consistent with these values Organisation culture is the deeply seated (often subconscious) values and beliefs shared by personnel in an organisation Defined safety culture as consisting of shared values (what is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact within an organisation’s structure and control systems to produce behavioural norms (the way we do things around here) Organisational culture is a set of core values, behavioural norms, artefacts and behavioural patterns which govern the way people in an organisation interact with each other and invest energy in their jobs and the organisation at large 53 Table 4 (continued) Author Fitzgerald (2005:325) Definition of culture Consists shared values (what is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact with an organisation’s structure and control systems to produce behavioural norms (the way we do things around here) Dingsdag et al. (2006:2) safety culture is characterised by safety beliefs, values and attitudes that are held by an organisation Choudhry et al. (2007:211) the product of individual and group behaviours, attitudes, norms and values, perceptions and thoughts that determine the commitment to, and style and proficiency of, an organisation’s system and how its people act and react in terms of the company’s on-going safety performance in construction site environments Mengolini& Debarberis A pattern of shared, taken for granted basic assumptions held by the members of an organisation and developed through (2007:520) a process of external adaptation and integration Fernandez-Muniz et al. A set of values, perceptions, attitudes and patterns of behaviour with regard to safety shared by members of the (2007: 628) organisation; as well as a set of policies, practices and procedures relating to the reduction employees’ exposure to occupational risks, implemented at every level of the organisation, and reflecting a high level of concern and commitment to the prevention of accidents and illnesses Misnan et al. (2007:405) Culture means doing something automatically, spontaneously without having second thought about it IET (2009:1) The product of the individual or group values, attitudes, competencies and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of an organisation’s H&S management 54 Using the H&S climate as an indicator for H&S culture as in Cox and Cheyne’s study (2000), it is possible to determine the prevailing H&S culture in an organisation or a project. The synthesised definition adopted for this study makes it possible to operationalise the concept of H&S culture as it makes perceptions of those that are part of an organisation to be a product of the prevailing culture. The observable degree of effort with which all organisational members direct their attention and actions towards improving H&S on a daily basis, also makes the product to be measurable (Cooper, 2000:115). Members of an organisation are able to report on what they perceive to be each member’s effort, the observable degree of effort for ensuring H&S in an organisation. The behaviour of members within the group could also be determined and consequently be able to determine the H&S culture from the units of “that observable degree of effort with which all organisational members direct their attention and actions towards improving H&S on a daily basis” (Cooper, 2000:115; Wiegmann et al., 2002:8). The units of ‘effort’ could differ and could be the degree to which members give priority to H&S over production. However, this measurement process may become complex when it comes to determining whether the culture is positive or not. The other outcome of a H&S culture is injury rates although a reduction in injury rates albeit very important, are not sufficient in themselves to indicate the presence or quality of a H&S culture, whereas “that observable degree of effort” and the perceptions or report of those that are part of the organisation or project, is something that can always be measured and assessed (Cooper, 2000:115). The assessment of H&S is also possible, because for all industries, organisations or projects, there is always some form of culture that is present (Hudson, 1999:8-11; Hudson, 2007:702). However, the differentiating thing is that some cultures could be described as being positive as in Lee & Harrison’s study (2000), negative, a reporting culture, or perhaps a tolerant culture depending on how the organisations wish to describe the prevailing culture. Furthermore, organisational culture and indeed H&S culture exists on a continuum and organisations can either be, for instance at the pathological level or at the generative level as shown in Figure 6 (Hudson, 2007:704). H&S culture may also be described as either good or poor, positive or negative (Biggs et al., 2005:2; Misnan & Mohammed, 2007:404). At the pathological level which for 55 example may be described as poor H&S culture, organisations do not really care about H&S. However, at the generative level, which is the good H&S culture, H&S is described as being the way business is done and H&S is a way of life. Culture can also be improved from one level to another. It is interesting to note that the word ‘culture’ stems from the word cultivate or to till the soil (Høivik et al., 2009:993; Merriam-Webster, 2011: online). The behaviour, attitudes and values of members are dependent upon the sets of both conscious and unconscious beliefs that individual members possess and that these beliefs are seen as a key element of organisational culture (ACRCCI, 2001:4). It is also clear that in order to produce better behaviour, the underlying beliefs should be appropriate. Similarly, good fruit production needs good soil, so the support structure (stem), which are values and attitudes, need to be appropriate in order to hold the upper fruit bearing branches. Culture therefore, could be cultivated and improved, in order to have better outcomes. In addition, it is also important to note that H&S culture does not operate in a vacuum (Cooper 2000:113). Rather it affects and is affected by the external environment. Wamuziri (2006:169) argue that not only can culture be influenced and changed, it can also be learned. H&S culture can also be said to be a subset, sub-culture or part of the overall organisational culture (Cooper, 2000:113; Wiegmann et al., 2002:8; Wamuziri, 2006:169; Hudson, 2007:702). 3.3.3 Climate and culture Related to culture is the concept of climate. Culture is sometimes confused with climate and these concepts are sometimes used interchangeably (Hopkins, 2006:877; Yang, Wang, Chang, Gou & Huang, 2009:1149). Culture embodies values, beliefs and underlying assumptions, whereas climate is a descriptive measure reflecting a group’s perceptions of the organisational atmosphere and the way things are done (Flin et al. 2000:178). The H&S climate in a work place reflects employees’ perceptions about the organisation’s H&S management system including policies, practices and procedures that show how H&S is implemented within the working environment. It is exactly the snapshot that describes “the way we do things around here now” (Choudhry et al., 2007:208) as well as the way things are understood, judged and valued (Davies, Nutley & Mannion, 2000:112). 56 Figure 6: H&S culture ladder (Source: Hudson, 2007:704) A H&S climate can be regarded as the surface features of the H&S culture discerned from the workforce’s behaviours, attitudes and perceptions at a given point in time (Cox & Cheyne, 2000:114; Flin et al., 2000:178). It is a snapshot of the state of H&S providing an indicator of the underlying H&S culture of a work group or organisation (Flin et al., 2000:178). Culture is not climate. However, culture can be described from the behavioural patterns and from what goes on, the perceptions, by those that are part of an organisation or industry. To identify the prevailing culture one needs to complete an assessment of the existing organisational climate to act as an indicator of the culture (IOSH, 2004:7; Wamuziri, 2006:173). The reason climate is used as an indicator for culture is that culture which is generally intangible, leads to a tangible manifestation through climate (INSAG, 1991:1). The main task therefore as INSAG (1991:1) proposed, is to develop means to 57 use the tangible manifestations to test what is underlying, the intangible prevailing culture. Observing and measuring the tangible elements is the only practical way of determining the underlying culture because, as Wiegmann et al. (2002:4) argue, while an organisation’s culture is revealed in its general patterns of attitudes and actions, the deeper structure of its culture is often not immediately interpretable by outsiders. Therefore a climate or a perception survey can be conducted to establish the underlying culture. Figure 7 illustrates and summarises the synthesised framework of what culture is and where climate fits in. Culture influencing factors Factors of Health & safety culture Leadership Involvement Procedures Commitment Communication Competence Underlying culture Shared & understood but tacitly Culture indicator Climate Culture Beliefs Values Assumptions Behaviour Culture outcomes Tangible/ observable Outcomes / results Perceptions Artefacts Actions/ behaviour Accidents / incidents Environment Figure 7: H&S culture framework 3.3.4 What are the factors of H&S culture? Measuring H&S culture is one area where confusion has reigned partly because of the many terms that have been used to describe what constitutes and influences a H&S culture. Some studies have referred to the parts which form, shape or make up H&S culture as characteristics (Hudson, 1999:8-1; Molenaar et al., 2002:19; Fitzgerald, 2005:325; Molenaar et al., 2009:488), indicators (Flin, Means, O’Connor & Bryden, 2000:178; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628), factors (Misnan, Mohammed, Mahmood, Mahmud, & Abdullah, 2008:1911), determinants (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114), elements(Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628), enablers (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114), and attributes (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:116) of H&S 58 culture. It is therefore important to know what these terms mean to partly reduce the confusion. The Oxford dictionary (2002) defines the identified terms as follows: 1. Attributes: (v) or attribute is a characteristic quality. An object traditionally associated with a person or thing. It can also be referred to as characteristic or feature; 2. Characteristic: (adj) a typical feature or quality of something or somebody. A distinguishing feature; 3. Determinant: (n) A factor which determines the nature or outcome of something; 4. Element/content: (n) A basic part of something. It can also be referred to as component, constituent; 5. Enabler: (v) This is from the word enable which is to provide with the ability or means to do something. To make possible; 6. Factor: (n) A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result; 7. Indicator: (n) a thing that indicates a state or level. A scrutiny of the above terms reveals that the terms ‘attribute’ and characteristic refer to the description of quality of something. Therefore, with reference to culture this would refer to the quality or an identifying feature such as a reporting culture. The term ‘determinant’ and ‘factor’ refer to a circumstance or aspect that will contribute to a result. Therefore, referring to culture, this term would describe an influence that has a bearing on the quality or type of the culture. In other words, without the factor or determinant it is impossible to have the type or quality of culture being sought. Factors therefore may be leading indicators of a H&S culture. The term ‘enabler’ on the other hand is more of a catalyst to achieving a result. A type or quality of the culture does not necessarily depend on the enabler but it would be beneficial if it is present. An ‘indicator’ is a thing usually described as being an object such as a meter, a clock, etc. that indicates the level of a result. Therefore, with reference to H&S culture, this could be an instrument or certain exhibits from the culture that could be observed or measured to tell the type or quality of the prevailing culture. 59 From the definition of culture, it is said to be composed or consisted of beliefs, values, assumptions, knowledge and attitudes (IOSH, 2004:6; Biggs et al., 2005:2; IET, 2009:1). Therefore beliefs, values, assumptions, knowledge and attitude are “elements” of culture generally and in particular H&S culture. Hudson (1999:8-3) correctly refers to beliefs and values as components of a H&S culture. An element is a part of something or somebody. Because the elements, namely beliefs, values, knowledge, assumptions and attitude constitute H&S culture, they collectively dictate behaviour in all members of a group because behaviour is an outcome of culture (Cooper, 2000:116; Reason, 2000b:13). On the other hand, the external or internal forces that influence or determine H&S culture are referred to as factors of H&S culture. Both elements and factors can inform of the prevailing culture. An attempt to measure these can therefore inform of the level of H&S culture that is prevalent in a project, organisation or industry. Assessing or measuring H&S is however not easy and is a subject that is without controversy. Consequently there is no agreement on the method that should be used to measure culture (Cooper, 2000:111; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628). Therefore the continued debate on how culture should be measured and what methods should be used has resulted in problems to operationalise the concept. Nevertheless, it has been established that culture can be determined by either measuring the elements that make up H&S culture or the factors that determine H&S culture. Both these aspects are leading indicators. However, the elements are intangible and therefore measurement may be problematic. On the other hand, it is relatively easier to measure factors. Factors of H&S culture can be thought of in terms of factors that contribute to the health of an individual. The health of an individual is dependent on the diet that that individual is following. Following a good healthy diet could result in a better health. In this case, the diet is a contributor or a ‘factor’ but not the only ‘determinant’ to the health of that individual. Diet is therefore in this case a leading indicator of the individual’s health. It is certain that a good diet will result in good health. On the other hand, a bad diet may result in bad health immediately, or after some years. However, for positive results, emphasis should be placed on a good diet. Molenaar et al., (2002:27) illustrate this point by referring to a cholesterol test. They contend that just as a poor cholesterol test does not absolutely predict a heart 60 attack, a poor H&S culture test does not indicate an impending accident. However, both are good indicators that a catastrophe is more likely and therefore change is required. Factors of H&S culture In order to be able to assess or measure the factors which are essentially leading indicators of H&S culture, the factors should be known first. According to Chinda & Mohamed, (2008:128), the aspect of leadership, policy and strategy of an organisation, people, partnerships and resources, processes and goals are key contributors to and shape the outcome of a H&S culture. In order to change culture, that is to influence culture positively, IOSH (2004:7) contend that there is need for commitment to change and there has to be leadership at the highest management level. Wiegmann et al., (2002:11) identified organisational commitment and involvement, employee empowerment, a reward and reporting system as being contributors to the H&S culture of an organisation. Specific aspects such as education and training have also been identified as vital contributors to a good H&S culture (Fitzgerald, 2005:326; Pellicer & Molenaar, 2009:44). In a study by Choudhry et al. (2009:46), 11 factors were identified namely commitment and involvement, procedure, psychological and economical features, self-esteem, workers’ experience, performance pressure, working environment, job security and education as being contributors to the H&S culture of an organisation. Other factors such as communication (Gadd & Collins 2002:14; Mohamed, 2002:376; IOSH, 2004:7; Dingsdag et al., 2006:2; Havold, 2007:175, IET, 2009:1); competence (Gadd & Collins,2002:12; Mohamed, 2002:376; IOSH, 2004:6; IET, 2009:1), and leadership (Fitzgerald, 2005:325; Dingsdag et al., 2006:2; IET, 2009:1) have also been identified to contribute to H&S culture. Risk perception of workers (Entec 1999:16; Flin et al. 2000:186; Gadd & Collins, 2002:14) and more generally policies, procedures and rules equally contribute to H&S culture (Flin eta al, 2000:180; Mohamed, 2003:81; Fernandez-Muniz et al. 2007:628). In addition, the aspect of performance measurement and feedback of results, determines the prevailing H&S culture (Pidgeon & O’Leary, 2000:18; Gadd & Collins, 2002:17; IOSH, 2004:11; Fitzgerald, 2005:326). Other authors add the factors of rewards, incentives and 61 disincentives to factors that determine H&S culture (Wiegmann et al., 2002:12; Molenaar et al., 2009:493). Table 5 is a summary of the factors of H&S culture that have been identified. The factors common to most studies include leadership; involvement; procedures; commitment; communication and competence. These have been found to be common to most studies and some have been combined in to one factor. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Procedures/rules /policy/plans X X X X X X X X X Competence /Training/talks X Involvement Commitment Booth(1995) Glendon & McKenna (1995) Entec (1999 Flin et al. (2000) Pidgeon & O’Leary (2000) Gadd & Collins (2002) Wiegmann et al. (2002) IOSH (2004) Fitzgerald (2005) Human Engineering (2005) Dingsdag et al.(2006) Parker et al. (2006) Wamuziri (2006) Havold (2007) IET (2009) Molenaar et al. (2009) Leadership Cultural element Communication Table 5: Common factors of H&S culture X X X X X X X X X X X x X X H&S leadership The Leadership factor seemed to be common to a number of studies on culture (Booth, 1995, IOSH, 2004, Fitzgerald, 2005, Dingsdag et al., 2006, IET, 2009). Leadership is a critical factor of H&S culture and has been recognised as such in many studies (Harvey, 2002; Hopkins, 2006; Baram & Schoebel, 2007; Choudhry et 62 al., 2007; Mengolini & Debarberis, 2007). Since leadership is a critical factor of H&S culture, there is need therefore to start looking at how clients for example are leading. Krause & Weekley (2005:34) argue that H&S improvement to higher levels require a new approach to leadership in H&S that accounts for the leader’s role in reducing exposure and in creating a climate and culture which is favourable for H&S. Consequently the type of leadership they are talking about is a H&S leadership that can be demonstrated through inter alia, incorporating H&S considerations at every level of decision making, having a policy on H&S, active monitoring of H&S programmes, monitor and control all stakeholders and coordination of all stakeholders involved (Lingard et al., 2009:134).By so doing, clients will set the tone for H&S and impact the overall project culture. Furthermore, clients also need to be involved in H&S programs apart from providing leadership. Involvement Involvement, whether of clients, contractor’s top management, designers or employees has been mentioned in many studies to be a factor of H&S culture (Flin et al., 2000; Gadd & Collins, 2002; Wiegmann et al., 2002; Fitzgerald, 2005; Teo et al., 2006; IET, 2009; Molenaar et al., 2009). The involvement factor is critical to H&S culture (ACRCCI, 2001:24; Harvey et al., 2002:31; Mohamed, 2003:82; Grote, 2008:452). All stakeholders including employees are considered to be involved in H&S management by inter alia the, extent to which they get personally involved in critical H&S activities; presence and contribution to H&S meetings, planning sessions; management’s contribution to training; active management oversight of H&S critical operations; ability of management to “stay-in touch” and extent to which there is good communication about H&S issues from and between all stakeholders. According to Teo et al. (2006:1586), it is difficult to inculcate a H&S culture in an organisation or indeed a project if management is not involved. Involvement however also entails having procedures in place for H&S management. Procedures The term procedures, was taken to be a combination of various terms or descriptions such as the established processes, rules, programs and protocols. Procedures therefore may include inter alia monitoring and analysis of H&S implementation (evaluation) (Cheung et al., 2004:160; Makino, 2006:2); formal inspections and audits (Entec, 63 1999:40; Toellner, 2001:44); H&S planning and definition of goals (Saurin et al., 2005:1182); schedule H&S in prequalification and contracts for all parties; performance measurement (Pidgeon & O’Leary, 2000:21; Gadd & Collins, 2002:15; Fitzgerald, 2005:327); established rules, policies, programs and protocol (Flin et al., 2000:188; Mohamed, 2003:81; Fernández-Muñiz, 2007:628); having a H&S structure (Entec, 1999:43); hazard identification and risk assessment and H&S design, plan and specification (Entec, 1999:39; Teo et al., 2006:1587). A review and thematic analysis of H&S culture indicated that having formal procedures has an influence on H&S culture (Glendon & Stanton, 2000:206; Flin et al., 2000:180; Wiegmann et al., 2002:11; Dingsdag et al., 2006:3; Havold, 2007:191; Molenaar et al., 2009:495). However, having procedures alone is not enough because there has to be commitment from all involved and especially the client. Commitment H&S commitment especially from management such as clients, contractor top management or indeed designers has also been recognised to be critical to H&S performance (Entec, 1999:39; Flin et al., 2000:179; Toellner, 2001:47; Mohamed, 2003:81). Commitment to H&S can be demonstrated by inter alia the client for example having a positive attitude toward H&S (Misnan & Mohammed, 2007:403); actively promoting H&S in a consistent manner across all levels; providing adequate finance and other resources for the implementation of H&S and by supporting the development and implementation of various H&S activities (Misnan & Mohammed, 2007:403). Commitment could also be seen through for example the client establishing a reward system for a safe behaviour; conducting regular H&S tours (Toellner, 2001:47); getting involved in incident, accidents and ill-health investigations and essentially through that observable effort to ensure every aspect of operations and work schedules are routinely evaluated and modified if necessary (Cooper, 2009:37). Probably the best descriptor of commitment for the client could be elevating the status of H&S above production and profits in everything that the client does and this can be seen in their attitude to say workers stopping work because of a H&S issue. Management commitment is key in influencing the H&S culture of an organisation (Gadd & Collins, 2002:4; Wiegmann, 2002:11, IOSH, 2004:7; Havold, 2007:175; 64 Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628; Choudhry et al., 2009:211). Management attitude, and therefore commitment, can influence many aspects of the organisation and project, including success of H&S initiatives, reporting of near-misses, incidents and accidents; employees taking work related risks; influencing production pressures; health interventions; effectiveness and credibility of H&S officers and committees (Gadd & Collins, 2002:22). Issues such as the status of H&S officers and the effectiveness of H&S committees can also be a reflection of management commitment. Further, management commitment could be seen in worker perceptions which inform things such as employees’ willingness to report near misses, incidents, and or accidents (Gadd & Collins, 2002:22). Clearly management commitment is an important factor to H&S culture. However commitment is also a function of H&S communication (Hofmann & Morgeson 1999:288). Therefore characterisation of H&S culture may not be adequate without the H&S communication factor. Communication H&S communication factor is widely recognised in many studies as being critical to H&S management (Entec, 1999; Dingsdag et al., 2006; Gadd & Collins, 2002; Mohamed, 2003; IOSH, 2004; Havold, 2007; IET, 2009). Effective H&S communication may entail inter alia having, formal reporting systems (Mearns et al., 2003:644); feedback system; worker involvement in planning and review of H&S, effective dissemination of risk findings to all stakeholders; clear H&S policy statements on expected performance standards regarding H&S; risk control information available to all stakeholders (Mearns et al., 2003:670); H&S briefings, posters and or bulletins (Human Engineering, 2005:10). The communication system may also be said to be working properly if all parties are comfortable to use the reporting system. It is also important to observe that it is not so much the channels of communication that matter but also the quality of communication (Entec, 1999:19). Competence The competence factor includes the aspect of education and training (Entec, 1999:4; INSAG, 2002:5; Bomel, 2001:8.3; Fitzgerald, 2005:326; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007;631). ; In addition competence also refers to the capacity of the organisation to manage considering its skills and experience (Gadd & Collins, 2002:12). It has been 65 argued that increasing the skill and competence base of H&S critical role holders would lead to behaviours that would build and maintain a H&S culture that would work according to external industry demands and influences (Cipolla et al., 2006:4). An organisation can therefore be considered competent if: it has permanent H&S staff, conducts H&S training at all levels; H&S staff have knowledge and the skills that are accompanied by formal qualifications in H&S management. Training, which is just one aspect of the competence factor, has been identified to be critical to H&S performance in many studies (Entec, 1999; Biggs et al., 2005; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007; Molenaar et al., 2009). Therefore a level of training activities obtaining in an organisation can be indicative of the level of that organisation’s competence. Conversely this factor is essential to H&S culture because it impacts behaviour (Molenaar et al., 2009:489). Table 6 summarises the indicators of factors of H&S culture as discussed in this section. However, the internal culture of an organisation is also influenced by other external factors. Cooper (2000:113) rightly argues that culture does not operate in a vacuum it affects and is affected by external factors. Therefore, the next section describes the external factors namely: legislative, political, economic, technology and social environment influence on a project culture. The influence of the construction client as an external factor to H&S culture of construction project stakeholders is also discussed. 3.4 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT’S INFLUENCE ON H&S CULTURE 3.4.1 Legislative Legislation has a certain influence on the H&S culture of a nation, industry, organisation and or a construction project. The manner in which people act is conditioned by requirements set at a high level such as legislative (INSAG, 1991:5). According to INSAG (1991:5), the highest level affecting H&S is the legislative level, at which the national basis for H&S culture is set. Consequently the European Union used the legislative framework as one of the tools to promote a culture of risk prevention in their strategy to improve quality and productivity (Lethbridge, 2008:14). Similarly, the health and safety authority (HSA) in Ireland has also advocated for the introduction of a regulatory framework of duties for clients, designers and supervisors to ensure that due consideration is given to the health, safety and welfare of persons at 66 work on construction sites, noting that this was the most appropriate method to improve performance (DoETE, 2006:3). Table 6: Indicators of factors of H&S Culture Factors Indicators Leadership Incorporating H&S considerations at every level of decision making; Having a policy on H&S; Active monitoring of H&S programmes; Monitor and control all stakeholders; Coordination of all stakeholders involved Involvement Extent to which stakeholders get personally involved in critical H&S activities; Presence and contribution to H&S meetings, planning sessions etc.; Management’s contribution to training; Active management oversight of H&S critical operations; Ability of management to stay ‘in-touch’; Extent to which there is good communication about H&S issues from and between all stakeholders; Procedures Monitoring and analysis of H&S implementation; Formal inspections and audits; H&S planning and defined goals; Schedule H&S in prequalification and contracts for all parties; Performance measurement; Established rules, policies and protocol; Having a H&S structure; Hazard identification and risk assessment; H&S design, plan and specification. Commitment Demonstrating, a positive attitude toward H&S; Actively promoting H&S in a consistent manner across all levels Providing adequate finance and other resources for the implementation of H&S; Supporting the development and implementation of various H&S activities; Demonstrating that effort has been put forth to ensure every aspect of operations, and work schedules are routinely evaluated and modified if necessary; Establishing a reward system for safe behaviour; Conducting regular H&S tours; Getting involved in incident, accidents and ill-health investigations; Deliberately setting H&S as an important agenda item in meetings; Elevating the status of H&S above production and profits. 67 Table 6 (continued) Competence communication An organisation having permanent H&S staff; H&S training at all levels; Having H&S knowledge and skills; Conducting induction programmes and refresher courses H&S formal qualifications for H&S staff Formal reporting systems; Formal structured feedback system; Worker involvement in planning and review of H&S; All parties comfortably use the reporting system; Timely and valuable feedback to all parties; Risk findings being disseminated to all concerned; Clear H&S policy statements made by management; Clear statements on expected performance standards regarding H&S; Risk control information being made available to all available; H&S briefings, and or bulletins. Research has shown that legislation or targeted regulations can influence H&S performance of either a project, industry or a stakeholder. A study conducted in South Africa revealed that construction regulations were perceived to have had an impact on H&S performance (CIDB, 2008:11). It was observed from this study that the manifestations of the impact of the construction regulations in South Africa were wide spread and in particular increased H&S awareness and consideration for, or reference to, H&S by project managers and general contractors. A more specific relationship between legislation and H&S performance can be seen from the new ergonomics rule in the USA. An improvement in H&S performance was observed when the rule was introduced in 2000 and it dropped when the rule was repealed to remove it in 2003 (Foley, Silverstein, Polissar & Neradilek, 2009:1). Regulation that is appropriate works. A study conducted in the United Kingdom, by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) informs that about 61% of the respondents felt that the construction industry had become healthier and safer after the implementation of the Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations (CIOB, 2009:20). Despite these notable benefits, other studies have advocated for self-regulation. Under the philosophy of self-regulation, which is a principle that those who create the risks should be responsible for their control (Fairman & Yapp, 2005:498), the central 68 responsibility is placed on each organisation’s management for developing, implementing and monitoring its own H&S management system. Self-regulation may be described as the control of a collective behaviour by an industry or the private parties concerned without the direct involvement of external authorities (Lenox & Nash, 2003:). However, there is contention about whether organisations should be self-regulated or strictly follow government policies. Findings by Lazarevic et al., (2004) for example, were that although the Occupational H&S Act in Australia allowed for businesses to become self-regulated, small companies were not able to do that. In this study respondents argued that the nature of the industry being a conglomeration of small businesses made self-regulation difficult. Further, the lack of a level playing field between small and large companies meant that some would not worry about selfregulation and do whatever was necessary to get the job done cheaply. Lazarevic et al (2004) found that self-regulation was open to too much interpretation and as such there needed to be government regulations to adhere to. Self-regulation as an alternative in the construction industry is likely to be ineffective and therefore not appropriate in developing a suitable H&S culture considering the industry’s uniqueness and complexity. According to a review by Hasle & Limborg (2006), there are high accident risks in smaller enterprises and this is especially the case for fatal and other serious injuries. Hasle & Limborg (2006) observed that the risk is higher in smaller enterprises and the ability to control risks is lower. Therefore the consequences of non-compliance are too severe to exclude the involvement of the courts in enforcement actions. In addition, without explicit sanctions for nonconformance, self-regulation is likely to attract more polluting organisations (Lenox & Nash, 2003:). In most parts of the world the problem is not necessarily with whether the legislative regime is that of forced or self-regulation. The problem appears to be that of enforcement. In the United Kingdom, the House of Commons noted that although, breaches of H&S regulations are serious criminal offences, and legislation provides for penalties, courts have, however, tended not to impose maximum penalties available (House of Commons, 2004:4). The House of Commons suggested that the HSE needed to increase the deterrent effect of prosecution (House of Commons, 69 2004:14). In South Africa, the problem was identified to be that of enforcement describing it to be inadequate (CIDB, 2008:ii). The legislative environment can influence H&S culture. Therefore it is easy for example to allocate resources if there is pressure from regulations. For instance, by demanding that resource allocation for H&S be specified in the proposal, the customer can ensure that money is actually put aside for this purpose, since at this stage the potential contractor is not inclined to question customer demands if the customer is responding to legislative requirements (Torner & Pousette, 2009:402). However, legislative measures alone are not adequate without economic incentives. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2010:24), regulation and economic incentives are complementary. 3.4.2 Economic Critical to the success of a project is the use of incentives as a method for promoting a culture within which technical and process innovation can flourish (Tang et al., 2008:465). Similarly, better results in H&S may be achieved with economic incentives. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2010:9) observe that economic incentives can be effective in promoting H&S. It is in view of this that Elsler & Nikov (2003:913) contend that there is a need for economic incentives to proactively promote H&S. Some of the reasons why economic incentives should be considered include the failure of strict regulation approaches, costs involved in bringing organisations to courts for non-compliance and the low level of fines which have failed to encourage companies to comply (Elsler & Nikov, 2003:911). However, in order for the economic incentives to be effective, they should be directed at organisation or national level (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2010:14). These economic incentives may entail linking fiscal incentives such as lower accident insurance premiums or tax rates to a good H&S performance. Other methods to incentivise employers to implement H&S include matchup funds where a grant is given to an employer equal in amount to the amount to be spent on H&S or linking an incentive amount to a voluntary audit or inspection (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2010:26). According to Tang et al (2008:457), incentives give contractors an opportunity to work in partnership with clients to achieve good results by giving contractors a direct 70 financial stake in the efficient execution of the project and may create a more proactive, cooperative relationship between contracting parties. They argue that incentives enable all parties to make reasonable return and to bear appropriate risks and help to build a flexible system that apportions the risks depending on the circumstances of each party and the ability to bear the risk. The design and use of economic incentives should take into account the constraints and risks of a project, organisation or indeed the Nation (Elsler & Nikov, 2003:913; Tang et al., 2008:457). Incentives should make risk allocation fairer, because incentives can be seen as the sharing of rewards from good performance and this may motivate the participants to perform better (Tang et al., 2008:459). The reason why economic incentives work or are seen as one of the solutions to proactively improve H&S, is partly because of the cost of providing H&S by the project implementers such as contractors. Contractors work at reducing the cost in order for them to remain competitive. Bishop et al (2009:243) rightly argue that the unacceptability of occupational H&S performance of the building and construction industry is attributed to the powerful competitive forces in the industry which ultimately work against H&S. He observed that the industry strives to complete projects on time in order to reduce costs and too often H&S is neglected. The solution may be a cultural and behavioural change and this may only come about by harnessing the competitive forces in the industry to work for occupational H&S. Economic impact on H&S performance can also be seen in the lack of resources. A lack of resources or underfunding for H&S programs limits any action. For example, in Tanzania, less than 1% of the Labour Department’s budget was allocated to occupational H&S (Kamuzora, 2006:65). This kind of allocation can result in a low capacity to enforce legislation and failure to conduct inspection and surveillance. Investment in research and training may be impacted on and one can argue that ultimately the H&S culture may be influenced in a negative way (Kamuzora, 2006:65). According to Cotton et al. (2005:23), contractors or indeed other stakeholders are unlikely to see the need of implementing H&S without the application of incentives or sanctions in the developing countries. 71 The benefits of incentives are clear. The European Agency for Safety and Health and Work (2010:10) demonstrated from a case study of six organisations in Europe that improvements of 25 to 70% were possible with economic incentives. However for the incentives to be effective, they should be provided by national and or international organisations. Consequently political will is necessary for the national or international organisations to be involved. 3.4.3 Political influence Political will, has influenced the H&S culture, especially at national level. Political will was identified as one of the many barriers to the implementation of existing H&S policies at international, national and sector levels (Lethbridge, 2008:14). Lack of political will is a barrier and according to Lethbridge, lack of political will can manifest itself in things such as a low level of ratifications of ILO conventions that address H&S, low level of resources allocated to the management of H&S, and a lack of investment in ensuring compliance as well as capacity building (Lethbridge, 2008:19). Consequently, as Kamuzora (2006:65) rightly contends, a low funding for occupational H&S programs effectively limits any action and results in a poor H&S culture. Political will is even more critical for developing countries. The majority of developing countries do not have adequate political mechanisms to translate for example scientific findings into meaningful occupational H&S policies (Nuwayhid, 2004:1916). Consequently, standards are not enforced by most Government agencies partly because of the lack of an enabling environment to promote H&S (Kheni, et al., 2007:160). Lack of political will is probably the most damaging for occupational H&S policy implementation. Most national governments in developing countries have a centralised type of decision making. A centralised decision making makes it more difficult to implement H&S agreements if there is no political will. Most governments in developing countries are faced with the challenge of for example economic development growth. As a result, H&S standards remain neglected because of these competing social, economic and political challenges (Nuwayhid, 2004:1916; Kamuzora, 2006:65). 72 Political will can also be seen in the allocation of resources or even in the structuring of the government departments. Lethbridge (2008:19) argues that this can be a fundamental problem. The author observes that this problem can be seen in the separation of responsibilities for H&S between different departments. An example would be the management of H&S by two different departments such as the department of Health and that of Labour. Both of these departments handle issues to do with H&S therefore would sometimes result in confusion of roles and inaction. 3.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter has discussed H&S performance improvement, the concept of culture and the influence of the external environment on the organisation’s or industry’s culture. It appears from literature that in order to address H&S performance improvement holistically, measurement has to be conducted, and that success may only be achieved if several approaches are utilised. However what is also apparent is that the H&S culture is increasingly being recognised to be at the centre and critical to H&S performance improvement (Wamuziri, 2006:173; Chinda & Mohamed 2008:114). In addition, the involvement of stakeholders, such as clients, designers and contractors, has also been identified as critical to H&S performance. The use of economic incentives coupled with the deterrent effect of legislation is considered to be effective to influence the prevailing H&S culture 73 CHAPTER FOUR INFLUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION CLIENTS ON PROJECT H&S PERFORMANCE 4.1 CLIENTS’ ROLE IN H&S PERFORMANCE H&S during the construction process is conventionally considered to be the contractor’s responsibility. When construction accidents happen, perceived factors of causation are always associated with the contractor’s management failures or site operative failures to control unsafe site conditions or unsafe actions (Abdelhamid & Everett, 2000:55; Suraji et al., 2006:52). The general perception is that construction H&S is a matter of construction management rather than client’s management or indeed other participants’ management (Suraji et al., 2006:52). Studies concentrating on factors that relate to the contractor create the impression that the main problem is with contractors and therefore H&S performance improvement can only be achieved by addressing contractor issues. It should be appreciated however, that the H&S of any operation is determined long before people, procedures and equipment come together at the work site. In other words before the contractor commences work. As Behm (2005:590) puts it, many if not all hazards are designed into construction projects. Design in this case is a process that happens long before the contractor commences work on site. However, this is not to say contractors have no role in accident causation. To the contrary, contractors’ especially top management has influence over H&S performance. The contractor’s influence on H&S can be seen in the studies that have been undertaken before. It has been found that for a number of accidents, the inappropriate construction planning, construction control and operation are some of the frequent contributing factors (Suraji, Duff & Peckitt, 2001:339). Research also indicates that the attitude of contractor’s top management impacts on H&S. According to Gould & Joyce (2002:367), top management’s attitude can be reflected on the job site in many 74 ways, such as training, housekeeping, toolbox talks, meetings, and adherence to H&S measures, maintenance of equipment and tools, and intolerance of violations. It is a natural tendency for those in authority to exert control and show exemplary behaviour to those under them. Managerial commitment is reflected in the H&S culture that is prevalent and the number of accidents that result. Usually, these occur because management allows employees to work in unsafe environments; unsafe conditions to remain in a work environment; at-risk behaviours to continue without intervening; and unsafe machines and equipment to be used. The commitment of top management to H&S determines the successfulness of any H&S programme. A study conducted by Atkinson (1999), revealed that simple errors at management level often surface as operative errors. A similar study, conducted by Mackenzie et al. (1999), revealed that positive action by management within the UK construction industry could have prevented about 70% of the fatalities. Similarly, Yule, Flin & Murdy (2007:139) found that management commitment had a positive effect on worker H&S performance. The commitment of top management is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of H&S in the construction industry as it addresses factors at the construction stage (Human Engineering, 2005:8). It is however unlikely that H&S performance improvement can be achieved throughout the industry by only focusing on addressing issues at the construction stage and the contractor specifically. This is due partly to the difficulty conditions that contractors operate in. Suraji et al. (2006:59) argue that contractors operate under a number of constraints including the actions of designers as well as the action of clients, and therefore may fail to provide safe working conditions, at least in part as a result of these constraints. Despite what Suraji et al. (2006:59) refer to as constraints under which contractors operate, contractors in most parts of the world are also forced by the legislative regime and the power of money to consider H&S as a fundamental part of project management (Shash & Ahcom, 2006:68). One may argue therefore that most 75 contractors are only complying because they are forced to do it, and questions of sustainability and culture change may therefore arise. The constraints continue to create a negative attitude in some contractors as they are seemingly forced to bear the H&S responsibility alone. Therefore, in most cases contractors opt for non-compliance as implementing H&S increases operating costs. Loosemore & Andonakis (2007:587), in a research conducted in Australia among subcontractors, found that cost is by far the greatest barrier to compliance by contractors. They found that it is possible when contractors perceive compliance to exceed the benefits in terms of cost; to opt for non-compliance or simply turn a blind eye to issues of H&S. The first element to be eliminated when it comes to cost reduction would most probably be H&S. With such contractor problems for instance, there is a need to move upstream for interventions. Bomel (2001:5.3) suggest that the culture of client organisations presents considerable opportunities for H&S improvement in the construction industry. Therefore, there should be an increasing interest to find interventions that address client issues and procedures as well. Striving for better H&S performance will remain elusive if the client is not seen to be actively involved in H&S implementation. Huang & Hinze (2006a:164) rightly argue that the involvement of clients is an essential requirement for the zero injuries objective. The importance of the client to H&S management is well documented. Construction H&S can be successfully influenced by clients (Smallwood, 1998:182; Bomel, 2001:5.3; Lingard et al., 2009:132). Clients are usually at the centre of most decisions that are made on construction projects; many of these decisions have an impact on the H&S outcome. It is because of this that Suraji et al. (2001:340) for instance, contend that construction accidents may be caused by client’s inappropriate responses to certain constraints and the environment. Examples of such constraints could be client responses, which could be actions or omissions in response to constraints that emerge during the development of a project scope such as reducing the project budget, adding new project criteria, changing project objectives and accelerating the design or construction efforts of the project. Suraji et al. (2001:340) argue that all of these examples are factors that may 76 impact negatively on H&S depending on the decisions that clients may make. There is therefore no argument that clients have a positive role to play in lowering injury rates (Smallwood, 1998:181; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:164) and by extension, the possibility of a change in the construction project H&S culture. Successful implementation of H&S depends on the extent to which clients participate in the process (Loosemore et al., 1999:884). Leadership in H&S must come from clients. Without this, the construction industry has a long way to go in changing attitudes and ultimately the H&S culture (Loosemore et al., 1999:884). There are several activities which could for example show client participation. Levitt & Samuelson (1993:215) observed that one of the activities through which the client can make a difference is monitoring. It is argued that clients must take responsibility to prevent accidents for example by carefully considering H&S control in ordering works, exercising supervision, and issuing instructions (Watanabe & Hanayasu, 1999:60). By so doing, many affirm that clients can influence H&S on site (Smallwood, 1998:182; Suraji et al., 2001:339; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:172). Consequently H&S culture within client organisations is important because H&S culture has been identified to have an impact on H&S goals (Dingsdag et al., 2006:2). However, from evidence in several earlier studies it seems that most clients have not shown serious commitment to H&S. A study conducted by Smallwood (1998) in South Africa found that most clients give priority equally to cost and quality in comparison to H&S being largely overlooked. This situation is a challenge to H&S performance improvement. A further challenge is the perception that H&S management is primarily the responsibility of contractors, despite the emergence in recent times of legislative and regulatory frameworks that redistribute responsibility for construction H&S to all parties involved in the construction process. Interventions, such as H&S audits, are usually designed only to find risks or hazards at the technical or operational level but less concern at managerial level of the project organisation as a whole. Few strategies are directed at improving upstream elements including those involving clients. H&S 77 campaigns are only made for operatives rather than for those who are involved during the concept or design phases of a construction project (Suraji et al., 2006:51). A study conducted by Alinaitwe (2008) revealed that the majority of clients do not regularly attend the scheduled project meetings because, on average, they attended about 40% of those scheduled. Lack of regular attendance at meetings implies that the clients do not always keep track of the project developments. This might lead to variations for which the client might not have a clear background. Public clients in most parts of the world are even worse off in terms of performance. According to Alinaitwe (2008:76), public clients are seldom good clients. There is usually poor financial planning and management involved. Architects are not sure whether clients provide adequate support to the contractors in ensuring the H&S of workers (Alinaitwe, 2008:76). The author observes that this situation could be the reason for many accidents in the building industry in Uganda. Not surprisingly from this study, the majority of architects believed that the productivity of workers was influenced by the way clients play their roles (Alinaitwe, 2008:76). A review of literature confirms that examination of the role and culture of clients are almost absent from most studies. Most studies focus on the construction phase of projects and the related operational processes of contractors (Sawacha et al., 1999; Hudson, 2001; Carder & Ragan, 2003; Saurin et al., 2003; Teo et al., 2005). The exception however, is the study by Huang & Hinze (2006a) which focused on clients. Clients, if involved, can influence worker health & safety (Smallwood, 1998:182; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:172). Using total recordable injury rate (TRIR), to determine the relationship between H&S Performance and owner involvement, Huang & Hinze (2006a) demonstrated that clients can influence H&S outcomes. Smallwood (1998:189) found that most general contractors believed that the client could potentially influence their H&S performance. According to Suraji et al. (2006:62), improving H&S means making clients, client representatives, designers and contractors as well as employees be aware of their roles in the improvement process. Huang & Hinze (2006a:164) further argue that participation of clients is an essential requirement for the zero injuries objective. In 78 fact according to Gambatese (2000:668), owners should participate with contractors in all project’s H&S activities. Clients could be involved in setting up work procedures, raising awareness, requiring attendance at meetings and appointments because these have been found to be effective in H&S performance improvement (Smallwood 1998:189; Said, Shafiel & Omran, 2009:129). Clients could further show commitment and involvement by conducting regular audits and inspections (Smallwood 1998:189; Human Engineering, 2005:9). Huang & Hinze (2006a:172) further elucidate that clients could show commitment, by providing adequate resources for H&S instead of relying on contractors. This could include inter alia, providing financial support, the inclusion of H&S as a prequalification criterion for contractors, scheduling H&S requirements prior to bidding process structuring contract documentation to allow for H&S, and selecting suitable contractors (Smallwood 1998:182; Huang & Hinze, 2006a:165). Successful implementation of H&S depends on the extent to which construction clients participate and assign resources to the process. The opportunity to improve H&S performance exists with the clients because they bear the responsibility for example, in selecting design consultants, who are able to offer designs that are not only safe to use, but also are capable of being built safely (Bomel, 2001:8.18; Alinaitwe 2008:74). It also follows that since clients are the initiators of projects, and without their decision to develop, projects would not be implemented. Therefore it is only reasonable to deduce that risks should be equitably apportioned between client and contractor (Tang et al., 2008:457). In addition, focus on H&S performance should also be directed at construction clients. H&S performance improvement depends on the extent to which clients provide leadership on H&S matters. Loosemore, Lingard, Walker, & Mackenzie (1999:884) argue that the lead must come from clients themselves on H&S. They maintain that without client’s leadership, the construction industry has a long way to go in changing attitudes and the H&S culture. According to Levitt & Samuelson (1993:215) simple monitoring exercises can show leadership, as it makes a difference, and that excellent H&S performance can be obtained with the active participation of clients, even from average contractors. It is argued that clients have the moral if not the legal duty to take reasonable care to ensure H&S to all workers on construction sites (Suraji et al., 79 2006:55). Client leadership can be achieved by the client considering carefully H&S control in ordering works, exercising supervision, and providing instructions. According to Huang & Hinze (2006b:181), clients set the H&S culture tone for a project. 4.2 ROLE OF CLIENTS IN DESIGNING FOR H&S Designing for H&S can help improve H&S performance in the construction industry (Gambatese, Behm & Hinze, 2005:1035; Hecker, Gambatese and Weinstein, 2005:35). Designing for H&S entails consideration of H&S in the design of structures or appraising designs in terms of H&S and then action plans are developed to ensure that risks are engineered out of the system before they are able to cause injury, disease, damage, or even loss of life on site. Behm (2005:590) defines design for construction H&S as being the consideration of site H&S in the design of a project. Therefore according to Behm (2005:590) designing for H&S includes: modifications to the permanent features of the construction project in such a way that construction site H&S is considered; attention during preparation of plans and specifications for construction in such a way that construction site H&S is considered; the utilisation of specific H&S suggestions in the design for construction; and the communication of risks regarding the design in relation to the site and the work to be performed (Behm, 2005:590). Similarly, Hecker et al. (2005:32), consider design for H&S as interventions to eliminate hazards before they appear on the jobsite. The foci of designing for construction H&S efforts are typically the incorporation of construction knowledge in the design effort and consideration of H&S early on and throughout the project. Hinze et al. (1999:400), advocate for a holistic approach of designing for the entire life cycle of a project, including the construction process. Effectively addressing construction H&S issues means that the designer must consciously assess the implications of each construction phase on H&S as the facility is being built. It means therefore that a thorough risk assessment of each design component should be done (Hinze et al., 1999:420). 80 Design should include the design specification and requirements at one end and the instructions and procedures for use at the other. Safe design therefore means a design that allows and conditions, as far as feasible, healthy and safe use across the whole life cycle including demolition and disposal. However, this conclusion also has implications for the definition of “design errors’. There should not be therefore talk of “design errors” but rather of errors in a specified step in the design process. Design for H&S therefore calls for an extensive knowledge on H&S as opposed to a mere general awareness of the subject (Hale et al., 2007:315). The probable reason design is touted as one of the solutions to the problem of H&S is that design is driven largely by a logical conclusion that systems development begin with design, and therefore design offers the earliest, and hopefully, the cheapest place to intervene and ensure it is done correctly (Hecker et al., 2005:32; Hale et al., 2007:308; Frijters & Swuste, 2008:280). This statement makes sense because in order for a problem to be solved, the root cause should be addressed first. However designers have to be compelled or motivated to design for H&S. According to Hale et al. (2007:309), the factors that compel designers to consider H&S in their designs include: ethical considerations and concern for the organisation’s reputation; liability claims resulting from damage and injury; and at a legal level an increasing emphasis is placed on the liability of the designer for incorrect design decisions. However, Hale et al. (2007:310) contend that this liability is limited in most cases, whether under strict liability or tort law systems, to what the designer has control of and can reasonably be expected to do. Apart from these factors, some designers lack motivation to consider H&S in their designs. According to Gambatese et al. (2005:1030), some of the factors that have contributed to designers’ lack of motivation to design for H&S and therefore a barrier to H&S improvement include inter alia: weak or absent regulatory requirements for designers to design for the H&S of construction workers; placement of responsibility on the contractor; liability concerns among architects and engineers; narrow specialisation of construction and design; 81 limited availability of safety-in-design tools, guidelines and procedures; limited pre-construction collaboration between the designer and the contractor due to the traditional contracting structure of the construction industry; the limited education architects and engineers receive on issues of construction worker H&S and how to design for H&S; the structure of the construction contracting process; a lack of knowledge and acceptance of the concept; competing project objectives; and motivation to implement the concept (Gambatese et al., 2005:1030). Limited education on H&S is a challenge in designing for H&S. There is little knowledge by designers concerning problems such as on how the operation or construction will be undertaken (Kirwan, 2007:161). Furthermore, Kirwan (2007:161) argue that there is often little detail, if any, on the procedures to be followed when implementing the design. This, according to him, amounts to a lack of a mature operational concept, one that is sufficiently detailed to allow H&S hypotheses (e.g. what would happen if….?) to be answered (other than - well it depends how we operate or implement it’). Kirwan (2007:161) argue that this problem, coupled with the requirement of H&S assessment of new concepts, requires incorporating expert judgements where data is not available or not representative. There is need therefore for designers to be adequately equipped in H&S. Apart from a lack of motivation and qualification on the part of designers, a further problem or barrier to achieving a total design for H&S is the nature of design being a distributed process especially in the construction industry. The nature of design as a distributed process raises the same sort of concerns as the division of labour that characterised the Taylorian approach to production and assembly line manufacture (cf Peaucelle, 2000). The Taylorian approach led to problems because no individual participant in the process has the overview of, or the sense of ownership for, the product being made (Suarez-Barazza, Ramis-Pujol & Heras, 2010:77). Such Taylorian production lines only work when there is a strong central planning and control function, which ensures this overview and the necessary communication and optimisation. The same lack of ownership of the total design and the problems of interfaces between the different actors can be seen in the design process in the 82 construction industry and therefore pose a problem or barrier to H&S Improvement (Hale et al., 2007:312). Notwithstanding the identified barriers, designers can have an impact and significantly reduce the number of injuries and fatalities by considering construction H&S in their designs (Weinstein et al., 2005:1126). One of the benefits of an early involvement of designers is that it will lead designers to think about H&S from the start rather than thinking that it is something that comes later and does not form part of their job or concern (Kirwan, 2007:162). Other residual benefits which are very important and have a lasting impact and influence on H&S are the new cultures that are created. A H&S culture can be enhanced by early consideration of H&S in the design process. Not only do the designers become more exposed to H&S and its mission and practices, but other stakeholders from the project managers to contractors taking part in early simulations, realise that H&S is being addressed in a useful way and therefore reinforcing its importance for all concerned and its continual presence throughout the entire project life cycle (Kirwan, 2007:162). The concept of designing for H&S has benefits, and these are well documented, and probably the reason it is also advocated for. A number of studies have indicated that design can influence H&S on construction sites. They include an investigation across aviation and nuclear industries by Kinnersley & Roelen (2007). They found that 50% of all accidents had their root in design; Gibb et al. (2004) who observe that in almost 50% of accident cases, design is involved; a study by Behm (2006) who found that design was linked to accidents in approximately 34% of the 450 accidents that he analysed.; Hecker et al. (2004) study which identified elements in design, planning, scheduling, and material specifications as probable contributors to working conditions that pose risks to musculoskeletal injuries during the actual construction process; and an examination by Loughborough & UMIST (2003) of 100 accidents. They found that up to half of the accidents could have been mitigated through a design change. 83 Therefore addressing H&S at the design stage may offer an opportunity to improve H&S performance in the construction industry. It cannot be denied that consideration of H&S in design of facilities is a very significant step in working towards H&S performance improvement. Kirwan (2007:162) argue that since accidents often have their roots in design, the sooner H&S is introduced the better. In particular, hazard causes identified early on may become more difficult to find or correct later, with the risk that they become latent errors in the system design. As a result of this realisation, building designers in Europe, now have a legal obligation to take working conditions throughout the project into account in their designs. The obligation contained in Directive 92/57/EEC is now incorporated in most European Union Countries’ laws. However, in order for H&S design to be effectively used as an intervention, albeit not on its own, an additional need exists to address procurement systems and this can only be successfully done with the client’s involvement (Hecker, Gambatese & Weinstein, 2005:43). This means that different types of projects require different approaches in design. The type of project delivery method can impact the extent to which H&S is addressed in the design. The forms of project delivery essentially alter the roles played by the different parties, and most importantly, the allocation of responsibility (therefore liability) is also redistributed. For example, the traditional design-bid-build approach and others of a similar nature keep the parties apart and there is presumably no payback for the designer to address construction worker H&S. In this way, the designer is a stand-alone entity, and as an isolated entity, designers often revert to their traditional role of not getting involved in addressing H&S (Gambatese et al., 2005:1031). Where there is no existing organisation with a powerful central role in managing the parallel design processes, there is a task for government or other such clients in bringing together the players in the design process to define and coordinate their roles. This view is endorsed by Hale et al. (2007:313), who argue that for designs within the diverse systems with many uncoordinated players, the issues of responsibility for predicting risks and making choices to control them is very important and is only sometimes identified. However, according to Hale et al., (2007:313), the allocation of responsibilities and above all the possibility of checking and enforcing that those responsibilities are carried out, is almost non-existent. The best practice for coping 84 with the fragmented design process by different professionals is bound to differ across different systems, but there should be more explicit attention to this question in the sectors with less developed design processes. The solution may however lie with the client taking a lead role. Gambatese et al. (2005:1031) argue that the client is the key to getting the designer involved in the H&S process because the client can influence the way the project is procured, and address specific issues regarding H&S in the bid documents, including organisation for the project. It is also clients who can ensure that opportunities are created for designer-contractor interaction in the course of specific projects as this has been identified as critical to designing for H&S (Cosman, 2004:59). Furthermore, it is the client that can convince designers of the role that they have to play. The client is vital to getting the designer involved in the H&S process because the client can alter the way in which the project is procured and address specific issues regarding H&S in the contract as well as the coordination (Gambatese et al., 2005:1031). According to Huang & Hinze (2006b:181), clients set the H&S culture tone for a project even by emphasising designing for H&S. 4.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY Chapter four discussed the role of the client on H&S performance and particularly on their influence on design. H&S performance improvement depends on the extent to which clients provide leadership on H&S matters. Without client’s leadership, the construction industry has a long way to go in changing attitudes and the H&S culture. Simple monitoring exercises can show leadership and excellent H&S performance can be obtained even from average contractors with the active participation of clients. Furthermore, literature informs that it is the client that can convince designers of the role that they have to play. The client is vital to getting the designer involved in the H&S process because the client can alter the way in which the project is procured and address specific issues regarding H&S in the contract as well as the coordination. Clients set the H&S culture tone for a project 85 CHAPTER FIVE RESEARCH METHODS 5.1 INTRODUCTION A number of studies exist on H&S performance improvement in the construction industry at an international level but little has been done at the local level in the Southern African region. Studies have been conducted on the awareness and implementation of H&S in Botswana (Musonda & Smallwood, 2008), impact of construction regulations in South Africa (Smallwood & Haupt, 2007), designers’ perceptions on H&S implementation in South Africa (Smallwood, 1998) and a review of the status of H&S in South Africa (CIDB, 2008). There is little if any that has been written on the improvement of H&S in the construction industry in Southern Africa especially looking at the role of construction clients and how they can contribute to H&S improvement. The above scenario, coupled with the fact that the construction industry does not have an enviable record on H&S performance (Dias, 2004:1; Karjalainen, 2004:3; Ringen & Englund, 2006:388), motivated the commencement of this particular study. This study therefore set out to achieve the listed general objectives below. These were to: GO1. establish from literature, the status of H&S in the construction industry, the role of clients, designers and the top management of contractors in H&S performance; GO2. examine current trends in H&S performance improvement; GO3. establish the role and impact of construction clients and their potential contribution to and influence on project H&S performance; GO4. develop a client-centred model for H&S performance improvement in the construction industry; and GO5. validate the conceptualised client-centred model for H&S performance improvement by comparing the Delphi and literature review outcome with the field questionnaire survey outcome. 86 5.2 RESEARCH DESIGN In order to meet the general research objectives, the following strategies were adopted: General objective G01 For the first general objective, which was to establish the status of H&S in the construction industry, a review of literature was conducted on the performance of the construction industry in terms of H&S. Published articles, accidents and incidents reports and status reports were reviewed. Both international and local Southern African status reports and literature were reviewed. The expected outcome from this objective was information as well as a depiction of H&S performance in the construction industry. The information and a general picture were useful for the reader to have an understanding of how the construction industry is performing in terms of H&S and the extent of the problem. General objective G02 The second general objective of the research was to establish the current trends in H&S performance improvement in the construction and manufacturing based industries. This objective entailed that a rigorous and exhaustive review of literature had to be conducted. This review was conducted from a wide source of publications including journals, conference proceedings, books and monographs obtained from the library and the internet. Current topical research is the best source for current ideas on solutions that are being advanced for problems that face mankind and therefore it was decided that in order to achieve the objective, a review of literature on the subject of H&S performance improvement should be done. The expected output from this second general objective was information on the current trends and theories on H&S improvement, especially to determine which areas most studies focus on, what common themes are apparent and the type of methodologies that were used in the research. This information was necessary because it formed the core literature on which the current research project was based. 87 General objective G03 Literature was reviewed to achieve the third general objective, which was to establish how construction clients and other stakeholders could influence H&S performance. Literature was reviewed to identify key responsibilities of various stakeholders but particularly those of construction clients and an attempt was made to establish their role in H&S improvement. The output from this objective was an outline of factors associated with clients that may be critical to H&S performance. General objective G04 The Delphi method was used to achieve the fourth objective which was to determine the impact of client influence on the overall project H&S performance and the extent to which H&S could be improved as a result of client and other stakeholders’ influence. The Delphi method was the best method to use in this instance as the objective entailed soliciting expert opinions on what would happen to H&S performance if there was an influence from various stakeholders particularly from the construction clients. This type of question can only be addressed by methods such as the Delphi and or focus groups apart from experimental procedure which was not feasible for this study. Apart from the Delphi approach, focus groups could have been used except that there was a challenge of bringing international experts to one destination and making them deliberate for a minimum duration of eight hours per day for at least two days. Not only was the focus group method not feasible, it was also considered costly beyond what was budgeted for and it would have defeated the purpose of conducting a rigorous process to achieve the objective. In a Delphi method, bias is eliminated by members of the expert panel remaining completely anonymous to each other and therefore there is no undue influence from other peers. This is not the case when using the focus group method. The expected output was an estimation of the extent to which project H&S performance could be improved if influenced by construction clients as well as an identification of factors that are critical to H&S performance. From these factors and interrelationships, a conceptual model, which was centred on the client, was developed for H&S improvement. 88 General objective G05 A questionnaire survey was conducted and the collected data was analysed using structural equation modelling in order to achieve the fifth general objective of the research which was to test and validate the conceptual model. Data obtained from the questionnaire sought to establish the influence of clients on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. In addition, the influence of the external environment factors on client H&S performance was investigated. The method was considered to be suitable for the type of information that was being collected as the basic aim was to establish H&S practice in the construction industry. A detailed explanation of the survey concerning population, sampling procedure and analysis of results is presented in the methods section. The expected output from the fifth objective was information on the goodness-of-fit of the conceptual model to the sample data. This information was then used to validate the postulated model and to finalise the best fit model for H&S performance improvement. 5.3 METHODS Table 7 summarises the research methods that were employed to achieve the general objectives of the research. Figure 8 is an outline of how the entire study was conducted. The first stage involved establishing the need for the study, conducting a review of literature and theorising on client influence on H&S performance. The second stage involved conducting a Delphi study, developing a conceptual model and evolving a questionnaire for the survey at the third stage. The third and final stage involved conducting a survey, analysing and modelling the results, determining the best fit model and comparing the conceptual model to the sample data from the questionnaire survey. 89 Table 7: Research procedure followed in current study Stage General Objective Data collection Method Data analysis method Establish status of H&S in construction industry Establish current theories and literature on H&S improvement Establish clients’ role and influence on H&S performance Literature review Literature synthesis Literature review Literature synthesis Literature review Literature synthesis 2.0 Delphi method Determine impact of client influence on H&S performance Delphi technique Desk study 3.0 Questionnaire survey Develop a Client-centred conceptual model for H&S performance improvement Test and validate conceptual model for H&S performance improvement Questionnaire survey 1.0 Literature review 90 Output Status of H&S in construction industry Theories and literature on H&S improvement Client Factors associated with good H&S performance Descriptive statistics Consensus on Impact level of client influence on H&S performance Client-centred model Theory Structural equation modelling (SEM) o EQS o MPlus Information to validate conceptual modelGoodness-of-fit test results Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Questionnaire Develop conceptual model based on clients’ influence Evaluate Clients’ influence on H&S performance Delphi Analyse & model results to validate conceptual model Literature review Best fit model & recommendations Need for study Figure 8: Research design outline (Adapted from Manu, Ankrah, Proverbs & Suresh, 2010:29) 5.3.1 Literature review Literature is the foundation of research (Boote & Beile, 2005:3). Review of literature is one of the most important aspects of developing a study and also as a way to know what has already been written on the subject, methodologies that have been used to investigate similar concepts or phenomena and to establish the trends on the solutions that are being advanced to solve the many problems that face mankind (Heppner & Heppner, 2004:52). It was therefore necessary to conduct a literature review in order to establish the general H&S status in the construction industry from research work of others; theories and literature on H&S performance improvement ; and client factors associated with good H&S performance in the industry. In order to guarantee integrity and sophistication of the study, effort was made to ensure that the review was thorough and exhaustive. Studies reviewed were synthesised and they considered methods adopted or used in other studies. A critical review of methods adopted in other studies also ensured that the study did not only report the claims made in the existing literature because this is one of the remedies against the trap of simply reporting other people’s claims (Boote & Beile, 2005:3). 91 The resources used for literature review included books, reviews of articles on the subject both published and unpublished, such as dissertations, people and search engines. Further, names of key leading contributors on the subject where drawn and searched to establish their publication history and then conducted focused searches within these searches. Furthermore, Harzing’s publish or perish software was used to identify articles on the subject that were frequently cited. Articles from these sources were read, re-read and analysed in order to establish the progression of research in the area, specifically on the topic under study. The process of conducting literature review as recommended by Boote & Beile (2005:13) specifically involved, inter alia finding a broad range of high-quality, specific articles, books, dissertations and reviews directly related to the study; reading and re-reading to establish progressions and trends; summarising of the studies read; identifying methodologies adopted in the studies; relating the current study to those reviewed; and writing the literature. The output from the literature review was a clear perspective of the topic and an indication of where the study fits in relation to other studies on the subject as well as provided a framework for comparing the results of the study with others. 5.3.2 Delphi method Suitability of the method The Delphi method was used for the second stage of the study to explore the impact of client H&S culture on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. In addition, the influence of the external environment on client H&S performance was investigated. The Delphi method was first developed by the Rand Corporation (Holey et al., 2007:1). The Delphi method is a structured process requiring experts to respond to non-leading unambiguous statements with the aim of achieving consensus (Holey et al., 2007:1). The Delphi method was preferred to common survey methods because the current study was addressing the ‘what can-if’ kind of questions as opposed to the 92 ‘what is’ kind of questions. Delphi is more suited for these kinds of questions in order to explore concepts that are difficult to measure except through experimental methods. Unfortunately, an experimental survey was not feasible and appropriate for the current study. The Delphi method was also considered to be a robust method for a rigorous query of experts. Unlike ordinary survey research, the Delphi’s strength also lies in the rounds used which provide an opportunity for initial feedback, collation of feedback, and distribution of collated feedback to participations for further review. This unique process requiring group communication is central to the strength of the Delphi (Gohdes & Crews, 2004:56). Selection of Delphi panel members In this study, the Delphi study involved and retained 11 active panel members. This number of panellists was considered adequate based on literature recommendations and experience from what other Delphi studies have used. Skulmoski, Krahn & Hartman (2007:10) suggest that 10 to 15 panellists could be sufficient if the background of the panellists was homogenous. A review by Rowe & Wright (1999) indicates that the size of a Delphi panel has ranged from three to 80 in peer reviewed studies. According to Okoli & Pawlowski (2004:18) and Skulmoski et al., (2007:10) a panel size of about 10 to 18 members is adequate. Hallowell & Gambatese (2010:103) suggest that since most studies incorporate between eight and 16 panellists, a minimum of eight should suffice. The size of the panel should be dictated by characteristics of the study such as the number of available experts, the desired geographical representation and the capacity of the facilitator. Based on this discussion, and the fact that the Delphi method does not depend on the statistical power, but rather on group dynamics for arriving at consensus among experts, the panel of 11 members was considered to be adequate. The selection of panellists was based on criterion sampling. Panellists were purposefully selected to apply their knowledge to a concept raised in the study based on the criteria that was developed from the research questions under investigation. A Delphi study does not depend on a statistical sample that attempts to be representative of any population. It is a group-decision mechanism requiring qualified experts who 93 have a deep understanding of the issues (Okoli et al., 2004:20). Therefore, one of the most critical requirements is the selection of qualified experts because it is the most important step in the entire Delphi process. It directly relates to the quality of the results generated. Therefore, careful selection of the panel of experts is the keystone to a successful Delphi study (Gohdes & Crews, 2004:60; Hsu & Sandford, 2007:3). In view of the above, successful panel members had to meet the following criteria adopted from Skulmoski et al. (2007:10): knowledge and experience in construction H&S; knowledge and experience in construction project management; appropriate academic qualifications; professional registration with a recognised built environment or H&S registration body; published articles in peer reviewed journals, books and or conferences; industry experience of at least five years; capacity and willingness to participate; sufficient time to participate; and effective communication skills. Delphi panel Panel members were identified from three sources. The first source was the CIB W099 register of members located on the CIB W099 website (CIB, 2010: Online). The CIB W099 is a working commission that was set up on royal appointment to enable researchers on construction H&S in the world to collaborate as well as to protect H&S. The second source was the conference proceedings of the CIB W099 from year 2005 to 2009. Individuals who had frequently appeared as authors or keynote speakers in these proceedings were identified as potential experts on the study. CIB W099 conferences are one of the avenues (if not the only avenue) where leading researchers in construction H&S present their research findings and also present as keynote speakers. The third and final source was the references of individuals who had committed their lives working in the area of H&S in the construction industry locally in Southern Africa. 94 From these sources, 48 invitations were sent to the identified potential panel members. Out of 48 invitations, 33 potential panel members responded to the invitation, 15 completed the first round and 11 panel members were retained throughout the study. Panellists were judged to be qualified as experts and included in the study based on their curriculum vitae that they were requested to submit in response to the initial invitation. A Delphi method is a very rigorous and time consuming process and this could have probably led to most of the potential members falling out at the introductory stage when they learnt of their obligations. The panel consisted of two members from South Africa, three from the United States of America (USA), three from the United Kingdom (UK), one each from Singapore, Hong Kong, and Sweden. The continents that were not represented on the panel are South America, Australia and the Middle East. See Table 8. Table 8: Delphi panel composition by Regions Region Number of experts Africa 2 Asia 2 Europe 4 North America 3 Total 11 The panellists’ highest qualifications are as tabulated in Table 9. One panel member had a Doctor of Science (DSc) degree, six had a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees, two panellists had Master of Science (MSc) degrees, one had a bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree and the last panellist had a Diploma in H&S management. All panellists specialized in construction H&S. In terms of the panellists’ current occupation, three of the panellists were employed by contracting organisations, two by consulting organisations, and six by Universities. All panellists held very senior positions in their organisations and were involved in community service. The panel consisted of six professors, a dean at the University, a contracts manager in a multi-national contracting organisation, a private consultant to major international organisations including the International Labour Organisation 95 (ILO) on human resources and safety, a director in a contracting organisation and a H&S coordinator and inspector in a construction companies’ registration body. The panel had a cumulative 243 years of experience. The minimum being seven and the maximum was 45 years. The mode for number of years of experience was 15, the mean was 22.1 years and the median was 15 years. Experience was an important factor in determining who an expert was and therefore a minimum number of years was set to be five years. As can be seen from Table 10, two panellists had 6-10 years of experience, four had 11-20 years of experience, two had 21-30 years of experience and finally three panellists had above 31 years of experience. All panellists were professionally registered at the highest level with profession regulating bodies such as the South African Council for Construction Project Managers, Institute of Civil Engineers, Chartered Institute of Building, American society of Civil Engineers and the Royal Institute of Quantity Surveyors. Two panel members were registered as fellows, four were chartered or professional engineers, two were chartered builders, one was a registered construction project manager and the last one was a registered H&S practitioner. Table 9: Delphi panel composition by highest qualifications Highest qualification Number of experts Doctor of Science ( DSc) 1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 6 Master of Science degree (MSc) 2 Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) 1 Diploma (Dip.) 1 Total 11 96 Table 10: Delphi panel composition by number of years of experience Years of experience Number of experts 1- 5 0 6-10 2 11-20 4 21-30 2 Over 31 years 3 Mean 22.1 Mode 15 Cumulative years of experience 243 In terms of publications, 10 of the panellists had published in peer reviewed journals, conferences and books. Between them, they had published 57 books and monographs, 19 chapters in books, 187 peer reviewed academic journals, 345 recent conference papers and 341 other publications comprising of articles in professional journals, technical reports, policy papers, expert witness documentation and key note addresses. Between them, they had led and managed 108 funded research projects. Three panellists served on editorial boards of 43 peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings (Table 11). Figure 9 shows the contribution of panellists to the above mentioned publications. Five of the panellists had published books and monographs, three had published chapters in books, seven had published articles in peer reviewed journals, ten panellists had published articles in peer reviewed conference proceedings, seven of them had led and managed funded research projects and all of the panellists had published an article in other publications, such as professional journals and technical reports. Three of the panellists served on editorial boards for journals, six had served as a referee for conference proceedings and three had been appointed as referee or reviewer for journal publications. Specific objectives of the Delphi The external environment and the client H&S culture have a certain level of influence on project H&S performance. Literature informs that improving H&S culture would lead to improvement in H&S performance. What was however not clear in the literature was specifically the level or extent of impact of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. An attempt was therefore made to infer client’s influence 97 by relating total recordable injury rates (TRIR) to client involvement (Huang & Hinze, 2006a). However, it was noted that accidents, incidents, injury or even fatality records are not a reliable and certainly not the only measure of H&S performance. These are lagging indicators and the TRIR is also a lagging indicator. The H&S culture of an organisation and other leading indicators are now the accepted measure of H&S performance. Table 11: Number of publications by Delphi panel members Panel publications No. of publications Books and monographs 57 Chapters in books 19 Peer reviewed Journals 187 Peer reviewed Conference proceedings 345 Funded research 108 Other publications 341 Editorial board membership 43 Referee for journals 22 Referee for Conference proceedings 30 Other publications Editorial board member Publications Referee for Conference proceedings Referee for journals Funded research Contributors Conference proceedings Journals Chapters in books Books/monographs 0 2 4 6 8 Number of contributors Figure 9: Delphi panel members’ contribution to publications 98 10 12 An alternative measure of the impact of client influence was therefore necessary in order to establish not only whether clients do have influence on H&S performance but also the extent or level of this influence. Such a study would ordinarily call for an experimental kind of research. However, this kind of research was not feasible and practical considering the time frame, ethical issues and the willingness of would be participants. The Delphi method was therefore considered the most suitable method to achieve the general objective of determining the impact of client’s influence on project H&S performance. Therefore, the specific objectives of the Delphi study entailed establishing the impact of the: D1. external environment factors on client H&S performance; D2. client H&S culture on H&S consideration (hazard identification, risk analysis, assessment and mitigation) throughout the project life cycle; D3. client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance (top management); D4. client H&S culture on designer H&S performance; and D5. client H&S culture on the overall project H&S performance. Achieving the above objectives, resulted in the following outcomes: 1. factors of client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance, and external environment that were of critical significance to H&S performance improvement; and 2. a conceptual client-centred model on H&S performance improvement. Data collection through Delphi The Delphi method involved three rounds of an iterative process with the view of achieving consensus between the panel members regarding the external environment’s impact on client H&S performance/culture and what the client H&S culture’s impact was on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. A Delphi questionnaire, attached as Appendix C, was sent out electronically to all panel members who were then asked to take time and respond to the questions according to their ability and expertise. The Delphi questionnaire was developed 99 based on the findings from the literature review and was specifically designed to address the five Delphi objectives D1 to D5. Regarding the questionnaires, panel experts were specifically requested to rate the probability that the contractor or designer would implement a range of H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence. The probability scale ranged from 1 to 10, representing 0 to 100% on an ordinal scale. Furthermore, experts were requested to rate how severe the impact on H&S performance for instance would be if a particular factor of client H&S culture was absent or not apparent. The impact scale was based on a 10 point rating scale, ranging from 0 (negligible or low impact) to 10 (very high impact). This aspect indicated the severity of the factor of client H&S culture. The critical function of the Delphi method was for panel members to reach consensus on the probability rating that an aspect of H&S would be implemented as well as the impact level of a factor of client H&S culture on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. The ultimate goal therefore was for panellists to reach consensus on all issues. Responses were received for each round of the Delphi. In order to establish consensus on each and every question, group medians were calculated for each response for each element as shown on the questionnaire attached as Appendix D. The group mean, median and mode can all be used as measures of central tendency in Delphi analysis (Hsu & Sandford, 2007:4). In the current study the group median was the chosen measure of central tendency because it indicated a general inclination of the group on a particular question. The median was more appropriate and suitable for the type of information that was being collected. The median eliminates biasness and takes into consideration outlier responses. It makes the consensus notion more reasonable. Other measures of central tendency, such as the mean for example, may not reflect a reasonable central tendency because it does not consider frequencies. Upon receipt of responses from the first round, group medians were computed for each question. In the second round, the same questionnaire was sent back to panellists individually with their own responses from the first round with the group median responses included so that responses in the second round could be made taking into 100 account the group median. In the second round expert panel members were asked to either maintain their original responses made in the first round, or they could change their initial response to either be in agreement with the group median or make a new rating altogether. The panellists, who had ratings of two units either above or below the group median on any one particular question, were requested to state the reasons for their dissenting opinion if at all they opted to stick to their rating. The stated reasons were sent to all panellists so that together with the calculated group medians in the second round, panellists could take cognisance of those comments in making their new ratings in the third round. Panellists were specifically requested to consider reasons from the outliers made in the second round in making their decisions in the third round. After the second round, group medians and comments made by those with dissenting views were sent to panellists together with each panellist rating made in the second round for a third round of responses. Calculated group medians and comments were sent to all panellists and individual ratings were sent only to those that had made them for anonymity. After the third round, group medians and the absolute deviations were again computed for the third round. Calculations for the third round of the Delphi process indicated that there was no need to proceed to the fourth round as there was no further value that could be added to the degree of consensus that was attained at that level. Throughout the Delphi process, anonymity of panel members was maintained to avoid undue influence on other members. The aspect of anonymity was crucial to the credibility of the Delphi process. Figure 10 outlines the Delphi process. Analysis of data from Delphi A two-stage analysis of data from the Delphi study was conducted using Microsoft Office Excel, a spread sheet software program. The first stage involved an analysis to establish or confirm consensus on responses to the predetermined criteria. This involved determining the group median responses for each question. After the third round of the Delphi, absolute deviations ( Di ) about the group medians ( mX ) of each rating for every question were calculated using Equation 1. In addition to this, average (mean) absolute deviations (MAD) were calculated for every question. The 101 mean absolute deviation is a calculated mean of all absolute deviations for all panellists about the median on each question. Appendix G shows a table of calculated MAD’s for each of the Delphi rounds. Further analysis involved determining the statistical range in ratings by panellists on each question and the percentage of panellists with a similar opinion inclination on each and every question. Consensus was determined to have been achieved when the MAD was less than one unit below or above the group median, the range in ratings on each question between all panellists was below 4.0 and the percentage of panellists that were of a similar inclination in opinion was 60% and above on a particular question (Appendix G). Researcher actions Expert panel actions Round 1 Circulates questionnaire to panellists Rates likely improvement and impact on H&S due to a factor influence Round 2 Calculates group medians and recirculate questionnaires Reviews individual rating in view of the group’s median. Gives reason if required Re-Calculates group medians, standard deviations & compile comments Opportunity to reconsider rating Round 3 Determine consensus and terminate process Figure 10: Delphi process (Adapted from Thangaratinam & Redman (2005:124) 102 The second stage of Delphi data analysis, involved determining the impact significance of environmental factors on client H&S performance, the impact significance of factors of client H&S culture on contractor and designer H&S performance, H&S consideration throughout a construction project’s lifecycle and the overall project H&S performance. Equation 1 Where: Di Absolute deviation xi Panellist rating m X Measure of central tendency The impact significance of designer and contractor H&S performance on project H&S performance was also investigated from the Delphi data. The significance of the impact of various factors associated with the external environment, client, designer and contractor was categorised as being critical, major, moderate, minor or low. The categorisation was helpful in determining which stakeholder factor and relationship was key and relevant for H&S performance improvement. This method of analysis has been used in many studies. The impact significance of a factor of client H&S culture for instance, was obtained as a product of the rated probability (likelihood) that this factor of client H&S culture would influence contractor, or designer to implement H&S elements. The rated negative impact (severity) of a factor for instance of client H&S culture, was the rating of the negative impact that would result on contractor and or designer H&S performance if this factor was absent or was not apparent. This relationship is illustrated in Equation 2. As an example, Table 12 will be used to illustrate how the impact significance was determined. Column B lists a number of H&S elements that need to be implemented by the client. Column C to H lists experts’ probability rating that had been agreed upon to say that elements numbered 1 to 11 would be implemented if the client was pressured by the external environment factors namely: political, social, economic, 103 technology, legislative and professional bodies (labelled as: PE, SE, TECH, EE, LE, and PB). Column I list the total score rating for each element numbered 1 to 11that it would be implemented if the client was pressured by external environment factors in column C to H. Each element in this example had a maximum of 60 points (6 factors rated on a 10 point ordinal scale). Column J, list the calculated overall probability that each client element numbered 1 to 11 would be implemented if the client was pressured by all the factors. Each factor’s likelihood to influence clients to implement all the H&S elements for example, was calculated by obtaining the total ratings achieved by the factor and calculated it as a percentage of the maximum available ratings which in this case was 110. The impact significance of a factor for instance PE, was obtained as a product of the likelihood that client would implement H&S elements which in the example was calculated as 63%, and its severity determined to be 8. The severity rating was taken to be the rated negative impact on client implementing the elements 1 to 11 if the factor for example PE was absent. Equation 2 A prediction of the likelihood that H&S elements would be implemented if pressured by the identified factors, was also made concerning clients’, designers’ and contractors’ top management. Predictions were made about the influence of environmental factors on client H&S performance, and also about client H&S culture’s influence on contractor and designer H&S performance, H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle as well as on project H&S performance. The impact significance of external environment factors, and factors of client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance were also investigated. These values were entered as shown in row 15 of Table 12. The findings from the Delphi analysis were presented as numbers and percentages in tables, column and bar charts. These were expert predictions of the likelihood that H&S elements would be implemented by clients, contractors and designers. Predictions were also made about the severity and therefore the impact significance of the evaluated factors. 104 The impact significance was categorised as ‘critical’, ‘major’, ‘moderate’, ‘minor’ and ‘low or negligible’ depending on the calculated value as shown in Table 13. In the same way, the likelihood of an element being implemented, was described as being ‘very likely to occur’, ‘likely to occur’, ‘may occur half the time’, ‘unlikely’ or ‘very unlikely’, depending on the rating by the expert. See Table 14. Establishing consensus from the Delphi process It was important that consensus was reached on all questions. Measuring or determining consensus is a highly contended subject in literature. It should in fact be mentioned that there is no agreement in literature on how consensus can be said to have been attained regarding a set of opinions (Hsu & Sandford, 2007:4). Holey et al. (2007:2) suggest that consensus is the same as agreement and that agreement can be determined by the following: the aggregate of judgements; a move to a subjective level of central tendency; or alternatively by confirming stability in responses with the consistency of answers between successive rounds of the study. To determine agreement or consensus, some researchers have used frequency distribution and the criterion of 60% responding to any given response category (Gohdes & Crews, 2004:63). Other studies such as one conducted by Rayens & Hahn (2000), used means and standard deviations with a decrease in standard deviations between rounds indicating an increase in agreement. Coupled with the means and standard deviations, measures such as the inter-quartile deviation (IQD) have also been used to determine consensus (Rayens & Hahn, 2000:308) with smaller values of the inter-quartile range indicating higher degrees of consensus. In his study, Rayens & Hahn (2000) included another criterion to determine consensus (in addition to the IQD) in order to achieve what he referred to as stability. The criterion to achieve consensus was that the IQD should equal to one unit for which more than 60% of respondents should have answered either generally positive or generally negative. Items which had an IQD =1, for which the percentage of generally positive or generally negative responses was between 40 and 60%, were determined to indicate a lack of consensus or agreement. 105 Table 12: Calculation of Likelihood and Impact significance Probability that client would implement element if pressured by: (A) ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (B) Client element Finance H&S Management Appoint H&S agent Employ permanent H&S staff Be involved in design & planning H&S prequalification criteria for contractors Select procurement method suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts Conduct H&S inspections & audits Have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role Total contribution of factor maximum point = 110 Percent probability of influence severity rating (values from Q1.9) Impact significance (C) PE 6 7 8 5 7 (D) SE 4 5 5 4 6 (E) TECH 5.5 5 6.5 5 5 (F) EE 8 9 9 8 9 (G) LE 8 9 9 8 9 (H) PB 6 5 5 6 5 (I) Total score (Max =60) 37.5 40 42.5 36 41 6 4 5.5 8 8 6 37.5 63 3 4 5 9 9 6.5 36.5 61 4 8 8 6 6 6 5 7.5 7.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 39 45.5 45.5 65 76 76 7 69 4 54 7.5 65 8 95 8 95 5 62.5 39.5 66 Ave-67% 63% 8 5.02 49% 6 2.95 59% 6 3.55 86% 9 7.77 86% 9 7.77 57% 6 3.41 106 (J) Probability (%) 63 67 71 60 68 Table 13: Impact significance and severity rating scale 0>1 1>3 3>5 5>7 Low/negligible Minor Moderate Major Table 14: Likelihood rating scale 0>20% 20>40% 40>60% Very Unlikely May occur 1/2 unlikely 7>10 Critical 60>80% 80%>100% Likely to occur Very likely the time to occur Holey et al. (2007:3) used the following criteria to determine consensus: percentage response; percentages for each level of agreement for each question to compensate for varying response rates; computation of median, standard deviation and their associated group rankings; computation of the means, standard deviation and their associated group rankings using the importance ratings; and computation of the Weighted Kappa (k) values to compare the chance eliminated agreement between rounds. Based on the above estimations, consensus is reached when the following is present: an increase in percentage agreements; convergence of importance rankings; increase in kappa values; a decrease in comments as rounds progress; a smaller range of responses; and smaller values of standard deviations 107 Although there is little consensus on how to determine consensus, it is however apparent that there has to be some measure of central tendency about which a measure of dispersion of individual responses can be done. It is also apparent that agreement is said to have been reached when responses congregate around the central tendency measure and if variability in responses is small. It is in fact agreeable from the practice that for consensus to be said to have been attained, there has to be a convergence of ideas and reasoning towards a subjective central tendency measure. It was therefore decided for the current study that instead of using one measure as a criteria for consensus, several other measures in line with what has been agreed upon were necessary and formed the criteria to determine consensus. These included: 1. the median as the measure of central tendency; 2. percentage of panellists with a generally positive or negative rating on a question not to be less than 60%; 3. the mean absolute deviation to be used as the measure of dispersion about the central tendency measure; 4. the calculated average (mean) of the absolute deviation (MAD) not to be more than one unit; and 5. the range in responses not to be more than four units. After three rounds of the Delphi process, the mean absolute deviation was found to be -0.09 which was less than one unit. The value was negative because it was below the measure of central tendency - the median. The percentage of panellists leaning either generally positive or negative was 91.6% up from 78% and 91.0% from the first and second rounds respectively. This was an indication of a movement towards a convergence of ideas and reasoning. The range in responses between the highest rating and the lowest rating was 3.50. This value was lower than the upper limit of 4.0. These results are summarised in Table 15 and Figure 11 and 12. With those values after the third round, it was determined that consensus had been reached and therefore there was no need to proceed to round four. 108 Table 15: MAD, range and percentage agreeing values Round MAD Range in ratings Generally leaning positive or negative 1 -1.34 5.80 78.0% 2 -0.09 3.90 91.0% 3 -0.09 3.50 91.6% 5.00 5.80 3.90 4.00 3.50 3.00 Range in ratings 2.00 1.00 -0.09 -0.09 2 3 0.00 1 Mean absolute deviation -1.00 -2.00 -1.34 Delphi rounds 1 to 3 Figure 11: Plot of MAD and range to determine consensus 95.0% 91.0% 91.6% 90.0% 85.0% Ratings leaning generally negative or positive 80.0% 78.0% 75.0% 70.0% 1 2 3 Delphi rounds 1 to 3 Figure 12: Percent of panellists with similar inclination on an issue 109 Reliability and validity of the Delphi method Reliability has to do with the extent to which a procedure produces similar results under constant conditions at all times (Els & Delarey, 2006:52). However in a Delphi study, this kind of statistical reliability is not possible because another panel may reach a different conclusion depending on their knowledge of the subject area and interest. To ensure reliability in the current study therefore, care was taken that credibility was shown in truthfulness and response consistency from all participants. In addition personal communication between panel members and the researcher to clarify questions ensured that the correct phenomenon was being measured. Validity has to do with how dependable the results are (Els & Delarey, 2006:52). The panel credibility was one criterion to ensure validity. Credibility was assured during the selection of the panel. All panellists had distinguished themselves in the work that they did and the management of 108 funded research projects spoke for itself. Internal validity was enhanced by the removal of bias or influence from other members by keeping all members completely anonymous from each other and therefore completely eliminated the ‘bandwagon’ effect. Results from the Delphi study were therefore reliable because there was no peer pressure. In addition, the number of rounds that were adopted in the Delphi process also enhanced the internal validity. Participants were given chance to change their opinion or maintain it with a written explanation or argument for dissenting views. This gave panel members a chance to think through their responses having read what other panel members had said. Feedback with the researcher and constant email communication between the researcher and the panellists individually was another way of ensuring internal validity of the study. The communication clarified questions and also ensured that participants remained interested in the discussions. Constant communication also ensured that almost all the participants continued with the discussions throughout the three rounds. The external validity of a study has to do with whether the results can be generalised to a larger population. This is usually determined by how participants are selected to 110 be part of the study. External validity test was however not a significant factor to the Delphi study because the result from this study was going to be validated through a different method- the field questionnaire survey method. However, the selection of the panel members offered an acceptable level of external validity. The panel comprised of members from all sectors of the construction industry, from major geographical locations of the world, and all members were highly experienced, with 91% being highly published. The Delphi study therefore met acceptable levels of external validity. 5.3.3 Questionnaire survey Stage three of the research involved collecting data from the field via questionnaires in order to meet the general objective GO5 and specific objectives Q1 to Q 5 of the overall research, and stage three respectively. Stage three formed the pinnacle of the research. The Delphi study findings were that: 1. the external environment had influence on construction client H&S performance; 2. clients had influence on designer H&S performance; 3. clients had influence on contractor H&S performance; and 4. project H&S performance was likely to be better with client influence. Therefore in order to validate findings from the Delphi study, the specific objectives of the questionnaire survey were to: Q1. identify external environment factors that have a higher influence on client H&S culture; Q2. establish clients’ influence on designer H&S performance; Q3. establish clients’ influence on contractor H&S performance; Q4. determine clients’ influence on the overall construction project H&S performance; and Q5. determine the goodness–of–fit of the hypothesized client-centred-model to the sample data. 111 The conceptual model was made up of the following general interrelationships which in essence constituted the hypotheses that were tested: H1. the external environment has a direct positive influence on client H&S culture; H2. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H3. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance; H4. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H5. contractor H&S performance has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H6. designer H&S performance has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H7. client H&S culture, has an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance mediated by contractor H&S performance; and H8. client H&S culture, has an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance mediated by designer H&S performance. Given the objectives that were to be met, it was decided that in order to collect information relating to the actual practice in the industry, a field survey was the most suitable method of collecting the required data. Data was required that related clients participation or lack of it in H&S management and the practice of H&S by designers, contractors (top management) and the overall construction project. This type of information could not be obtained through other means except a field survey. Apart from the realisation that other means could not have given an acceptable picture of the various relationships on H&S performance in the industry, the following reasons, inter alia, motivated the adoption of the method the philosophy underpinning the research was based on the positivist theory which uses quantitative methods and from this philosophical view, collection of data is via tools such as questionnaires; validation of the conceptual model developed at stage two entailed using an alternative method to the one initially used in the second stage (Delphi). This therefore eliminated the use of methods similar to Delphi and its derivatives 112 and called for collection of data on the practice of H&S in the industry through a field survey; the field survey was considered to be more representative in that there were more participants from the construction industry; and interpretation and presentation of the data could easily be done and understood by various readers when adopting a positivist philosophy of research because it follows a logical explanation of the method. Questionnaire survey instrument A questionnaire was used to collect data during the field survey. The questionnaire was based on the literature review conducted at the first stage of the research, as well as the findings from the Delphi study at the second stage of the research. The questionnaire was made up of two sections. The first section was meant for collecting general construction project information that the respondents were reporting on. The information collected included particulars such as contract value, type of client, type of project (whether civil engineering, building construction or other), procurement method used for the project and the type of contract that was in use on the project. Other information in this first section pertained to particulars of the respondents. This information included position and profession of the respondent as well as which party on the project employed the respondents. Section two of the questionnaire included questions on H&S practice on the particular construction projects that the respondents had been involved or familiar with. The questions specifically sought to establish the extent to which construction clients were involved, committed, competent, provided leadership on H&S, communicated and had H&S procedures in place on construction projects. In addition, information on designers’ and contractors’ H&S performance, particularly on the extent to which they had procedures in place, how effective their communication was and how competent they were in terms of H&S was solicited from respondents. This section of the questionnaire comprised fourteen questions which required respondents to rate 105 items on the extent to which they agreed or disagreed on H&S practice of clients, designers and contractors on the project. 113 Furthermore information on what motivated clients’ involvement in H&S performance was also collected using the second section of the questionnaire. Each question was rated on the five point Likert scale. The length of the questionnaire was nine pages including the cover letter. It took approximately 15 minutes to complete although respondents were informed in the cover letter that it would take 20 minutes to complete. The questionnaires were administered via email and by hand and were self-completed. This type of questionnaire administration was preferred to telephone or face to face interviews because of, inter alia: collection of adequate information is possible with minimal effort; protection of respondent’s anonymity is guaranteed (Wilkinson & Birmingham, 2003:39); the lower cost; consideration of responses by respondents in their own time; less bias from the interviewer; and possibility of covering a wider audience within a shorter time period (Burfold et al., 2009:207). However, it was also recognised that this type of questionnaire administration had a few weaknesses in that there was a: need to keep questions relatively simple; need to limit the number of questions to only the critical information to the research. There are too many questionnaires in circulation competing for respondent’s time. This situation may result in the return of superficial data; absence of probing beyond the answer given; lack of control over who answers the questionnaire; and possibility of a low response rate due to the amount of questionnaires in circulation (Wilkinson & Birmingham, 2003:10). The above weaknesses were addressed by refining the questions and keeping them relatively simple. However, care was taken not to deviate from the objectives of the instrument, keeping the overall questionnaire within the recommended limits and 114 ensuring that only the right person completed the questionnaire by constant communication with respondents. The absence of further probing is characteristic of this type of data collection and is not a major concern because the data to be collected was meant for validating the conceptual model initially developed at the second stage. Questions in the final questionnaire eventually used to collect information were reviewed and refined by consulting with the research supervisor, the statistics department and through a pilot survey. Minor changes were deemed necessary after a pilot survey among 10 construction professionals and discussions with the statistics department. A copy of the final questionnaire that was used for the study is attached as Appendix F. Variables The research instrument was designed to measure the latent variables namely: external environment (EE); client H&S culture (CL); designer H&S performance (DE); contractor H&S performance (CO) and project H&S performance (PP). The exogenous variable EE (external environment) was hypothesised to be characterised by indicator variables namely: legislative (LGN), economic (ECO), social (SOC), professional bodies (PR) and technology (TEC). The indicator variables for the external environment construct collectively constituted the questionnaire items. Figure 13 illustrates this relationship between the factors of the external environment and the latent variable EE. 115 Figure 13: External environment construct The exogenous variable, client H&S culture, was theorised to be a construct of six latent endogenous variables namely: leadership (CLL); involvement (CLI); procedures (CLP); commitment (CLT); communication (CLN) and competence (CLC). Figure 14 shows the conceptualised client H&S culture measurement model. The questionnaire items used to measure the leadership factor were marked CLLP1-3, client involvement was measured by the items labelled CLIP1-3 while that of client procedures was measured by the items labelled CLPP1-3. Client commitment was measured by questionnaire items labelled CLTP1-3 and communication was measured by questionnaire items CLNP1-3. The variable, competence was measured by items labelled CLC1-4. The numbers of indicator variables measuring one factor were shown by for instance 1-3, which means there were three indicator variables. This type of presentation was adopted for clarity and neatness of presentation only. All indicator variables collectively constituted questionnaire survey items or questions. During the analysis stage, these variables were parcelled. 116 Figure 14: Client H&S culture measurement model (CLL= Leadership, CLI = Involvement, CLP = Procedures, CLT = Commitment, CLN = Communication and CLC = Competence.) Contractor H&S performance measurement model was defined by indicator variables namely: procedures (COPP1-3), commitment (COTP1-3) and communication (CONP1-3). The designer H&S performance was measured by indicator variables of procedures (DEPP1-3), commitment (DETP1-3) and communication (DENP1-3). The subscales for contractor and designer H&S performance were theorised to be first order models with indicator variables grouped in parcels (Figure 15 and Figure 16). The outcome endogenous variable from the priori structural model was the project H&S performance factor. The indicator variables theorised to measure project H&S performance are labelled PP1 to PP17 in Figure 17. The indicator variables also constituted questionnaire items or questions. 117 Figure 15: Contractor H&S performance measurement model (COPP= Procedures, COTP= Commitment and CONP= Communication) Figure 16: Designers H&S Performance measurement model (DEPP= Procedures, DETP= Commitment and DENP= Communication) 118 Figure 17: Project H&S performance measurement model Population The study was conducted in Gaborone and Johannesburg in Botswana and South Africa respectively. The two cities where chosen for the research because the researcher was familiar with the areas and it was the intention of the researcher to delimit the study to these two population areas. It was also viewed that there were more construction projects in those two areas. Furthermore, accessibility to respondents was much easier compared to other places in the two countries. It was also necessary to have two different environments with different laws and practice governing the common denominator, which was the construction project and more specifically, the practice of H&S on construction projects. In other words, because of the external environment factor in the conceptual model, at least two different environments were necessary which had a different political, legislative and economic landscape. 119 The unit of measurement was construction professionals who were currently working or involved in construction projects or had just completed working on a construction project. The construction professionals represented all organisations that operated in the construction industry. Those organisations included client, consulting/designer, contractor and subcontractor entities. The mix was necessary because questions on the practice of H&S related to all organisations working in the industry. In addition, cognisance was taken of the likelihood that respondents would respond to the questionnaire survey, as a function of their: 1. authority to respond where they might not have the formal or informal authority to respond on behalf of the organisation; 2. capacity to respond where they might not have capacity or the relevant knowledge to complete adequately the questionnaire; and 3. motive to respond where they might not be personally or organisationally motivated to disclose information about the organisation (Tomaskovic-Devey et al., 1994:440). Information on the practise of H&S by clients, contractors (top management) and the overall project was needed. Therefore, professionals, who were not working on or had not been involved in a project within the two years of the study, were excluded from the study. At least four professionals per project were generated from the lists of projects that second year Building students at the University of Johannesburg were attached to for industrial training within Johannesburg. In addition, a referral system was used for Johannesburg and Gaborone. From these two systems, a sample of 281 responses was realised. The responses obtained from Johannesburg were 217 and the remaining 64 were obtained from Gaborone in Botswana. The city of Gaborone is much smaller and the number of both construction projects and organisations involved in construction business is much smaller compared to that of Johannesburg and therefore obtaining a smaller number of responses was not surprising. Sampling The department of construction management and quantity surveying at the University of Johannesburg was contacted for information on the National Diploma students who 120 were currently on industrial training as a requirement for their qualification. From this list of students, a list of construction projects within Johannesburg and the surrounding areas was generated. This was one of the most practical and feasible ways to identify on-going construction projects within the region because there was no readily accessible database that could be consulted to identify on-going construction projects. This generated list of projects was used as a target for potential respondents to the questionnaire. Coupled with the above method, the researcher used contacts within the industry to further generate other links and potential respondents where generated by a referral system. Contacts included professional bodies such as the South African Council for Project and Construction Managers (SACPCMP). This approach was necessitated by the links and networks that the researcher had forged within the industry. A list of ongoing projects in Gaborone, Botswana was generated from enquiries within client organisations, professional contacts and from physical visits to construction sites. This approach was possible in Gaborone because the area is small compared to Johannesburg. Other options to generate lists of potential respondents had been identified and in fact tried at the pilot stage. One such method was a compilation of a list of contracting organisations from databases set up by contractor registration bodies such as MasterBuilders Gauteng (MBA-GP) and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) for organisations registered in Johannesburg and the Gauteng Province. Enquires were made about on-going projects that the organisations were involved in, particularly requesting for contact information about construction professionals that were involved in the construction projects. However, obtaining this information proved to be very difficult because organisations were not willing to issue information telephonically or via email to an individual they had never met before. Similarly, a list of consultants/designers was generated for Johannesburg and Gaborone. It was again difficult to obtain information on projects and individuals that could be contacted to complete questionnaires on the projects that they were working on. As was the experience with contracting organisations, consultants could also not give the information that was needed to generate a list of potential respondents. 121 The lack of a centralised database, where information on current construction projects could be accessed, coupled with the difficulties to obtain on-going project information, made it clear that the response would be very low if the seemingly logical method of contacting contractors and designers first, was used. Therefore, it would not have been possible to generate the amount of response that was required for the study and the type of modelling that was required to validate the conceptual model. The sample size in this study was an important factor. Data collection After generating a list of potential respondents, together with their contact information, questionnaires were distributed via emails as well as by hand. Respondents were asked to complete the questionnaires either electronically or manually, using a pen or pencil. Upon completion respondents could then fax, email or hand-deliver their response back to the researcher. Other completed questionnaires were collected physically from the respondents by the researcher. The most common method used by respondents was returning the questionnaires back to the researcher electronically via email. This was the case even for those that had been completed manually because they were scanned and sent back to the researcher as an attachment. A telephonic interview option was tested at the pilot stage. However, the telephone interview method proved to be time consuming, costly and required well trained research assistants to conduct the interviews. Whereas most respondents reported that they took on average 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire, the telephone interview was found to require at least 25 minutes. Therefore it was concluded that the telephone interview option was not suitable. The researcher opted for the selfcompletion method. The process of data collection, starting from questionnaire circulation to receiving them back, took about three months. All questionnaires were completed by respondents in their own time and without undue pressure, because respondents took time to think through their responses. After it had become clear that there would not be any more receiving of questionnaires, data collection was called off especially that the minimum target number of 200 responses had been exceeded. Each questionnaire was then marked for 122 identity and sent to the University of Johannesburg’s statistical department for data capturing. Figure 18 is a summary of how the empirical survey was conducted. Data analysis from questionnaire survey Raw data from the questionnaires was entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and was later exported to the structural equation modelling (SEM) software EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0 for analysis. The motivation for the choice of structural equation modelling and particularly the use of the software EQS is explained in the next sections. SEM is the most inclusive statistical procedure in social and scientific research catering for all operations of the general linear modelling (GLM) group of statistics such as ANOVA, MANOVA and multiple regression (Kline, 2005:14). Additionally as Dion (2008:365) explains, SEM simultaneously estimates all coefficients in the model and therefore it is able to assess the significance and strength of a particular relationship in the context of the entire postulated model. In addition, considering that the postulated model in this study consisted of unobservable (latent) variables which had to be estimated from observable variables, methods of analysis such as ANOVA could not be used as they lack a direct way to distinguish between observed measures and the underlying constructs (Kline, 2005:14). In addition, in SEM, a distinction is made between true variance and error variance, which implies that model parameters are estimated by taking measurement error into consideration. The choice of the software EQS for analysis was dictated by the benefit of utilising the Satorra-Bentler scaled statistic ( ), which provides an adjusted, more robust measure of fit for non-normal data. This approach is more accurate than the normal chi-square test statistic ( ) (Byrne, 2006:22). According to Kline (2005:83), EQS offers several different estimation methods for non-normal data as well, including the robust maximum likelihood (RML). 123 Generate list of construction projects Compiled from list of UJ 2nd year National Diploma Building students on industrial attachment Identify potential respondents obtained from list of projects generated in first stage above Obtained from researcher's industry network and referrals Circulate questionnaire Email hand delivery Respondents complete questionnaire Electronically Manually with pen or pencil Respondents return back completed questionnaires Email Collected by researcher Fax hand delivered Data compilation and analysis Statistics data capturers SPSS SEM/EQS Figure 18: Questionnaire survey procedure Data screening and preparation Before a detailed analysis of the postulated model was conducted to determine fit, screening of the data was essential. Pre-analysis data screening focused on establishing whether there were any missing data, outliers, the distribution characteristics of the data, and the identification of the model. According to Raykov, Tomer & Nesselroade (1991:500), missing values and outliers can adversely affect SEM results by their presence in the raw data. It was therefore necessary to identify, at the pre-analysis stage, any missing values and outliers in order to determine the best way to handle them. According to Kline (2005:52), missing values may pose a very serious challenge to analysis. In addition to 124 identifying missing values and outliers, assessment of multivariate normality was equally important because the choice of the estimation method depends on it (Schreiber et al., 2006:327). For example, the common estimation method in SEM is maximum likelihood which carries with it the assumption of multivariate normality (Kline, 2005:48; Jackson & Gillaspy, 2009:9). In addition, other problems have been identified with non-normal data. Jackson & Gillaspy (2009:9) and Kline (2005:137) reported that failure to meet the assumption of multivariate normality could lead to an overestimate of the chi-square statistic and therefore to an inflated type I error (Rejecting a model which should not be rejected). As a result, examination of statistics of skew, kurtosis, Mardia’s coefficient and the multivariate kurtosis was conducted to establish normality of the data. In order to proceed to model analysis, it was critical to determine whether the postulated model could be analysed or not. Model complexity is determined through establishing whether a model is just-identified, under-identified or over-identified. A just-identified model is one in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between the data and the structural parameters namely, the number of data variances and covariances being equal to the number of parameters to be estimated (Kline, 2005:108; Byrne, 2006:31). The number of variances and covariances are referred to as the observations (Kline, 2005:100). According to Byrne (2006:31), a just-identified model is not scientifically interesting because it has no degrees of freedom and therefore can never be rejected. Accordingly, an over-identified model is desirable as it results in positive degrees of freedom that allow for rejection of the model therefore rendering it to be of scientific use (Byrne, 2006:31). An over-identified model is one in which the number of estimable parameters is less than the number of observations (Byrne, 2006:31; Kline, 2005:109). On the other hand, an under-identified model is one in which the number of parameters to be estimated exceed the number of variances and covariances (observations) (Byrne, 2006:31). An under-identified model contains insufficient information to attain a determinate solution of parameter estimation. As a result, there can be an infinite number of solutions and therefore defeat the purpose of the analysis (Kline, 2005:109; Byrne, 2006:106). 125 In summary, for a model to be analysed, there has to be at least as many observations as parameters to be estimated which is that the degrees of freedom (df) should be greater than zero ( ) (Kline, 2005:100). Parameter estimation and input matrix method Examination of the degrees of freedom of the postulated model in this study revealed that the model was over-identified. The least value for the degrees of freedom was found to be nine. This degree of freedom related to the external environment construct. All values of degrees of freedom for the model constructs were positive and therefore indicative of an over-identification of the measurement models (Kline, 2005:100). After screening the data, it was established that the data was non-normal with the lowest Mardia’s coefficient of 41.0290 (contractor H&S performance) and the highest Mardia’s coefficient of 443.7814 (Client H&S culture). See Table 23. The non-normality of the data influenced the choice and use of the robust maximum likelihood (RML) estimation method. The RML gives several robust fit indices (Bartholomew, Loukas, Jowers & Allua, 2006:72). According to Byrne (2006:22), one of the outputs from the RML estimation method is the robust chi-square statistic ( ) referred to as the Satorra-Bentler scaled statistic ( ) and robust standard errors which are corrected for non-normality in large samples. The structural equation modelling software, EQS version 6.1 was used in part, due to the ability of the programme to adjust standard errors for the non-normality of the data (Byrne, 2006:22). The covariance matrix was the chosen in-put matrix for the analysis in the current study. The analysis strategy adopted to analyse the postulated model was first to estimate the measurement part of the model and thereafter analyse the measurement and structural parts of the model simultaneously. Similarly the results from the analysis were reported in the same manner namely, results from the measurement model analysis referred to as the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were presented first and thereafter the results from the analysis of the entire structural model referred to as the full latent variable model (FV) were presented. 126 Model analysis Having satisfied the pre-analysis conditions, selected the input matrix of the data and selected the method of estimation; analysis of the postulated model was the next step in the analysis process. The following fit indices identified from Raykov et al. (1991:501); Hu & Bentler (1999:5); Boomsma (2000:473), Kline (2005:134), and Schreiber et al. (2006:327) were examined to determine model fit. These statistics were: Chi-square values ; Bentler comparative fit index (CFI); Satorra-Bentler scaled Chi-square statistic ( Standardised root mean square residual (SRMR); Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA); Root mean square error of approximation with its 90% confidence interval ); (RMSEA @ 90% CI); and Tucker Lewis index (TLI). The fit indexes , CFI, TLI and ( ) belong to the incremental or comparative fit indexes while the SRMR and RMSEA belong to the absolute fit indexes (Byrne, 2006:99). The adopted cut-off values for the above fit indices are as tabulated in Table 16. The decision on model fit was based on the proposal by Hu & Bentler (1999:28) to use a two index presentation of incremental and absolute fit indexes because they seemed to perform superior to a single index presentation strategy. Hu & Bentler (1999:27) suggested therefore, that the maximum-likelihood based SRMR and a supplemental fit index such as a CFI or RMSEA, would result in minimum Type I (namely, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true) and a Type II error (namely, the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when it is false). The statistical significance of parameter estimates was established by examining the ratio output of the parameter estimate divided by its standard error (therefore analogous of z-values) and tests that the estimate is statistically different from zero (Byrne, 2006:103). This is in agreement with a proposal by Schreiber et al. (2006:327) to determine statistical significance by examining the z-value test statistic. 127 Based on the level of 0.05, the test statistic had to be greater than 1.96 before the hypothesis could be rejected (Byrne, 2006:103). Table 16: Cut-off criteria of fit statistics Statistic Cut-off criteria Chi-square ratio to 2 0r 3 Bentler comparative fit index (CFI) Standardised root mean square residual (SRMR) Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) Root mean square error of approximation with its 90% confidence interval (RMSEA at 90% CI) Tucker Lewis index (TLI) Reference (Kline, 2005; Schreiber et al. 2006) value should be 0.95 for (Bartholomew et al., 2006; Dion, 2008; good fit Schreiber et al. 2006); the value should be 0.08 (Kline, 2005; a value of 0.1 is also Schreiber et al., 2006) acceptable value should be < 0.05 for (Hu & Bentler; 1999; Kline,2005; good fit values < and 0.08 indicate a Bartholomew et al., reasonable error of 2006; Dion, 2008) approximation values of > 0.10 suggests a poor fit (Schreiber et al. 2006) value to be 0.06 to 0.08 should be > 0.9 (Hu & Bentler; 1999) Reliability and validity In addition to the pre-analysis and post-analysis tests described above, tests on score reliability and construct validity were conducted. In order to determine the score reliability, the internal consistency reliability measure statistic of Rho coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha ( ) were examined. According to Kline (2005:59), the Cronbach’s alpha measures the degree to which responses are consistent across all items within a single measure and if this statistic is low, the content of the items may be so heterogeneous that the total score is not the best possible unit of analysis for the measure. However, acceptability of the Cronbach’s alpha to measure internal homogeneity is limited. Byrne (2006:133) argue that the use of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to latent 128 variable models especially models with multi- dimensional structure is questionable because it is based on a very restrictive model that requires all factor loadings and error variances to be equal. Therefore, in determining score reliability, the Rho coefficient was relied upon more than the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient because it provides a good estimate of internal consistency especially because the model that was analysed in the current study was a full latent variable model (Byrne, 2006:133). Apart from establishing the score reliability, construct validity was established through evaluation of the convergent validity and magnitude of the parameter estimates of all relations in the model using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the SEM (Kline, 2005:60). In addition, due to the absence of another external criterion against which comparison could be made of measures, discriminant validity was also used to examine construct validity. According to Kline (2005:60), a set of variables postulated to measure different aspects shows discriminant validity if their intercorrelations are not too high. Questionnaire response Table 17 is a breakdown of the profile of respondents. A sample of 281 responses was realised when the survey closed. Of the total 281 responses, 84 were quantity surveyors, 42 were engineers (civil, mechanical, electrical and services), 36 were consulting designers, 42 were project managers and 20 were construction H&S professionals. The number of respondents employed by a consulting or designer firm was 107 and 145 were employed by contracting firms. The number of respondents employed by client organisations was 24. The profile of the projects that construction professionals reported on is as shown in Table 18. The majority of respondents reported on building construction projects contributing 209 responses while civil engineering projects contributed 50 responses. The other 18 respondents indicated that they were working on other projects such as renovation works. In terms of size of projects reported on, 12.8% had a contract value of between 4 and 6.5 million Rands, 13.2% between 6.5 and 13 million Rands, 23.8% between 13 and 40 million Rands, 21.4% between 40 and 130 million Rands while 26% reported on construction projects with contract values of over 130 million Rands (See Table 18). 129 Most respondents were working on projects where the client was a public or government institution (Table 20). The percentage of respondents that indicated this was 53.6% followed by those working for private property developers with 21.2%. Respondents that worked on projects where the client was a state owned enterprise (SOE) was 11.7%. The mining organisations only had 4.4% respondents (See Table 20.) Most projects reported on by respondents were procured through the common method of open tender with 58.5 % respondents indicating thus. The selective tender method had 30.7% respondents and only 8.9% indicated that the projects they reported on were procured through negotiation. The rest were procured by other methods. This finding was not surprising since most of the respondents indicated that the clients on the projects they were reporting on were public or government institutions. These institutions are still practicing old conversional methods. In terms of the project delivery system used for the projects reported on, 22.1% respondents indicated that they were reporting on projects that were delivered through the design and build method, 35.8% through the traditional design bid build, and the remaining 42.1% indicated that the projects were procured through other methods including construction management. Table 21 is a summary of the profile of project types that respondents reported on regarding the practice of H&S. The sample of respondents spanned across all major project types, procurement methods and worked with all the major clients in the industry. Respondents themselves were of different critical backgrounds ranging from site agents to safety officers. The diversity shown in the respondent characteristics was considered to be a factor enhancing the research’s prudence. 130 Table 17: Respondents profile Respondent Clerk of works Consulting designer Contracts manager Engineer Health and safety consultant Project manager Quantity surveyor Safety officer Site agent Not stated Total Frequency Percent % 1 36 16 42 1 42 84 20 32 7 281 0.4 12.8 5.7 14.9 0.4 14.9 29.9 7.1 11.4 2.5 100 Table 18: Contract value of projects reported on in this study Contract value Frequency (ZAR Million) 4-6.5 36 6.5-13 37 13-40 67 40-130 60 Over 130 73 Total 273 Valid Percent 13.2 13.6 24.5 22.0 26.7 100 Table 19: Project type reported on in this study Project Type Percent Civil engineering Building Construction Other 18.4 74.7 6.9 Total 100 131 Table 20: Client organisations represented in the survey Client Public / state Private property developers State owned enterprise (SOE) Mining organisations Other clients Total Table 21: Contractor selection method reported by respondents Method Frequency Open tender Selective tender Negotiated Other Total valid 5.4 158 83 24 5 270 Percent responses % 53.6 21.2 11.7 4.4 9.1 100 Percent 58.5 30.7 8.9 1.9 100 CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter provided a framework of how the current study was conducted. The first stage involved establishing the need for the study, conducting a review of literature and theorising on client influence on H&S performance. The second stage involved conducting a Delphi study, developing a conceptual model and evolving a questionnaire for the survey for use at the third stage. The third and final stage involved conducting a survey, analysing and modelling the results using structural equation modelling, determining the best fit model and comparing the conceptual model to the sample data from the questionnaire survey. Conclusions and recommendations were made based on findings from both the Delphi and the questionnaire survey. Chapters six, seven and eight will therefore now present findings from the Delphi and questionnaire survey. 132 CHAPTER SIX RESULTS FROM THE DELPHI STUDY 6.1 INTRODUCTION A Delphi study was principally conducted to estimate the level of impact of client influence on project H&S performance in the construction industry. Other aspects were also investigated and they included the estimation of the level of impact of the external environment on client H&S performance. In addition, the level of impact of client H&S culture’s influence on designer and contractor H&S performance was investigated. The latent variable, client H&S performance, was defined by factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, commitment and competence. H&S performance was interpreted in terms of H&S culture. Therefore in this study, a better performance means a better H&S culture. Consequently, client H&S culture is used throughout this study. This section will present results from the Delphi study. The study comprised three rounds. Computations for each and every question were made regarding the estimated probability improvement in H&S performance by the client, contractor, designer or the overall project as a result of an external influence. The objectives of conducting the Delphi survey were, inter alia, to estimate the impact of the: D1. external environment factors on client H&S performance; D2. client H&S culture on H&S consideration (hazard identification, risk analysis, assessment and mitigation) throughout the project life cycle; D3. client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance (top management); D4. client H&S culture on designer H&S performance; and D5. client H&S culture on the overall project H&S performance. 133 The associated outcomes from achieving the above objectives were to: 1. identify factors of client H&S culture, designer and contractor H&S performance, and environmental factors that have a significant influence on H&S performance; and 2. develop a client-centred model that was based on the identified factors with significant influence on H&S performance. Results of the Delphi study are therefore presented in relation to the specific Delphi objectives. 6.2 FINDINGS FROM THE DELPHI STUDY 6.2.1 Impact of the external environment on client H&S culture – D1 The external environment was defined by six factors, namely: political, social, economic, legislative, professional bodies and technology. The impact significance of these factors’ influence on client H&S culture was obtained as a product of client’s likelihood to implement H&S elements and the severity rating or negative impact on client’s H&S performance if the factors were absent. The level of influence was determined by assessing the extent to which client would implement various H&S elements if pressured by the external environment. Severity of an environmental factor was the rated negative effect on client H&S performance that would result from an environmental factor’s absence. The severity rating was based on an ordinal scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being negligible and 10 critical. The Impact significance was obtained as a product of the severity rating of an environmental factor and the likelihood of client implementing a particular H&S element (Refer to equation 2). Of the six environmental factors, three of them namely, political, economic and legislative, were determined to have an impact significance of over 5.0. The economic and legislative factors had an impact significance of 7.77 each. According to the classification scale used in this study (Table 13), a rating of 7.77 was considered to be ‘critical’. The rating suggested that the two factors namely, economic and legislative were critical to client implementing the required H&S elements or programmes (See Figure 19). 134 The influence of the political factor had a lower impact significance rating of 5.02. This estimate of 5.02 was considered to be of ‘major’ impact significance. This impact significance was lower than that of the economic and legislative factors, by about 35%. From this finding, it seemed that the economic and legislative factors were considered to have a higher impact than political influence on client H&S performance. The likelihood of clients implementing H&S elements, as a result of external environment’s influence was 67% on average (see Figure 20). The standard deviation in the likelihood ratings was 0.06. The small standard deviation suggested that the likelihood of the client implementing the H&S elements was almost the same. However, clients were least likely to be involved in design and planning of H&S activities. The likelihood for this element was determined to be 60% (see Figure 20). On the other hand, clients were most likely to conduct H&S audits and inspections and have H&S policies, procedures and goals. The likelihood for these H&S elements was determined to be 76% each. Eight out of eleven client H&S elements were considered ‘likely’ to be implemented as a result of external environment influence. This translated to 73% of all H&S elements that were ‘likely’ to be implemented and 27% were ‘very likely’ to be implemented. The H&S elements that had likelihood above 70% were, for the client to: have effective H&S policy, procedures, and goals (76% likelihood); conduct H&S inspections and audits (76% likelihood); and employ permanent H&S staff (71% likelihood). Therefore these H&S elements were considered, ‘very likely to occur’ (see Table 14) as a result of external environment’s influence. Three factors of the external environment namely: political, economic and legislative, had a higher impact on client H&S performance compared to the influence of professional bodies, social and technology factors. The political, economic and legislative influence contributed 59% to the total likelihood that clients would implement H&S elements. On the other hand, professional bodies, social environment and technology contributed 41% to the total 135 likelihood that clients would implement the H&S elements. The standard deviations for these two groups of factors were determined to be 0.02. Figure 19: Impact significance of external environment factors to client culture Figure 20: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements 136 Figure 21: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements 6.2.2 Client influence on H&S consideration in the project lifecycle - D2 Client H&S culture was defined by four factors, namely: commitment, competence, involvement and leadership. The influence of these factors was estimated. As explained in the previous section, the level of influence of a factor was inferred from the calculated value of the impact significance. The H&S performance on a construction project depends in part on the extent to which it is considered throughout the project life cycle. H&S consideration entails H&S risk identification, analysis, assessment, mitigating, implementing and assessing the implementation of H&S measures. In order to evaluate H&S performance at the project level, it was necessary to evaluate H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle. 137 The impact significance of all factors of client H&S culture was determined to be ‘critical’. The findings seemed to suggest that client H&S culture was critical to achieving the required level of H&S consideration. The average impact significance of all factors of client H&S culture was determined to be 7.36. This rating was considered to be of ‘critical’ impact significance. The impact significance of the commitment, involvement, competence and leadership factors was determined to be 7.59, 8.10, 7.07 and 6.68 respectively (see Figure 22). The standard deviation of these values was determined to be 0.62. The small standard deviation seemed to suggest that all factors of client H&S culture were almost of equal importance. This finding also seemed to suggest that a good total client H&S culture was desirable as opposed to individual isolated client efforts to improve project H&S performance. 9.00 8.00 7.59 AVE=7.36 SD = 0.62 8.10 7.07 Impact significance 7.00 6.68 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Committment Involvement Competence Leadership Client H&S culture aspects Figure 22: Impact significance of factors of client H&S culture The influence of the involvement factor was determined to be more ‘critical’ when compared to other three factors of client H&S culture. The impact significance of the involvement factor was determined to be 8.10. This rating was considered to be ‘critical’ impact significance (see Table 13). The factor with the least impact 138 significance on H&S consideration was leadership. The impact significance of the leadership factor was determined to be 6.68. This rating was considered to be of ‘major’ impact significance (see Table 13). However although the rating of 6.68 was low, when compared to other factors of client H&S culture, its impact significance and therefore its influence was considered to be ‘major’. Therefore the contribution of the leadership factor to H&S performance may not be overlooked. The likelihood of H&S being considered as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 83% (Figure 13). This rating of 83% suggested that H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). Figure 23: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client’s influence It was further determined that H&S consideration was ‘very likely to occur’ at all the project stages except at the procurement stage. With the exception of the procurement stage, the likelihood of H&S consideration at all other project stages was determined to be above 80%. On the other hand, the likelihood of H&S consideration at the procurement stage was determined to be 73%. The likelihood of 73% meant that H&S consideration was ‘likely to occur’. H&S consideration was most likely at the construction stage. The likelihood was determined to be 95%. It seemed from this finding that H&S consideration was almost certain at the construction stage with client H&S culture’s influence. 139 The likelihood of H&S consideration at all project stages was high. This finding seemed to suggest that client H&S culture was critical to project H&S performance. All factors of client H&S culture contributed almost equally to the total influence on H&S consideration. 6.2.3 Impact of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance - D3 The influence of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance was estimated. Client H&S culture was defined by the factors namely: commitment, competence, involvement and leadership. The impact significance of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance was determined to be 6.60 (see Figure 24). This rating was considered to be ‘major’ impact significance. The rating suggested that client H&S culture had a major impact on contractor H&S performance. 7.20 Impact significance 7.00 6.80 7.00 Ave = 6.60 SD = 0.34 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.40 6.20 6.20 6.00 5.80 Committment Involvement Competence Client H&S culture aspect Leadership Figure 24: Impact significance of client factors on contractor H&S performance All factors of client H&S culture had an impact significance rating of between 5.0 and 7.0. The impact for this scale range was considered to be ‘major’ impact significance’. Figure 24 shows that the leadership factor had the most impact significance when compared to all other factors of client H&S culture. The impact significance of this factor on contractor H&S performance was determined to be 7.0. This rating was 140 considered to be ‘critical’ impact significance. The finding seemed to suggest that the leadership factor was critical to contractor H&S performance. The competence factor had the least impact significance on contractor H&S performance. This factor had a rating of 6.20. Although the impact significance was lower when compared to all other factors of client H&S culture, its impact was considered to be ‘major’ (Table 13). Apart from this, the difference in the impact rating between all factors was minimal. The standard deviation in impact significance values was found to be 0.34 suggesting a small variability between all impact significance estimates. The likelihood that contractors would implement H&S elements as a result of influence from client H&S culture was determined to be 83% on average. This rating suggested that the implementation of H&S elements by contractors due to client H&S culture’s influence was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). The standard deviation of all likelihood estimates was found to be 0.03. This standard deviation value was very small and therefore indicated a small variability in the estimates. Figure 25: Contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements 141 Contractors were ‘very likely’ to implement the following six H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence: 1. employ permanent H&S staff; 2. conduct H&S audits and inspections; 3. carry out hazard identification and risk assessment; 4. improve the level of top management commitment to H&S; 5. consult and communicate H&S information to all stakeholders; and 6. establish and implement H&S policies, procedures and goals. The likelihood of implementing all these six H&S elements was determined to be above 80%. When compared to all other H&S elements, contractors were least likely to involve workers in H&S management and also to develop staff H&S competence. These two H&S elements had the likelihood of less than 80% but crucially not less than 70%. The likelihood of implementing each one of these H&S elements was determined to be 78%. According to Table 14, this rating meant that contractors were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements even though they had a low rating. 6.2.4 Impact of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance - D4 The role of designers has been recognised as being important to H&S performance on construction projects. However, some studies have suggested that designers are unwilling to participate fully through their designs or take up a leadership role, for example, in managing H&S. This reluctance has in a way inhibited better performance in H&S. It seems as though, designers can only fully participate in H&S performance with the help of an external influence. One such external influence could be the client who in fact is their employer. It was therefore the objective of this study to partly establish the impact significance of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance. The impact significance of factors of client H&S culture namely: commitment, involvement, competence and leadership was evaluated. In addition, designers’ likelihood to implement H&S elements as a result of client’s influence was determined. 142 The impact significance of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance was determined to be 6.45 on average. The estimate of 6.45 was slightly lower than the impact significance of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance. The impact significance on contractor H&S performance was determined to be 6.60. However, there was more variability in the impact significance values relative to designer H&S performance when compared to the impact significance on contractor H&S. The standard deviation in the impact significance values relative to designer H&S performance was determined to be 0.8. On the other hand, the standard deviation of the impact significance values relative to contractor H&S performance was found to be 0.34. The involvement factor was considered to be more critical to designer H&S performance and its impact significance was determined to be 7.31. The factor of client H&S culture with the least impact significance on designer H&S performance was competence. This factor had an impact significance of 5.42. The leadership factor was the second most influential factor followed by commitment. These factors were determined to have an impact significance of 6.75 and 6.30 respectively (Figure 26). Apart from the involvement factor, all other factors of client H&S culture were considered to have ‘major’ impact significance on designer H&S performance. When the impact significance of factors of client H&S culture are compared between those obtained for designer H&S performance and contractor H&S performance, the competence factor was found to be the least rated. The competence factor had an impact significance of 6.20 on contractor H&S performance and 5.42 on designer H&S performance (Figure 27). The difference in estimates between that of impact on designers and on contractors was suggestive of client’s competence being slightly more critical to contractors’ than to designers. 143 8.00 Impact significance 7.00 7.31 6.75 6.30 6.00 5.42 Ave = 6.45 SD = 0.80 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Committment Involvement Competence Client H&S culture aspect Leadership Figure 26: Impact significance of client factors on designer H&S performance In the case of H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle, clients’ competence was rated to be 7.07. This was suggestive of the fact that client competence was extremely necessary and ‘critical’ to ensure that H&S consideration was undertaken throughout the project life cycle. The involvement factor had the most impact significance on both designer H&S performance and H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle. The impact significance of this factor was determined to be 7.31 on designer H&S performance and 8.10 on H&S consideration. The high impact significance of the involvement factor on both designer H&S performance and H&S consideration seemed to suggest that this factor was critical to get designers to participate in H&S management. This finding appears to be logical because it is expected that H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle would be possible if designer H&S performance is favourable. 144 9.00 8.10 8.00 Impact significance 7.00 7.59 6.30 6.70 7.31 7.07 6.50 6.00 6.75 7.00 6.68 6.20 5.42 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Commitment Involvement Client H&S culture aspect Competence Leadership Designers Contractor top management H&S consideration Figure 27: Overall impact significance of client H&S culture factors All factors of client H&S culture were found to be important to designer H&S performance. The likelihood that designers would implement H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 78% on average (Figure 28). This likelihood value suggested that designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements when influenced by client H&S culture (Table 14). Designers were most likely to implement the following four H&S elements: 1. involve contractors in design reviews; 2. conduct hazard identification and risk analysis; 3. design for H&S and 4. establish effective H&S policies, procedures and goals. 145 The likelihood of designers implementing these factors was determined to be above 80%. This rating suggested that designers were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements when influenced by client H&S culture. Therefore, it can be inferred from this finding that client H&S culture could be a leading indicator of designer H&S performance. Specifically, the findings suggest that designers were very likely to involve contractors, conduct hazard identification and risk assessment, design for H&S and also establish effective H&S policies, procedures and goals when influenced by a positive client H&S culture. The standard deviation in the likelihood values was found to be 0.04 (Figure 28). This value was very small and therefore seemed to indicate that all H&S elements had an almost equal possibility of being implemented. Design for H&S 83% Hazard identification & risk assessment 83% Involve Contractors in design reviews 83% Establish & implement H&S Policies,… Conduct H&S audits and inspections H&S element Consult & communicate H&S information to… 80% 73% 75% Employ permanent H&S staff 75% Develop staff competency on H&S 75% Ave = 78% SD = 0.04 60% 70% 80% Likelihood 90% Figure 28: Designer likelihood to implement H&S elements due to client influence 146 The other H&S elements which had above 75% likelihood of being implemented included the designer to: develop staff competence, consult and communicate H&S information and employ permanent H&S staff. The rating of 75% likelihood meant that designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements (Table 14). Designers were least likely to conduct H&S audits and inspections. The likelihood of designers conducting H&S audits and inspections as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 73%. Although this likelihood was low when compared to the likelihood of other H&S elements being implemented, it was actually a favourable result considering that conducting H&S audits and inspections was ‘likely to occur’. Figure 29: Designer & contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements 147 Contractors were more likely to implement H&S elements than designers when influenced by client H&S culture. The likelihood of contractors implementing H&S was 83% while that of designers was 78% (Figure 29). The largest disparity was observed in the likelihood that the following H&S elements would be implemented, namely: 1. employ permanent H&S staff; 2. consult and communicate H&S information to all stakeholders; and 3. conduct H&S audits and inspections. Contractors were more likely to implement these H&S elements. According to the likelihood scale (Table 14), contractors were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements while designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements. Similarly, the impact significance of client H&S culture was greater on contractor H&S performance than it was on designer H&S performance (Figure 30). The average impact significance of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance was 6.60 while that on designer H&S performance was 6.45. Figure 30: Impact of client factors on designer and contractor H&S performance 148 To estimate the impact significance of designer H&S performance on H&S consideration throughout a project life cycle The influence of designer H&S performance on H&S consideration was also evaluated. Designer H&S performance was defined by four factors namely: leadership, involvement, commitment and competence. The impact of each of these factors of designer H&S performance was therefore evaluated. The impact significance of the leadership, competence and commitment factors was determined to be 7.80, 7.35 and 7.05 respectively (Figure 31). The impact significance of the involvement factor was also determined to be 7.05. All factors of designer H&S performance had impact significance values above 7.0. All factors of designer H&S performance were therefore considered to be ‘critical’ to H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle. The leadership factor was found to have the largest impact significance when compared to all other factors of designer H&S performance. This factor had an impact significance of 7.80 on H&S consideration. The competence factor had the second largest impact significance determined to be 7.35. The standard deviation of the impact significance for the factors of designer H&S performance was found to be 0.35 (Figure 31). 9.00 Impact significance 8.00 7.00 7.05 7.05 7.35 7.80 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Committment Involvement Competence Leadership Designers H&S culture aspects Figure 31: Impact significance of factors of designer H&S culture 149 Ave = 7.31 SD = 0.35 The leadership factor, of designer H&S performance, contributed about 33% to the total impact on H&S consideration. This value suggested that leadership from designers was critical for H&S consideration to be implemented. When compared to clients’ influence on H&S consideration, designers’ influence on H&S consideration was found to be equally critical. The average impact significance of client H&S culture on H&S consideration was found to be 7.36 while that of designer H&S performance was 7.31 (Figure 32). The impact significance of client H&S culture was just marginally higher than that of designer H&S performance. Both these ratings were considered to be ‘critical’ to H&S consideration. 9.00 8.1 7.80 7.59 8.00 7.05 7.35 7.05 7.07 Impact significance 7.00 6.68 Client Ave = 7.36 SD = 0.62 Designer Ave = 7.31 SD = 0.35 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 Designer 2.00 Client 1.00 0.00 Committment Involvement Competence Leadership H&S culture aspects Figure 32: Impact of client and designer H&S culture on H&S consideration The average likelihood was 81% of H&S being considered at all the project phases as a result of designer H&S performance. Figure 33 shows that the likelihood of H&S consideration was above 80% with the exception of H&S consideration at the initiation or concept stage. The average likelihood of 81% was indicative of the possibility that H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle was ‘very likely to occur’ with designers’ influence. Therefore, the finding seemed to suggest that 150 designer H&S performance was a leading indicator of a better H&S performance generally and specifically for H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle. H&S consideration was found to be least likely at the initiation stage. The likelihood of H&S consideration at the initiation stage was found to be 73%. Although the 73% likelihood of H&S consideration at the initiation/concept stage was lower when compared to the likelihood at other construction stages, it was nevertheless ‘likely to occur’ (Table 14). The project phases at which H&S consideration was ‘very likely to occur’ due to designers’ influence included the: 1. design; 2. procurement; 3. commission and testing, and 4. closeout stage. The likelihood of H&S consideration was above 80% at these construction stages. The likelihood of H&S consideration at both the construction and design stage was the highest with 85% likelihood each. Overall, H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle was considered to ‘very likely to occur’. In addition, the variance in the likelihood values was found to be very small. The standard deviation between all likelihood estimates was found to be 0.05 (Figure 33). It was also observed that the likelihood of H&S consideration was highest at the phases where designers are typically most active. This is during the design and construction stages. When compared with the clients’ influence on H&S consideration, designers had a lower influence on H&S consideration. The likelihood was 83% that H&S would be considered throughout the project lifecycle as a result of clients’ influence. On the other hand, the likelihood was 81% that H&S would be considered as a result of designers’ influence. The likelihood of H&S consideration was highest at the construction stage in both cases. The likelihood of H&S consideration at the construction stage was 95% with clients’ influence and 85% with designers’ influence. 151 Figure 33: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to designers' influence Figure 34: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client and designer influence 152 6.2.5 Direct client’s influence on project H&S performance - D5 The direct impact of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was evaluated. In addition, the direct impact of both designer and contractor H&S performance were evaluated. The likelihood that clients would implement H&S elements as a result of external environment’s influence was determined to be 67% (Table 22) The severity of client H&S culture to project H&S performance was determined to be 8.88. From Equation 2, the direct impact significance of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was found to be 5.92. This rating was considered to be ‘major’ impact significance. On the other hand, the likelihood that designers would implement H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 78%. The severity of designer H&S performance on project H&S performance was rated to be 8.75. This value was slightly lower than that of client H&S culture. The impact significance of designer H&S performance was therefore determined to be 6.84. This impact significance rating was considered to be ‘major’. Contractor H&S performance had the most impact significance. The likelihood that contractors would implement H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 83%. The severity of contractor H&S performance was determined to be 9.38. From Equation 2, the impact significance of contractor H&S performance on project H&S performance was determined to be 7.73. This impact significance rating was considered to be ‘critical’. However, an observation was made that contractors had a high likelihood of implementing H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence. This high likelihood of implementing H&S elements enhanced contractors’ impact significance on project H&S performance. Other findings from the study were that client H&S culture could possibly be a six factor construct. The aspect of clients having standard procedures and effective communication was highlighted. The elements mentioned under procedures included the client having H&S programmes, goals, conducting H&S inspections, carrying out hazard identification and risk assessments and specifically specifying H&S requirements in construction contracts. 153 Table 22: Influence level of various project stakeholders Stakeholder Likelihood Stakeholder severity to project H&S Client’s likelihood of 67% 8.88 implementing H&S elements due to environmental influence Designer’s likelihood of 78% 8.75 implementing H&S elements due to clients influence Contractor’s top management 83% 9.38 likelihood of implementing H&S elements due to clients’ influence 6.3 DISCUSSION OF DELPHI RESULTS 6.3.1 Objective D1 Impact significance Remark 5.92 Major 6.84 Major 7.73 Critical The first objective of the Delphi study was to estimate the influence of the external environment factors on client H&S performance. This was achieved by determining the impact significance of the factors of external environment on client H&S culture. The level of influence of the external environment was inferred from the impact significance on client H&S performance of the external environment factors. The external environment was defined by six factors namely: 1. political; 2. economic; 3. social; 4. materials and methods (Technology); 5. professional bodies; and 6. legislative. 154 In addition, the likelihood of clients implementing H&S elements as a result of being influenced by factors of the external environment was also assessed. The H&S elements were for the client to: 1. provide finance for H&S; 2. appoint H&S agent; 3. employ permanent H&S staff; 4. be involved in design and planning; 5. select procurement methods suitable for H&S promotion; 6. schedule H&S requirements prior to bidding; 7. conduct H&S inspections and audits; 8. have effective H&S policy, procedures and goals; and 9. assume H&S leadership role. The likelihood of clients implementing all of these H&S elements as a result of the external environment’s influence was determined to be 67%. According to the five point likelihood scale with ratings ranging from ‘not likely’ (0%) to ‘very likely to occur’ (100%) the value of 67% meant that the implementation of H&S elements by clients as a result of external environment’s influence was ‘likely to occur’ (Table 14). This finding seemed to indicate that the external environment’s influence was necessary in order to assure that clients implemented these H&S elements or programmes. This finding not only confirms that the external environment was necessary for client H&S performance; it also provided an estimate of the extent to which client H&S performance could be influenced. The factors of the external environment which had major influence on client H&S performance were also identified. The political, economic and legislative factors were found to have major influence on client H&S performance. The impact significance of these factors was determined to be critical. The significance of this finding was that these factors may be considered to be leading indicators of client H&S performance. With the influence of these factors, clients were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements. Therefore a continued influence from external environment may entail a continued implementation of H&S elements and therefore improve client H&S performance. 155 The social, technology and professional bodies’ factors, were found to have less influence on client H&S performance than the political, economic and legislative factors. The impact significance of these factors was considered to be ‘moderate’. The significance of this finding was that the social, technology and professional bodies factors were also necessary albeit their influence on client H&S performance being moderate. 6.3.2 Objective D2 The second objective of the Delphi study was to estimate the influence of the factors of client H&S culture on H&S consideration throughout a project lifecycle. This was achieved by determining the impact significance of the factors of client H&S culture on H&S consideration. The level of influence of client H&S culture was inferred from the impact significance on H&S consideration. Client H&S consideration was defined by four factors namely: 1. commitment; 2. involvement; 3. competence; and 4. leadership. In addition, the likelihood of H&S consideration as a result of client’s influence was assessed. The likelihood of H&S consideration was assessed at the following construction stages, namely the: 1. initiation; 2. design; 3. procurement; 4. construction; 5. commissioning (and testing); 6. close out; and 7. operations and maintenance stage. 156 The likelihood of H&S consideration at all construction stages as a result of client’s influence was determined to be 83%. According to the five point likelihood scale with ratings ranging from ‘not likely’ (0%) to ‘very likely to occur’ (100%) the value of 83% meant that H&S consideration at all construction stages was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). This finding seemed to indicate that the client’s influence was necessary in order to assure H&S consideration. This finding confirmed that client influence was necessary for H&S consideration to occur. Furthermore, the finding also provided an estimate of the extent to which H&S consideration could be influenced. The factors of client H&S culture which had major influence on H&S consideration were also identified. The commitment, involvement and competence factors were found to have major influence on H&S consideration. The impact significance of these factors was determined to be critical. The significance of this finding was that these factors may be considered to be leading indicators of H&S consideration. With the influence of these factors, H&S consideration was ‘very likely to occur’ at all construction stages. Therefore a continued influence from a positive client H&S culture may entail a continued consideration of H&S throughout all construction stages and thereby lead to an improvement in project H&S performance. According to Hodgson & Milford, (2005:5), H&S consideration is not done in many construction projects. Therefore the finding suggested that getting clients involved, committed and acquire the requisite knowledge may ensure that H&S is considered throughout the project life cycle. Although the leadership factor was found to be less influential than the commitment, involvement and competence factors on H&S consideration, its impact was found to be ‘major’. The finding seemed to suggest that leadership on H&S consideration was not as critical as the commitment, involvement and competence factors were. 6.3.3 Objective D3 The third objective was to estimate the influence of the factors of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance. This was achieved by determining the impact significance of the factors of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance. 157 The level of influence of client H&S culture was inferred from the impact significance on contractor H&S performance. Client H&S culture was defined by four factors namely: commitment, involvement competence and leadership. In addition, the likelihood of contractors implementing H&S elements as a result of being influenced by client H&S culture was assessed. The H&S elements were for the contractor to: 1. develop staff competence in H&S; 2. employ permanent H&S personnel; 3. consult and communicate information on H&S; 4. have effective H&S policies, procedures and goals; 5. involve workers in H&S management; 6. conduct H&S hazard identification and risk assessment; and 7. achieve top management commitment and involvement. The likelihood of contractors implementing all of these H&S elements as a result of the influence from client H&S culture was determined to be 83%. The likelihood value of 83% meant that the implementation of H&S elements by contractors as a result of client’s influence was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). This finding seemed to indicate that client H&S culture’s influence was necessary in order to assure that contractors implemented these H&S elements or programmes. This finding not only confirmed that client H&S culture was necessary for contractor H&S performance; it also provided an estimate of the extent to which contractor H&S performance could be influenced. An estimate of 83% likelihood was almost an assurance that contractors would implement H&S elements. The factors of client H&S culture which had major influence on contractor H&S performance were also identified. The commitment, involvement, competence and leadership factors were all found to have major influence on contractor H&S performance. The impact significance of these factors on contractor H&S performance was determined to be major. The impact significance ranged from 6.20 to 7.00. 158 The significance of this finding was that these factors may be considered to be leading indicators of contractor H&S performance. Therefore, with the influence of these factors, contractors were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements. Consequently, a continued influence from a positive client H&S culture may entail a continued implementation of H&S elements by contractors and therefore lead to an improvement in their H&S performance. Top management of contractors has been identified as being of critical importance to H&S performance in the construction industry (Cooper, 2006:6; Zhou et al., 2011:94). Therefore it is important that contractors (top management) are influenced to become committed. 6.3.4 Objective D4 The fourth objective was to estimate the influence of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance. This was achieved by determining the impact significance of the factors of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance. The level of influence of client H&S culture was inferred from the impact significance on designer H&S performance. Client H&S culture was defined by four factors namely: commitment, involvement competence and leadership. In addition, the likelihood of designers implementing H&S elements as a result of being influenced by client H&S culture was assessed. The H&S elements were for the designer to: 1. develop staff competence in H&S; 2. employ permanent H&S staff; 3. conduct H&S inspections and audits; 4. have effective H&S policies, procedures and goals; 5. involve contractors in design reviews; 6. conduct H&S hazard identification and risk assessment; and 7. design for H&S. Designers were ‘likely’ to implement the above elements as a result of client influence. The likelihood was determined to be 78%. This finding seemed to indicate that client H&S culture’s influence was necessary in order to assure that designers 159 implemented these H&S elements or programs. This finding not only confirmed that client H&S culture was necessary for designer H&S performance; it also provided an estimate of the extent to which designer H&S performance could be influenced. A 78% likelihood was almost an assurance that designers would implement the H&S elements. The involvement factor of client H&S culture had major influence on designer H&S performance. The impact significance of this factor on designer H&S performance was determined to be critical (7.31 impact significance). The commitment, competence and leadership factors were considered to have major impact significance on designer H&S performance. However, the leadership factor was found to be more influential on designer H&S performance when compared to other client H&S factors. The significance of this finding was that these factors may be considered to be leading indicators of designer H&S performance. Therefore, with the influence of these factors, designers were ‘very likely’ to implement the H&S elements. Consequently, a continued influence from a positive client H&S culture may entail a continued implementation of H&S elements by designers and therefore lead to an improvement in their H&S performance. The role of designers and their contribution to H&S improvement in the industry has been highlighted in many studies (Gambatese et al., 1997; Smallwood, 2004; Gambatese et al., 2005; Hecker et al., 2005; Kinnersley & Roelen, 2007). Designers play a critical role in H&S performance improvement. Therefore, getting designers to be involved and remain so, may require influence from client H&S culture. 6.3.5 Objective D5 The fifth objective of the Delphi study was to estimate the direct and indirect influence of client H&S culture on the overall project H&S performance. This was achieved by determining the impact significance of the factors of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. The indirect influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was found to be greater than the direct one. The indirect influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance, mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance, 160 was considered to be critical. On the other hand, the direct influence of client H&S culture was found to be less than the indirect influence, contractor and designer H&S performance’s influence. However, the direct influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was considered to be major. This finding was in agreement with Yule & Mearns’ (2004) study, who concluded that clients had influence on project H&S performance. However, the results also show that clients’ influence on project H&S performance had greater impact when mediated by either contractor or designer H&S performance. The finding seemed to suggest that clients need all parties in order to achieve greater influence on H&S performance. In addition to the four factors of client H&S culture assessed during the Delphi study, two factors were added. These were the fact that clients should have standard procedures and effective communication. This finding was in agreement with literature. Procedures and communication have been identified as factors of a H&S culture (Gadd & Collins, 2002; Dingsdag et al., 2006). 6.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY Findings from the Delphi study have been discussed in this chapter. The key findings were that the external environment had a major influence on client H&S performance/culture. Furthermore, client H&S culture had a major influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. These findings were in agreement and lend support to findings by other authors on the influence of the external environment on client H&S culture as well as client H&S culture’s influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. The findings in this Delphi study and together with findings from literature formed the basis of the conceptual model presented in chapter seven. The model postulates that client H&S culture was critical to influence contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance. It was also further postulated that client H&S culture was influenced by the prevailing environmental factors. Therefore the postulated model was one that was centred on the client with the view to improve H&S performance. 161 CHAPTER SEVEN THE CONCEPTUAL CLIENT-CENTRED CONSTRUCTION H&S PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT MODEL 7.1 INTRODUCTION Various improvement methods have been suggested to improve H&S performance in the construction industry. However, it seems the most feasible way to improve H&S performance in the industry is through culture change (Riley & Clare-Brown, 2001:150; Fitzgerald, 2005:324; Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114). Despite general agreement that H&S improvement may only be realised with an improvement in H&S culture, the concept of culture, and in particular H&S culture, is still confusing. This confusion has resulted in a myriad of definitions and measurement methods of the concept. Despite these differences on what culture is and how it should be measured, there is a general agreement on the efficacy of the concept to improve H&S performance (Dingsdag et al., 2006; Molenaar et al., 2006; Chinda & Mohamed, 2008). It is in fact suggested that clients’ culture could offer an opportunity for addressing the problem of H&S performance (Bomel, 2001:5.3). It has been suggested that the impetus for change lies with the clients of construction projects because clients can influence H&S performance. Consequently, given that H&S performance may only be realised with an improvement in H&S culture and that clients can influence both contractors and designers on a construction project, and the fact that the impetus required for H&S performance improvement can be provided by clients, the holistic model of H&S performance improvement should be one that is based on cultural change driven by construction clients. Therefore a client-centred model is proposed in this study. Based both on the relevant literature and findings from the Delphi study, the model theorises that contractor’s and designer’s H&S performance can be influenced by client’s H&S culture and that this would lead to an improved project H&S culture and therefore performance. Few models of H&S performance improvement have addressed the 162 unique and complex nature of the construction industry and therefore may not effectively address the problem of H&S performance. The model proposed by Lund & Aaro (2004), identifies factors such as economic, legislative, aspects of the cultural, organisation and physical surroundings as being critical to H&S improvement. This model was not developed to be used for the construction industry. However, the factors mentioned in the model are applicable at industry level. In the client-centred model, recognition is made that external environment factors such as political, economic, social, technology and legislative, have an impact on the H&S culture of all project stakeholders. On the other hand, Zohar & Luria (2003) proposed a model that uses supervisory practices to leverage the improvement of H&S behaviour of workers and ultimately reduce accidents on sites. The model is based on the principle that modification should be done to the value function for H&S behaviour by introducing short term rewards that outweigh immediate costs. This is based on the ABC (antecedents – behaviour- consequences) theory of behaviour based H&S. According to the authors, behaviour modification principles are considered to be the most effective intervention framework. However the authors recognise the shortcomings of behaviour based safety and note that it does not take full account of unique attributes of the organisational context as the onus for change lies with individual workers and the reinforcement provided by the feedback and incentive is also directed at the workers (Zohar & Luria 2003:568). However, focusing only on the workers for H&S improvement is problematic because the efforts do not include immediate supervisors, despite the primary role that supervisors play to influence subordinate behaviour. Line supervisors continually provide the antecedents and consequences employed in the behavioural safety interventions. Accordingly, Zohar & Luria (2003) proposed an intervention framework that seeks to improve supervisory H&S practices. The model is an organisational level model and is based on behaviour modification principles. However even with the inclusion of supervisors being targeted for behaviour in order to alter the behaviour of those at the front line, the model does not address the entire context that affect behaviour which is the overall organisational culture. Behaviour is a product of the prevailing culture in an organisation or industry (Guldenmund, 2000:251; Reason, 2000b:13). Therefore targeting behaviour of workers, or 163 supervisors is not adequate because behaviour (practices) is an output of culture and therefore the target should be the organisational or industry culture. The model client framework of Australia (Lingard et al., 2009), is a more practical model for H&S performance improvement in the construction industry. The model was specifically developed for the construction industry in Australia. The framework could be adopted for use by project managers anywhere in the world. The aim of the framework was to improve the H&S culture of the construction industry especially on public funded construction projects. The framework is a set of booklets which contain a number of instructions, checklists and pro-forms which can be used by government agents to ensure that specific duties are performed at various levels of the project to ensure that H&S is implemented. In undertaking these duties the client agents are also charged with the responsibility to ensure that they demonstrate commitment to developing a H&S culture, lead, develop relationships, promote H&S in planning and design, consult and communicate, manage H&S risk hazards, measure and monitor, and evaluate H&S performance. However, because of the confusion surrounding the concept of H&S culture, the model client framework risks being just another mechanical process and result in a pile of paperwork without necessarily developing the required H&S culture as intended. The framework does not outline how commitment to culture development may be achieved. The model framework seems more of a technical approach rather than a recognised culture change. Improvement of H&S culture lies in the assessment of and addressing specific factors that specifically influence H&S culture such as leadership, commitment, communication, involvement and competence (Human Engineering, 2005:38). The concept of culture itself is intangible as it exists in a state of opacity; therefore it needs a clear identification if it is to be applicable as an audit issue (Karlsen & Valen, 2011:2). The model client framework does not indicate how culture would be audited. Culture change is the starting point and offers the best way to improve H&S in the construction industry. Improving culture is more effective than increased supervision or rigorous procedures to enhance H&S performance (Parker, Lawrie & Hudson, 2006:552). It was because of this and the lack of a model that seeks to improve H&S in a holistic way that the client-centred model was proposed in this study. The model 164 postulates that cultural change in construction clients will lead to a better H&S performance in construction projects. Specifically, the model theorised that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 35. It was further theorised that client H&S culture was a function of the factors of the external environment namely: political, economic, social, technology and legislative. From the Delphi study and the literature review, the factors of client H&S culture were found to be, leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. These six factors of client H&S were collectively referred to as LIP+3C. It was also theorised that using a perception or climatic survey to establish the practice of the factors of client H&S culture, contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance, a H&S culture of an organisation or a project could be established. The perception or climate survey could expose the “way things are done” or that “degree of effort” concerning the identified factors (Cooper, 2000:115; IOSH, 2004:7). In addition to these climate surveys, follow-up procedures such as focus groups and interviews to supplement the climate surveys as a way of obtaining feedback from the respondents and be able to understand the behaviour are recommended (Wiegmann et al., 2002:13; IOSH, 2004:7). Consequently, continuous improvement of H&S culture could typically follow Deming’s plan, do, check and act cycle approach. Alternatively, the H&S maturity model and principles of total quality management combined could also be used to build a H&S culture by: assessing the current level, developing plans to improve, implementing the plans, monitoring the implemented plans and reassessing the implementation. The entire cycle is repeated for continuous improvement (IOSH, 2004:9) 165 7.2 CLIENT-CENTRED H&S IMPROVEMENT MODEL Figure 35 is the conceptual client-centred construction H&S performance improvement model. The postulated relationships in the conceptualised model were that: H1. the external environment has a direct positive influence on client H&S culture; H2. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H3. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance; H4. client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H5. contractor H&S performance has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H6. designer H&S performance has a direct positive influence on project H&S performance H7. client H&S culture, has an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance mediated by contractor H&S performance; and H8. client H&S culture, has an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance mediated by designer H&S performance. The conceptual model was validated in an alternative questionnaire survey. Results of this questionnaire survey are presented in the next section. From the theorised model in this study, it seemed easier and practical to view the identified factors of client H&S culture namely; leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence (LIP+3C), as action items. Continuous assessment and control of these items could be used to improve the client H&S culture and therefore H&S performance in a project. The LIP+3C could therefore be used as a tool to check on the practice of these factors. 166 Consequently, the process of H&S performance improvement could simply follow the following cycle: 1. Assess LIP +3C; 2. Develop strategies in consultation with stakeholders to enhance LIP + 3C; 3. Implement strategies; 4. Assess LIP +3C; 5. Act to improve LIP+3C; 6. Repeat process 1-5. The above is based on Deming’s PDCA cycle and the same approach is suggested by IOSH (2004:9). Contractor performanc e Client culture Environment Project performanc e Designers’ performanc e Figure 35: Theorised client centred H&S performance improvement 7.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY In chapter seven, a conceptual model was theorised that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance. It was further theorised that client H&S culture was a function of the factors of the external environment namely: political, economic, social, technology and legislative. From the Delphi study and the literature review, the factors of client H&S culture were found to be, leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. These six factors of client H&S were collectively referred to as LIP+3C. Findings from the validation of the conceptual model developed in chapter seven will now be presented in chapter eight. 167 CHAPTER EIGHT QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY RESULTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION The postulated sub-models are diagrammatically shown in Figure 36 and 37. Indicator variables for the exogenous variables of external environment and client H&S culture, and the endogenous variables of designer, contractor and project H&S performance are shown in each measurement model. The theory behind the hypothesised clientcentred H&S performance improvement model was based on literature and on experts’ opinion acquired during the Delphi study described and presented in chapter six of this study. Raw data from questionnaires were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and was later exported to the structural equation modelling (SEM) software EQS version 6.1 for analysis (Bentler, 1999). The sample used for the analysis of the model was 281 cases. According to Kline (2005:15), a sample size of 281 is classified as large. A small sample of less than 100 cases tends to be problematic when it comes to structural equation model analysis (Kline, 2005:15). Figure 36: Hypothesised model-Client influence on project H&S performance 168 Leadership Procedures External Environment Commitment Communicatio n Competence Figure 37: Environmental influence on client H&S culture 169 Client H&S culture Involvement 8.2 STATISTICS ON SEM ASSUMPTIONS 8.2.1 Outliers and Missing data Inspection of data sets revealed that some data sets had missing values. A detailed examination of the patterns of missing data led to the conclusion that the missing data was missing at random (MAR) as opposed to data missing completely at random (MCAR). According to McDonald & Ho (2002:70), the condition that data was missing completely at random is a situation where the presence or absence of the observation is independent of other observed variables and the variable itself. Arguably, the condition MCAR is a very strict assumption that may be difficult to justify in practice (McDonald & Ho, 2002:70). Therefore the assumption of the condition MAR was adopted. Consequently, the robust maximum likelihood estimation solution in EQS was used to address the problem. The method of maximum likelihood has produced better results compared to other methods (Boomsma, 2000:469; Kline, 2005:56). The assumption in this method was that the means, variances and covariances were sufficient statistics. Therefore, cases with missing variables were skipped and not included in the analysis. Similarly, examination of the analysis output revealed that there were a few outliers in the data. EQS result output includes case numbers with the largest contribution to Mardia’s normalised multivariate Kurtosis. Examination of these case numbers revealed the case numbers that included outliers and it was upon these examinations that the conclusion was reached that there were a few outliers in the data. The chosen method of estimation namely, robust maximum likelihood was adequate to address the problem of outliers. The method is reliable because it replaces ordinary sample covariances with the robust estimates of the covariances (Boomsma, 2000:469). 8.2.2 Distribution characteristics of the data The estimation method of maximum likelihood assumes multivariate normality. Therefore it was very important that the distribution characteristics of the data were established before model analysis could be undertaken. The EQS result output included univariate statistics such as mean, Skewness (G1), Kurtosis (G2) and the standard deviations. In addition, the multivariate kurtosis formed part of the result output. Examination of the univariate statistics and Mardia 170 based multivariate Kurtosis suggested non-normality in the sample. All Mardia estimates of multivariate Kurtosis were greater than the upper limit value of 3.0 (DeCarlo, 1997:292). Therefore the distributions were described as highly Kurtotic. Mardia’s coefficient and other univariate statistics are presented in Table 23. The non-normality of the data led to the adoption of the robust maximum likelihood estimation method of the postulated model. 8.2.3 Identifiability of the model A further requirement for SEM analysis is the Identifiability of the model. In order for a model to be analysed, it has to fulfil the conditions of model identification. Boomsma (2000:466) argue that it is the duty of a researcher to examine whether a model is theoretically identified or not. Kline (2005:105) explains that a model is said to be identified if it is theoretically possible to derive a unique estimate of each parameter. Although the identification test result is presented in the result section, identification is a property of the model and not the data. However, checking for model identification is a requirement before model analysis could be done. Kline (2005:105) contends that a model that is not identified remains so no matter the sample size and any attempts to analyse it may prove fruitless. A model is said to be identified if there are at least as many observations as free model parameters (namely, the degree of freedom 0) and that every unobserved variable must be assigned a scale (Kline, 2005:105). According to Byrne (2006:31), a model could be just-identified, over-identified or under-identified. It is desirable to have an over-identified model. Byrne (2006:31) explains that an over-identified model is one in which the number of parameters to be estimated is less than the number of data variances and covariances of the observed variables and therefore results in a positive degree of freedom. 171 Table 23: Univariate and Mardia’s normalised Multivariate estimates Factor Indicator Mean Skewness Kurtosis SD Mardia’s variable (G1) (G2) coefficient CLLP1 3.9683 -0.9772 0.7028 0.8303 CLLP2 3.9792 -1.0170 0.9037 0.8693 CLLP3 3.8956 -0.8988 0.5920 0.8989 CLIP1 3.5446 -0.6839 -0.0601 0.9804 CLIP2 3.6209 7.3232 92.5874 1.6082 CLIP3 3.5330 -0.6424 -0.1771 1.0329 CLPP1 3.7220 -0.5064 -0.5933 0.9272 CLPP2 3.7030 -0.6105 -0.0474 0.8911 CLPP3 3.6790 -0.4736 -0.3164 0.9547 Client H&S CLTP1 3.9573 4.5314 54.9245 1.2022 443.7814 culture CLTP2 3.8889 -1.1463 1.0599 0.9067 CLTP3 3.7393 -0.9150 0.2673 0.9629 CLNP1 3.7279 -0.6784 -0.3974 0.9696 CLNP2 3.7040 -0.6742 -0.3112 0.9574 CLNP3 3.7322 -0.6171 -0.3804 0.9387 CLCP1 3.9188 -1.1509 1.2552 0.9588 CLCP2 3.6875 -0.5896 -0.4836 1.1009 CLCP3 3.7279 -0.7941 -0.1483 1.0864 CLCP4 3.7610 -0.7443 -0.4131 1.1517 COPP1 3.8944 -0.9701 0.4788 0.9310 COPP2 3.8694 -0.8651 0.1425 0.9726 COPP3 3.9158 -1.0083 0.7937 0.9064 COTP1 3.9866 -1.1079 1.3724 0.8148 Contractor H&S COTP2 3.8913 -1.0482 1.0960 0.8466 41.0290 Performance COTP3 3.9377 -1.1069 1.1619 0.8790 CONP1 3.9081 -1.0392 0.8474 0.8957 CONP2 3.8407 -0.8506 0.4371 0.8859 CONP3 3.8413 -0.8920 0.7397 0.8767 DEPP1 3.7466 4.5422 52.5736 1.2351 DEPP2 3.7011 -0.6495 0.1887 0.8969 DEPP3 3.6734 -0.6189 0.0158 0.9400 DETP1 3.8702 -0.7208 0.4373 0.8401 Designer H&S DETP2 3.8007 -0.5168 -0.1803 0.8479 225.6381 Performance DETP3 3.8438 -0.6010 0.0438 0.8425 DENP1 3.8063 -0.8180 0.2194 0.9427 DENP2 3.7620 -0.7117 0.0073 0.9952 DENP3 3.6943 -0.7156 0.0501 0.9749 LGN 4.0219 -1.1863 1.0521 0.9942 ECON 3.5600 -0.5801 -0.4881 1.1136 External SOC 3.4618 -0.5603 -0.6029 1.1689 47.9571 environment PRI1 3.4854 -0.4408 -0.7585 1.1743 PRI2 3.6703 -0.7003 -0.2381 1.0612 TECH 3.6473 -0.6705 -0.1495 1.0718 172 The significance of model over-identification is that it allows for a model to be rejected and therefore rendering it of scientific value (Byrne, 2006:31). A justidentified model cannot be rejected and it is impossible to obtain a solution for an under-identified model. Examination of the EQS results revealed that the lowest value for the degree of freedom in the current study was 2 and the highest was 35. These values indicated a positive value of degree of freedom and therefore were suggestive of an over-identified model. There were no convergence problems because all parameter estimates for client H&S culture, designer H&S performance, contractor H&S performance and project H&S performance constructs stabilised at fewer than 10 iterations each. The desired circumstance is the situation whereby only a few iterations are needed to reach convergence and these should not exceed the default value of 30 (Byrne, 2006:102). According to Byrne (2006:102) the number of iterations exceeding 30, results in nonconvergence and the output may not be trusted. 8.3 FIT STATISTICS ON MEASUREMENT MODELS (CFA) 8.3.1 Client H&S culture The number of cases that were analysed for the client H&S culture subscale was 273 cases from a sample of 281. Eight cases were skipped because of missing variables. The client H&S culture subscale had 19 dependent variables, 25 independent variables and 53 free parameters. The number of fixed non-zero parameters was 25. The following hypotheses for the client H&S culture subscale were tested. These hypotheses, diagrammatically presented in Figure 38 described the relationships between the indicator variables and the client culture construct. The model postulates that client H&S: 1. culture may be explained by six factors namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, competence and communication ( LIP+3C model); 2. leadership factor is explained by indicator variables CLLP1 to 3; 3. commitment factor is explained by indicator variables CLTP1 to 3; 4. involvement factor is explained by indicator variables CLIP1 to 3; 173 5. communication factor is explained by indicator variables CLNP1 to 3; 6. competence factor is explained by indicator variables CLCP1 to 3; and 7. procedures factor is explained by indicator variables CLPP1 to 3. These indicator variables are presented in Table 24. In order to establish how well the model fit the sample data and the strength of the hypothesised relations between variables, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, goodness-of-fit statistics and parameter estimates’ statistical significance at probability level of 5% were examined. In addition the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. The construct validity of the measurement model was determined from the convergent validity and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. Results of the above analysis are presented in this section. Figure 38: Theorised six factor client H&S culture model 174 Reliability results are presented for each factor of the client H&S culture construct. Indicator variables were analysed in parcels in order to mitigate the possibility of a type I error. In certain instances models do not fit simply because there are too many indicator variables and one of the solutions is to analyse the indicator variables in parcels. When indicator variables are in parcels, the number of variables to be analysed is reduced by grouping uni-dimensional indicator variables together. Table 24 presents all indicator variables for each factor, un-parcelled, as they were presented in the questionnaires. Diagnostic fit analysis –Residuals Average absolute residual values of the client H&S culture are presented in Table 25. Both unstandardised and standardised average absolute residuals are presented. Results revealed that all the absolute residuals and the average off-diagonal absolute residual values both unstandardised and standardised were very close to zero. The unstandardised average off-diagonal residual was 0.0200 while the standardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0197. Byrne (2006:94) suggests that a value can be said to be large if it is greater than 2.58. Therefore, since the values in Table 25 were all less than 2.58, results were suggestive of an acceptable fit to the sample data. In addition, 100% of standardised residuals fell between -0.1 and +0.1 The significance of this distribution is that for a model to be described as a wellfitting model, the distribution of standardised residuals should be symmetrical and centred around the zero (Byrne, 2006:94). From this information, results suggested a model that was well fitting albeit minimal discrepancy in fit between the hypothesised model and the sample data. Since the initial examination indicated a good fit, further tests of goodness-of-fit were possible to conclusively make a decision on the fit and appropriateness of the model. 175 Table 24: Postulated model variables for client culture Latent variable Indicator variables (factor) (The project client… Leadership considers H&S implications before making decisions on the project has an effective H&S policy monitors H&S on the project throughout all stages monitors designers’ H&S implementation monitors contractor’s H&S implementation mandated designers to manage project H&S requires that the contractor manages project H&S coordinates designers & contractor to ensure good H&S Commitment demonstrated positive attitude toward H&S actively promoted H&S in a consistent manner across all levels provided finance for H&S supported implementation of H&S activities put in efforts to ensure every aspect of work & operations are routinely evaluated for H&S conducted regular H&S tours on the project has been involved in investigations of accidents, incidents & ill-health on the project set H&S as an important agenda item in every project progress meeting set H&S as a No.1 priority on the project Involvement is personally active in critical project H&S activities is always present in project H&S meetings contributes to H&S training is active in overseeing of H&S on critical operations has constantly stayed “in-touch” on H&S issues always communicates information on H&S to all parties conducts regular audits & inspections Communication has set up a formal reporting system of incidents & accidents on the project involved all parties in planning for H&S on the project involves all parties in H&S review has provided timely feedback on reported accidents & incidents on the project communicates risk findings to all parties on the project clearly made H&S policy statements for the project has clearly outlined H&S roles & responsibilities for all parties on the project has clearly communicated the expected performance on H&S to all stakeholders has provided information on H&S risk control to all parties 176 Label CLLP1 CLLP2 CLLP3 CLLP1 CLLP2 CLLP3 CLLP1 CLLP2 CLTP1 CLTP2 CLTP3 CLTP1 CLTP2 CLTP3 CLTP1 CLTP2 CLTP3 CLIP1 CLIP2 CLIP3 CLIP1 CLIP2 CLIP3 CLIP1 CLNP1 CLNP2 CLNP3 CLNP1 CLNP2 CLNP3 CLNP1 CLNP2 CLNP3 Table 24: (Continued) Competence representatives have demonstrated knowledge of H&S conducts H&S training for its own staff deployed staff on the project that are qualified to manage H&S ensured that H&S induction to client staff was done on the project Procedures has programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation has clear project H&S goals scheduled H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties involved in the project scheduled H&S in all contracts for the parties involved in the project conducts regular H&S Performance measurement has its own H&S committee conducts hazard identification & risk assessment required that designers adequately address H&S in their designs Table 25: Average absolute residuals for measurement models Variable Unstandardised Standardised Ave Ave offAve Ave offabsolute diagonal absolute diagonal residual absolute residual absolute residual residual Client H&S 0.0180 0.0200 0.0177 0.0197 culture Contractor 0.0049 0.0062 0.0062 0.0078 H&S Performance Designer H&S 0.0059 0.0079 0.0066 0.0083 Performance Project H&S 0.0377 0.0424 0.0345 0.0388 Performance External 0.0289 0.0405 0.0241 0.0337 environment 177 CLCP1 CLCP2 CLCP3 CLCP4 CLPP1 CLPP2 CLPP3 CLPP1 CLPP2 CLPP3 CLPP1 CLPP2 % falling between 100 100 100 94.77 100 Goodness-of-fit statistics - Robust maximum likelihood method (RML) A two statistic strategy of fit indexes was adopted and is reported on in this study. The robust comparative/incremental index of Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and the robust absolute fit index of root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) at 90% confidence interval were evaluated in order to establish the fit of the CFA models and are reported on. In addition, the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square ( ) and the standard root mean squared residual (SRMR) were evaluated in order to compliment the conclusion on model fit. The sample data on the six factor client H&S culture model yield the of 219.323 with 137 degrees of freedom (N=273; P=0.00001). The chi-square was significant. This chi-square value indicated that the postulated model significantly differed from the sample data. However the chi-square test is very sensitive to sample size and therefore not very reliable. Kline (2005:136) observed that the chi-square test tends to be affected by the sample size with a propensity to reject models if the samples are large. Therefore a normed Chi-square value is usually adopted by most researchers (Kline, 2005:137). Normed chi-square is the procedure of dividing the chi-square by the degrees of freedom. The normed values of up to 3.0 and even 5.0 are recommended. From the above chi-square and degrees of freedom values the ratio was found to be 1.60. This ratio was much lower than the upper limit of 3.0 or 5.0 advocated for by some authors (Kline, 2005:137) and therefore the model fit may be described as acceptable. In addition, the CFI was found to be 0.979 and the RMSEA with 90% confidence interval (lower bound value = 0.035 and upper bound value = 0.058) was found to be 0.047. The CFI value was higher than the lower cut-off limit of 0.95 for a model to be described as good fit. Equally, the RMSEA value of 0.047 was less than the upper cut-off value of 0.05 for a good fit model. The absolute fit index SRMR was found to be 0.025. The SRMR index also met the cut-off criteria of not exceeding 0.05 for a good fitting model. These fit indexes for the client H&S culture measurement model were therefore suggestive of a good fit overall (Table 26). Additionally, parameter estimates were scrutinised to determine whether the model worked properly and was reasonable. This involved assessing the magnitude, signs 178 and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. These statistics are presented in Table 27. Table 26: Robust fit indexes for client H&S culture construct Fit Index Cut-off value Estimate Df 0 CFI 0.9 acceptable Comment 219.323 137 Acceptable 0.979 Good fit 0.025 Good fit 0.047 Good fit 0.035:0.058 Acceptable range 0.95 Good fit SRMR 0.08 acceptable 0.05 Good fit RMSEA 0.08 acceptable 0.05 Good fit RMSEA 90% CI Statistical significance of parameter estimates Raykov et al. (1991:501) recommended that further examination of factor loadings (parameter coefficients), standard errors and the test statistics should be conducted in addition to the analysis of fit statistics before conclusions could be made about the appropriateness of the postulated models. Therefore these estimates were examined and are presented in this section. According to Byrne (2006:94) estimates are said to be unreasonable if they have correlation values greater than 1.00, have negative variances and the correlation or covariances are not definite positive. Furthermore, the test statistic need to be greater than 1.96 based on the probability level of 5% before the hypothesis can be rejected (Byrne, 2006:103). The test statistic reported in this study is the parameter estimate (factor loading) divided by its standard error and therefore it functions as a Z-statistic to test that the estimate is statistically different from zero. The coefficient was therefore referred to as the Z-statistic. Inspection of the correlation values, standard errors and the test statistic presented in Table 27 reveal that all correlation values were not greater than 1.00; all test statistics 179 were greater than 1.96 and the signs were appropriate (positive). The estimates were therefore reasonable as well as statistically significant. The parameter with the highest standardised coefficient was found to be the parcel indicator variable CLPP1. The parameter coefficient was 0.961. Individually, the indicator variable, induction, explained the factor of client competence better with a factor loading of 0.997. All parameter estimates had high correlation values close to 1.00 suggesting a high degree of linear association between the indicator variables and the latent variables. In addition, the values were close to the desired value of 1.00 indicating that the exogenous variables explained more of the variance in the indicator variables. However the parcel CLIP2 was the only exception with an of 0.332 (Table 27). Equally, Correlation values between the six factors of the client H&S culture construct indicated that the factors were related to each other. The correlation values ranged from 0.653 (Involvement– Leadership) to 0.942 (Commitment - Involvement). Table 29 shows exogenous variable correlations. However, inspection of the individual indicator variables postulated to measure the exogenous variable, involvement, in Table 28, revealed that all the variables were close to 1.00. The lower value for the parcel CLIP2 may probably have resulted from the combination of the indicator variables making up the parcel CLIP2. The test statistic and the standard errors for the overall client H&S culture also revealed that the estimates were reasonable and statistically significant. The covariances among independent variables at 5% level were also found to be statistically significant. Internal reliability and validity of scores In order to determine the internal consistency of the composite of the measurement models the Rho coefficient and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were examined to establish reliability (Byrne, 2006:133). According to Kline (2005:59), the reliability coefficient should fall between zero and 1.00. Values close to 1.00 are desired. The Rho coefficient of internal consistency was found to be 0.978. This value was above the minimum value of 0.70. In addition, the Cronbach’s alpha was also found to be above the minimum 0.70 at 0.963. Both those values showed a high level of internal consistency and therefore reliability. 180 Table 27: Parameter estimates of client H&S culture measurement model Indicator Variable (Parcelled) Un-standardised Coefficient (λ) Standardised Coefficient (λ) Z- Statistic CLLP1 0.739 0.892 16.788 0.795 Yes CLLP2 0.816 0.940 16.817 0.884 Yes CLLP3 0.765 0.853 14.758 0.727 Yes CLIP1 0.913 0.933 19.736 0.871 Yes CLIP2 0.928 0.578 18.874 0.334 Yes CLIP3 0.949 0.921 20.386 0.848 Yes CLPP1 0.888 0.961 25.153 0.924 Yes CLPP2 0.837 0.943 20.561 0.889 Yes CLPP3 0.848 0.891 19.029 0.794 Yes CLTP1 0.836 0.697 15.097 0.486 Yes CLTP2 0.841 0.929 16.426 0.863 Yes CLTP3 0.900 0.937 18.794 0.878 Yes CLNP1 0.904 0.935 21.869 0.874 Yes CLNP2 0.917 0.960 22.777 0.922 Yes CLNP3 0.895 0.956 22.866 0.914 Yes CLCE1 0.780 0.816 12.765 0.666 Yes CLCE2 0.966 0.880 20.101 0.774 Yes CLCE3 0.971 0.897 18.495 0.804 Yes CLCE4 1.000 0.870 18.857 0.758 Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level (parcelled) 181 Significant at 5% level? Table 28: Factor loading and Z-statistics of client model Latent variable Indicator variable Parameter Coefficient (λ) Z- Statistic Significant? .741 .796 .816 .841 .792 .717 .618 .798 .839 .806 .758 .775 .942 11.011 13.209 14.657 17.700 13.641 11.047 8.759 14.022 10.628 13.316 11.307 12.254 17.663 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes .956 .887 17.884 15.811 Yes Yes .799 .957 .829 .919 .934 .934 .987 .962 13.116 17.347 12.956 12.653 17.308 18.362 19.825 18.066 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (The client...) Leadership Commitment Involvement considers H&S implications before making decisions on the project has an effective H&S policy monitors H&S on the project throughout all stages monitors designers’ H&S implementation monitors contractor’s H&S implementation mandated designers to manage project H&S requires that the contractor manages project H&S coordinates designers & contractor to ensure good H&S demonstrated positive attitude toward H&S actively promoted H&S in a consistent manner across all levels provided finance for H&S supported implementation of H&S activities put in efforts to ensure every aspect of work & operations are routinely evaluated for H&S conducted regular H&S tours on the project been involved in investigations of accidents, incidents & ill-health on the project set H&S as an important agenda item in every project progress meeting set H&S as a No.1 priority on the project is personally active in critical project H&S activities is always present in project H&S meetings contributes to H&S training is active in overseeing of H&S on critical operations has constantly stayed “in-touch” on H&S issues always communicates information on H&S to all parties 182 Table 28: (Continued) Communication Competence Procedures conducts regular audits & inspections has set up a formal reporting system of incidents & accidents on the project involved all parties in planning for H&S on the project involves all parties in H&S review has provided timely feedback on reported accidents & incidents on the project communicates risk findings to all parties on the project clearly made H&S policy statements for the project has clearly outlined H&S roles & responsibilities for all parties on the project has clearly communicated expected performance on H&S to all has provided Information on H&S risk control to all parties representatives have demonstrated knowledge of H&S conducts H&S training for its own staff deployed staff on the project that are qualified to manage H&S ensured that H&S induction to client staff was done on the project .954 .902 .865 .820 .919 17.972 16.644 16.419 17.241 18.530 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes .977 .894 .895 .890 .965 .785 .976 .963 .997 21.252 17.517 18.733 16.611 18.807 13.082 20.689 18.160 18.883 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes has programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation has clear project H&S goals scheduled H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties involved in the project scheduled H&S in all contracts for the parties involved in the project conducts regular H&S Performance measurement has its own H&S committee conducts Hazard identification & risk assessment required that designers adequately address H&S in their designs .908 .827 .839 19.753 15.959 16.215 Yes Yes Yes .770 .945 .839 .963 .698 16.205 20.996 13.471 19.335 11.397 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level (un-parcelled) 183 The construct validity was determined by examining the convergent validity of the factors of client H&S culture construct and from the magnitude of the parameter coefficients (factor loadings). High correlation values indicate convergence and parameter coefficients greater than 0.5 indicate close relation between the factor and an indicator variable. A parameter coefficient of 0.5 is interpreted as 25% of the total variance in the indicator variable being explained by the latent variable (factor). Accordingly a parameter coefficient has to be greater than 0.7 to explain about 50% of the variance in an indicator variable (Hair et al., 1998:111). The relationship between exogenous variables should show high correlations in order to indicate convergence. Inspection of unstandardised parameter coefficients presented in Table 27, revealed that they were sufficiently high with the minimum of 0.739 for the relationship between CLLP1 and the factor leadership. The parameter estimate of 0.739 meant that the leadership factor accounted for about 55% of the variance in the indicator variable, CLLP1 and therefore indicative of a good fit between the two variables. Additionally, the correlation values between the six factors postulated to reflect client H&S culture were high and therefore confirmed convergence. Convergence is said to have been reached when measures of constructs that theoretically should be related to each other are, in fact, observed to be related to each other indicated by higher correlation values. Table 29, shows correlation values between the six factors of client H&S culture. All correlation values were above 0.4 with the minimum correlation value being 0.653. Therefore, the client H&S culture construct satisfied both the internal reliability criteria and the construct validity criteria. The Rho value was above the minimum value of 0.70 (Table 30) and the convergent validity characterised by high correlation values, magnitude, sign and statistical significance of parameter coefficients were found to be satisfactory. A further check for model mis-specification was conducted. The model was checked against mis-specification by examining results from the Lagrange Multiplier Test (LM test). In EQS, a model can be said to be mis-specified if there are any mis-fitting parameters using a LM test (Byrne, 2006:113). The criterion is to identify any significant drop in the values of parameters. Additionally, in the univariate and 184 multivariate analysis, the probability that a parameter estimate is equal to zero should be less than 0.05 in order to be rejected. This is also an indication of mis-specification (Byrne, 2006:113). Inspection of the LM test output revealed that there were no significant mis-fitting variables that would have warranted model re-specification. Table 29: Correlations between factors of client H&S culture Client H&S culture factors Leadership (CLLP) Involvement (CLIP) Procedures (CLPP) Commitment (CLT) Communication (CLNP) Competence (CLCP) CLLP CLIP CLPP CLTP CLNP 1.000 0.653 0.813 0.691 0.821 1.000 0.709 0.942 0.749 1.000 0.682 0.841 1.000 0.721 1.000 0.719 0.734 0.819 0.746 0.780 CLCP 1.000 Table 30: Reliability and construct validity of client H&S culture model Factor Client H&S culture No. of indicator variables/parcels Indicator variable Factor loading Cronbach’s Alpha Rho coefficient 19 CLLP1 CLLP2 CLLP3 CLIP1 CLIP2 CLIP3 CLPP1 CLPP2 CLPP3 CLTP1 CLTP2 CLTP3 CLNP1 CLNP2 CLNP3 CLCE1 CLCE2 CLCE3 CLCE4 0.892 0.940 0.853 0.933 0.578 0.921 0.961 0.943 0.891 0.697 0.929 0.937 0.935 0.960 0.956 0.816 0.880 0.897 0.870 0.963 0.978 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions 185 Solution evaluation and summary on client H&S culture The residual covariance estimates fell within the acceptable range, the robust fit indexes met the cut-off index criteria and all parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant and feasible. Having these criteria, the measurement model for the client H&S culture subscale fit the sample data well. As a result, there was no need to modify and re-specify the model before including it in the full latent variable model. Furthermore, there was no significant evidence that indicated model misspecification and the LM test supported the conclusion that the measurement model for client H&S culture subscale fit the sample data well. Apart from this, as Byrne (2006:113) explains, it is unwise to modify a model that fits well because modifications may only be fitting small characteristic features of the sample. Therefore, the hypotheses could not be rejected that client H&S: 1. culture was explained by six factors namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, competence and communication (LIP+3C model); 2. leadership factor is explained by indicator variables CLLP1 to 3 3. commitment factor is explained by indicator variables CLTP1 to 3 4. involvement factor is explained by indicator variables CLIP1 to 3 5. communication factor is explained by indicator variables CLNP1 to 3 6. competence factor is explained by indicator variables CLCP1 to 3 7. procedures factor is explained by indicator variables CLPP1 to 3 Therefore, the six factor client H&S culture construct, comprising: leadership, involvement, procedures commitment, communication and competence, adequately described the client H&S culture framework and the indicator variables adequately measured these exogenous factors. Therefore the measurement model could be used in the analysis of the full latent variable model. 8.3.2 Project H&S Performance The number of cases that were analysed for the project H&S performance subscale was 272 cases. The number of cases that were skipped was nine because they had missing variables. The project H&S subscale had 17 dependent variables, 18 independent variables and 34 free parameters. The number of fixed non-zero parameters was 18. 186 The hypothesis that the project H&S performance construct is explained by indicator variables PP1 to PP17 shown in Table 31, was evaluated. This hypothesis was also presented diagrammatically in Figure 17. The project H&S performance construct, was a measurement model which was part of the overall structural equation model. In order to establish how well the model fit the sample data and the strength of the hypothesised relations between variables, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, fit statistics and statistical significance at probability level of 5% were examined. In addition, the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. The construct validity of the measurement model was determined from the convergent validity and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. Table 31: Indicator variables for the project H&S Performance construct Latent Variable (factor) Project H&S Performance Indicator variable (On the project......) label there is an effective H&S policy H&S programmes are regularly monitored H&S implementation is well coordinated between all parties all key project participants attend H&S meetings regular H&S inspections / audits are conducted H&S is well addressed in all project contract documents H&S committee is effective there is a permanent H&S officer H&S requirements are clearly stated on drawings / specifications there is a H&S risk register there is an incentive programme for H&S performance H&S is a major agenda item in all project meetings all accidents/ incidents are reported by workers all parties know what the H&S risks are on the project H&S induction is conducted for all workers on the project formal H&S training is conducted for all workers on the project H&S skill & knowledge is a key consideration for all staff recruitment PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 187 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 Diagnostic fit analysis –Residuals Average absolute residual values of the Project H&S performance are presented in Table 25. The average absolute residuals, both unstandardised and standardised, are presented. Results revealed that all the absolute residual values and the average offdiagonal absolute residual were close to zero. The unstandardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0424 while the standardised average off diagonal residual was found to be 0.0388. These values were considered to be very small and therefore acceptable. An absolute residual value is considered to be large if it is more than 2.58 (Byrne, 2006:94). The results obtained for project H&S performance measurement model were therefore suggestive of an acceptable fit to the sample data since all residual values were below the 2.58. In addition, 94.77% of standardised residuals fell between -0.1 and +0.1 which is the acceptable range. In order for a model to be described as well-fitting, the distribution of standardised residuals should be symmetrical and centred around the zero (Byrne, 2006:94). Results suggested a model that was well fitting albeit minimal discrepancy in fit between the hypothesised model and the sample data. About 5.23% of the residuals fell outside the -0.1 to 0.1 range. Therefore, since the above initial examination of residuals indicated a fairly good fit, further tests of goodness-of-fit were possible to conclusively make a decision on the fit and appropriateness of the model. The goodness-of-fit test results will now be presented in the next sections. Goodness-of-fit statistics - RML A two statistic strategy of fit indexes is reported. The sample data on project H&S performance measurement model yield the of 294.515 with 119 degrees of freedom (N=272; P=0.0000). The chi-square was significant. This chi-square value indicated that the postulated model significantly differed from the sample data. However, the chi-square test is very sensitive to sample size and therefore not very reliable. The chi-square test tends to be affected by the sample size with a propensity to reject models if the samples are large. Therefore a normed Chi-square value is usually adopted by most researchers (Kline, 2005:137). Normed chi-square is the procedure of dividing the chi-square by the degrees of 188 freedom. The normed values of up to 3.0 or even 5.0 are recommended. From the above chi-square and degrees of freedom values the ratio was found to be 2.475. This ratio was lower than the upper limit of 3.0 or 5.0 advocated for by some authors (Kline, 2005:137) and therefore the model fit may be described as acceptable. In addition, the CFI was found to be 0.923 and the RMSEA with 90% confidence interval (lower bound value = 0.064 and upper bound value = 0.086) was found to be 0.075. The CFI value was lower than the cut-off limit of 0.95 for a model to be described as having a good fit. However the value was within the acceptable range to accept the model. The lower limit is 0.9. Likewise, the RMSEA value of 0.075 was less than the upper cut-off value of 0.08 for an acceptable fit. The model could be accepted although the fit was not good. The absolute fit index SRMR was found to be 0.048. The SRMR index met the cut-off criteria for good fit. The SRMR cut-off value is 0.5. These fit indexes (Table 32) for the project H&S performance measurement model suggested that the measurement model had an adequate fit to the sample data. Further, the fit statistics indicated that the model was working properly and could be included in the full latent variable model analysis. Additionally, parameter estimates were scrutinised to determine whether the model worked properly and was reasonable. This involved assessing the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. These statistics are presented in Table 33. Table 32: Robust fit indexes for project H&S Performance construct Fit Index Df CFI SRMR RMSEA RMSEA 90% CI Cut-off value 0 0.9 0.95 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit Estimate Comment 294.515 119 0.923 Acceptable Acceptable 0.048 Good fit 0.075 Acceptable 0.064:0.086 Acceptable range 189 Statistical significance of parameter estimates Inspection of the correlation values, standard errors and the test statistic in Table 33, revealed that all correlation values were not greater than 1.00, all Z-statistics were greater than 1.96 (P<0.05) and the signs were appropriate (positive). The estimates were therefore found to be reasonable as well as statistically significant. The parameter with the highest standardised coefficient was the indicator variable PP11. The parameter coefficient was found to be 0.947. The indicator variable PP11 (there is an incentive programme for H&S performance on this project) was found to be more closely associated with the construct of project H&S performance than all indicator variables. However, all parameter estimates showed high correlation values close to 1.00 suggesting a high degree of linear association between the indicator variables and the factor, project H&S performance. In addition, values were found to be close to the desired value of 1.00. The only exceptions were the indicator variables PP8, PP9 and PP13. The values for these variables were below 0.5. Table 33: Factor loading and Z-statistic of Project H&S performance model Indicator Variable Unstandardised Coefficient (λ) Standardised Coefficient (λ) Z- Statistic PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 0.824 0.836 0.838 0.802 0.808 0.704 0.877 0.688 0.730 0.806 0.947 0.726 0.685 0.772 0.885 0.907 0.881 0.855 0.862 0.859 0.805 0.808 0.721 0.857 0.698 0.634 0.779 0.805 0.743 0.694 0.746 0.790 0.800 0.775 15.205 14.829 15.748 14.239 14.161 11.413 18.523 11.169 11.945 13.806 22.201 12.093 11.386 13.861 15.539 16.185 18.191 (Robust statistical significance at 5% level) 190 Significant at 5% level? 0.732 0.742 0.738 0.648 0.652 0.520 0.735 0.487 0.402 0.607 0.649 0.553 0.482 0.556 0.625 0.640 0.600 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Internal reliability and validity of scores In order to determine the internal consistency of the composite of the project H&S performance measurement model the Rho coefficient and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were examined to establish reliability (Byrne, 2006:133). According to Kline (2005:59), the reliability coefficient should fall between zero and 1.00. Values close to 1.00 are desired. The Rho coefficient of internal consistency was found to be 0.963. This value was above the minimum value of 0.70. Similarly, the Cronbach’s alpha was also found to be above the minimum value of 0.70 at 0.963. Both these values showed a high level of internal consistency and therefore reliability. The construct validity was determined by examining the magnitude of the parameter coefficients (factor loadings). High parameter coefficients of greater than 0.5 indicate a close relation between the factor and an indicator variable. A parameter coefficient of 0.5 is interpreted as 25% of the total variance in the indicator variable being explained by the latent variable (factor). Accordingly a parameter coefficient has to be greater than 0.7 to explain about 50% of the variance in an indicator variable (Hair et al., 1998:111). Inspection of unstandardised parameter coefficients presented in Table 33, revealed that they were sufficiently high with the minimum of 0.685 for the relationship between PP13 and the factor, project H&S performance. The parameter estimate of 0.685 suggested that the factor accounted for about 47% of the variance in PP13. This value was however above the acceptable level. On the other hand, all other parameter estimates were above 50% and therefore indicative of an adequate fit between the indicator variables and the factor. Further, the LM test did not reveal any significant mis-specification of the project H&S performance construct. In addition to the LM test, statistical significance of parameter estimates at P<0.05, also indicates a level of mis-specification (Byrne, 2006:113). Inspection of the LM test output and the parameter estimates significance revealed that there were no significant mis-fitting variables that would have justified re-specification of the measurement model. Therefore the factor, project H&S performance, satisfied both the internal reliability and the construct validity criteria. The Rho value was above the minimum of 0.70 191 (Table 34) and the construct validity criteria was justified by the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of all parameter coefficients. Table 34: Reliability and construct validity of Project H&S performance model Factor Project H&S performance No. of Indicator indicator variable variables 17 PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 Factor loading Cronbach’s Alpha 0.855 0.862 0.859 0.805 0.808 0.721 0.857 0.698 0.634 0.779 0.805 0.743 0.694 0.746 0.790 0.800 0.775 0.963 Rho coefficient 0.963 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions Solution evaluation and summary on project H&S performance The residual covariance estimates fell within the acceptable range, the robust fit indexes met the cut-off indexes and the parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant and feasible. Based on these criteria the measurement model for the project H&S performance subscale was found to adequately fit the sample data. Consequently, there was no need to modify the model before including it in the full latent variable model analysis. Furthermore, there was no significant evidence of model mis-specification and the LM test supported the conclusion that the measurement model for project H&S performance subscale adequately fit the sample data. Apart from this, it is unwise to modify a model that fits well because modifications may only be fitting small characteristic features of the sample (Byrne, 2006:103). 192 Therefore, the factor, project H&S performance, appeared to be explained by the indicator variables PP1 to PP17 and hence adequately measured the project H&S performance construct. The measurement model on project H&S performance could therefore be used in the analysis of the full latent variable model. 8.3.3 Contractor H&S performance The number of cases that were analysed for the contractor H&S performance subscale was 275 cases. The number of cases that were skipped was six because of missing variables. The contractor H&S performance subscale had 9 parcelled dependent variables, 12 independent variables and 21 free parameters. The number of fixed nonzero parameters was 12. A three factor contractor H&S performance construct comprising commitment, communication and procedures was analysed before inclusion in the full latent model. The indicator variables were organised in parcels as shown in Table 35 and Figure 39. In order to establish how well the model fit the sample data and the strength of the hypothesised relations between variables, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, fit statistics and statistical significance at probability level 5% were examined. In addition, the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. The construct validity of the measurement model was determined from the convergent validity and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. Diagnostic fit analysis – Analysis of residual covariance estimates The average absolute residual values of the contractor H&S performance are presented in Table 25. The average absolute residuals, both unstandardised and standardised, are presented. Results revealed that all the absolute residual values and the average off-diagonal absolute residual values were close to zero. The unstandardised average off-diagonal residual was 0.0062 while the standardised average off diagonal residual was found to be 0.0078. A residual value greater than 2.58 is described as large (Byrne, 2006:94). The results obtained for contractor H&S performance measurement model suggested a fairly acceptable fit to the sample data because the absolute residuals were all below 2.58. In addition, 100% of standardised residuals fell between -0.1 and +0.1 which is the acceptable range. 193 In order for a model to be described as well-fitting, the distribution of standardised residuals should be symmetrical and centred around zero (Byrne, 2006:94). From the above information, results suggested a measurement model that had an adequate fit. Therefore, since this diagnostic fit analysis indicated a good fit, further tests of goodness-of-fit were possible to conclusively make a decision on the fit and appropriateness of the measurement model. Table 35: Postulated contractor H&S performance measurement model Latent variable (factor) Commitment Communication Procedures Indicator variable (Contractor top management… has demonstrated a positive H&S attitude has actively promoted H&S has provided adequate resources for H&S implementation has put in effort to ensure routine H&S evaluation in all work schedules has set up incentives for good H&S behaviour has set H&S as a major agenda item in all project meetings actively monitors H&S programmes on the project always attends H&S meetings on the construction site conducts H&S inspections/audits regularly is always involved in accident /incident investigations has established formal H&S reporting system has a formal H&S feedback system involves workers in H&S planning provides timely feedback on incidents/accidents always communicates risk findings to all workers has made a clear H&S policy statement on the project has made clear the expected H&S performance standard on the project has provided information on H&S risk control regularly makes H&S briefs has “stayed –in- touch” on H&S issues has an effective H&S policy has an effective H&S plan scheduled H&S in all subcontractor contracts or prequalification documents conducts regular H&S performance measurement conducted a hazard identification and risk assessment for the project actively oversees H&S on critical operations has set up a formal H&S training programme considers H&S knowledge to be a requirement for employment has permanent H&S staff ensures that H&S induction is conducted for all employees 194 Parcel label COTP1 COTP2 COTP3 COTP1 COTP2 COTP3 COTP1 COTP2 COTP3 COTP1 CONP1 CONP2 CONP3 CONP1 CONP2 CONP3 CONP1 CONP2 CONP3 CONP1 COPP1 COPP2 COPP3 COPP1 COPP2 COPP3 COPP1 COPP2 COPP3 COPP1 COPP1 COPP2 COPP COTP1 COTP2 COTP COTP3 CONP1 Contractor H&S Performance COPP3 CONP CONP2 CONP3 Figure 39: Contractor H&S performance construct Goodness-of-fit statistics - RML The analysis strategy of goodness-of-fit for the contractor H&S performance construct followed a two statistic strategy of fit indexes and is reported on in this section. The sample data on contractor H&S performance measurement model yield the of 25.0664 with 24 degrees of freedom and (N=275; P=0.40216,). The chisquare was insignificant. This chi-square value indicated that the departure of the sample data from the postulated measurement model was not significant and hence indicative of an acceptable fit. However the chi-square test is very sensitive to sample size and is used more as a descriptive index of fit rather than as a statistical test (Kline, 2005:136). Therefore a normed Chi-square value is usually adopted by most researchers. Normed chi-square is the procedure of dividing the chi-square by the degrees of freedom. The normed values of up to 3.0 or even 5.0 are recommended (Kline, 2005:137). From the above chi-square and degrees of freedom values the ratio was found to be 1.044. This ratio was lower than the upper limit of 3.0 or 5.0 advocated for by some authors (Kline, 2005:137). 195 In addition, the CFI was found to be 0.999 and the RMSEA with 90% confidence interval (lower bound value = 0.000 and upper bound value = 0.051) was found to be 0.013. The CFI value was higher than the cut-off limit of 0.95 for a model to be described as having a good fit. Similarly, the RMSEA value of 0.013 was less than the upper cut-off value of 0.05 for a good fitting model. The absolute fit index SRMR was found to be 0.009. The SRMR index also met the cut-off criteria for a good fit model. A good fit model has an SRMR value of not more than 0.05. These fit indexes for the contractor H&S performance measurement model suggested that the postulated model adequately fit the sample data and could therefore be included in the full latent variable model analysis (Table 36). In addition to fitting the measurement model, it was also necessary to determine whether the postulated model was reasonable. To establish this, analysis of each parameter estimate was done to determine statistical significance. Statistics of these parameter estimates are presented in Table 37. Table 36: Robust fit indexes for Contractor H&S Performance construct Fit Index Df CFI SRMR RMSEA RMSEA 90% CI Cut-off value 0 0.9 0.95 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit Estimate Comment 25.0664 24 0.999 Acceptable Good fit 0.009 Good fit 0.013 Good fit 0.000:0.051 Acceptable range Statistical significance of parameter estimates Inspection of the correlation values, standard errors and the test statistics in Table 37 revealed that all correlation values were not greater than 1.00, z-statistics were greater than 1.96 and the signs were appropriate. The estimates were therefore deemed reasonable as well as statistically significant. The parameter with the highest standardised coefficient was the indicator variable CONP1. The parameter coefficient was found to be 0.982. The parcel CONP1, containing the indicator variables namely: 196 (1) contractor top management has established formal H&S reporting system; (2) provides timely feedback on incidents/accidents and (3) has made clear the expected H&S performance standard on the project, was found to associate more with the communication factor than indicator variables in CONP2 and CONP3. However, all parameter estimates had high correlation values close to 1.00. The high correlation values suggested a high degree of linear association between the indicator variables and the factors of contractor H&S performance construct namely, procedures, communication and commitment. In addition, the values were also close to the desired value of 1.00 indicating that the factors explained more of the variance in the indicator variables. Table 37: Factor loading and Z-statistics of contractor H&S performance model Indicator Unstandardised Standardised Z- Significant at Variable Coefficient (λ) Coefficient (λ) Statistic 5% level? COPP1 0.904 0.971 19.674 0.942 Yes COPP2 0.927 0.954 20.535 0.909 Yes COPP3 0.847 0.934 17.363 0.872 Yes COTP1 0.768 0.943 15.912 0.890 Yes COTP2 0.793 0.937 16.240 0.878 Yes COTP3 0.849 0.966 17.387 0.934 Yes CONP1 0.880 0.982 18.900 0.964 Yes CONP2 0.857 0.968 19.744 0.937 Yes CONP3 0.822 0.938 17.487 0.880 Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level) In addition, correlation values between the three factors of contractor H&S performance construct indicated that the factors were related to each other and belonged to one construct. The correlation values ranged from 0.896 (procedures and commitment) to 0.932 (Commitment - Communication). Table 38 is a tabulation of correlations between the factors of contractor H&S performance. 197 Table 38: Correlations of factors of contractor H&S performance model Factors of contractor H&S COPP COTP CONP performance Procedures (COPP) 1.000 Commitment (COTP) 0.896 1.000 Communication (CONP) 0.921 0.932 1.000 Internal reliability and validity of scores The internal consistency and reliability of scores for the contractor H&S performance construct was determined from the Rho and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. According to Kline (2005:59), the reliability coefficient should fall between zero and 1.00. Values close to 1.00 are desired. The Rho coefficient of internal consistency was found to be 0.989. This value was above the minimum required value of 0.70. Similarly, the Cronbach’s alpha was above the minimum acceptable value of 0.70. The Cronbach’s alpha was found to be 0.981. Both these values revealed a high level of internal consistency and therefore reliability. Construct validity was determined from the magnitude and reasonableness of the parameter coefficients (factor loadings). High parameter coefficients of greater than 0.5 indicate a close relation between the factor and an indicator variable. A parameter coefficient of 0.5 is interpreted as 25% of the total variance in the indicator variable being explained by the latent variable (factor). Accordingly a parameter coefficient has to be greater than 0.7 to explain about 50% of the variance in an indicator variable (Hair et al., 1998:111). Inspection of unstandardised parameter coefficients presented in Table 37, revealed that all coefficients were sufficiently high with the minimum of 0.768 for the relationship between COTP1 and the commitment factor. This parameter estimate suggested that the commitment factor accounted for about 59% of the variance in COTP1. The magnitude of the parameter estimate was above the 50% minimum. Likewise, all other parameter estimates were above 59% and therefore indicated an adequate fit. This in addition indicated a strong relationship between the indicator variables and the factors of contractor H&S performance construct. 198 The contractor H&S performance construct satisfied both the internal reliability and the construct validity criteria. The Rho value was above the minimum value of 0.70, the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of the parameter estimates were appropriate. Table 39: Reliability and construct validity of contractor H&S performance model Factor No. of parcels Contractor H&S Performance 9 Indicator Factor Cronbach’s Rho variable loading Alpha coefficient COPP1 0.971 COPP2 0.954 COPP3 0.934 COTP1 0.943 COTP2 0.937 COTP3 0.966 CONP1 0.982 CONP2 0.968 CONP3 0.938 0.981 0.989 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions Solution evaluation and summary on contractor H&S performance The residual covariance estimates fell within the acceptable range, the robust fit indexes met the cut-off index criteria and all the parameter estimates were statistically significant and feasible. Considering these criteria, the measurement model for the contractor H&S performance subscale was found to adequately fit the sample data. Consequently, there was no need to improve the measurement model before it could be included in the full latent variable model. Furthermore, the LM test did not indicate any significant evidence of model mis-specification. Therefore, the contractor H&S performance construct was adequately measured by the indicator variables and hence could be used in the analysis of the full latent variable model. 8.3.4 Designers H&S Performance The number of cases that were analysed for the designer H&S performance subscale was 271 cases. The number of cases that were skipped was 10 because of missing variables. The designer H&S performance subscale had 9 parcels of dependent 199 variables, 12 independent variables and 21 free parameters. The number of fixed nonzero parameters was 12. A three factor designer H&S performance construct comprising commitment, communication and procedures, was analysed before it could be included in the full latent variable model. The indicator variables were organised in parcels as shown in Table 40 and Figure 40. In order to establish how well the measurement model fit the sample data and how well the indicator variables measured the factors of designer H&S performance construct, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, fit statistics and statistical significance at probability level 5% were examined. In addition the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. Construct validity of the measurement model was determined from model convergence and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DEPP DETP2 Designer H&S Performance DETP1 DETP DETP3 DENP1 DENP DENP2 DENP3 Figure 40: Designer H&S performance measurement model (DEPP = procedures, DETP = Commitment and DENP= Communication) 200 Diagnostic fit analysis –Residuals The average absolute residual values of the designer H&S performance construct are presented in Table 25. Both unstandardised and standardised average absolute residuals are presented. Results revealed that all the absolute residual values and the average off-diagonal absolute residuals, both unstandardised and standardised, were close to zero. The unstandardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0074 while the standardised average off-diagonal residual was found to be 0.0083. These values were smaller than the 2.58 upper limit and therefore suggested that the model could have an adequate fit to the sample data. In addition, 100% of standardised residuals fell between the acceptable range of -0.1 and +0.1 (Byrne, 2006:94). The favourable diagnostic fit analysis tests justified further tests of goodness-of-fit on the designer H&S performance construct. Goodness-of-fit statistics- RML The sample data on designer H&S performance measurement model yield the of 35.6033 with 24 degrees of freedom (N=271; P=0.05994). The chisquare was insignificant. This chi-square value indicated that the departure of the sample data from the postulated measurement model was not significant and hence indicative of an acceptable fit. The ratio of the chi-square to the degrees of freedom was found to be 1.4835. This ratio was lower than the upper limit of 3.0 or 5.0 advocated for by some authors (Kline, 2005:137). The measurement model was therefore considered to be of an acceptable fit. In addition to the Chi-square test, the CFI was found to be 0.994. The CFI value was higher than the minimum value of 0.95 set for a good fit criteria. On the other hand, the RMSEA (90% CI) was found to be 0.042 (lower bound value = 0.000; upper bound value = 0.070). Equally, the RMSEA value of 0.042 was less than the upper cut-off value of 0.05 for a good fitting model. The absolute fit index SRMR was found to be 0.010. The SRMR index also met the cut-off criteria of not exceeding 0.05 for a good fitting model. These fit indexes for the designer H&S performance measurement model suggested that the model adequately fit the sample data and therefore could be included in the full latent variable model (Table 41). 201 Additionally, parameter estimates were scrutinised to determine whether the model worked properly and was reasonable. This involved assessing the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. These statistics are presented in Table 42. Table 40: Postulated designer H&S Performance model Latent variable (factor) Commitment Communication Procedures Indicator variable (Designers … have demonstrated positive H&S attitude actively promote H&S on the project provide information on H&S put in effort to ensure routine H&S evaluation in all work schedules conduct regular H&S inspections/audits ensure that H&S is always on the agenda of project meetings regularly monitor H&S programmes regularly attend H&S meetings for the project are always involved in accident/incident investigations have set up a formal H&S reporting system involve the contractor to plan for H&S provide timely feedback on H&S issues such as incidents / accidents always communicate risk findings made clear the expected H&S standard performance provided information on H&S risk control make regular H&S briefings / reports have stayed ‘in-touch’ on H&S issues have a H&S policy for the project have a H&S plan for the project regularly measure H&S performance or other designers oversee H&S on critical operations or other designers have clearly stated H&S requirements on contract drawings / specifications conducted a Hazard identification and risk assessment for the project have clearly defined H&S roles and responsibilities for the project have demonstrated knowledgeable of H&S ensure that H&S induction is conducted for all on the project 202 Parcel label DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DENP1 DENP2 DENP3 DENP1 DENP2 DENP3 DENP1 DENP2 DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 Table 41: Robust fit indexes for designer H&S performance construct Fit Index Df CFI SRMR RMSEA Cut-off value 0 0.9 0.95 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit RMSEA 90% CI Estimate Comment 35.6033 24 0.994 Acceptable Good fit 0.010 Good fit 0.042 Good fit 0.000:0.070 Acceptable range Statistical significance of parameter estimates Examination of the correlation values, standard errors and the test statistics in Table 42 revealed that all correlation values were not greater than 1.00, Z-values were greater than 1.96 and the signs were appropriate and reasonable. All parameter estimates were therefore considered to be reasonable as well as statistically significant. The parameter with the highest standardised coefficient was the indicator variable DENP3. The parameter coefficient was found to be 0.984. The parcel DENP3, containing the indicator variables namely: (1) designer provide timely feedback on H&S issues such as incidents/accidents and (2) designer has provided information on H&S risk control, was found to be more associated with the communication factor than the indicator variables in parcels DENP1 and DENP2. However, all parameter estimates had high correlation values close to 1.00 suggesting that all indicator variables measured the communication factor. The high correlation values suggested a high degree of linear association between the indicator variables and the factors of designer H&S performance construct. In addition, the values were also found to be close to the desired value of 1.00 and hence indicating that the factors of designer H&S performance explained more of the variance in the indicator variables. Examination of correlation values in Table 43 between the three factors of the designer H&S performance construct indicated that the factors were related to each other and to one construct. The correlation values ranged from 0.818 (procedures and 203 commitment) to 0.924 (Commitment - Communication). Table 41 shows exogenous variable correlations. Table 42: Factor loading and Z-statistics of designer H&S performance model Indicator Variable Unstandardised Coefficient (λ) Standardised Coefficient (λ) Z- Statistic DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DENP1 DENP2 DENP3 0.868 0.867 0.886 0.793 0.788 0.812 0.888 0.944 0.959 0.703 0.967 0.942 0.944 0.930 0.964 0.942 0.949 0.984 18.346 20.411 20.069 18.925 20.778 21.192 19.696 20.801 22.096 Significant at 5% level? 0.494 0.935 0.888 0.890 0.864 0.929 0.887 0.900 0.968 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level) Table 43: Correlations of factors of designer H&S performance model Client H&S culture factors DEPP DETP Procedures (DEPP) 1.000 Commitment (DETP) 0.818 1.000 Communication (DENP) 0.825 0.924 DENP 1.000 Internal reliability and validity of scores The Rho coefficient and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were examined in order to establish score reliability (Byrne, 2006:133). According to Kline (2005:59), the reliability coefficient should fall between zero and 1.00. Values close to 1.00 are desired. The Rho coefficient of internal consistency was found to be 0.976. This value was above the minimum required of 0.70. Similarly, the Cronbach’s alpha was found to be above the minimum 0.70 at 0.962. Both these values indicated a high degree of internal consistency and homogeneity. Construct validity was determined by examining the magnitude and signs of the parameter coefficients. High parameter coefficients of greater than 0.5 indicate a close relation between the factor and an indicator variable. A parameter coefficient of 0.5 is 204 interpreted as 25% of the total variance in the indicator variable being explained by the latent variable (factor). Accordingly a parameter coefficient has to be greater than 0.7 to explain about 50% of the variance in an indicator variable (Hair et al., 1998:111). Inspection of standardised parameter coefficients in Table 42 revealed that all coefficients were sufficiently high with the minimum factor loading being 0.703 for the relationship between DEPP1 and the procedures factor. The parameter estimate of 0.703 suggested that the factor accounted for about 49% of the variance in DEPP1. All other parameter estimates were above 80% and therefore indicated that the measurement model had a relatively acceptable fit and the solution was reasonable. As a result, the designer H&S performance construct satisfied both internal reliability and construct validity criteria because the Rho value was above the minimum value of 0.70 and the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of parameter estimates were appropriate. Table 44: Reliability and construct validity of designer H&S performance model Factor Designer H&S performance No. of parcels 9 Indicator variable Parameter coefficient Cronbach’s Alpha Rho coefficient DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DENP1 DENP2 DENP3 0.703 0.967 0.942 0.944 0.930 0.964 0.942 0.949 0.984 0.962 0.976 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions Solution evaluation and summary on designer H&S performance The measurement model for the designer H&S performance subscale revealed an adequate fit to the sample data. The residual covariance estimates fell within the acceptable range of -0.1 to 0.1; the robust fit indexes (CFI= 0.994; RMSEA = 0.042 & SRMR = 0.010) met the cut-off index criteria and the parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant at 5% level and feasible. In addition the LM test did not 205 reveal significant need for model re-specification. Consequently, there was no need to improve the measurement model before including it in the full latent variable model 8.3.5 External environment Out of 281 cases that were available for analysis, 275 cases were analysed for the external environment subscale. Six cases were skipped because of missing variables. The external environment subscale had six dependent variables, seven independent variables and 12 free parameters. The number of fixed non-zero parameters was seven. The six dependent indicator variables for the external environment were: legislative, economic, social, professional bodies, technology and materials. These indicator variables are presented in Table 45. The external environment measurement model shown in Figure 41 was analysed before it could be included in the full latent variable model. In order to establish how well the model fit the sample data and the strength of the hypothesised relations between the variables, results on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, fit statistics and statistical significance at probability level 5% were examined. In addition, the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. Results on these statistics are presented in this section for the external environment construct. Table 45: Postulated external environment influence model Latent variable Indicator variable (factor) (Clients … External ensure H&S implementation due to Legislative requirements, environment actively participate in H&S implementation due to the economic reasons actively participate in H&S implementation due to construction workers’ union’s influence consider H&S in making decisions on cost, time & quality as a result of designers’ persuasion ensure H&S implementation due to Professional bodies’ influence consider H&S due to Materials & technology adopted for the project 206 label LGN ECON SOC PRI1 PRI2 TECH Figure 41: External environment construct (LGN= Legislative, ECON= Economic, SOC = Social, PRI= Professional and TECH = Technology & materials) Diagnostic fit analysis –Residuals The average absolute residual values of the external environment construct are presented in Table 46. Results revealed that all the absolute residual values and the average off-diagonal absolute residuals, both unstandardised and standardised, were close to zero. The smallest unstandardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0289 while the largest was 0.0405. Similarly, the smallest standardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0241 while the largest was 0.0337.These residual values were considered small as they were all less than 2.58 (Byrne, 2006:94) In addition, 100% of standardised residuals fell within the acceptable range of -0.1 and +0.1. The significance of this distribution is that for a model to be described as well-fitting, the distribution of standardised residuals should be symmetrical and centred around the zero (Byrne, 2006:94). From the above information, the results seemed to suggest that the model had a good-fit to the sample data. Therefore, since this initial examination of residuals indicated a fairly good fit, further tests of goodness-of-fit were justifiable. 207 Table 46: Residual values for external environment influence model Residual Index Unstandardised Average absolute residual Average off-diagonal absolute residual Standardised Average absolute residual Average off-diagonal absolute residual % falling between 0.0289 0.0405 0.0241 0.0337 100% Goodness-of-fit statistics - RML method The sample data on the external environment factor yield an of 15.490 with 9 degrees of freedom. The associated p-value was determined to be 0.07832 for the analysed sample of 275 cases. The chi-square value suggested that the difference between the sample data and the postulated external environment measurement model was insignificant. In addition the ratio of to the degrees of freedom was determined to be 1.72 which was lower than the upper limit value of 3.0 (Kline, 2005:137). Similarly, other fit indexes indicated a good fit of the model to the sample. The robust CFI index of 0.989 was greater than the cut-off value for a good fitting model. A model is said to be a good fit if the CFI is above the cut-off value of 0.950 (Hu & Bentler, 1999:27). The robust RMSEA with 90% confidence interval (lower bound value = 0.000 and upper bound value = 0.094) was found to be 0.052. This value was marginally above the maximum value of 0.05 for a good fit model. On the other hand, the absolute fit index SRMR was found to be 0.033. This value indicated a very good fit because a good fitting model is expected to have an SRMR index lower or equal to 0.05 while an index of 0.08 is sufficient to accept the postulated model. The absolute fit index SRMR accounts for the average discrepancy between the sample and the postulated correlation matrices and therefore it represents the average value across all standardised residuals and ranges between zero and 1.00 (Byrne, 2006:94). Evaluation of the SRMR, RMSEA (90% CI) and the CFI fit indexes indicated a very good fit of the measurement model for the external environment factor because those indexes met the condition for a good fit (See Table 47). 208 Additionally, parameter estimates were scrutinised to determine whether the model worked properly and was reasonable. This involved assessing the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. These statistics are presented in Table 48. Table 47: Robust fit indexes for external environment influence construct Fit Index Df CFI SRMR RMSEA RMSEA 90% CI Cut-off value 0 0.9 0.95 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit Estimate Comment 15.490 9 0.989 Acceptable Good fit 0.033 Good fit 0.052 Good fit 0.000:0.094 Acceptable range Statistical significance of parameter estimates Apart from assessing the goodness-of-fit or the lack of it, feasibility of a model can be judged by a further inspection of the obtained solution and this involves inspection of parameter estimates, standard errors and the test statistics (Raykov, 1991:501). Estimates are said to be unreasonable if in the output there are estimates that have correlation values that are greater than 1.00, have negative variances and the correlation or covariances are not definite positive (Byrne, 2006:103). Additionally the test statistic needs to be greater than 1.96 based on the probability level of 5% before the hypothesis can be rejected (Byrne, 2006:103).The test statistic reported in this study was the parameter estimate divided by its standard error and therefore it functions as a Z-statistic to test that the estimate is statistically different from zero. Inspection of the correlation values, standard errors and the test statistic in Table 48 revealed that all correlation values were not greater than 1.00, test statistics were greater than 1.96 and the signs were appropriate. The estimates were therefore found to be reasonable as well as statistically significant. The parameter with the highest 209 standardised coefficient was the indicator variable PRI2. The parameter coefficient was found to be 0.833. The indicator variable PRI2 namely: clients ensure H&S implementation due to professional bodies’ influence, was found to be more associated with the construct of external environment than all indicator variables. However, all parameter estimates had high correlation values that were above 0.5 suggesting a high degree of linear association between the indicator variables and the external environment factor. In addition, although the values were not very close to the value of 1.00, they were all crucially above 0.5 with the exception of LGN. The external environment factor accounted for 42% of the variance in the indicator variable, LGN. Table 48: Factor loading and Z-statistics of the external environment model Indicator Variable Unstandardised Coefficient (λ) Standardised Coefficient (λ) Z- Statistic LGN ECON SOC PRI1 PRI2 TECH 0.644 0.879 0.935 0.955 0.884 0.834 0.650 0.791 0.801 0.816 0.833 0.783 8.990 18.026 17.519 20.021 16.044 14.183 Significant at 5% level? 0.422 0.625 0.642 0.666 0.695 0.613 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level Internal reliability and validity of scores The Rho and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were examined in order to establish score reliability (Byrne, 2006:133). According to Kline (2005:59), the reliability coefficient should fall between zero and 1.00. Values close to 1.00 are desired. The Rho coefficient of internal consistency was found to be 0.905. This value was above the minimum required value of 0.70. Similarly, the Cronbach’s alpha was found to be above the minimum 0.70. The Cronbach’s alpha was found to be 0.903. Both these values indicated a high degree of internal consistency and therefore reliability. Construct validity was determined by examining the magnitude and signs of the parameter coefficients. High parameter coefficients of greater than 0.5 indicate a close relation between the factor and an indicator variable. A parameter coefficient of 0.5 is 210 interpreted as 25% of the total variance in the indicator variable being explained by the factor. Accordingly a parameter coefficient has to be greater than 0.7 to explain about 50% of the variance in an indicator variable (Hair et al., 1998:111). Inspection of both unstandardised and standardised parameter coefficients presented in Table 48, revealed that all coefficients were sufficiently high with the minimum of 0.650 for the relationship between LGN and the external environment factor. The parameter estimate of 0.650 suggested that the factor accounted for about 42% of the variance in the indicator variable, LGN. However all other parameter estimates were above 50% and therefore indicated a reasonable measurement model. Subsequently, the external environment construct satisfied both internal reliability and construct validity criteria because the Rho value was above the minimum value of 0.70 and the magnitude, signs and statistical significance of parameter estimates were appropriate. Table 49: Reliability and construct validity of the environment factor Factor External environment No. of indicator variables Indicator variable Factor loading Cronbach’s Alpha Rho coefficient 6 LGN ECON SOC PRI1 PRI2 TECH 0.650 0.791 0.801 0.816 0.833 0.783 0.903 0.905 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions Solution evaluation and summary on the external environment subscale The residual covariance estimates fell within the acceptable range, the robust fit indexes met the cut-off index criteria and all the parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant and feasible. It was concluded therefore, that the measurement model for the external environment subscale, had an adequate fit to the sample data. Consequently, there was no need to improve the measurement model before it could be included in the full latent variable model. Furthermore, the LM test did not reveal a significant evidence of model mis-specification and therefore the measurement model was considered to work well. 211 8.4 CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF THE SEM MODEL Table 50 present values for the construct validity of the postulated model and internal reliability of scores. The magnitude of the factor loadings informed the extent to which the measurement models’ constructs could be described as valid. High values of more than 0.45 are desirable. The factor loadings or coefficients in Table 50 were all found to be higher than 0.45 and therefore indicated a significant relationship between the factors. Similarly, the Rho coefficients were found to be sufficiently high with values close to 1.00 and therefore the internal consistency criteria was met. 8.5 FIT STATISTICS ON THE STRUCTURAL MODEL Results from the measurement models indicated that the models worked well and it was therefore feasible to test the full latent variable model. The full structural model was analysed in two parts and the results are presented as such due to its complexity. The first part, Model 1.0, theorised that the external environment had an influence on client H&S culture. The second part, model 2.0, theorised that client H&S culture had a positive influence on designer, contractor and project H&S performance. In the full structural model, the contractor H&S performance construct was analysed as a one factor model with indicator variables in parcels. Similarly, the designer H&S performance construct was analysed in the full structural model as a one factor model with indicator variables in parcels. This approach was adopted for ease of analysis of the full structural model and enabled a much clearer presentation of the full structural model. All indicator variables defining the contractor and designer H&S performance constructs were maintained. The only effect that could result from analysing the contractor and designer H&S performance constructs as one factor models was a compromise in the overall fit of the full latent variable model. This meant that there was a high probability of rejecting a model that ideally should not be rejected. Moreover, the question of whether measurement models should be checked before analysing the full SEM model, (which was the strategy adopted in this study) or not, is simply a strategy a researcher adopts (Bollen, 2000; Hayduck & Glaser, 2000 and Boomsma, 2000). Furthermore the question of how many factors a construct should have is also debatable (Bollen, 2000). However, assessing the measurement models first has an advantage. The advantage of first analysing the measurement models 212 separately before analysing the full SEM model, is that the researcher is assured of a proper working measurement model before analysing the full SEM model. By so doing, the researcher avoids the frustration of re-specifying the full model if a solution cannot be obtained. Besides these observations, the analysis presented in the current study was a pure confirmatory analysis and therefore recommendations were based on whether the postulated priori model fit the sample data or not. Therefore for these reasons, the contractor and designer H&S performance constructs were included in the full latent variable model analysis as one factor models (See Figure 43). 8.5.1 Model 1.0 – External influence on client H&S culture A confirmatory factor analysis of model 1.0 was conducted. Model 1.0 postulated that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture (Figure 42). The indicator variables of the external environment factors were: legislative, economic, social, professional bodies and materials and technology. Model 1.0 is presented in Figure 42. The theory and basis of the model was presented in section 7.2. Model 1.0 was part of the full structural model for the client-centred H&S performance improvement model. The model was analysed and presented separately due to complexity of the full structural model and also to improve model eloquence. The number of cases that were analysed for the full latent variable model 1.0 was 238 out of the available 281 cases. Out of the available 281 cases, 43 cases were skipped because of missing variables. The model had 57 dependent and 58 independent variables. It also had 108 free parameters. The number of fixed non-zero parameters was 64. The covariance matrix of the model was analysed using the robust maximum likelihood estimation method. Raw data was used for the analysis. 213 Table 50: Reliability and construct validity of the client H&S culture model Factor No. of indicator Indicator variables/parcels variable Client H&S culture 19 Contractor H&S Performance 9 Designer H&S Performance 9 CLLP1 CLLP2 CLLP3 CLIP1 CLIP2 CLIP3 CLPP1 CLPP2 CLPP3 CLTP1 CLTP2 CLTP3 CLNP1 CLNP2 CLNP3 CLCE1 CLCE2 CLCE3 CLCE4 COPP1 COPP2 COPP3 COTP1 COTP2 COTP3 CONP1 CONP2 CONP3 DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DETP1 DETP2 DETP3 DENP1 DENP2 DENP3 214 Parameter coefficient 0.892 0.940 0.853 0.933 0.578 0.921 0.961 0.943 0.891 0.697 0.929 0.937 0.935 0.960 0.956 0.816 0.880 0.897 0.870 0.971 0.954 0.934 0.943 0.937 0.966 0.982 0.968 0.938 0.703 0.967 0.942 0.944 0.930 0.964 0.942 0.949 0.984 Cronbach’s Alpha Rho coefficient 0.963 0.978 0.981 0.989 0.962 0.976 Table 50: (Continued) Project H&S performance 17 External environment 6 PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 LGN ECON SOC PRI1 PRI2 TECH 0.855 0.862 0.859 0.805 0.808 0.721 0.857 0.698 0.634 0.779 0.805 0.743 0.694 0.746 0.790 0.800 0.775 0.650 0.791 0.801 0.816 0.833 0.783 * Parameter estimates are based on standardised solutions 215 0.963 0.963 0.903 0.905 P1 CLNP P2 Client H&S culture P3 P4 H1a CLTP P6 H1b P7 LGN CLPP ECON SOC PRI1 H1c External Environment H1d PRI2 TEC P5 P8 P9 P 10 CLIP P 11 P 12 H1e P 13 CLLP P 14 P 15 H1f P 16 CLCP P 17 P 18 P 19 Figure 42: Model 1.0 - External environment influence on client H&S culture 216 Hypothesised relationships for model 1.0 Model 1.0 generally postulated that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture (H1). Specifically, model 1.0 hypothesized that the external environment had a direct positive influence on the following factors of client H&S culture, namely: 1. Leadership (H1a); 2. Involvement (H1b); 3. Procedures (H1c); 4. Commitment (H1d); 5. Communication (H1e); and 6. Competence (H1f) Model 1.0 goodness-of-fit statistics - RML method The sample data on the model yield an of 2523.9043 with 1218 degrees of freedom. The associated p-value was determined to be 0.000 with a sample of 238 cases. The chi-square index suggested that the difference between the hypothesised model and the sample data matrix was significant. However, the chi-square test of fit is very sensitive and therefore could not be relied upon to determine fit. However the normed chi-square index, which is the ratio of the scaled chi-square to the degrees of freedom yield a value of 2.072. This value was lower than the upper limit value of 3.0 and therefore indicative of a reasonable fit of the model. The robust CFI index was found to be 0.844. The CFI index was less than 0.900 which is the lower limit value for model acceptance. However, a two statistic strategy is considered satisfactory to accept or reject a model (Hu & Bentler, 1999:28). Therefore RMSEA and SRMR statistics were used to decide on the acceptability of the model. The robust RMSEA with 90% confidence interval was found to be 0.067. (lower bound value = 0.063 and upper bound value = 0.071) The RMSEA index was just above the upper limit of 0.050 for the model to be described as good. However the value of 0.67 indicated that the model was acceptable. In addition, the absolute fit index, SRMR, was found to be 0.074. The SRMR fit index indicated an adequate fit of the full structural model 1.0 to the sample data. 217 All the indexes with the exception of the CFI met the condition for model acceptance. Although the fit index CFI did not matter so much in the two fit statistic strategy, its value of 0.844 was not far from the lower limit value of 0.900 for model acceptance. See Table 51. Table 51: Robust fit indexes for SEM Model 1.0 Fit Index Df CFI SRMR RMSEA Cut-off value 0 0.9 0.95 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.05 acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit acceptable Good fit RMSEA 90% CI Model 1.0 Comment 2523.9043 1218 0.844 Acceptable Inadequate 0.074 Acceptable 0.067 Acceptable 0.063:0.071 Acceptable range Model 1.0 Hypotheses testing Rejection of the hypotheses depended on how reasonable the parameter estimates were in terms of their magnitude, signs and statistical significance. In addition, if the output showed estimates that had correlation values greater than 1.00, had negative variances and the correlation or covariances were not definite positive then they were said to be exhibiting unreasonable estimates (Byrne, 2006:103). Additionally the test statistic had to be greater than 1.96 based on the probability level 5% before the hypothesis could be rejected (Byrne, 2006:103).The test statistic reported was the parameter estimate divided by its standard error and therefore it functioned as a Zstatistic to test that the estimate was statistically different from zero. The significance test was used to evaluate the hypotheses H1a to H1f. Testing the influence of the external environment on client H&S culture (H1) It was generally hypothesised that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture (H1). Specifically the hypotheses were that the external environment had a direct positive influence on the six factors of client H&S 218 culture, namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. Results from the SEM analysis yield support for all the hypothesised relations, H1a to H1f. The hypothesised relationships between the external environment and all endogenous factors of client H&S culture were found to be significant and they all had definite positive directions. The relationship between the procedures factor and the external environment was found to be the most significant. The parameter coefficient for this relationship was 0.933 and the Z-statistic was 10.610. Similarly, the relationship between the communication factor and the external environment was found to be statistically significant. This relationship had a parameter coefficient of 0.932 and a Z – statistic of 9.781. These values are presented in Table 52. Therefore the general hypothesis that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture could not be rejected (Table 52). In terms of the magnitude of the parameter coefficients, a comparison of these revealed that the influence of external environment on the commitment factor was found to be the lowest at 0.784. Table 52: Model 1.0 factor loadings and Z-statistic Label Hypotheses Factor External environment has a positive loading direct influence on the factors of (λ) client H&S culture namely : H1a Leadership 0.880 9.569 Yes H1b Involvement 0.791 8.938 Yes H1c Procedures 0.933 10.610 Yes H1d Commitment 0.784 9.455 Yes H1e Communication 0.932 9.781 Yes H1f Competence 0.867 9.534 Yes (Robust statistical significance at 5% level) 219 Z- Statistic Significant? Solution evaluation of the model 1.0 The robust fit indexes of SRMR and the RMSEA met the cut-off index criteria and the parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant and reasonable. The postulated structural model was therefore acceptable and considered to adequately fit the sample data. Since the analysis was confirmatory, there was no need to further improve the fit of the structural model at this stage. Furthermore, the LM test did not indicate a significant evidence of model mis-specification. Byrne (2006:113) points out, that for most models, model improvement is merely an exercise that tries to fit small characteristic features of the sample and does not necessarily add value to that already fitted. Therefore the hypothesised model 1.0 was accepted with its level of fit. 8.5.2 Model 2.0 – Client’s influence on project H&S performance A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the postulated full latent variable model 2.0. The hypothesis was that client H&S culture has a direct positive influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. This model is presented in Figure 43. The structural equation modelling software, MPlus version 6.0, was used to analyse model 2.0. The use of MPlus was influenced by the complexity of the model vis-à-vis the number of cases, and the fact that the model was a mixed one. The model was mixed in the sense that some of the indicator variables were parcelled and others were not. MPlus has more capabilities to handle these kinds of complexities. In addition, MPlus has the capacity to handle up to 1000 iterations during analysis while the default for EQS version 6.1 is only 30. In EQS therefore, type I error is more likely when analysing complex models with samples that are not very large The indicator variables for client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance were analysed in parcels while those of project H&S performance were analysed as individual indicator variables. The number of cases that were analysed for Model 2.0 was 259 cases. The number of cases that were skipped was 22 due to missing variables. Only complete cases were analysed for the model. The model had 54 dependent and 60 independent variables. It also had 197 free parameters. The model was analysed using the robust maximum likelihood method. As in the case of measurement models, the covariance matrix was analysed as opposed to the correlation matrix for reasons explained in the methods chapter. 220 Figure 43: Model 2 - Client influence on project H&S performance 221 Hypothesised relationships of model 2.0 Model 2.0 generally postulated that: 1. client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance (H2); 2. client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance (H3); 3. client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on the project H&S performance (H4); 4. contractor H&S performance had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance (H5); 5. designer H&S performance had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance (H6); 6. client H&S culture had a positive indirect influence on project H&S performance that was mediated by contractor H&S performance (H7); 7. client H&S culture had a positive indirect influence on project H&S performance that was mediated by designer H&S performance (H8). Model 2.0 goodness-of-fit statistics- RML method As shown in Table 51, the sample data on model 2.0 yield a chi-square statistic ( ) of 2966.661 with 1342 degrees of freedom. The associated p-value was determined to be 0.000 indicating a significant difference between the postulated model and the sample. However, the problems of the chi-square are well known in its use as a fit statistic. Kline (2005:136) observed that the chi-square test tends to be affected by the sample size with a propensity to reject models if the samples are not very large. Therefore a normed Chi-square value is usually adopted by most researchers (Kline, 2005:137). Normed chi-square is the procedure of dividing the chi-square by the degrees of freedom. The normed values of up to 3.0 and even 5.0 are recommended (Kline, 2005:137). The ratio of obtained for model 2.0 to the degrees of freedom yield a value of 2.211. This value was lower than the upper limit value of 3.0 and suggested an acceptable fit of the model. 222 Table 53 presents the fit indexes for model 2.0. The robust RMSEA with 90% confidence interval was found to be 0.068 (lower bound value = 0.065 and upper bound value = 0.072). The RMSEA index was just above the upper limit of 0.050 for the model to be described as a good fit. The 0.065 however indicated that the fit was adequate. In fact, some authors have argued that a good fitting model could have RMSEA values of up to 0.06 (Hu & Bentler, 1999:27). Apart from assessing the RMSEA, the absolute fit index SRMR was also evaluated. The SRMR was found to be 0.045. The SRMR of 0.045 was much lower than the cutoff value of 0.05 for a good fitting model. This value therefore suggested that there was a good fit between the model and the sample data. Additionally, the CFI was evaluated and was found to be close to the lower limit of 0.90 at 0.88. The CFI index was not greater than 0.90 which is the lower limit value for model acceptance if the CFI is considered in the combination rules. In the current study, a two statistic model fit evaluation strategy proposed by Hu & Bentler (1999:28) was followed. Therefore the decision on model fit was based on the SRMR and the RMSEA fit indexes. An evaluation of the SRMR, RMSEA and the CFI fit indexes and considering a combination rule for RMSEA > 0.07 and SRMR > 0.05 which was found by Hu & Bentler (1999:27) to be very sensitive to mis-specified models, indicated a reasonable fit of the overall SEM model 2.0 to the sample data. The Lagrange multiplier (LM) test conducted on the sample data did not reveal any significant indications of model mis-specification. Because the model fit the sample data adequately, it was now possible to evaluate the statistical significance of the hypothesised parameters. 223 Table 53: Robust fit indexes for SEM Model 2.0 Fit Index Cut-off value Model 1.0 Comment 2966.661 Df 0 1342 Acceptable CFI 0.9 acceptable 0.88 Barely acceptable 0.045 Good fit 0.068 Acceptable 0.065:0.072 Acceptable range 0.95 Good fit SRMR 0.08 acceptable 0.05 Good fit RMSEA 0.08 acceptable 0.05 Good fit RMSEA 90% CI Model 2.0 hypotheses testingThe rejection of the hypotheses depended on how reasonable the parameter estimates were in terms of their magnitude, signs and statistical significance. In addition, if the output revealed estimates that had correlation values greater than 1.00, contained negative variances and the correlation or covariances were not definite positive then they were said to be exhibiting unreasonable estimates (Byrne, 2006:103). Additionally the test statistic had to be greater than 1.96 based on the probability of 5% before the hypothesis could be rejected (Byrne, 2006:103).The test statistic reported in this study was the parameter estimate divided by its standard error and therefore it functioned as a Z-statistic to test that the estimate was statistically different from zero. The significance test was used to evaluate the general hypotheses H2 to H6. Results of this analysis and an evaluation of the hypotheses will now be presented in the next section. Testing the direct influence of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance (H2) It was generally hypothesised that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance. Specifically the hypotheses which collectively formed hypothesis H2 were that the factor of client H&S culture, namely: H2a. leadership, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; 224 H2b. involvement, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H2c. procedures, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H2d. commitment, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H2e. communication, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance; H2f. competence, had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance. Results from the confirmatory factor analysis of the full structural model, presented in Table 54, yield support for hypothesis H2c (procedures) and H2d (commitment) but did not support the hypothesis H2a (leadership), H2b, (involvement), H2e (communication) and H2f. (competence). The relationship between the factor, procedures, and contractor H&S performance, was found to be significant at the probability level of 5% (λ = 0.494, Z= 4.407 and P= 0.000). Similarly, the hypothesised relationship between the factor, commitment, and contractor H&S performance, was found to be statistically significant. That relationship yield significant parameter estimates at 5% probability level with λ = 0.616, Z=2.393 and P= 0.017. On the other hand, although the hypothesised relationship between the factor, involvement, and contractors H&S performance, was significant at 5% probability level (λ= -0.663, Z= -2.402, P=0.016) the direction was not positive definite. The result indicated that with the increase in client H&S involvement, contractor H&S performance decreased by 0.663 units. This result was interesting because it was expected that with an increase in client involvement there would be an increase in contractor performance. However , the measurement model on client H&S culture, revealed high collinearity between commitment and involvement factors of client H&S culture (Table 27). The high collinearity may probably explain the unreasonable parameter estimate exhibited for hypothesis H2b, (involvement). The insignificant relationships were found to be between the competence factor and contractor H&S performance, (λ = 0.081, Z=0.675 and P=0.500), leadership factor 225 and contractor H&S performance, (λ = 0.204, Z=1.720, P= 0.086) and between the communication factor and contractor H&S performance (λ = 0.026, Z= 0.212, P= 0.832). Therefore the postulated specific hypotheses for these relationships were not supported. However, the general hypothesis H2 which postulated that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance could not be rejected because two of the six specific hypotheses were found to be statistically significant and were definite positive. Testing the direct influence of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance (H3) It was generally hypothesised that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance. Specifically, the hypotheses were that the factors of client H&S culture, namely: H3a. leadership, had a positive direct influence on designer H&S performance; H3b. involvement, had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance H3c. procedures, had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance; H3d. commitment, had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance; H3e. communication, had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance; H3f. competence, had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance. Results from the confirmatory factor analysis of the full structural model presented in Table 52, yield support for H3c (procedures) and H3e (communication) but did not support the hypothesis H3a (leadership), H3b, (Involvement), H3d (commitment) and H3f. (competence). The relationship between the procedures factor and designer H&S performance, was found to be significant at 5% probability level with λ = 0.439, Z= 3.009, and P= 0.003. Similarly, the hypothesised relationship between the communication factor and designer H&S performance was found to be statistically significant. This relationship yield significant estimates at the 5% probability level of λ = 0.348, Z=3.346 and P= 0.001. The parameter estimates for the two factors of client H&S culture namely, procedures and communication, indicated that with an 226 increase of one unit in procedures, designer H&S performance increased by about 0.439. Similarly, an improvement of one unit in client communication caused an improvement of 0.348 in designer H&S performance. The insignificant relationships were found to be those between the competence factor and designer H&S performance (λ = -0.196, Z=-1.747, P=0.081), leadership factor and designer H&S performance (λ = 0.182, Z=1.618, P= 0.106) and between the factor, commitment, and designer H&S performance (λ = 0.188, Z= 0.681, P= 0.496). The hypotheses for these relationships were not statistically significant. In addition, the factors of competence and involvement were found to have a negative relationship with designer H&S performance. This result was surprising because it was expected that an increase in client competence and involvement would result in an increase in designer H&S performance. However, the general hypothesis H3, which postulated that client H&S culture had a positive direct influence on designer H&S performance, could not be rejected because two of the six hypotheses were found to be statistically significant. Further, two more hypotheses were found to be statistically significant although the signs were not definite positive. Testing the direct influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance (H4) The general hypothesis was that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on construction project H&S performance. Specifically, the hypotheses which collectively formed the hypothesis H4 were that the factors of client H&S culture, namely: H4a. leadership, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H4b. involvement, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H4c. procedures, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H4d. commitment, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; H4e. communication, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance; and H4f. competence, had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance. 227 Table 54: Parameter estimates and test statistic for model 2.0 Hypothesis H2a H2b H2c H2d H2e H2f H3a H3b H3c H3d H3e H3f H4a H4b H4c H4d H4e H4f H5 H6 Parameter CLLP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLIP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLPP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLTP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLNP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLCP→ CONT H&S PERFORMANCE CLLP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLIP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLPP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLTP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLNP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLCP→ DESG H&S PERFORMANCE CLLP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CLIP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CLPP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CLTP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CLNP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CLCP→ PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE CONT → PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE DESGN → PROJ H&S PERFORMANCE Unstandardised Estimate (λ) Z- statistic 0.228 -0.608 0.474 0.618 0.024 0.090 0.188 -0.132 0.388 0.175 0.298 -0.202 0.018 -0.137 0.127 0.219 0.033 0.095 0.518 0.163 (Robust statistical significance at 5% level) 228 1.738 -2.348 4.282 2.324 0.212 0.675 1.665 -0.538 2.744 0.674 3.299 -1.750 0.270 -0.968 1.359 1.481 0.442 1.122 7.124 2.636 Standardised estimates Estimate (λ) Z-Statistic P-Value 0.204 -0.663 0.494 0.616 0.026 0.081 0.182 -0.155 0.439 0.188 0.348 -0.196 0.016 -0.158 0.139 0.231 0.038 0.090 0.546 0.159 1.720 -2.402 4.407 2.393 0.212 0.675 1.618 -0.540 3.009 0.681 3.346 -1.747 0.270 -0.965 1.371 1.502 0.445 1.141 8.021 2.582 0.086 0.016 0.000 0.017 0.832 0.500 0.106 0.589 0.003 0.496 0.001 0.081 0.787 0.334 0.171 0.133 0.656 0.254 0.000 0.010 The results for these hypotheses presented in Table 52, did not yield support for all hypothesised direct relationships between the factors of client H&S culture and project H&S performance. The test statistics revealed that the direct relationships between the factor, leadership, and project H&S performance had a parameter coefficient λ= 0.016 and the test statistic Z = 0.270. The probability P was found to be 0.787 for this relationship. The relationship between the factor, involvement, and project H&S performance yield λ = - 0.158, Z= -0.965 and P=0.334. On the other hand, parameter estimates for the relationship between the factor, procedures, and project H&S performance were, λ = 0.139, Z= 1.371 and P = 0.171. The relationships between the factor, commitment, and project H&S performance (λ = 0.231, Z= 1.502, P= 0.133) and between communication and project H&S performance (λ = 0.038, Z= 0.445, P = 0.656) were also not significantly different from zero or the null hypothesis. Therefore, the general hypothesis (H4) which was that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance was rejected. Testing the direct influence of contractor H&S performance on project H&S performance (H5) Results of the SEM analysis yield support for the hypothesis that contractor H&S performance had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance. The test statistics were significantly different from zero (λ=0.546, Z = 8.02, P=0.000). Given these results, the hypothesis H5 could not be rejected. The parameter estimate between contractor H&S performance and project H&S performance indicated that for every unit improvement in contractor H&S performance, project H&S performance would improve by 0.546 units. The contractor in this case is referring to the top management of contractors. Testing the direct influence of designer H&S performance on project H&S Performance (H6) The results from the SEM analysis yield support for the hypothesis that designer H&S performance had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance. The test statistics were significantly different from zero (λ=0.159, Z = 2.582, P=0.010). Therefore, the hypothesis H6 could not be rejected given these parameter estimates. The parameter estimate between designer H&S performance and project H&S performance indicated that for every unit improvement in designer H&S performance, 229 project H&S performance would improve by 0.159. This coefficient was however lower than the desired 0.400. Nonetheless, the relationship was found to be statistically significantly different from zero indicating that designers H&S performance had an influence on project H&S performance. Testing indirect influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance (H7 and H8) An indirect relationship is said to exist between two variables if the direct relationship between the two is completely insignificant or tends to diminish in the face of an increased indirect significance. The indirect effect results of client H&S culture on project H&S performance are presented in Table 55 and Table 56 respectively. The direct relationship between client H&S culture and project H&S performance was found to be insignificant (Table 54). However, the direct relationship between client H&S culture and contractor H&S performance was found to be significant. Similarly, the relationship between client H&S culture and designer H&S performance was also significant. In addition, the direct influences of contractor and designer H&S performance on project H&S performance were found to be significant (Table 54). The indirect effects on project H&S performance by three factors of client H&S culture, namely: involvement, procedures, and commitment, mediated by contractor H&S performance were found to be significant at 5% probability level. The standardised indirect effects of the involvement factor, yield parameter estimates λ= 0.362, Z= -2.335 and P= 0.020. As for the factor, procedures, the estimates were λ = 0.270, Z= 3.877 and P= 0.000 indicating that the effect was significant. The specific standardised indirect effects of the commitment factor, on project H&S performance mediated by contractor H&S performance yield parameter estimates λ = 0.337, Z= 2.303 and P=0.021. These estimates too, indicated a significant effect. The effects of three factors of client H&S culture namely: communication, leadership and competence, were found to be not significant (Table 55). Examination of the indirect influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance mediated by designers revealed that two relationships were significant. The indirect effect of the communication factor, on project H&S performance mediated by designer H&S performance was found to be significant. The standardised 230 parameter estimates of the indirect relationship were: λ = 0.055, Z = 1.977 and P= 0.048. The indirect effect of the procedures factor, had unstandardised parameter estimates of λ= 0.063, Z= 1.968 and P= 0.049. However, the standardised estimates for the factor, procedures, were found to be insignificant. The sum of indirect effects of client H&S culture on project H&S performance revealed that two factors namely: procedures and commitment, had a significant total indirect effect on project H&S performance (Table 56). The standardised estimates for the total indirect effect were found to be λ = 0.340, Z = 4.619 and P= 0.000 for the procedures factor. The standardised estimates of the total indirect effect of the commitment factor, were found to be λ= 0.366, Z = 2.052 and P=0.040. Therefore, client H&S procedures and commitment were found to have a significant effect and hence influence on project H&S performance mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. This finding confirmed the mediatory role that contractor and designer H&S performance played in model 2.0. In addition, the findings also confirmed that although the client H&S culture did not exhibit a direct positive influence on project H&S performance, the findings revealed a significant indirect influence on project H&S performance. Therefore the hypothesis that client H&S culture generally had an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance, mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance could not be rejected. Specifically, procedures and commitment factors were found to be statistically significant at 5% probability level. Solution evaluation for the structural model 2.0 The robust fit indexes, SRMR and the RMSEA, met the cut-off index criteria and the parameter estimates were found to be statistically significant and reasonable. The postulated structural model 2.0, which hypothesised that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance, adequately fit the sample data. In view of the fact that the analysis was confirmatory of the priori model, there was no need to further improve the structural model at this stage. Further investigation of alternative models could be a matter for further studies as the current study was a confirmatory analysis of the priori. 231 Notwithstanding, the LM test did not reveal significant evidence of model misspecification warranting a re-specification. Byrne (2006:113) points out, that for most models, model improvement is purely a process that attempts to adjust small features of the sample and does not necessarily add value to that already fitted model. Model 2.0 as presented in Figure 44, was therefore accepted with its level of fit. The line indicating a direct influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance is dotted because this relationship was found to be not statistically significant. Client H&S culture’s influence on project H&S performance was only statistically significant when mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. Table 55: Specific indirect effects of client H&S culture Parameter CLLP→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLIP→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLPP→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLTP→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLNP→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLCE→ CONT →PROJ. H&S CLLP→ DESG →PROJ. H&S CLIP→ DESG →PROJ. H&S CLPP→ DESG →PROJ. H&S CLTP→ DESG →PROJ. H&S CLNP→ DESG →PROJ. H&S CLCE→ DESG →PROJ. H&S Unstandardised Indirect ZP-Value effect statistic 0.118 1.738 0.082 -0.315 -2.258 0.024 0.245 3.748 0.000 0.320 2.216 0.027 0.012 0.211 0.833 0.047 0.667 0.505 0.031 1.412 0.158 -0.021 -0.533 0.594 0.063 1.968 0.049 0.028 0.662 0.508 0.049 1.999 0.046 -0.033 -1.488 0.137 Standardised estimates Indirect ZPeffect Statistic Value 0.111 1.738 0.082 -0.362 -2.335 0.020 0.270 3.877 0.000 0.337 2.303 0.021 0.014 0.211 0.833 0.044 0.667 0.505 0.029 1.413 0.158 -0.025 -0.534 0.593 0.070 1.948 0.051 0.030 0.665 0.506 0.055 1.977 0.048 -0.031 -1.427 0.153 Table 56: Total indirect effects of client H&S culture Parameter CLLP→ PROJ. H&S CLIP→ PROJ. H&S CLPP→ PROJ. H&S CLTP→ PROJ. H&S CLNP→ PROJ. H&S CLCE→ PROJ. H&S Unstandardised Indirect Zeffect statistic 0.149 1.809 -0.336 -1.991 0.308 4.496 0.348 1.987 0.061 0.922 0.014 0.173 232 Standardised estimates Indirect ZPeffect Statistic Value 0.140 1.810 0.070 -0.387 -2.045 0.041 0.340 4.619 0.000 0.366 2.052 0.040 0.069 0.928 0.353 0.013 0.173 0.862 Significant at P> 0.05 level No Yes Yes Yes No No Contractor H&S performance Project H&S performance Client H&S culture Designer H&S performance Figure 44: Finalised model 2.0 for client H&S culture influence Statistically significant relationship Statistically insignificant relationship 8.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY The postulation for the overall model was that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture and which in turn had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. SEM results of measurement models were presented in this section. These results were obtained from an analysis to determine whether the indicator variables (questionnaire items) actually measured the constructs that they were supposed to measure. In addition, results were also presented from the evaluation of the submodels to establish whether the theorised number of factors for the sub-models was working properly before inclusion in the analysis of the full latent variable model. Further, results on reliability and construct validity were also presented. It was important to ensure that the measurement model was in a good working order before the full latent model could be analysed. 233 The analysis of the full latent variable model was conducted by separating the postulated model in to two parts namely, model 1.0 and model 2.0. The division of the model into two parts was merely for the purpose of simplicity. Apart from this, the focus of the study was on the influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. However, it was also necessary to establish the influence of the external environment on the client H&S culture. The findings were that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture. Further, client H&S culture was found to have a direct positive influence on contractor and designer H&S performance. However, client H&S culture was found to have an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance that was mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. Therefore the finalised overall clientcentred H&S performance improvement model (combining model 1 and 2) was found to be as presented in Figure 45. Model 1.0 Model 2.0 Contractor H&S performance External Environment Client H&S culture Project H&S performance Designer H&S performance Figure 45: Finalised Client-centred H&S performance improvement model 234 CHAPTER NINE DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The purpose of this study was to model construction client H&S culture’s influence on construction project H&S performance. The research’s primary objectives were to establish the (a) status of H&S in the construction industry and the role of clients, designers and contractors top management (contractors) in H&S performance; (b) current trends on theories of H&S performance improvement in manufacturing based industries such as the construction industry; (c) role of construction clients and their influence on project H&S performance (d) client-centred model for H&S performance improvement (e) validity of the developed client-centred H&S performance model and (f) identify factors of client H&S culture with significant influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. The finalised client-centred H&S performance improvement model showed that the factors of client H&S culture namely: commitment, procedures, and communication had significant influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Likewise, the factors of the external environment namely: legislative, economic, social, professional bodies and materials and technology were found to have a significant influence on client H&S performance. 9.1 QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY RESULTS Results of the hypotheses testing revealed that of the eight general hypotheses, seven could not be rejected and one was rejected. 9.1.1 External environment’s influence on client H&S culture The general hypothesis was that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture (H1) which could not be rejected. All six specific hypotheses which collectively formed the H1 hypothesis could not be rejected. The specific hypotheses stated that the external environment had a direct positive influence on the factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, 235 procedures, commitment, communication and competence. The results indicated that at least 62.6% of variance in client H&S culture was explained by the external environment. The external environment’s influence was weakest on client H&S involvement compared to the influence on other factors of client H&S culture. The effect was found to be strongest on the factor, procedures. Generally the findings suggested that clients were more likely to lead, be involved, set up procedures, be committed, communicate on H&S issues and develop competence in H&S as a result of the external environment influence. Specifically, the results suggested that it was possible for client H&S culture to be modified as a result of external environment’s influence. It was this change in client H&S culture that was needed for H&S performance to be realised in the construction industry. Bomel (2001:5.3) observed that the culture of client organisations presented considerable opportunities for H&S improvement in the construction industry. The implications of this finding are that clients may effectively participate in H&S management and if they do, they would influence project H&S performance continuously and therefore lead to a general H&S improvement on construction projects. Research in Southern Africa has shown that despite the acknowledged significance of clients to H&S performance, clients have not participated significantly in H&S management (Kikwasi, 2008:58; Musonda & Smallwood, 2008:87; Musonda, Haupt & Smallwood, 2009:71). Similarly, a study conducted by Loughborough & UMIST (2003), established that clients give insufficient consideration to H&S despite their obligations under the CDM regulations. Bomel (2001:5.3) observed that the culture of client organisations presents considerable opportunities for H&S improvement in the construction industry. The findings in the current study were therefore significant in the sense that with an increased incentive to clients to participate in H&S management through their culture change resulting from all factors of the external environment, the much desired participation of clients in H&S management may be realised. Further, the findings make it possible for policy makers to address factors of the external environment namely, legislative, economic, social, professional bodies and materials and technology in such a way that the external environment enables clients’ participation in H&S management. 236 The legislative factor was found to have a significant influence on client H&S culture. The findings lend support to the comments by INSAG (1991:5), stating that the manner in which people act is conditioned by requirements set at a high level such as legislative. The current study also validates the findings by CIDB (2008), that there was a general perception in the construction industry that the construction regulations promulgated in 2003 in South Africa seemed to have had a positive impact. This was also found to be the case in the UK concerning the CDM regulations (CIOB, 2009). Apart from the legislative influence, economic conditions were also found to influence clients’ actions. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2010:186) observe that economic incentives can be effective in promoting H&S. Pan, Soetanto & Sidwell (2010:16) observed that the economic situation in the UK influenced the homebuilders (clients) to slow down on the use of cross walls precast technology despite the benefits that came with the new technology when the housing markets were promising. The clients’ decision on the type of technology to use in this case was highly influenced by the economics despite the benefits including the H&S benefits that would have arisen. In this case, due to a lack of economic incentive in the method, H&S was the casualty. The situation described by Pan et al. (2010) lend support to the findings in the current study that the economic situation as is the case with the legislative framework had a significant influence on client decisions and hence client H&S performance. In the same study by Pan et al. (2010), clients, influenced by the new technology were forced to assume new roles such as producing outline designs, detailed design coordination, procurement and construction. In other words, they were influenced to change the way they did things as a result of technology. This again supports the findings in the current study that the technology and materials factor of the external environment, had influence on client H&S culture. In fact in projects where the new technology was deployed, an observation was made that they had experienced a reduction in the H&S risk and also enhanced the building quality (Pan et al., 2010:19). Worker unions (social), as a factor of the external environment, have also been found to influence H&S in the construction industry and therefore ties in with the findings of the current study. According to Fraser (2007:15), unions in Australia, influenced a 237 significant improvement in regulations concerning workers’ H&S. It would appear therefore that client H&S culture could be enhanced with an increased participation from the social economic environment such as the workers union. Therefore the finding that the external environment exhibited a direct positive influence on client H&S culture not only validated what other authors have stated before but it also offered a platform and a set of minimum factors that may be required to be addressed in order to change or influence client H&S culture. It would seem that a single approach may not be so successful. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2010:24), observed that incentives and legislation were complementary. For example, clients in the UK were slow to take up their responsibilities on H&S even though the CDM regulations required them to do so (Baxendale & Jones, 2000:33). It could be argued that what they probably needed was an incentive from the external environment as established in the current study. Economic, social, technology and the legislative environment all have to be supportive of client H&S culture. 9.1.2 Influence of client on contractor H&S performance (H2) The findings suggested that client H&S culture had an influence on contractor H&S performance. Two of the six specific hypotheses which collectively formed the hypothesis that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance were found to be statistically significant. The two hypotheses related to the influence of the factors of client H&S culture namely: procedures and commitment. The indicator variables for the procedures factor included the client to: have programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation; have clear project H&S goals, schedule H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties to be involved in a project; schedule H&S in all contracts; conduct regular H&S performance measurement, have their own H&S committee, conduct hazard identification and risk assessment; and require designers to adequately address H&S in the designs. 238 The finding was that the influence of the procedures factor of client H&S culture, on contractor H&S performance was statistically significant. This finding in the current study, supported the findings of Huang & Hinze, (2006a) who in their study observed that projects where owners (clients), tracked the individual H&S performances of each contractor on site had significantly better H&S performances. Although Huang & Hinze, (2006a) only referred to one indicator variable namely; performance measurement (programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation), their study lends support to the findings in the current study that clients need to have clear procedures if they were to influence contractor H&S performance. The indicator variables for the commitment factor were inter alia, for the client to: demonstrate a positive H&S attitude; actively promote H&S; provide adequate resources for H&S implementation; put in effort to routinely evaluate H&S in all work schedules; set up incentives for good H&S behaviour; set H&S as a major agenda item in project meetings; actively monitor H&S programmes; always attend H&S meetings on the construction site; conduct H&S inspections and audits; and always be involved in accident or incident investigations. The finding was that the commitment factor of client H&S culture had a statistically significant influence on contractor H&S performance. The findings in the current study was supported by observations made by Toellner (2001), Wiegmann (2002) Mohamed (2003), Ng et al. (2005), Cameron & Duff (2007), and Choudhry et al. (2009) who found that management commitment was critical to H&S performance. Although reference was made to commitment of top management of contractors by these authors, the principle remained that commitment was crucial. There is little evidence of studies that have been conducted to evaluate the effect of client commitment on contractor H&S performance. 239 The influence of the factors of client H&S culture, namely: leadership, involvement, communication and competence, was found to be statistically insignificant. This finding was surprising because those factors were expected to have influence on contractor H&S performance. However, statistical significance can be greatly affected by the sample size and the type of population that is sampled. It would however be interesting to discover what the results could be in another study with a different sample type and size. However, the involvement factor was found to have a negative relationship with contractor H&S performance. The involvement factor was defined by indicator variables which inter alia required the client to: personally be active in critical project H&S activities: always be present in project H&S meetings; contribute to H&S training; actively oversee H&S on critical operations; constantly stay in touch on H&S issues; always communicate information on H&S to all parties and conduct regular audits and inspections. The findings revealed that when clients increased their level of undertaking activities that defined the involvement factor, contractor’ H&S performance reduced. This finding was surprising as contractor’s performance was expected to improve with client involvement. However, it was realised that the result could have been influenced by a thin differentiating line between the involvement and commitment factor. Results in the current study revealed a high collinearity between these two factors. The involvement factor had a correlation value higher than 0.9 with the commitment factor. It was therefore speculated that the unreasonable result where client involvement caused a reduction in contractor H&S performance may probably have been a result of the high collinearity between the two factors. This may in fact be the reason why some authors use and refer to the two factors as being one factor, namely: commitment and involvement (Harvey et al., 2002:31; Mohamed, 2003:82) and many other authors only identify the commitment factor (INSAG, 1991; Cooper, 2000; Guldenmund, 2000; Biggs et al., 2005; Huang & Hinze, 2006a; FernándezMuñiz et al., 2007; Misnan & Mohammed, 2007). These studies seem to suggest that 240 management (client) involvement may be a subset of commitment. In fact getting involved or to actively participate in H&S programs may entail commitment (Molenaar et al., 2009:494). In situations such as the one described above where two factors have high correlation values between them, Tabachnick & Fidell (2007) advises that one factor should be adopted. Therefore since there was a high correlation between commitment and involvement, it made sense that the commitment factor be adopted. The findings on the hypothesis that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on contractor H&S performance entails therefore that the minimum that the client could do in order to significantly influence contractor H&S performance was to have procedures in place and to be committed to H&S performance. The findings offered a minimum requirement that could be used by clients seeking to influence contractor H&S performance. A checklist of items defining the factors of procedures and commitment could ensure that clients meet the basic required criteria to influence contractor H&S performance. 9.1.3 Influence of client on designer H&S performance (H3) The finding on H3 was that client H&S culture had influence on designer H&S performance. Two of the six specific hypotheses which collectively formed the hypothesis that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance, were found to be statistically significant. The two hypotheses were that the procedures and communication factor had direct positive influence on designer H&S performance. The procedures factor, was defined by indicator variables being, the client to have programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation; have clear project H&S goals; schedule H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties to be involved in a project; schedule H&S in all contracts; conduct regular H&S performance measurement; and 241 have own H&S committee, conducting hazard identification and risk assessment and require designers to adequately address H&S in the designs. The finding was that the influence of the procedures factor, on contractor H&S performance was statistically significant. This finding in the current study validated a proposal by Bomel (2004:xi) that designers could be able to design for H&S with the mobilisation of client influence. Designing for H&S was an aspect of H&S performance by designers. It would appear that if clients had clear programmes on H&S, it would be easier for designers to perform on their H&S obligations. The clients having procedures in place also had a significant effect on designer H&S performance. The communication factor, was defined by the variables being inter alia, the client to have formal reporting system of incidents and accidents; involve all parties in planning for H&S on the project; involve all parties to review H&S; provide timely feedback on reported accidents and incidents; communicate risk findings to all parties on the project; have clearly outlined H&S roles and responsibilities; have clearly communicated expected performance on H&S to all; and provide information on H&S risk control to all parties. The effect on designer H&S performance by the client performing these activities (Communication), was found to be statistically significant. The direct positive influence of the factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, commitment and competence were found to be statistically insignificant. This finding was unexpected considering that these factors were identified in the Delphi study to have influence on the general H&S performance. Surprisingly, the involvement factor had a negative effect on designer H&S performance. The indicator variables for the involvement factor were that the client: is personally active in critical project H&S activities; is always present in project H&S meetings; contributes to H&S training; 242 is active in overseeing of H&S on critical operations; has constantly stayed in touch on H&S issues; always communicates information on H&S to all parties and conducts regular audits and inspections. The findings revealed that when clients increased their level of undertaking these activities, designer H&S performance decreased. Possible explanation for this result has been discussed in the previous sections. This relates to the commitment and involvement factors. The findings regarding the hypothesis that client H&S culture had a direct positive influence on designer H&S performance entailed therefore that the minimum that the client could do in order to significantly influence designer H&S performance was to have procedures in place and to provide effective communication on H&S. However, although the influence of leadership, involvement, commitment and competence factors was not statistically significant, they remain important to influence designer H&S performance and part of the factors of client H&S culture. The findings offer a minimum requirement that could be used by clients seeking to influence designers’ H&S performance. A checklist of items defining the factors, procedures and communication, could ensure that clients meet the basic required criteria to influence designers’ H&S performance. Designer H&S performance especially designing for H&S is critical to the overall project H&S performance and therefore one way to achieve that is to mobilise clients’ influence (Bomel, 2004:xi). 9.1.4 Influence of client on project H&S performance (H4, H7 and H8) The finding was that client H&S culture had an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance. This influence was mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. The effects on project H&S performance of two factors of client H&S culture, namely procedures and commitment were found to be statistically significant. However the direct positive influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was found to be statistically insignificant. None of the factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence had a statistically significant direct positive influence on project H&S performance. 243 Nonetheless, findings indicated that client H&S culture was important to project H&S performance particularly the factors with statistical significance, namely procedures and commitment. The procedures factor was made up of, the client: having programmes to monitor and analyse H&S implementation; having clear project H&S goals; scheduling H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties to be involved in a project; scheduling H&S in all contracts; conducting regular H&S performance measurement; having own H&S committee; conducting hazard identification and risk assessment; and requiring designers to adequately address H&S in the designs. On the other hand, client commitment can be seen through clients; demonstrating a positive H&S attitude; actively promoting H&S; providing adequate resources for H&S implementation; putting in effort to routinely evaluate H&S in all work schedules; setting up incentives for good H&S behaviour; setting H&S as a major agenda item of each and every project meeting; actively monitor H&S programmes; always attending H&S meetings at the construction site; conducting H&S inspections and audits, and always involved in accident or incident investigations. Therefore, the finding that client H&S culture had an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance validates an observation made by Bomel (2001:5.3) that clients’ culture offered an opportunity upon which H&S performance could be improved on construction projects. The findings also suggest that project H&S performance and improvement may not be achieved by focusing on one party such as the contractor, or designer or indeed the client. However, all parties are critical to achieving the desired H&S performance. 244 The influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance was found to be an indirect one and was mediated by both designer and contractor H&S performance. Furthermore, although the direct influence of designers and contractors was found to be significant, the results suggested that these two factors also needed influence from client H&S culture. In order to continuously achieve or improve project H&S performance, client H&S culture was found to be necessary. The importance of having conducted a structural equation modelling analysis to determine the influence of client H&S culture on the contractor, designer and project H&S performance, was that it was possible to identify specifically which factors of client H&S culture had a causal effect and direction of that effect as opposed to the general blanket statement that client H&S culture had influence on project H&S performance. 9.1.5 Influence of contractor on project H&S performance (H5) The finding was that contractor H&S performance (top management) had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance. Contractor H&S performance was defined by indicator variables that defined three factors, namely: procedures, commitment and communication. The finding suggested that contractor H&S performance had a direct positive influence on the overall project H&S performance. The finding was consistent with the Lin & Mills (2001) study, which found that when contractors scored highly in the management responsibility and H&S system elements, their total H&S standards tended to be higher. Once again the study result highlighted the role of contractors to influence the overall project H&S performance. The results also highlighted the fact that it was beneficial to start looking at H&S performance at the top management level as opposed to concentrating at factors found at the construction stage only. This significance was also highlighted by Jaselskis et al. (1996:69), who argued that management characteristics, H&S meetings and budget allocations improved H&S performance and activities are top management functions. 245 9.1.6 Influence of designer on project H&S performance (H6) The finding was that designer H&S performance had a direct positive influence on project H&S performance. Designer H&S performance was defined by indicator variables that described three factors, namely: procedures, commitment and communication. The finding suggested that designer H&S performance had a direct positive influence on the overall project H&S performance. The finding was consistent with that of Behm (2005) and Gambatese et al. (2006) who found a link between the design and construction site injury and fatality incidents. However, in those studies, reference was only made to the design aspect whereas in the current study; design was only one aspect through which project H&S performance could be influenced. Once again the current study highlighted the role of designers to influence the overall project H&S performance. This finding was against the backdrop of a lack of understanding by some designers as to the extent of their influence on H&S performance (Gambatese, 1997:654; Toole, 2005:204). Therefore, the finding was significant in that it provides designers with knowledge of the fact that designers have influence on H&S performance not only in the negative sense but rather in a positive way. Similarly, the finding was significant because for clients, who are employers of designers, designer H&S performance framework, could constitute a checklist of activities that could be used to evaluate designers on, in order to ensure acceptable project H&S performance. Similarly, by using the designer H&S performance framework, designers would have knowledge of activities that have to be implemented in order to ensure an acceptable level of project H&S performance. These activities could also constitute leading indicators for all stakeholders involved in a project. 9.2 QUESTIONNAIRE AND DELPHI SURVEY RESULTS 9.2.1 Direct external environment’s influence on client H&S culture Findings from the Delphi study were that the external environment had influence on client H&S performance. Clients were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements as a 246 result of the external environment influence. In addition, the impact of external environment factors namely: legislative, economic, social, materials and technology and professional bodies were found to be significant. This finding from the Delphi study was validated by the questionnaire survey which was analysed and modelled using the SEM method. The questionnaire survey results indicated that the external environment had a direct positive influence on client H&S culture. This finding was consistent with the Delphi study finding and also with other studies that have identified aspects of the external environment to be of influence on client H&S performance. These include legislative (CIDB, 2008; CIOB, 2009), economic (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2010, Pan et al., 2010), social (union influence) (Fraser, 2007) and materials and technology (Baxendale, 2000). 9.2.2 Direct client’s influence on contractor H&S performance The findings from the Delphi study were that client H&S culture had influence on contractor H&S performance. Results were that contractors were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements with the influence of client H&S culture. The factors of client H&S culture namely: leadership, involvement, commitment, and competence were found to have ‘major’ impact significance on contractor H&S performance. The Delphi study was validated by a field questionnaire survey. The results suggested that, client H&S culture had influence on contractor H&S performance. In the questionnaire survey, the hypothesis that client H&S culture had a direct and positive influence on contractor H&S performance, could not be rejected because two out of the six specific hypotheses could not be rejected. The factors of client H&S culture namely: commitment and procedures were found to have a statistically significant influence on contractor H&S performance. Findings from both the Delphi and the questionnaire survey therefore suggested that client H&S culture had influence on contractor H&S performance. The advantage of using SEM modelling, to validate the Delphi findings, was that it was possible to specifically identify which factors of the client H&S culture construct had significant influence on contractor H&S performance. Therefore instead of making a general blanket statement that client H&S culture had influence on 247 contractor H&S performance, it was possible to specifically state that the factors namely: commitment and procedures, had a statistically significant influence on contractor H&S performance. 9.2.3 Direct client’s influence on designer H&S performance As for the Delphi findings on the influence of client H&S culture on designer H&S performance, results revealed that clients had influence on designer H&S performance. Designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements as a result of client H&S culture’s influence. Furthermore, the impact of the factors of client H&S culture was found to be of ‘major’ impact significance on designer H&S performance. The factors included: commitment and involvement, competence and leadership. The findings from the Delphi study were validated by the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey results revealed that there was a certain level of influence from client H&S culture on designer H&S performance. In the questionnaire survey, the hypotheses that the factors of client H&S culture namely: communication and procedures had a direct and positive influence on designer H&S performance, could not be rejected. These relationships were statistically significant. Two factors, namely procedures and communication, were not analysed at the Delphi stage. These factors were included at the questionnaire survey stage on recommendation from the Delphi panel. The finding however from the current study was that client H&S culture had influence on designer H&S performance. This finding validates an argument that for designers to effectively contribute to H&S implementation, clients’ influence and commitment was necessary (Bomel, 2004:xi; Hecker, Gambatese & Weinstein, 2005:43). The argument in this study is that the recognition of the need to mobilise client influence can only come about from the belief that clients have influence. The current study has therefore consolidated that view and shown that clients have influence on designer H&S performance especially if clients have laid out procedures and communicate effectively on H&S. 9.2.4 Direct client’s influence on project H&S performance The findings from the Delphi study revealed that client H&S culture had influence on project H&S performance. Furthermore, the indirect influence on project H&S performance of client H&S culture through influence on contractors and designers 248 was found to be greater than the direct client H&S culture influence. Similarly results from the questionnaire survey, also revealed that clients had an indirect statistically significant influence on project H&S performance. The factors of client H&S culture that were found to have a statistically significant indirect influence on project H&S performance were procedures and commitment. As stated earlier, the advantages of using SEM modelling to analyse complex relationships lies in being able to specifically determine the factors that have a statistically significant influence as well as the direction of the influence. In the current study it has been shown that client H&S culture has influence on project H&S performance. However this influence was found to be an indirect one mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. 9.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY In summary therefore, the findings from the questionnaire survey generally supported the predictions that were made by the experts from the Delphi study. The validated predictions were that the external environment has influence on client H&S performance and that client H&S culture has influence on designer, contractor and project H&S performance. In addition, existing literature lends support to the findings of the current study. The supported findings were that the factors, commitment and procedures, are critical to project H&S performance. Further, communication was necessary for effective H&S management. 249 CHAPTER TEN CONCLUSIONS 10.1 CONCLUSION ON THE OVERALL STUDY The broad overall objective of the current study was to develop a client-centred H&S performance improvement model and specifically identify critical factors of client H&S culture with significant effect on project H&S performance improvement on construction projects. In order to achieve that general objective, the study adopted a mixed methodology of conducting an extensive literature review, a Delphi study and a field questionnaire survey which was analysed using structural equation modelling. The field questionnaire survey was conducted in order to validate findings from the Delphi study. Conclusions regarding the study are presented relative to the objectives of the study. 10.1.1 Objective GO1 The first objective of the study was to establish the status of H&S in the construction industry based on literature and also the role of clients, designers and the top management of contractors in H&S performance. In order to achieve this objective, a review of literature was conducted. Findings were that the construction industry continues to lag behind other industrial sectors on H&S performance. H&S performance in the construction industry remained a problem and this had resulted in a negative impact on the image of the industry. The literature also informed that clients offered potential for H&S performance improvement. Similarly, designers and top management of contractors were identified as being critical to H&S performance in the construction industry. Findings from literature were that more research and effort was required to try and address the problem of H&S in the industry. 250 10.1.2 Objective GO2 The second objective was to investigate the current trends in H&S performance improvement. A review of literature was carried out in order to achieve this objective. The findings revealed that culture offered more prospects to improve H&S performance than any other approach. It was clear from literature that change in culture would achieve the goal of accident and incident reduction as opposed to isolated strategies. There was however no consensus on the definitions and measurement of H&S culture in literature. This current study therefore offered a synthesised definition of what culture was and presented a framework of H&S culture. From the synthesised literature on culture, this current argued that it was possible to characterise the prevailing H&S culture in an organisation or in a project. 10.1.3 Objective GO3 The third objective was to establish the impact of construction clients and their potential contribution to and influence on project H&S performance. A Delphi study was conducted in order to achieve this objective. Findings were that clients had a significant impact on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Experts predicted that contractors and designers were likely to implement H&S elements with client influence. This finding indicated that the potential influence and contribution of clients to H&S performance, was significant. In addition, experts predicted that clients were very likely to implement H&S elements with the external environment’s influence. 10.1.4 Objective GO4 The fourth objective of the study was to develop a conceptual client-centred H&S performance improvement model based on both literature and the Delphi study. A synthesis of the reviewed literature together with the findings from the Delphi study was used to achieve this objective. The conceptual model theorised that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture. In addition, client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. This hypothesis was validated through a structural equation modelling of data from the field questionnaire survey. 251 10.1.5 Objective GO5 The fifth and final objective of the study was to test and validate the conceptual client-centred H&S performance improvement model by conducting a questionnaire survey and analysing it using SEM. A questionnaire survey and analysis of the results using SEM software, EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0 was conducted in order to achieve this objective. Findings were that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. In addition, the external environment had significant influence on client H&S performance. These findings validated the conceptual clientcentred H&S performance improvement model developed from literature and the Delphi study. 10.2 CONTRIBUTION AND VALUE OF THE RESEARCH The value and contribution of the research is described at three levels. These are the methodological, theoretical and practical levels of the research findings. 10.2.1 Methodological Most studies have used univariate statistical analysis methods such as ANOVA or MANOVA to model clients’ influence on project H&S performance. However, the current study used SEM which is more robust and superior to the methods mentioned to determine causality of factors in a model and their direction of influence (Kline, 2005:14). With SEM analysis, it was possible to identify the factors of client H&S culture which had significant effect and hence influence on project H&S performance as opposed to a general blanket statement that clients had influence on project H&S performance. In order to measure H&S performance, a shift was made away from the use of accidents data and incidents (TRIR) to more acceptable leading indicators. These leading indicators were validated during the checking of measurement models of the SEM. The questionnaire survey instrument had high internal reliability values and therefore could be used in similar studies to validate the current study or for similar purposes. 252 Findings from the Delphi study and a conceptual model developed from both literature review and the Delphi study was validated by conducting a questionnaire survey. Data from the questionnaire survey was analysed using SEM software, EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0. As a result of this mixed method, a parsimonious model was developed. Apart from the study contributing and adding value to the body of knowledge in terms of the methodological approach, a contribution to theory was also achieved. 10.2.2 Theoretical The results of the SEM analysis indicated that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture generally and specifically on all the factors of client H&S culture. The factors of client H&S culture that the external environment had significant influence over were: leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. The researcher could not find evidence of a similar study that has been conducted in the construction industry. The SEM results also indicated that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Specifically, the factors of client of H&S culture, namely: procedures and commitment had significant influence on contractor H&S performance. On the other hand, the factors, procedures and communication, had significant influence on designer H&S performance. The factors, procedures and commitment, had a significant influence on project H&S performance although the influence was an indirect one through contractor and designer H&S performance. This finding enforced the theory that all stakeholders should be involved in H&S management. Indicator variables could be used to characterise client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance. They could also be used for H&S performance measurement. A comprehensive review of literature on H&S in the construction industry, H&S performance improvement, H&S culture and the role of construction clients on H&S management was undertaken. This review provides a 253 synthesised compilation of the status of H&S in the industry and trends in H&S performance improvement. Literature review did not reveal evidence of a similar study to the current one and therefore suggested that this type of research has not yet been conducted in the construction industry especially in Southern Africa. Furthermore, there was no evidence that suggested that a mixed method of using a Delphi and SEM had been used in the construction industry in Southern Africa. Therefore this study may offer a base for other researchers to use for other follow up studies. The current study modelled the influence of client H&S culture on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Previous studies have tried to model client involvement’s influence on project H&S performance. However, involvement is only one aspect of client culture. This study has shown that there is more than one factor that can influence project H&S performance. 10.2.3 Practical Clients, especially in Southern Africa, have not realised the significance of their participation in H&S management. However Delphi results have indicated that contractors and designers were likely to implement H&S elements on a project with clients’ influence. Further, SEM results indicated that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and on project H&S performance. Knowledge of the influence of client H&S culture particularly the influence of the factors namely: procedures, commitment and communication on contractor, designer and project H&S performance could help clients to plan, organise, coordinate and control all aspects relating to H&S implementation on construction projects. Clients could use this knowledge to help with decisions on how to allocate financial and human resources on H&S performance. Similarly, designers have not realised the significance of their participation in H&S over and above the task of simply designing for H&S. Both the Delphi and the SEM results suggested that designers had a significant influence on project H&S performance. Therefore this knowledge is essential for those that 254 train designers and those that award professional status to designers. In addition, designers themselves may use this knowledge when it comes to determining their role, allocation of resources and level of participation in project H&S implementation. The practical significance of the findings for contractors is that the knowledge of contractor’s influence namely, top management, means that addressing H&S cannot be a project level issue only but that it should be a strategic management issue as well. As for policy makers; professional bodies; researchers into new materials and technology and the organised labour or civil societies, the knowledge that clients have influence on project H&S performance, offers an opportunity for them to get involved in H&S management by insisting that clients should be more committed. As a result of this knowledge, appropriate policies and regulations could be formulated that seek to influence clients’ H&S performance. In addition, research into newer materials and technology that would result in clients making decisions that are favourable to H&S might be buoyed by the findings of this study. In addition, campaigns for better worker H&S can be successfully directed at the appropriate stakeholders as well as to check on the requirements for an acceptable level of H&S performance. The knowledge of the fact that designers have a significant influence on project H&S performance may enable clients to insist on designers’ full participation. Therefore the client may use a list of indicator variables as part of a design or commission brief to designers. The use of client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance indicator variables as an evaluation tool is possible in order to determine whether the required H&S elements were in place to ensure an acceptable H&S performance standard on a project. The study offers an opportunity for further research to improve the model developed in this study and probably refine indicator variables to suit specific environments. Therefore the implications for practice of all these areas in which the current study may add value and contribute were considered to be many. 255 10.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE As a result of the identified contributions that the current study may make, the following implications for practice have been identified The policy makers, researchers and the social environment especially the organised labour (unions) should not continue to be on the fringe when it comes to H&S performance improvement. These publics have a significant effect on client H&S culture and hence performance. Clients or owners of construction projects may not continue to leave H&S performance to contracting organisations alone. Findings indicated that clients have influence on project H&S especially when they have procedures in place and are committed. Contractors are very likely to implement H&S programmes with client’s influence. Designers should not continue to doubt their contribution to H&S performance and will also realise that their involvement may go beyond the minimum requirement of simply designing for H&S. The effect of designer H&S performance on project H&S performance was found to be significant. Contractors’ top management have a reason to take H&S to strategic management level as opposed to relegating H&S to be a project level responsibility issue. Professional bodies and those institutions that regulate the construction industry have a basis upon which to revise standard contract documents, clear definition of duties of all stakeholders in the industry and a clear identification of project deliverables that are inclusive of H&S. Recommendations are made from the methodological, theoretical and practical points of view. 10.4 RECOMMENDATIONS 10.4.1. Methodological It is recommended that a mixed method of using a Delphi and questionnaire survey be encouraged in studies such as the current one where a test – retest methodology may not be feasible to validate a study. This situation is common 256 in engineering and construction management studies and most studies end at Delphi or questionnaire surveys and as such renders generalisation of conclusions especially on causality to be questionable. The recommended method could commence with a Delphi study followed by a questionnaire survey or vice-versa in order to validate a study and therefore improve its generalisability. There are many research studies in engineering and construction management that try to establish cause - effect relationships between different latent constructs. However most of these studies use inadequate analytical methods such as ANOVA and multiple regressions. ANOVA and even multiple regressions which are basically standard statistical procedures do not offer a convenient and a straightforward way to test a hypothesis at a higher level of abstraction (Kline, 2005:14). Therefore, for similar studies such as the current study, SEM is recommended to be used as the analysis method for better results. It is also recommended that a similar study should be conducted with a different population and sample size to improve its application in the construction industry. More research should be conducted on the indicator variables to establish any improvement in model fit as the current study was purely a confirmatory factor analysis. There is a possibility that client H&S culture could be defined by more indicator variables just as contractor, designer and project H&S performance could be. Recognition should be made however that there is no such a thing as a perfect model fit. Nonetheless, there should be a move to try and improve on the current model rather than invent a new model. 10.4.2 Theoretical It was observed from literature that there were still different definitions and an understanding of the concept of H&S culture. This has led in the past to a limited utilisation of the concept to improve H&S in the construction industry. Further, there has not been consensus on how H&S culture should be measured. However, in the current study, literature was reviewed and synthesised on the concept of H&S culture. Coupled with expert knowledge 257 obtained through the Delphi study, a six factor H&S culture model was arrived at especially for the clients. Those factors were identified as leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence (LIP+3C). This client H&S culture model was tested and was found to fit the sample data. The same factors could also be used to characterise contractor, designer and or project H&S culture. It is therefore recommended that the developed model and theory of H&S culture, with particular emphasis on operationalising it, form a basis for further refinement of the concept and thereby make it beneficial. It is recommended that the influence of client H&S culture be integrated in H&S performance improvement models that have been already proposed in other studies but do not include client H&S culture’s influence. 10.4.3 Practical It is recommended that clients, designers and contractors realise which indicator variables constitute their own H&S performance and hence influence project H&S performance. It is further recommended that clients should know what elements define contractor and designer H&S performance so that they may be able to include them in design briefs as deliverables as well as in prequalifying and contract documents. Most contract documents that have been revealed do not breakdown H&S deliverables and therefore providing for H&S remains vague. In addition, knowing what elements to include could help in preparing estimates for H&S implementation on particular projects. All stakeholders should know which indicator variables define project H&S performance so that H&S performance planning, organising, monitoring, measurement and control could be possible. As opposed to measuring lagging indicators of H&S performance namely: accidents and incidents, use of leading indicators such as the indicator variables used in the current study should be encouraged. Leading indicators are a pro-active way to ensure improvement in H&S performance and as a result they do not necessarily depend on project type for example. 258 10.5 LIMITATIONS The following limitations regarding the current study should be considered, namely: Research was only conducted in Johannesburg and Gaborone. Given enough resources, it would be preferable to conduct a similar research study with a wider population. Although by SEM requirements the sample size of 281 cases could be described as large, a larger sample size exceeding 500 cases would have benefited the study considering the complexity of the model analysed in the current study. Several nested models especially for the measurement models, could have been evaluated to check out the suitability of other alternative models. The current study was purely confirmatory in nature. Although the internal reliability tests indicated high internal consistency and therefore a well-constructed research tool, some constructs revealed high correlation values such as the relationship between commitment and involvement. This may be due to the fact that only one questionnaire was used to collect information relative to clients, designers and contractors. A review of the research tool may benefit findings in this study. 10.6 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The following suggestions for further research have been identified: Research on the relationship between contractor and designer H&S performance and this relationship’s influence on project H&S performance would have benefited the current study. An SEM evaluation of a direct influence of the external environment factors namely: legislative, economic, social, professional, technology and materials’ influence on client H&S culture would have given insight on the level of influence of each one of these factors. Although this was done during the Delphi study, the same evaluation at an abstract level would have been an additional contribution to knowledge in this aspect. The direct influence of the external environment on project H&S performance with all stakeholders playing a mediating role was not analysed in the current 259 study for the purpose of model parsimony. An SEM evaluation of direct or indirect influence on project H&S performance could have provided insight on the magnitude of external environment influence specifically on project H&S performance. 10.7 Validate the Musonda H&S culture framework presented in Figure 7. CHAPTER SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION A client-centred H&S performance improvement model was developed using H&S performance improvement theories grounded in H&S culture. It was theorised that client H&S culture had influence on construction project H&S performance as well as on contractor and designer H&S performance. It was also postulated that client H&S culture was a six factor construct made up of leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence (LIP+3C) factors. Further it was postulated that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture. The postulated models were analysed with the SEM software EQS version 6.1 and MPlus version 6.0. The fit statistics for the measurement and structural models had an adequate fit to the sample data. The finalised empirical model revealed that the external environment factor had a statistically significant influence on client H&S culture. In particular, the external environment explained more variance in the procedures factor of client H&S culture than in any other factors. Further, the finalised empirical model revealed that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. Specifically, the procedures and commitment factors had a statistically significant influence on contractor H&S performance while the factors, procedures and communication, had a statistically significant influence on designers. Client H&S culture had an indirect influence on project H&S performance. This influence was mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. The factors of client H&S culture namely, procedures and commitment had a statistically significant influence on project H&S performance. The findings have theoretical value because respondents were drawn from client, contractor, designer and subcontractor organisations. Further, respondents had working knowledge of the projects that they were reporting on. In addition, the questionnaire survey whose results were modelled using the SEM was a validating 260 study of a conceptual model developed from synthesised theories established from literature and more importantly from the Delphi study. The current study, lends support to other studies that have utilised alternative methods to establish client’s influence on project H&S performance. These studies have concluded that clients can influence H&S performance on construction projects. The current study utilised a more robust modelling method, of SEM. 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The area of his research is on developing a client centred model on health and safety Performance improvement. He will be using a Delphi approach and needs to compile a panel of experts in the field to participate in this process. It would be appreciated if you would consent to participating in the study in this capacity. Kind regards Theo C. Haupt, Ph.D., M.Phil., Pr. CM. Director: Building Construction Science (BCS), College of Architecture, Art and Design, Mississippi State University Research Associate: Southern African Built Environment Research Centre (SABERC), Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa ,Visiting Professor: University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Department of Construction Management ,President: Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA) ,Joint International coordinator: CIB TG59 - People in Construction , Editor-in-chief: Journal of Engineering, Design and Construction (JEDT) , Co-editor: Journal of Construction (JOC) 899 College view, 128 Giles Hall, P.O. Box AQ, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Voice: 662.325.2547 (office) , Fax: 622.325.8872, Mobile: 662.312.5328 Email: APPENDIX B REQUEST FOR EXPERTS’ CURRICULLUM VITAE 13 November 2009 Dear Sir/Madam I would like to thank you for accepting the invitation to participate as an expert in our project to develop a client-centred model to improve health and safety performance in the construction industry. The process of collecting input from the expert panel will probably involve no less than three rounds. The first round will be at the end of January 2010, the second round will be held at the end of February 2010 and the third round is anticipated to be held at the end of March 2010. To start with, I would like to request for your curriculum vitae for our records and to confirm your area of expertise. We would appreciate your response by the end of November 2009. Kind regards I. Musonda PhD Candidate University of Johannesburg Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Tel: +2711 559 6655 Mobile: +27730769652 Fax: +2711 559 6630 Email: APPENDIX C DELPHI INSTRUCTIONS FOR ROUND 1 AND QUESTIONNAIRE DELPHI SURVEY – ROUND 1 Thank you once again for serving on the Delphi panel for this research. Your participation is greatly appreciated. This first Round survey is intended to be completed in approximately 25-30 minutes. Subsequent surveys will require significantly less time to complete. When you have finished answering all of the questions, please email your response, in Word format, to You will be given the opportunity to change your response later on after all Delphi participants have completed the first Round survey and results have been analysed. Results will be in simple statistics e.g. median response, average and range. INSTRUCTIONS Please answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability. Please indicate your response by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate boxes. The survey requests that you rate the likelihood of the element happening due to external influence or pressure and the impact level of various Health and safety (H&S) elements on stakeholder culture and on H&S outcome. The probability scale is presented below and only a number should be used for a probability range. If say you consider the probability range to be between 41 & 50% of the element happening then you should mark ‘X’ under the box ‘5’. If the impact is considered to be medium, then the ‘X’ should be marked under the ‘5’ or ‘6’ box. (See below). Please use your experience and judgement to rate what you believe the average negative impact of the various elements on stakeholders would be if the described elements were not implemented or absent. PROBABILITY SCALE (likelihood in percentage) 0112131415110% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1 2 3 4 5 6 X IMPACT SCALE No impact Low impact 1 2 3 4 Medium impact 5 6 X 288 6170% 7 7180% 8 High impact 7 8 8190% 9 91100% 10 Very high impact 9 10 1.1 Client element Client financing H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if pressured by political environment. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 1.2 (Social pressure = Refers to requirements for community approval of projects on satisfying H&S standards) Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if Client element pressured by social environment. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Client financing H&S X Appointment of H&S agent X H&S staffing X Choice of procurement method X Client involvement in design X H&S inspections & audits X H&S policy, procedures & goals X H&S leadership X 1.3 Client element Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if there is an improvement in materials & methods. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 289 1.4 (Economic pressure = Refers to economic incentive for implementing H&S and tangible loss for not implementing H&S) Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if Client element pressured by economics. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership 1.5 Client element Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership 1.6 Client element Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X 9 X X X 10 X X X X Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if pressured by regulations & legislative framework. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X X X X X X 9 10 Probability = of Client Implementing listed elements if pressured by professional bodies. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 290 1.7 Client element Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership 1.8 Client element Client providing finance for H&S Appointment of H&S agent H&S staffing Choice of procurement method Client involvement in design H&S inspections & audits H&S policy, procedures & goals H&S leadership 1.9 Environment element Political pressure Social pressure Economic pressure Improvement on materials & methods Contractor commitment & involvement Regulations & legislative frame work Professional bodies influence Impact = on contractors’ H&S culture if listed client element is lacking. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X 10 X X X X Impact = on designers’ H&S culture if listed client element is lacking. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X 9 X 10 X X X X Impact = on clients’ H&S culture if listed element is lacking. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X 7 8 X 9 10 X X X X 291 2.1 Project phase Project initiation Project design Procurement Construction Project commissioning Project closeout Project operations & maintenance Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if client is committed & involved in H&S management. (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X 2.2 (Site H&S outcome refers to accidents, incidents, safe worker behaviour, awareness, safe work place, safe tools & equipment and safe work methods) Impact = on site H&S outcome if H&S is not considered at Project phase listed project phases. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Project initiation X Project design X Procurement X Construction X Project commissioning X Project closeout X Project operations & maintenance X 3.1 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients provide finance for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X 7 X X X X X 292 8 X 9 10 3.2 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment 3.3 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients are adequately staffed for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 X 4 X X X 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients select procurement methods suitable for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 X 4 5 X X X X X X X 293 6 7 8 9 10 3.4 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment 3.5 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment 3.6 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients are involved in design & planning for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X 7 8 10 X X X 9 X X X Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients conduct H&S audits & inspections (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X X 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients have effective H&S policies, procedures & goals (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 X 6 7 8 X X X 9 X X X X 294 10 3.7 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment 3.8 Contractor element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Worker involvement Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment 4.1 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S Probability = of Contractors implementing listed elements if clients lead on H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X 9 10 X X X X X X Impact = on project H&S culture if listed contractor’s element is lacking. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 X X X X 3 X 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients provide finance for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 295 4.2 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S 4.3 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients are adequately staffed for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients select procurement methods suitable for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X 296 4.4 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S 4.5 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients are involved in design & planning for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X 9 10 X X X X X Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients conduct H&S audits & inspections (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X 10 X X X X 297 4.6 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S 4.7 Designer element Development of staff competency H&S staffing Consult & communicate H&S information H&S audits and inspections Policy, procedures & goals Contractor involvement in design review Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S Probability = of Designers implementing listed elements if clients have effective H&S policies, procedures & goals (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X 10 X X X X Impact = on project H&S culture if listed designer’s element is lacking. (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X X X X X 9 10 X X X 298 5.1 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout 5.2 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout 5.3 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout 5.4 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers are adequately staffed for H&S (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers have H&S competent staff (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers consult & communicate H&S information to all stakeholders (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers conduct H&S audits & inspections (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X 299 5.5 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout 5.6 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout 5.7 Project phase Project initiation Project design Project procurement Project construction Project commissioning Project closeout Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers involve contractors in design reviews (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X Probability = of H&S consideration at listed project phases if designers conduct hazard identification & risk assessment (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X 300 5.8 (Site H&S outcome refers to accidents, incidents, safe worker behaviour, awareness, safe work place, safe tools & equipment and safe work methods) Impact= on site H&S outcome if H&S is not considered at Project phase the listed project phases (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Project initiation X Project design X Project procurement X Project construction X Project commissioning X Project closeout X 6.1 H&S project elements Consultation & communication of H&S information Frequent H&S audits & inspections Client commitment & involvement Designer commitment & involvement Contractor commitment & involvement Safety program H&S staffing Staff competency on H&S Prequalifying contractors & subcontractors on H&S Designing & planning for H&S H&S risk assessment & management H&S meetings Site worker involvement in H&S Effective policy, procedures & clear goals Impact= on project H&S culture if listed elements for all parties are lacking (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 301 7.1 PERSONAL INFORMATION OF EXPERT PANEL MEMBERS Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Prof) Dr & Prof Highest qualification DSc Field of specialisation Construction management Professional registration (Pr E, Chartered Civil Engineer, FICE & Chartered Builder, PE etc.) FCIOB Years of experience (construction 40 H&S) Current employer Retired, now independent consultant Position Professor Emeritus Country Wales, UK Thank you for taking your time to fill out this first round survey. The second round of the Delphi process will begin on March 15, 2010. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my promoter Prof Theo Haupt if you have any questions about this survey or about the research project in general. Kindly see contact details below. Contact details: Innocent Musonda Ph.D. Candidate Dept. of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg Doornfontein Campus 2028, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel.: +27115596655 Mobile: +27730769652 Email: Prof Theo Haupt, PhD, MPhil, Pr.CM Director: Building Construction Science, College of Architecture, Art and Design, Mississippi state University, Visiting Professor: Dept. of construction Management & Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 899 College view, 128 Giles Hall, P.O. AQ, Mississippi State, MS 39762, Tel: 662 325 2547 Mobile: 662 312 5328 Email: APPENDIX D 302 DELPHI INSTRUCTIONS FOR ROUND 2 AND AN EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE WITH GROUP MEDIAN DELPHI SURVEY – ROUND 2 Thank you for completing Round 1 Delphi survey. We recognize that the survey required a significant time investment to complete thoughtfully. We appreciate your time and effort. This Round 2 survey continues the Delphi process for this study. The purpose of Round 2 is to provide you with the opportunity to change your response, if desired, given the median group response for each question and element. The second round survey is intended to take approximately 20 minutes as you are only being asked to review your previous responses given the collective group median. When you have finished answering all of the questions, please email your response to by Friday, April 30, 2010. INSTRUCTIONS For each element you will see 2 values: your response from the Round 1 survey (indicated with a yellow highlighted box), and the group median from the Round 1 survey indicated in the column to the far right hand of each table. Please take one of the following three actions for each category: 1. 2. 3. 4. Accept the group median response by leaving the field completely unchanged. Maintain your original response by placing an ‘X’ in the highlighted field*. Indicate a new response by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate field*. Provide fresh answer in blank boxes as these were not provided in first round. * *If your response is more than ten Percent above or below the group median please provide a reason for your outlying response in the field provided. 303 1.1 POLITICAL INFLUENCE: The profile and practices within government related to the construction industry. This is reflected in Government’s position to give much higher weighting to H&S in tender evaluation, contract award, bonuses or alternative rewards such as tax and training incentives. Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if pressured by political environment? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Finance H&S Management Appoint H&S agent Employ permanent H&S staff Be involved in design & planning H&S prequalification criteria for contractors Select procurement method suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior to bidding process 6 7 8 5 X X X X 7 X 6 X 3 X Schedule H&S in contracts Conduct H&S inspections & audits Have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role 4 8 X X X X 1.2 SOCIAL INFLUENCE: Reflected in for example, requirements for community approval of projects upon satisfying H&S standards Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if pressured by the social environment? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIA N Finance H&S Management X 4 Appoint H&S agent X 5 Employ permanent H&S staff X 5 Be involved in design & X 4 planning H&S prequalification criteria for X 6 contractors Select procurement method X 4 suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements X 4 prior to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts X 6 Conduct H&S inspections & X 6 audits Have effective H&S policy, X 6 procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role X 4 304 8 7 1.3 MATERIALS & METHODS: Refers to new materials and methods of construction adopted or advocated for in the industry that enhance H&S, such as use of prefabricated units. Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if H&S compliant materials & methods of construction are adopted in the industry? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Finance H&S Management Appoint H&S agent Employ permanent H&S staff Be involved in design & planning H&S prequalification criteria for contractors Select procurement method suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts Conduct H&S inspections & audits Have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role X 5.5 5 6.5 5 X X X X 5 X 5.5 X 5 X 5 7.5 X X 7.5 X 7.5 1.4 ECONOMIC PRESSURE: Refers to economic incentive for implementing H&S as well as a tangible loss for not implementing H&S Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if pressured by economic environment? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Finance H&S Management X 8 Appoint H&S agent X 9 Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Be involved in design & planning X 8 H&S prequalification criteria for X 8 contractors Select procurement method X 8 suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior X 8 to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts Conduct H&S inspections & audits Have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role X 8 9 X X X 305 9 8 1.5 REGULATIONS AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK: Refers to regulations & legislature appropriate for H&S improvement and an effective enforcement structure. Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if pressured by regulations & legislative framework? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIA 0 N Finance H&S Management X 8 Appoint H&S agent X 9 Employ permanent H&S staff X 9 Be involved in design & planning X 8 H&S prequalification criteria for X 9 contractors Select procurement method X 8 suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior X 9 to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts X 9 Conduct H&S inspections & X 9 audits Have effective H&S policy, X 9 procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role X 8 1.6 CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL BODIES: Refers to bodies empowered to register designers, contractors and clients in order that registered entities may conduct their business in the construction industry Client element What is the Probability of a Client Implementing each of the listed elements if pressured by construction professional bodies? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIA N Finance H&S Management Appoint H&S agent Employ permanent H&S staff Be involved in design & planning H&S prequalification criteria for contractors Select procurement method suitable for H&S Schedule H&S requirements prior to bidding process Schedule H&S in contracts Conduct H&S inspections & audits Have effective H&S policy, procedures & goals Assume H&S leadership role X X 6 5 5 6 5 X 6 X 6.5 X X 6 6 X X X X X 306 6 5 1.7 H&S CULTURE: Refers to that observable degree of effort with which all organisational members direct their attention and actions towards improving H&S on a daily basis. The way things are done in an organisation. The way things are done in an organisation. Client element What is the Impact on contractors’ H&S culture if each of the listed client elements is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No Low Medium High Very impact impact impact impact High impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Commitment to H&S Involvement in H&S management H&S competence H&S leadership 1.8 H&S CULTURE: (see 1.7) Client element X X 8 8 8 8 X X What is the Impact on designers’ H&S culture if each of the listed client elements is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No Low Medium High Very impact impact impact impact High impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Commitment to H&S Involvement in H&S management H&S competence H&S leadership X 8 9 7 9 X X X 1.9 H&S CULTURE: (see 1.7) Environment element Political pressure Social pressure Economic pressure Improvement on materials & methods Contractor commitment & involvement Regulations & legislative frame work impacting directly on client Professional bodies influence What is the Impact on clients’ H&S culture if each of the listed elements is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No Low Mediu High Very impact impact m impact High impact impact 1 2 3 4 X 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X X X 307 1 MEDIAN 0 8 6 9 6 6 9 6 2.1 CLIENT COMMITMENT: Reflected in allocation of resource, procurement methods adopted, establishment of policies, procedures and goals. What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at Project phase each of the following listed project phases if a client is committed to H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Project initiation X 8 Project design X 8 Procurement X 8 Construction X 9 Project commissioning X 9 Project closeout X 9 Project operations & maintenance X 8 2.2 CLIENT INVOLVEMENT: Refers to client active participation as reflected in conducting of H&S audits & inspections, involved in design & planning, monitor & review performance and consult and communicate H&S information Project phase What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at each of the following listed project phases if a client is involved in H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Project initiation X 9 Project design X 9 Procurement X 8 Construction X 10 Project commissioning X 9 Project closeout X 9 Project operations & maintenance X 9 2.3 H&S COMPETENCE: Refers to an organisation having attained capability to manage & improve H&S through employing permanent H&S competent personnel and by improving staff competence through education & training. Project phase What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at each of the following listed project phases if a client is H&S competent? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MEDIAN Project initiation Project design Procurement Construction Project commissioning Project closeout Project operations & maintenance X X X X X X X 308 8 8 6 9 8 8 8 2.4 H&S LEADERSHIP: Refers to the responsibility of assuming a lead role and take full responsibility for H&S planning, organisation, control, coordination, feedback and eventual outcome Project phase What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at each of the following listed project phases if a client assumes H&S leadership on projects? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Project initiation X 8 Project design X 7 Procurement X 7 Construction X 10 Project commissioning X 8 Project closeout X 8 Project operations & maintenance X 7 2.5 SITE H&S OUTCOME: Refers to accidents, incidents, safe worker behaviour, awareness, safe work place, safe tools & equipment and safe work methods Project phase What is the Impact on site H&S outcome if H&S is not considered at each of the following listed project phases? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Project initiation X 7 Project design X 7 Procurement X 8 Construction X 10 Project commissioning X 8 Project closeout X 8 Project operations & maintenance X 9 309 3.1 CLIENT COMMITMENT: see 2.1 Contractor element What is the Probability of Contractors implementing each of the listed elements if clients are committed to H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on X 8 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 9 Consult & communicate H&S X 8 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X 9 8 Involve workers in H&S management Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment X X X 8 9 8 3.2 CLIENT INVOLVEMENT: (see 2.2) Contractor element What is the Probability of Contractors implementing each of the listed elements if clients are involved in H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on X 8 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Consult & communicate H&S X 8 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X 8 9 Involve workers in H&S management Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment X X 7 8 9 X 310 3.3 H&S COMPETENCE: (see 2.3) Contractor element What is the Probability of Contractors implementing each of the listed elements if clients are H&S competent? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on H&S X 7 Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Consult & communicate H&S X 8 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X 8 7 Involve workers in H&S management Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment X X X 8 8 8 3.4 H&S LEADERSHIP: (see 2.4) Contractor element What is the Probability of Contractors implementing each of the listed elements if clients assume H&S leadership? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on H&S X 8 Employ permanent H&S staff X 9 Consult & communicate H&S X 9 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X Involve workers in H&S management Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment X X X 311 9 9 8 9 9 3.5 H&S CULTURE: (see 1.7) Contractor element What is the Impact on project H&S culture if each of the following listed contractor’s elements is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No impact 1 2 Develop staff competency on H&S Employ permanent H&S staff Consult & communicate H&S information to stakeholders Low impact 3 4 Mediu m impact 5 6 X High impact 7 8 Very High impact 9 1 MEDIAN 0 8 X 8 8 X Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X Involve workers in H&S management Hazard identification & risk assessment Top management commitment X X X 9 8 9 9 9 4.1 CLIENT COMMITMENT: (see 2.1) Designer element What is the Probability of Designers implementing each of the listed elements if clients are committed to H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIA 0 N Develop staff competency on X 7 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Consult & communicate H&S X 8 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X X Involve Contractors in design reviews Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S 7 X X X 312 7 9 8 8 4.2 CLIENT INVOLVEMENT: (see 2.2) Designer element What is the Probability of Designers implementing each of the listed elements if clients are involved in H&S management? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on X 8 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Consult & communicate H&S X 8 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X 8 X 8 Involve Contractors in design reviews Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S X 8 8 9 X X 4.3 H&S COMPETENCE: (see 2.3) Designer element What is the Probability of designers implementing each of the listed elements if clients are H&S competent? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on X 8 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 8 Consult & communicate H&S X 7 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X 7 X 8 Involve Contractors in design reviews Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S X X X 8 8 8 313 4.4 H&S LEADERSHIP: (see 2.4) Designer element What is the Probability of designers implementing each of the listed elements if clients assume H&S leadership? (1=low probability, 10=high probability) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Develop staff competency on X 7 H&S Employ permanent H&S staff X 6 Consult & communicate H&S X 7 information to stakeholders Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals X 7 X 8 Involve Contractors in design reviews Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S X 8 X X 314 9 8 4.5 H&S CULTURE: (see 1.7) Designer element What is the Impact on project H&S culture if each of the following listed designer’s element is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No impact 1 2 Develop staff competency on H&S Employ permanent H&S staff Consult & communicate H&S information to stakeholders Low impact 3 4 Mediu m impact 5 6 High impact 7 8 X X Conduct H&S audits and inspections Establish & implement H&S Policies, procedures & goals 1 MEDIAN 0 6.5 X X 7.5 7 X 315 9 6.5 8 X Involve Contractors in design reviews Hazard identification & risk assessment Design for H&S Very High impact 8 X 8 X 9 5.1 DESIGNERS H&S COMMITMENT: As for client commitment defined in 2.1 What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at Project phase each MEDIAN 1 of 2 the3following 4 5 listed 6 project 7 8phases 9 if1designers were committed to H&S management?(1=low 0 Project initiation X 7 probability, 10=high probability) Project design X 8 Project procurement X 8 Project construction X 8 Project commissioning X 8 Project closeout X 8 5.2 DESIGNER INVOLVEMENT: As for client involvement defined in 2.2 What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at Project phase each MEDIAN 1 of 2 the3following 4 5 listed 6 project 7 8phases 9 if1designers were involved in H&S management? (1=low 0 Project initiation X 7 probability, 10=high probability) Project design X 8 Project procurement X 8 Project construction X 8 Project commissioning X 8 Project closeout X 8 316 5.3 H&S COMPETENCE: (see 2.3) What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at Project phase each MEDIAN 1 of 2 the3following 4 5 listed 6 project 7 8phases 9 if1designers developed H&S competence? (1=low probability, 0 Project initiation X 7 10=high probability) Project design X 9 Project procurement X 8 Project construction X 9 Project commissioning X 8 Project closeout X 8 5.4 H&S LEADERSHIP: (see 2.4) What is the Probability that H&S will be considered at Project phase each MEDIAN 1 of 2 the3following 4 5 listed 6 project 7 8phases 9 if1designers assumed leadership role on projects? (1=low 0 Project initiation X 8 probability, 10=high probability) Project design X 9 Project procurement X 8 Project construction X 9 Project commissioning X 9 Project closeout X 9 317 5.5 SITE H&S OUTCOME: (see 2.5) What is the Impact on site H&S outcome if each of the Project phase listed elements for all parties is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No Low Medium High Very impact impact impact impact High impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 Client commitment X 7 Client involvement X 7 Client leadership X 7 Client H&S competence X 8 Designer commitment X 9 Designer involvement X 9 Designer leadership X 9 Designer H&S competence X 9 Contractor top management X 9 commitment Contractor top management X 8 involvement Contractor top management X 8 leadership Contractor H&S competence X 9 318 6.1 H&S CULTURE: (see 1.7) H&S project elements Client commitment Client involvement Client leadership Client H&S competence Designer commitment Designer involvement Designer leadership Designer H&S competence Contractor top management commitment Contractor top management involvementtop management Contractor leadership H&S competence Contractor What is the Impact on the project H&S culture if each of the listed elements for all parties is lacking? (1=no impact, 10=very high negative impact) No Low Medium High Very impact impact impact impact High impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 MEDIAN 0 X 9 X 9 X 8.5 X 9 X 9 X 9 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 10 X 9 X 8.5 Thank you for taking your time to respond to this second round survey. Your input is incredibly valuable and the time you have spent on this panel is greatly appreciated. You will be informed of this round’s results by Friday 14 May, 2010. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my promoter Prof Theo Haupt if you have any questions or contributions on this survey or about the research project in general. Kindly see contact details below. Contact details: Innocent Musonda Ph.D. Candidate Dept. of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg Doornfontein Campus 2028, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel.: +27115596655, Mobile: +27730769652 Email: 319 Prof Theo Haupt, PhD, MPhil, Pr.CM Director: Building Construction Science, College of Architecture, Art and Design, Mississippi state University, Visiting Professor: Dept. of construction Management & Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. 899 College view, 128 Giles Hall, P.O. AQ, Mississippi State, MS 39762, Tel: 662 325 2547 Mobile: 662 312 5328 Email: 320 APPENDIX E INSTRUCTIONS TO EXPERTS ON DELPHI STUDY ROUND 3 DELPHI SURVEY – ROUND 3 Thank you for completing Round 2 Delphi survey. We recognize that the survey required a significant time investment to complete thoughtfully. We appreciate your time and effort. This Round 3 survey concludes the Delphi process for this study. The purpose of Round 3 is to provide you with a final opportunity to change your response, if desired, given the median group response and reasons for outlying responses for each element. The round 3 survey is intended to take significantly less time than the first two rounds as you are only being asked to review your previous responses given the collective group median and reasons for the outlying responses. When you have finished answering all of the questions, please email your response to by Friday, July 9, 2010. INSTRUCTIONS For each element you will see 2 values: your response from Round 2 survey (indicated with a yellow highlighted box), and the group median from the Round 2 survey indicated in the column to the far right hand of each table. Please take one of the following three actions for each category: 1. Accept the group median response by leaving the field completely unchanged. 2. Maintain your original response by placing an ‘X’ in the highlighted field*. 3. Indicate a new response by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate field*. * *If your response is more than ten Percent (one unit) above or below the group median please provide a reason for your outlying response in the field provided if you have not done so already. We URGE you to review and consider the median and the responses provided by the other expert panellists when considering your final responses for each element. 321 APPENDIX F RESEARCH INTRODUCTION LETTER AND QUESTIONNAIRE UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT September 20, 2010 Dear Respondent, We are inviting you to participate in a research project to study Health and Safety (H&S) practice in the Construction industry. Along with this letter is a short questionnaire that asks a variety of questions about H&S. We ask you to look over the questionnaire and, if you choose to do so, complete it and send or give it back to me. It should take you about 20 minutes to complete. We do not know of any risks to you if you decide to participate in this survey and we guarantee that your responses will not be identified with you personally. You are also encouraged not to put your name on the questionnaire. I hope you will take the time to complete this questionnaire and return it. Your participation is voluntary. Regardless of whether you choose to participate, please let us know if you would like a summary of our findings. Contact details are at the end of the questionnaire. If you have any questions or concerns about completing the questionnaire or about being in this study, you may contact Mr I. Musonda at +27730769652. The University of Johannesburg has approved this study. If you have any concerns about your rights as a participant in this study you may also contact the promoter of this study, Prof Theo Haupt on Mobile: 662 312 5328, Email: Sincerely Innocent Musonda University of Johannesburg Tel: +27 11 559 6655, Mobile: +27 73076 9652, email: 322 HEALTH AND SAFETY (H&S) PRACTICE QUESTIONNAIRE (To be filled for a project that you are participating or have recently participated in) Please tick (√) in the appropriate box provided. SECTION 1.0 (General project particulars) 1.1 Kindly state your position on the project: ___________________________________ 1.2 What is your profession? ___________________________________ 1.3 What type of organisation are you currently employed with: Consulting/Designer 1.4 Contractor Client What type of construction project are you currently working on (to which this questionnaire will refer to)? Civil engineering project 1.5 Building Construction project other Please indicate below the range in which the contract value for this project falls 4 - 6.5 1.6 1.7 project What type of client is it for the project? Property developer Parastatal organisation Public/ Government Mining organisation Other Please indicate below the method that was used to select the contractor for this Open tender 1.8 Contract value in Millions of South African Rands 6.5 - 13 13 - 40 40 - 130 Over 130 Million Selective tender Negotiated Other Kindly indicate below the project delivery system used for this project 323 Designtender-build 1.9 Design & build Construction management Other Please indicate below the type of contract in use on this project Lump Sum SECTION 2.0 Bill Of Quantities based (Fixed) Bill Of Quantities based (Fluctuating) Cost reimbursement (Health and safety (H&S) practice) 2.1 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements regarding H&S consideration at various project stages by placing a check mark in the appropriate box Health and safety: Extent to which you agree PR1 Was adequately considered at project initiation PR2 Was adequately considered in detail at design stage PR3 Was a major consideration in appointing the contractor PR4 Is emphasised during construction stage PR5 Is a key consideration at project closeout 2.2 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Considers H&S implications before making decisions on the project Has an effective H&S policy Monitors H&S on the project throughout all stages Monitors designers’ H&S implementation Monitors contractor’s H&S implementation Mandated designers to manage project H&S Requires that the contractor manages project 324 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The project client: Extent to which you agree L8 H&S Coordinates designers & contractor to ensure good H&S 2.3 CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT7 CT8 CT9 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The project client has: Extent to which you agree Demonstrated positive attitude toward H&S Actively promoted H&S in a consistent manner across all levels Provided finance for H&S Supported implementation of H&S activities Put in efforts to ensure every aspect of work & operations are routinely evaluated for H&S Conducted regular H&S tours on the project Been involved in investigations of accidents, incidents & ill-health on the project Set H&S as an important agenda item in every project progress meeting Set H&S as a No.1 priority on the project 2.4 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 Is personally active in critical project H&S activities Is always present in project H&S meetings Contributes to H&S training Is active in overseeing of H&S on critical operations Has constantly stayed “in-touch” on H&S issues Always communicates information on H&S to all parties Conducts regular audits & inspections 325 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The project client: Extent to which you agree 2.5 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The project client: Extent to which you agree Has set up a formal reporting system of incidents & accidents on the project CN3 Involved all parties in planning for H&S on the project CN4 Involves all parties in H&S review CN5 Has provided timely feedback on reported accidents & incidents on the project CN6 Communicates risk findings to all parties on the project CN7 Clearly made H&S policy statements for the project H&S roles & CN8 Has clearly outlined responsibilities for all parties on the project expected CN9 Has clearly communicated performance on H&S to all CN10 Has provided Information on H&S risk control to all parties CN1 2.6 CE1 Representatives have demonstrated knowledge of H&S CE2 Conducts H&S training for its own staff CE3 Deployed staff on the project that are qualified to manage H&S CE4 Ensured that H&S induction to client staff was done on the project 326 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The client: Extent to which you agree 2.7 P6 P7 P8 2.8 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT7 CT8 Strongly agree Agree Extent to which you agree strongly disagree The contractor’s top management: CT1 CT2 CT3 Neither Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Contractor’s top management (Contractor’s top management refers to contractors staff with a position of project manager and higher) Has demonstrated a positive H&S attitude Has actively promoted H&S Has provided adequate resources for H&S implementation Has put in effort to ensure routine H&S evaluation in all work schedules Has set up incentives for good H&S behaviour Has set H&S as a major agenda item in all project meetings Actively monitors H&S programs on the project Always attends H&S meetings on the construction site 327 Strongly agree P5 Agree P4 Neither P2 P3 Has programs to monitor and analyse H&S implementation Has clear project H&S goals Scheduled H&S as a key contract prequalification criteria for all parties involved in the project Scheduled H&S in all contracts for the parties involved in the project Conducts regular H&S performance measurement Has its own H&S committee Conducts Hazard identification & risk assessment Required that designers adequately address H&S in their designs Disagree P1 Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the client The client: Extent to which you agree CT9 CT10 CN1 CN2 Conducts H&S inspections/audits regularly Is always involved in accident /incident investigations Has established formal H&S reporting system Has a formal H&S feedback system Involves workers in H&S planning Provides timely feedback on incidents/accidents CN5 Always communicates risk findings to all workers CN6 Has made a clear H&S policy statement on the project CN7 Has made clear the expected H&S performance standard on the project CN8 Has provided information on H&S risk control CN9 Regularly makes H&S briefs CN10 Has “stayed –in- touch” on H&S issues CN3 CN4 2.9 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Has an effective H&S policy Has an effective H&S plan Scheduled H&S in all subcontractor contracts or prequalification documents Conducts regular H&S performance measurement Conducted a Hazard identification and risk assessment for the project Actively oversees H&S on critical operations Has set up a formal H&S training program Considers H&S knowledge to be a requirement for employment Has permanent H&S staff Ensures that H&S induction is conducted for all employees 328 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Contractor’s top management (Contractor’s top management refers to contractors staff with a position of project manager and higher) The contractor’s top management: Extent to which you agree 2.10 CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT7 CT8 CT9 CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN7 CN8 Has demonstrated positive H&S attitude Actively promotes H&S on the project Provides information on H&S Puts in effort to ensure routine H&S evaluation in all work schedules Conduct regular H&S inspections/audits Ensures that H&S is always on the agenda of project meetings Regularly monitor H&S programs Regularly attend H&S meetings for the project Are always involved in accident/incident investigations Has set up a formal H&S reporting system Involved the contractor to plan for H&S provides timely feedback on H&S issues such as incidents / accidents Always communicates risk findings Made clear the expected H&S standard performance Provided information on H&S risk control Makes regular H&S briefings / reports Has stayed ‘in-touch’ on H&S issues 329 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the lead designer or designers (the term designer refers to all consultants on the construction project. i.e. QS, Architect, Engineers and Project Manager) The lead designer/consultant: Extent to which you agree 2.11 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Has a H&S policy for the project Has a H&S plan for the project Regularly measure H&S performance Or other designers oversee H&S on critical operations Or other designers have clearly stated H&S requirements on contract drawings / specifications Conducted a Hazard identification and risk assessment for the project Has clearly defined H&S roles and responsibilities for the project Has demonstrated knowledgeable of H&S Ensures that H&S induction is conducted for all on the project 330 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the lead designer or designers (the term designer refers to all consultants on the construction project. i.e. QS, Architect, Engineers and Project Manager) The lead designer/consultant: Extent to which you agree 2.12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 I1 I2 I3 I4 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 CT1 CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT7 There is visible H&S leadership There is an effective H&S policy H&S programs are effective H&S programs are regularly monitored H&S implementation is well coordinated between all parties All project participants are actively involved In H&S activities All key project participants attend H&S meetings Adequate H&S training is provided on the project Regular H&S inspections / audits are conducted on the project H&S is well addressed in all project Contract documents H&S committee is effective There is a permanent H&S officer H&S requirements are clearly stated on drawings / specifications There is a H&S risk register There is a general positive attitude towards H&S H&S is actively promoted Every aspect of operations is evaluated in terms of H&S There is an incentive program for H&S performance Incidents & accident are always investigated H&S is a major agenda item in all project meetings H&S is a number one priority just as cost, time & quality are 331 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the project On this project,: Extent to which you agree 2.13 CN1 Workers on site know where to report an incident or accident CN2 Workers are able to report accidents comfortably CN3 Feedback on H&S issues is always provided to workers CN4 All accidents / incidents are reported by workers CN5 All parties know what the H&S risks are on the project CN6 All parties know what the H&S policy for the project is CN7 All parties know what is expected of them on H&S performance CN8 All parties on the project have information on H&S risk control CN9 H&S induction is conducted for all project participants CE1 Formal H&S training is conducted for all workers on the project CE2 Formal H&S training is conducted for key project staff CE3 H&S skill and knowledge is a key consideration for all staff recruitment CE4 H&S skill and knowledge is a key consideration for all professional staff recruitment P.T.O. 332 Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the project On this project,: Extent to which you agree 2.14 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 2 Disagree 3 Neither 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree 1 Strongly disagree Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the Environmental influence on construction clients On this project, the client was compelled to: Extent to which you agree Ensure H&S implementation due to Legislative requirements, Actively participate in H&S implementation due to the Economic reasons Actively participate in H&S implementation due to construction workers’ union’s influence Consider H&S in making decisions on cost, time & quality as a result of designers’ persuasion Ensure H&S implementation due to Professional bodies’ influence Consider H&S due to Materials & technology adopted for the project Thank you for your contribution. We really value your contribution and time spent on completing this questionnaire. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Innocent Musonda University of Johannesburg Tel: +27 11 559 6655, Mobile: +27 73076 9652, email: 333 APPENDIX G DELPHI MEAN ABSOLUTE DEVIATIONS CONSENSUS ANALYSIS MAD QUESTION RND 1 RND 2 RND 3 RND 1 1.1 -1.119 -0.207 -0.033 1.2 -0.0797 -0.116 -0.165 1.3 -1.455 -0.508 -0.355 1.4 -1.985 0.136 0.173 1.5 -0.734 0.066 -0.041 1.6 -1.255 -0.417 -0.417 1.7 -0.596 -0.159 -0.227 1.8 -0.596 -0.205 -0.159 1.9 -0.022 0.091 0.091 2.1 -0.308 0.052 0.169 2.2 -0.549 -0.039 -0.013 2.3 -4.846 -0.13 -0.247 2.4 -4.923 0.312 0.247 2.5 -0.121 0.039 0.026 3.1 -0.279 -0.011 0.034 3.2 -0.385 -0.114 -0.091 3.3 -0.087 -0.148 -0.295 3.4 -0.971 0.17 0.182 3.5 -0.923 -0.841 -0.591 4.1 -0.144 0.25 0.182 4.2 -0.317 0.125 0.068 4.3 0.029 -0.034 -0.182 4.4 -4.837 0.295 0.125 4.5 -0.889 -0.301 -0.455 5.1 -0.333 -0.03 0.015 5.2 0.103 -0.136 -0.03 5.3 -0.256 -0.197 -0.152 5.4 -5.372 -0.485 -0.515 5.5 -5.122 0.144 0.038 6.1 -1.814 -0.163 -0.076 ALL Average: STDEV -1.340 1.76 -0.085 0.25 -0.090 0.22 RANGE RND 2 RND 3 7 5 6 4 8 7 8 3 5 2 7 6 8 5 7 3 7 4 5 3 5 2 3 6 3 3 5 2 7 4 6 3 6 6 6 2 8 7 6 4 6 4 6 6 4 3 6 4 6 2 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 2 5.8 3.9 334 RND 1 5 51% 3 64% 6 60% 3 70% 1 90% 6 57% 4 85% 2 83% 4 75% 2 91% 1 95% 5 65% 2 64% 2 88% 4 90% 3 88% 5 84% 2 83% 6 78% 4 87% 4 89% 6 92% 2 70% 4 68% 2 85% 4 92% 5 91% 4 64% 2 65% 2 77% 3.5 22 78.0% Ave % response LEANING RND 2 LEANING RND3 >5 64% >5 67% <5 66% <5 71% <5 51% <5 52% >5 99% >5 100% >5 100% >5 100% <5 58% >5 58% >5 91% >5 91% >5 93% >5 95% >5 92% >5 94% >5 100% >5 100% >5 100% >5 100% <5 90% >5 90% <5 99% >5 100% >5 100% >5 100% >5 99% >5 98% >5 98% >5 99% >5 91% >5 91% >5 99% >5 99% >5 84% >5 88% >5 99% >5 99% >5 99% >5 99% >5 91% >5 91% <5 99% >5 99% >5 90% >5 86% >5 98% >5 100% >5 95% >5 97% >5 94% >5 97% <5 91% >5 89% <5 99% >5 99% >5 100% >5 100% 91.0% 91.6% LEANING >5 <5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 >5 APPENDIX H MODEL 2.0 COVARIANCE MATRIXES Table 57: Covariances - project performance variables on horizontal CLCP1 CLCP2 CLCP3 CLCP4 PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 CLCP1 CLCP2 CLCP3 CLCP4 PP1 0.875 0.781 0.726 0.736 0.425 0.457 0.510 0.488 0.479 0.407 0.425 0.400 0.404 0.474 0.437 0.466 0.338 0.404 0.400 0.434 0.402 0.457 0.474 0.483 0.502 0.476 0.512 0.529 0.531 0.492 0.534 0.529 0.528 0.500 0.435 0.505 0.433 0.441 0.417 0.354 0.370 0.385 0.428 0.402 0.395 0.348 0.366 0.307 0.382 0.313 0.367 0.374 0.364 0.416 1.213 0.917 0.973 0.540 0.581 0.630 0.540 0.577 0.478 0.583 0.491 0.537 0.626 0.565 0.566 0.390 0.502 0.518 0.544 0.554 0.507 0.546 0.553 0.667 0.633 0.700 0.700 0.701 0.650 0.675 0.688 0.668 0.574 0.559 0.654 0.530 0.545 0.530 0.401 0.443 0.471 0.501 0.479 0.489 0.412 0.457 0.474 0.486 0.433 0.469 0.510 0.453 0.490 1.157 0.960 0.555 0.608 0.629 0.578 0.589 0.523 0.586 0.573 0.510 0.568 0.603 0.582 0.420 0.469 0.537 0.569 0.586 0.545 0.567 0.532 0.679 0.640 0.711 0.677 0.695 0.625 0.679 0.715 0.685 0.614 0.598 0.701 0.505 0.544 0.503 0.383 0.421 0.442 0.469 0.449 0.443 0.494 0.470 0.463 0.500 0.430 0.487 0.547 0.489 0.531 1.304 0.636 0.623 0.680 0.590 0.589 0.572 0.687 0.575 0.602 0.686 0.766 0.641 0.373 0.522 0.617 0.659 0.630 0.564 0.567 0.557 0.681 0.630 0.707 0.712 0.739 0.663 0.712 0.742 0.708 0.612 0.611 0.683 0.599 0.584 0.573 0.461 0.508 0.500 0.523 0.526 0.510 0.473 0.472 0.509 0.504 0.423 0.486 0.531 0.482 0.541 0.915 0.722 0.713 0.679 0.706 0.567 0.710 0.602 0.590 0.640 0.709 0.560 0.563 0.590 0.689 0.665 0.675 0.465 0.508 0.477 0.424 0.463 0.496 0.569 0.554 0.502 0.550 0.563 0.564 0.496 0.451 0.506 0.633 0.653 0.564 0.521 0.548 0.539 0.563 0.565 0.563 0.502 0.489 0.487 0.480 0.462 0.473 0.537 0.487 0.509 335 Table 57: (Continued) PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PP6 0.965 0.738 0.666 0.728 0.563 0.738 0.600 0.556 0.698 0.736 0.632 0.559 0.598 0.730 0.763 0.700 0.498 0.537 0.548 0.493 0.492 0.506 0.556 0.553 0.501 0.598 0.552 0.566 0.530 0.509 0.520 0.670 0.694 0.618 0.554 0.555 0.572 0.581 0.571 0.556 0.465 0.527 0.522 0.481 0.437 0.480 0.534 0.516 0.496 0.942 0.684 0.702 0.565 0.735 0.589 0.576 0.674 0.741 0.650 0.550 0.634 0.648 0.665 0.694 0.464 0.508 0.505 0.522 0.519 0.556 0.575 0.559 0.544 0.592 0.603 0.591 0.482 0.460 0.530 0.652 0.715 0.621 0.535 0.565 0.573 0.614 0.626 0.611 0.532 0.530 0.516 0.492 0.433 0.507 0.555 0.528 0.542 0.990 0.680 0.613 0.642 0.492 0.708 0.583 0.762 0.646 0.569 0.582 0.662 0.694 0.717 0.464 0.516 0.458 0.458 0.528 0.534 0.566 0.582 0.533 0.596 0.591 0.599 0.451 0.469 0.523 0.608 0.619 0.547 0.473 0.545 0.533 0.557 0.551 0.520 0.473 0.531 0.532 0.487 0.465 0.474 0.582 0.537 0.606 1.028 0.651 0.642 0.543 0.570 0.695 0.780 0.662 0.583 0.589 0.667 0.683 0.675 0.481 0.552 0.527 0.501 0.488 0.497 0.599 0.536 0.541 0.591 0.559 0.572 0.478 0.480 0.547 0.640 0.715 0.576 0.536 0.579 0.588 0.601 0.575 0.578 0.494 0.519 0.510 0.500 0.484 0.516 0.597 0.551 0.535 0.928 0.609 0.554 0.711 0.572 0.656 0.521 0.428 0.487 0.519 0.602 0.553 0.454 0.489 0.442 0.428 0.419 0.424 0.529 0.497 0.520 0.527 0.557 0.552 0.438 0.432 0.470 0.499 0.530 0.492 0.402 0.448 0.460 0.479 0.480 0.478 0.453 0.484 0.477 0.444 0.385 0.447 0.556 0.513 0.557 336 Table 57: (Continued) PP7 PP8 PP9 PP10 PP11 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 PP7 PP8 PP9 1.042 0.713 0.699 0.691 0.860 0.638 0.516 0.635 0.730 0.788 0.771 0.464 0.503 0.480 0.453 0.482 0.500 0.572 0.573 0.547 0.576 0.582 0.581 0.452 0.450 0.481 0.679 0.717 0.663 0.546 0.593 0.629 0.637 0.644 0.627 0.491 0.526 0.544 0.483 0.424 0.475 0.547 0.509 0.540 0.974 0.562 0.583 0.604 0.530 0.448 0.489 0.546 0.573 0.558 0.421 0.444 0.402 0.384 0.378 0.396 0.470 0.449 0.452 0.449 0.448 0.474 0.432 0.403 0.447 0.527 0.544 0.575 0.413 0.448 0.475 0.468 0.466 0.458 0.376 0.406 0.436 0.458 0.399 0.459 0.502 0.482 0.484 1.347 0.611 0.791 0.567 0.388 0.534 0.504 0.655 0.720 0.499 0.501 0.506 0.427 0.520 0.455 0.626 0.647 0.608 0.561 0.560 0.593 0.433 0.360 0.476 0.516 0.535 0.538 0.410 0.458 0.453 0.516 0.526 0.520 0.620 0.666 0.604 0.541 0.487 0.536 0.626 0.599 0.619 337 PP10 PP11 1.075 0.852 0.615 0.542 0.609 0.740 0.665 0.701 0.426 0.457 0.458 0.416 0.366 0.458 0.568 0.569 0.524 0.553 0.530 0.570 0.406 0.436 0.484 0.635 0.633 0.589 0.510 0.536 0.528 0.559 0.559 0.565 0.442 0.513 0.524 0.484 0.438 0.465 0.551 0.519 0.536 1.388 0.744 0.537 0.687 0.833 0.956 0.993 0.584 0.595 0.578 0.560 0.581 0.603 0.719 0.670 0.684 0.718 0.715 0.696 0.513 0.534 0.608 0.759 0.795 0.730 0.594 0.697 0.665 0.681 0.682 0.676 0.616 0.598 0.637 0.552 0.507 0.536 0.653 0.590 0.649 Table 57: (Continued) PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 0.981 0.470 0.574 0.618 0.687 0.652 0.456 0.497 0.470 0.447 0.455 0.510 0.540 0.539 0.508 0.530 0.496 0.503 0.445 0.448 0.502 0.571 0.595 0.556 0.463 0.506 0.520 0.528 0.515 0.519 0.515 0.488 0.523 0.480 0.428 0.507 0.516 0.502 0.472 0.949 0.682 0.699 0.616 0.525 0.340 0.349 0.312 0.295 0.324 0.331 0.348 0.347 0.318 0.326 0.337 0.338 0.307 0.326 0.314 0.524 0.567 0.495 0.424 0.429 0.442 0.460 0.448 0.429 0.326 0.357 0.353 0.342 0.331 0.342 0.380 0.377 0.372 0.993 0.800 0.799 0.666 0.393 0.424 0.391 0.409 0.420 0.483 0.482 0.470 0.441 0.439 0.448 0.447 0.400 0.375 0.414 0.602 0.632 0.560 0.460 0.466 0.491 0.540 0.537 0.522 0.401 0.458 0.456 0.409 0.383 0.427 0.478 0.462 0.484 1.204 0.930 0.797 0.460 0.456 0.400 0.431 0.440 0.486 0.555 0.534 0.533 0.481 0.463 0.483 0.429 0.450 0.494 0.752 0.769 0.684 0.567 0.586 0.610 0.611 0.608 0.554 0.457 0.481 0.507 0.415 0.380 0.424 0.481 0.427 0.444 338 PP16 1.273 0.911 0.519 0.522 0.508 0.506 0.500 0.561 0.614 0.566 0.587 0.588 0.550 0.552 0.491 0.470 0.524 0.795 0.820 0.740 0.581 0.602 0.633 0.662 0.670 0.633 0.480 0.515 0.541 0.491 0.402 0.477 0.550 0.499 0.552 Table 58: Covariances – Client H&S culture variables on horizontal PP17 PP17 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 1.279 0.533 0.556 0.544 0.454 0.463 0.544 0.625 0.608 0.608 0.590 0.583 0.570 0.461 0.438 0.516 0.763 0.818 0.697 0.576 0.642 0.639 0.680 0.695 0.668 0.502 0.556 0.566 0.513 0.451 0.516 0.592 0.523 0.627 CCLP_1 CCLP_2 CCLP_3 CLIP_1 0.707 0.631 0.575 0.449 0.406 0.455 0.551 0.540 0.516 0.584 0.566 0.556 0.422 0.408 0.467 0.473 0.500 0.460 0.381 0.399 0.404 0.424 0.425 0.411 0.445 0.427 0.405 0.448 0.374 0.414 0.475 0.433 0.465 0.780 0.644 0.514 0.533 0.505 0.573 0.558 0.556 0.609 0.618 0.614 0.480 0.469 0.521 0.471 0.531 0.468 0.384 0.415 0.432 0.440 0.430 0.441 0.465 0.470 0.461 0.508 0.460 0.475 0.546 0.507 0.539 0.801 0.509 0.496 0.458 0.569 0.555 0.545 0.575 0.559 0.542 0.454 0.426 0.507 0.457 0.499 0.444 0.355 0.396 0.417 0.427 0.434 0.438 0.459 0.460 0.458 0.468 0.439 0.440 0.476 0.436 0.489 0.978 0.925 0.882 0.570 0.605 0.564 0.633 0.636 0.603 0.721 0.731 0.781 0.400 0.439 0.390 0.288 0.340 0.349 0.349 0.349 0.354 0.464 0.455 0.479 0.422 0.373 0.414 0.470 0.407 0.467 339 Table 58: (Continued) CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 CLIP_2 CLIP_3 CLPP_1 CLPP_2 CLPP_3 2.687 0.902 0.563 0.585 0.552 0.596 0.582 0.592 0.680 0.740 0.751 0.377 0.421 0.391 0.310 0.369 0.362 0.357 0.344 0.357 0.448 0.482 0.492 0.427 0.420 0.434 0.477 0.408 0.470 1.086 0.586 0.645 0.541 0.637 0.662 0.648 0.752 0.763 0.816 0.422 0.471 0.428 0.352 0.394 0.390 0.389 0.399 0.387 0.534 0.502 0.496 0.471 0.429 0.457 0.541 0.481 0.545 0.853 0.747 0.745 0.686 0.668 0.689 0.507 0.454 0.545 0.528 0.557 0.501 0.415 0.452 0.453 0.496 0.507 0.512 0.621 0.586 0.600 0.543 0.466 0.531 0.580 0.527 0.572 0.804 0.673 0.665 0.663 0.672 0.561 0.519 0.598 0.510 0.521 0.493 0.430 0.455 0.455 0.495 0.506 0.499 0.606 0.569 0.582 0.519 0.457 0.510 0.575 0.528 0.575 0.863 0.647 0.634 0.631 0.454 0.422 0.518 0.515 0.529 0.503 0.360 0.417 0.413 0.458 0.461 0.475 0.590 0.524 0.547 0.473 0.410 0.461 0.508 0.456 0.506 CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 0.953 0.852 0.823 0.529 0.527 0.616 0.516 0.538 0.479 0.402 0.443 0.447 0.500 0.492 0.487 0.610 0.549 0.580 0.540 0.488 0.516 0.614 0.555 0.603 0.934 0.837 0.534 0.538 0.645 0.480 0.519 0.470 0.389 0.419 0.430 0.478 0.477 0.467 0.607 0.548 0.567 0.544 0.504 0.523 0.635 0.579 0.624 0.897 0.538 0.512 0.587 0.487 0.510 0.487 0.407 0.438 0.435 0.473 0.475 0.456 0.586 0.549 0.561 0.533 0.490 0.537 0.622 0.581 0.626 1.490 0.737 0.756 0.403 0.431 0.385 0.323 0.359 0.365 0.356 0.367 0.363 0.439 0.364 0.368 0.389 0.345 0.377 0.430 0.404 0.437 0.830 0.759 0.406 0.433 0.389 0.342 0.370 0.386 0.357 0.347 0.334 0.375 0.366 0.370 0.371 0.349 0.351 0.404 0.367 0.416 Table 58: (Continued) CLNP_1 CLNP_2 CLNP_3 CLTP_1 CLTP_2 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 340 Table 59: Covariances – Contractor performance variables on horizontal CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 CLTP_3 COPP_1 COPP_2 COPP_3 COTP_1 0.937 0.441 0.497 0.444 0.348 0.388 0.415 0.413 0.397 0.405 0.449 0.447 0.466 0.462 0.423 0.414 0.506 0.427 0.481 0.848 0.830 0.756 0.609 0.627 0.673 0.703 0.685 0.654 0.439 0.459 0.461 0.425 0.363 0.404 0.474 0.433 0.451 0.954 0.788 0.651 0.671 0.717 0.751 0.733 0.702 0.459 0.498 0.489 0.472 0.418 0.451 0.535 0.492 0.491 0.828 0.593 0.607 0.647 0.674 0.658 0.626 0.407 0.454 0.446 0.425 0.373 0.411 0.476 0.457 0.449 0.661 0.624 0.637 0.620 0.599 0.564 0.337 0.374 0.363 0.354 0.317 0.335 0.393 0.384 0.356 COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 0.753 0.695 0.645 0.621 0.598 0.351 0.388 0.376 0.367 0.336 0.362 0.432 0.392 0.380 0.778 0.688 0.669 0.634 0.339 0.407 0.399 0.393 0.360 0.377 0.452 0.399 0.410 0.785 0.735 0.709 0.397 0.443 0.438 0.435 0.384 0.414 0.479 0.444 0.457 0.785 0.707 0.418 0.456 0.464 0.447 0.389 0.437 0.491 0.449 0.468 0.772 0.421 0.462 0.464 0.456 0.391 0.444 0.496 0.465 0.467 Table 59: (Continued) COTP_2 COTP_3 CONP_1 CONP_2 CONP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 341 Table 60: Covariances – Designer performance variables on horizontal DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 DEPP_1 DEPP_2 DEPP_3 DETP_1 DETP_2 1.619 0.777 0.795 0.619 0.550 0.586 0.714 0.661 0.643 0.821 0.778 0.599 0.541 0.583 0.688 0.643 0.636 0.903 0.620 0.578 0.596 0.708 0.643 0.668 0.784 0.660 0.668 0.715 0.671 0.670 0.743 0.661 0.724 0.662 0.633 DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 0.782 0.754 0.714 0.667 0.981 0.883 0.874 0.938 0.814 1.001 Table 60: (Continued) DETP_3 DENP_1 DENP_2 DENP_3 342 APPENDIX J MODEL 1.0 COVARIANCE MATRIXES Table 61: Covariances – Environmental influence on client H&S culture 2.2.L1 2.2.L2 V1 V2 2.2.L1 V1 1.147 2.2.L2 V2 0.715 1.042 2.2.L3 V3 0.603 0.708 2.2.L4 V4 0.628 0.682 2.2.L5 V5 0.596 0.627 2.2.L6 V6 0.556 0.572 2.2.L7 V7 0.466 0.502 2.2.L8 V8 0.599 0.673 2.3.CT1 V9 0.489 0.493 2.3.CT2 V10 0.495 0.568 2.3.CT3 V11 0.389 0.428 2.3.CT4 V12 0.382 0.497 2.3.CT5 V13 0.484 0.544 2.3.CT6 V14 0.540 0.635 2.3.CT7 V15 0.501 0.593 2.3.CT8 V16 0.458 0.473 2.3.CT9 V17 0.617 0.615 2.4.I1 V18 0.422 0.495 2.4.I2 V19 0.235 0.486 2.4.I3 V20 0.527 0.565 2.4.I4 V21 0.560 0.585 2.4.I5 V22 0.508 0.610 2.4.I6 V23 0.476 0.611 2.4.I7 V24 0.517 0.581 2.5.CN1 V25 0.648 0.726 2.5.CN2 V26 0.665 0.690 2.5.CN3 V27 0.548 0.673 2.5.CN4 V28 0.676 0.746 2.5.CN5 V29 0.650 0.692 2.5.CN6 V30 0.516 0.663 2.5.CN7 V31 0.621 0.696 2.5.CN8 V32 0.583 0.640 2.5.CN9 V33 0.666 0.722 2.5.CE1 V34 0.532 0.554 2.6.CE2 V35 0.621 0.630 2.6.CE3 V36 0.649 0.634 2.6.CE4 V37 0.653 0.595 2.7.P1 V38 0.627 0.707 2.7.P2 V39 0.627 0.699 2.7.P3 V40 0.630 0.618 2.7.P4 V41 0.554 0.598 2.7.P5 V42 0.647 0.716 2.7.P6 V43 0.452 0.618 2.7.P7 V44 0.492 0.651 2.7.P8 V45 0.474 0.539 2.14.E1 V46 0.594 0.522 2.14.E2 V47 0.406 0.435 2.14.E3 V48 0.395 0.386 2.14.E4 V49 0.502 0.466 2.14.E5 V50 0.448 0.394 2.14.E6 V51 0.484 0.462 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 343 2.2.L3 V3 2.2.L4 V4 0.985 0.702 0.772 0.585 0.509 0.635 0.491 0.465 0.398 0.471 0.554 0.686 0.611 0.487 0.646 0.509 0.406 0.490 0.542 0.612 0.584 0.616 0.694 0.657 0.640 0.663 0.679 0.576 0.591 0.596 0.628 0.556 0.588 0.616 0.579 0.645 0.619 0.601 0.586 0.701 0.593 0.663 0.434 0.538 0.404 0.350 0.370 0.327 0.429 1.069 0.689 0.659 0.514 0.736 0.449 0.460 0.376 0.430 0.474 0.534 0.654 0.385 0.621 0.500 0.323 0.510 0.524 0.545 0.529 0.534 0.697 0.645 0.714 0.709 0.693 0.632 0.693 0.661 0.721 0.546 0.565 0.608 0.639 0.632 0.654 0.687 0.665 0.680 0.585 0.664 0.618 0.588 0.558 0.476 0.587 0.462 0.582 2.2.L5 V5 0.909 0.601 0.499 0.622 0.459 0.481 0.337 0.479 0.475 0.639 0.548 0.466 0.567 0.455 0.498 0.507 0.563 0.609 0.561 0.592 0.662 0.641 0.598 0.652 0.657 0.595 0.537 0.608 0.657 0.523 0.550 0.627 0.598 0.620 0.601 0.563 0.523 0.647 0.551 0.612 0.423 0.608 0.454 0.381 0.405 0.382 0.455 Table 61: (continued) 2.2.L6 2.2.L7 V6 V7 2.2.L6 V6 1.059 2.2.L7 V7 0.397 0.758 2.2.L8 V8 0.735 0.526 2.3.CT1 V9 0.388 0.268 2.3.CT2 V10 0.354 0.353 2.3.CT3 V11 0.354 0.265 2.3.CT4 V12 0.396 0.294 2.3.CT5 V13 0.430 0.346 2.3.CT6 V14 0.536 0.416 2.3.CT7 V15 0.478 0.441 2.3.CT8 V16 0.372 0.276 2.3.CT9 V17 0.517 0.409 2.4.I1 V18 0.492 0.341 2.4.I2 V19 0.539 0.309 2.4.I3 V20 0.454 0.295 2.4.I4 V21 0.481 0.307 2.4.I5 V22 0.513 0.392 2.4.I6 V23 0.433 0.368 2.4.I7 V24 0.447 0.407 2.5.CN1 V25 0.607 0.466 2.5.CN2 V26 0.558 0.484 2.5.CN3 V27 0.522 0.482 2.5.CN4 V28 0.555 0.494 2.5.CN5 V29 0.580 0.472 2.5.CN6 V30 0.487 0.439 2.5.CN7 V31 0.505 0.388 2.5.CN8 V32 0.491 0.406 2.5.CN9 V33 0.593 0.441 2.5.CE1 V34 0.478 0.416 2.6.CE2 V35 0.545 0.419 2.6.CE3 V36 0.538 0.482 2.6.CE4 V37 0.574 0.460 2.7.P1 V38 0.562 0.514 2.7.P2 V39 0.577 0.487 2.7.P3 V40 0.571 0.364 2.7.P4 V41 0.516 0.343 2.7.P5 V42 0.593 0.472 2.7.P6 V43 0.511 0.463 2.7.P7 V44 0.540 0.516 2.7.P8 V45 0.518 0.348 2.14.E1 V46 0.504 0.378 2.14.E2 V47 0.508 0.401 2.14.E3 V48 0.522 0.342 2.14.E4 V49 0.482 0.406 2.14.E5 V50 0.359 0.306 2.14.E6 V51 0.432 0.370 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 344 2.2.L8 V8 1.179 0.432 0.464 0.405 0.476 0.474 0.585 0.502 0.363 0.570 0.618 0.593 0.455 0.469 0.495 0.466 0.437 0.638 0.679 0.663 0.633 0.643 0.552 0.566 0.636 0.612 0.462 0.548 0.557 0.584 0.615 0.578 0.582 0.534 0.630 0.661 0.685 0.555 0.504 0.668 0.628 0.596 0.450 0.544 2.3.CT1 V9 2.3.CT2 V10 7.735 0.892 0.748 0.761 0.786 0.833 0.728 0.775 0.810 0.750 0.695 0.846 0.823 0.830 0.867 0.799 0.640 0.589 0.536 0.523 0.597 0.449 0.434 0.498 0.519 0.569 0.620 0.648 0.621 0.720 0.633 0.472 0.393 0.548 0.419 0.476 0.626 0.474 0.428 0.279 0.402 0.314 0.348 1.104 0.652 0.699 0.774 0.865 0.736 0.735 0.801 0.695 0.788 0.805 0.755 0.856 0.836 0.836 0.612 0.626 0.543 0.611 0.622 0.510 0.489 0.486 0.549 0.454 0.592 0.600 0.626 0.533 0.514 0.440 0.377 0.527 0.418 0.522 0.574 0.457 0.444 0.296 0.408 0.329 0.306 Table 61: (continued) 2.3.CT3 2.3.CT4 V11 V12 2.3.CT3 V11 1.230 2.3.CT4 V12 0.733 0.957 2.3.CT5 V13 0.778 0.774 2.3.CT6 V14 0.705 0.768 2.3.CT7 V15 0.665 0.680 2.3.CT8 V16 0.647 0.672 2.3.CT9 V17 0.721 0.727 2.4.I1 V18 0.666 0.710 2.4.I2 V19 0.484 0.629 2.4.I3 V20 0.775 0.705 2.4.I4 V21 0.717 0.717 2.4.I5 V22 0.730 0.748 2.4.I6 V23 0.718 0.753 2.4.I7 V24 0.671 0.651 2.5.CN1 V25 0.579 0.538 2.5.CN2 V26 0.483 0.524 2.5.CN3 V27 0.404 0.494 2.5.CN4 V28 0.421 0.428 2.5.CN5 V29 0.609 0.522 2.5.CN6 V30 0.388 0.475 2.5.CN7 V31 0.367 0.414 2.5.CN8 V32 0.423 0.467 2.5.CN9 V33 0.456 0.505 2.5.CE1 V34 0.539 0.462 2.6.CE2 V35 0.672 0.561 2.6.CE3 V36 0.693 0.568 2.6.CE4 V37 0.639 0.558 2.7.P1 V38 0.483 0.465 2.7.P2 V39 0.396 0.472 2.7.P3 V40 0.355 0.426 2.7.P4 V41 0.313 0.405 2.7.P5 V42 0.548 0.495 2.7.P6 V43 0.473 0.338 2.7.P7 V44 0.493 0.497 2.7.P8 V45 0.549 0.533 2.14.E1 V46 0.423 0.416 2.14.E2 V47 0.373 0.383 2.14.E3 V48 0.250 0.192 2.14.E4 V49 0.294 0.347 2.14.E5 V50 0.224 0.182 2.14.E6 V51 0.260 0.275 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 345 2.3.CT5 V13 1.119 0.973 0.893 0.788 0.900 0.812 0.761 0.868 0.877 0.880 0.849 0.915 0.674 0.665 0.600 0.605 0.694 0.532 0.512 0.510 0.569 0.479 0.658 0.700 0.692 0.614 0.556 0.519 0.451 0.660 0.522 0.603 0.620 0.516 0.487 0.398 0.414 0.332 0.357 2.3.CT6 V14 1.338 0.981 0.789 0.973 0.902 0.854 0.891 0.892 0.978 0.898 1.014 0.802 0.756 0.680 0.741 0.840 0.659 0.647 0.629 0.680 0.545 0.707 0.740 0.699 0.702 0.623 0.564 0.495 0.729 0.570 0.713 0.635 0.525 0.515 0.431 0.486 0.413 0.399 2.3.CT7 V15 1.338 0.755 0.974 0.783 0.596 0.823 0.842 0.903 0.856 0.936 0.722 0.661 0.661 0.759 0.735 0.693 0.640 0.568 0.683 0.582 0.642 0.740 0.741 0.708 0.642 0.617 0.580 0.743 0.677 0.741 0.716 0.535 0.473 0.365 0.434 0.386 0.481 Table 61: (continued) 2.3.CT8 2.3.CT9 2.4.I1 2.4.I2 2.4.I3 2.4.I4 2.4.I5 2.4.I6 2.4.I7 2.5.CN1 2.5.CN2 2.5.CN3 2.5.CN4 2.5.CN5 2.5.CN6 2.5.CN7 2.5.CN8 2.5.CN9 2.5.CE1 2.6.CE2 2.6.CE3 2.6.CE4 2.7.P1 2.7.P2 2.7.P3 2.7.P4 2.7.P5 2.7.P6 2.7.P7 2.7.P8 2.14.E1 2.14.E2 2.14.E3 2.14.E4 2.14.E5 2.14.E6 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50 V51 2.3.CT8 V16 1.050 0.855 0.611 0.671 0.759 0.760 0.851 0.804 0.809 0.593 0.514 0.451 0.505 0.524 0.441 0.383 0.435 0.465 0.488 0.561 0.626 0.602 0.518 0.448 0.426 0.405 0.577 0.380 0.482 0.556 0.432 0.279 0.264 0.222 0.299 0.261 2.3.CT9 V17 2.4.I1 V18 2.4.I2 V19 2.4.I3 V20 1.415 0.832 0.794 0.992 0.885 0.986 0.900 0.939 0.851 0.808 0.719 0.816 0.887 0.716 0.668 0.691 0.782 0.585 0.748 0.834 0.841 0.770 0.722 0.731 0.592 0.792 0.559 0.692 0.690 0.549 0.466 0.376 0.559 0.454 0.527 1.322 1.048 0.828 0.862 0.838 0.808 0.821 0.754 0.620 0.580 0.613 0.689 0.621 0.571 0.588 0.620 0.455 0.640 0.673 0.686 0.574 0.562 0.547 0.488 0.632 0.679 0.684 0.661 0.454 0.604 0.445 0.499 0.282 0.496 8.381 0.783 0.955 0.961 0.927 0.884 0.702 0.637 0.604 0.638 0.544 0.612 0.426 0.479 0.553 0.436 0.630 0.648 0.609 0.615 0.512 0.537 0.414 0.488 0.631 0.643 0.715 0.385 0.590 0.307 0.488 0.272 0.385 1.373 1.000 0.969 0.901 0.911 0.779 0.741 0.643 0.671 0.798 0.615 0.524 0.549 0.695 0.474 0.723 0.786 0.742 0.669 0.650 0.550 0.431 0.703 0.482 0.668 0.674 0.511 0.536 0.362 0.481 0.372 0.435 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 346 Table 61: (continued) 2.4.I4 2.4.I5 V21 V22 2.4.I4 V21 1.219 2.4.I5 V22 1.001 1.245 2.4.I6 V23 0.943 1.058 2.4.I7 V24 0.900 1.037 2.5.CN1 V25 0.733 0.797 2.5.CN2 V26 0.692 0.716 2.5.CN3 V27 0.636 0.662 2.5.CN4 V28 0.661 0.725 2.5.CN5 V29 0.745 0.788 2.5.CN6 V30 0.583 0.607 2.5.CN7 V31 0.553 0.559 2.5.CN8 V32 0.592 0.628 2.5.CN9 V33 0.685 0.707 2.5.CE1 V34 0.523 0.602 2.6.CE2 V35 0.689 0.745 2.6.CE3 V36 0.717 0.750 2.6.CE4 V37 0.729 0.728 2.7.P1 V38 0.667 0.691 2.7.P2 V39 0.610 0.634 2.7.P3 V40 0.588 0.580 2.7.P4 V41 0.472 0.526 2.7.P5 V42 0.719 0.709 2.7.P6 V43 0.503 0.535 2.7.P7 V44 0.663 0.705 2.7.P8 V45 0.698 0.704 2.14.E1 V46 0.559 0.536 2.14.E2 V47 0.483 0.459 2.14.E3 V48 0.367 0.353 2.14.E4 V49 0.423 0.439 2.14.E5 V50 0.335 0.345 2.14.E6 V51 0.450 0.393 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 347 2.4.I6 V23 2.4.I7 V24 2.5.CN1 V25 1.237 0.994 0.745 0.682 0.678 0.694 0.763 0.588 0.588 0.625 0.716 0.592 0.749 0.710 0.722 0.661 0.668 0.610 0.584 0.712 0.594 0.752 0.745 0.508 0.476 0.334 0.459 0.379 0.430 1.344 0.803 0.744 0.664 0.736 0.758 0.655 0.594 0.634 0.705 0.577 0.739 0.757 0.763 0.681 0.593 0.549 0.552 0.729 0.622 0.674 0.614 0.544 0.450 0.391 0.363 0.402 0.421 1.343 0.961 0.825 0.897 0.927 0.838 0.801 0.800 0.887 0.630 0.770 0.804 0.796 0.818 0.787 0.766 0.682 0.911 0.722 0.846 0.613 0.630 0.539 0.407 0.516 0.456 0.519 Table 61: (continued) 2.5.CN2 2.5.CN3 V26 V27 2.5.CN2 V26 1.238 2.5.CN3 V27 0.921 1.030 2.5.CN4 V28 0.892 0.854 2.5.CN5 V29 0.923 0.882 2.5.CN6 V30 0.763 0.724 2.5.CN7 V31 0.727 0.738 2.5.CN8 V32 0.740 0.695 2.5.CN9 V33 0.855 0.795 2.5.CE1 V34 0.569 0.540 2.6.CE2 V35 0.751 0.670 2.6.CE3 V36 0.789 0.678 2.6.CE4 V37 0.800 0.688 2.7.P1 V38 0.748 0.723 2.7.P2 V39 0.751 0.714 2.7.P3 V40 0.729 0.712 2.7.P4 V41 0.643 0.615 2.7.P5 V42 0.822 0.729 2.7.P6 V43 0.613 0.566 2.7.P7 V44 0.770 0.761 2.7.P8 V45 0.559 0.588 2.14.E1 V46 0.573 0.488 2.14.E2 V47 0.514 0.540 2.14.E3 V48 0.431 0.424 2.14.E4 V49 0.588 0.581 2.14.E5 V50 0.499 0.477 2.14.E6 V51 0.530 0.538 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 2.5.CN4 V28 2.5.CN5 V29 2.5.CN6 V30 1.247 1.056 0.863 0.833 0.788 0.879 0.589 0.705 0.716 0.807 0.778 0.730 0.667 0.605 0.809 0.703 0.780 0.542 0.600 0.550 0.507 0.606 0.584 0.586 1.297 0.901 0.881 0.861 0.965 0.598 0.802 0.835 0.842 0.826 0.794 0.734 0.625 0.919 0.693 0.869 0.618 0.632 0.697 0.603 0.778 0.629 0.646 1.072 0.841 0.781 0.880 0.495 0.623 0.683 0.676 0.785 0.722 0.640 0.608 0.835 0.672 0.813 0.558 0.547 0.517 0.443 0.581 0.469 0.553 2.5.CN9 V33 2.5.CE1 V34 2.6.CE2 V35 1.223 0.632 0.851 0.811 0.851 0.822 0.866 0.775 0.747 0.871 0.722 0.860 0.633 0.666 0.619 0.492 0.711 0.520 0.637 0.921 0.820 0.746 0.774 0.637 0.558 0.504 0.527 0.657 0.558 0.589 0.501 0.480 0.396 0.273 0.396 0.326 0.388 1.224 0.924 1.009 0.746 0.738 0.676 0.678 0.829 0.682 0.796 0.646 0.512 0.519 0.410 0.511 0.395 0.444 Table 61: (continued) 2.5.CN7 2.5.CN8 V31 V32 2.5.CN7 V31 1.060 2.5.CN8 V32 0.854 1.029 2.5.CN9 V33 0.917 0.947 2.5.CE1 V34 0.514 0.563 2.6.CE2 V35 0.670 0.689 2.6.CE3 V36 0.668 0.694 2.6.CE4 V37 0.693 0.737 2.7.P1 V38 0.753 0.736 2.7.P2 V39 0.745 0.719 2.7.P3 V40 0.687 0.647 2.7.P4 V41 0.691 0.662 2.7.P5 V42 0.821 0.747 2.7.P6 V43 0.673 0.655 2.7.P7 V44 0.754 0.747 2.7.P8 V45 0.565 0.574 2.14.E1 V46 0.578 0.647 2.14.E2 V47 0.544 0.587 2.14.E3 V48 0.478 0.530 2.14.E4 V49 0.637 0.625 2.14.E5 V50 0.495 0.473 2.14.E6 V51 0.585 0.560 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 348 Table 61: (continued) 2.6.CE3 2.6.CE4 V36 V37 2.6.CE3 V36 1.145 2.6.CE4 V37 0.975 1.338 2.7.P1 V38 0.806 0.783 2.7.P2 V39 0.761 0.818 2.7.P3 V40 0.658 0.650 2.7.P4 V41 0.596 0.666 2.7.P5 V42 0.852 0.842 2.7.P6 V43 0.664 0.754 2.7.P7 V44 0.773 0.819 2.7.P8 V45 0.584 0.675 2.14.E1 V46 0.599 0.588 2.14.E2 V47 0.565 0.618 2.14.E3 V48 0.464 0.516 2.14.E4 V49 0.569 0.629 2.14.E5 V50 0.500 0.471 2.14.E6 V51 0.541 0.589 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 2.7.P1 V38 2.7.P2 V39 2.7.P3 V40 1.145 0.839 0.767 0.698 0.953 0.820 0.901 0.639 0.573 0.518 0.477 0.571 0.499 0.594 1.045 0.738 0.709 0.841 0.699 0.851 0.614 0.543 0.536 0.482 0.624 0.467 0.591 1.123 0.842 0.774 0.618 0.779 0.717 0.554 0.527 0.448 0.545 0.445 0.579 2.7.P5 V42 2.7.P6 V43 2.7.P7 V44 2.7.P8 V45 1.195 0.835 0.975 0.640 0.633 0.531 0.480 0.553 0.527 0.600 1.329 0.941 0.550 0.517 0.604 0.646 0.452 0.447 0.509 1.358 0.783 0.570 0.692 0.597 0.564 0.485 0.640 1.158 0.536 0.530 0.505 0.574 0.365 0.535 Table 61: (continued) 2.7.P4 2.7.P5 2.7.P6 2.7.P7 2.7.P8 2.14.E1 2.14.E2 2.14.E3 2.14.E4 2.14.E5 2.14.E6 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50 V51 2.7.P4 V41 0.976 0.753 0.668 0.719 0.624 0.540 0.439 0.396 0.436 0.381 0.513 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items Table 62: Covariances – Indicator variables for the Environment factor 2.14.E1 2.14.E2 2.14.E3 2.14.E4 2.14.E5 2.14.E6 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50 V51 2.14.E1 V46 1.002 0.615 0.569 0.602 0.551 0.602 2.14.E2 V47 2.14.E3 V48 2.14.E4 V49 1.280 0.944 0.879 0.693 0.731 1.390 0.892 0.886 0.716 1.398 0.887 0.848 Variables V1-V51= Questionnaire items 349 2.14.E5 V50 1.143 0.779 2.14.E6 V51 1.143 TOP EVENT DIRECT LEVEL COMPETENCE MOTIV /MORALE TEAM WORK SITUATION AWARENES/ RISK PERCEPTION FATIGUE /ALERTNESS HEALTH COMMS AVAILABILITY OF INFO/ADVICE COMPLIANCE AVAILABILITY OF SUITABLE RESOURCES INSPECT & MAINT EQUIPMENT OPERABILITY WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT EXT CONDITION ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL RECRUITMENT & SELECTION TRAINING PROCEDURES PLANNING INCIDENT MANAGEMENT & FEEDBACK COMMS MANAGEMENT / SUPERVISION SAFETY CULTURE EQUIPMENT PURCHASING INSPECT & MAINT DECISION PAY / CONDITION POLICY LEVEL CONTRACTING STRATEGY OWNERSHIP & CONTROL COMPANY CULTURE SAFETY MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE LABOUR RELATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL LEVEL POLITICAL INFLUENCE REGULATORY INFLUENCE MARKET INFLUENCE Figure 4 : Influence Network Technique (Bomel, 2001: 0.9) 39 SOCIETAL INFLUENCE COMPANY PROFITABILITY use the tangible manifestations to test what is underlying, the intangible prevailing culture. Observing and measuring the tangible elements is the only practical way of determining the underlying culture because, as Wiegmann et al. (2002:4) argue, while an organisation’s culture is revealed in its general patterns of attitudes and actions, the deeper structure of its culture is often not immediately interpretable by outsiders. Therefore a climate or a perception survey can be conducted to establish the underlying culture. Figure 7 illustrates and summarises the synthesised framework of what culture is and where climate fits in. Culture influencing factors Factors of Health & safety culture Leadership Involvement Procedures Commitment Communication Competence Underlying culture Culture indicator Shared & understood but tacitly Tangible/ observable Climate Culture Culture outcomes Beliefs Values Assumptions Outcomes / results Perceptions Artefacts Actions/ behaviour Accidents / incidents Behaviour Environment Figure 7: H&S culture framework 3.3.4 What are the factors of H&S culture? Measuring H&S culture is one area where confusion has reigned partly because of the many terms that have been used to describe what constitutes and influences a H&S culture. Some studies have referred to the parts which form, shape or make up H&S culture as characteristics (Hudson, 1999:8-1; Molenaar et al., 2002:19; Fitzgerald, 2005:325; Molenaar et al., 2009:488), indicators (Flin, Means, O’Connor & Bryden, 2000:178; Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628), factors (Misnan, Mohammed, Mahmood, Mahmud, & Abdullah, 2008:1911), determinants (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114), elements(Fernandez-Muniz et al., 2007:628), enablers (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:114), and attributes (Chinda & Mohamed, 2008:116) of H&S 58 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Questionnaire Develop conceptual model based on clients’ influence Evaluate Clients’ influence on H&S performance Delphi Analyse & model results to validate conceptual model Literature review Best fit model & recommendations Need for study Figure 8: Research design outline (Adapted from Manu, Ankrah, Proverbs & Suresh, 2010:29) 5.3.1 Literature review Literature is the foundation of research (Boote & Beile, 2005:3). Review of literature is one of the most important aspects of developing a study and also as a way to know what has already been written on the subject, methodologies that have been used to investigate similar concepts or phenomena and to establish the trends on the solutions that are being advanced to solve the many problems that face mankind (Heppner & Heppner, 2004:52). It was therefore necessary to conduct a literature review in order to establish the general H&S status in the construction industry from research work of others; theories and literature on H&S performance improvement ; and client factors associated with good H&S performance in the industry. In order to guarantee integrity and sophistication of the study, effort was made to ensure that the review was thorough and exhaustive. Studies reviewed were synthesised and they considered methods adopted or used in other studies. A critical review of methods adopted in other studies also ensured that the study did not only report the claims made in the existing literature because this is one of the remedies against the trap of simply reporting other people’s claims (Boote & Beile, 2005:3). 91 mean absolute deviation is a calculated mean of all absolute deviations for all panellists about the median on each question. Appendix G shows a table of calculated MAD’s for each of the Delphi rounds. Further analysis involved determining the statistical range in ratings by panellists on each question and the percentage of panellists with a similar opinion inclination on each and every question. Consensus was determined to have been achieved when the MAD was less than one unit below or above the group median, the range in ratings on each question between all panellists was below 4.0 and the percentage of panellists that were of a similar inclination in opinion was 60% and above on a particular question (Appendix G). Researcher actions Expert panel actions Round 1 Circulates questionnaire to panellists Rates likely improvement and impact on H&S due to a factor influence Round 2 Calculates group medians and recirculate questionnaires Reviews individual rating in view of the group’s median. Gives reason if required Re-Calculates group medians, standard deviations & compile comments Opportunity to reconsider rating Round 3 Determine consensus and terminate process Figure 10: Delphi process (Adapted from Thangaratinam & Redman (2005:124) 102 The second stage of Delphi data analysis, involved determining the impact significance of environmental factors on client H&S performance, the impact significance of factors of client H&S culture on contractor and designer H&S performance, H&S consideration throughout a construction project’s lifecycle and the overall project H&S performance. Equation 1 Where: Di Absolute deviation xi Panellist rating m X Measure of central tendency The impact significance of designer and contractor H&S performance on project H&S performance was also investigated from the Delphi data. The significance of the impact of various factors associated with the external environment, client, designer and contractor was categorised as being critical, major, moderate, minor or low. The categorisation was helpful in determining which stakeholder factor and relationship was key and relevant for H&S performance improvement. This method of analysis has been used in many studies. The impact significance of a factor of client H&S culture for instance, was obtained as a product of the rated probability (likelihood) that this factor of client H&S culture would influence contractor, or designer to implement H&S elements. The rated negative impact (severity) of a factor for instance of client H&S culture, was the rating of the negative impact that would result on contractor and or designer H&S performance if this factor was absent or was not apparent. This relationship is illustrated in Equation 2. As an example, Table 12 will be used to illustrate how the impact significance was determined. Column B lists a number of H&S elements that need to be implemented by the client. Column C to H lists experts’ probability rating that had been agreed upon to say that elements numbered 1 to 11 would be implemented if the client was pressured by the external environment factors namely: political, social, economic, 103 technology, legislative and professional bodies (labelled as: PE, SE, TECH, EE, LE, and PB). Column I list the total score rating for each element numbered 1 to 11that it would be implemented if the client was pressured by external environment factors in column C to H. Each element in this example had a maximum of 60 points (6 factors rated on a 10 point ordinal scale). Column J, list the calculated overall probability that each client element numbered 1 to 11 would be implemented if the client was pressured by all the factors. Each factor’s likelihood to influence clients to implement all the H&S elements for example, was calculated by obtaining the total ratings achieved by the factor and calculated it as a percentage of the maximum available ratings which in this case was 110. The impact significance of a factor for instance PE, was obtained as a product of the likelihood that client would implement H&S elements which in the example was calculated as 63%, and its severity determined to be 8. The severity rating was taken to be the rated negative impact on client implementing the elements 1 to 11 if the factor for example PE was absent. Equation 2 A prediction of the likelihood that H&S elements would be implemented if pressured by the identified factors, was also made concerning clients’, designers’ and contractors’ top management. Predictions were made about the influence of environmental factors on client H&S performance, and also about client H&S culture’s influence on contractor and designer H&S performance, H&S consideration throughout the project lifecycle as well as on project H&S performance. The impact significance of external environment factors, and factors of client H&S culture, contractor and designer H&S performance were also investigated. These values were entered as shown in row 15 of Table 12. The findings from the Delphi analysis were presented as numbers and percentages in tables, column and bar charts. These were expert predictions of the likelihood that H&S elements would be implemented by clients, contractors and designers. Predictions were also made about the severity and therefore the impact significance of the evaluated factors. 104 Figure 13: External environment construct The exogenous variable, client H&S culture, was theorised to be a construct of six latent endogenous variables namely: leadership (CLL); involvement (CLI); procedures (CLP); commitment (CLT); communication (CLN) and competence (CLC). Figure 14 shows the conceptualised client H&S culture measurement model. The questionnaire items used to measure the leadership factor were marked CLLP1-3, client involvement was measured by the items labelled CLIP1-3 while that of client procedures was measured by the items labelled CLPP1-3. Client commitment was measured by questionnaire items labelled CLTP1-3 and communication was measured by questionnaire items CLNP1-3. The variable, competence was measured by items labelled CLC1-4. The numbers of indicator variables measuring one factor were shown by for instance 1-3, which means there were three indicator variables. This type of presentation was adopted for clarity and neatness of presentation only. All indicator variables collectively constituted questionnaire survey items or questions. During the analysis stage, these variables were parcelled. 116 Figure 14: Client H&S culture measurement model (CLL= Leadership, CLI = Involvement, CLP = Procedures, CLT = Commitment, CLN = Communication and CLC = Competence.) Contractor H&S performance measurement model was defined by indicator variables namely: procedures (COPP1-3), commitment (COTP1-3) and communication (CONP1-3). The designer H&S performance was measured by indicator variables of procedures (DEPP1-3), commitment (DETP1-3) and communication (DENP1-3). The subscales for contractor and designer H&S performance were theorised to be first order models with indicator variables grouped in parcels (Figure 15 and Figure 16). The outcome endogenous variable from the priori structural model was the project H&S performance factor. The indicator variables theorised to measure project H&S performance are labelled PP1 to PP17 in Figure 17. The indicator variables also constituted questionnaire items or questions. 117 Figure 15: Contractor H&S performance measurement model (COPP= Procedures, COTP= Commitment and CONP= Communication) Figure 16: Designers H&S Performance measurement model (DEPP= Procedures, DETP= Commitment and DENP= Communication) 118 Figure 17: Project H&S performance measurement model Population The study was conducted in Gaborone and Johannesburg in Botswana and South Africa respectively. The two cities where chosen for the research because the researcher was familiar with the areas and it was the intention of the researcher to delimit the study to these two population areas. It was also viewed that there were more construction projects in those two areas. Furthermore, accessibility to respondents was much easier compared to other places in the two countries. It was also necessary to have two different environments with different laws and practice governing the common denominator, which was the construction project and more specifically, the practice of H&S on construction projects. In other words, because of the external environment factor in the conceptual model, at least two different environments were necessary which had a different political, legislative and economic landscape. 119 Generate list of construction projects Compiled from list of UJ 2nd year National Diploma Building students on industrial attachment Identify potential respondents obtained from list of projects generated in first stage above Obtained from researcher's industry network and referrals Circulate questionnaire Email hand delivery Respondents complete questionnaire Electronically Manually with pen or pencil Respondents return back completed questionnaires Email Collected by researcher Fax hand delivered Data compilation and analysis Statistics data capturers SPSS SEM/EQS Figure 18: Questionnaire survey procedure Data screening and preparation Before a detailed analysis of the postulated model was conducted to determine fit, screening of the data was essential. Pre-analysis data screening focused on establishing whether there were any missing data, outliers, the distribution characteristics of the data, and the identification of the model. According to Raykov, Tomer & Nesselroade (1991:500), missing values and outliers can adversely affect SEM results by their presence in the raw data. It was therefore necessary to identify, at the pre-analysis stage, any missing values and outliers in order to determine the best way to handle them. According to Kline (2005:52), missing values may pose a very serious challenge to analysis. In addition to 124 likelihood that clients would implement the H&S elements. The standard deviations for these two groups of factors were determined to be 0.02. Figure 19: Impact significance of external environment factors to client culture Figure 20: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements 136 Figure 21: Client likelihood to implement H&S elements 6.2.2 Client influence on H&S consideration in the project lifecycle - D2 Client H&S culture was defined by four factors, namely: commitment, competence, involvement and leadership. The influence of these factors was estimated. As explained in the previous section, the level of influence of a factor was inferred from the calculated value of the impact significance. The H&S performance on a construction project depends in part on the extent to which it is considered throughout the project life cycle. H&S consideration entails H&S risk identification, analysis, assessment, mitigating, implementing and assessing the implementation of H&S measures. In order to evaluate H&S performance at the project level, it was necessary to evaluate H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle. 137 significance on H&S consideration was leadership. The impact significance of the leadership factor was determined to be 6.68. This rating was considered to be of ‘major’ impact significance (see Table 13). However although the rating of 6.68 was low, when compared to other factors of client H&S culture, its impact significance and therefore its influence was considered to be ‘major’. Therefore the contribution of the leadership factor to H&S performance may not be overlooked. The likelihood of H&S being considered as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 83% (Figure 13). This rating of 83% suggested that H&S consideration throughout the project life cycle was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). Figure 23: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client’s influence It was further determined that H&S consideration was ‘very likely to occur’ at all the project stages except at the procurement stage. With the exception of the procurement stage, the likelihood of H&S consideration at all other project stages was determined to be above 80%. On the other hand, the likelihood of H&S consideration at the procurement stage was determined to be 73%. The likelihood of 73% meant that H&S consideration was ‘likely to occur’. H&S consideration was most likely at the construction stage. The likelihood was determined to be 95%. It seemed from this finding that H&S consideration was almost certain at the construction stage with client H&S culture’s influence. 139 considered to be ‘critical’ impact significance. The finding seemed to suggest that the leadership factor was critical to contractor H&S performance. The competence factor had the least impact significance on contractor H&S performance. This factor had a rating of 6.20. Although the impact significance was lower when compared to all other factors of client H&S culture, its impact was considered to be ‘major’ (Table 13). Apart from this, the difference in the impact rating between all factors was minimal. The standard deviation in impact significance values was found to be 0.34 suggesting a small variability between all impact significance estimates. The likelihood that contractors would implement H&S elements as a result of influence from client H&S culture was determined to be 83% on average. This rating suggested that the implementation of H&S elements by contractors due to client H&S culture’s influence was ‘very likely to occur’ (Table 14). The standard deviation of all likelihood estimates was found to be 0.03. This standard deviation value was very small and therefore indicated a small variability in the estimates. Figure 25: Contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements 141 The other H&S elements which had above 75% likelihood of being implemented included the designer to: develop staff competence, consult and communicate H&S information and employ permanent H&S staff. The rating of 75% likelihood meant that designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements (Table 14). Designers were least likely to conduct H&S audits and inspections. The likelihood of designers conducting H&S audits and inspections as a result of client H&S culture’s influence was determined to be 73%. Although this likelihood was low when compared to the likelihood of other H&S elements being implemented, it was actually a favourable result considering that conducting H&S audits and inspections was ‘likely to occur’. Figure 29: Designer & contractor likelihood to implement H&S elements 147 Contractors were more likely to implement H&S elements than designers when influenced by client H&S culture. The likelihood of contractors implementing H&S was 83% while that of designers was 78% (Figure 29). The largest disparity was observed in the likelihood that the following H&S elements would be implemented, namely: 1. employ permanent H&S staff; 2. consult and communicate H&S information to all stakeholders; and 3. conduct H&S audits and inspections. Contractors were more likely to implement these H&S elements. According to the likelihood scale (Table 14), contractors were ‘very likely’ to implement H&S elements while designers were ‘likely’ to implement H&S elements. Similarly, the impact significance of client H&S culture was greater on contractor H&S performance than it was on designer H&S performance (Figure 30). The average impact significance of client H&S culture on contractor H&S performance was 6.60 while that on designer H&S performance was 6.45. Figure 30: Impact of client factors on designer and contractor H&S performance 148 Figure 33: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to designers' influence Figure 34: Likelihood of H&S consideration due to client and designer influence 152 Consequently, the process of H&S performance improvement could simply follow the following cycle: 1. Assess LIP +3C; 2. Develop strategies in consultation with stakeholders to enhance LIP + 3C; 3. Implement strategies; 4. Assess LIP +3C; 5. Act to improve LIP+3C; 6. Repeat process 1-5. The above is based on Deming’s PDCA cycle and the same approach is suggested by IOSH (2004:9). Contractor performanc e Client culture Environment Project performanc e Designers’ performanc e Figure 35: Theorised client centred H&S performance improvement 7.3 CHAPTER SUMMARY In chapter seven, a conceptual model was theorised that client H&S culture had influence on contractor, designer and the overall project H&S performance. It was further theorised that client H&S culture was a function of the factors of the external environment namely: political, economic, social, technology and legislative. From the Delphi study and the literature review, the factors of client H&S culture were found to be, leadership, involvement, procedures, commitment, communication and competence. These six factors of client H&S were collectively referred to as LIP+3C. Findings from the validation of the conceptual model developed in chapter seven will now be presented in chapter eight. 167 CHAPTER EIGHT QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY RESULTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION The postulated sub-models are diagrammatically shown in Figure 36 and 37. Indicator variables for the exogenous variables of external environment and client H&S culture, and the endogenous variables of designer, contractor and project H&S performance are shown in each measurement model. The theory behind the hypothesised clientcentred H&S performance improvement model was based on literature and on experts’ opinion acquired during the Delphi study described and presented in chapter six of this study. Raw data from questionnaires were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and was later exported to the structural equation modelling (SEM) software EQS version 6.1 for analysis (Bentler, 1999). The sample used for the analysis of the model was 281 cases. According to Kline (2005:15), a sample size of 281 is classified as large. A small sample of less than 100 cases tends to be problematic when it comes to structural equation model analysis (Kline, 2005:15). Figure 36: Hypothesised model-Client influence on project H&S performance 168 Leadership Procedures External Environment Commitment Communicatio n Competence Figure 37: Environmental influence on client H&S culture 169 Client H&S culture Involvement 5. communication factor is explained by indicator variables CLNP1 to 3; 6. competence factor is explained by indicator variables CLCP1 to 3; and 7. procedures factor is explained by indicator variables CLPP1 to 3. These indicator variables are presented in Table 24. In order to establish how well the model fit the sample data and the strength of the hypothesised relations between variables, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, goodness-of-fit statistics and parameter estimates’ statistical significance at probability level of 5% were examined. In addition the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. The construct validity of the measurement model was determined from the convergent validity and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. Results of the above analysis are presented in this section. Figure 38: Theorised six factor client H&S culture model 174 COPP1 COPP2 COPP COTP1 COTP2 COTP COTP3 CONP1 Contractor H&S Performance COPP3 CONP CONP2 CONP3 Figure 39: Contractor H&S performance construct Goodness-of-fit statistics - RML The analysis strategy of goodness-of-fit for the contractor H&S performance construct followed a two statistic strategy of fit indexes and is reported on in this section. The sample data on contractor H&S performance measurement model yield the of 25.0664 with 24 degrees of freedom and (N=275; P=0.40216,). The chisquare was insignificant. This chi-square value indicated that the departure of the sample data from the postulated measurement model was not significant and hence indicative of an acceptable fit. However the chi-square test is very sensitive to sample size and is used more as a descriptive index of fit rather than as a statistical test (Kline, 2005:136). Therefore a normed Chi-square value is usually adopted by most researchers. Normed chi-square is the procedure of dividing the chi-square by the degrees of freedom. The normed values of up to 3.0 or even 5.0 are recommended (Kline, 2005:137). From the above chi-square and degrees of freedom values the ratio was found to be 1.044. This ratio was lower than the upper limit of 3.0 or 5.0 advocated for by some authors (Kline, 2005:137). 195 variables, 12 independent variables and 21 free parameters. The number of fixed nonzero parameters was 12. A three factor designer H&S performance construct comprising commitment, communication and procedures, was analysed before it could be included in the full latent variable model. The indicator variables were organised in parcels as shown in Table 40 and Figure 40. In order to establish how well the measurement model fit the sample data and how well the indicator variables measured the factors of designer H&S performance construct, results presented on residual covariance matrix, distribution of standardised residuals, fit statistics and statistical significance at probability level 5% were examined. In addition the Cronbach’s alpha and the Rho coefficient of internal consistency were examined for score reliability. Construct validity of the measurement model was determined from model convergence and the magnitude of parameter coefficients. DEPP1 DEPP2 DEPP3 DEPP DETP2 Designer H&S Performance DETP1 DETP DETP3 DENP1 DENP DENP2 DENP3 Figure 40: Designer H&S performance measurement model (DEPP = procedures, DETP = Commitment and DENP= Communication) 200 Figure 41: External environment construct (LGN= Legislative, ECON= Economic, SOC = Social, PRI= Professional and TECH = Technology & materials) Diagnostic fit analysis –Residuals The average absolute residual values of the external environment construct are presented in Table 46. Results revealed that all the absolute residual values and the average off-diagonal absolute residuals, both unstandardised and standardised, were close to zero. The smallest unstandardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0289 while the largest was 0.0405. Similarly, the smallest standardised average off diagonal residual was 0.0241 while the largest was 0.0337.These residual values were considered small as they were all less than 2.58 (Byrne, 2006:94) In addition, 100% of standardised residuals fell within the acceptable range of -0.1 and +0.1. The significance of this distribution is that for a model to be described as well-fitting, the distribution of standardised residuals should be symmetrical and centred around the zero (Byrne, 2006:94). From the above information, the results seemed to suggest that the model had a good-fit to the sample data. Therefore, since this initial examination of residuals indicated a fairly good fit, further tests of goodness-of-fit were justifiable. 207 P1 CLNP P2 Client H&S culture P3 P4 H1a CLTP P5 P6 H1b P7 LGN CLPP ECON SOC PRI1 H1c TEC P9 External Environment P 10 H1d CLIP PRI2 P8 P 11 P 12 H1e P 13 CLLP P 14 P 15 H1f P 16 P 17 CLCP P 18 P 19 Figure 42: Model 1.0 - External environment influence on client H&S culture 216 Figure 43: Model 2 - Client influence on project H&S performance 221 Contractor H&S performance Project H&S performance Client H&S culture Designer H&S performance Figure 44: Finalised model 2.0 for client H&S culture influence Statistically significant relationship Statistically insignificant relationship 8.5 CHAPTER SUMMARY The postulation for the overall model was that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture and which in turn had influence on contractor, designer and project H&S performance. SEM results of measurement models were presented in this section. These results were obtained from an analysis to determine whether the indicator variables (questionnaire items) actually measured the constructs that they were supposed to measure. In addition, results were also presented from the evaluation of the submodels to establish whether the theorised number of factors for the sub-models was working properly before inclusion in the analysis of the full latent variable model. Further, results on reliability and construct validity were also presented. It was important to ensure that the measurement model was in a good working order before the full latent model could be analysed. 233 The analysis of the full latent variable model was conducted by separating the postulated model in to two parts namely, model 1.0 and model 2.0. The division of the model into two parts was merely for the purpose of simplicity. Apart from this, the focus of the study was on the influence of client H&S culture on project H&S performance. However, it was also necessary to establish the influence of the external environment on the client H&S culture. The findings were that the external environment had influence on client H&S culture. Further, client H&S culture was found to have a direct positive influence on contractor and designer H&S performance. However, client H&S culture was found to have an indirect positive influence on project H&S performance that was mediated by contractor and designer H&S performance. Therefore the finalised overall clientcentred H&S performance improvement model (combining model 1 and 2) was found to be as presented in Figure 45. Model 1.0 Model 2.0 Contractor H&S performance External Environment Client H&S culture Project H&S performance Designer H&S performance Figure 45: Finalised Client-centred H&S performance improvement model 234