differences between individuals of the same species and of different species The different ear shapes are examples of genetic variation The two pierced ears are examples of environment variation (variation that happens during a lifetime will not be passed on to any offspring) Discontinuous variation Discrete varieties Red, Purple Continuous variation Unlimited varieties 300nm - 700nm Why have they drawn a LINE GRAPH? Because all of the data is CONTINUOUS Continuous means it can be any value Angle of incidence in degrees Why have they drawn a BAR CHART? Because some of the data (material) is CATEGORIC DISCONTINUOUS Discontinuous means it can only be certain values How many variations can you spot? • continuous • discontinuous What is the difference between phenotypic variation and genetic variation? Phenotypic variation is caused by both genetic and environmental factors Phenotypes determined by genetics Phenotypes determined by the environment both Discontinuous variation results in a limited number of phenotypes with no intermediates. It is mostly caused by genes alone. Continuous variation results in a range of phenotypes between two extremes. YOU MUST HAVE: A DATA TABLE and A GRAPH ENSURE THE GRAPH AND TABLES HAVE HEADINGS AND UNITS The IGCSE spec requires you to conduct research and present your findings on continuous / discontinuous variation. Your task is to come up with an experiment, whereby you can see if there is a correlation between two factors –e.g. is shoe size linked to arm length? You will need to collect sufficient data/measurements, analyse the results & plot a scatter graph. From the graph, you should be able to determine what kind of correlation is present, if any; positive/negative/none. You have the rest of the lesson to complete this investigation, which then must be handed in.