Uploaded by Shannon Taylor

You Matter Handprint Lesson Plan

Like a
We are each
• This lesson is a great way to foster a positive
classroom climate. I have used it in the following
• A “get to know you” activity
• As an Interactive Open House Bulletin Board – see if
parents can find their child’s handprint based on their
descriptive word choices
• To decorate a welcoming classroom door
• As a Social –Emotional Learning Lesson
• A time-filler
• An Advisory Activity
• This lesson is easily adaptable to all grade levels.
Bulletin Board Example
Optional: use to make rectangular multi-colored backgrounds to glue handprints to
You Matter Handprint Lesson Instructions:
Instructional Time Needed: 30 minutes
Preparation & Planning:
Supplies Needed:
Copies of handprints – 1 print for each student (I used paper cutter and just cut copied
handprints in half to pass out to students)
Pens or markers for writing descriptive word choices. Pencils to write name on BACK of
handprint. (Sharpies or fine markers are recommended to allow the adjectives to “pop” out)
Scissors - Enough for each student.
Optional: different colored construction rectangles to glue the handprints to. This makes for a
colorful display ) Will need GLUE OR GLUE STICKS if doing this
Optional: bulletin board background paper in complimentary color
Optional: Prepare your own handprint to show as a “good model”. Take a photo to display on
Smartboard if possible.
Optional: Rectangular Shaped Construction Paper Background Pieces
Differentiation: Have a sheet of possible adjectives for lower level students to refer to
If using sharpies or markers rather than pens, you may want students to put a scratch piece of paper
behind the paper handprints to prevent ink from bleeding through and onto desktops.
You Matter Handprint Lesson Instructions –
Tell Students:
Just like a handprint, each of us is different and special in our own ways. We each have strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. If we
were all just alike, this world would be a very boring place. Today we are going to celebrate those qualities that make each of us
unique and special by designing our own handprint.
I want you to think about adjectives or descriptive words & short phrases that describe yourself. You will need to come up with 20-25
descriptive words or short phrases.
Hold up your own handprint or display image on Interactive Whiteboard.
Point out the descriptive adjectives you used to describe yourself. For example: intelligent, reader, artistic etc.
Have at least one short descriptive phrase as well. For example: Yoga lover or animal fanatic
Brainstorm: What are some other adjectives or descriptive words someone could use to describe themselves? Write on
Smartboard for reference. Try to avoid short phrases that are more than 3 words.
Using your own handprint model, point out how you spread out your descriptive words to fill up the white space on the handprint.
Pass out 1 handprint per student. (Have them select which style they prefer: Regular handprint or “hang loose” handprint. )
INSTRUCT STUDENTS TO IMMEDIATELY WRITE NAME ON BACK OF HANDPRINT in pencil or pen. Markers will bleed through! You don’t
want name on the front. This will make students more comfortable designing their own handprint and allow for some extension activities.
Instruct students to : Write 20 - 25 words or very short phrases that describes yourself and the things you like. No sentences allowed, just
words! (The amount of words can be adjusted according to the age or abilities of the students.) Remind them to fill up their handprint by
spreading out their adjectives all over the hand. Remind them also to keep their writing inside the borders of the handprint. Otherwise
their words will get cut off when the students cut out their hanrrpints.
When students have finished their design, have them carefully cut out the hand outlines. Optional: Have rectangular construction paper
backgrounds ready & have students glue cutout handprints to the construction paper.
• Create a “You Matter” Bulletin Board for Open House. Have the students take their parent(s) to the bulletin board and see if they
can identify which belongs to their child
• Create a “You Matter” Classroom Door Decoration.
• Hang the handprints from light fixtures with string and paperclips.
• Differentiation: give lower level students a handout of different adjectives to refer to
Link to a good list from Enchanted Learning: https://www.enchantedlearning.com/wordlist/adjectivesforpeople.shtml
• Have early finishers add small doodle pictures to their handprints