Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells ELSEVIER Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 48 (1997) 145 150 Effect of boron gettering on minority-carrier quality for FZ and CZ Si substrates N. Ohe a'*, K. Tsutsui b, T. Warabisako b, T. Saitoh a a Tokyo A&T University, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan b Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo 185, Japan Abstract The gettering effect on boron-diffused FZ and CZ Si substrates was investigated by effective lifetime measurement with a chemical passivation technique. After removal of the borondiffused layers, the effective lifetime increased about two times higher than initial values for p-type FZ Si substrates. However, thermal processes in 0 2 and N 2 after boron diffusion degraded the effective lifetime drastically for both the substrates. These results suggest that lifetime killer impurities were gettered at defects in the P+-layers heavily doped by boron diffusion and diffused out into bulk regions because of lowering surface B concentration by the thermal processes. Heavy B concentration is needed to getter lifetime killer impurities. Keywords." Boron gettering; Minority-carrier quality; Si substrates 1. Introduction High-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells include a back surface field (BSF) structure fabricated using b o r o n (B) diffusion to reduce recombination at the rear electrode [1-3]. However, B diffusion is a delicate process because sometimes B diffusion degraded cell performance by diffusing lifetime killer impurities or defects at high temperature. This is one of the reasons why a theoretical efficiency of single crystalline Si solar cell is difficult to be achieved. Furthermore, one of the ideas to reduce the cost * Corresponding author. 0927-0248/97/$17.00 @ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII S 0 9 2 7 - 0 2 4 8 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 8 6 - X 146 N. Ohe el al. S o l a r Em~tXr Malerials' atM Solar (_'ells' 48 (1997) 145 150 of solar cells is to use thinner Si substrates. In the thinner cell structure, the BSF structure has to be fabricated hopefully by an aluminum alloying. However, the alloying process is difficult to apply for thin substrates due to warping. To avoid the problem, gas-phase, B diffusion should be employed to prepare p+-layers without warping. In this research, a detailed study on effective lifetime {rm-} variation during cell processes related to B diffusion has been carried out by making the B-diffused p+ layers for FZ and CZ single crystalline Si substrates. The effect of "de-gettering" was also evaluated by measuring ze,f for Si substrates after thermal processes in 02 or N2 ambient. 2. Experimental Two different Si substrates of p-type, FZ (2 f~ cm) and CZ (10 f~ cm) were used in this experiment. B was diffused at 1000'C for 60 min into both sides of the substrates to fabricate p +-layers with a sheet resistance of 20 fl/[] using a pyrolytic boron nitride solid source. To investigate the effect of thermal processes after B diffusion on bulk lifetimes, two types of samples were prepared. One was oxidized at 1000°C for 60 min to make a surface passivation layer and the other was annealed in N2 ambient at the same condition. Furthermore, to investigate gettering and de-gettering effects in detail, p-type CZ (10 ~ cm} substrates were processed to fabricate B-diffused samples using consecutive B diffusion and oxidation. First, the B-diffused layers of three samples were removed in an H F : HNO3 (1 : 20) solution. Then, the first sample was oxidized at 1000C for 60 min, the second sample was diffused by B again and the third sample was oxidized at the same condition after the second B diffusion. A microwave detected photoconductivity decay method using a pulse laser of 904 nm was used to measure r~,-. To examine the effect of B gettering, bulk lifetimes before and after B diffusion were measured using a chemical passivation ICP) technique. The CP technique using an ethanol solution of iodine was applied for reducing surface recombination velocity at wafer surfaces [4]. To obtain bulk lifetimes, before reff measurements, the B-diffused layers were removed from each side of the wafer in an H F : HNO3(1 : 20t solution and then native oxide was removed in an H F : H 2 0 (1 : 10) solution. 3. Results and discussion The effect of B diffusion process on r~,-ffor FZ and CZ wafers was investigated after removal of the B-diffused layers. As shown in Fig. 1, the initial reff values for FZ-p and CZ-p wafers were about 240 and 600 gs, respectively. After B diffusion, retf for the FZ-p Si wafer increased about two times higher than the initial value although that for the CZ wafer did not vary substantially. This result showed that reef increased due to B gettering. 147 N. Ohe et aL/Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 48 (1997) 145 150 ( Before B diffusion ( FZ-p 2 CZ-p 10 \ FZ-p2 After B diffusion CZ-p 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 Effective lifetime (ps) 600 Fig. 1. Effectof boron gettering on effectivelifetimefor p-type FZ and CZ wafers. The sample surfaces were treated by a chemical passivation after removal of the B-diffused layers. (f2-cm) FZ-p 2 B diffusion CZ-p 10 FZ-p 2 Oxidation CZ-p 10 Annealing in N2 ( FZ-p 2 \ CZ-p 10 1 10 100 1000 Effective lifetime (/Js) Fig. 2. Effect of thermal processes in 02 o r N 2 ambient on effectivelifetime for p-type FZ and CZ wafers after B diffusion.The sample surfaces were treated by a chemical passivation after removal of the B-diffnsed layers. O n the contrary, as indicated in Fig. 2, m e a s u r e d "L'ef for both F Z a n d C Z wafers oxidized after B diffusion decreased drastically to as low as 3 ~ts. The values were two orders of m a g n i t u d e lower t h a n those for the B gettered samples. F u r t h e r m o r e , similar zeff decreases to a b o u t 10-20 Its were o b t a i n e d for B-diffused wafers a n n e a l e d in N2 ambient. This m e a n s that the drastic zeff decrease was caused by the t h e r m a l processes rather t h a n the a m b i e n t effect. 148 N. Ohe el al./Solur Energy Materials and Solar Cells 48 (1997) 145 150 The effect of consecutive thermal processes on zefrwas examined for CZ-p 10 ~ cm Si wafers after removing the first B-diffused layers. After the second B diffusion, as shown in Fig. 3, r~rt- was about 500 gs as high as that for the first B-diffused sample, but rerf after subsequent oxidation decreased to about 15 ItS. On the other hand, in the oxidation after removal of B-diffused layers, refr of about 150 ps was not so low as compared with the B-gettered samples and higher than samples oxidized after the first and second B diffusions. This result suggests that the twice B gettering is more effective than the once gettering and "de-gettering" occurs during thermal processes for samples with p+-layers. To investigate gettering and "de-gettering" mechanisms, carrier profiles before and after oxidation for the FZ-p wafers were measured by the C V method with an electrochemical etching. As shown in Fig. 4, surface carrier concentration before oxidation was about 5 x 101'~ cm -~, which means B was heavily doped at the surface. Gettering sites were generated in the heavily B-diffused layers due to the atomic size difference between Si and B atoms. As a result, lifetime killer impurities, probably F e , were diffused and gettered at the sites. On the other hand, surface B concentration after oxidation decreased to l x 101~ cm ~. Therefore, the gettering sites in the B-diffused layers became lower after oxidation. As a result, lifetime killer impurities could not be trapped at the defects and were diffused out from the B-diffused layers into bulk regions. In order to estimate the gettering mechanism, the dependence of wafer thickness on re~.r was investigated by repetitive etching of oxidized, B-diffused the CZ-p Si wafers. As indicated in Fig. 5, the lifetimes degraded for whole regions of the wafers. This First B diffusion Oxidation ! iiii ii Removed B-diffused layers , ~ l Oxidation Second B diffusion Oxidation I I0 I O0 1000 Effective lifetime (us) Fig. 3. Effectof consecutive B diffusion and oxidation processeson effectivelifetimefor p-type CZ 10 ~ cm wafers. N. Ohe et al./Solar Energy. Materials and Solar Cells 48 (1997) 145-150 149 1020 E tO 1019 ~ - . . ~ -.-..:. . . . . . , .,.,j After 1018 ¢.3 tO r~ 1017 'E cO o -1I °xidati°n ...................... i ............. ...................... i "i 2 2.5 . . . . . 1016 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 Depth ~ m ) Fig. 4. Carrier profiles before and after oxidation for B-diffused p-type FZ 2 ~2cm wafers as determined by the C V method using an electrochemical etching. 1000 J O~ lO0 Wafer E Q) ._> "6 Q) After B diffusion / Removal of 10 B-diffusec ~ayers U:: LIJ 1 100 ii i i I i 150 i i i f 200 , , , , I 250 , , , , 300 Wafer thickness ~ m ) Fig. 5. Dependence of wafer thickness on effective lifetime for an oxidized and B-diffused p-type CZ wafer. The samples were etched repeatedly in an HF : HNO3 (1 : 20) solution and treated by the CP. result i n d i c a t e d that lifetime killer i m p u r i t i e s diffused into a l m o s t the center of the wafer. U s i n g an e q u a t i o n of x / D " t where D is the diffusion coefficient a n d t the o x i d a t i o n time, a diffusion d i s t a n c e of F e is e s t i m a t e d to be 3 m m using the D of a b o u t 3 x 10 . 5 cm2/s at 1000°C I-5]. This suggests t h a t a fast diffuser like F e m i g h t be related to the gettering a n d " d e - g e t t e r i n g " processes p r o b a b l y by d e c o m p o s i n g a n d r e c o m bining a F e - B c o m p l e x [6]. 150 N. ()he et al. 'Solar Em'r~v Materials and Solar Cells 48/1997) 145 150 4. Conclusion After B diffusion, bulk lifetimes increased about two times higher than initial value for p-type FZ Si substrate. However, thermal processes in O~ or N2 after boron diffusion affected the drastic degradation of bulk lifetimes. These results suggest that lifetime killer impurities, probably Ve, were gettered at defects in the heavily B-doped p+-layers, whereas diffused out into bulk regions because of lowering surface B concentration by thermal processes. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization as a part of the New Sunshine Program under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan. References [1] J. Zhao. A. Wang. P. Altcn'natt, M,A. Green, Appl. Phss, I,ell. 66 (26)11995) 3636. [2] J. Knobloch, A. Noel. E Schfifl'er, {J. Schbert, FJ. Kamerewcrd, S. Klul3mann, W. Wettling, Proc. 23rd IEEF Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., 1993 p, 271 [3] T. Uematsu, S. Muramalsu. K. Tsmsui, H. Ohtsuka, "~. Nagata, M. Sakamoto, T. Warabisako, Tech. Digest of the 9th hal. Photow~llaic Science and Engineering Conf. 1996, p. 73. [4] T.S. Horfiyi, T. F'avelka. P. T/.itt& Appl. Surf. Sci, 63 {1993) 306. [15] T.Y. Tan, U. Ggselc, Appl. Phys. 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