FAC3702/201/2/2014 Tutorial letter 201/2/2014 Distinctive Financial Reporting FAC3702 Semester 2 Department of Financial Accounting This tutorial letter contains the suggested solution to compulsory Assignment 01 as well as the suggested examination approach. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please activate your myUnisa and myLife email addresses and ensure you have regular access to the myUnisa module site for FAC3702 as well as to your group site. Note: This is an online module, and therefore your module is available on myUnisa. However, in order to support you in your learning process, you will also receive some study material in printed format. CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS ..................................................................................... 3 3 SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 .............................................. 4 4 SUGGESTED EXAMINATION APPROACH ................................................................................ 7 2 FAC3702/201 1 INTRODUCTION Dear Student We attach the suggested solution to Assignment 01 and the suggested examination approach. You will notice some calculations are in brackets opposite certain items in our suggested solutions dealing with company financial statements. These calculations are given for tuition purposes only and consequently do not form part of the statutory disclosure requirements. 2 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS Please use only the following e-mail address for all communication with your lecturers: FAC3702-14-S2@unisa.ac.za Please use only the following telephone number for all communication with your lecturers: 012 429 4268 Lecturer Mrs M Evans Mr M Mokgobinyane Mrs M Els Mrs F Jaffer Mrs B Nel Office Room 02-55, AJH van der Walt Building Room 02-57, AJH van der Walt Building Room 02-58, AJH van der Walt Building Room 02-43, AJH van der Walt Building Room 02-43, AJH van der Walt Building 3 3 SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 3.1 FUN & GAMES LTD NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 1. Profit before tax Income Fair value adjustment (calc 3.1 & 4.1) Rental income (15 000 x 5) Profit on exchange of asset (calc 5.2) R 1 605 000 75 000 25 000 Expenses Depreciation (calc 2.4 & calc 5.1) Direct operating expenses with regards to investment property that is earning rental income (5 500 x 5) 90 741 27 500 2. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount at beginning of the year Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions (calc 6) Derecognition (calc 5) Depreciation (calc 2.4 & 5.1) Revaluation surplus (calc 1.1 & 2.3) Carrying amount at the end of the year Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation Land R 750 000 750 000 150 000 900 000 900 000 - Buildings R 795 333 845 000 (49 667) (40 741) 445 408 1 200 000 1 240 741 (40 741) Motor vehicle R 200 000 250 000 (50 000) 175 000 (150 000) (50 000) 175 000 175 000 - Total R 1 745 333 1 845 000 (99 667) 175 000 (150 000) (90 741) 595 408 2 275 000 2 315 741 (40 741) An independent sworn appraiser revalued the land and buildings on 30 June 2013. The carrying amount of the land and buildings if they were carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses amounted to R1 520 500 (land: R750 000; building: R770 500 (calc 2)). 3. Investment property Carrying amount at the beginning of the year Additions - acquisitions - subsequent expenditure capitalised Fair value adjustment (calc 3.1 & 4.1) Carrying amount at the end of the year Land R 1 000 000 50 000 1 050 000 Buildings R 1 195 000 750 000 1 555 000 3 500 000 An independent sworn appraiser revalued the land and buildings on 30 June 2013. 4 Total R 2 195 000 750 000 1 605 000 4 550 000 FAC3702/201 ASSIGNMENT 01 (solution continued) 3.2. Deferred tax relating to land and buildings on 30 June 2013 R Owner occupied property: Land [900 000 – 750 000 (exempt difference) x 28% x 66,6%] Building [1 200 000 – 770 500 (exempt difference) x 28%] Investment property: Land [1 050 000 – 1 000 000 (exempt difference) x 28% x 66,6%] Building [3 500 000 – 1 945 000 (exempt difference) x 28% x 66,6%] Deferred tax liability 27 972 120 260 9 324 289 976 447 532 Calculations 1. Property 1 – Illovo land Historical cost R Revaluation R Tax base R Exempt difference R 750 000 750 000 - - 750 000 150 000 - 150 000 - - 900 000 750 000 150 000 - 750 000 Carrying amount R Cost at 1 July 2010 Revaluation (calc 1.1) Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 (calc 1.2) 1.1 1.2 900 000 – 750 000 = 150 000 (900 000 – 750 000) x 66,6% x 28% = 27 972 2. Property 1 – Illovo building Carrying Histoamount rical cost R R 845 000 845 000 (49 667) (49 667) Cost at 1 July 2010 Depreciation (calc 2.1) Carrying amount at 30 June 2012 (calc 2.2) 795 333 Revaluation (calc 2.3) 445 408 Depreciation (calc 2.4 – 2.6) (40 741) Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 (calc 2.7) 1 200 000 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 795 333 - Temporary difference R Revaluation R - Tax base R - Exempt difference R 845 000 (49 667) 445 408 - 795 333 - (24 833) (15 908) - (24 833) 770 500 429 500 - 770 500 150 000 Deferred tax liability R 27 972 Temporary difference R Deferred tax liability R 429 500 120 260 (845 000 – 100 000) / 30 x 2 = 49 667 [(795 333 – 845 000 (exempt difference)) x 28%] = 13 907 (1 200 000 – 100 000) x 28 / 27 = 1 140 741 + 100 000 = 1 240 741 1 240 741– 795 333 = 445 408 (1 240 741 – 100 000) / 28 = 40 741 OR 1 240 741 – 1 200 000 = 40 741 (845 000 – 100 000) / 30 = 24 833 5 ASSIGNMENT 01 (solution continued) 2.6 2.7 40 741 – 24 833 = 15 908 OR 445 408 / 28 = 15 907, rounded to 15 908 [(1 200 000 – 770 500 (exempt difference)) x 28%] = 120 260 Alternative to calculations 2.3 and 2.4 if depreciation is calculated before revaluation: • • (1 200 000 – 100 000) / 27 = 40 741 (1 200 000 + 40 741) = 1 240 741 – 795 333 = 445 408 3. Property 2 – Cape Town land Cost at 1 November 2012 Fair value adjustment (calc 3.1) Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 (calc 3.2) Carrying amount R 1 000 000 50 000 Tax base R - Exempt difference R 1 000 000 - 1 050 000 - 1 000 000 9 324 Exempt Tempodifferary difference rence R R 1 195 000 750 000 1 945 000 - Deferred tax liability R 1 050 000 – 1 000 000 = 50 000 [(1 050 000 – 1 000 000 (exempt difference)) x 66,6% x 28%] = 9 324 4. Property 2 – Cape Town building Cost at 1 November 2012 Additions Carrying amount at 31 March 2013 Fair value adjustment (calc 4.1) Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 (calc 4.2) Tax base R - 3 500 000 - 1 945 000 4.1 4.2 3 500 000 – 1 945 000 = 1 555 000 [(3 500 000 – 1 945 000 (exempt difference)) x 66,6% x 28%] = 289 976 5. Motor vehicle Cost at 1 July 2011 Depreciation (calc 5.1) Carrying amount at 30 June 2012 Depreciation (calc 5.1) Derecognition - exchange transaction Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 5.1 5.2 250 000 / 5 = 50 000 Profit on exchange of asset: 175 000 – 150 000 = 25 000 6. Delivery vehicle Cost at 30 June 2013 Carrying amount at 30 June 2013 6 Deferred tax liability R 50 000 3.1 3.2 Carrying amount R 1 195 000 750 000 1 945 000 1 555 000 Temporary difference R 1 555 000 289 976 R 250 000 (50 000) 200 000 (50 000) (150 000) - R 175 000 175 000 FAC3702/201 4 SUGGESTED EXAMINATION APPROACH Please pay attention to the following matters regarding the October/November 2014 examination paper: 1. Relative importance of certain topics in the study material No topics in the study material are more important than others, and we will not enter into any discussions in this regard. You will be examined on ALL the study material as per the indicated sections in the prescribed book and on ALL the tutorial letters. It is not sufficient to only work through your assignments, because all the principles are not tested in the assignmen. Please note: Your lecturers cannot help you with missing study material. Please send an sms to 43579 or an e-mail to despatch@unisa.ac.za with the description "Study material". 2. Correct paper: FAC3702 It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive the correct paper in the examination. If you are handed the wrong paper, you must immediately request the invigilator to hand you the correct paper. 3. Examination preparation 3.1 Study the applicable theory. 3.2 Answer as many questions as possible without looking at the solutions and thereafter mark them yourself in order to see where you have gone wrong. This will give you an indication of the work you possibly don't know well enough. 3.3 Throughout your studies, ask yourself why an item is treated and disclosed in a certain way. Search for the answers to these questions in the summary of the applicable accounting standard in the applicable learning unit. 3.4 Study all the disclosure requirements and make sure that you know how to disclose all your answers in the correct format. 4. Examination technique The following general techniques will be of help in the examination: 4.1 Start each question on a separate page. The examination instructions are very specific in this regard, and you should adhere to them. 4.2 Do not write inside the margin area of the page. Do not make tick marks in your answer. 4.3 Write legibly as it makes marking easier and ensures that you do not lose marks unnecessarily. 4.4 Do not deviate from the suggested times indicated in questions. If you are unable to complete a question within the suggested time, stop and start with the next question. It is likely that you will earn more marks by starting on the next question than continuing with the question for which the time has expired. 7 SUGGESTED EXAMINATION APPROACH (continued) 4.5 Answer what the question requires from you. First read through the REQUIRED section of each question before you read through the contents of the question. Make sure that you answer what is required and not what you think is required. Take note of the action words: describe, calculate, analyse, explain, disclose. Structuring your answer into subsections with appropriate headings will prevent you from making this kind of error. 4.6 Clearly identify subsections of answers. Structure the layout of your answer to group all subsections of one question together. Avoid including a subsection of a question at the end of your examination script. If you have no choice, refer to the subsection in the main body of your answer. 4.7 Please take note of the following suggestions when answering the “required” section: a. Discussion questions • • • • • • • Please note that planning and layout is important Apply the applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Prepare a well-formulated answer Avoid repeating facts or using contradicting statements Make a firm argument Remember to make a conclusion in the end Don’t use SMS style writing b. Disclosure/Presentation • • • Identify the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) being tested Disclose information identified according to the applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Show comparative figures c. Journals • • • • • • Indicate debits and credits clearly Always classify your journals (SFP, P/L, OCI) Use clear account descriptions (no abbreviations!) Show short calculations in the journals Show long calculations separately and remember to cross-reference your calculations Date your journals 4.8 Show all calculations. Bear in mind that sufficient calculations must be included in the presentation of your answer to enable us to follow your logic and award marks accordingly. If you made a calculation error and have not shown your calculations, we have nothing to work on to award marks for the principles you have applied. It will therefore be worthwhile to spend a few minutes writing out your calculations. Include the calculations in your answer and not at the back of your examination script or with other unrelated questions. The calculations must be cross referenced in your answer. 4.9 Write all answers in blue or black ink. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ANSWER IN PENCIL, RED INK OR GREEN INK. 8 FAC3702/201 SUGGESTED EXAMINATION APPROACH (continued) Further information regarding examination preparation and approach Based on a review of the May/June 2014 examination answer scripts, we would like to stress the following important issues with regard to this module: 1. Property, plant and equipment; investment property; intangible assets and impairment of assets A table indicating the historic cost and revaluation/impairment amounts is often used as basis for the calculation of deferred tax and the carrying amounts as reflected in the financial statements. This table is purely one of a number of calculation tools and displays no inherent knowledge on the part of a student of the principles of revaluations, deferred tax or impairment. Accordingly, in an examination proportionately few marks are allocated to the calculation in a table. A greater proportion of marks are allocated to the correct disclosure (especially to the notes to the financial statements) as required in the question. Often the amounts required for disclosure purposes can be calculated without the use of a table. In this case, the use of a table will lead to a waste of precious time. Students should rather do a short calculation in appropriate circumstances. Remember to refer to the calculation if the calculation is not done in brackets on the disclosure itself. Disclosure requirements as per the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a critical part of each of the abovementioned topics. Marks are awarded for the correct layout, information and use of calculated figures in the required accounting disclosures. Only a layout in combination with the correct information and calculations will earn marks. 2. Tax rate A tax rate of 28% and a capital gains tax inclusion rate of 66,6% will be used in the October/November 2014 examination. 3. General Read the REQUIRED sections of the questions carefully and provide ALL calculations and disclosures as required. 5. Format of the examination paper The examination paper for October/November 2014 consists of TWO questions and the duration of the paper is TWO hours. 6. Supplementary examinations Please take note of the following important information regarding supplementary examinations and remarking: • Supplementary examinations will be conducted in May/June 2015 for students who failed the October/November 2014 examination paper. • To qualify for a supplementary examination, you must obtain a final mark of between 40% and 49% for the module. The final mark consists of 10% of the year mark (obtained from the compulsory assignments) plus 90% of the examination mark. 9 SUGGESTED EXAMINATION APPROACH (continued) • Only students who obtain a final mark of between 35% and 49% or between 68% and 74% in a module may apply for the remarking of an examination answer book. • Students will not be entitled to a supplementary examination (if applicable) on the grounds of a remark result. For more information, refer to the general rules for study and examinations in part 1 of the Unisa Calendar. 7. Perseverance We would like to encourage you to attempt your studies with enthusiasm. Keep in mind that success can only be achieved by effort and perseverance. Every year, we find that many students do not turn up at the examination centre. You must never inflict this disservice on yourself. Remember that if you write, you have a chance; if you don't, you have no chance at all. We wish you a pleasant study period. Kind regards Accounting III (FAC3702) LECTURERS © UNISA 2014 FAC3702_2014_TL_201_2_E.doc 10