Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain ' ) l\ 11 i 11 g CS ♦ ♦ ♦ Dura n1atcr Faix ccrcbri Tcntoriu111 ccrcl1clli \ lcn<.lUS sinuses Arach11<.)id 111atcr sub(lural s11acc a potential space bt\V dura and arachntlid subarachnoid space i11tcrval bt,,· aracl111oid and pia . Pia n1atcr Normal Imaging Anatom}' of Brain 'JC 11 i 11 g cs Normal Imaging Anatom)' of Brain \le11i11«•e, ~ I . ti\ . 111d I st)- I l -111 iId I)' 11t11rit1111 h)'pcrdcnsc Cl1n1parcd \,·ith ct1rtcx 11 )'pc rcl c nsc ,, ·hc n ca Ic i tic cl Markcdlv. enhanced after il)dine Clllltrast 11 ypt)intcnsc in T 1 \ \ ,' I and T ~\\'I I ltln1oucncitv. in signal intcnsitv '- '- ~ •' rvtarkcdlv. enhanced a ttcr Ciadlll ini un1 l)ll c·T Normal Imaging Anatom~' of Brain The laver tlf l!ra\' n1atter Ct)\·ers entire surt~ice tlf cerel1ral hen1 . ., ~ ., Its deep layer is \\·hite n1atter and nucleus Ciray n1atter is slight)~· hyperattenuating than \\·hite n1atter \\·· hite n1atter slightly hyperintense than gray n1atter t)ll T 1 \\"I Ci ray 111 at ter h y 11 er in tense t ha n \\·h ite 111 a t ter tll 1 ,r ,\ , .I Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain ( ·t,rl·l)r~,I I I L 111i~1llll'rl\ 1 . ,- J I' 'T .,'\ \' I I Norn1al Imaging Anatom)' of Brain • r '· • - . ~-:J. • t. I L r 't ',~ • ' - • . ' SI ·. C I I< >'.\ .- \ I CI· :\ I Rl .\ 1 SI· \ 11< >\ ..- \I. 1-. I· r\lntal l'-'h'-· l ·"·ntrurn "'-·11110, ..,k Panl'lal loh"· l.lln~1tuJ1n . tl ti,,tirl· Sup"·rll1r ,a~1ttal ,111t1' Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain l·~.1":'.] ( r,\ll~ 1 !1,1 ("lusters of neurons . located deep in the brain C"audate nucleus . putan1cn . globus pallidus. substantia nigra C"T and MR finding ~ Basal ganglia and Thalan1us gray n1attcr dcnsity , intcnsit)' Intcrnal and External capsule \\'hite 111atter density.· intensity Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain • ,•-· - . -· .•. . . I -• . -- . ··--,.~. '. .., . - ~ ..J. - .- .• :,it • - - White 1natter .. . - ,n,ltter· White matter fll,tltt~f Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain CN l-1 SECTION AT BASAL GANGLION I Normal Imaging Anatom~, of Brain Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain CN H SECTION AT BASAL GANGL ION I • . • . I . • . , ' . . . I . . . . I I . .. I I , .. • . . . . . . . . I .I . . I . . . . . . I - • . -·· . I I • . - .. I . I . . • . --- . I I • .. - .• I . I . I. I • .- . l.. - . Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain SI-.CIH>~ :\T B:\S:\l. (i:\'.\(il.H>'.\ l ·~n,Jak ~ud~us 11~•.1J Put.un~·n I halarnu~ lnkntJI <. ·apsuk l·. \kntal <. ·ar~uk l·al, <. ·~·r~·hn No,rmal Imaging Anatomy of Brain I -; I , l I i 1 ~ : \_\ I 11 f\1id-brain, pons and n1cdulla oblongata c·T appearance ~ Brain stcn1 nuclei n<Jt identifiable Surrt)undc{I by tluid-dcnsity cistern MR finding '-' Brain stcn1 nuclei Mildly hypointcnsc <.)11 T 1WI, hypcrintcnsc (.lll T~WI White n1attcr fiber --- a~~lightly high intensity signal '-' '-' '-' M iId Iy hy pc r int c nsc tl n T 1\ \1 I.. h)'point c nsc <J n T ~\\/I Norn1al Imaging Anatom)' of Brain ,sc·v SECTION AT OPTICAL CHIASM (ivrus Rc(tus Syh 1an Fissure ll1ppo(an1pus ~hd- Normal Imaging Anatorn)rof Brain ( ·I ·: " · . '- ...... '- • 1· · I I C'T ar>pcarancc Cirav. and \\·hitc n1attcr can be distint!uishc<.l ~ C~crcbcllar tt)nsils and , ·crn1is slightly denser than t)thcr parts ~R finding ~ Signals llf Cllrtcx . n1c<lulla and nuclei sin1ilar to thtlsc t)f brain '-- Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain \ n I / ' SECTION AT FOURTH VENTRICLE f \. ··-••··' I .I.. f • ·- .L .II..- 11 ..... -- ' · · - . r, .... ·r• ·••·- ·-··' I .L. ·r·_........... 1 , . . _. . 1 · ... .-.l. \ ' · · · • - · . I . Normal Imaging Anatom)' of Brain Cerebrwn - Hrai11 in Situ Vtntrir.lrs of Brain Sagittnl Section • ,.\1cdinl View Leil Lateral P hanlo1n Viel\' SEC'TIC)N AT i\11D-SA(ilTT1\L PL1\NE c·orpus callosurn Thalan1us Aqueduct of Sylvius Fourth \ 1cn . i\1id-brain Pons ( 'crcbcllun1 rvicdulla oblongata SEC'TION 1-\ T LATERAL & TI-IIRD \ ' EN . , .. ,fi 1 1 i - . I ~ " ' ' II ~ I I ' . - II> • t _;. ' j _, ( , . ... f: ,' . ~- ,: • • ' I ; • Lateral \ ' en . Third \ ' en . C., orpus C'allosun1 lnsula Tcn1poral Lobe Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain ( ~ l\ r l\ ll 1· ,t I \·,ts c tt I ,t t ti r l\ ■ Internal Carotid Artery anterior cerebral artery and n1iddle cerebral artery ■ Basilar Artery posterior cerebral artery ■ C"on1n1unicating Artery anterior and posterior con1n1unicating arteries ~ ■ C"crebral Vcin superior sagittaL transverse._ straight~ sign1oid sinuses inferior sagittal sinus, Vcin of Galen Normal Imaging Anatom)' of Brain ost .. tof commur►. 1cndno nr1efY Posterior cer ~brel art ery-Mii.a~~~ Basilar artery A01euor inferior c•r.t>etlnr en-,y Post•nor 1ntenor cerebelar artery Normal Imaging Anatomy of Brain MCA : PCA I lntcn1al Carotid Artery Anterior CA ~1iddlc CA Posterior CA Basilar A. Antcrior&Postcrior Con1 . A Normal In1aging Anatomy of Brain Superior _ _ _ Sagittal Sinus Straight Sinus In fcrior Sagittal Sinus Confluence of sinuses ' ' I .• . ' I ~ . .~. Sign1oid Sinus 11 i ' Transverse Sinusc Basic Features of Brain Lesions Hydrocephalus The ter111 h)1drocephalus is derived fron1 the Greek \Vore.ts "hydro" n1eaning \Vater and "ccphalus" n1caning head As the nan1e in11Jlies" it is a condition in ,vl1ich the 1Jri111ary characteristic is excessive accun1ulation l)f tl u id in the brain The excessive accun1ulation of C~SF results in an abnor111al ,vidcning of spaces in the brain called ventricles This \videning creates p~)tentially har111f'ul pressure tissues of the brain l)ll the Norn1al CSF no,,, passage Lateral \ I - (Fora1r1ina of Mo11ro) - Third \ 1 (1\queduct of Syl,1 it1s) Fourtl1 V - (Median ape1tt1re & Luscl1ka Fora111i11a) - Subaracl111oid SJJace - (Arach11oid Granulations) - S11perior SS Normal Hydrocephalic fi'A nAM. Basic Features of Brain Lesions Hydrocephalus < l.t,,ilir ~1tiu11 ~on-con1n1unicating Communicating Flgu~e 19. Hydrocephalus In hydrooephalus, the basilar cisterns (A, a,ro,v) aie effaced, as are the sulcl fCJ. The lateral and thftid ventricle are enlarged {a). @1 2007 Joshua BrurJer: Basic Features of Brain Lesions Hydrocephalus '\ o 11 - r o 111 111 u 11 i r ~ 1t i 11 ~ 11 ~ d r or l ' p h ~ ti 11 ~ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Obstructive hydrocephalus C'SF-tl<.)\V obstruction ulti111atcly 11rcvcnting ( "SF fron1 tlo\ving int(.l sulJarachn<.)id space Secondary to congenital.. infectious <.)r tun1or (iiscases Dilation of Ventricles above obstruction \ ! entric les nor111al bcltl\V obstruct ion ~ , r 'i t. r I lf ~ . I •• t' '~ \~ I ' f r ~\ ' I t t ' I I~ J - •v I I ', ' I~ I I JJ \ i' Non-Comm unicating Hydrocepha lus: Axial CT scans. Note the massive enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles. Th is patte rn is one of noncommunicating (obstructive) hydrocephalus, which occurs from impaired drainage through the cerebral aqueduct which connects the third and fourth ventricles .. In this case, the cause of the hydrocephalus was likely the intraventricular hemorrhage associated with premature birth, with subsequent scarring and gliosis of the cerebral aqueduct. Basic Features of Brain Lesions ( · o 1111111111 i r ~ 1t i 11 ~ 11 ~ d r or l ' p ha I11, In111airell c·sl·' re-ahstlrJ1tillll in the ahsence llf an~· c·sl·'-tlll\\' llhst ru ct ill ll l1 t,,. \·en tr ic Ies Secllllllar~· lll sul1arachlllli<.I intlan1111atillll . cranillcerel1ral injur~·. int rac ran ia I he111tlrrha ~e anll l1ra in tu llltll·s '--- \' cntricles and cisterns ul1itJt1illlt1sl~· enlargctl Communicating Hydrocephalus • Enlargement of lateral, 3 rd , and 4 th ventricles - Note sulcal effacement, temp horns, rounded 3 rd , and enlarged 4 th :' . ' C e -~ f ) )L ~) ) I Aqueduct stenosis - obstructive hydrocephalu • I ' I _. 1· ' • The ventricles are prominent, with a , generalized absence of sulci. There is abnormal high signal intensity on the FLAIR scans in the immediate periventricular region, consistent with interstitial edema due to increased ventricular pressure. On the postcontrast scans there is diffuse mild enhancement of the leptomeninges, consistent with meningitis . Basic Features of Brain Lesions l)r:1i11 \tr(t(>li~ ■ ■ ■ ■ Reduction in brain tissue \'olun1c Sccllndary ttl cx11ansitln (Jf the cranial ('SF \'(Jlun1c C\1usc(.I llv. N<.lrn1al A !!ing and diseases Di ffusc,l brain atrtlphy and ltlcalizc(.t l1rain atrtlphy ~ ~ • Different grading systems of cerebral atrophy (seen as decreased size of gyri and secondary increased size of sulci ): - Medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) - Posterior atrophy (PA) - Frontal cortical atrophy (fGCA) • Brain atrophy in a child with B 12 deficiency and its reversal by B 12 treatment. A 6-month-old girl of vegetarian parents had serum B 12 of 92 pmol/L and serious neurological impairment. MRI of the brain showed marked atrophy, especially in the fron:tal and temporal lobes (A). After 5 months of daily treatment with B 12, there was regressi,o n of atrophy and neurological signs were normal (B). Basic Features of Brain Lesions ( ·~1lrifirat i,,11 ♦ Ph -vs ill lllgic a I C,a lei tic at illll '-' Pineal calcification Agc-rclatc<l l1asal ga11glia calciticati(.ltl '-' ~ ♦ ~ Pathol<.lgical calcification C,a lei f:ica t ion tlf craniopharyngitl111a C,a Ic ifi cal ion <.l 1· g Iitl111as '-- '-' 1 C alciticati(Jll tlf 111cnincitl111a ~ Pineal calcification m cuJ-x "'' .\J - ,., rosort f\l•1,-erR>11,t Basal ganglia calcification . r ' .- _, •• . , MP ( Basic Features of Brain Lesions , Structure departed ti·(Jlll ntlrn1al ptlsititlll due ttl intracranial lesion , C'tllllllltlnlv. ftlund in tun1ors . hen1attln1a . int~1rctitlll . abscess . etc Basic Features of Brain Lesions , Displacctl t)r Ct)n1prcssc(I ,·cntric le , Narrtl\\·ing llr tlcclusillll tlf ipsilateral ccrcl1ral sulcus and cistern , Shilt ,Jr n1idline structures :J :.J Deftlrn1atitlll and shift tlf ftlurth \·cntricle anti hrainstcn1 Vent r icu Ia r tli Iat at it) n cause <l by ( ·SF r> at h\,·a y obstruct ill ll NEURO-ONCOLOGY Primary tumor brain spinal Secondary tumor brain spinal Paraneoplastic syndrome Imaging for Brain Tumors Skull X-rays: Rarely necessary. Useful in demonstrating calcification, erosion, or hyperostosis CT: Most widely used for diagnosis of brain tumors Will detect >90% of tumors, but might miss: More sensitive than MRI for detecting acute hemorrhage, calcification, and bony involvement MRI: tumors Small Tumors (<0.5 cm) Tumors Adjacent to bone (pituitary adenomas, clival tumors, and vestibular schwannomas) Brain Stem Tumors Low Grade Astrocytomas Nowadays the “golden standard” for diagnosis and follow-up of most brain More sensitive than CT scans Can detect small tumors Provides much greater anatomic detail Especially useful for visualizing skull base, brain stem, & posterior fossa tumors MRI brain T1 vs T2 Epidemiology Infratentorial vs Supratentorial Tumors infratentorial MENINGIOMA1,2,3 Epi: Facts: Arise from arachnoidal cap cell type from the arachnoid membrane Usually non-invasive Associated with NF-2 Location: 2nd most common primary brain tumor after gliomas, incidence of ~ 6/100,000 Usual age 40-70 F>M Parasagittal region Sphenoid wing Parasellar region Presentation: Asymptomatic Symptomatic: focal or generalized seizure or gradually worsening neurologic deficit On Imaging CT: MENINGIOMA isodense or hypodense, homogenous extra-axial mass with smooth or lobulated, clearly demarcated contours which enhance homogenously and densely with contrast Frequently have areas of calcification and produce hyperostosis of adjacent bone. – MRI • Isointense with gray matter on T1 images • Enhance with contrast – often with enhancing dural trail extending from the tumor attachment GLIOMAS Arise from Glial Cells Astrocytomas Astocytomas fall on a gradient that ranges from benign to malignant Benign Low Grade Pilocytic Astocytomas Malignant Diffuse Low Grade Astrocytomas Oligodendrogliomas Glioblastoma multiforme Diffuse Low Grade Astrocytoma Epi: Facts: Frontal Region Subcortical white matter Cyst Presentation: Widely Infiltrate surrounding tissue Location: 15% of Astrocytomas Young Adults Seizures Headache Slowly progressive neurologic deficits On Imaging: T1 weighted T2 weighted CT: Well circumscribed, non enhancing, hypodense or isodense lesion MRI: MRI more sensitive than CT – useful for identification and establishing extent T1 image shows abnormal areas of decreased signal T2 image shows abnormal areas of increased signal Usually no enhancement High Grade glioma: Glioblastoma Epi: Facts: May arise de novo or evolve from a low-grade glioma Tumor infiltrates along white matter tract and can cross corpus callosum Poor Prognosis Can look like a butterfly lesion Location: The 2-nd place of primary brain tumor in adults Age of presentation: 40-60, M>F Frontal & Temporal Lobes Basal Ganglia Presentation: Seizures, Headache Slowly progressive neurologic deficits High Grade glioma: Glioblastoma On Imaging: Variable CT: Hypodense or Isodense Central hypodense area of necrosis surrounded by thick enhancing rim Surrounding edema MRI: T1 image shows low signal intensity T2 image shows high signal intensity High Grade glioma: Glioblastoma Treatment: steroids surgical removal radiotherapy chemotherapy (temozolomide) anticonvulsive drugs Survival OLIGODENDROGLIOMA Epi: 5-10% of primary brain tumors Mean age of onset 40 years Facts: Distinguished pathologically from astrocytomas by the characteristic “fried egg” appearance. Arises from Myelin Location: Superficially in Frontal Lobes Presentation: Seizures most common Headache Slowly progressive neurologic deficits OLIGODENDROGLIOMA On Imaging: CT: Well circumscribed, hypodense lesions with heavy calcification Cystic degeneration is common but hemorrhage & edema are uncommon MRI: Hypointense or isointense on T1-weighted images Hyperintense on T2-weighted images with variable enhancement OLIGODENDROGLIOMA Treatment: Surgical excision radiation therapy anticonvulsive drugs The median survival over 7 years . INFRATENTORIAL TUMORS Choroid plexus papillomas Cerebellar astrocytomas Medulloblastomas Hemangioblastomas Ependymomas Brainstem gliomas Schwannomas Pituitary adenomas Craniopharyngiomas CEREBELLAR ASTROCYTOMA Epi: Most often occurs in childhood Facts: Most potentially curable of the astrocytomas Location: Posterior Fossa Presentation: Cyst Headaches Nausea/Vomiting Gait Unsteadiness Posterior head tilt with caudal tonsillar herniation On Imaging: CT or MRI: Tumor arising from vermis or cerebellar hemispheres Large cyst with single enhancing mural nodule MEDULLOBLASTOMAS Epi Facts Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) Soft, friable tumors, often necrotic Can metastasize via CSF tracts Highly radiosensitive Location Represent 7% of primary brain tumors 2nd most common posterior fossa tumor in children 70% of patients are diagnosed prior to age 20 with peak incidence between 5-9 years of age; About 75% arise within the cerebellar vermis Presentation Most frequently present with signs of intracranial pressure Cranial nerve deficits may also occur MEDULLOBLASTOMAS Imaging MRI reveals a contrastenhancing midline or paramedian tumor which often compresses the 4th ventricle; Gadolinium enhancement will most likely be heterogeneous and may show evidence of necrosis, hemorrhage, or cystic change; EPENDYMOMAS Epi Facts Derived from primitive glia Overall survival at 10 years is 45-55% Presentation Accounts for 10% of CNS lesions; Male=Female Median age at diagnosis is 5 years old Most patients present with symptoms of increased intracranial pressure Location Typically arise within or adjacent to the ependymal lining of the ventricular system. In children, 90% are intracranial with 60% arising in posterior fossa (4th ventricle is the most common infratentorial site) Most common spinal cord glioma (in adults, 75% arise within spinal cord);; EPENDYMOMA Imaging Usually well demarcated with frequent areas of calcification, hemorrhage, and cysts; CT: Appear hyperdense with homogeneous enhancement MRI: ependymomas have a hypointense appearance on T1 and are hyperintense on T2; SCHWANNOMAS Epi Facts Unilateral in 90% of cases (R=L); Bilateral acoustic neuromas are diagnostic of NF-2; Presentation Female>male Median age at diagnosis is 50 Account for 80-90% of cerebellopontine angle tumors Comprise 8% of intracranial tumors in adults; rare in children (except with NF-2) Patients may present with asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus Fluctuating unsteadiness while walking, vertigo (although only 1% of patients with vertigo had schwannomas); If CN V nerve is affected, facial numbness, pain, and hyperesthesia may be present; If CN VII is affected, facial paresis may be present. Tumor progression may lead to compression of brainstem or cerebellum leading to ataxia, tonsil herniation, and hydrocephalus Location Arise from vestibular division of CN VIII; majority benign SCHWANNOMAS Imaging MRI: with gadolinium is more sensitive in detection of Schwannomas (when compared to CT); it can detect tumors as small as 1-2 mm; seen as enhancing lesion in the region of CPA; Fine-cut CT through internal auditory canal can detect large or medium tumors. Sella/suprasellar In this region it is important to keep the possibility of an aneurysm in the differential diagnosis PITUITARY ADENOMAS Epi Facts Most common tumors of pituitary gland Represent 8% of primary brain tumors Out of pituitary adenomas, prolactinomas are the most common; Presentation May cause hypopituitarism and visual field defects; Patients should have endocrine, radiographic, and ophthalmologic assessments. PITUITARY ADENOMAS Imaging: Plain x-ray may show an enlarged sella turcica; CT scan will detect only large adenomas; it will show a large hyper- or isodense lesion; MRI is the imaging of choice; Microadenomas (lesions <1 cm) will be seen as a low intensity lesions on T1; Gadolinium will enhance the normal gland that is adjacent to adenoma Macroadenomas will appear as isointense on T1 and will enhance uniformly with gadolinium BRAINSTEM GLIOMAS Epi Male=Female Account for 10-20% on all CNS tumors More common in children (account for 20% of all intracranial neoplasms under the age 15); In children, median age at diagnosis is 5-9 years of age. Facts NF-1 is the only known risk factor Mostly benign (but range from benign to very aggressive); Long term survival for low-grade gliomas is near 100%. Location In peds, 80% arise in pons, with 20% arise in medula, midbrain, and cervicomedulary junction; Presentation Most patients with low-grade brainstem gliomas have a long history of minor signs and symptoms; May present with neck pain or torticollis; Medulary tumors may present with cranial nerve palsies, dysphagia, nasal speech and apnea, n/v, ataxia,or weakness; May cause “locked-in” syndrome BRAINSTEM GLIOMAS • Imaging – MRI is the method of choice to image those tumors (brainstem glioma appears isodense on CR and can be missed); – Appear isointense or hypointense on T1 images, hyperintense on T2, and inhance uniformly and brightly with IV contrast; 4th ventricle In adults tumors in the 4th ventricle are uncommon. Metastases, followed by hemangioblastomas, choroid plexus papillomas and dermoid and epidermoid cysts. Metastatic tumors Parenchymal meta – most common masses in the in supratentorial and infratentorial spaces (more supra) 50% solitary, 50% multiple, 20% 2 lesions Origin – lung, (50%), breast (15%) melanoma(11%), kidney, GIT Cystic meta- ovary, breast, GIT Hemorrhagic meta Breast Choriocarcinoma lung Melanoma RCC Thyroid retinoblastoma Secondary tumors-MTS Lung cancer (NSCCa) Breast cancer Melanoma Kidney Thyroid Carcinomatous Meningitis (Meningeal Carcinomatosis) Dissemination of tumor cells throughout the meninges and ventricles. 5 percent of cases of adenocarcinoma of breast, lung, and gastrointestinal tract; melanoma; childhood leukemia; and systemic lymphoma. Manifestations: Polyradiculopathies (particularly of the cauda equina), multiple cranial nerve palsies, and a confusional state. Treatment Radiation therapy to the symptomatic areas (cranium, posterior fossa, or spine), Intraventricular/intratecal methotrexate Multiple brain tumors can be seen in phacomatoses: Neurofibromatosis II: meningiomas, ependymomas, optic nerve gliomas, choroid plexus papillomas Tuberous Sclerosis: subependymal tubers, intraventricular giant cell astrocytomas, ependymomas von Hippel Lindau: hemangioblastomas