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Metal Dielectric Nanocomposites: Ion Implantation & Optics

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Fabrication of Metal Dielectric Nanocomposites by Ion Implantation
and Characterization by Nonlinear Optics Techniques
Chapter · September 2018
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102378-5.00008-8
1 author:
Andrey L. Stepanov
Russian Academy of Sciences
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Fabrication of Metal Dielectric
Nanocomposites by Ion Implantation
and Characterization by Nonlinear
Optics Techniques
Andrey L. Stepanov*,†,‡
*Ka zan P hysical-Technical Institute, Ru ssian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russi an Federation
Ka zan Fede ral Uni versi ty, Kazan, Ru ssian Federatio n ‡ K aza n Nati ona l R ese arc h
Te chnol ogica l Uni ve rsity, K aza n, R ussi an Fe de rati on
8.1 Introduction
The field of nanotechnology deals with research and technology development in the
length scale range of approximately 1–100 nm designing and using systems and devices
characterized by novel properties rising from their size. One of the most valuable and
unique characteristics of nanotechnology is its intrinsic interdisciplinary: physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, medicine, and engineering are all involved and substantially contribute in the development of the field. As advanced technologies are expanding,
the need for novel functional materials significantly increases. Materials based on nanosized metals are surely representing an adequate solution to many present and future
technological demands [1–6].
Of specific interest of this review is related to the recent advantages in optical science
and technology such as development of nonlinear optical random metal-dielectric composites based on metal nanoparticles (MNPS) synthesized by ion implantation. Substantial practical attention has been devoted to designing techniques for controlling the MNP
size. This is caused by the fact that optical properties of MNPs, which are required for various applications, take place up to a certain MNP dimension. In this content, ion implantation nanotechnology allows one to fabricate materials with almost any MNP structures,
types of metals, and their alloys [7]; this opens new avenues in engineering nanomaterials
with desired properties. Such composites possess fascinating electromagnetic properties,
which differ greatly from those of ordinary bulk materials, and they are likely to become
ever more important with a miniaturization of electronic and optoelectronic components.
Nonlinear optics plays a key role in the implementation and development of many
photonics techniques for the optical signal processing of information at enhanced speed.
Metal Nanostructures for Photonics. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102378-5.00008-8
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