CONTENT &No Title Page No Introduction History ofthe compound Properties ofthe compound Uses Chemistry ofthe processl 11 Process description 15 Flow sheet ofthe process 23 Material balance 24 9 Energy balance 30 10 Design of an equipment 37 11 Materials of construction 42 12 Cost ofthe equipments 45 13 Instrumentation and process control 49 14 Health and safety factors 53 15 Bibtiography - INTRODUCTION N-Alkylated anilines These are stronger bases than aniline. N-ethylaniline is a stronger base than N-methylaniline. This cannot be explained on the basis of +1 effect of alkyl groups resulting in increased re§onance of the lone pair with the ring, since that would to make N-al lanilines weaker bases than aniline. It is considered to be due to the steric effect, which inhibits resonance of the lone pair on nitrogen and makes it more available for motonation. Ethyl group being bigger than methyl has more steric effect, so N-ethyl aniline is stronger base thaiii N-methylaniline. PK3 Values ofsome of these are given below for refer Base PhNH2 P pKa 4.58 ncel:purposes, PhNHEt PhNMe2 PhNEt2 5.11 5.06 6.56 4.85 Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds: The catalytic alkylation of aromatic 1 hydrocarbons is substitution reaction wherein one or more of the , hydrogen atoms on the ring or on a side chain is replaced by an alkyl group. Both substituted • and unsubstantiated aromatic structures may be so lated. In general, the following overall reaction occurs: A.Ailkw-t; RTH = 1 CH 1 CH R” R catalyst These reacrtions can occur through elec#iophilic (acid -catalyzed), rwcleophilic (base-catalyzed), or free radical nlechanisms. The catalyst used dictates the mechanism by which the reaction As an occurs. industrially important proc ss for the manufacture of useful raw materials for organic syntheses and intermediates, aniline methylation has been studied on a number of catalysts. The products were found to be N-rnethylaniline (NMA), N,N--diamthylaniline (NNDMA) and toluidines. Up till now, however, the reaction was 3 studied almost exclusively by analyzing the product distribution in the gas phase using gas chromatography. No direct observation of the working catalyst has so far been activated. Based on in situ continuous flow (CF) MAS NMR spectroscopy, we introduced recently a new "stopped flow"(SF) technique(2,3) which possesses a high potential for determining intermediates and calculating here mechanisms of a broad variety of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions. The main feature of this method is a consecutive in situ MAS NIVIR investigation of the working catalyst under flow conditions, stopping the react at flow and observing 3 the further transformation of adsorbed compounds temperatures. In the present work, this method is alteration tgilized for the in situ investigation of aniline methylation on acidic zOolite H-Y and new mechanism was thus proposed. Runge (1834) demonstrated its presence in coal-tar. In 1840 4 Fritzsche obtained aniline by the distillation of indigo wit concentrated alkali, found its formula to be C H2N and gave it the name aniline (Sanskrit, nila=indigo). Steam distillation to recover,aniline from the reaction mixture. In the laboratory aniline is prepared by the reduction of nitrobenzene with tin and hydrochloric acid. Actually the aniline is produced as a complex salt, phenyl ammonium chlorostannate, from which it is liberated with sodium hydroxide. , 'HISTORY OF THE COMPOUND Aniline was first produced by Unverdorben in 1982 by dry distiMation of indigo. in 1840, Fritashe obtained the same oily liquid by heating indigo with potash, and gave it the name aniline. Hofmann proved the structure in 1843, by showing that ir is obtained by reduction of introbezene. Aniline occurs in small quantities in coal tar and may also be obtained by anunonolysis of clilorobenzene, cyclobexanol, or phenol. at present it is manufactured mainly by catalytic reduction of introbezene obtained aniline by the distillation of indigo with concertrated alkali, found its formula to be I-17N,and gave it the name aniline (Sanskrit, nila = indigo). r C6- PROPERTIES OF THE COMPOUND fllysical properties: Aniline is miscible with acetone, alcohol, benzene, and ether and is ,oluble in most other organic solvents. Physical properties are given in Table 1 vapor pressures in Table 2, solubility in water is given below. 5 Temperature, C Parts aniline per 100 parts water Parts water per 100 parts aniline 25 3.5 5.0 90 6.4 9.9 Physical properties of N-Methyl Aniline Property Value boiling point,'C 196 101.3 k Pa(760 mm Hg) 184.4 4.4 k Pa(33mm Hg) 92 1.2 k Pa(9mm Hg) 71 melting point,°C -57 density, d 0.989 at 20/4°C 1.02173 at 15/15°C 1.0268 at 20/20'C 1.029 refractive index, n, ° 1.58545 (2); t.5863 vissociation at 20°C, m Pa-s(cP) 4.423-4.435 •••••• dissociation constant, pK at 20°C 4.60 at 40°C 7.6 at 60°C 8.88 •• enthalpy of (kcal/mol) dissociation, ki/mol ' 21.7(5.19) heat of combustion, kjtmol (keal / 3389.72(810.55) mol) ionization potential, eV 7.70 4ielectric constant, c at 25°C 6.987 dipole moment at.25°C (called).,am x 5.20(1.56) 10-3°(debye) 'specific heat, 20-25°C atent of vaporization, 0.518 cal/g) 476.3(113.9) Iflash point,(closed-cup),'C 78 'Purity 99% I Formula weight 107.16 “Chemical Properties Aromatic amines are usually weaker bases than aliphatic amines but resemble them in many reaction. Heterocyclic compounds are formed by simultaneous substitutions at the ,amino group and on the arene ring, a characteristic difference between aromatic and aliphatiO primary amines is the behaviour towards nitrous acid. Primary aromatic amines give diazo compounds which are important intermediates(see Azol dyes). Addition compounds and complexes are forrbed between aromatic primary amines and many inorganic substances, such z,ts zinc chloride, copper chloride, uranimum tetrachloride, or boron trifluoride. Metals react with the amino group to give metal anilides which are useful intOnediates. curreptly About 300 chemical products and intermediates are buy a dingle process; many manufactured from aniline. Some are produced require others, especially dyes/and pharamaceuticals, several steps. agricultural, and The major uses of =line are in the polymer, rubber, has decreased markedly in the i dye in dustries. Demand in the dye industry increased use of "United states in the 1970 because of the sunthetic fabrics and lists 174 dyes made from stricter controls by FDA. The colour index *48) aniline and over 700 dyes prepared .from aniline /• are now produced in commercially significant derivatives, very few of these quantities. aniline is About 45% of the total united styates production of by the rubber industry in the manufacture of antioxidants, vulcanization accelerators, mercaptobenzothiazoles, such as diphenylfuandinF, untilized antidegradants, and thiazoles, in particular difthenylthiourea, and condensation products of aniline with various aldehyde. as antiknock Important agricultural uses for aniline derivaties include compounds find use as compounds in leaded gasolines. Mercaptobezothiazold, additives to corrosion inhibitors). Aniline salts are used as moror fuel prevent carburetor icing and as rust inhibitors. manufacture In the pharamaceutical industry, aniline is needed in the 'controversial sunthetic of sulfadrugs, aceranilide (antifebrin) and the eetening agents derved from 2-nitroatiiline in selib,, ral steps with Nt) cal compounding as pharmaceut in ysed widely also chloride tylsulfanily1 e antipyretic and analgesis(see Analgesics). stimated united states uses of aniline (1975) Production,% Use rethane polymers 1 fubber chemicals gricultural products 10 iscellaneous Since the iron-muriatic acid process was specified for the production of the aniline, the choice between processes was limited to the method of treatment oif the aniline water, and the optimum temper&tures and pressures of operation. The treatment of the aniline water by distiOtion is recommended. This treatment may be carried our in the same still used for the final distillation. The daily cost in materials of the nitrobenzene ctraction is $1.87, and the daily cost in materials of the distillation is $0.3 , as is shown in the calculations. The labor costs of the two processes ar6 approximately equal, , 4 9 an, the investment costs, using the same still for the aniliike water treatement 1 alternative exists arilf for the final distillation, will not differ appreciably. An !giving the aniline water no treatment. This would cd8t $24 in materials ddily, but would involve no investment and no labour costs. The optimum tempprature of the steam distillation was determined by plotting a curve of the ratio of vapor pressures against temperature. This curve goes through a maximum between 90 and 100°C steam distillation at atmospheric pressure, corresponding to 99°C gives the beat separation possible arid involves no additional investment for vacuum equipment. These conditions are also best for the distillation of aniline water. The final distillation must be carried out at reduced pressures to permit hezat transfer, since the only steam available has a cond'insation temperature of 320°F and the final distillation temperature under at4losphere pressure is 365°F. inspection of Fig •8. reveals that at low temperatires the separation of water in the final distillation is nearly quantitative. The purity of the aniline from the final distrillatiOln was not specified. The freezing point is an important criterion of the purl ; therefore the mole fraction of water that would produce a freezing point 141wering of 0.1T was Calculated. The value calculated corresponds to anili e containing 0.04% water by weight. Although there are other impurities present in the still pot during the final distillation, they were neglected in the calculations of the final ( •.• 10 istillation. After an 8-h reaction period with an excess of iron, very little litrobenzene could be left [1]. The 99% of the theroretical, as obtained biT Mr. avics in his report on laboratory methods represents of the formation of -econdary reaction products of the general type N =N These azo compounds are solids withour appreciable vapor presseare at the temperature ofthe final distillation. The optimum temperature of the separation of the aniline oil and aniline water in the settling tank was chosen by inspection of the plot that decreasing the temperature below 40°C does not appreciably change the compositions of the aniline oil or the aniline water, and does produce a rapid increase in the time required for the layers to separate. Differential economic balances of the steam cost versus aniline value were used to calculate the points to which the steam distillation and the distillation of the aniline water should be carried. Doubling reducer capacity and the length of the time cycle, with the consequen increase in instrument and labor costs, would result in recovery of anilin0 worth $24.00 without uneconomical steam consumption. Such additional capacity is not recommended in view of the necessity for immediate production at low investment cost. 10Jgripligkrfloorwripviq 11 CHEMISTRY OF PROCESS sulphuric acid 1. By heating aniline and methyl alcohol together with some under pressure. H2SO4 1 C61-15-NH-CH3+ H20 C6H5-N-H + HO-CH3 A, pressure N-methylaniline and reducing the 2. By condensing aniline with formaldehyde C142-0 product with zinc and NaOH. 2H -H20 C H5-NH2 + 0—CH2 lo-C6145-NH-CH3 C6I-1 -N—CH2 inirNaOH N-methylaniline N-methylaniline is a colourless liquid, bp 194°C. it is a some what stronger base (K = 7.1 x 10.10) owing to partial aliphatic character. Its reactions are those typical of aliphatic secondary amines excepr the substitution reaction in 0-and p-positions of the benzene ring. It react with nitrous acid to form a pale-yellow nitrosoamine which gives liebermann nitroso reaction. C6H5 \\N-H + HO-NO CH3 / N-methylaniline C6H5, -NO + H20 CH3 A N- nitrosomethylaniline 7', 12 When its hydrochloride is heated the methyl group pligrates to the para position ofthe ring, forming p-toluidine hydrochloride. NH-CH3.1-10 CH3rearanges NH2E0 P-toluidine hydrochloride N-methvlaniline hydrochloride N Methylaniline is used for making certain dyes. Mechanism of meth:Oat-ion of aniline on acidic zeolite WY K3 K2 I PhNH_%r Or LOU 1 N H2CR.%t (39 MINI.CH*031 CrE (58 ppm) LOH K4 aniline (gas phase) --. 1-111"TrA C'p.;)2 (48*PO P hN • NM (gas phase) NNI*V1 A (gas pPsase) N-Alkylation: A wide variety of methods are available for *paring N- alkyl and the N,N-dialkyl derivatives of aniline. Several are used cd)mmercially (1). In trifluoride, presence of a catalyst, such as copper-alumina, nigkel, boron transition metal zeolite, or sulfruric acid (2-5) methanol gives yields of Nmethylaniline as high as 96% (6). The N,N-dimethyl compound is prepared by (7) or heating aniline with excess methanol and a catalyst such as sulfuric 13 yields Nosphoric acid at high pressure, under similar conditions, thanol ylaniline and N,N-diethylaniline (7-8). Low — pressure, vapor-phase alkylation lations with other catalysts have been studied (9). Some ring f bcurs concurrently with N-alkylation. alkylated Alkyl halides sulfates, sulfites, and phosphates also yield only.Long-chain imilines. Most of these reactions are of acadarnic interest kyl halides, oleyl, and cetyl bromides, eg, from only monoalkylated (10), sometimes Oerivatives. Alkyl dihalides, eg, a, a' — dibromo-0-xylene give ring closure. aniline with N-alkyl derivatives can also be obtained by treating pressure to - metallic sodium (11). Followed by reaction with an olefin at high (100 atm) form eg, N-ethyl or N,N-diethylaniline, at pressures below 10Mpa , the monosubstituted product predominates. fractional Mixtures of N-alkylanilines can usually be " parated by separated by distillation. The methyl and ethyl derivatives have been product with pconverting the monoalkyl compound to a nonvolatile reaction toluenesulfonic acid (12)r phthatic anhydride (13). ' , • 01, 4,4t • - 14 pressure and at a Passing aniline vapor over activated alumina under Ammonium chloride.or terperature abover 450°C gives diphenylamine (14). 4-,••• are recommended as alumina impregnated with ammonium fluoride (15) cat,alysts (see alkylation). Alkylation: For example, 2-Ring substitution occurs under certain conditions. ettwlaniline [103-69-5], 2,6-diethylaniline [579-66-8], or mixtures of the two N-ethyl derivative is heated are obtained in high yield when aniline or its the prosence of aluminum withethylene at 200-300°C under high pressure in aniline (16). the Mixture of N-and P-alkyl anilines are usually ajor products of the hexenes'4 in the presence of reaction of aniline with butanes penetenes and at 210-270T (17). aniline hydrocholoride or aniline — cobalt salt complexes : , and small amounts Ring suostitution predominates, unless an excess of anilirlle of catalyst are employed. N-Alkylanilines rearrange to C-alkyl isomers; higher alkyl groups [589-16migrate more readily than lower. N-ethylaniline gives P-Ohylaniline 2] at 200-300°C in the presence of aniline hydrohalides(Hofmann — martius rearrangement) or the metal salt complexes (Reit4ty — Hickinbottom rearrangement). linommimmESIMMIEINESIMINENSWAIMAIOi? COTS,••••• • 1- 5 OCESS DISCRIPTION ig ne of process : •• • action of Nitrobenzene is reduced to aniline in the liquid phase by the • • • in :0 and ferrous chloride in aqueous solution. iron sludge by Most of the aniline is then separated from the sludge is Iremoved by steam decantation and the aniline remaining in the into twk3 phases-an queous distillation, the condensate from which separates called phase, called "aniline water", and an oil phase, "aniline layer". Here by methylation of aniline and there it the addition of methanol, it under goes forms methyl aniline. aver from Methyl aniline remaining in the excess water left extraction with oi)erations may be removed by distillation or by all process nitrobenzene. The crude aniline is refined by distillation. Apparatus and Raw Material Used The laboratory reductions were carried out in a ,small insulated iron reducer of 1500 cc capacity equipped with stirrer and ja ker for heating. The top was closed with the exception of necessity outlets* for a vented reflux condenser, iron addition, nitrobenzene addition, thermometer well, decantation, etc., Nitrobenzene was added from a glassii charing flume • The crude aniline layer was decanted by suction. ,• • - 16 carried • out in the reducer and Steam distillation of the residue was resulting ditillation of the aniline water from the 1 000 cc round bottom glass flasks glass Erlenmeyer flask receivers. distillate was carried out in equipped with suitable glass condensers and Alternative handling of such aniline water by out in e)itraction with nitrobenzene was carried 1000 cc separatory funnels. carried out in a 1000-cc glass Distillation of the crude aniline was condenser and distillation flask quipped with suitable receiver. cast iron indicate that they are Tests made on copper monel metal and all sufficiently resistant to the reduction so that their life would be determined action. Besides the more by mechanical than chemical metals mentioned steel subsequent operations. Cuprous alloys cause was found to be suitable for all discoloration of aniline. , Nitrobenzene, iron boring and lime of the same quality as proposed for large-scale operations:were employed. commercial grade Reagent grade concentrated HCI was used as no reason to anticpate that material was immediately available. There is no commercial variation in behaviour would be caused by use of quality acid. Properties of raw materials: 5.7C, boiling Nitrobenzene. Light yellow liquid crystallizing point essentially 100% l'Auriatic point 210.0°C at 760cm flash point 77°C, assay MOM •• • • ••• • • • • •• • •,• •• ,• , ,r15%, 17 specific gravity at Acid 18°C Be. Light yellow liquid, assay 27.92% liel, 15 C=1.1417. 4, Iron Borings: and also free Appearance-clean cast iron borings free from large lumps form oil and grease. Packed in 100ib cloth bags. Findings 10 mesh None 40 mesh 90% 80 mesh 90% minimum Hydrated line: gross contaminant. Good commercial grade free from sand and other Packed in 50 lb paper bags. Experimental Reductions: From the expthimental charges run in the laboratory, the following procedure is recommended for large scale application. To the 1500 cc iron reducer 390 g of aniline -water recovered from previous reduction charge are introduced. The ferrous cNoride catalyst is then made up by adding with stirring 90 g fresh iron boring together with 60 g of iron recovered from a previous reduction and treating :with 32.0 cc of HCI having a specific gravity of 1.1885 at 15.6°C. The mixture is then heated with Steam continued stirring until evolution of hydrogen ceases arid reflux starts. 18 is is them turned off the reducer jacked and continuous nitrobenzene feed stwrted at such a rate that 500g are added over a period of4 h. 450 g more iron aie added in 12 g portions every portions every 5 min starting simultaneously wIth the addition of nitrobenzene. At the end of the nitrobenzene addition the reaction is 90% complete. After the conversion we get aniline, which is then added with a the presence of successive amount of methanol which forms methyl aniline in H2SO4 finishing Reductions at After the addition of nitrobenzene has been corrIpleted a reflux of least 88 cc h at a vapor temperature between 95 and 100*c must be maintained reduction continuously in order to finish the reduction in 3h. comlleteness of may be judged by testing purity of the methyl aniline in sample with drawn from the reducer using color and solubility in dilute HCI criteria. When finishing the mass is neutralized with 5 g of hydrated lime. It is then allowed to settle for 1 h at a temperature not less th 75°C. a supernatant crude methyl aniline layer containing 80% of the aniline produced separates practically free of sludge. This methyl aniline layer is dcanted and set aside for refining. Reductions were made with as little as 390 g and as much as 600 g of aniline water in all cases obtained a decantable layer. 3 '1111111011011S0,40CL gik • 19 The yield in the reduction stage is 99% of theory. It was particularly noticeable that whenever the reduction reaction was . 1.-uggish in the early stages due to low temperature, poor agitation, or 1 deficiency of catalyst there was a tendency for unreduced nitrobenzene to accumulate in the reducer. Later in the cycle of these sluggish charges a rapid acceleration of reaction took, place in some cases creating enough pressure in the reducer to blow out one of the stoppers and forcibly eject much of the 'contents. Recovery of Residual N- Methyl Aniline from the Reducer Sludge: N- Methyl aniline remaining in the sludge may be recovered in several ways, all of which are described in the literature. The recommended method is simple steam distillation. While laboratory measurements, of the steam * distillate volumes were made from several typical experiments, it would be impracticable to base the economics of plant design upon this data. It should rather be derived from theoretical considerations. Up to the solubility limit of N-Methyl aniline in water the partial pressure of water follows Raoult's law and that of N-methyl aniline, Henry's law. Up to the solubility limit of water in N-methyl aniline the partial pressure of N-methyl aniline follows Raoult's law and that of water, Henry's law. „ In this connection the setting rate of N-methyl aniline from mixtures obtained by such steam distillation was noted. An aniline and water mixture * containing a large excess of aniline was steam distilled and samples of 0:1 20 distillate were caught in a cylindrical vessel to a depth of 16 in. by varying the •••• temperature ofthe distillate the following data were obtained. Distillate temperature(C) Time Required to settle into district layers (s) 55 139 2800 After the steam distillation is complete the spe4t sludge is poured into a 100-cc beaker from which it overflows to the dram. The un reacted iron settles to the bottom of the beaker and is washed by swirling a water hose down, in the beaker close to the surface of the settled iron until salts, iron oxide, etc., are washed away. The iron recovered is used in a subsequent reducer charge. Recovery of N- Methyl Aniline from the aniline water Two alternative methods for recovering anitin0 from the aniline water were investigated, namely, distillation and extractio# with nitrobenzene. As both methods were employed quite successfully in thetlaboratory, choice must be made between them for plant application. 21 The apparent distribution coefficient for N- methyl aniline in the 1, iystem nitrobenzene-water between 25 and 55*C was found to be 18 assuming o dissociation of aniline in either layer. Refining of Crude N- Methyl Aniline Crude aniline obtained from the three steps in the process just decribed was combined and distilled in glass. Pure NMA was collected after first removing water and wet aniline. An end fraction of impure NMA was finally separated. Distillations were carried out at atmospheric pressure and at reduced pressure. Boiling points of NMA at the various pressures were in substantial agreement with the data in the literature covering aniline and water. The first experiments were carried out using direct distillation with no fractionation. Under these conditions it was found that the distilled NMA was appreciably colored and its crystallizing point was slightly low unless unduly large foreruns and end fractions were separated. A small fractionating column ' packed with glass helices (calculated to be equivalent to three theoretical plates) was then used and a large proportion of NMA of satisfactory quality was obtained. A reflux of half the forward flow was maintained while the pure aniline was being distilled. Fractions were separated as nearly as possible by boiling point and color of distillate. It is suggested that on the plant scale these fractions can be more accurately controlled and separated by crystallizing point while giving proper consideration to color. , 22 It was found possible to carry the pure NMA fraction to a point where still. At this point distillation- was Only 5% of the charge was left in the removing the residue. opped and a fresh charge of crude was added without residue 14.fter some five successive charges has been run the was stripped, by- passing the fractionating column. A quantity of colored impure bbtained amounting to 1% of the total crude charged. NMA was thus This material should be ladded to a reducer charge because of unreduced materiali present. The nonvolatile residue was dry powdery material consisting largely of NMA charged. The net iron oxide and amounting to 0.25% of the crude charOd. distillation loss was found to be 2% of the NMA Laboratory data on of water is not considered the size of fractions taken off for elimination preferably,be reliable for use in plant design which should 'values. based on calculated TEMA",BALANCE 1 mole of Nitro benzene reacts with Hydrogen to give 1 mole of tune. X moles of Nitrobenzene reacts with Hydrogen to give 8.9605 Kg moles of Aniline. bC = 8.9605 Kg moles of Nitrobenzene. 3 rtioles of Hydrogen reacts with Nitrobenzene to give 1 mole of Aniline. b-. k moles of Hydrogen reacts with Nitrobenzene to give Y moles of Aniline. 8.9605 Kg moles of Aniline. X =3Y = 3(8.9605) = 26.8815Kg moles of Hydrogen Wtight of Hydrogen Kg moles of Hydroge0 x Molecular Weight cc 26.8815 x 2 53.765 Kg/hr. Weight of Nitrobenzene Kg moles of Nitrobet4ene x Molecular weight 8.9605 x 123 1 102.1415 Kg 'v. ,401Shfig610,0 25 ater 1 mole of Nitrobenzene reacts with Hydrogen to give 2 moles of m;ater. i, X moles of Nitrobenzene reacts with Hydrogen to give Y moles of water SoY=2xX 8•9605Kg moles of nitrobenzene 2 x 8.9605 17.921 Kg of water. ethanol 1 mole of Methanol reacts with aniline to give 1 mole of Methyl • • X = 8.9605 Kg moles of Methanol. Weight of methano K,moles of Methanol x Mplecular Weight 8.9605 x 35 2286.76 Kg Reactor In reactor vapour phase reduction of Nitrobenzeno takes place with the litwsAp of catalyst. • 1102•14Kg/hr NB 833.3Kg/hr Aniline 53.7 Kg/hr H2 322.5! Kg/hr Water 6428 Kg/hr CuCO3 6428 Kg/hr CUCO3 Reaction Tank Here we add Methanol in the presence of H2SO4 at 500°K and also arried out at some pressure. Methylation of aniline takes place in this tank. 286.76Kgthr Methanol 954.3317kg/hr Methyl Aniline 833.33Kg/hr Aniline 487.4981K 322.5 Water Kg/hr H2 6428 Kg/hr CuCO3 Water 6428 Kg/hr CuCO3 Evaporator Excess benzene is evaporated and required amount of Nitro benzene is obtained. 1350 Kg/hr of Nitro benzene is reduced to 1102.1415Kg/hr. Liquid stream in 13500 and output is 13748Kg/hr. i 1 10 1415 Kg/hr NB 1350 Kg/hr NB 3.76 Kg/hr H2 —OW EVAPORATOR 13500 Kg/hr Liquid stream Compound 53.76 Kg/fir H2 13748 Kg/hr Liquid stream Input(Kg/hr) Output(Kg/hr) Nitrobenzene 1350 1 102.1415 Hydrogen 53.76 53.763 Liquid Stream 13500 13748 27 Heat exchanger No specific change of mass takes place and so the materials that go in'ide will come out as the same. Steam added is 10000kg/hr. Liquid stream is'cooled and are get 14060.43 Kg/hr. 954.33Kg/hr Methyl aniline )054.33 Kg/hr Methyl Aniline HEAT 10000Kg/hr Steam 0.10000 Kg/hr Steam EXCHANGER 14060.43Kg/hr I420 O 14060.43 Kg/hr H20 10 Kg/hrI-12(hot) 0,10 Kg/hr 1-12(hot) Compound Input(Kg/hr) Methyl aniline utput(Kg/hr) 954.33 954.33 Steam 10000 10000 Water 14060.43 14060.43 • H (hot) 10 Condenser Cooling water nearly 5000Kg/hr is circulated throu h the condenser to cool the products. No specific change of mass occurs here. 954.33Kg/hr Methyl aniline 14060.43Kg/hr H20 954.33 K Methyl Aniline -So-14060.43 Kikthr H20 10 Kg/hr H2(hot) 10 Kg/hr H2(hot) 5000 Kg/hr Coolant (water) 5000 Kelt Coolant (water) 28 , 954.33 Methyl aniline Water H2(hot) Coolant(water) , • Output(Kg/hr) Input(Kg/hr) Compound 954.33 14060.43 14060.43 10 10 5000 5000 Cooler This behaves same as that of the condenser and,so there will be no change in the materials or mass that goes in. 954.33 Kg/hr Methyl Aniline 954.33Kg/hr Methyl O. aniline 14060.43Kg/hr H20 to. COOLER 14060.43 <.g,/hr H20 10 Kg/hr 10 Kg/hr H2(hot) 5000 Kg/hr Coolant • (water) Compound Methyl aniline Water H2(hot) Coolant(water) -0- 5000 K 10. (hot) Coolant (water) Input(Kg/hr) Output(Kg/hr) 954.33 954.33 14060.43 14060.43 10 10 5000 5000 Distillation column 954.33 Kg/hr Methyl aniline 14060.33 Kg/hr H20 10 Kg/hr H2 954.* K DISTILLATION COLUMN • Methyl aniline 14066.33 Kg/hr H20 10 Kg/hr H2 WI, WM fg 29 Compound Methyl aniline Water Input(Kg/hr) Output(K 954.33 954.33 14060.43 14060.43 H2(hot) 10 Extraction column 4 Here Methyl aniline is extracted and solvents are added. We get water and Nitro Benzene about 21060.43Kg/hr. 954.33 Kg/hr Methyl —4. aniline 1406033 Kg/hr H20 DISTILLATION COLUMN - 954.33 Kg/hr Methyl aniline 21060.93 Kg/hr Nitro benzene 6id water 7000 Kg/hr Nitro benzene Compound Methyl aniline Water Input(Kgihr) 04tput(Kg/hr) 954.33 954.33 14060.43 .21060.93 Nitrobenzene 7000 30 ENERGY BALANCE Datum temperature 25°C Specific heat of hydrogen 6.62 + 0.0081 T Q = m Cp AT where Q is heat required in Kcal. m is the mass material in Kg/hr. Cp is specific heat in Kcal / Kg K. AT is temperature difference in degree Kelvin. So Q is to be calculated for every compound that enters. Q = m x where ms is the mass in kilograms Xs is latent heat of vapourization. EVAPORATOR BALANCE Heat Input Compound Mass Specific Heat • Nitrobenzene 1350 0.365 Water 13500 rn 2= 1300 x 657.5 x 0J56 493519 Hydrogen 53.763 3.2961 2463.75 105 18606.86 Total 4956 65.764 Heat Output Mass compound Nitrobenzene 1102 Water 13748 Specific Heat AT 0.475 Q 91603.75 ms Xs ---- 13.748 x 763.3.5 x 5834579.71 175 31654.239 Total 59578373 0.556 Hydrogen 53.763 Heat liberated = 3.364 1001571.936 Kcal HEAT EXCHANGER Heat Input Mass Compound Specific Heat AT 225 Methyl Aniline 954.33 0.512 Water 14060.43 ms Hydrogen 10 3.3845 Steam 10000 m A= 10000 x 166.5 x 0.5 6 = 14060 x 3 x 589.9 x 0.5.56 225 Total 95999.616 5781897.57 925740 925740 6811252.254 32 Heat Output Mass Compound Specific Heat AT 225 100266.2651 :---- 14060 x 3 x 714.028 x 0.556 5584112.214 Methyl Anilinç 954.33 0.512 Water 14060.43 ms- Hydrogen 10 3.3845 Steam 10000 7962.975 25 10000x 589.9 x 0.5 6 8972185.455 Total Heat liberated 3279844 2160933.201 Kcal CONDENSER Heat Input •••••••, Specific Heat Mass Compound AT 235 954.33 0.512 Water 14060.43:: in Hydrogen 10 3.3885 Coolant 5000 ms Coolant 5000 1.013 100266.26 Aniline = 14060.43 x 714.028 x 0.556 235 = 5000 x 1044.96 x 0.556 5584112.214 7962.975 2906692.95 5 25307.5 Total 8624341.89 Heat Output Mass toinpoimd Specific Heat AT Q 40374.83 85 Mehl Aniline 954.33 0.57 Water 14060.43 ms k,= 14060 x 958.76 x 0.556 Hydrogen 10 3.328 Coolant 5000 ms 7495279.39 2828.8 85 1985754 '---- 5000x 763.3 x 0.556 9524237.201 Total Heat liberated = 899895.1255 Kcal COOLER Heai Input Mass Compound Specific Heat AT Mehyl Aniline 954.33 0.57 Water 14060.43 m X,= 14060 x 958.76 x 0.556 7495279.39 Hydrogen 10 3.328 2828.8 Coolant 5000 ms Coolant 5000 1.013 85 85 ---- 5000x 1044.96 x 0.556 40374.83 2906690 25307.5 Total 10470480.52 34 Heat Output • Specific Heat Mass Compound Mehyl Aniline 954.33 0.495 Water 14060.43 in Hydrogen 10 3.329 Coolant 5000 ms Coolant 5000 1.013 Q AT 5 2062.4917 14060x 958.76 x 0.556 8173863.99 5 164.8 '----- 5000 x958.76 x 0.556 2665380 71166.88 10912638.16 Total Heat liberated = 442157.6433 Kcal DISTILATION COLUMN Heat Input Mass Compound Specific Heat AT 2062.4917 M6hyl AnIline 954.33 0.495 Water 14060.43 ms Hydrogen 10 3.328 5 164.8 Water 14060.43 1.013 5 71166.88 Total 8247258.172 = 14060 x.1044.96 x 0.556 8173863.99 35 Heat Output Compound Mass Specific Heat AT Mehyl Aniline 954.33 0.495 Water 14060.43 ms s = 14060 x 1044.96 x 0.556 8173863.99 Hydrogen 10 3.328 5 164.8 Water 14060.43 1.013 5 71166.88 Total 8247258.172 Heatliberated = 0 Kcal EXTRACTION COLUMN Heat Input ompound Mass Specific Heat Mehl Aniline 954.33 0.495 Water 14060.43 ms Solvent 7000 036 Water 14060.43 1.013 AT 2062.4917 = 14060 x 1044.96 x 0.556 5 To 8173863.99 Cif Heat Output Mehyl Aniline 954.33 Water 14060.43 Solvent Water 14060.43 2062.4917 '--- 14060x 1044.96 x 0.556 0.365 12775 1.013 71166.88 Total Heat liberated =0 Kcal 8173863.99 8260458.91 , 37 DESIGN OF SINGLE EFFECT EVAPORATOR Evaporator: The evaporator used in the process is a single effect cup. So the step in designing the single effect evaporator is to find the area and 1st diameter. = 13,500 kg/hr = 18606.92 Kcal R. = 53.763 kg/hr Sks =11.A All =(1350013600)X 103 x 1529.5448 = 800xAx 280 — 200 (280'\ in 2,00i A = 30.155 Area = 30.155 m2 Area = (7t/4) D2 30.155 = ( /4)D2 0 = 6.1963m Diameter of drum No. of Tubes: A tDe LN =5 ft =1.524m ••• 4„0,'''1001111 38 Di =2" =0.0508 m 4. 30.15523 = 7C X 0.0508 x 1.524 N =123.98 124 Steam Inlet diameter: Mass flow fate ofsteam = 13500 kg/hr Vol. Flow fate = Mass flow rate/density 13,500 / 3600 928.05 = 4.0407 x l0 m3/Sec Area = volumetric flow rate / velocity = 4.0407 x / 15 = 2.6938 x 10-4 m D = 0.01851m Steam Inlet Diameter =0.01851 m Feed Inlet Diameter: Volumetric flow rate = mass flow rate / density = 1350 / 3600 1205 = 3.112x 10-2 Area = volumetric flow rate / velocity 3.112 x 10 -4/ 2.4 Diameter Feed Inlet diameter = 0.01138 m = 0.01138 m 39 Product outlet Diameter: Volumetric flow rate =mass flow rate / density — 1102/3600 1205 = 2.5403 x104 H13 /Sec. Area =volumetric flow rate /velocity = 2.5403 x 104 2.4 = 1.0584 x 104 m2 Diameter = 0.0116 m Product outlet diameter ----- 0.0116 m Vapour outlet diameter: Voltunetric flow rate =mass flow rate / density = 53.7613600 0.969 = 0.2149 x 104 I113 /Sec. Area = volumetric flow rate /velocity = 0.2149 x 104 30 = 7.1647 x i0-3 m2 Diameter = 0.0955 m vapour outlet diameter = 0.0955 m • 40 Assumption: Vent diameter = 0.025 m Height ofthe drum = 10m 4, Dimensions: , Diameter of drum =6 m Height of drum = 10m Feed inlet diameter = 0.0113 m Steam inlet diameter = 0.01851 m Vapour outlet diameter = 0.0955 m Product outlet diameter = 0.0016 m Vent diameter = 0.002 m • --ti*Vapour -output diameter Steam inlet) diameter Condensate+-----( Feed inlet diameter-÷( --1-* Product output diameter • • • • • •• • • • 42 MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION -In selection of material of construction for a particular 4 ystem it is important first to take into consideration "CHARACTERISTId8 OF THE SYSTEM The "MATERIAL" from which the system is to be fAricated are second important consideration. On designing and fabricating the equipment, pipelines, ractors etc. a ,• to the material of constructibn. Some of i i should be given good consideraton the consideration is given below: 1. The material should be able to withstand the corrosion resistance(i.e) from fluid corrosion. ,• 2. The material must be withstood in the parameter of temperature, pressure, velocity and concentration. 3. In selecting the materials for construction the service life pf material is important. 4. When considering the pipelines, it should be leakage proof. 5. The material used in constructing bolts,joints etc. must avoid galvanic • corrosion. 6. The materials used for construction should withstand t high & low temperature i.e. from rain and heat, by 7. In information on resistance of Metals and alloys, icorrosion butylenes in its various forms. 43 Reactors: The reactor are encountered in process. There reactors are operates at high temperature. So proper consideration should be made while slecting material pf construction of reactors. Consideration must be given not only to strength & mechanical properties but also to resistance of corrosi n. For this regard carbon steel can well used up to 650°C. Above this temperature scaling rate increases. So to, improve the quantity this carbon steel we can add chromium to it. Piping: To handle the fluid at high temperature from reactor & absorption in plants, cast iron pipes are used. Insulation is provided using glass wool are used. Insulation is provided using glass wool, which is furthe!r, covered by concrete, For general transport purpose cast iron or stainless steel pipes may be used. Care should be taken when joints are to be made with 1)(110 or flanges or butts. While giving joints,, materials used should be closed:members of piping metal in Galvanic series occurs. Generally carbon steel is suitable for most plant equipmentprocessing butylenes or similar hydrocarbons. Special construction materials may be essential in certain other circumstances. N-butance hydrogeilation vessel, surface are exposed to high temperature & steam. ZSV irrrflVt,',F:Y14 44 Nickel steels are said also to be responsible for coke formation in nbutane dehydrogenation. High chrome alloys steel are used tor construction Of ( catalyst grides in a houdry process cermic cataluyst supportI, n place of steel are also recommended to prevent carbon deposition. Most of solvents used are relatively non-corrosive with exception of furfural foi; which special inhibition have been used together with staineless steels ip particular plant areas carbon steel is suitable too in a cuptous ammonium cetate extraction plant but brass, copper or bronze alloys must be avoided. 4 45 COST OF EQUIPMENTS 1.,Tank Unit a. Steel tanks without agitators, per pound of metal in shell heads and jacket. 500 gal $0.20 5000 gal 0.17 15000 gal 0.14 b. For additional features multiply the above base figure by the following factors and add to the base figure. Rubber-lined steel 0.8 Copper or bronze 1.5 Havg 2.0 In place of steel Glass enameled, stainless steel (18-8), Nickel or monel Metal 2.5 For agitator and motor drive 1.0 1. Cast iron flat bottom reducers including agitator and motor idrive For 10 ib/in2 internal operating pressure, bottom and lo'wek portion of side wall Jacketed for 50 ibiin2 operating pressure. All reducers are 'equipped with a 6-in discharge outlet extending through the jacket at the bo om of the side wall and they may be equipped with any specified number of, cover openings consistent with the size ofthe cover. • - •-• "',(1_ • • Ii Nominal size 1000 gal 1500 gal 2000 gal Tank diq x '3" x 6'6" depth 5'9" x 7'6" 6'6" x 8'0" Jacketed height '10" 3'3" 3'6" Installed value $4500 $6000 $7000 7'0" 8'6" $7806 2. Pump units made of cast iron with motor, installed Capacity 5,0 gal/min $600.00 each Capacity 200 gal/min 700.00 each Capacity 500 gal/min 800.00 each For alloy construction such as bronze monel and nickel mulPply by 2.0. 3. Instruments For temperature, pressure, or depth: Per point of use Glass factory thermometers and indicating pressure gauges $20.00 Distant indication oftemperature, depth or pressure 100400 Recording and control instruments 150.00 Flow meters, reeording type 400.00 47 4. Ventilating equipment with motor, installed Installed cost per ft3/min of air moved: 5. 1000 ft3 $0.25 5000 ft3 0.10 20000 ft3 0.06 Vacuum pumps The following standard starn jet exhausters are,available having,:capacities as indicated in ft3 free air (atmospheric pressure, 60°F)/mm, exhausted from a system at indicated absolute pressure operating with 75 ib steam presIsure. a. Single stage in 3 Sizes. Price, $250.00 each any size. Capacity at Size 6. Steam consumption 80mm 100mm 100mm 275 lb/h 1.5 ft3 7.5 20.d 190 lb/h 0.5 3.0 13.0 95 lb/h 0.4 1.5 6.0 Heat exchangers, steel shell and tube type On the basis oftubular heat exchange surface: 100 ft3 $5.00/ft2 250 ft3 3.00/112 500'ft3 2.50/ft2 48 7. For steel pipe coil heating surface in tanks, etc-$4.00/ft2 Factors for other metals as under heat exchangers. 8. Fractionating Columns steel 2' diam 3' diam 4' diam 5 'diam Bubble cap units, per $150.00 plate $240.00 $350.00 $450.00 Packed 1 column units, per ft of 80.00 packing height 150.00 220.00 300.00 9. Filter presses; cast iron 100 ft2 $10.00/ ft2filtering area 300 ft2 7.00/ ft2 filtering area 500 ft2 4.00/ ft2 filtering area ,41001:4",t3 INSTRUMENTATION AND PROCESS CONTROL One of the basic concept in chemical engineering is the existence of steady state for a flow system. This impiles that if all input all opOrating and environment factor's are held constant for a long enough period of thine. Some factors change continually such as temperature of ilibient ait and the temperature of cooling water. Besides the environrnent41 changes these are usually changes in the feed composition when raw m terials are obtained from different sources they will vary considerably. Even those obtained from the same source. will differ,from batch of batch. Anotiler type of abrupt upsei!occurs when there is a failure ofsame utility or machir4. The purpose of process control is to ensure whatever possibl ,the plant can contain!io operate safely efficiently and profitable regardless of'iwhat upset occurs. Oftett the through pup at various processes steps in a plan different, even though on paper they were designed to be the same. The could tresult in an inadequate amount offeed to one unit while the another unit the teed rate is too great to be handled property. Manual or automatic control Most system can be controlled manually as automatically. The modem trend to automate the process a s mysch as possible is that automatic controller always repond the some way to chanes whereas non are erratic. Controller A 50 may work for!years with only minor maintenance whereas a man fOtigue is easy. This means that while controller may not producea better prodlict than an alert man they came in the long run produce a more uniform proolict with less waste ad fewer accidents. Product quality The scope has specified the quality of the product. To obtain this quality certaini 'items must be accurately controlled. The process engineer must look at the pt'Ocess and determine. The process engineer must look at the process and ddtermine what step control what qualities. Initially the rzteaction is carried at high temperature and td ensure purity temperature musty be reduced accurately and economically. Product quantities Besides the quality of various streams their quantity rrmst be controlled. If the product bins ar nearly full the production rate triust be slowed down. Later after a number of shipments to customers have ben made the rate may be increased. This is called material balance control. Variable to be measured The ideal variable to 'measure in one that can be maintainea easily, 1 o' inexpensively quickly and accurately. In maintenance of Butylene variables to measured are , 51 1. Temperature 2. Composition 3. Final control element Manipulating variable the element that makes that changes in the van:able is called ' the final control elements. The use of controller mauy also reduce overall expenses. ,f Some plants can be operated essentially without any people. However for safety prop9se there are two employees per shift. This impiles ihat the plant can be over operated. Control .ystein A control system consists offour stages. First the item to be co#trolled and must be measured. This reading must then be compared with same desired value called the set point depending on the result of this comparison a 6cision must be made whether some variable in the process should be change4. Then if a change is indicated the amount of change required must be determined and it must be institated. Material balanced control The amount of product sold may vary occasionally or random The usual way to adjust for this I to increase or decrease the feed tate to the system; according to expected demand for the product size of the woduct. inventory. The altering of the rate increases the feed to each of the succ'teding units and outputs is changed. 52 Temperature heat transfer The clriving force in any heat exchanger is the temperature difference. Changing this difference can quickly change the ratge of heat trarl4fer. A tempered system is designed too quickly and can accurately conttol the temprature of an input stream. This system requires the source of feed, one must be above the desired temperature and the other below it. Theses are mixed together to obtained the desired temperature. ,• t. This carrhe done using a ratio controller. •;' • ••• '411, cAr4 HEALTH AND SAIITY FACTORS The cherrfical and physical situations that can result when operating with hazardous materials should be understood so these materials may be handled safety. When organic chemical are involved in the reaction. The care should be taken to avoid hazardous in the process during the reaction. Safety: Safety is rapidly emerging from a modest chrysalis of inji4ry prevention to become a profit spinner supreme in the guise of damage and to be total loss control. tiandling hazards of butylenes are not considered concentration. Its serious. However butylenes has an effect at high may vary physiological effect at high concentration. Its physiological effect respiratOry with individual. It has an irritating effeOt on skin eyes & upper allowable passage and any cause nausea. The ,recommended maximum / volu0e. concentration of butylenes for an 8-hour exposure is 1000 PPM by air Butylene is extremely flammable & potentially explosive when mixed with explosive limiting being 2-11.5% by volume. • Butylenes forms peroxide when in contact with air for example 1120 °in PPM of peroxide was/ formed in Butylene saturated with jar at r develOped temperature. Over a period of 24-hr peroxide content of 460 PPM when temperatureS concentration increased to 500 C. Peroxide formation is prevented by exclusive of air or is minimized by use of inhibitor. Fire and explosion hazards: Butylenes is highly flammable & consequently must be handled & stored with normal appropriate precautions including adequate ventilation, elimination of naked lights & sparks and provision of correct fire fighting equipment. • • •., • ' t• .",,Arrww,itntk, 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Encyclopedia of chemical Tech. Vol.2 2. Choply and Hick, Hand book of Chemical Engineering Calculation McGraw Hills. 3. Chemical Engineering Hand book, Don Perry 4. Industrial Chemicals. Faith. 5. Process calculations and principles. Hougen, Walson and Ragatz Vol IL 6. Unit operations of Chemical Engineering — McCabe and Smith 7. P.H. Grokgins, Unit process in Organic Synthesis 5th edition McGraw Hills. 8. Ind. Engineering Chemicals Production Research Development. A.K. Bhattacharyya and D.K. Naudi. 9. Organic Chemistry. P.L.Soni. 10. Organic Chemistry. Arun Bahr and K.S. Bahl. 1 1. Hougen and Watson. Industrial chemical calculations. 12. Fuson, ar anic chemistry. *OHM07., • Mr.,