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2000 Calorie Nutrition Plan for Testosterone Optimization

2000 Calorie Nutrition Plan
Daily Macros:
• Total Calories: 2000
• Protein: 156 grams (31%)
• Fat: 67 grams (30%)
• Carbs: 192 grams (39%)
Macros for each meal (3 meals a day):
• Calories: 667
• Protein: 52 grams (31%)
• Fat: 22 grams (30%)
• Carbs: 64 grams (39%)
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Diet Intro
The primary goals of this nutrition plan are to optimize your
metabolism and testosterone levels while giving you as much
choice as possible to eat a variety of healthy food options.
Why optimizing metabolism and testosterone? Because +90% of
people who achieve fat loss on a diet, fail to maintain their
physique results long-term.
The main reason for this is incorrect and/or excessive dieting which
is unsustainable and in turn lowered their testosterone production
and metabolism.
Low testosterone levels and a slow metabolism go hand in hand.
A suboptimal testosterone production slows down your basal
metabolic rate and makes your nutrient partitioning worse. This
means that food you eat is more likely to be used for fat storage
instead of as building blocks for muscle gains.
Over time, excess body-fat levels will increase your aromatase
which means that a big chunk of the testosterone you produce is
more likely to be converted into estrogen. This means that you will
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have less testosterone freely circulating in the blood stream, readily
available for biological functions.
This is a vicious cycle where your testosterone levels keep getting
lower and you become more prone to store body-fat the deeper
you get into it.
If you feel intolerable levels of hunger on any diet and you find it
difficult to perform well on a training program due to hunger, you
can be sure that this diet is not conductive to optimal testosterone
levels and metabolic health, therefore when creating a diet plan I
always like to overshoot food intake slightly then slowly dial in the
right level for you.
It’s better to start off a bit too high then slowly reduce food intake
as needed compared to starting with an aggressive fat loss diet
that gives you quick results in exchange for a low testosterone
production and slowed down metabolism.
In contrast, when muscle building is the goal, I like to put people in
a very small surplus that allows them to gain 1-2 KG per month
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Why? Because anything above that rate would be excess fat gains
(your body is limited in how much muscle it can gain per month
and that rate is never more than 1 KG). And once you get excess
fat gains, your conversion of testosterone into estrogen increases
so you would be entering the vicious cycle of bad nutrient
partitioning again.
Therefore, the key with a body-composition diet is to focus on slow,
sustainable results over fast ones.
You want to either be in a small Calorie surplus that allows you to
gain weight at a rate of 1-2 KG or a small Calorie deficit that allows
you to lose weight at a rate of 0.5-1 KG per week (these are just
guidelines and there will be a lot of individual variation).
Anything excessive will always backfire in the long-term.
The next thing I want to cover is extreme diets and fads / trends
such as the ketogenic / low carb diet.
I got into ketogenic dieting all the way back in 2012 and while I lost
a lot of body-fat, it completely wrecked my hormonal production.
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At the end of the diet, I was unable to even get an erection and it
took me months to recover from it.
I followed a ketogenic diet a second time again to lower my blood
pressure and while my blood pressure lowered, the low
testosterone problems came back again.
I had no morning erections for over 6 months and my testosterone
dropped to the bottom of the range (this was already years after I
had initially raised my testosterone levels through proper diet,
training and sleep).
I have seen similar things happen in countless clients who fell for
extreme diets such as the ketogenic diet with the worst case being
a guy from Argentina who took several years to recover from a 3
month ketogenic diet.
The problem with all these extreme diets is that they take the
science of nutrition out of context.
They selectively pick poorly designed studies to support their
arguments and the success stories you see online are either
extreme outliers or people who got short-term results. For the vast
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majority of the population (think 95-99%), extreme diets will only set
you back further over the long-term.
Therefore take my word of advice and forget about extreme diets.
With a balanced diet, you will be able to get results and in my
experience, nearly all clients I train are able to get lean and build
muscle mass on a balanced diet as long as they follow the plan I
lay out.
To give you some perspective, I have trained over 400 people and
out of that 400, less than a handful of clients were not able to lose
body-fat on my diet (and they all had pre existing health
conditions). Therefore chances are that you don’t need an extreme
diet to get an aesthetic physique.
Furthermore, when it comes to optimizing hormonal health and
metabolism, most people have it backwards.
They focus on what to add to the diet and overcomplicate the
whole process. A question I often get is: “Should I take X
supplement to boost my testosterone levels?”.
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There’s not a single supplement, herb or food that has a significant
effect on your testosterone levels or metabolism.
The key to boost your testosterone levels and optimize your
metabolism is to have your eating dialed in as a whole.
This means that you need a sufficient amount of Calories and
micronutrients to support optimal hormone production and thyroid
Your body is already able to produce optimal levels of testosterone
- if you allow it to.
The major diet reasons to why so many people today suffer from
low testosterone, thyroid problems and a slowed down metabolism
• Endocrine disruptors in the diet. Dairy, processed meats and soy
are the most important ones here with dairy being the most
important to eliminate by far. Dairy increases the conversion of
testosterone into the female hormone Estradiol. This means that
you want to completely avoid whey protein, cow milk, yoghurt,
cheese and butter. You can replace cow milk with unsweetened
almond milk and whey protein with pea protein powder.
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• Low Calorie diets (especially when combined with excessive
cardio). Anything above a 300-500 daily Calorie deficit is
excessive for most people and massively slows down
metabolism through hypothyroidism.
• Low carb and ketogenic diets. Low carb and ketogenic diets
increase your Sex Hormone Binding Globulin levels which in turn
lower your free testosterone levels.
• Low micronutrient diets. The standard diet of most people today
is low in foods that are packed with micronutrients (examples
being shellfish, spinach, fruits and nuts). In a state of
micronutrient deficiencies, your body isn’t able to produce as
much testosterone as it should.
• Low saturated fat diets. While a diet that’s too high in saturated
fats is bad for cardiovascular health due to excessive LDL
cholesterol levels, a diet that’s completely devoid of saturated
fats is suboptimal for testosterone production. Your body needs
small amounts of saturated fat on a regular basis to produce
optimal testosterone levels.
In other words, the major reasons to why people get low
testosterone levels from their diet are a combination of not getting
enough of something and eating endocrine disruptors.
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By removing the endocrine disruptors and eating enough
micronutrients, saturated fats, carbs and overall Calories, you will
get nearly 100% optimization from diet in terms of maximizing
metabolism and testosterone.
(Notice that protein wasn’t even
mentioned here — it has minimal impact on your hormonal
The remaining optimization comes down to body-fat levels, sleep,
training and stress levels. Since this document focuses on nutrition,
I will quickly summarize these below:
• Body-fat: When your body-fat levels are too high, your conversion
of testosterone into estrogen is high. In contrast, when your bodyfat levels are too low (think fully visible abs), your sex hormone
production is much lower than it should be because your body
perceives this as a state of starvation and thereby shuts down
your hormonal production. You want your body-fat levels to be
just right for you. In most cases, a good sustainable body-fat
level is when you have a flat waist with a bit of ab definition.
However, this differs for each individual, therefore some trial and
error is required. We will do some trial and error together and see
where your sustainable level of leanness is.
• Sleep: Most of your sex hormone production happens during
sleep, therefore if your sleep quality or quantity is suboptimal,
you will also have a suboptimal hormone production.
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• Stress levels: Most people today are in a constant state of stress
which is exacerbated by a poor nutrition plan and a lack of sleep.
Over time, this places a huge toll on the body and massively
decreases your natural testosterone levels.
• Excessive training: Too much heavy training and/or high intensity
cardio further lowers testosterone levels when you’re already in a
semi-fatigued state with a slow recovery capability. Once you
have a healthier testosterone production, you become more
resilient to stress both from training and life. This is why most of
my beginner plans revolve around bodyweight training and
higher rep schemes.
When you combine a suboptimal nutrition plan with all the above,
your body produces maybe half of the testosterone it could
potentially produce and most of it is either bound up in Sex
Hormone Binding Globulin or converted into Estradiol. (Keep in
mind that only 1-3% of your total testosterone is freely available for
biological functions).
As a result, you end up in a state of constant fatigue and lackluster
results from training.
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There’s no pill, powder or supplement that can make up for
suboptimal sleep, bad eating habits, too much cardio and heavy
training and a state of constant stress.
How to use this diet
In the next section, I will show you the diet plan I want you to follow.
The way I put together your starting diet is as follows:
• Fats make up roughly 30% of total Daily Calories because this
level is optimal for maximizing your testosterone production
based on the data we have available. Most of the fats make up
anti inflammatory fats from nuts, olive oil, dark chocolate,
avocados, eggs and fish. Saturated fats are recommended in
moderation max 3-4 meals per week.
• The optimal amount of protein is somewhere between 0.5-1 gram
per pound of bodyweight to ensure muscle repair, growth and
recovery. There’s no conclusive data on this and my experience
is that people vastly differ in how much protein they need within
this range and your needs also change over time. Therefore I’ve
given you a safe starting point that we can work from which at
least ensures that you get enough to begin with. Then we can
work it out from there. Most of the protein sources I usually
recommend are lean animal products, fish, shellfish and vegan
protein powder. If it fits your budget, try to go as organic as
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possible when buying animal products and focus more on
seafood than land animals.
• The remaining Calories have been put into carbs. Carbs are
important (especially around training sessions) because they
spike insulin and insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the
body. In addition to spiking insulin, fiber and/or volume rich carbs
are the most filling foods per Calorie therefore they’re a great tool
to prevent overeating. Finally, they provide the best fuel for
training in the hypertrophy rep ranges. The carbs I usually
recommend are tubers, rice, oats, some breads, fruits, quinoa,
beans, lentils, chickpeas and vegetables.
This diet plan includes a variety of food options for each food
group, all which I’ve personally tested for years while keeping track
of my own hormones and many of my client’s lab tests too.
I want to emphasize that while the diet has a lot of options, you
don’t have to eat all of them.
In fact, if you’re new to preparing your meals and cooking, I
recommend that you stock up on 2-3 foods in each section, then
make meals out of those. Keep it simple to begin with, then
gradually build up your meal prep regimen from there.
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Meal frequency: I set your meal plan to be 3 meals a day as
default. However, in reality you can have anywhere between 2-6
meals a day as long as the total daily food intake stays the same.
For example, if you want to have 6 meals a day, you just split the 3
meals into 6 smaller portions.
If you want to have 2 meals a day, you can have one normal sized
meal and one bigger meal.
Meal timing: There’s a huge misconception online that as long as
your daily food intake stays the same, the meal timing does not
matter. The truth is that meal timing depends on your own personal
preferences, therefore it’s OK for example if you skip breakfast and
push your meals later into the day or if you eat all your meals
before 4 PM.
In addition, meal timing is important for training performance.
When you train in a fasted or hungry state, your performance will
inevitably be much lower. Similarly, if you don’t eat a proper meal
within a few hours after completing your training, your recovery for
the next training session will be substantially slower. Therefore, I
want you to eat 2 of your meals around your training sessions.
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Here are some guidelines that apply for everyone:
• Have at least 1 meal before training. You don’t want to train
fasted because your risk of injury will be higher and performance
will be lower (especially as you get deeper into the training
• Have at least 1 meal after training because it will help speed up
the recovery process. In other words, you want to train sometime
between your first and last meal of the day.
• Don’t eat a big meal right before bed time because it will
decrease your sleep quality. If you feel hungry before going to
bed, then have a small 200-300 Calorie snack to help you fall
asleep. This could be a few pieces of bread, rice cakes, a few
eggs or nuts. These can be added in addition to the diet foods
on days where you feel hungry before bed.
Important notes
Before looking at the diet, I want you to know that the macronutrient
ratios will differ slightly depending on what food option you choose
in each section. For example, if you choose eggs as a fat source
instead of olive oil, you will get a bit more protein and less fat.
Similarly with protein sources, some of them have a bit more fat
and less protein or vice versa. There are fluctuations depending on
the food source you choose, however the total Calories are roughly
the same as long as you adhere to the portion sizes.
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These small fluctuations in macronutrients do not have any impact
on your results, therefore you don’t have to worry about hitting an
exact macronutrient goal. With macronutrients, the most important
thing is that you get “just enough” to satisfy minimum requirements.
Your diet already has that regardless of which food option you
Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about the Calories from
vegetables, low Calorie sauces, berries, cooking oils and
condiments. I only want you to weigh out the foods that have a
significant impact on your daily Calorie intake (these are the foods
listed in the protein, fat and carbs section).
In your diet, I have already factored in 200 Calories per day for
sauces, vegetables and berries.
Here are some examples of sauces you can add to your meals:
• Spaghetti sauce.
• Salsa sauce.
• Ketchup.
• Mayonnaise.
• Brown Mustard.
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In the case the sauce is high in Calories, use less than you
normally would.
Also, I recommend that you add vegetables and berries to
some of your meals because they provide a large amount of
micronutrients while being low in Calories:
1. Dark leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce and kale. Try having
at least 150 grams with one of your meals everyday but the
more, the better. Preferably you will get them fresh and eat them
uncooked because they contain more nutrition uncooked. If you
really don’t like eating vegetables, just force feed a big bowl of
them once per day.
2. To make sure that you get in a bigger variety of vitamins, it’s
great if you add other vegetables to your dishes 2-3 days per
week, however you will want to have the dark leafy greens most
days of the week since they provide the most nutrition.
3. All types of berries are low in Calories and provide a good
amount of satiation and improve your digestion. You can add 2
handfuls everyday for optimal health.
Cooking oil: If you grill your meat, I want you to use max 2
tablespoons per day. Here are good options for grilling your meat:
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• Organic canola oil. (Decent Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio).
Light olive oil.
Avocado oil.
Coconut oil.
Rice bran oil.
Cooking spray (no Calories).
When you use any of the oils listed above, they don’t count as a fat
source, therefore be sure to also consume one of your fat sources
with your meal.
So why did I put macronutrients on the front page of the diet? This
is mostly for people who either want to use a meal delivery service
or eat on the go in restaurants.
And this brings me to the next point. If you have a very busy
lifestyle or you prefer to have your meal prep taken care of, then I
highly recommend that you use a food catering service or some
type of sports diet provider. In most major cities, you can find
companies online that take care of all the meal prep for you and
you can choose the amount of Calories you want to get in per day.
This way, you will have a big variety of foods and everything will be
taken care of so your adherence to the diet will be much higher.
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A big chunk of my clients use these type of services and they do
work exceptionally well as long as you keep an eye out for a few
First and foremost, avoid meals that contain endocrine disruptors
with the most important ones being dairy and soy and refined
Here’s a general list of food and drink groups you want to avoid on
the diet:
• Dairy: Whey protein, milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt. (A good
replacement for whey protein is pea protein powder and for milk
use unsweetened almond milk).
• Soy products.
• Processed meats, deli meats.
• Refined sugar.
• Junkfood: Burgers, pizza, kebabs etc.
• Pastries, cakes, deserts etc.
• Typical unhealthy snacks: Chips, candy, milk chocolate bars,
• All liquid Calories. Energy drinks, coke, sugary juices — unless
made by yourself, Starbucks type drinks with a ton of Calories).
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• Alcohol. (If you must have alcohol, have max 5 units per week
and stick to fine spirits, wine and water. A good go to drink is
vodka, soda water, lime. Avoid beer, cocktails and juices.
Second, make sure that you order roughly the same amount of
Calories per day and that the macronutrients are at least decently
balanced and similar to those in this diet.
With all that out of the way, I will show you an example below of
how some of the most typical meals in the diet could look. The
quantities of each food will be specified later.
Quick and easy breakfast options:
• Protein: Pea protein powder, hemp protein powder, egg whites.
• Carbs: Fruits, rice cakes, rye bread, Ezekiel bread, whole wheat
bread or oats.
• Fat: Eggs (can be boiled or made into scrambled egg or an
omelette), olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado or dark chocolate.
Lunch and Dinner:
• Protein: Any lean meat or fish listed in the diet (can be grilled with
any of the oils listed earlier, baked in an oven or boiled).
• Carbs: Rice, potatoes, quinoa, lentils, beans or chickpeas (can
be boiled in water).
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• Fat: Eggs (can be boiled or made into scrambled egg or an
omelette), olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado or dark chocolate.
• Condiments: You can add salt, pepper and other spices to your
• Sauces: You can add carb based sauces such as salsa sauce or
ketchup to your meals in moderation. Use just enough to add
flavor. If you need to use a fatty sauce, use very minimal
amounts. It’s worth to spend some time to look for low Calorie
sauces and spices in your local area so you can vary them.
Note: It’s OK to use “traditional lunch and dinner foods” for
breakfast too if you don’t want to rely on protein powder in the
As you can see, the structure of the meals is similar to a regular
diet. You just want a good balance of healthy protein, fats and
carbs in each meal and use a variety of sauces and condiments to
add flavor and mix it up.
I want to emphasize that this diet is a starting point and everything
can be adjusted as we go.
You can find the full diet below with the exact quantities of
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Food options for each meal (3 meals a day):
Protein: Choose one or combine different options.
• 200 grams skinless turkey.
• 200 grams lean cuts of chicken (skinless breast, skinless drumsticks, skinless thighs, skinless whole
chicken, skinless wings).
• 160 grams lean cuts of beef (lean ground beef, chuck tender, shank, tenderloin steak).
• 160 grams skinless duck breast.
• 180 grams goat.
• 150 grams horse.
• 140 grams skinless pigeon meat.
• 170 grams pork tenderloin.
• 160 grams salmon.
• 190 grams tuna.
• 160 grams carp.
• 210 grams tilapia.
• 220 grams squids.
• 150 grams anchovies.
• 180 grams sardines.
• 240 grams mussels.
• 300 grams clams.
• 230 grams prawns.
• 240 grams cod.
• 210 grams catfish.
• 280 grams shrimp.
• 200 grams oyster.
• 240 grams crab.
• 230 grams scallops.
• 400 grams egg whites.
• 55 grams hemp protein powder.
• 55 grams egg white protein powder.
• 55 grams pea protein powder.
Carbs: Choose one or combine different options. (With fruits it’s best if you combine different fruits
to get a bigger variety of vitamins).
• 60 grams raw brown rice.
• 60 grams raw white rice.
• 60 grams raw quinoa.
• 60 grams raw chickpeas.
• 65 grams raw beans. (Any color).
• 65 grams raw lentils. (Any color).
• 320 grams red potato. (With skin).
• 300 grams white potato (With skin).
• 240 grams sweet potato (With skin).
• 55 grams rolled oats.
• 100 grams ezekiel bread.
• 80 grams rye bread.
• 445 grams oranges.
• 435 grams apples.
• 255 grams pomegranate.
• 440 grams pineapple.
• 730 grams watermelon.
• 365 grams mango.
• 225 grams passion fruit.
• 250 grams bananas.
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Fats: Choose one or combine different options.
• 2 eggs.
• 1.5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil.
• 40 grams dark chocolate (80% cocoa or more).
• 130 grams avocado.
• 35 grams almonds.
• 35 grams walnuts.
• 35 grams pistachios (70 kernels).
• 35 grams hazelnuts.
• 35 grams peanuts.
• 35 grams brazil nuts.
• 35 grams cashew nuts.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural peanut butter.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural almond butter.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural hazelnut butter.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural walnut butter.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural pistachio butter.
• 2.5 tbsp. natural brazil nut butter.
Additional Fatty Meat Options (Occasionally replace
your protein and fat option)
In addition to all the foods listed above, I will give you meat options that are
higher in saturated fat.
These are meant to be eaten occasionally (up to 4 meals per week) and they
count both as a protein + fat source.
In other words, if you use one of the fatty meat options below, you have just
that together with one of the carb options listed earlier.
Here are the fatty meat options:
245 grams skin on chicken drumsticks.
175 grams skin on chicken wings.
185 grams skin on whole chicken meat.
155 grams beef brisket.
155 grams beef ribs.
195 grams roasted beef.
100 grams beef jerky.
195 grams beef t-bone steak.
215 grams beef round steak.
215 grams turkey.
195 grams turkey legs.
215 grams turkey steak.
175 grams turkey wings.
100 grams duck.
215 grams skinless duck leg.
175 grams skin on duck breast.
100 grams goose.
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135 grams ground lamb.
195 grams lamb foreshank.
135 grams lamb sirloin.
135 grams lamb loin.
175 grams lamb leg.
155 grams lamb meat.
155 grams lamb shoulder.
135 grams lamb breast.
135 grams skin-on pigeon.
100 grams pork belly.
80 grams pork loin.
110 grams pork leg.
155 grams pork shoulder.
100 grams pork bone meat.
175 grams ground pork.
100 grams bacon.
135 grams sausage.
135 grams veal.
135 grams veal breast.
195 grams veal leg.
215 grams veal roast beef.
215 grams veal shank.
215 grams veal shoulder.
195 grams veal sirloin.
175 grams veal tenderloin.
How to Prepare the Foods in the Diet
Vegetables: Whenever possible, get fresh vegetables and eat them raw
after rinsing them in water. This will give you the most nutrition from each
vegetable. If you use frozen vegetables, boil them.
Proteins and starches: Boil, grill, stir-fry or cook.
Starches: Boil or cook.
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Your Weekly Refeed Meal to Reset Testosterone
Production and Metabolism
Once per week, I want you to have a refeed meal (also called cheat meal)
where you eat any foods you desire in unlimited quantities.
So go ahead and load up on all the favourite foods you miss on the diet.
The refeed meal replaces one of your regular meals.
There are 3 reasons to have a refeed meal (some of them are related to
being in a Caloric deficit and some mostly psychological):
1) Reset testosterone and metabolism: When you’re in a Caloric deficit for
over 7-14 consecutive days, your natural testosterone production decreases
and metabolism slows down. This happens regardless of how small the
Calorie deficit is and how well optimized your diet is.
Your metabolism slows down because you’re consistently signalling to your
body that it has to eat less food to maintain its function. (I.e. you’re setting a
new steady state for your body).
This is further compounded by the muscle loss you experience as a result of
testosterone dropping since muscle mass is metabolically precious.
Testosterone is the master hormone for men and it’s the male hormone of
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It controls all functions in your body and brain: your ability to build muscle
mass and lose fat, sex drive, mental health, anxiety, depression, motivation
levels, focus, energy levels, erectile strength and much more.
When your testosterone levels start dropping, you lose your ability to train
hard and you lose metabolically precious muscle mass.
I.e. the more muscle mass you have, the more Calories your body burns
throughout the day. As a result, a decrease in muscle mass leads to your
metabolism slows down.
The purpose of the refeed meal is to temporarily put you in a Caloric surplus
and thereby signal to your body that it has to maintain a high natural
testosterone production and a fast metabolism.
This will over the long term make you lose more body-fat and build more
muscle mass while being able to eat more food.
To give you some perspective of how this looks in practice: The guy who is
constantly cutting Calories is play a zero-sum game he can’t win.
At some point his Calories will be so low that he won’t be able to cut them
further without experiencing intolerable levels of hunger.
In contrast, the guy who regularly has his refeed meals will be able to diet
without intolerable levels of hunger and when his diet is finished he may be
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able to have 1-2 extra meals per day that the other guy can’t have – while
staying lean.
2) Prevent eating disorders: The other reason to have refeed meals is to
prevent eating disorders.
A lot of fitness people who diet end up developing eating disorders where
they see certain foods as good and other foods as bad.
E.g. chocolate is bad and spinach is good.
When they have a piece of chocolate they feel stressed for hours or even
days after and thereby they aren’t able to enjoy delicious foods at all.
Also, while milk chocolate bars has less nutritional value than potatoes or
spinach, it’s not always a bad food.
For example, if you’re a guy who is looking to bulk up and you train 2 hours
per day and eat 4000 Calories per day, having one or two chocolate bars
before your training session may not be a bad thing as long as 80-90% of
your diet is nutritious.
The 2 extra chocolate bars may contain extra carbs and fat that a highly
trained athlete needs to achieve peak performance for training.
And here’s the thing: I’ve seen countless times on my program that my
clients’ metabolism increases to the point where they struggle to eat enough
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to support their training sessions. In these cases, we start adding back more
of the “bad foods” that are quick digesting with fast energy.
It’s all about context and that’s why having refeed meals is a great way to
prevent eating disorders.
The other psychological benefit of refeed meals is to prevent binges.
When you first start a diet you will see a big decrease in sugar, fat and salt
intake (it’s the sugar, fat and salt that make most foods very palatable).
By having those foods you miss once per week, in many cases you prevent
big binges.
However, there’s one thing to watch out for: In some people, cheat meals
trigger binges. If that’s you, we may have to modify your cheat meals
therefore let me know if that happens.
3) Refill your glycogen and intramuscular fat stores.
Your muscles consist of water, glycogen, intramuscular fat stores and only a
small part of the muscle is lean muscle tissue.
When you diet, you often have less volume in your glycogen and
intramuscular fat stores because you eat less carbs, fat and salt.
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This makes your muscles appear a bit smaller and more flat than usual and
this is also one of the reasons to why a lot of skinny-fat guys think they lose
muscle mass as soon as they jump on a diet.
When you have refeed meals that are high in carbs, salt and fat you fill up
the glycogen and intramuscular fat stores which makes your muscles look
bigger for 24-48 hours.
In addition to looking bigger, the muscles will also be much stronger,
therefore you will most likely be able to set new personal bests in your
training the day of or the day after the refeed meal.
So if you’re having a plateau, be sure to schedule your weekly refeed meal
either on the day of or the day before a training session.
Some notes about weekly refeed meals:
* To start with it’s ONE refeed meal per week, not one day.
* You don’t need to compensate for the refeed meal by exercising more. The
whole point is to put you in a Caloric surplus and adding 2 hours of cardio on
top of the meal offsets that.
* Do not worry about gaining body-fat. If you’re in a Caloric deficit 6 days per
week and a Caloric surplus once per week, you will not gain any body-fat.
* Do not worry about looking more fat after having a refeed meal. What
you’re seeing is extra water retention and bloating. When you increase salt,
carb and water intake, your body retains more water (usually around 1-3 KG
of extra water) and that can make you look more fat. This is temporary and
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will go away within 24-48 hours. Furthermore, you will have more food in your
stomach than usual which will push out your stomach a bit. This is normal.
* When you have the refeed meal you can have ANY foods you like in any
quantity! Nothing is restricted. Just enjoy it.
The downside of refeed meals
I mentioned earlier that refeed meals can prevent binges by having you load
up on the sugar, salt and fatty foods that you miss.
However, there is a small minority of people with naturally huge appetites
who can’t control refeed meals.
The reason is not because they eat too much during the refeed meal.
Instead, the reason is that they are naturally addicted to sugar, salt and fat
and when they have the refeed meal their addiction comes back so they
keep craving salt, fat and sugar after.
If that’s you, it may be wise to consider a modified refeed meal where you eat
a regular meal as it’s laid out in the diet but load up on the diet foods in
bigger quantities (as much as you can get in) and once you can’t eat more
of the regular foods you add in some chocolate bars or chips to put you in a
Caloric surplus.
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The idea is basically to have less of the food consist of foods that you tend to
get addicted to and thereby minimise the chance of you going on a big
binge after.
The best choice you can make during a modified refeed meal is the food(s)
that you aren’t naturally addicted to.
For example, if the foods you tend to crave are fat and salty, you add in
sugary snacks for the modified refeed meal.
If they’re sugary, you choose salty or fatty foods.
This is what I personally do with my refeed meals and it works very well for
When to have your first refeed meal?
Wait until you’ve been 14 days on the diet.
How will the refeed meal affect your weekly measurements?
Doing your weekly body-measurements right after a cheat meal is a bad
idea because of the extra water retention from increased sodium intake and
bloating from having more food in your stomach.
The extra water retention and bloating will temporarily inflate all your bodymeasurements and thereby make it hard to see your progress from week-toweek.
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Therefore, the solution is to wait 24-48 hours.
If you have your refeed meal on a Saturday and you usually do
measurements on Sundays, wait an extra day to let your body’s fluid levels
This will give you much more accurate measurements and bodyweight for
progress tracking.
7 Things to Watch Out For When Implementing Your
Diet Plan
1. Carbs: With all of your carb options I’ve provided the raw, uncooked
weight. With that said, I still see that many people use cooked weight
instead of raw weight when weighing their carbs. This is a big mistake
because using rice and quinoa as an example, they both increase a lot in
size after cooking. The cooked weight is about 2.5 times higher compared
to raw weight, so you will end up under-eating if you weigh the food after
2. Fat: You want to be very precise about the way you measure your dietary
fat intake. Each table spoon of extra virgin olive oil contains roughly
120-135 Calories. For the average American diet of 2000 Calories, that’s
over 6% of your Daily Caloric Intake. So having 3 tablespoons instead of 1
means you will consume over 18% of your Daily Calories instead of 6%.
That’s a big difference, therefore take my advice and be diligent about the
way you weigh and measure the fat sources in your diet.
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3. Protein: Similarly to fat sources, you want to be precise about selecting
your protein sources. For example, a client asked me if he can replace
chicken breast with chicken thighs because it’s more tasty and the answer
was yes, however I instructed him that he will have to reduce his portion
size a lot because there’s a big difference between eating a lean chicken
breast and a more fatty cut of chicken thigh. Chicken thighs contain more
than 500 Calories for each 250 grams while chicken breast contains just
225 Calories for each 100 grams. Eating lean protein vs. more fatty cuts of
meat makes a big difference in your Daily Caloric Intake, therefore make
sure to track this precisely.
4. Soft Drinks: In your local grocery store you will find a variety of juices,
sodas, teas and energy drinks. Before you buy any of these, check the
label on the back and see how many Calories are inside the whole bottle.
Most of these drinks will contain a lot of sugar, even the ones that are
branded as “healthy”. I highly recommend you stay far away from these
because even though they’re an easy way to get Calories in, they’re not
optimal. You want to fill your diet Calories with nutritious, muscle-building
5. Taking a multivitamin instead of eating fruits and vegetables: Fruits
and vegetables are essential for your training performance because
they’re packed with potassium. Potassium works together with sodium to
give you amazing muscle pumps. If your diet is lacking in fruits and
vegetables, you will find that your muscle pumps at the gym aren’t great,
your energy levels are lower and you hold onto a lot more water on your
6. The optimal carb source for satiation: If you have problems staying
satiated on the diet plan, choose white potatoes as your main carb source
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as often as possible since they have the highest satiety index of any food
out there.
7. The optimal carb source for bulking up: In contrast, if you have
problems eating enough food, it’s best if you get most of you carbs from
white rice since it has a moderate satiety index and it’s easily digestible even in large quantities.
How to Track Calories When Eating Out
There will be times when life get’s in the way and you have to eat out in a
restaurant or order food.
When that happens, here’s the best strategy you can follow:
• Choose restaurants that provide healthy food options.
• Choose dishes that resemble those in your diet plan the most. Lean meat,
fish and salmon for protein. Potatoes, rice and quinoa for carbs. Don’t be
afraid to ask for customised dishes that aren’t on the menu, e.g. grilled
chicken breast, rice and steamed vegetables. Most good restaurants
have these basic foods available.
• Ask them to use a small amount of oil when preparing your food and to
put the sauces on the side.
• Don’t order drinks that contain Calories in restaurants because it’s a waste
of Calories.
Next: It’s a great idea to track the amount of Calories you eat when eating
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Your total daily Caloric intake is the most important factor in your diet,
therefore you will still see great results as long as you stick to your Daily
Caloric Intake.
To track your Calories when eating out, follow the steps below:
1) Install A Calorie Tracking App
You can use any Calorie tracking app such as MyFitnessPal to track your
daily food intake.
2) Hit Your Daily Caloric Goals
Once you have your Calorie tracking app, simply input every food you eat
with each meal and make sure that you don’t exceed the amount of Calories
stated in your diet plan.
Here are the 2 most common errors when tracking Calories:
• Underestimating Calories: Whenever you’re in doubt, it’s always better
to overestimate your Calories than underestimate. In most cases, you eat
more than you think. Therefore, if you eat a meal and you think it’s
between 600-900 Calories, always go for 900 Calories.
• Using cooked weight instead of raw weight: Some foods such as rice
and quinoa double in weight after cooking therefore it’s important that you
distinguish between cooked weight and raw weight.
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Cravings Chart
The most common cravings on a fat loss diet are for chocolate,
sweets, white bread and pasta, salty and oily foods.
If you crave a certain foods on the diet, it means that you’re low on
micronutrients which can be gotten through healthy foods instead.
Once you load up on these micronutrients through whole foods,
your cravings will no longer be physical in nature and rather be
completely psychological (if they are still there).
In my experience, loading up on the micronutrient packed foods
listed below, kills +80% of cravings and makes it much easier to
stick to the diet.
Your diet is already high in all the micronutrient rich foods, however
below I will show you a chart on which foods to emphasize more
depending on what cravings you have.
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Here’s a summary of cravings and what to do eat instead.
Eat more of this
Milk chocolate
Dark chocolate
Sweet and sugary foods, white
Fruits, sweet potatoes, spinach,
bread and pasta
whole wheat, rye and Ezekiel
bread. Also, you can add stevia
to your protein powder or
oatmeal if you eat that.
Salty foods
Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, nuts.
Also, salt your food in
moderation with iodized salt.
Oily foods
Broccoli, asparagus, spinach.
In most cases, simply choosing fruits as your main carb source,
eating dark chocolate for fats once per day, using iodized salt in
moderation with each meal and loading up on a big bowl of
spinach and broccoli each day will pretty much kill your cravings.
Diet FAQ
What should I eat before and after training?
Any of the meals in the diet plan will work. A healthy balanced meal is key to
energise yourself for your training session and to support recovery after
training is done.
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You don’t need to worry about:
• Supplementing with anything pre- and post-workout.
• Eating specific pre- and post-workout diet foods.
• Eating special fitness foods around your training sessions.
• Changing your carb and fat intake.
These things will not have a significant impact on your results.
With that said, there’s one thing to focus on and that is your energy levels. It’s
important that you go into each training session feeling energised so you
can get the most out of it.
Therefore, if you feel hungry or low on energy before going into your training
session, have a big plate of any fruits you like. Fruits are great because they
give you quick energy that you can use during your training session.
If you decide to have fruit before training, you can compensate by having
less carbs in your other meals.
Is it ok to split up my meals into bigger or smaller portions?
In your nutrition plan I provided you with a 3 meals a day eating structure
since this is the structure I found to work best for both myself and the vast
majority of my clients.
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With that said, you are allowed to split up your meals into bigger or smaller
portions as long as you follow the conditions below:
1) You get in your total daily food intake. For example if you want to eat 6
smaller meals each day, you cut the 3 meals a day portion sizes in half to
accommodate a 6 meals a day eating structure.
2) You have at least 2 meals a day and at most 6 meals a day.
Should I implement intermittent fasting, a regular 3 meals a day
diet or a 6 meals a day bodybuilding diet?
Here’s a breakdown of the difference between intermittent fasting, a regular
diet and a 6 meals a day bodybuilding diet:
Regular diet:
• Breakfast.
• Lunch.
• Dinner.
6 meals a day bodybuilding diet:
• Breakfast.
• Lunch.
• Pre-workout meal.
• Post-workout shake.
• Dinner.
• Before-bed meal.
Intermittent fasting:
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• Lunch.
• Dinner.
With the most popular form of intermittent fasting you skip breakfast and
have an 8 hour eating window starting from lunch and ending around dinner.
I want to emphasise that the idea of intermittent fasting is not to cut Calories
and overall food intake by eating less meals (unless you are currently
overeating and your goal is fat loss).
The purpose of intermittent fasting is two-fold:
1. Shift your overall food intake to a different eating window and thereby take
advantage of better nutrient partitioning. (Your body’s ability to use food
for muscle gains).
2. Enable yourself to enjoy bigger and more satisfying meals in your eating
You will find research showing that intermittent fasting produces superior fat
loss and muscle gains compared to eating smaller but more frequent meals
or follow a regular 3 meals a day diet.
However, you will also find research that shows that eating breakfast and
eating smaller meals produces better body-composition.
Overall, the research on intermittent fasting vs. a regular diet vs. a
bodybuilding diet has mixed conclusions.
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In my personal experience, intermittent fasting does not produce superior
body-composition changes compared to a regular diet or eating smaller
meals throughout the day.
However, for some people, intermittent fasting provides amazing mental
clarity in the fasted period, a reduction in food cravings (good if you’re
looking to lose body-fat) and more stable energy levels throughout the day.
For other people including myself, intermittent fasting results in low energy
levels, irritability and low focus in the mornings. I found that it’s hit or miss
whether intermittent fasting works for a client whereas a standard 3 meals a
day eating schedule works for practically everyone.
Having 3 meals a day is pretty much guaranteed to give you optimal results,
therefore I suggest you start with that.
Then only if that doesn’t work for you, start experimenting with having smaller
meals or doing intermittent fasting.
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How do you separate egg whites?
If you decide to use egg whites as your protein source, I highly recommend
that you use liquid egg whites.
It’s more convenient to buy liquid egg whites because you will need a lot of
eggs to get the required amount of egg whites.
One large egg is roughly 58 grams and the egg white takes up 2/3 of it. For
example, if you need 500 grams of egg whites you will need to separate 13
large eggs for one meal. (In the case you want to separate the egg whites
yourself, follow the instructions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=yAGX-54iR30 )
Buying all these eggs becomes very inconvenient when you go grocery
shopping and you will need to spend extra time separating the eggs for
each meal.
Will eating whole eggs result in high cholesterol?
The egg yolk is high in dietary cholesterol however dietary cholesterol is not
linked to an increase in blood cholesterol.
In addition, while the egg yolk is high in fat, it contains mostly healthy
unsaturated fats.
As a result, you shouldn’t fear eggs if you’re worried about cholesterol and
saturated fat intake.
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Instead, you should focus on staying relatively lean year around and live an
overall healthy lifestyle. This will have much more impact on your cholesterol
than worrying about egg intake.
With that said, don’t go overboard with the eggs and do something crazy like
having 5 eggs 2-3 times per day.
Remember, eggs contain a decent amount of saturated fat (about 40%)
alongside the healthy unsaturated fat. Therefore, I recommend that you eat
eggs at most once per day and get your remaining fat from the healthy
unsaturated fat sources in your diet.
Which protein powder should I choose?
Type: I recommend hemp, pea and egg protein powder. Be sure to avoid
whey protein since whey is a byproduct of cheese and dairy products raise
estrogen levels.
Brand: The best brand of protein powder will depend on what type you
choose to get and where you’re living. The best thing you can do is to take a
look at reviews of popular protein powders that are available in your area.
Then select the one that has decent reviews and has the lowest amount of
sugar, sodium and overall ingredients in it. The less ingredients, the better.
I’m using pea protein powder and it tastes horrible.
You can mix it together with unsweetened almond milk, stevia and a small
amount of cocoa. This way it will taste like a chocolate drink. You can also
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make a chocolate oatmeal out of it by adding all these together with oatmeal
in a big bowl.
What brand of Omega-3 fatty acids should I use?
I recommend the brand Nordic Naturals.
How much Omega-3 fatty acids should I use?
2 grams of Omega-3 per day.
Keep in mind that oil or capsules (depending on what supplement you take)
are not 100% Omega-3 therefore you need to look up how much Omega-3 is
in each capsule or each ML of the oil and then take the dosage that is
equivalent to 2 grams of Omega-3.
I have problems with my digestion: Constipation, bloating or
If you have problems with digestion, I highly recommend that you first follow
the steps below:
1. Track your fiber intake: A lot of the foods in the diet are high in fiber
therefore you may be getting TOO MUCH fiber. You want to aim for 35
grams of fiber per day, preferably with the bulk coming from fruits and
2. Chew your food into a fine paste so it can digest better.
3. Include a large serving of pineapple in your diet early in the day.
Pineapple contains bromelain which helps you digest protein.
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4. Include cardio 3 times per week: Sweating a lot on a regular basis will
help you sweat out the toxins from your body and improve your digestion.
If these don’t help, you will want to start looking at more specific things in
your diet:
1. Potassium: Track your daily potassium intake. Aim to get in 4000-5000
MG of potassium per day. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes,
lentils, seeds and nuts are high in potassium.
2. Sodium and water retention: If your bodyweight fluctuates with more than
2 pounds throughout the day, you may be holding on to a lot of water
weight because of eating too much sodium and not enough potassium.
Try tracking your daily sodium intake, and then get it down to 2500 MG
first while getting in 4000 MG of potassium and see if that helps. If that
doesn’t help, try getting sodium down to 1500 MG and potassium up to
5000 MG. It’s important that you balance your sodium and potassium right
if you hold on to excessive water.
3. Gassiness: If you feel gassy, it’s most likely because you are eating foods
that you don’t digest well. Therefore, you will want to start with only eating
lean protein sources (no whole eggs), white rice, white potatoes, extra
virgin olive oil, nuts and green leafy vegetables. If your gassiness goes
away you will know that it was caused by one of the other foods in your
diet. In that case, you will need to gradually introduce the other foods
back until you find out which foods don’t work well with you and in what
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4. Bloating: If you feel bloated despite following all the suggestions above,
try dividing your eating into 5 or 6 meals per day instead of 3. Having
smaller meals could help your digestion as well.
Can I drink alcohol on the diet?
It’s best if you don’t drink alcohol because your body tends to store food as
fat much more when you drink. The reason being is that all energy in the
body is spent on dealing with the alcohol so you don’t metabolise the food
as well.
With that said, I understand that it’s important for you to have a social life so
I’ll give you some guidelines to make the alcohol have the least possible
impact on your training/diet:
1) Don’t drink around the time you’re eating big meals. Make sure that you
eat your last meal at least 2 hours before you start drinking.
2) Limit drinking to one night per week.
3) Limit yourself to 5 units of alcohol once per week (e.g. 5 vodka shots or 5
glasses of wine). Each unit of alcohol will be roughly 100-130 Calories and
when you’re on a fat loss diet you’re in a Caloric deficit of 300-500. In other
words, if you follow your diet and you have 3-5 units of alcohol, you’re not
doing any damage to your fat loss that day, but you are most likely negating
your fat loss progress on that. If you have over 5 units, you need to know that
you’re potentially gaining some body-fat from that. To give you some
perspective, each week you’re in a Caloric deficit of 1800-3000 Calories
depending on how aggressive we are with your Caloric deficit. That’s roughly
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14-30 units of alcohol depending on what you drink. In other words, if you
consume 14-30 units the whole week’s fat loss progress is out of the window.
4) Avoid beer and cocktails. Beer because it raises estrogen (the female
hormone) and cocktails because they’re packed with refined sugar. When
you combine the alcohol with refined sugar you’re much more likely to store
body-fat and have a bad hangover which negatively affects your training.
5) Stick mainly to spirits (vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum) and mix these with
water and lime. Occasionally you can have wines (don’t go for very sweet
desert wines, stick mostly to dry wines) and very rarely you can have a light
beer (light beer has less Calories but still has a negative effect on estrogen).
Make sure the bulk of your drinking is spirits.
6) If you drink twice per week, you limit yourself to 2-3 units per night.
When you have spirits, you mix them with water or sparkling water and
squeeze lime inside.
Overall, drinking 1-2 times per week will not do much bad for your fat loss if
you follow the guidelines above, however if you exceed the guidelines it can
sabotage the whole diet.
Can I skip a meal to compensate for alcohol Calories?
Don’t skip meals to compensate for alcohol Calories. It’s more important that
you eat enough nutrients as long as you’re still able to lose fat at a decent
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If you skip a meal, chances are that your training performance on that day
and the next day will suffer and that you go on a binge that day/the next day.
It’s simply not worth it.
This is again why limiting alcohol is important. The more you drink, the less
quality nutrition you can eat in your diet.
Are meats weighed before cooking or after cooking?
Unless otherwise stated, all foods are weighed raw (before cooking or
How should I eat when travelling?
This will depend largely on where you travel to and for how long.
If it’s a quick 1 day trip, you can eat well before leaving, bring your first meal
with you and then schedule the last meal to be your refeed meal.
If it’s a longer trip, you should look up healthy restaurants and food deliveries
in all the locations you go to prior to going on the trip. Then make a list for
each location. Whenever you get hungry, you can look at that list and quickly
find quality food in your area. This will prevent you from grabbing a quick
McDonalds meal when you’re hungry and don’t want to look for quality food.
Overall, when you travel to big cities it’s easy to stick 80-90% to your diet
because you can find restaurants and food deliveries everywhere that offer
healthy food options such as chicken, beef, rice, potatoes and green
veggies. When ordering meals at restaurants be sure to take a look at the
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eating out tips I provided in this document. This will make you save a lot of
unnecessary Calories.
Can I take a multivitamin instead of eating vegetables?
There are 7 big benefits to eating real vegetables that you don’t find in
multivitamins and it shouldn’t take more than 4-5 minutes per day to eat your
vegetables if you do it the right way.
The 7 big benefits of eating green leafy vegetables are:
1) Faster training recovery. Green leafy vegetables are high in nitric oxide
which improves your blood flow. This speeds up your recovery between
training sessions since the blood can flow faster and more efficiently to the
2) Longer and harder training sessions. Similarly, with better blood flow you
will also be able to train longer and harder.
3) Higher testosterone levels. Green leafy vegetables are proven to increase
your natural production of testosterone which is the main muscle building
hormone in your body. As a result, you will get more muscle gains per year
from your training by eating them.
4) Stronger erections and better focus. Improved blood flow improves the
strength of your erections and mental clarity since the blood can flow better
to your genitals and brain.
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5) Better training pumps. The pump we get during training sessions are
created by consuming the right amount of sodium, potassium, carbs and
water. Nearly everyone get’s way more sodium, carbs and water than we
need, however our potassium intake needs to be increased by a good
100-200% to get optimal pumps. Green leafy vegetables are high in
potassium therefore they will help you get a better pump during training
6) Less water retention. By eating too much sodium and not enough
potassium you can retain water around your face, stomach, chest and other
body-parts. We’re talking up to 5-8 pounds of water weight stored there. This
can easily hide your fat loss progress. By eating a lot of potassium through
vegetables you flush out the water retention and create a more tight looking
body and face.
7) Increased food volume in the stomach to prevent overeating. A big 200
gram bag of spinach has less than 50 Calories (around 2% of a typical diet
plan I prescribe to my clients) and it can last you the whole day. In other
words, green leafy vegetables are so low in Calories that they’re not even
worth to count, yet they provide you with lots of nutrition and fill up your
stomach. This prevents overeating because one of the main reason behind
excessive food cravings is lack of nutrition. I personally used to be hungry 3
hours after a meal, however after adding 100 grams of green leafy
vegetables after a meal I can go 5 hours without food.
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The most optimal way to get in your vegetables would be to have a regular
meal and once you finish the meal you quickly force down a 100 gram bag
of fresh green leafy vegetables with your hands.
Be sure to to go for fresh raw vegetables instead of cooked. I found that
eating them straight from the bag is much quicker and easier than eating
them cooked.
This will take you at most 2 minutes to do. That’s the way I do it. I simply add
a 100 gram bag of green leafy veggies after most of my meals and eat them
like it was a bag of chips. I don’t enjoy the taste of vegetables but forcing
them down with your hands takes just 2 minutes and when you know about
the benefits it quickly becomes worth it.
The other way would be to supplement with a greens supplement such as
Athletic Greens Superfood Cocktail, however in my experience that does not
provide the same benefit as eating real vegetables.
I personally didn’t feel all the benefits listed above when I took greens
supplements, however when I eat my vegetables I feel all of them.
In other words real food beats supplements at any time.
I would only use supplements as a last resort when travelling. Otherwise,
always choose real food over supplements.
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Can I snack?
Snacking between meals is a terrible idea because it kills the fat burning
process that happens between meals.
Here’s how the fat burning process works: You eat a meal and after an hour
or two you start feeling a slight tolerable hunger.
This hunger is a good indicator that you’re burning fat, therefore you want to
keep it going for a few hours and then have your next meal after you’ve gone
through a bit of tolerable hunger.
If you snack every time you feel a slight tolerable hunger, you never give
your body a chance to lose fat.
Can I have tea and coffee on the diet?
Yes, you can have both of these as much as you like since they don’t have
Calories. Both with meals and between meals.
Can I add milk to my tea and coffee?
You want to eliminate milk since it raises estrogen.
Also, by including milk in tea and coffee you will be having Calories between
your meals. Similarly to snacking, this kills the fat burning process. You need
to build up a level of tolerable hunger between meals to lose fat. If you’re
consuming milk between meals that won’t happen.
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Tea and coffee alone have almost no Calories so you can have these at any
time you like.
With that said, if you have your drink with a meal, you’re allowed to add
unsweetened almond milk to it since this has no negative effects on your
hormones and is very low on Calories.
Can I add sweeteners and milk to my diet?
You can add stevia and unsweetened almond milk to your diet in
moderation. You don’t have to measure or count these. As long as
you don’t do something crazy like using 5 tablespoons of stevia per
meal or drink a gallon of unsweetened almond milk a day, you will
be fine since unsweetened almond milk has minimal Calories and
stevia has 0 Calories.
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