Name: ________________________ Date: __________________ Reading Skills Profile Think about the statements below. Put a check in the box that best describes you as a reader. Statement 1. I can identify the main idea. 2. I can identify the claim in a reading passage. 3. I can recognize opinions. 4. I can interpret what I read. 5. I remember what I read. 6. I always understand the question asked. 7. I enjoy reading informational text. 8. I use text structure to help me understand what I’m reading. Please list the text structures you are familiar with: 9. If I don’t know the meaning of a word, I guess the meaning. 10. I am happy with my reading scores on NWEA and grades in class. Please explain: 11. I recognize the difference between facts and opinions. 12. I use context clues to help me understand unfamiliar words. 13. I know how to find information in a long passage. Please explain your strategy: BDebano ACRI 9/8/17 Yes No