Uploaded by Hope Zick-Powell

Personal Code of Ethics: Honesty, Fairness, Respect

I am writing my code of ethics so that I do not repeat the cycle in my family. Instead of being a
lawbreaker and looked down on, I want to be seen as someone on the pathway to being morally
exemplar, not ethically deviant. I want to be a contributor to society for the common good of all,
not some who is incarcerated for breaking the laws of our community. I want to be the person
that leaves an impact on the world through my good deeds, not one who is the laughing stock
and the poster child for families repeating the negative cycle. Hence by establishing a personal
code of ethics, designate a principle that I need to live by to make my life and impact on those
around me one that I can be proud of and hopefully leave a positive lasting legacy.
1. Honesty: I will ensure that my interactions with others are done
with honesty and integrity. I will be honest with myself about my
shortcomings and my strengths. I will let honesty guide me in my
pursuit of a career and the choices that help get me there.
2. Fairness: I will let fairness be an essential part of my
decision-making process. I will let fairness guide me in my
interactions with others. I will let fairness be a more robust guide
than my own bias when trying to be a moral exemplar.
3. Respect I will treat others with respect even though I might not feel
their actions deserve it. I will respect the earth and do my part to
contribute to its longevity. I will respect all those that I come into
contact with, no matter their walk of life.
4. Responsibility: I will take responsibility for my positive and negative
actions. I will realize that I can not take responsibility for the path
that others choose in life. I will take responsibility for life choices
and remember to reflect on them but not allow this reflection to
consume me as I move forward, knowing that I can not change the
5. Attitude I will choose each day to have a positive attitude. I will not
let the actions of others dictate my mood or responses to them. I
will remember that though I can not control others' attitudes, I can
control mine and my situation perception.
6. Cooperation I will remember that cooperation is essential when
dealing with my personal and professional relationships and
interactions. I will not let my wanting to cooperate stifle my voice
and moral compass. I will use cooperation as a critical piece in my
interactions with those around me, knowing that there is more than
one perspective and many different ways to approach problems or
7. Trustworthy I will work hard to build up a reputation of being
trustworthy. I will not give those around me a reason to think that I
am not trustworthy. I will let others know how trustworthy I can be
through my words and, more importantly, through my actions.
8. Courage I will have the courage to stand up not only for myself by
the underdogs or those being bullied. I will have the courage to
love and accept myself. I will; have the courage to admit that I am
not perfect and that I will make mistakes but that I should not give
up on my goals of bettering myself and the world around me.