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geo lec 1 test

Hi everyone it's my pleasure to work on you to see Joe 702 technology and contemporary
environment class my name is a better and I'm the instructor for this course many feel that
economic technological and scientific developments accompanied by a larger risk for the
environment society and how the pitfalls of technology in some cases on anticipated and
unintended what has been described as the era of Technology that's the environment disruption
is brought about by industrial technology and at the same time advancement in industrial
technology has also been and will be the main route to Environmental Quality with the use of
various Technologies the volume and skill of resource extraction production and use and
environmental degradation is phenomenal paragraphs it is best to remind ourselves that some
of our technological processes with respect to environment in the broadest sense the first part of
this introductory lecture is the constructive and destructive use of Technology subsequently I will
analyze the conflict and uncertainties in environment and resource management and also
examine the key components of the tragedy of the commons and its applications in various
facets of human activities and conclude with population growth as a stimulus to technological
innovation and environmental change. She has been used as both at constructive to end a
destructive force in assimilating increase population and consumption with modern technology
we have developed outstanding capacity to clear Forest Cloudland build cities and pollute air
and water systems Technology also accounts for the energy systems manufacturing processes
and synthetic products such as Plastics and chlorinated materials that enter the environment
through human consumption human technology ask accomplished twist to the life environment
relationships or the human environment interaction of land use systems consider for a moment
each year we invent thousands of new chemical compounds many of which are used as
pesticides cleaning compound
Cleaning compound fuels lubricants in medicines as well as Indescribable variety of
manufacturing materials and processes on top of that vast cultural differences among society's
influence the availability and use of new technology as two differences in attitudes about natural
environment and how we use it as a place as humans in it. there are various constructive uses
of Technology it is technology that has denied or forestall the original Matthews Ian vision of
population growth without spacing food production take for example genetically modified food
which in many cases where a result of the Green Revolution in agriculture 2 event food
shortages hunger manager position and starvation in the face of of a increase in global
population but at the same time many professionals Health aspects environmentalist and
citizens are raising eyebrows at some of the excesses of genetically modified food with the use
of Technology the problem of typhoid in many regions of the world have been solved by chlorine
ization of Municipal Water Supply system there is clean out water supply in Canada and
elsewhere many of the childhood killer diseases such as typhoid measles to my clothes the
Centre whooping cough Calera excetra have been eradicated in many communities around the
world extent of technological protection also bound to be hindsight as in the case of the
Walkerton water contamination in Canada
The question is what have we learned in the history of environment and Technology 1 lesson is
key that book resources and environment a function of Technology what I mean by this is that
for a material to be considered a resource it means that we have the technology to First find it or
locate it to extract a reasonable cost end to process it or change the 4 into a conducive
condition that would be useful to meet human needs and wants
So the concept of the resource is a function of Technology without technology many materials
would have remained mere objects in the environment or entities within the environment without
any proper usefulness by this technology that has helped when hands and modify some of
these materials into barrels for start we utilize in our daily activities. I'm not have contemporary
question is whether humans me now is so threatening the boundary conditions of the earth I
seen system that our technological 2 Kit will not suffice to fix there are concerns about the
capacity of the environment as a receptacle for Waste down from its Bounty of resources the
challenge has been the elusiveness of a signing causes predicting effects in finding cures for
many environmental problems this has made its conducive for the legal profession to flourish we
are constantly in litigation and constrained from solving problems by using each other's talents
cooperatively you paragraph there are various ways in which techno transform the physical
pollution is the degradation of the environment as a result of some type of contamination
decontamination be take the form of foreign substances such as pesticides residues in food
chain or bacteria in water supply system it may take the form of greatly enhanced levels of
naturally occurring
Greatly enhanced levels of naturally occurring substances such as nutrients pollution may be
acute as in the case of Highly nauseous or poisonous substances such as chlorine or acid being
released suddenly Elijah Mount into the environment which caused damage or kill organisms
pollution may also be chronic as in the case of last toxic or last know she of substances such as
fertilizer residues in 2 G water supply systems for instance nitrates are most common in drinking
water in farming communities that use well water contamination is due to the use of it why is this
in my new infants younger than 3 months are at risk for blue babies but in turn also okay in
other populations assistant pollutants a substance is heavy metals in radioactive materials that
have long resident time within the environment you know that way they don't biodegrade or
break down easily within the speed of human lifetime and can remain the environment for
centuries it is important to remember that bullet instead and be transferred from one location to
another by streams a movement and muscle 14 karat the movement of contaminants from one
region to another is often described as spatial displacement also place over a period of time and
it's likely to either increase in concentration or volume as a result of constant discharge of
contamination environmental system and this is known as temporal displacement when
contaminants build up over a. Of time it is also possible that Puritans can be displaced from one
medium to another for example when there's oil slick on the surface of the ocean to excessive
sunlight part of the oil evaporate and forms part of the atmosphere in the form of acid rain in the
same way they process of cleanup of oil from the ocean which sometimes requires burning of
the oil slick will be displacing the pollution from the ocean into the atmosphere and this is
displacement through different media there are other things which are used to describe the
nature of contamination bioaccumulation or case when contaminants built up within the tissue of
single organism or individual organisms in that case days increasing concentration of certain
element within the system of a particular organism biomagnification or case when contaminants.
Up or are transferred from the lower trophic levels to the apple or higher trophic levels along the
food chain for instance contamination would affect heels and beluga whales blue feet on the ills
and over a. Of time if you guess who died because of high concentration of contaminant India
fatty tissues there are other ways that environment a transformation or case disturbance is the
physical disruption of the environment such as Forest clear cutting strip mining and soil plowing
as we expand land uses in response to increasing population and growing consumption rates
environment of disturbance is inevitable City sprayed Forest are removed he'll size are scraped
away to mindful cold and damp Cellar of them built to serve cities in terms of energy production
Massive technological use dramatically transforms the environment the collective Frontier
environment account for less than 10% of the world's population they are inhabited by mainly in
the genius or native people who practice hunting Gathering Fishing & trapping most of which
sustainable means of livelihood in other ways they are in harmony with the environment
unfortunately the use of every technological development often have far-reaching implications
for the livelihood activities of native people the question is can humans live in harmony with the
environment and conserve natural resources one of the ways to solve this problem
One of the ways to solve this problem is dematerialization dematerialization is the decline of
what time in the witch of materials used in industrial and product or in the embedded energy of
the products in recent years they have been significant developments in Industry to caps down
the material input to production and reduce the size of Prada mini household products have
become very small and compact in nature dematerialization would be tremendously important
for the environment because last material quote
Last material could translate into smaller quantities of waste generated in both production and
consumption dematerialization has been advocated for the decline in the use of Steel and all of
a row Industrial Waste generation eliminates the need for each treatment and Disposal both of
which carry environmental risk treated effluent stream scary and unregulated receive a
substance that may turn out to be harmful in later years secure disposal eventually discharged
into the environment the extent of dematerialization depends on the nature of resources
resources are finite or Limited in Supply such as gold diamond uranium exit row and the reason
is that it takes a very long time for them to be 4 and so looking at the current rate of used oil
extraction they will soon run out one of the inputs rules of sustainability is that how I use of stop
of finite resources should be done in rate and amount which is less than or equal to the amount
of time that it takes us to find new substitute so that by the time the start resources run out who
have ready-made substitute for them so stock or non-renewable resources such as coal oil and
natural gas they will soon run out so it's important for us to keep working on finding substitute so
that by the time they are exhausted who have something that we can fall on floor resources or
renewable resources such as Forest water excetera can be sustained or depleted depending on
how we use it so it's important that as part of the inputs route of sustainability that how I use of
renewable resources should be done in rate an amount which is less than or equal to the
regenerative capacity all the recharge capacity of the system in the case of continuous
resources of these resources does not affect the quality or quantity of that particular resource for
example energy from the Sun can be tapped into and use continuously without degrading the
source of that energy in the same way in terms of activities that we carry no one can drain out
the ocean because there's so much water in the ocean that it will take a significant amount of
used to be able to and Sauced it dematerialization also requires different methods of waste
reduction which includes in plant recycling changes in process technology changes in plans
operation substitution of input materials and modification of end product realization forces
reconsideration of the origins and solutions of environmental issues in places where a proposal
for Waste reduction Recycling and other methods can be applied if recycling or reuse is not
possible then it is time for treatment and destruction relying on technology such as remediation
and incineration recycling faces technical limitations one Insight is that in many places the major
human sources of environmental pollutants have been shifting from production to consumption
processes s s Insight is that a number of material is inherently dissipative
S s Insight is that a number of materials are inherently dissipative degraded this paste and lost
in addition to fuel and food this applies to many packaging materials lubricant solvent antifreeze
detergent soap spray cheese and cleaning agent price paint pigment Cosmetics
Pharmaceuticals fertilizes pesticides and herbicides what's of the current consumptive uses of
toxic heavy metals such as arsenic cadmium chromium make we are all dissipative in the Saints
there are several sources of conflict inherent in natural resource management in his book
emphasize that since 18 regularly and Mona Khan Chabot Activity one likely outcome would be
that countries that cannot feed their people are unlikely to be reasonable about continuing he
also observed that with every degree increase in temperature due to climate change that will be
increase in mass movement of population more field and feeling States and increase the
probability of internal and international conflicts with regards to the probability of climate Wars in
noted that if they become big and frequent enough they still sabotage international corporation
that is the only way to stop the temperature from continuing to climb as a result different types of
conflicts image in natural resource management at the cognitive level with the regulatory
agency might have collected data indicating that storing locks in the Estuary would adversely
affect juvenile salmon population in contrast using different data collection and analytical
methods biologists for the did that storage of logs pose no significant threat to fish population
both parties might share a genuine concern about the well-being of juvenile salmon back in the
situation they had two different understandings of the nature of the possible threat to Sam from
storing locks in the Estuary and this is known as cognitive conflict secondly there is value-based
conflict it is possible that both parties shared a concerned about the well-being of fish and also
that each of their data supported a common conclusion that threat did indeed exist for the
juvenile fish distinctively different quotes to exist regarding the appropriate trade-offs between
the protection of fish in the creation of jobs for longest End Mill workers at the forestry company
different values trade conflict even though at a competitive level there was no dispute a game I
know that conflict could be okay if even if the two parties agreed that the storing of locks could
threaten the fish and how to reach a mutually acceptable decision about the most appropriate
mixed between Environmental Quality and economic growth and interest based conflict would if
disagreements are rows over who should pay for the cost of removing the log flumes to
preserve the fish rehabitat in this situation conflict will not be based on how can I take off value
issues by Rabbi on different interest regarding responsibility for the cost transcending the above
types of conflict is the behavioral aspects which will confound matter
Which cool confound Mattis even after command positions where is stablished regarding the
problem in the information as well as the desirable ends to be a. for instance previous decisions
regarding logging practices in fishing lack of communication and mistrust as well as emotions
could combine to make it difficult for the two sides to trust each other and therefore reach an
agreement this is the situation that confront the First Nations people with the gas to be a
relationship with the word that Canadian federal government or other provincial government
there is deep-seated distrustful. First Nation issues in the past and often time any new
negotiation about development these past resentment are brought to bear on the negotiations
these four types of conflicts do not have 20K in isolation in any disagreement more than one
source of conflict could involve as a result it is important that resource and environmental
managers be aware of the different types of conflict and able to recognize them in many
situations being aware of the causes of conflict the Philippine is solution. Which influence the
relationship human technological development and their natural environment is on settings
uncertainty is an imperfect knowledge or understanding in Resource Management nevertheless
decisions must be made see results resource and environmental managers often make
decisions without knowing the full implications or Consequences of their choices recognizing the
importance of all setting T is vast Essentia in management of technological impact on the
natural environment at the same time it is also necessary to recognize that the concept of
uncertainty in itself does not Encompass all the situations that might be and counted there are
four types of uncertainties risk on settings ignorance and indeterminacy the risk is when the
behavior of a system is basically known in the probability of various outcomes can be defined
and Quantified example estimating the risk of a specific magnitude of flat base on along
hydrological record for a river system with the length of Time series something formation their
risk could be calculated there would always be a possibility of error but there could be
considerable confidence in the estimate on the other hand on setting to case if the behavior of
the system is not normal and therefore it is not possible to estimate the probability of a given
India example of estimating the magnitude of a flat the resource managers could well know the
key variables contributing to a flat event but if inadequate that. We're available then it will be
difficult if not impossible to estimate the probability with confidence Offenhauser ever resource
managers must deal with the more difficult issue of ignorance in other ways failure to recognize
an existing problem in such situations we are on our way of possible problem and therefore feel
to even consider it who is a are the lack of awareness of acid rain in Ontario and Quebec the
1960s and failure to acknowledge climate change at the globe has escaped during the 1970s
Indeterminacy is a Fourth Kind of uncertainty which arises as a result of lack of understanding of
the cause and effect relationships matchweek in risk assessment resume that uncertainty arises
because of incompetence definition or understanding of cause and effect relationships in
ecosystems the belief is that more scientific weight should be able to reduce or eliminate the
uncertainties some people such as 1/2 add you that because of the complexity of ecosystems
and natural environment it may be unrealistic to anticipate that humankind will ever be able to
understand some systems the classic example is the issue of climate change climate change is
often influenced by multiplicity of fattest and hands it is described as a wicked problem Wicked
problem is better characterized by chaos than by order and stability manager may have to
accept the Indy Terminal C of knowledge and understanding it is important to appreciate the fact
that humans do not understand many aspects of natural systems and in some instances the
prospect of gaining understanding Airport nevertheless management decisions must be made in
the face of both on settings and conflicts as a result resource and environmental managers
often find themselves involved in situations in which the issues and the solutions do not appear
in black and white by rather in Shades of Grey many of which are notably fancy this is reality in
resource managers must be able to I'm about key concept is the tragedy of the Commons in
1968 population expert Garrett Hardin publish a short but widely cited article in the Journal of
science wherein he uses the metaphor of the tragedy of the commons to demonstrate that and
the setting s decisions reach individually by many who are each pursuing their own private
interests can collectively lead to rain in so doing he address the fundamental question the
problem that more than economists often face what of resources that I essentially called in, or
more specifically used by many yet owned by none for example the atmosphere Rivas ocean
and public spaces the phones existed prior to the enclosure movement of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries where by Hades often shared common parcel of land on which the way
each and title to allow heads of sheep and cattle to graze originally the pasta was open to all
and this situation generally where it will end the low population densities with fewer animals
grazing headsman being a rational being would seek to make the most of the situation and
consider the utility of adding one additional animal to the Head the tragedy of the commons has
both positive and negative components the benefits to the head that was obvious as he
immediately gained all the proceeds from additional animals eventual sale yet they cost less of
use that is the additional animal contributed to overgrazing which in turn was shared by all
headers in the community these cost weigh typically not immediate but we're potentially felt in a
long time after
But we're potentially felt in the longtime after many years of overgrazing and improper lane use
overgrazing of livestock has repeatedly proven to be one of the major causes of land
degradation and erosion throughout history and in many different parts of the world the general
idea is that the utility of adding an additional animal gained by an individual hits man that is all
the proceeds of 10 from its eventual still out weight the cost of the headers smaller share of the
diminished usefulness or productivity of the land which is borne by the entire community the
rationale headsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add
additional animal to the head and I know that and I know that but this is the conclusion reached
by each and every rational head Smart Share in the comments veteran lies the tragedy each
man is locked in a system that compels him to increase his head Without Limits in the world that
is limited room is the destruction which all men Rush each pursuing his own best interest in the
society that believes in the freedom of the columns freedom in the Comal Springs green 2 all it
is important to emphasize that the tragedy of the commons there's not only okay in
mismanagement of rangeland by pastoralist but also through over hunting or over foraging of
public lands to the mismanagement of a forest through the last kill Clarence of public lands
through the misuse of groundwater resources and mismanagement of irrigation communities in
Canada image example of the mismanagement of the commons was the overfishing of the
grand banks by both National and international fishes that eventually led to the collapse of
Atlantic Cod Fisheries in the 1990s many decades Elia the court of grand Banks just east of
Newfoundland was considered one of the world's greatest fishing store with both Canadian and
trolling fleets from around the world have a stain unprecedented amounts of fish by the early
1990s after Decades of sustainable fishing practices by both Canadian and international fishing
fleets including the Soviet Union Spain France Portugal as well as smaller numbers from Asia in
the Caribbean and elsewhere the northern Court stock eventually collapsed in addition to that
the tragedy of the commons okay in pollution when each person considers the cost of treating
each waist is so damn of course the easiest way is to discharge the waste into the ocean or
streams and on land without treating it because it's much cheaper to do that but the problem is
that when every person that does the same thing over a long. Of time it will eventually begin to
degrade the environment and all people who suffer from the impact of environmental
degradation the extent to which the environment would adversely be impacted by various
technological applications in human use depends on the carrying capacity of the system current
capacity is their number of people that the Earth can support and also the total number of
biological unit which can be supported sustainably by Empire physical system without
irreversible damage on the system so cultural carrying capacity is defined as a size of
population that
Population that live in a long time so stay in balance with the environment at a reasonable
quality of life with land-use systems that do not degrade over time this includes not only
sustainable food production systems black oil and what are resources but maintenance of other
life-forms and environmental features that are not of direct and immediate economic value the f
is not a finite Bounty of resources through experiment with expanding animal populations in
finance ecosystems biologist shown that population rapidly outgrows resources attrition pollution
and social stress but environment seems decline resulting ultimately in extermination through
massive die of animal population this strength is associated with declining consumption rather
than increasing consumption is associated with humans I'm not that religious same is
assimilated capacity it is the total volume of waste and pollution that above physical system can
receive biodegrade and dissipate or neutralize without irreversible damage on the system the
question is can we use technology to enlarge our current capacity and Asma Latif capacities to
some extent technology can be used to enlarge the current capacity for example we've been
able to use various Innovations to create different plastic materials that mimic the pattern of
wood are these plastic materials which one example would be a composite plastic material can
be used to build decks instead of cutting down forest in order to make provision for wood so by
using technology to design new types of materials that we can use as an alternative to would we
have been able to a large the carrying capacity of nitrous systems a game we can also design
various gadgets that will treat waste so we don't have to discharge raw sewage into the ocean
and that can eliminate some of the effects of pollution in the receiving systems in 1996 the
Canadian population ecologist William Reeves Facebook a book which was title Hawaii
Kalashnikov from Sprint using human impact on Earth which was cool with it with his Dane PhD
student Mathis what a Niger India books they define ecological footprint as a measure of the
demand that youman activity puts on the biosphere has more defined by Air Wing and
colleagues the footprints more precisely measures the amount of biologically productive Land
and Water Area required to produce all the resources and individual population or activity
consumes and to absorb the waste they generate even feeling technology and resource
management practices ecological footprint analysis has been applied on a variety of levels
globally nationally but also with more localized focus on Regional resource issues of specific
provinces as affluence and wealth are characteristically associated with the average Canadian
has a larger footprint than is the case for people of most other countries image similar vein the
average high income Canadian typically as much larger ecological footprint than somebody in a
low-income just a small prosperous regions typically have larger
Prosperous regions typically have larger footprint than regions with comparable populations that
are more economical leave depressed one of the elements that influence the relationship
between technological applications and environmental Transformations is population growth
according to Matthews population has the tendency to grow explanation or geometrically and
that is the Dublin rate of population whereas food production process at arithmetic rate Mount
population will eventually out paste food production and that can result in either positive checks
or negative checks according to Matthews three factors would control population growth that
exceeded the Earth carrying capacity or how many people can leave in a given area considering
the amount of available resources muscles identify three factors as War famine and disease has
he tamed them positive checks because they increased mortality rates us keeping the
population in check the accountant by preventive checks which also control population but by
reducing fertility rates preventive checks include birth control and celibacy thinking practically
Matthew saw that people who produce only so much food in a given year yet the population was
increasing at an exponential rate eventually he thought people will run out of food and begin to
starve indirect opposites to the malthusian position that way at this who argued that population
growth and of itself should not be considered a problem and that if anything and the right
conditions the increase members can act as a driver of innovation and technological progress
and clear economic growth and climbing standards of living the general idea is that when a
specific resource becomes past due to population increase or some other Factor societies
respond through inventiveness and innovation in technology the solution to scarcity is that
human populations eat us a shout alternatives to the resources that becomes cast or find new
ways of making some list human populations are considered to be empowered by Ingenuity
technological progress and the ability to organize and reorganize in ways that allow for more
successful adaptation Amharic book the conditions of agricultural growth the economies of
agrarian change and the population pressure 1965 challenge the dominance malthusian
Paradigm of a Time providing evidence on Hargrove in food production has continued to
outpace population growth primarily due to what she referred to as the induced intensification of
agriculture if there are real limits in times of the extensification over agriculture or extension of
agricultural production to new lines then populations tend to respond through an intensive
keishin of Agriculture by making production more intense getting more out of the land that is
currently available establish Rome population growth has been and Essentia driver powerful
enough to make traditional communities change the agricultural methods not only forcing people
to bring more land under cultivation but also grow new types of crops used new fence visors
and irrigation methods dream swamplands to attempt 49:20
Dream swamp plants to attempt new intercropping airport all in order to make more from Les to
increase productivity in the context of real fixable image had come true she's is the opposite of
the general opinion at the time when it was believed that the carrying capacity of the globe was
nearly exhausted in the ongoing demographic transition in developing countries will result in
soaring food prices in masturbation from this point of view the formation concept of carrying
capacity and big rows and difficult to Define in the late 1970s Paul L which was widely
considered as one of the most important voices behind the so-called population crisis with his
writings deemed to be a Cornerstone of the thinking of many environmentalist of that time
similarly the 1970s fuel tank that is the club of Rome published and influential and controversial
monograph that is the limits to growth which also argue that observed demographic and
economic Trends we're not sustainable particularly in the long-term on the basis of several
simulations and longer-term forecast with observed time series on population growth resource
consumption food production as well as known reserves of natural resources and energy the
central thesis of this week was that Humanity was already in an Uber shooting mode beyond the
planet's current capacity as a result the worrisome forecast was made that some type of
Economic and ecological systems word crash the Doom that was predicted by the club of Rome
was estimated to happen by the meat 20th century here we are in the 21st century and this has
not come to fruition at least partially in response to this argument The Economist Julien Simon
wrote an equally controversial book that is the ultimate resource whereby he set out the
diametric opposite view that's carrying the trains in terms of population and ignore me I'm not
only on problematic but in fact something that could and should be encouraged more
fundamentally Simon argued with great optimism that there is a Shelly No Limits to population
growth and that this notion of a 59 staring capacity is without empirical married for Simon there
are no limits for the simple reason that people in the economy's city as they have in the past and
will continue to do so in the future you know that way it's the ultimate resource for Simon is
human Ingenuity resourcefulness and creativity and large population not only means there are
more mouths to feed But ultimately more skilled spirited and hopeful people who will exert their
will and imaginations for their own benefit and so inevitably for the benefits of an Saul in
defiance of this position Simon game pointed to the considerable progress that we have
witnessed regardless of population growth as many resources including food have become
more plentiful regarding population Health more people are living better healthier and longer
than ever before fundamental to Simon's mindset was his training in economics or even more
profoundly the prominence he plays on the market place in driving economic
New classical economics And longer than ever before fundamental to Simon's mindset was his
training in economics or even more profoundly the prominence he plays on the market place in
driving economic and technological change new classical economists has been characterized
by a concentrated focus in the secular movement of investment production distribution and
consumption agreeably in a manner that is somewhat of an abstraction from the physical reality
or Booth local ecosystems and brother a mental image well the new Moto Z and emphasis has
been on the limits to growth Simon's argument has focused on how my kids generates a
adjustment to stay in as a result have the capacity to redefine where these limit might actually
be what is the bus row had initially pointed to the importance of population growth as a
fundamental driver of social change and technological innovation Simon elaborated upon how
this Innovation can operate in modern economy or more specifically in the free market
capitalism economy of the late 20th century Seychelle to Simon's argument is what economists
have labeled the Market's response model at the heart of this line of thinking is the importance
of price as determined in the marketplace as a mechanism that provides both potential and
disincentives for economic adaptation and technological innovation the price of a specific
resource or Commodities such as wood Papa corn Electronics Steel is determined by the
marketplace give him the reality of fixed environmental limit there is only so much would a
available to be cut or land available to the farm when it becomes overexploited scarcity Resort
which in turn has an impact on Supply and subsequently on its price in the response model it is
the price that saves as a major incentive or disincentive for economies to change Anna. This
implies that if price goes up with climbing scarcity the response of produces is one to try to find
new sources of this resource and that consideration to develop new technologies that allow for
the extraction or production of the same resource that had previously been deemed on
economic how all technologically feasible and all three find useful substitute for the resource
under consideration Hanes population growth often leads to scarcity which in turn increases
price and then correspondingly provides a major impetus to expand the potential supply of the
resource under consideration or to innovate by finding substitute for what has become
expensive Simon was merely restating the widely held view that necessity is the mother of
invention in Simon's view the by product of such Innovation and creativity was second in weight
increase in the supply of economically useful Goods as Modified by Technology Innovation
which in turn leads to economic growth and increasing living standards
On the other hand the Market's response Moto shift the emphasis on economic and
technological innovation which in 10 holds the potential for notifying how would you find these
same environmental limits in other ways the population impact equation gains prominence
image context in the light of the potential for technological innovation as a response to scarcity
Simon provide several different examples of the workings of the Market's response mother from
How Western societies have met their energy needs over time using wood coal oil natural gas
Hydro nucleya among other alternatives to the demand for food which intensified with the Green
Revolution similarly he demonstrates The Innovation and substitution that have characterized by
use of various minerals and metals of a Time widely used by industry in the production of
consumer goods including copper nickel team tungsten among others whereas the limits to
growth please this emphasizes known Reserve as a physical world with obvious real limits the
market response model suggests that The Logical reaction to scarcity is adaptation in a vision
and substitution responding to an increase in price of copper by replacing expensive copper
pipes with less expensive Halo plastic pipes awesome in looking to the Future the image
available for human use is considered unlimited despite discussions of peak oil or columns on
known reserves as climbing prices are rising prices reached Innovation allowing is to develop
Alternatives including renewable energy such as solar wind and geothermal and this brings me
to the end of the first lecture on introduction to technology and Concepts