Uploaded by Clifford Bates

Forms of Rule: A Philosophical Analysis

The Forms of Rule
The forms of rule
Rule is to exercise authority or command over another.
The boss, the leader, the coach are all variation of one who exercises
authority to lead over a group of people.
Rule is thus a social relation. It deals with the means by which one
person or a group have authority .
It is also a relation about the allocation of goods and obedience.
Despotic Rule:
Benefits the rulers/masters. [slave/subjects benefit only accidentally.]
Coercive rule over another for your benefit.
Paternal Rule:
Benefits the ruled (the children)
Love/Caritas/”agape” of the Father/Parent for the child. Echoes the love of God
for his creation.
Fraternal Rule:
The shared rule of sibling.
By nature, and by convention
Involuntary (yet for those brought in from the outside, voluntary in some ways)
Echoes the care of paternal rule, but a care among relative equals. Although older
siblings have some authority over younger one, but not absolute authority.
A care for of equals
Varied basis for friendship, can be based on pleasure, utility or some shared
relationship founding in some shared good (agathon) or virtue (areta).
Echoes Fraternal Rule.
Economic Rule:
Mutual benefit to all the parties involved [Trade has only 2, buyer and seller].
Wholly Voluntary. Any involuntary character (force or fraud) invalidates the relation.
Rested in Mutual interest/benefit--- economic good or satisfaction of want or need.
This includes labor relationships as well (as labor contact is an agreement for the labor
of the worker, the producer gives them remuneration.
There is no requirement to care for or even like the other party.
Political Rule:
Mutual Benefit to all within the given community
Mixed [voluntary/involuntary].
Political rule is the rule over equals, where one is ruler and one is ruled in turn.
Political rule is shared rule of the citizens, who are not subjects, but those that
share in rule and being ruled.
Violations of, paternal, fraternal, friendship, economic, and political rule leads
towards despotic rule. This is to say, that when one violates the expect norm
of paternal rule, fraternal rule, friendship, economic rule, or political rule, the
violation and deviations changes the form of rule towards despotic rule.