Feeling/! Emotion Action/! Behavior Identity ! The stronger your identity becomes, the more your thoughts/beliefs occur without much effort. These thoughts begin to seem like reflexes and their origination is forgotten. 1. An event occurs. For example, while in traffic a car cuts in front of you without using a turn signal. ! 2. You will have a thought about the event that is based on your belief system. For example, that driver was an inconsiderate idiot...trying to kill me. This thought is probably based on the belief that people should treat me fairly and meet my needs. ! 3. You will then have an emotional response based on your thoughts. For example, feeling angry, anxious and maybe even rage. ! 4. Based on how you are feeling, you will have an action or behavior. For example, yelling at the driver, honking your horn or tailgating. ! 5. The more you engage in a behavior, the more it becomes part of how you act or your identity. For example, a driver that is always yelling at others, may be called a "Road Rage" driver. ! Event Thought/! Belief Devin Vicknair, Ph.D., LPC Cognitive Mapping!