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Cleaning Validation of medical products
Chapter · May 2015
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Cleaning Validations of
Medical Products
By Steven G. Richter, PhD
Medical devices come in all shapes and sizes—from
speculums to colonoscopes and everything in
between. Generally, these devices are expensive and
require cleaning, disinfection and sterilization. This
chapter describes the salient points for validating
the process necessary to allow a reprocessed medical
device to be used safely. It covers only the cleaning process. Inadequately cleaned devices cannot
be disinfected or sterilized, and hospital technicians and employees working in central service
must understand and be thoroughly trained on the
cleaning process. Unfortunately, the diversity of
critical instructions in medical device instructions
for use (IFUs) can be a challenge for most hospital
reprocessing departments. The labeling is important,
as each manufacturer must now validate recommended sterilization methods and drying times
to obtain clearance from the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).
Moreover, reusable medical devices have been
implicated in hospital-acquired infections (HAIs)
resulting from inadequate cleaning and sterilization
practices and procedures that do not specify how to
remove blood, tissue and feces (FDA: Reprocessing
of Reusable Medical Devices1). FDA’s requirement for validation studies for both cleaning and
disinfection helps reduce the risks to physicians
and patients. This chapter assists manufacturers in
determining the best practices for performing these
pivotal studies.
Qualification studies are important for obtaining pertinent cleaning data that lead to the next
phase of the project: validation. Exposing medical devices to “simulated real world” challenges
is critical. A minimum of two markers should be
used. Blood and protein markers are available for
these studies. Artificial test soil also is used with the
blood/carbohydrate and protein to simulate patient
use. The purpose of cleaning is to ensure the device
is scrupulously clean for the next patient. This
means when the device is dissembled and microscopically inspected (including internal lumens and
contact surfaces), there is no evidence of tissue/body
fluids/feces (TBF) materials.
The IFUs should be provided to the laboratory prior to validation activities. At the laboratory,
technicians will develop qualification challenges to
detect challenge materials in or on the device after
hand or automated cleaning activities.
FDA Considerations
In 2011, FDA’s Draft Guidance for Industry and
FDA Staff-Processing/Reprocessing Medical Devices
in Health Care Settings: Validation Methods and
Labeling2 was distributed for comment. This document superseded the April 1996 document Labeling
Reusable Medical Devices for Reprocessing in Health
Care Facilities: FDA Reviewer Guidance and other
secondary reference documents.
The majority of the requirements in this chapter
are drawn from the 2011 FDA guidance. Currently,
the Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation (AAMI) has a working group developing an industry Technical Information Report
(TIR) that will provide a more reasonable approach
to reusable medical device cleaning validation. This
chapter helps the reader develop a validation program to meet the requirements. FDA has identified
industry consensus standards to support the cleaning
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
Figure 7-1. Examples of typical Reusable
Medical Devices
protocols and FDA data requirements. The following
is a list of consensus standards:
• ST-79 Comprehensive guide to steam sterilization and sterility assurance in health care
• ST-81 Sterilization of medical devices—
information to be provided by the
manufacturer for the process of resterilizable
medical devices4
• ST-58 Chemical sterilization and high-level
disinfection in health care facilities
FDA places the primary responsibility for developing and validating effective reprocessing methods for
a reusable medical device on the device manufacturer. The manufacturer is expected to validate how
a device can be cleaned and disinfected or sterilized
adequately to allow it to be reused. As outlined by
FDA, the manufacturer must test and validate any
labeling claims of fitness for reuse that are provided
in the instructions for device handling, cleaning, disinfection, packaging and sterilization in a
healthcare facility. To demonstrate compliance with
label claims, cleaning agent manufacturers must
validate that the agent provides the expected level of
soil removal and determine materials compatibility.
AAMI TIR30 (A compendium of processes, materials, test methods, and acceptance criteria for cleaning
reusable medical devices)5 addresses the issues related
to manufacturers’ validation testing for cleaning
medical devices.
Regulatory Expectations
Although the ISO/AAMI cleaning standards are
not consensus standards, FDA has accepted them
with limitations. FDA issued a draft guidance
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
in May 2011 to address some of the limitations
of AAMI TIR30. This draft guidance document
has precipitated industry discussion and resulted
in formation of an AAMI task force to develop a
new cleaning standard. Industry has embraced the
guidance, with the understanding that changes
from the older TIR30 concepts were required. The
TIR recommended challenging the device with a
microbiological suspension of Bacillus spores (spore
tag method). Bacillus spores are used because they
are easy to place on the device and easy to count
after the cleaning process. FDA indicated the spore
tag method and Hucker’s Soil challenges are inadequate to validate a cleaning program. Although this
guidance is not legally enforceable, it describes the
agency’s “current thinking and should be viewed as
recommendations.” Therefore, it is incumbent upon
industry to modify the current best practices and
test, challenge and validate (TCV) reusable medical
device cleaning methods using protein, carbohydrates, red blood cells and lipids.
Another issue of note is that cleaning, disinfecting and sterilization validation activities should be
performed separately, which drives up test costs.
The ASTM Simulated Use Test, which was the gold
standard for many years, now is deemed inappropriate by FDA. Manufacturers may wish to review the
archived validation protocols to determine whether
re-validation studies may be needed.
An array of analytical chemistry cleaning validation methods to inspect for the presence of residual
proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and red blood cells
has been proposed. These studies can be the next
gold standard for industry. However, what are the
pass/fail criteria? Each method requires validation
along with adequate controls for system suitability
requirements. Using total organic carbon (TOC)
analyzers can provide a broad-stroke cleaning
indication. However, other instruments such as high
pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), infrared (IR) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) will be required under this new guidance.
Is a three-log reduction adequate for cleaning
validations? This is expected to change with time.
A three-log reduction means one device in 1,000
processed has a high probability of not being cleaned
adequately (borrowing from the sterility assurance
level (SAL) math). This number is expected to change
to a cleaning assurance level (CAL) of one contaminated device in 10,000 or 100,000 processed.
As the document relates to new medical
devices, industry also is required by statute to reduce
manufacturing materials such as metal particles,
lubricants and other contaminants to safe levels.
Regulatory Violations
FDA regulatory actions related to reusable medical devices have been limited. This is due primarily
to the inappropriate reporting system for HAIs.
Determining whether irritation is caused by
inadequately rinsed disinfectants is another issue.
Therefore, the number of HAIs attributed to inadequately processed devices is unknown because it
often is not investigated as a cause.
The following FDA reports resulted from
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
(ERCP) procedures:
1.FDA report, dated 3/07/2014 (US)—
at least eight patients were infected or
colonized with carbenepenum-resistant
Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) at one hospital
after undergoing ERCP
2.FDA report, dated 1/28/2014 (US)—five
patients tested positive for CRE after
undergoing ERCP using the same endoscope cleaned and disinfected between
patients (Report No. 2951238-2014)
FDA/AAMI/ANSI and ISO Definitions
bioburden—population of viable microorganisms on or in product and/or sterile
barrier system
biofilm—accumulated biomass of bacteria and extracellular material that is
tightly adhered to a surface and cannot be
removed easily
cfu—colony forming units
cleaning—removal of biological contamination from a medical device to the
completeness required based on validated
decontamination—use of physical or
chemical means to remove, inactivate
or destroy blood borne pathogens on a
surface or item to the point where they are
no longer capable of transmitting infectious particles, and the surface or item is
rendered safe for handling, use or disposal
(29 CFR 1910.1310)
disinfection—a validated process that
ensures targeted microorganisms are
destroyed using chemical processes
lumen—internal cavity or channel inside
a device
materials stability—ability of a material to
resist physical and chemical degradation
that could destroy the ability for the device
to perform its intended use
medical device—any instrument, apparatus, appliance, material or other article
used for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease;
examples include endoscopes, surgical
instruments, syringes, needles, catheters,
software, organ stability fluid, surgical
trays, etc.
microorganism—bacteria, fungi, viruses
and protozoa
prions—transmissible pathogenic cellular
protein agents that can cause neurodegenerative disease in humans and animals;
these can be similar to protein refolding
issues in Alzheimer’s disease
reprocess—validated instructions to clean,
decontaminate, disinfect, repackage and/or
sterilize a medical device used for a prior
treatment for a different patient
reusable medical device—device intended
to be cleaned and disinfected or sterilized
between patient use
SDS—sodium dodecyl sulfate, a detergent
used in cleaning medical devices
Chapter 7. Cleaning Validations of Medical Products
A determination of the levels of safety is the major
issue. This is somewhat similar to an earlier determination for ethylene oxide residuals that resulted
in a proposed Federal Register document in the early
1980s for release criteria.
Figure 7-2. Notebook studies can provide data
to build appropiate validation activities
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
Figure 7-3. Automated cleaning equipment
typically should be validated prior to use.
sterilization—validated process that
renders a device sterile and free from
microorganisms (except prions) according
to FDA requirements
test soil—material designed to mimic
contamination typically found on medical
devices after procedures; used to validate
the IFU actually are cleaning the device
prior to disinfection and sterilization
user verification—documented activity
establishing the cleanliness requirements
have been met
validation—documented procedure that
challenges cleaning methods with test
soils to determine whether the IFUs are
appropriate for the healthcare facility and
personnel; validation documents the cleaning process (performance qualification)
with data
Industry Guidance Documents: AAMI
TIR 12 and 30
AAMI Technical Information Report TIR12,
Designing, testing and labeling reusable medical
devices for reprocessing in health care facilities: A guide
for medical device manufacturers,6 covers the salient
points for manufacturers to validate the cleaning
requirements it sets forth. There obviously is some
confusion regarding these standards in terms of
continuity and compliance. The TIR reports are
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
published to guide the practitioner in developing a
validation protocol. Each medical device is different in its principal, engineering and body contact
area. The cleaning studies should be performed as
separate studies. Endpoint information is gathered
from TIR30 for the validation process. Validation
studies require endpoints. The importance of notebook studies cannot be overstated. These studies can
be invaluable for setting the procedures for successful validation outcomes. Qualification studies are
worked out with the project manager. The following
are important aspects of this process:
• challenge material—soil choices and simulated body fluid choices
• cleaner type—enzymatic category (lipase,
• presoak/soak contact time and water
• water quality (pH and hardness)
• brushes for manual cleaning
• pre-cleaning rinse
• post-cleaning rinse
• drying time and temperature
• pass/fail criteria—endpoint analysis
TIR30 is the penultimate cleaning document used
in the medical device industry. This report contains
a compendium of test methods and acceptable
criteria for the cleaning of reusable medical devices.
Proteinase/lipase dual enzyme lichen-based enzyme
cleaners are the general choice of most manufacturers for both manual and automated cleaning.
Enzyme cleaners work best within narrow pH and
temperature ranges. Various enzyme cleaners are
used for medical devices.
Manual cleaning elements are broken down
into the following categories:
• hydration—adding water to the device
causes the extraneous material to absorb
water molecules
• friction—a mechanical process whereby
the extraneous material is mechanically
• digestion—a chemical process that
removes material by breaking down the
large molecules to smaller ones more
soluble in water
• solubilization—a chemical process
whereby extraneous materials’ surface
characteristics change the affinity for water
• fluidics—the use of water to remove extraneous materials from medical devices
Bacterial Challenges—Points to
Adding microorganisms to the soil may be required
for certain medical devices. These studies may be in
combination with a disinfectant study. The choice of
bacterial species depends on the device used and the
treatment. For example, endoscopes are used in the
gastric area and normally encounter gram-positive
and gram-negative bacteria, along with yeasts and
molds. Endoscopes also would encounter blood,
mucous, saliva and tissue. Typical bacterial cleaning
challenges are 1 x 10(e4) CFU per device. FDA may
require a three-log reduction.
A robust study would utilize gram-positive
and gram-negative bacteria as tags. The selected soil
marker would be inoculated with these bacteria.
The device would be dried for one hour and then
cleaned. After cleaning, rinsing and drying, the
device would be extracted to determined residual
levels of soil (protein, carbohydrate, endotoxin or
The author would like to point out that no
single test soil is appropriate for all medical devices.
For instance, bacteria would not be appropriate for
devices that enter sterile body cavities. Devices used
in the GI tract may require an endotoxin challenge
specific for the clinical application. Endotoxin challenges are difficult to quantitate due to the stickiness
of the lipopolysaccaharide molecule. So, the
validation must show the recovery of the endotoxin
positive controls to within one two-fold dilution
of the standard. This is difficult to attain experimentally. Other types of soil can be hemoglobin or
protein based. These are the markers of choice for
most (90%) of studies.
AAMI TIR30 (Table 6) lists 12 soil types
for the practitioner’s choice in cleaning studies.
Historically, Hucker’s soil was the number one
choice. However, Hucker’s soil was concocted
for washer-disinfection units used for anesthesia
equipment and bed pans. Data indicate Hucker’s
soil is beyond the worst-case scenarios seen in
soiled devices used on patients. AAMI TIR12 also
references Hucker’s soil. Yet, other soils are becoming more appropriate due to medical device design
characteristics and use. ATS-B soil contains bacteria,
protein, CHO, endotoxin and hemoglobin. This
test soil type is recommended for flexible endoscopes, which are one of the most frequently used
devices in the US. Other devices may require a spore
tag or bacteria coupled with soil emulsions to meet
EU requirements (ISO 17664 ref ).
TIR acceptance criteria are based on published
data primarily from endoscopes. Endoscopes were
the first devices suspected (in the 1980s) of causing
nosocomial infections due to inadequate cleaning
and disinfection. Acceptance criteria listed in TIR30
recommend a three-log reduction of bacterial
challenges as a reasonable expectation. The FDA
guidance does not require the bacterial challenges.
EU regulators are requiring the spore challenges for
acceptance. AAMI has a working group that will
evaluate best practices and current soil challenges for
future revisions.
Chapter 7. Cleaning Validations of Medical Products
Each element has a beneficial effect on the removal
of body fluids, tissues or excrement such as saliva,
blood, stool, urine, mucus, protein and fat.
Pre-soaking prior to cleaning is one of the most
important processes for the removal of bodily fluids
and tissue.
The challenge soil should approximate the
exposure level of bacteria and body fluids and tissues. A device will require a thorough analysis of
potential cleaning based on worst-case scenarios to
achieve a robust and comprehensive study outcome.
Verification and/or Validation Steps
Notebook studies will be important for determining
the propensity for IFU failures prior to extensive
validation activities. These studies are not performed
under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)/Good
Laboratory Practice (GLP) documentation and are
for informational purposes only (IPO). They help
with the development of the study protocols and
potentially obviate erroneous data by focusing on
the study’s engineering aspects.
The definition of the cleaning study from the
notebook work can be used to develop rigor in the
protocols. Rigor will be essential for reducing assay
variability. Chemical analysis for protein and hemoglobin require equipment specificity and suitability
assays before the assays can be utilized for regulatory
work. This chapter does not discuss these processes.
Study designs are required under the medical
device Quality System Regulations (QSRs) 21 CFR
820 and 21 CFR 58 (GLP). Most cleaning studies require two quantitative soil markers, such as a
protein/hemoglobin or a protein/ATS (artificial test
soil) soil marker.
Product Families
If a manufacturer supplies a number of different medical devices that share common features
and attributes, these devices may be grouped for
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
Table 7-1. TIR30 Acceptance Criteria
<6.4 ug/cm3
<2.2 ug/cm3
<1.8 ug/cm3
Less than 500 ppb or
defined by project
Bacterial Endotoxin
<2.2 EU/cm3
Detergent residuals
Reduce to safe levels
Three-log reduction
validation exercises into a product family. This
should make it possible to select a product family
member or master product that represents worstcase scenarios. The selection criteria should be
documented in the validation documents. Master
products are selected based on product-related variables that can affect the “cleanability” of the product
family. It must be demonstrated that the product
group can be bracketed with a challenge defined
as being equally harsh to all devices. For example,
all endoscopes have essentially the same features
except length. Therefore, the master product should
be selected based on the worst-case cleanability
assumption of length. However, materials and
matted surfaces may allow a choice of something
smaller if design warrants the selection. In any case,
it would be a simple exercise to qualify a master
product based on data collected during a notebook
study. Once this master product is determined,
adding additional members to the validation (by
equivalency) can become a quick notebook study.
Computer Based Cleaning Studies
iPads and smart phones are becoming more integrated with medical products. FDA considers these
devices to be medical devices and requires a cleaning
protocol (IFU) for the clinic. The author’s recommendation for the practitioner is to test the device
with a protective case that keeps it hermetically
sealed during use and cleaning. Hermetically sealed
cases are commercially available. The device manufacturer must test these cases during the validation
prior to marketing.
The salient points of TIR12 are important to
a facility’s technical staff. They cover items such as
water quality for cleaning, cleaning implements,
rinsing and pre-cleaning and labeling requirements
for manufacturers that recommend manual cleaning. Manufacturers should develop test procedures
(wipe tests) that can detect cleaning levels. AAMI
TIR12 references ASTM’s E2314 Standard Test
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
Method for Determination of Effectiveness of Cleaning
Processes for Reusable Medical Instruments Using a
Microbiologic Method (Simulated Use Test). Although
FDA is not accepting spore bacterial challenge testing as mentioned above, this test may have value for
some devices.
Validation Set-Up and Review
It is important to bracket the device families with
the hardest to clean areas targeted during validation activities. The worst-case specification always
should be specified during the validation phase.
For instance, if the soil drying time is five to 10
minutes, use the 10-minute drying time. The
longer drying time allows the soil to adhere or
absorb to the device. Rinse times should be based
on the minimal scale of the specification. Use the
brush stipulated in the IFU. Manual scrubbing
times should be based on the minimum required
in the IFU. Cleaning times should be worst case,
e.g., if the IFU indicates scrubbing for three to five
minutes, use three minutes during the validation
A minimum of 10 devices should be tested
during a cleaning validation. If 10 are not required,
the smaller number must be justified by performing
repeated studies on the same device(s) for a total of
10. Level of detection (LOD) is determined prior
to validation activities. The laboratory’s analytical
department will have LODs determined for protein,
CHO and hemoglobin. Adequate recovery must
be developed as part of the validation work up.
Generally LOD is set at three times the standard
deviation of the blank or noise (instruments).
Case Studies
Failure to comply with cleaning and disinfectant
instructions can cause disease. Therefore, if the
validation data indicate a failure, changes to the
IFU may be warranted. The contract laboratory will
play an important part in this process. It may have
expertise available regarding the validation process.
It is equally important the laboratory managers be
provided the correct information regarding patient
care level and criticality.
Testing has revealed most device designs do not
consider the ability of the device to undergo cleaning and disinfection. Endoscopes typify one of the
main issues because of the channels and mechanics required to actuate the devices. Engineering
changes may be required to ensure that the device
The validation process and protocols are the same
for manual cleaning.
Final Outcome
US Food and Drug Administration. Reprocessing of Reusable
Medical Devices. 30 June 2014. FDA website. http://www.
fda.gov/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/reprocessingofreusablemedicaldevices/default.htm. Accessed 21
January 2015.
International Organization for Standardization. ISO
17664:2004 Sterilization of Medical Devices-Information to
be provided by the manufacturer for the processing of resterilizable medical devices. ISO website. https://www.iso.org/
obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:17664:ed-1:v1:en. Accessed 21 January
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation. AAMI/ANSI ST-81: Sterilization of
Medical Devices: Information to be provided for the reprocessing of resterilizable medical devices. 2010. AAMI website.
https://my.aami.org/store/detail.aspx?id=ST81. Accessed 21
January 2015.
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation. AAMI/ANSI ST-79:Comprehensive Guide
to steam sterilization and sterility assurance in health care
facilities. 2010. AAMI website. https://my.aami.org/store/
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation. AAMI TIR30: A compendium of processes,
materials, test methods , and acceptance criteria for cleaning
reusable medical devices. 2011. AAMI website. http://marketplace.aami.org/eseries/scriptcontent/docs/Preview%20
Files/TIR301108_preview.pdf.Accessed 21 January 2015.
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation. AAMI TIR12: Design, testing, and labeling
reusable medical devices for reprocessing in health care facilities: A guide to medical device manufacturers. 2010. AAMI
website. http://marketplace.aami.org/eseries/scriptcontent/
docs/Preview%20Files/tir121009_preview.pdf. Accessed 21
January 2015.
The final validation report should encompass the
cleaning process with endpoints using at least two
soil materials. One must have drawings indicating
inoculation areas that equate to determining the
amount of soil per cm3 of device. Cleaning itself
can leave residues from the enzyme detergents, and
these must be taken into account in the validation
package. The cleaning agent is considered a process
material and should be reduced to safe levels prior
to patient use. The validation protocol should be
signed off by the study director (GLP) and client prior to starting the study. After the study is
completed, the study director will submit the results
and conclusions using language such as “the study
data indicates that it meets the requirements of the
validation protocol and TIR30 document.”
Laboratory vs Hospital Cleaning
The correlation of these two programs is a growing
area of concern for FDA. The author believes much
work needs to be done in this area. Hospitals require
automated systems that can take the guesswork out
of the technician’s hands. They need access to all
IFUs and appropriate training to clean the devices
according to the instructions. This area is of great
concern and requires a new paradigm to alleviate the
propensity for contamination and disease.
Automated Washers
The equipment requires typical validation prior
to being used for any GLP or GMP studies. The
typical instrumentation protocols for validation can
be found in ST-81 (ref ). The laboratory requires
the instrument to perform according to its stated
operating procedures. Therefore, it must go through
installation qualification, operational qualification
and performance qualification similar to that of
a sterilizer. Each washer is different and requires
engineering involvement for appropriate water
and electrical connections. Water quality is a main
concern with washers. Detergent foaming must be
minimized during validation.
Devices cleaned using automated systems
should be validated under worst-case conditions.
Trays generally are used during this process. Use of
custom trays must be spelled out in the instructions.
Chapter 7. Cleaning Validations of Medical Products
can withstand proper cleaning, including covering
certain areas on the device or a change in materials.
Steven G. Richter, PhD, is the founder of MicroTest
Laboratories, Inc. (now Accuratus Lab Services, Inc.), providing contract microbiological and analytical support to medical
device, pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients since 1984.
Richter founded MicroTest after a distinguished career at the US
Food and Drug Administration as a regulatory microbiologist.
He has more than 35 years of experience in the medical device
and pharmaceutical testing area. He has authored numerous
papers and has presented at industrial trade shows regarding
regulatory microbiology and sterilization.
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
The Medical Device Validation Handbook
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