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Laos Literature: The Mosquito Activity Sheet

Activity No. 6
General Directions:
1. Write your answers in an 8.5x11 paper size with Times New Roman as font and 12 as
font size.
2. Refer to the sample below for the format of your heading.
Name: Ray Allen D. Viloria
Year and Section: BSIE 2202
LITR 102 (ASEAN Literature)
Activity No. 6: Laos Literature
3. Submit your answers in pdf file through attachment with the subject: Activity No. 6.
Laos Literature
Reading: The Mosquito
Look up the meaning of the underlined words in the following phrases.
1. Sometimes unbearable - more than can be put up with; not able to be endured or
2. Dram taste and pleasure - a very small amount
3. Deep a frivolous and lazy girl - of little weight or importance
4. Who is feeble and inconstant - lacking bodily strength
5. Whining and pleading incessantly - in an unceasing manner; without interruption or
After Reading
1. Sum up the story explaining why mosquito are small insects.
Mosquitoes are little because, like Nhan deep, she is unappreciative of and
unloved by her husband, who is eager to offer her everything. Her worth is as
insignificant as a mosquito's size. She also shows little regard for and gratitude
for all of Ngoe Tam's penances in order to resurrect her. Besides, Nhan deep, like
small bugs, is invisible to her spouse. Her admiration and gratitude for Ngoe Tam
are barely discernible, much like the little bugs that swarm her. She appears to
be non-existent and cannot be observed in any way, since she displays no
affection or significance for her better half, even disappearing with the wealthy
dealer. Mosquitoes are small and rarely seen because they reflect Nhan deep's
2. Summarize the story explaining why mosquito whine and sting.
Mosquitoes are sneezing because, like Nhan deep, she has successfully hidden her
preferences and desires from her better half. She appears to keep everything
hidden from her better half, as if she doesn't want her to know. Furthermore,
when Nhan deep finally converted into a mosquito at the end of the novel, she
articulated the name of her significant other in a voice that was gradually
becoming less.
3. Which is the most interesting part of the story? Why?
The meeting between Ngoe Tam and the genii of medication who is about to
embark on his wizardry mountain is the most exciting part of the novel. I was
astounded by the genii's honesty in offering Ngoe Tam to be his devotee but
instead choosing to resurrect his significant other. I admire the genii's kindness,
as well as Ngoe Tam's love and devotion to his significant other Nhan deep.
4. What virtues are exhibited by Ngoe Tam?
I was struck by how devoted, affectionate, and patient Ngoe Tam is to his better
half. I sensed how much he values Nhan and how willing he is to offer anything,
including his blood, to bring her back to life. I can also see how distressed and
willing to give up Ngoe Tam is, as evidenced by his decision to liberate Nhan
deep, seeing her happy and continuing to live the life she needed with the wealthy
5. Relate any Philippine folktales you know explaining the origin of mosquitoes.
Tips in Summarizing
1. Read the selection with full comprehension.
2. Identify the unfamiliar words.
3. Omit unnecessary words and retain the meaning of the selection.
4. Condense long ideas into short ideas.
5. Replace a word for a phrase or a phrase to a clause.