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DBMS Assessment: Data Redundancy, Integrity, and Design

Question 1
Controls data redundancy – A DBMS prevents repetition of data across the Database saving storage and
makes the retrieving data efficient. For example if [FILL IN EXAMPLE].
Efficient data access - A DBMS makes it easier for data to be accessed as it setup in a way that any
specific data can be looked up and shown instantly depending on the users restrictions and
authorizations. For example if [FILL IN EXAMPLE].
Data integrity and Security – A DBMS The protection of data from unauthorized users is known as data
security and the term "data integrity" refers to the database's data being both correct and consistent.
For example if [FILL IN EXAMPLE].
Data administration –Professional and experienced users that are in charge for the overall management
of data resources in an organization, including: Database planning, analysis, design, implementation, and
maintenance. Data protection. Data performance assurance. For example if [FILL IN EXAMPLE].
Question 2
Data Definition Language (DDL) − Create, Drop, Truncate, Rename.
Data Manipulation language (DML) − Select, Insert, Delete, Update.
Data Control Language (DCL) − Revoke, Grant.
Transaction Control Language (TCL) − Rollback, Commit.
Question 3
External Level
Conceptual Level
Internal Level
Question 4
Database Design Life Cycle
Preliminary Planning
This is the first stage of the cycle. This is where the consultation takes place, identifying of the problem
and finding out the database system in use to determine the next steps.
Thabo owns a Retail Store that sells groceries, appliances,
Needs simpler dbms software like MS Access
Feasibility Study
Determining the technological, operational and economic feasibility of the database. This is where a
report justifying the cost and benefits of the Database system chosen is made.
Requirements Definition
In this phase collection of the requirements is done. A analyses the Type of data stored, the amount of
data being recorded everyday and
Conceptual Design
Employees, Suppliers, Sales etc…
In this phase the DBMS software is chosen after reasonable evaluations e.g. MS Access, MySQL. A
detailed and complete conceptual design is now converted to the implemented model and this is where
the programming occurs.
All the data of the whole Retail store is now entered
Database Evaluation and Maintenance
This is the last phase of the cycle where monitoring, evaluating of performance and maintaining the
implemented database system takes place. If anything occurs adjustments are made to keep the
database system operational.