IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, MANUSCRIPT ID 1 Designing a system of photovoltaic panels to produce electricity in a rural school without access to the national electricity grid (SEIN) in the highlands of Peru N.Castro, J.Lazo The lack of electric power decreases the possibilities of economic growth in rural areas of Peru, likewise this problem influences the level of education in these remote areas; which in turn decreases productivity in the school classrooms; such is the case of the institution mentioned in this article located in San Isidro de Huirpacancha, in the province of Huancavelica. Nowadays, this community has 5 educational institutions and 3 of them do not have access to electricity, due to their location, since they are approximately 7 to 10 km in a straight line from the center of the town and at the same time from the lines of transmission; In addition, it is not profitable for the State or private companies to annex them to the National Interconnected Electricity System (SEIN), since the cost of installation and electrical infrastructure does not compensate for the small group of users and its low demand. Therefore, the present article proposes to offer a design of photovoltaic panels to generate electrical energy, this technology was chosen because the district of Huaytara has a high index of solar irradiation. The variables were studied to determine the degree of inclination and orientation of the photovoltaic panels, in the same way calculations were used to define the exact quantities of the system components according to the result of the educational institution demand, obtained from the energy matrix elaborated based on institutions of the same dimension (number of students and electronic devices used for the class). At the same time, a maintenance manual was prepared for the photovoltaic system adapted to the inhabitants and their environment. Keywords: SEIN system of photovoltaic panels, rural school, electricity. ----------◆ ---------- 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, Latin America has reduced its poverty and inequality, this is reflected in the percentage of the population living on less than $ 2.5 per capita per day decreased from 28.8 to 15.9%, just as the population living on less than $ 4 fell from 46.3 to 29.7%; well informed Stampini (2016) in the Latin American Economic Journal. These data indicate that poverty in Latin America had a remarkable progress in its reduction; however, between poverty reduction in rural and urban areas it has not been as noticeable in the case of Peru, which according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics INEI (2016) increased 4.5% in rural areas and 4.2% in urban areas; this information is not reflected in the increased of the economic (PBI) , since Peru in the last decade it has been considered one of the fastest growing economies, positioning it as a developing country; (World Bank, 2017). In the same way electricity generation there was a significant increase in the last two decades which has doubled in 2000 to 20 TWh in 2015 to 48 TWh due to increased demand and availability of resources according to data taken from "The electricity industry in Peru "(Tamayo, Jesus Salvador, Julio; Vásquez, Arturo and Carlo Vilches, 2016). On the other hand, there is a gap of unmet needs in rural areas with rural electrification ratio of 70%, below many Latin American countries including Bolivia which has 73.5% and Ecuador with 94.4% (International Energy Agency, 2013). This gap is hard to beat because it represents a high cost, according to the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining, OSINERGMIN, transmission infrastructure and distribution to connect to the National Intercon---------------nected Electric System (SEIN) in the case of remote villages • With the FA Author is National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305. E-mail: author @ with more than 80% of extreme poverty (INEI, 2012). • With SB Author Jr. is the Department of Physics, Colorado State Univer- Renewable energy alternatives exist which tend to lower sity, Fort Collins, CO 80523. E-mail: their costs on a large scale, they may become cheaper than • With the TC Author is Department Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309. On leave from the National Research Insti- plants combined cycle coal at a cost of S / 0.09 kWh (Solartute for Metals, Tsukuba, Japan E-mail: Power Europe, 2017). Small scale these renewable energy generators are an excellent alternative to meet basic access *** Please provide a complete mailing address for each author, as this is the address the 10 complimentary reprints of your paper will to electricity in rural areas of our country where the conbe sent nection to SEIN is not feasible for geographical, economic or political problems by Hossain (2014, as he cited in UrPlease note all acknowledgments That Should be Placed at the end of the paper, before the bibliography(Note That is not NOTED correspondiente authorship in affiliation box, but in acknowledgment section). xxxx-xxxx / 0x / $ xx.00 © 200x IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2 pelainen, J. Yoon, S. 2016), assuming the role of development and improvement of quality of life. As described by the World Bank (2017) there are two important in order to achieve slow the rate of poverty in a country items: access to electricity and education. In the first item, access to interconnected electricity network is essential to reduce poverty; of the world population, 1060 million people have no access to electricity and more than 3 billion still use fuels such as wood, charcoal and dung for cooking and heating. Renewable energy technologies to generate electricity both in isolated and urban areas are profitable over the life of each system, easy to use, install and maintain as well as having a flexible design to meet all demands; not forgetting that the use of these energy poverty relief and increases the quality of life for residents (Dimitriou, 2014). They can be fed by different renewable sources, having a range of technologies including solar, wind turbines, geothermal, hydro, biogas, energy storage and conversion systems ocean thermal energy, these distributed correctly tend to moderate changes in electricity prices (Tazvinga, 2017), similarly increasing energy security and provides greater stability in the power grid. Wind power and solar photovoltaics are the most effective ways to generate electricity in Peru and described Dong (2013); OSINEGMIN in the report. having a range of technologies including solar, wind turbines, geothermal, hydro, biogas, energy storage and conversion systems ocean thermal energy, they distributed properly tend to moderate changes in electricity prices (Tazvinga, 2017) , similarly increasing energy security and provides greater stability in the power grid. Wind power and solar photovoltaics are the most effective ways to generate electricity in Peru and described Dong (2013); OSINEGMIN in the report. having a range of technologies including solar, wind turbines, geothermal, hydro, biogas, energy storage and conversion systems ocean thermal energy, they distributed properly tend to moderate changes in electricity prices (Tazvinga, 2017) , similarly increasing energy security and provides greater stability in the power grid. Wind power and solar photovoltaics are the most effective ways to generate electricity in Peru and described Dong (2013); OSINEGMIN in the report. they distributed properly tend to moderate changes in electricity prices (Tazvinga, 2017), similarly increasing energy security and provides greater stability in the grid. Wind power and solar photovoltaics are the most effective ways to generate electricity in Peru and described Dong (2013); OSINEGMIN in the report. they distributed properly tend to moderate changes in electricity prices (Tazvinga, 2017), similarly increasing energy security and provides greater stability in the grid. Wind power and solar photovoltaics are the most effective ways to generate electricity in Peru and described Dong (2013); OSINEGMIN in the report. On the other hand, education is a key factor that drives the development, besides being one of the most effective instruments for reducing poverty; according to the World Bank (2017), 121 million children not attending primary school. According to the newspaper Management (2016), low efficiency in schools due to the lack of investment in this sector, and reducing this variable the percentage of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, ID MANUSCRIPT poverty in a country it would also be reduced, since it would increase the productivity of institutions educational. In addition, the dropout rate has been increasing in classrooms in isolated places in the last decade. According to the article above this absence it is due to the various obstacles that arise in classrooms that make the school environment is not optimal for the development of classes. Poor infrastructure, lack of electricity and water are important for learning school factors. the use of renewable for production of electricity in rural school’s resources is proposed. The design of a photovoltaic panel for a rural school without access to electricity is one of the most commonly used methodologies in recent years; as mentioned Chandra (2015), this is the most promising methodology, besides being a long-term solution, ecological and sustainable access to electricity. Likewise, Dimitriou (2014) presents an article which lists the best practices of rural electrification in developing countries highlighting photovoltaic systems, followed by wind systems; These highlighted by the abundance of its sources, ease of implementation, maintenance and flexible design to meet the demands. In addition, Bello (2012) concluded that access of electricity produced improved living conditions, equally contributes to economic activities. 2 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The proposed technology is divided into the following activities: selection of the community and the school, calculating demand, implementation and analysis of economic calculations 2.1 Selecting community As a first activity for the development of technology is the selection of the community, as a first step the variables and criteria considered for the selection of the community was evaluated • Energy poverty in Peru • The transmission network closest to the community • Activities in the classroom • Statistics of illiteracy in the community • Quality of life and education 2.2 Calculation of energy demand To calculate demand activities to be performed in a classroom was observed, and it will also read the syllabus of the courses needed to be developed in an educational institution at the primary level, was taken into account what audiovisual materials class they used and the appropriate time to be used. the number of electrical appliances that have the educational institution (photocopier, XO laptops, printer, projector, iluminaria, etc) and the average time per day to use also counted. To determine the monthly consumption in kW-h / month, see Table 2The following formula is used: 𝐶 = 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎 𝑘𝑊 ∗ ∑ ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑠 𝑒𝑛 𝑑í𝑎 ∗ 𝑛 Being: AUTHOR TITLE ET AL .: 3 𝐶 =monthly consumption (kW-h / month) 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎 =Electrical Power (kW) ℎ =Hours consumed on the day 𝑛 =Number of days per month used 2.3 Definition of selected technology Understanding current technologies found, the following matrix to help you choose which is the best alternative or technology solution so that the needs are met and technical characteristics of a rural school is presented. Table 1 Success stories authors Atputharajah, 2011 Technology micro hydro Type demand -small community -Farming sensitive variables -River flow -season rainy and drought Chen, 2011 Wind -Domestic - School - Hotel - Wind speed - Continuity Wind - battery capacity Rownad, 2017 biomass -Domestic -small community -Hotel -small agriculture - Collection of biomass Haugwitz, 2017 solar -School -Hotel -Domestic -capacity battery -Solar radiation Rownad, 2017 Hybrid solar and biomass -Hotel -small community -Farming -Number of biomass available -Solar radiation -Collection biomass 2.4 Project cost For the cost of the project is necessary to determine which materials and equipment are required in the system design of photovoltaic panels, these will be determined from the energy demand of the educational institution; It should also take into account costs such as maintenance, labor, transportation and other materials; thus the initial investment required for installing the system will have. 3 REGION SELECTION, DEMAND AND DESIGN COMPONENTS 3.1 Selecting community The departments with the highest percentage of poverty in Peru according to the INEI are Amazonas, Cajamarca and Huancavelica, where the poverty rate is higher in rural areas compared to urban areas; more than 50% of the rural highlands has an effect of this feature, this gap is due to unmet needs in these areas, such as lack of electricity (Tamayo, 2016). In Huancavelica approximately 90 thousand families are considered with unsatisfactory basic needs (NBI) this term is called to households that do not have water or electricity; also INEI (2015) this is the second department with the highest rate of literacy 14.9% this being double the average percentage in Peru and only 14% of huancavelicanos have completed secondary; in the district of San Isidro de Huirpacancha, Huaytara, more than 40% of the villagers have not completed this level of education; and the number of school has dropped by more than 50% over the last 10 years, according to the Ministry of Education, this is due to lack of access to electricity, water, sewage, poor infrastructure and difficult access This is the case of the educational institution N 22220 which has been embroiled in significant school absences, lack of electricity decreasing from 50 to 10 students in recent years, located in the town of San Isidro de Huirpacancha, department of Huancavelica, more than 5km from the nearest transmission network, has a length of 75º14'1 '' and latitude of 13º57'1''a 3617 meters above sea level on the border with the department of Ica as seen in Figure 1 They live about 237 families and according to SENAMHI (2017) solar radiation ranges from 6.5 to 7.5 kWh / m2 daily between the months of March to November, reaching the rank of major daily solar radiation in Peru. Figure 1Location Map of San Isidro de Huirpacancha Source: Solar Atlas, 2012 3.2 Calculation of energy demand 3.2.1 Rural School No. 22220 EI 22220 located in an area of difficult access, see Figure 2This public school has more than 40 years, has 10 multilevel students and a teacher; in 2016 a new infrastructure (a classroom, a warehouse, a lounge for direction, and a 4 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, ID MANUSCRIPT room for toilets) with corresponding electrical installations constructed seeFigure 3. Figure 2 IE view route 22220 (stage 2) is observed. Table 2 Summary of energy matrix, scenario 2 Area Artifact monthly consumption (kW-h / month) Entry 2 dichroic foci 0.20 Warehouse 1 fluorescent 0,44 Address 1 laptop 0.55 1 printer-copier 1,09 Classroom Source: Photograph taken by the author, 2017 Figure 3 Multilevel Hall of IE22220 1 charger cell 0.22 1 fluorescent 0.28 1 TV 10 XO 4 fluorescent 1 DVD player 1 laptop 1 charger cell 1 projector 0.3 0.6 10.56 0.05 4,29 0.33 1,00hay one Sanitary facili- 2 saving bulbs ties Dinning room 1 saving bulb TOTAL CONSUMPTION (kW-h / month) Source: Prepared (2017) Source: Photograph taken by the author, 2017 3.2.2 Energy demand For the educational institution selected different cases with similar characteristics, such as the Argentine project Project rural energy (PERMER) in which different schools use renewable energy (photovoltaic) for electricity production in this case was investigated where Bello (2012) It indicates to place a typical consumption pattern for such institutions, then propose an energy matrix according to context; for the institution under study should be performed two patterns of consumption; ie two types of scenario, because the range of solar radiation drops significantly in the months from December to early March, otherwise happens for scenario No. 2, where the remaining months according to the SENAMHI shows high percentage of solar radiation; knowing this pattern of energy demand will be achieved know how much power educational institution consumed throughout the year 22220. Consumption in the scenario number 1 is only 1.82 kW-h / month, this energy demand is because in the months no school activities (holidays), while in the second scenario classes are continuous in the next Table 2 consumption of electrical appliances in kW-h / month needed for the development of school activities 0.80 2.75 16.39 3.3 Design and components The result of the energy demand in the stage number 2 exceeds 1, therefore the selection of components and design system will be considered first, since it encompasses both. The following figure shows the correct diagram of a photovoltaic system is observed likewise the number of components is required. Figure 4 Diagram of photovoltaic panels system Source: Authors, 2018 Table 3 Unit cost of the components required for the project (no accessories) factors items Price (S /) by factor AUTHOR TITLE ET AL .: 5 System cost of photovoltaic panels 2 monocrystalline solar panels 3001 charge controller 20Ah 1 800 W power inverter 3 batteries of 100 Ah-12 V Electrical installations Equipment installation Facilities 3028 100 Iron frame construction (Support) Galvanized Concertina construction of galvanized mesh Building 288 Materials for briefings Transport Triptychs for energy use renovablesExposición correct use and maintenance plan photovoltaic panels, sheets and documents. 30 Transport components and tools required for the implementation of photovoltaic panels 500 TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT (S /) 3'946 Source: List price Enercity, OMP, INMOTICA (2017) 3.4 Maintenance program For technology established last in time a plan for proper maintenance arises the resident of San Isidro de Huirpacncha, this is important because if you take into account the context will be easy to understand maintenance activities and monitoring, and indicates Ferron (2016), describing the sustainability of rural electrification programs through proper maintenance; therefore, it proposes preventive maintenance for each system component, seeTable 6. Table 4 Maintenance of photovoltaic panels Elements Frequency Description Cleaning panels with Monthly water Visual inspection of panels Bimonthly possible degradations Control panel temperaQuarterly ture 20 to 25 ° C. Electric conCheck connections staAnnual nections tus Panel support Annual structure Checking fixing state, possible degradation and deformation Biannual Cleaning of protective grates inputs and outputs Annual Check continuity investors Inspect the fluid level is correct Source: Data collected during the investigation (2017) battery 4 Monthly RESULTS AND IMPACT 4.1 Prototype simulation For experimentation prototype solar radiation was evaluated in the study area in San Isidro de Huirpacancha and Yerbabuenayoc school, which corresponds to the province of Huaytara. the place and locate parameters as: the latitude, longitude, height and distance in a straight line from the nearest population center, with Google Maps tool. components of smaller size were used in the case of the prototype, but with similar technical characteristics, based on a scale of 1: 7.5. Next, it is shown in the following table the components used for the prototype of experimentation. Table 5 Prototype components Source: Authors, 2018 The experimental prototype was made in the season change of season in March, also held another in the sunny season April in San Isidro de Huirpacancha. In this town the solar module 80W, sized in the table above entitled "Main components of the solar module test (80W)" was installed. Subsequently the corresponding measurements, as output voltage, amperage, time, inclination and direction were made. 6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, ID MANUSCRIPT 4.1.1 results In the rainy season in the Peruvian highlands it is from December to March, the last month is the change of season and the following results were obtained. Hour Less intense rainfall, Date: with periods of sun Panel voltage (V) 0 12.7 14.9 16.5 15.9 16.4 16.5 17.3 16.1 16.8 15.9 14.8 10.5 6 o'clock 7:00 8:00 9 o'clock 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 five pm 18:00 Total Source: Authors, 2018 March 2018 17, Amperage Power (Watts) Temperature (℃) 0 1.8 2.7 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.1 3.9 2.7 1 0 23.3 40.5 58.9 57.2 66.7 71.5 76.4 68.2 68 61.2 40.2 10.3 642.4 6.1 15.1 15.3 21.4 25.2 28.4 30.1 30.8 32.4 27.1 20.5 14.2 8.6 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Horas de radiacion solar (Hrs.) Abril (W/h) Marzo (W/h) In the best scenario it is from April to November, disappear almost entirely rain clouds and fog, that block sunlight. The results are shown in the following table. Terms: Hour 6 o'clock 7:00 8:00 9 o'clock 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 five pm 18:00 Total Clear partial moving clouds Panel voltAmperage age (V) 0 13.9 15.5 16.9 17 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.5 17.3 16.8 16.4 12 0 1.9 2.9 3.7 3.7 4.3 4.55 4.5 4.4 4.1 3.9 2.7 1.1 4.2 Economic analysis To achieve evaluate the economic analysis must be performed to compare the cost of delivering electricity Watts-hora (Wh) Terms: of the day and that month away from March to early hours of the day. This is an important point, because the school increased consumption occurs in early morning intensifying at 11:00 and 12:00 for the use of more powerful equipment such as low power LED project, but together with the computer. through photovoltaic panels system and a second alternative, in this case an electrical generator driven by a combustion engine. 4.2.1 economic analysis of the photovoltaic system Date: April 27, 2018 According to the Table 1The initial investment is S / 3'946, for analysis should consider the following table, because Power Temperature these data can decide whether a certain time this technol(Watts) (℃) ogy is feasible over time compared to the second solution. 0 7.3 Table 6 Values to determine the cost of energy generated 26.41 15.85 by the photovoltaic panels system 44.95 62.53 62.9 74.82 79625 79.2 77 70.93 65.52 44.28 13.2 701365 16.9 initial investment 22.2 Annual interest 25.5 Battery cost every four years 28.9 Rate of inflation 31.2 Period 32.3 33.1 Present value 28.1 Annual power generation kW-h / year 21.1 ENERGY COST S // kW.h 14.6 Source: Authors, 2018 10.1 Source: Authors, 2018 The evaluation of the above scenarios taken, we make a comparison between April and March; and we get an improvement in the efficiency of the panels by climate 8.5% approximately, which is notorious throughout the period 3946 0.045 1320 0.1 twenty 13576.61179 1386 0.48977676 4.2.2 economic analysis of the photovoltaic system In this case reference will be diesel generator costs S / 1543.5, with an efficiency of 16.75; It also took into account the same inflation rate and the period considered to find the cost of the energy supplied by the photovoltaic system. AUTHOR TITLE ET AL .: 7 Table 7Values to determine the cost of energy generated by a diesel generator Fuel volume needed 29,502 Power demand kW / year 196.68 Source: SunEarth, 2018 4.4 Environmental impact In order to respond to the emission of greenhouse gases efficiency 0.167504188and their relationship to the environment, prevention of CO2 was considered as a measure of climate protection to Calorific (kW-h / gal) 39.8 reduce the greenhouse effect; for this purpose, CO2 Factor Cost of a gallon of gasoline 339273 (amount of CO2 produced per kWh of electricity generinitial investment 1543.5 ated) by the small diesel generator (oil) it was considered. Fuel cost in VP 12142.64729It was determined that the following relationship 0.650 kg CO2 / kWh according to the European Commission and Annual interest 0.045 by the energy profile of the school is consumed about Rate of inflation 0.1 122.28 kWh / year. Period twenty Calculation of CO2 emissions reduction for school YerbaMaintenance cost 85.58161425buenayocc (excluding community activities such as meetings, training and etc.): Additional costs 1650.066921 122.28 kWh / year X 0.650 kg CO2 / kWh = 79,482 kg of Present value 3447.280821CO2 COST energy supplied by a diesel generator S // It avoided each year the emission of 0.079 tons of CO2, conkW.h 5.84245275 tributing to the reduction of global warming on a miniSource: Authors, 2018 mum scale. This occurred in a direct, because Generators relationship, 4.3 Economic impact to remain in operation, likewise consume diesel and wastFor economic profitability should observe the tables of the ing KWh which are not consumed; wasting money on fuel previous item, so we can say that the system of photovol- in times of low demand or prolonged use of these mataic panels is 80% less expensive than using a diesel gener- chines. ator; It also is feasible in time turnaround time simulating the SunEarth program, then the data necessary for the Sim- 4.5 Social impact ulate is observed and the can be the result of the simulator, The rural electrification projects have greater social impact, where from the tenth year will be achieved have calculated since users are in constant contact with the benefit of increasing economic return on. proper use of energy services, as well they relate to the quality of life of a population, as well as welfare and social Table 8 Data for calculation and photovoltaic investment development, technology chosen for the community of San return Isidro de Huirpacancha, may provide better quality eduitems Data cation, achieving fewer school absences and the same way increase the productivity of students through the use of ausolar power (W) 600 diovisual materials, achieved also encourage the use renewable energy and reduce energy poverty in the commuannual power generation (W) 1'386'000 nity. Students in the school 22220 may have classes according to Initial Cost (S /) 3'946 their syllabus, as the computer course, besides having Cost (S // kWh) 0.5 more dynamic sessions with the help of projectors and educational videos also can access the Internet, thus have the Years of contribution twenty same opportunities school in an educational institution with access to electricity. Years of analysis 30 In the long term, it may have more students, parents no Source: Authors, 2018 longer migrate to nearby provinces in search of better opportunities for their children. You can also open more Figure 4 economic turnaround classrooms because the energy from the solar panel system can meet increased the demand raised. Finally, for the final phase of the research it is planned to sensitize people to spread the use of renewable energies, through lectures, providing teaching materials for students and parents; the benefits of electricity will show, he also will talk with the parents in order to make them know the basics of the photovoltaic system, thus they may consider this technology as a solution to the lack of access electricity in their environment. 8 5 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON JOURNAL NAME, ID MANUSCRIPT CONCLUSIONS main conclusion, show that the use of renewable energies such as photovoltaics, represent a highly competitive option for isolated electrification in remote schools in the highlands of Peru, against the use of generators that require fuels such as diesel to run systems, unpayable making operation and connection to SEIN, the latter is not profitable for legacy institutions transmission networks national grid with low consumption. the amount generated by the generator of the community Kwh produced and consumption of school in 20 years, which is what does the photovoltaic system emissions was estimated, and was obtained which would cease to issue approximately 1.58 tons of CO2. Not to mention that the generator consumes fuel per KWh produced and not used in a period of low demand, this would increase the production of CO2. It should enhance participation and trust in teachers if you want to expand a program for home use and present them as vectors for future extension of rural electrification project REFERENCES - BANCO MUNDIAL (2017) Informe: intensificando el desarrollo de la primera infancia (Consulta 23 de setiembre del 2017) ( evelopment/publication/stepping-up-early-childhooddevelopment) - C. Julian Chen. (2011). Physics of Solar Energy. Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Columbia University: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - DIMITRIOU, A., Kotsampopoulos, P., & Hatziargyriou, N. (2014). Best practices of rural electrification in developing countries: Technologies and case studies. (Paper presented at the doi: - Dong, ZJ Mod. (2013) Sistema de Energía Energía limpia 1: 203. https://doi.norg/10.1007/s40565-013-0038-7 Mohammed Hossain1, 2. S. 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Author membership information, eg, is a member of the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society, if applicable, is NOTED at the end of the biography. Second B. Author Jr. Appears biography here. C. Third Author Appears biography here.