: \302\273n I * lit: \342\200\242 i \\ 11 * i \\ x \\ . \\ 1 \342\200\242 i * / \342\200\242 . \342\200\242 \302\253 i \302\253i \342\200\242 i i \342\200\242 i i Mathematics 9 Topic Level Higher - Option: Calculus for the IB Diploma Paul Ben Fannon, Woolley Vesna and Kadelburg, Stephen Ward PRESS UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE Cambridge, New Cambridge Mexico Delhi, Cape Town, Madrid, Melbourne, York, Singapore, SaoPaulo, City Press University Building, Cambridge CB28RU, The Edinburgh UK www.cambridge.org Information on \302\251 is in publication www.cambridge.org/9781107632899 Press 2013 University Cambridge This title: this Subject to copyright. provisions of relevant no reproduction of any part may and to the permission First in Poland the without written Press. by Opolgraf this ISBN 978-1-107-63289-9 Cambridge exception agreements, 2013 A catalogue recordfor Coverimage: statutory licensing take place of Cambridge University published Printed collective is available publication from the British Library Paperback Thinkstock University accuracy of URLs for Press has no external for responsibility or third-party internet the persistence websites referred or to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel in this work is correct at timetables and other factual information given the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracyof such information thereafter. NOTICE TO TEACHERS and copies of them remain such copies may not be distributed Worksheets and purchasing institution. copyright of Cambridge University or used in any way outside the in the Press 'a Contents How to use this book IV Introduction 1 of Limits 1 I The 1\302\243B The I The 4 Theorem 8 limit of a function 11 Squeeze 19 Rule functions I Continuous I Differentiate I Rolle's 24 functions 29 and the Theorem Mean Value 45 of improper Approximation 46 of Calculus Theorem Fundamental Convergent and divergent improper 50 integrals 57 integrals 65 66 69 88 series Infinite of series Convergence H Tests for convergence and divergence series Power and Maclaurin -rA^ 34 Theorem integrals Improper 4 3 limit of a sequence Hi L'Hopital's The functions and sequences Taylor 99 99 series series Maclaurin to the Approximations series of Maclaurin Maclaurin 104 series 110 composite functions 113 series Taylor 117 Applications Differential Setting I Separation I Homogeneous HI 123 equations 126 of variables differential differential Linear I 6 up differential I 123 equations Approximations Summary 129 equations equations 132 to solutions 136 and mixed examination practice 149 Answers 162 Glossary 174 Index 178 Acknowledgements 180 Contents c XJ^\\ + d. in book the of Structure book this use to How This book coversallthe materialfor Topic 9 (Calculus Option) of the Higher Level for the International Baccalaureate course.It assumesfamiliarity with the syllabus 1to 6), particularly Calculus topic (syllabus tried to include in the maintextonly the (syllabus topics We have 1.1). topic There are many interesting highlight some of thesein main five The of all summary another 'From perspective' material material Sequences and Series(syllabus that will be examinable. and we have tried to beyond the syllabus and 'Research explorer' boxes. best coveredin the orderpresented, chapter although of the core calculus material. Chapter6 contains knowledge are probably chapters last section)only for the ideas that go and applications the 6) and Mathematics core requires the topics several topics - a favourite and further examinationpractice, with in IB trick starts with of the many 5 (except a mixing questions examinations. objectives to give you an idea about what the chapter at the start of the topicthat illustrates what problem introductory you should be able to do after you have completed the topic. You should not expectto be able to solve the at the but want to think about possible strategiesand what sort of new facts start, problem you may and methods would helpyou. The solution to the introductory problem is providedat the end of 6. chapter Each chapter contains.Thereis The most of learning boxes point Key a list an important and formulae are emphasised in the 'KEY the Formulabooklet,there will be an icon: in the Formula booklet and you may need to ideas formulae are given in the are not formulae to derive the When boxes. POINT' then ; if this icon is not present, learn them or at least know how them. Worked examples Eachworkedexample is split into the example Sometimes you an idea of what two is required to scorefull is about muchmorethan On the columns. right is what might include more detail then you and examinations method marks remembering strictly you shouldwrite need, in examinations. methods. down. is designed to give However, mathematics but it So, on the left of the worked and suggest which routeyou should use with exercise that differ from hope help you questions any the worked examples. It is very deliberatethat some of the questions require you to do morethan in the worked examples.Mathematicsis about thinking! the methods repeat examples are notes that tackle the question. We How to use this book the describe that thought these will processes to Signposts There are severalboxesthat issues of knowledge Theory the book. throughout appear Theory of knowledge lesson, but sometimesthe links may Mathematics is frequently usedas an example of certainty and not the case. In these boxes we will to highlight some truth, but this is often try of the weaknessesand ambiguitiesin mathematics as well as showing how is a lesson Every be obvious. not X mathematicslinks to other areasofknowledge. another From perspective The International Baccalaureate\302\256 encourages As wellas highlightingsomeinternational these boxes also look at other perspectives historical, Research on the in different at things ways. mathematicians between mathematics we are covering: cultural. and pragmatic looking differences explorer As part of your course,you topicof as a jumping-off for point to write a report on a mathematical know which topicsaresuitable to show where a topic can act further work. This can alsogive you ideas for an difficult to reports, and so we for such a basis asked be sometimes It is choice. your as will have tried Extended essay. Thereis a lot of greatmathematics out there! hint Exam we would Although learning is all Mathematics will try to highlight you making links. You might be interestedto seehow something used elsewherein the course, or you may need to go backand a previous topic. Theseboxesindicateconnections with other sections about learned will be have just of yourself book to to How we just it is rewind Fast forward / of the there are somecommonerrors boxes. it in these remind as more than of mathematics think to be awareof. If thereisa commonpitfall for you useful to an examination, to pass order in encourageyou help you find your way around. use the questions The colour-coding The are questions colour-coded Black they easy, to distinguish are drill questions. questions They help are usually not structured likethe questions some of them are quite tough. between the levels. in the book, you practise the methodsdescribed in the examination. This does not mean they How Ai i ***\\ + 0,. to use this but are book Each are of increasing (ii),.-) ((i), drill numbered differently > all are of different skill.Letteredsubparts part there lettered each Within difficulty. of which tests a question a similar difficulty. Unless a question of may be multiple roman-numeralparts you want to do lots of practice we would that part and then checkyour answer. you only do one roman-numeral made a mistake then you may want to think about what went wrongbeforeyou try Otherwise move on to the nextlettered part. recommend Green the to getting path Blue questions which are examination-style questions are questions a grade 3 or 4. harder examination-style should beableto makesignificant progress have If you more. any should be accessible to students questions. If you are aiming for most of these. through 5 or a grade Red questions are at the very top end of difficulty in the examinations.If you are likelyto be on coursefor a grade 7. on these do can 6 you then you Gold \342\226\241 are a questions thinking and type that are not set in the examination, but discussionin orderto helpyou to a better are to provoke designed understanding of a particular concept. At chapter you will see longerquestions of each end the International Baccalaureate\302\256 Of course,theseare a green if you just These examinations. If you guidelines. question can do all the red questions you have to deal with examination that time follow are aiming you cannot do. Peoplearenever typical equally for good not be surprised if you find areas of the syllabus. Equally, 6, do at all not guarantee you will and examination pressure does section of colour-coding scheme. the same a grade second of the get a grade 7; after all, in the stress! These questions are gradedrelative to our of the final examination, so when first experience you start the course you will find all the questionsrelatively but by the end of the coursethey hard, should seem more straightforward. Do not get intimidated! Option an interesting and enrichingcourse.You might also find but do not topics only make sense after lots of challenging, getintimidated,frequently revisionand practice.Persevere and will succeed. you We you hope find the Calculus it quite The author How to use this book team. Introduction In this \342\200\242 \342\200\242 about a limit of find to how can \342\200\242 to decide \342\200\242 to use \342\200\242 to solve how how series Find L'Hopital's approach) Rule functions, and someuseful allow one of the limits a to tend to infinity limit various functions (Maclaurinand Taylor series) and types of differential equations, both exactly approximately. certain layer has a radius four layers: a thicknessof 1.The 11 of- and the first layer the volume covering has a radius of 1, the seconda radius the of\342\200\224, 2 fourth a radius of\342\200\224. 4 3 needs including sequence problem Introductory third functions, of the to approximate Consider a wedding cakewith Each series have infinite whether terms and differentiability of definite integration to extend we of limits the functions differentiable of \342\200\242 how for finding of continuity definitions properties a sequence (the value that methods various \342\200\242 formal how you will learn: Option of the cakeand the surface area (excluding the bottom of the first layer) that with icing. Now imagine there areinfinitely to the cake. What can you say many layers of the cake and the surfaceareathat needs now? icing about the volume Introduction fit C XJ^\\ + d. option builds on many The calculus sequences and series, and differentiation integration. interested many of the greatestmindsin and others;and and physics The option have far reaching mathematics: applications course, using the theory of functions, Some of the ideasyou will study here have of the areas different Euler, Newton, Leibniz, both within mathematics and other subjectssuch as engineering. is split into five chapters: of sequences of sequences and functions looksfirst at the behaviour terms. How can we determine which sequences headtowards (converge 1 Limits more Cauchy, Riemann as we take moreand to) a finite value when we take infinitely and which just become infinitely We then examine the terms, many large? values of functions as we get closerand closer to a particular value in their domain. Thefocusis on quotients where both the numerator and denominatoraretending to 0 or where particularly on the idea of a limit of a function, we then lookat where they are both tendingto \302\251o. Building functions are continuous and where they can be differentiated, before two important considering theorems for differentiable functions. 2 Improper at what looks integrals be oo. Will this always give an happens infinite curve), or are there somecircumstances we know which is the casefor a given Theorem of Calculus. many different link in when we take the upperlimiton an for the integral (and hencean infinite which integral? that area And area) is finite? starts with a look at the value (or This chapter to integral under again the how do Fundamental the previous chapters and examinesthe sumsof infinitely many seen with some series that it is to add possible already geometric together infinitely terms and yet get a finite value for the sum to infinity; here we look at a wide range of series and develop a finite value) or not. We also (has ways to test if the seriesconverges of an improper integrals and infinite sums and lookat ways of placing bounds on the value 3 Infinite terms. value infinite builds series on both We have sum. and Taylor 4 Maclaurin series establishes a way of representing many familiar functions as infinite series in increasing integer powers of x. We examine for functions, and approximations polynomial their accuracy,and usethe seriesrepresentation of functions for integration and to calculatelimits, those where both numerator and denominator are tendingto 0 or <*>. again particularly 5 Differential looks at setting up and solving differential which are used equations, equations in to describe the behaviourof many nature and We look at three processes engineering. methodsfor solving different of these equations and then considersomemethods to find types in the solutions to differential that are difficult not to solve (if approximate equations impossible) standard way. Introduction * - **\\ In of Limits this \342\200\242 to use some of a of limits sequences \342\200\242 to find and rules algebraic to calculate sequences you chapter learn: will limit the sequence by it between squeezing that two sequences both converge to the functions same limit \342\200\242 to similar apply to find principles of be sequences in the core course, and will focus now to be form some finite if so and or perhaps - and \342\200\242 to determine functions by the of limits \342\200\224 oo 0 does Rule I'Hopital's to find them. Our general term i^to define is to see what happens as we take more and more termsofa sequence: doesthere seem value (a limit) which the sequence approaches, the sequence do so by increasing, decreasing, oscillating either sideofthe value? functions \342\200\242 to use using a with familiar main met have should You limits where are continuous and where they are differentiable \342\200\242 to apply Theorem Rolle's and the Mean Value Theoremto differentiable functions. terms increase terms decreaseto a to a limit terms approach limit limit with oscillation nothave Alternatively, does the sequence or perhaps just getting largerin magnitude same magnitude eithersideofsome value? a (finite) limit, oscillating due to with the 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions 3 \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242- terms get progressively greater terms get progressively it is Sometimes immediately obviouswhich of theseis place. taking For oscillate terms smaller general term the sequence with example, un \342\200\224 2n~l 1,2,4,8,16,... is clearly just getting larger term by and term will never approach a limit. i The sequencedefined \342\200\224 3, ux by inductively un+1 = 4-w\342\200\236 , w\302\273, -L, 3 seemsto be decreasing, but limit or if it does,what this , it is limit chapter we start by looking questions about sequencesand at might at ways to answer widen our focus then these to look We then use the ideaoflimits where a function is continuousand to consider 3 The limit a of have a be. it can be differentiated and finally apply two wellknown and useful theorems. these of where to develop ideas sequence If the terms of a sequencei^head towards the sequence convergesto a limitL, as n and ... of functions. limits the 153 clear whether it will not In this functions , 11 41 a value L, we \302\260\302\260 \342\200\224\302\273 (cn tends say that to \302\251o') write: we -L limw\342\200\236 This does not necessarily mean that actually reaches the value terms, the sequence L, becomes any that, n appears to 3V5V7'\" be convergingto 0,that lim- although no Topic 9 - Option:Calculus term actually of the sequence by taking more close to L. arbitrarily but = \342\200\224 For example,the sequence[u\342\200\236} 2 term is 0. is: = 0 and more 'a we have Graphically (see alongside): Ifthe sequence doesnot Often, the behaviour a graph. drawing u, n as \\un sequence such For a diverge. without evaluating lots of a possible limit to find want may termsor said to so apparent and we is not a sequence of it is then converge = j , we might n consider trying to take thelimitsofboththe numeratorand denominator and then dividing one by the other.The problem here separately \342\200\224 is that both numerator and denominatordiverge and is not -**n defined. however, take this approachifthelimitof both is finite, as then the limits do behave much sequences might expect (or at least hope!). We can, as you 1.1 KEY POINT Algebra of limits If the sequence a limit a and the = pliman+qlimbn= pa + qb [p,q to converges a limit fo, then: {an} sequence to {bn} lim(pan +qbn) - (liman \\im{anbn) \\iman **^ lim = -a The algebra of limits only are finite) to the supplements If the constant the limits make use of the following exist (they two final point. 1.2 POINT KEY = ab when applies will often we but R) (6*0) b lim\302\243> vV I ](limfon e sequence {an} diverges,thenfor any c e R (c ^ 0): lim uu n-*\302\260\\*n) \\ = lim CXD c J \"^\302\260\302\260V While both not seem helpful this might numerator for and denominator example a common illustrates allowingus to apply the algebra \\uS\\ \342\200\224 where diverge, the following of dealing with this problem, way of limits result. 1 C XJ^\\ + d. Limits of sequences and functions orked 1.1 example Find the following: (a) lim n2 lim (b) 2n2-3n + 97 \302\273-+\302\2732n Neither 6n + 72 nor we must rearrange a numerator and + 97 of limits the algebra apply 6n 97 Zn + ,lim 6\"+72 = 2/i + and 97 ... lim 2+ 97 6 + 72 n 0n.# \342\200\224 = n^oo n lim by Key 97 -n lim 97 lim 72 2+ 6+ 72 results* = ,.lim \342\200\224 = 0 n->\302\260o n 72 6+ 72 + n by through +8 (a) converges so* the expression to give denominator that both 2n converge, by dividing Now + 5 I point 1.2 2 +\342\200\224) + 0 _6 ~ 2 +0 =3 Neither n2+5 nor so - 3n 2n2 converges denominator and converge, by dividing the algebra apply (b) by through of limits 1+ - n2+5 to give a that both the expression rearrange numerator Now * +8 2n2-3n + 8>' 3 o 2 3 lim \342\200\224 = 0 and results* 1+ - H2+5 = /r lim 2-^ 8 lim /i2 all by Key point 1+ lim \342\200\224 = l^m AWoofl n2 n /i : 0, & \342\200\224 n2 lim \342\200\236^oo + l 2n2 \342\200\224Sn Mm + 0, 1.2 2 lim 1+ 3 0 n n2 J \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 0 2-0 + 0 2 It is tempting to think that To of limits a result*? hadion, highest V - first by through Topic 9 algebra ^e apply Option: ^de the power otn. Calculus the sequencesthat diverge to infinity we must not apply the algebra of - <*>' sequences.(In fact c\302\260\302\260 might other finite value or it difference of two is 0, i.e. that coo - oo = 0', but limits to non-convergent limit of the be 0, might even be but it might <*>!) In into necessary to manipulate the expression for applying the algebra of limits and/or Key these be some cases a convenient point 1.2. it is form orked 1.2 example Find lim (V^2 +n-n). Neither Vn2 we can't apply nor n converges so of limits to algebra + n the Neither do we have the situation of a quotient where the difference. familiar we divide could as through in Worked example a So create and bottom by the The vo of presence multiplying by quotient 1.1 top* vn2 +h -h same expression. -b here suggests by multiplying = (Vh2 + n vn2 + n + +n +n n \342\200\224n) \\ln2 \342\200\224n (vh2+hJ Va + b (h2 +n) Vn2 +n \342\200\224 n2 +n n vn2 Divide by through inside the through dividing n (this + n + n 1 will mean* square root - + \342\200\224+1 byn2) 1+ - +1 n Now (a) the following (i) algebra of limits0 :. lim (Vn2 +n -n)= , \342\200\224 = 1A Exercise 1. Find the apply limits: 3n-7 lim + l 2n lim (ii) n^oo ll 4n + 3-2n n2 + (b) (i) lim 3n2 3n -1 +5n-7 4n4+3n3-10 lim (ii) (c) (i) n4+5 5-3n limn-^oo 2n2 (ii) lim + An n2-6 \342\200\236^oo n3 _|_ (d) (i) lim + 9 _ 3 5^ ^5-3n^ 7-4n 1 r^ **. Limits of sequences and functions 9n2+2 (ii) lim. lim 3n-2 5n + 7 ( (b) Hence lim find the 2n3 + 3n2 + 4) n(n n + For 2 { un lim n2 +3 2 whose }, general v n +1 \342\200\224 The yjn <c <b [4 marks] Theorem for described there is anotherresultwhich we limits finding to have at need K sequences for all n UK} and {c .} such that eeZ+ and liman then \\imbn = limcn = L< that between converge them, samelimit. OO = L. The Squeeze Theorem says Option: Calculus = 2 Theorem If we have - [7 marks] \"->~Vw-3+2 1.3 POINT Squeeze 9 given by lim In addition to the methodsalready ic term is - v n -1 -j= Squeeze of sequences, our disposal. 1 [6 marks] y algebra of limits to prove that \302\243J a +6 [6 marks] lim KEY 2n2 +3n un Use the algebraoflimitsto find Use the +12n \\ + 4) n(n n + sequence n3 + +3 n2 un find [3 marks] lim that Show 5 7 >5n + (b) Hence find (a) 3 3n-2 (a) Showthat to the then that can find two sequences and squeeze anothersequence sequence must also convergeto the same limit that if we u A \342\200\242 \342\200\242 # \342\200\242 *\"2 we often this result To use need known inequalities for standard functions. orked example 1.3 the Use The obvious to find Theorem Squeeze lim sinn \302\253->\302\260o fl -1<sinn<1 place to start is by bounding1 sinn zl<\302\243i^<l As both can to 0 \\ \342\200\224 \\ \\ \342\200\224 I and converge the Squeeze apply we\302\253 | \342\200\224 = nJ by the e'mn lim it can you use the SqueezeTheorem or of the The one, both, sequences a^and cn. a common way of doing this. When be difficult following fortunes Since lim Theorem neZ+ n n n all for lim \342\200\224 = 0 ^\302\260\302\260 n Squeeze Theorem = 0 to choose illustrates orked example1.4 that Show lim \342\200\224= 0. \302\253->oo yf n\\ We can see that \342\200\224 >0 so we nn for a sequence largeas Hl but that is always which tends are looking >0 fora\\\\ neZ+ at least as toOasn^oo . nn so that we can squeeze _ nn 1 XJ^\\ + d. Limits of sequences and functions i h continued... To find a sequence such the out start by term of general * Next, writing our sequence n\\ 321 _n(n-l)(n-2)(n-5) n n nn n n n long-hand is less numerator Each than introduce the leave We final term the Apply the inequality. so that unaltered not everything to1 use that n so cancels n n 1 1 n n n n n n n n n\\ 1 \342\200\224 <- 0< forallneZ+ n n\" out Theorem1 Squeeze n n n n - =0 lim Since can conclude by the Squeeze \\we n\\ that lim \342\226\240\342\226\2400 theorem IB Exercise 1. Usethe Squeeze Theorem (a) lim cos n -sin3n 4n2 (b) lim \302\253->~ (c) the following: find to n2 + 8 nn lim \302\253->~(2w)! (d) lim^fc!) (a) Show that x trick a common is to use part an as such inequality 3. at the core for lim\342\200\224= 0. [6 marks] (a) Show that Look \342\226\240in question course 6n that the of to introduce of use the SqueezeTheorem to show expansion binomial back (b) Hence > 6. n 5! n\\ It - for n \342\200\224 < \342\200\224 (b) By > + x)n (l ^ \" ^ taking x = I show x2 for that Ufn allx>0,neZ+. -1) < n^ 1. a rejoinder the binomial (c) Hencefind lim [8 marks] yfn. expansion. (a) Find lim (b) Hence the use Theorem Squeeze to find \\imS\\\342\200\224j== n^tl^n2 +k [7 marks] (a) By considering (1 + 2n n{n x)n for a suitable value of x, show that \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \\){n 2) >\342\226\240 for all n e Z+ 3! (b) Hence find lim\342\200\224. w_>oo2n 10 v Topic 9 - Option: Calculus [8 marks] (a) Find the value Hence (c) Find \342\200\224 lnx passing touches the curve. inequality involving x and lnx for x> 0. the origin through (b) to y the tangent which a at an form 3h3 lim +lnn3 . +2* \342\200\236->oon3 \342\200\224 that Show (a) n (b) Showthat <ln that show \\+n (i) Find lim(l (ii) What n>\\. has but again you made? have many applications. +- assumptions one of the of percentage context n) V is most important in maths. often introduced informally 1Y f 1 + \342\200\224 <lforalln>l. n (c) Hence (d) for all + ri)<n ln(l in established limit Question 7, part (d)(i) jfjkk ^^ * n>\\. for all < Inn The in chapter It is in the increase, wide-ranging We will 3 of meet it this option. [15 marks] a function The limit of a function f(x) at a point a, limf(x), is like that of the limit of a sequence: it is eitherthe value that the function attains at a or approachesas x \342\200\224> a. The difference is that the domain will not just bepositive and that the integers limit can be taken as x tendsto any value, not just as x \342\200\224> <*>. of the The idea For example: limit of limx2 = 32=9 lim tan2 x = \302\260\302\260 lim e~x = 0 71 While we cannot input x = \342\200\224 into secondexample above to get e~x functions (as it is the limits of and to these limits oo tend x to get the limit in the domain) ori = oo we can see that respectively, not in the 0 into the by referringto their graphs. y y = \342\231\246 I y 0 rZ Using tan2 a combination of two tan2 x of these limits,we - could also say limtan^x = o 1 Limits r^ +\302\253. of sequences and functions 11 This process of taking thelimit'inside'a the functions wewill meet,but in valid. is not general for all is valid function use the ideaofthe limit of a sequence to form a definitionfor thelimitofa function. If we take a convergent the function at successive sequence x1,x2,x3,...and evaluate terms of the sequence,we get a new sequence: We can f(x1),f(x2),f(x3),... This definition;* ohen most useM need to for and xn to yn and to tend not the\" same limit. xi POINT KEY If for Worked example t^> 1.6 definition can be used limit show that a function . 1.4 any sequence {xn} L is said \342\200\224> L, then f(xn) x3 Xi such that xn \342\200\224\302\273 x0 we have that to be thelimitofthe function. how demonstrates this f(x) but x\302\253 (W which ty) do = y two find sequences tend mat the function say that so yoo do To point. we at a not exist does too, converges. limit a showingthat If this sequenceconverges fo the limit of to of does not not necessarily it need that Note be the casethat ]^> for example,considerthe function x^\\ \\2x - f(x) = L: f(x0) < X O \342\200\224 J. existat a point xQ. lim a;->l any Taking /(I) = 3 f(x) = 2 sequence that converges to x = 1,we the function converging to f(x) = 2, though /(1) = 3. a sequence Finding how the function is that will lim/(x) *\"* the Topic 9 - Option: Calculus following and choose any way, that is sequence from the left that or even terms successive sequence, raises an important questionabout tends to the limit. For example, consider sequence = tanx get = 2, and then seeing that converges to a limit behaves as we evaluate it at of the f(x) clearly tends from how the to x below. the function = \342\200\224 in 'a y would Here we what However, in the following have = x tan \342\200\224\302\273 \302\251o. tan(x) had chosena sequencethat way, that is from the right or from if we 71 x to tended \342\200\224 \342\200\224 above? +- X Now, we would Clearly we same cannot value this If we for a limits different this casewe say limit. the that function limit at the does not of x. 1.5 POINT KEY two have and so in point exist at have tan(x) \342\200\224> a different \342\200\224<*>; find the limit of a function sequence that from approaches at point below, xQ by having we write: a lim f(x) If we do soby having above we write: a sequence that approaches from lim f(x) X^Xq~ from aboveand thelimitfrom belowto existand coincide for the limit to exist at that If do then: point. they We both need the limit lim f(x)- lim f{x)- lim f(x) 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions 13 The limits from aboveand belowmay asymptotes (as in also be the caseof tanx at not be at equal 71 x = \342\200\224), and an obviousdifferencein thelimitsat there might where a point the definition of the function changes. orked 1.5 example f-3x+ For f(x)-\\ 0 Here function. the to find need just determine (if it limf(x) x^iJ we see that clearly doesn't the limits show they're and below and 2 exists). idea to start by sketching* a good is often We x > -1 \\x1 It x<2 7 limit the from exist above\342\200\242 lim f(x) =1 lim = 3 different to this justify x^2+ f(x) Since lim x^>2 often a good piecewise behaviour t^ir different points at in the v Topic 9 - not exist. example, Option: Calculus \302\2432* +\342\226\240 functions, a limit example different may also not existat 1.5, formulae, a point if the function oscillates very rapidly as it approachesthat point. This is rather like the case mentionedat the beginning of the chapter for sequences that oscillate without ever tending to a limit. For domain. 14 other With functions understand doee function, such as that in Worked by consisting of two or morepiecesdefined is said to be 'piecewise'. idea to sketch to lim f(x) f(x)^ that a Note u is f{x) lim f(x) = cos \342\200\224 behaves in the following way: orked 1.6 example does not exist. Show that limcos If we find two can tend to 0 which for but sequences, two different limits, f(xn) the then yn, that* and xn Let = f(x) coe\342\200\224 x and f(yn)tend to limit of f(x) does not exist The an =271,471,671,../ sequence has cos(an) = l and 371 71 i 571 nas n =\"2'~2~'~2~'\"\"\" So take cos(bn) xn = the Let *n = and yn ->0 2nn sequence = 0 for all \342\200\224 and y = n = -\302\2730 (2n-1)7i \342\200\224 Then \\ f 1 = coe f(xn) 1 J \\2nn = coe(2nn) =1 lim f{xn) n all for = \\ xn^0 f \302\256ut f{yn) \\ 1 = coe (2h-1)tt 2n-1 :C06 71 2 W = 0 for all n = 0 \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 lim f(yn) yn^o As \\\\mf(x\342\200\236)*\\\\mf the (y\342\200\236), limit does not exist. Just as for Theorem sequences,the Squeeze orked The lim x cos x->0 difficulty 7 here is the 1. \342\200\224 inside xcoe the 0 However, since | cosx \342\200\224 and functions. (-1 = 0. so we cannotevaluate xcos for 1.7 example Showthat holds the | < 1,we can bound potentially use the cos function, limit directly the function .e.-|x|< =1*1coe \342\200\224 xcoe\\ XJ^\\ + d. \\<\\x\\ Squeeze Theorem 1 Limits C \\\\x\\ of sequences and functions continued... We can now since x^O let both clearly \302\261|x| by the Therefore, ^0* e'mce lim and = 0 (-|x|) =0 lim x^O|x| we must Squeeze Theorem, have \342\200\224 = =0 \\ xooel lim x^O The orked algebra also holds for of limits Vx functions. 1.8 example Evaluate: (a) lim{x3-5x-8| L x^3 can We algebra apply of (x + lim (b) J 2)2 x^~2}V*2+4x+ 13-3 I limits [a) straight0 lim - &}= lim - 5x {x5 away = - 5 x5 - x lim 35-(5x3)-<S =4 Since lim x^-2 + 4x Vx2 +13 lim (x + 2) =0and# (x + 2)2 + 13-3 (b) (x + undefined. the immediately as However, quotient we can is an This notice that \342\200\224 is the quadratic under the is also (x + 2) which Now apply the (x + 2)2 top multiply {(x + square of the will us root in the algebra give numerator of limits0 = ^/(x + 2)2 + 9 (x lim X^>-2 J(x = V0+~9 =6 V - Option: Calculus \302\2432* + . + + 2f+9 +3 + 2)2 4x + 13-3 + 2)2 + 3 3) 9}-9 So, = 9 + +9 (x + 2)2 2|Vx2 + Topic + 2)2 (x + 2)2U(x lim 16 + 2)2 L/(x 2)2 2)2+9-3 ^](x + 2f+9 2)2+9-3 simplify bottom by Vx2 + 4x + 13+3. even better option when we completing + + 7(x + 2)2+9 + 2)2 \342\200\242v/(x by using the trick from Worked example 1.2 and and 7(x + - 3 = 0 we can'tapply of limits algebra (x Vx2 + 4x +9 +3 3) 5 +5 lim I however, the Sometimes, ' '0 problem of \342\200\224 can with be removed 0 much less algebraicmanipulation. orked lim Find 1.9 example *->2 x* x-2 we Since a have form the of limit \342\200\242 '0' \342\200\224 , 0 apply the algebra we can't is useful Even of the though 2 the Therefore x = And 2 is not = x+ factorises the graph at this point* clarify what is happening in domain0 the we have the graph: y = y we can eee f(x) that: y <2-4 -, the function limit x-2 EXAM that to draw to 2)(x-2) x-2 x-2 away we recognise numerator It + limits of straight However, x2-4 _(x lim: x^2 x-2 x^2 as \342\226\240 = 4 clearly exists HINT It is a good idea to see always be simplified before attempting 1. For eachfunction, f(x) \342\200\242 lim f(x) an any fraction algebraic other methods. can 1C Exercise lim \342\200\242 if find \342\200\242 lim f(x) for the given values of (if they exist): x0: 1 Limits XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions (a) (i) f(x) (b) (i)/(x) r, (ii) /(*) = \342\200\224\342\200\224 ,x0=0 = (ii) /(*) =- (ii) f(x) -,x0=l /(x) = ln(x-2),x0=2 (c) (i) , x<-\\ [x2 +Ax-5 . x>-l x2+3x-18 (e) (i) /(*) 3 /(*) x2 x^5 \342\200\2245x x =5 2 Let /(*) = 6 x<-5 -2x-\\\\ -5<x<-3 -x2+4 -3<x<l -3 x=l x2 (a) 4x+ the Sketch (b) Showthat = =2 y/x-2yx0 for xn = xQ -1 = 3 for x0 = 5 l<x<5orx>5 5 of f(x). graph lim 3-x ,x0=3 x-3 x2-25 = - for x^3 x2-3x = x x<l [x3-2x2+3 x (ii) /(*) = <L2.x-5 _ (ii) I-Ax = 2x-3,x0=4 not exist. does f(x) lim f(x) ifit exists. (c) Find x-\302\273-3 does not exist. Does lim/(x) exist? (d) /(5) (e) Find (a) (b) all points, List the following x0, where lim limits, if f(x) doesnot exist.[11marks] they exist: 2x2-3x + 4 x^-2 x2 - 2x +1 lim x2 - 4x +3 x2 - 5x +4 lim *->i [6 marks] a x<\342\200\2242 2 x = -2 Let/(x) = x2 +bx + c -2<x<3 x>3 2x+ 16 Given that lim find constants a, fo 18 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus \302\273\\ +l exists for /(x) and c. all x g D, and that lim f(x) = -3, [6 marks] , v x-4x For/(x)= : r (a) Showthat lim = /(x) -1. x->0+ (b) Does lim f(x) (a) Show that exist? Explain (b) Hence find + x2~6x . lim your answer. 9\342\200\224 = [5 +2 J(x-3f+4 = . [6 marks] *-*W*2-6x + 13-2 ' x marks] \342\200\224 2 x^2 For function the \342\200\242 \342\200\224 \\x-2\\ f(x) x=2 0 find (a) lim/(x) x->2+ (b) lim f(x) X^2~ (c) (a) Showthat El ^ 3(Vx + 8+3) = 2+ Vl+ 3x . lim *-* Vx + 8-3 ' ^ x3 sin lim Find V*+8-3 /(*) find Hence (b) [9 lim- Determine whether Worked - . \342\200\224 ?' It much very denominator similar is no there Unfortunately get functions is of the = 0, i.e.of by manipulatingthe is not always possible. general answerto the question,'What depends on is lim- f(x) x\342\200\224>a . Again in of how the numeratorand to 0! problem \342\200\224 = lim^(x) the problem q(x) that your [6 marks] lim/(x) form, but this a different into quotient where we avoided case that In justifying the potential difficulty highlighted f(x) lim- with up fully ' marks] Rule 1.8b example ending exists, ' L'Hopital's g) A [8 marks] 71 cos answer. is . x->0 J marks] + 3x-2 = Vl ' that /(*) Given El [6 lim/(x) = limg(x) = \302\260\302\260, is that it depends and denominator. the answer numerator where lim/(x) x\342\200\224>a x\342\200\224>a on the specific 1 r^ **. Limits of sequences and functions of this functions at looked Y^. ^^ option, we will 4E use Taylor Given functions ^^ lim f(x) x\342\200\224>a f(x) and g(x) such = lim g (x) = 0 x\342\200\224>a thenlim^ series. provided or x^a g(X) = the (a) lim *->0 x^a limits: following sinx lim (b) x_>e x Since the form limit '0' of this \342\200\224 we use 1-lnx x \\nx (c) \342\200\224 function e is of I'Hopital's the# lim x (a)J K Rule anc\\ = 0 \\'\\me'mx x^O \\\\mx = 0 3y I'Hopital'sRule _d_ (emx) = lim-^r- lim dx = (X) coex lim x^O \\ _1 \"1 = 1 Since the form limit '0' of this \342\200\224 we use function is of I'Hopital's the# =0 (b) lim(1-lnx) Rule and = 0 Wm(x-e) x^e 3y I'Hopital'sRule , lim 1 \342\200\224 In jc x^e x = (1-lnx) ax , lim-^j\342\200\224 x^e e _^_ dx (x-e) _\302\261 x^>e e_ 1 = _\\_ e 20 v Topic 9 - answer Option: Calculus \302\2432* + . I either = lim lim^ exists. the latter limit that that lim f(x) x\342\200\224>a orked example 1.10 Find The Rule circumstances) using Maclaurin and form? 1.6 L'Hopital's an ^. calculating (in certain them POINT KEY method for cannot of where alternative we provided by: again in Section this manipulate be will type deal with limits likethesewhen the quotient into a more helpful do we So how Limits of g\\X) g (x) x\342\200\224>a = oo is continued... the Since \342\200\224 we form is of the4 function this of limit use lim \\nx x^<=\302\260 (c) Rule I'Hopital's 3y x = lim and = OO 00 x^<=\302\260 Rule I'Hopital's d , v \342\200\224 lim \\nx dx \342\200\224 = lim d , -W x^ X (Inx) x^>\302\260\302\260 v dx = X lim x^\302\260\302\260 1 lim 1 = =0 X HINT EXAM You can only form the apply I'Hopital's '0' '00' \342\200\224 \342\200\224 . It or valid these in that is of cases. to use I'Hopital'sRule be necessary it might Sometimes is only \302\260\302\260 0 a quotient to Rule more once. than orked 1.11 example lim Evaluate the Since . of limit this '0' \342\200\224 we form is of function use the# Rule I'Hopital's =0 lim x^O(1-cosx) and lim(x2) = 0 x^O 3y I'Hopital's Rule ,.lim 1-cosx x^>0 ,.'im ^0-ooex) X2\342\200\224-x^>0 e'mx \342\200\224 lim Zx In to evaluate trying that it is also this limit, of the form we '0'\342\200\224 so realise4 we can 0 apply I'Hopital's and Rule =0 lim (sinx) x^>0 again Applying lim(2x) = 0 Rule again I'Hopital's d \\-coex lim x^o x^O (e'mx) d dx = (Zx) coex lim x^O \"2 1 C XJ^\\ + d. Limits of sequences and functions 21 met We limits the form oo of \342\200\224oo' for sequences First it is - oo' (oo of the form is the had oo \342\200\224 oo = \342\200\224 2 1.12 example the following: Evaluate (a) lim(xlnx) this it (a) \\y\\x x\\nx- to write need we here a quotient and conditions for the as product hope \342\200\242 -1 so again think Rule. However, to I'Hopital's apply form the of limit ex and Ox(-oo) of x->0 V x have a We lim (b) the that rule are then of the limit The now of we can is# \342\200\224 and form the satisfied quotient By Rule: I'Hopital's so oo Rule . = lim x^O x\\y\\x lim apply I'Hopital's x^O x d I 1 \\ dx\\x) j_ = lim^p x^O I X2 X2 ,. = lim = x^O X lim \342\200\224x x^O = 0 limit The this time is 'oo-oo' and obvious way of combine lead may form# ex -1 x(ex-l) ex we proceeding is of of the Rule the quotient* single form '0' \342\200\224 so and 0 I'Hopital's Rule is -x using I'Hopital's limit -\\-x xex the two quotients. This to some cancellation or to the possibility of The X no other with ex-\\-x 1 of the needed I3y rule: I'Hopital's ( d ,lim , 1 ex \342\226\240o\\x 1 dx_ x^o -1/ {e*-\\-x)' d (xex V dx = Topic 9 - Option:Calculus 0 Z& + 0,. ,., - x) ex -1 lim xex \342\226\2406 ex + 22 form \342\200\224 \342\200\224 or . 0 <^1 1 orked of the ' 0 x oo' necessary to rearrange theseexpressions which a quotient limits Worked 1.2 example or into <^1 commented that this was not generally 0. Indeed rule we when be used to find can also L'Hopitals \342\200\224 1 \302\260\302\260 continued... The limit is still end so we fa\342\204\242 = lim of the# need ~ '\302\247' I'Hopital's Rule again 1 1+ 1+ 0 1 ~2 Exercise ID 1. the Evaluate using following -e eA (a) (i) lim *^\302\260 lnx (ii) lim *-\302\273! X sinx TT2 \342\200\224 V: (ii) lim *^3 (i) lim (b) Rule: I'Hopital's - 1 x2-9 sin(x-3) cosg) +X X2 (c) (i) lim *^\302\260 (ii) tanx 2. the Evaluate *^\302\260 (b) ^VJC-1 I'Hopital's Rule more than once: (x+ l)2-e2* lim (a) by using following lim 1-cosx (In*)2 lim *-* x->l x3 + x2 - 5x + 3 1-cosx lim (c) x->0 *^\302\260 3.x2 tanx-x lim (d) *^\302\260 x-sinx (e) lim e* X\342\200\224>oo X 6.x 1 +sin (f) lim >-l + cos4x 4 3. into a By rearranging quotient and applying I'Hopital's Rule, find the following: (a) limx2lnx x^O lim (b) - tanx) (secx X^>\342\200\224 2 \342\200\224 (c) limf\342\200\224 \342\200\224 l x^>1\\x the following Find , x (a) lnx .. lim- limits: x-cosx *^\302\260 x + cosx x+ (b) lim *^\302\260 sinx x-sinx x-cosx (c) lim *^\302\260 x + sinx [5 marks] 1 S?i>* + d. Limits of sequences and functions f 23 'a is wrong with the following 'proof? x3+x-2 3x2+l 6x .. .. = lim = lim\342\200\224= 3\342\200\236 *->i *-* 2 x2 3x+ 2 2.x 3 (a) What .. lim *->i (b) Find the correctlimit. l-cos(x5) lim BFind x->0 Find lim Kg wmm x->0 [6 marks] x cos2 x^l Q [6 marks] 2x 10 C\302\260S2(3X) Find lim I Once we have [8 marks] functions Continuous that established the limit continuous expect: if the function doesnot have thenit is (x-l) there so x A function is not 24 \302\253v Topic 9 - Option: Calculus *-!\302\273*\"\342\200\242+,\302\273 to there. \342\200\224 gap' is as you or cjump' as the limit (as long is might at a point exists in the first of continuous as beingableto sketchthe our pen off the paper. taking function defined a exists function can think without function y there continuous We Fora of a function x0, the next question is whetherthat at x0. This idea of beingcontinuous a point place). marks] [8 sinx \\x Find limx2 arctan(x2) at marks] [4 j For being continuous be example, such as / continuous at x continuous = 1is not in certain point, it has to be no senseto talk about = 1,as it has an asymptote domain. its [x) at x at a it makes = = 1. |2x x^l that < I O X \342\200\224 J. we met in Section 1C 'a x = 1is in Here, although = 2), there (limf(x) ' x^l without function This our pen from taking not being of there requirement and we a 'jump' is is stated moreformally continuous KEY POINT A function exists the limit and domain the cannot draw the the paper. a 'jump' for to be a function as: 1.7 at the is continuous f(x) = lim/(x) point Notice that, if x0 to this ** /(x0) y I and the limit the I Both | be continuous ' The I all function We now causing to f(x) it to be ,i continuous there. is said of its points value f(x0) must existfor - ,. continuous if it is continuousat is continuous domain (which according definition, 1 is function, domain. of at all points is x ^ 1). Sometimesan apparently to results definition leads contradict our here and similarly a actually as its sensible that intuition. look at further examplesof the ideaof'jumps'or gaps' with reference to the formal definition. discontinuity, orked example 1.13 where Determine the following are continuous. functions -2.x-6 (a) f(x) = \\x\\ (b)g(x) = x<\342\200\224\\ jc = \342\200\2241 2 x2 +2x-?> x>-\\,x^\\ x-l We only need to where there may consider be any points0 With a problem. | x | the only such point is x = 0 {a) \\x\\ whether lim I x I exists * lim x^O~ lim |x| |x|= limf(x) f(0)= V 7 x^O * And \\0\\ hence = 0 = |0| therefore \\x\\\\e continuous continuous XJ^\\ + d. at x = 0 and everywhere. 1 C =0 =0 eo Hm|x| x^O and here too. x^O+ lim whether continuous is clearly x^O|x| Check x>0 continuous \342\200\224 iAiA- ^> i_y I .A-1 so Check = x eo is clearly Limits of sequences and functions 25 continued... As with the more functions that we The the idea to sketch a good but just start as So, we have: to V = f(x) we limits, whether by considering + Z) \342\226\240\342\226\240x x>-\\,x*\\ -1 looking for when 3)(x-1) x-\\ 2x-3 + sketch is the quotient + x-\\ first. function awkward piece potentially only x2+2x-3_(x (b) complicated piecewise1 met in Section 1C, it is be can it simplified. need We do note to that however, here, f(l) is not defined J\\ Again, we only to consider need points where there may be Here these points are a problem. x = -1 is continuous Clearly f[x) any* for: x<-\\ 1 and x <1 -1 < x>\\ the Although 'jump' so the is a there at x exists limit = -1, * isn't function x = For lim -\\ = -4 f(x) x->-1- continuous butf(-1) = 2 limf(z)*f(-1) Therefore the Although, again, from above and this time as it is 'gap' not at below from is a there in the defined and so f{x) For x = both1 exists limits but EXAM HINT As the a point xn sequence The following 26 v Topic 9 - Option: Calculus \302\2432* +\342\226\240 defined. that of limit, the definition is often continuous. For showing = 4 f(x) is not continuous at x = \342\200\224\\ Therefore f(x) is not continuous =1 with lim \\ f(1) function at is not x->-1 x = 1, at x x-\302\273-1 used this to show purpose \342\200\224> x0 such that it is f(xn) definition of that x = 1 at > continuity a function only necessary is not to find a -\302\273 f(x0). example demonstrates a standard methodfor is not continuous at a point. a function orked 1.14 example Show that: cos| /(*)= \342\200\224 x>0 X) x<0 0 is not continuous - 0. like to find would We a sequence0 1 Take Then that f(xk)^f(0). such -^0, xk at x 2nk f(x) cannotbe continuous Then xk ->0 but f(xk) = 1 coe f\342\200\224i V2nk) = coe(2nk) =1 I.e. xk^>0 eo f{x) In Worked exist, so we that limcos showed 1.6 we example *^\302\260 knew it could not be continuous at example is included to show that that it is discontinuous at x = 0 than it is to limit does not exist. the above 1. Determine the whether help (i) /(*) = x2-l x + (ii) /(*) = = /(*) (i) not easier However, to prove the [x2-\\ < are continuous at some cases). atx = 2 at* = at x 1 = -2 1 x*-l dXx- x + \\ -1 x = -1 [-2 (c) f(xk)-\302\273f(0) continuous. \342\200\224 0. the graphs in to sketch = x3-3x2+5x-2 f(x) (ii) g(x) = x4-16 (b) x does establishthat functions following the given points (it may (i) \\x) B is not IE Exercise (a) it is \342\200\224 but x2+2x-15 at x = 4 x-4 (ii) g(x) = x-3 at x2-x ^x o \342\200\224 3 + 12 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions (d) (i) (e) x>2 [Ax-I f(x) = lx + 3 \\ = 2 atx \342\200\236 \342\200\236 x<2 x<-l (ii) g(x) = - \\x2-l \\x-l x>-l (i) f(x) = t~2x+l atx = - (ii) g(x) = secx atx = x2- at x - -1 71 \342\200\24216 (f) (i) /(*) x^4 ' x- = 4 x=4 8, X (ii) g(x) = x2 = 4 dXx -1 atx +x-2 x = l,-2 3, = l For X x<0 1 x 1+ x /\302\253= x = if they (ii) x->0~ lim/(x) lim (iv) x->0+* f(x) lim x->l+ lim f(x) (v) (b) At which the Find limits existand find the following them do: lim/(x) (i) (iii) l x>l whether Determine 0 0<x<l 3 2x2 (a) = (vi) points is /(x) ^0 of k value(s) for /(x) lim/(x) [7 marks] continuous? which the function x<\\ foc+2 /(*)= x>l kx at x is continuous (a) that Given = 1. lim/(x) x^xQ W+fot + 13 the constants v Topic 9 - Option:Calculus \302\2432* + . for the function -4<x<l a and b. (b) Where is/(x) continuous? 28 xgD x>l [x + 9 find for all x = -4 7 ; exist x<-4 f-2x-3 -/v [4 marks] [6 marks] the function that Show xcos = f(x) \342\200\224 x^O , \\xz x = [0, is continuous x = at 0 0. [7 marks] (jQFor /(*) X( X = x<\302\243Q [0 show that Once then that 0. of a function exists at the limit that established have we x = at functions Differentiable a point continuous is only /(x) x0 and that the function is continuousthere,we want to ask whether the function can be differentiated might at point. core course you In the first principles should and usedthe definition of from at a differentiation studied have the derivative point x0: We also can an alternative find sometimes work with, by a simplemanipulation useful to be more definition, which will of the variables. If we let h \342\200\224 x \342\200\224 x0, then /(*\302\273+(*-*\342\200\242))-/(*\342\200\242> Um rW= we get: =1|m/(*)-/(*\342\200\242> X-Xr, *^*0 KEY POINT 1.8 r The derivative of a function /'(*0) x0 is = lim f(x0+h)-f(x0) by equivalently /-(x0)=lim/W\"f(jCo) *^*o if the If it point by: given or at the f(x) X - Xn limit exists. does not, then the function is not differentiable at that point. 1 -i.**^ Limits of sequences and functions that function any continuous at that point: is differentiable, If f(x) Then definitions of continuity and differentiability that is differentiable at a point x0 must be from the It follows we have lim ff(x)-f(x0)^ x lim (f(x) *->X0 - lim f (x0))= *->X0 = \342\200\224 r{f(x)-f(x0))(x-x0)^ JC JCq lim (x - 7W-/U) lim x^x0 = /'(*o) xn X^Xq x0) f'(x0)xO = 0 .\\ lim X^XQ that It follows cannot = f[x) and so f(x) f(x0) a function that be differentiable happen \342\200\242 There At may a point such in fact it the at due to \342\200\242 The 30 v Topic 9 - Option: Calculus \302\273\\ +l be a tangent it is /'(*), may could a point for a function be differentiable that is there. This can factors. 'sharp point': not clearhow the tangent in infinitely said not is simply In this case Xq function two main could be drawn derivative possible not to a point is not continuousat at that point. However,it is alsoperfectly continuous is continuous. many to exist at should different this be drawn; ways and point. be vertical: not so again be in the domain of the gradient the derivative cannot existat this point. so 1.9 KEY POINT For a function f(x) to be differentiable f(x) must already must \342\200\242 f(x) \342\200\242 the tangent as just well As at x0 must may continuous to exist. not does you will need h limits the when above 1.10 If a continuous the limits: function f(x) is differentiable /z->0_ fc->o+ \\x and are at orked xQ then h equal. not exist,orif they is not differentiable. limits does of the the function x = and Um f(x0+h)-f(x0) lim f(x0+h)-f(x0) If one will mean this functions, one way to do this is to find and from below. that POINT exist not be vertical. points where a function is not also be required to use the definition lim\342\200\224 fc-*> \342\200\224> 0 from KEY to f(x) f(x + h)-f(x) that show Remember h a 'sharp point' at x0 not differentiable. In the caseof to not have you it is that lim f(x) hence (and x0 x0: exist) identifying differentiable, show at be continuous must \342\200\242 a point at not are then equal, 1.15 example Show that: i is not (a) f(x) = {x\342\200\2241)3 (b) g (x) need We = I x I is not does not at x differentiable that to show at x differentiable so first = 0. -\342\200\224\342\200\224 \\\\m\342\200\224 exist, -1. + (a) f(1 + h-1)3 h)-f(1)_(1 -(1-1)3 find we + /i)-f(D f(l ' h3_ h h 1 It is now clear and so that x = 1 is limit the in the not the We to show need that |im is not finite* 9{* + f(1 + lim\342\200\224 h)-f(1)^ = 00 of domain function .'. f'(x) h)-g(x)t And (b) hence g(x f(x) is not + h)-g(x) differentiable at _\\0 \" so first g(x we find + ti)-g(x) h 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + 01. + h\\-\\0\\ h h does not exist, x=1 of sequences and functions continued... This time the behaviour of so obvious, but we suspect we = -j\342\200\224 lim (- h^0~ from limits = So limits of these each find lim -r-= lim limit being different. below and above that the due to the exist not might is not# limit the And \"1 similarly, lim ~r-= = g(x) = \\x\\ wise a piece the that 1 \\h\\ -\342\200\224doee not exist differentiate is not function, and at x =0 we may want to join the is differentiable. For J\\ function resulting example,if the function differentiable so that lim 1 lim Therefore piecesso -r lim = If we have -D displacement, represents the velocity it needs to be is defined. orked example 1.16 b so that a and constants Find the function x<3 fin x /(*)=\342\226\240 for all is differentiable a For the that differentiable, it* continuous. This means be first must limits x when and below \342\200\224\302\273 3 from the be must above and same equal to f(3) Also, the derivative at the has limits definition of the# to exist. We need to look and below 3 again above limit As x = 3 is domain, the limit 3 x > b x > 0. to be function ax+ f has lim in the derivative first part below of In is x at of the just the x = 3 So a(3) + b = ln3 ^>3a + b = ln3 Also, f(3 + lim h)-f(3) \342\200\224(\\nx) '3 dxy (ax + b) = a^aaex^>'5 Hence, 1 a = \342\200\224 3 .b = 3fl-ln3 = 1-ln3 v - Option: Calculus \302\2432* + . = 3 above: dx 9 lim f(3 + h)-f(3) h^3H From below: 1 d /, x \342\200\224 = at x _d_ Topic = h^3\" From 32 = f(3) lim f(x) f(x)= in the from to be continuous: > IF Exercise each of the followingfunctions and then find 1. Sketch are any) (if there (a) where the function is not all points differentiable. = Ux-2 + 3 f(x) (b) /(*) = x*l { x-1 x =l [l x2-9 (c) = /(*) \342\200\224 3 x x = 6 3 = + (d) /(x) |2x l| (e) (f) , s /M = x<0 (x2 x>_0 {* = /(*) 1 7 x-lf = y fx (g) f{x) (a) Sketch the function: x<0 0 /(*) = 0<x<4 y/x X -+ the function where Determine (b) (c) Determinewhere the is continuous. is differentiable, function fully answer. your justifying x>4 1 [7 marks] (a) Sketchthe function x<0 2 = /(*) -x2 + 6x +1 0<x<2 x>2 x3+l the function where Determine (b) (c) Determinewhere function is differentiable, answer. your justifying the is continuous. fully [7 marks] Determine where the function (x3+ 3x2-x-3, f (x) = x2 <\\ + 2x - 31, 8x-10, is differentiable. x<-3 -3 < x<3 x>3 [6 marks] 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions 33 4 The for defined function/is % e K. by: x<2 [x3 = \\ f(x) v } J Find the values x>2 that/is differentiable c so b and of + c +bx [-X2 x e all for D . [6 marks] For: xsin\342\200\224 x^O x /(*)= x=0 0 (a) Showthat (b) Find /'(*) (c) Show that [7J Assumingthat Q Showthat at x is continuous f(x) x * when 0. f(x) is not differentiable x = at 0. /^10marks] that: is not differentiable at = sin Lx /(x) show exists, /\"(a) = 0. x = 0. [5 marks] (a) Given that = /(*) {^faxTb x<\\ \\x x>\\ = 1, find a and b. State the range of values of x for which/(x) at x is differentiable (b) is differentiable. [7 marks] x2sin\342\200\224 = jj For/(*) x=0 0 (a) Showthat f'{x) (b) Find /'(0). Find (c) Using x ^ f'{x) is not for all 0. continuous in are two understanding Topic9 *\\t> ^ - Option: Calculus ? l^v*- [13 marks] and the Mean Theorem important results that follow of continuity and differentiability. function on an interval is continuous and differentiable a non-constant that function 34 - 0. the previous question,constructa /(*) /'(()) >0 but there is no interval which /(*) is an increasing function. Value For at x for which Rolled Theorem There x. the function in function ]-a,a[ exists when f'{x) (d) Showthat (ll.) x^O x from [a,b], and our if we know it starts and least one same the at finishes y-value, then it is clear that in the turning point somewhere must there be at interval. = f(b) /(\302\253) KEY I | 1.11 POINT Theorem Rolle's For a function, f(x\\ that is continuous and differentiateon ]a,b[, iff(a) that then f(b) must exist a interval [a,b] point c e ]a,b[such = 0. f'(c) Obviously continuity have a there on an is importanthereas could we otherwise function such as: y /(I) for which However, a continuous 1/ = /(3) f (3) J 1)= f(a) - f(b) we also need function but J\342\200\224 there is no f'(c) - 0. otherwise we could have point c where differentiability, that does not have a turning point, such as: that a Remember such sharp point as in modulus this is not the function same as a /(l) = /(3) turning turn.ng At a - 0 but point, fix) point. at point sharp the t =-2) the derive** does not The mostcommonapplication of Rolle's Theorem a maximum numberof possible rootsofa polynomial. is to exist. establish 1 Limits -i.**^ even of sequences and functions orked 1.17 example Prove that the polynomial = x3 + 3x2 + 6x +1 has f(x) Since f[x) is continuous, we only an interval on which the changes be a value, to conclude f(x) of sign x0, = 0, i.e. at leastoneroot an need now one root, to show so suppose there are two look This suggests that to conclude Theorem point in the produce might we and for a contradiction could apply Rolle's there is a interval the Suppose that thereexistsa is only* there that X\\ \342\200\242 f(x0) = we are root, f{x<[) is continuous f(x) and differentiate, exists ace ]x0,x,[ there Theorem Rolle's jsuchthat f'(c) which Jx^x^, Since by second > X0 Then turning contradiction exist .'. f (x0) We f{x) is continuous, there must x0 g ]-1,1[ such that f(x0)= 0 has at least one root. f(x) Since that such interval that in = 11>0 f(1) must there that f(-1) = -3<0 need# to find root. one exactly = 0. However, f'(x) looking for = Z)X2+6x +6 = 3(x2+2x+ = 3[(x + 2) 1)2+3]*0 Thereforewe have there is onl / the a contradiction one root and so x0. Rolle's Theorem can be useful for these kinds of question but it is rather restrictiveto requirethe function to have the same value at both end points of the interval. If we removethis restriction then we see that there must still be a point c e at but the which now of This leads is parallel tangent course that tangent to the following Value generalisationof Rolle'sTheorem. Theorem For a function, f(x), that is continuous [a,b] and differentiateon ]a,b[,there ce]a,b[ such that Topic 9 - Option: Calculus ]a,b[ to f(b), \342\200\242 12 KEY_PPJNTJ Mean to the linejoining f(a) does not have 0 gradient. f'(c) = ;f(b)-f(a) b \342\200\224 a on an must interval exist a point from the diagramabove, clearly follows result This prove it formally using Rolles Theorem.We must function based on f(x) that fulfils the conditions points of the interval for needed Let g(x) = f(x)- Clearly g(x) Rolle s ( f(b)-f(a) a choose at the end Theorem. (x-a). b-a and differentiable is continuous can we but since f(x) is, and moreover, = g(a) f(P)-f{a) (a-a) f(a)- b-a = /(*) and f(b)-f(a) g(b) = f(b)= (b-a) b-a f(b)-{f(b)-f(a)) = f(a) that is, = g(a) g(b). Therefore, by Rolle'sTheorem,thereexists such that ce a point ]a,b[ = 0. g'(c) So a ^r(c)=m-fM Therearea Theorem b-a of number of the applications possible Mean Value (MVT). orked Prove that It looks example | 1.18 - sinfo < | sina like we can just |a - apply b |. the on f(x) Since f MVT* = sinx (x) = e'mx is continuous and differentiablefor all x e R, by Theorem there exists c e ]a,b?[ f{b)-f{a) Value that such = f\\c) ^-a e'mb Mean the \342\200\224 e'ma \342\226\240 = coec b-a We now to take need and mod of observe that both \342\200\242 sides |cosx| < e'mb-e'ma b-a 1. e'ma - 1 Limits XJ^\\ + d. = |cosc|<1 e'mb\\<\\a - b\\ of sequences and functions orked If /(*) is suchthat smallest the find 1.19 example f'(x) > -2 so We have information of the interval \342\200\242 point to find out want that know the other be Mean by the so ce exists there ]2,7[ and hence Value Theorem, ]2,7[ such that f(7)-f(2) useful x e all for is differentiate f(x) continuous and end at something about the function end point, so MVT might derivative exists Since the we continuous. one on and f (x) is know we hence and /'(*) > -2 forallx e ]2,7[, value for/(7). possible differentiable -4 and = /(2) = 7-2 f'(c) f(7)-(-4)=nc) Use the fact that and > -2 P(c) for Since f'{x)>-2 \342\200\242\342\200\242 all xe]2,7[, rearrange 5 + 4>-10 => f(7) => i.e. the The Mean Theorem Value -14 f(7)> can smallest possiblevalue used in more also be for f(7) is -14 practical settings. orked example1.20 and travelling belowthe speedlimitof70 mph passes 24 miles the same car passes another police officer further police officer at 12:00. At 12:20 the it was at less than 70 The driver is motorway; again mph. pulledover along travelling second and given a speeding ticket. policeman car A Use how the policeknew to show Theorem Value Mean the the motorway along driving had the driver the function exceeded a by the speed limit during his journey. that a function need We will car's the# model journey Let f(t) position We need and time to be measured in distance moved from t = 0 (at 12:00) to when take can position i.e. hours\342\200\242 initial be 0, be function this Assuming t hours time at differentiate, there is a time =0 f(0) by 24-0 -0 = Option:Calculus c ZL*> +0,. at T 3 - t0 fl-J-f(o) n*o)= Topic 9 the 72 -0 that gives the care after 12:00 to be Mean which: the continuous and Value Theorem continued. f'(t) = v(f), car's the time some at context the Mean Value Theorem have attained its average speed. In this Note: must car is the cars velocity t0 and so the car was However, f\\t0) velocity 72 mph Its during travelling journey. that at some is saying at point on the journey, the Exercise 1G 1. the Find + 8 xe[0,5] (i) x2-5x (a) (b) (i) the given intervals xg[0,7t] cos(2x) + l xe[-l,l] (c) (i)x3-x whose existenceis Theorem: Rolle's by guaranteed 2. of c in value(s) (ii) 5-2x-x2 (ii) sin (ii) y/lx-x2 xe[-5,3] - xg[0,87t] xe[0,2] value(s) of c in the given intervals, whose existence is guaranteed by the Mean Value Theorem: x2 - 5.x + 3 (a) (i) 3x2+x-7 (ii) xe[l,3] xe[-2,2] Find the (b) (i) (c) (i)x3-3x The function (ii) tanx xe 0,- xe sinx 2 + 4 (ii) 7-Vx xe[0,2] for x is defined f(x) 0,3 xe[4,36] e [1,10]and has = 12, /(l) and f'(x)<2. Usethe for possiblevalue [4 marks] = Ax2 \\ Let fix) (a) Show (b) Why travelling at 3 some acceleration xe [a,b] show that: 45 [4 marks] b-a ) Jx . this a car at 2 there that does 9 a.m. + C, +Bx fq + b}_f(b)-f(a) f that the largest /(10). For f(x) At to find Theorem Value Mean does not not contradict is travelling mph. exist a c e ]l,4[ such at Use the point between was exactly 24 that, f'{c) Rolle's Theorem? - 0. [4 marks] 39 mph. 15 minutes later it is Mean Value Theoremto show 9 a.m. mh~2. and 9.15a.m.,the car's [5 marks] 1 Limits C XJ^\\ + d. of sequences and functions In a race, a hare and a tortoiseboth unexpectedly,pass the some at that same x3- and, as well.Show they weremoving solution of the equation only real 0. [6marks] two positive are exactly there that ^ (a) - 7= + 9x ex = real numbersx 3x. such [9 marks] that Given (b) Use the with [6 marks] 1 is the x \342\200\224 3x2 Prove that same time same time speed. Q Prove that 2 the race, during point at the start at the line finish = Vl f(x) the Mean Value + x, show that - c> all for 0. that to prove Theorem < /'(c) \342\226\240V* y/l < 1 + \342\200\224 for + x 0 x > [6 marks] Showthat: | cos2a (a) sin2 b a + sin2 ex > 1+ In 2, x + \342\200\224 for 2 a (l + x), use ex > 1+ x. the that 14.] (a) If f(x) and g(x) g'(x) ^ 0, show (b) to n. Prove that are that a function h{x) f{x) kg(x) constant,there exists k is where of the form some appropriately such ce]fl,fc[ and and differentiate continuous by using \342\200\224 there are at = 0. p(x) with xe~R \342\200\224 - marks] 0. of degree polynomial n [7 place an upper boundon answer to 3DP. [11 marks] your giving x > to part answer (13.) Let p(x) be most distinct to prove argument x2 (c) Useyou that to prove Theorem a similar Use / (x) = ex the function By considering Mean Value (b) - cos2 b\\<2\\a-b\\ chosen that: f'(c)_f(b)-f(a) g'(c) (b) If/(a) = g(a) = 0, g(b)-g(a) prove that lim/M=lim\302\243M providing thelatterlimitexists. [15.] Establish the fully justifying number of roots your answer. of the equation cosx = x (xg!) Summary \342\200\242 Limits algebraically; that is if the sequence{an}converges as expected behave the sequence {bn}to a limit b, + qbn)- lim(pan pliman +qlimbn = liman lim(anbn) If the lim ^ ^ {an} diverges, (<* ^ necessary usually limits finite have both dividing through by \342\200\242 If a c y to manipulate an into a form where the numerator so that the algebra of limits can be applied. This can the power of n. highest limit, then that and denominator be achieved often between two other sequences,both of which converge and must converge to the limit too. is sandwiched sequence to the sequence have if we Theorem: an<bn<cn same sequences forallneZ+ and [an },{&\342\200\236} {cn} andliman = limcn that such = L<\302\260o lim\302\243> \342\200\224L. If for any sequence {xn} such the limit of the function. that have \342\200\224\302\273 x0 we xn that f(xn) \342\200\224\302\273 L, then L e IR is said function does not existat a point x y find two sequences x y but for which yn \342\200\224\302\273 f(xj and/(jn) do not tendto the samelimit. If we find the limit of a function at point x0 by having a sequence that approaches To by is squeezed TheSqueeze then then for some constantc e IR, lim 5 =0 V \342\200\242 It is (p,qeR) ^*\302\260) sequence ' = pa + qb = ab limfon hfr^ limhf a and a limit to then: that show the of a limit xn from to be \342\200\224> and xQ below, lim f(x). we write If we do soby from above we write lim f(x). that approaches a sequence having x^x+ We the limit both need to exist at that If point. from aboveand thelimitfrombelowto existand they do then: lim f(x) = lim f(x) The Squeeze Theorem and = lim the algebraoflimitshold for use PHopitaPs Ruleto find of functions limits functions f(x) g(x)^0, if either and g(x) lim f(x) x\342\200\224>a then limx^a f(x) g(X) = lim- f\\x) = lim that are g (x) x\342\200\224>a that x^a g'(x) provided differentiable of the in the = 0 or limf(x) = x\342\200\224>a the latter 0 form - ' coo' and neighbourhood lim g (x) ^A \342\200\224: oo of a point a and = ^ x\342\200\224>a exists. 1 Limits \" \302\253 the limit as well. functions 0 Given for f(x) < We can coincide of sequences and functions be necessaryto manipulatefunctions It may quotientsso A function that at the is continuous f(x) Both the limit and the value To The function is said to be continuous of a The derivative Or equivalently function by f(x X does For a not, then - to be continuousthere. x , find a sequencex for which \342\200\224> but xQ points of its domain. at all is given by f'(x0) = lim f(x0 +h)-f(x0) \342\200\224 limit exists. if the the function is not differentiable at must be continuousat x0 f(x0). XQ function f(x) to be differentiable f(x) = f(x) is continuous J\\x)~J{xo' \\[m lim for f(x) at the point x0 x^xo If it if a point at if it f(x) \\- x0 exist continuous is not a function that show point must f(x0) form (0xoo'or(oo-oo' into be applied. can then Rule l'Hopital's of the limits have that a point hence (and at that point. x0: must already lim f(x) exist) X^Xq must f(x) The A tangent that function Rolle's not have to f(x) a 'sharp point' at x0 at x0 must for differentiable Fora function, f(a) - f(b) then theremust f(x), The Mean Value For a Topic 9 - that that point. functions statesthat: on an interval [a,b] c e ]a,b[ such that point is continuous a exist and differentiable f'{c) Theorem is a generalisationofRolle'sTheorem that function, f(x), must exist at a point is continuousat is differentiable Theorem not bevertical. that is continuous a point c e ]a,b[such Option:Calculus that on an f'(c) - interval [a,b] J-^-*-\342\200\224 b-a . on ]a,b[, if on ]a,b[, there - 0. states and differentiable that: h i examination Mixed (a) 1 practice that the b so and a Find function x<-\\ -(x + l)3-l /m= + b ax + 6x -2x2 is (b) continuous differentiate? evaluate By letting m = \342\200\224, lim [6 marks] [6 marks] \342\200\224 n tan one real solutionto the equation [6marks] = 3x-2. sinx Q is exactly there that Prove x >1 -1 everywhere. is f(x) Where \342\200\224\\<x<\\ The of a term general sequence is given by the formula: n2 + 3n = \342\226\240 a\342\200\236 neZ+ 2n2-\\ = L where LgR, Given that liman (a) (b) Find the smallestvalue for all 10-3 -L\\< \\an of N e find value the of L. Z+ such that n> N [9 marks] ( IB Organization (a) Write xx in the (b) Using l'Hopitals form ek. evaluate Rule, (c) What assumption 3 2006) have you limx* made? for Consider the sequence\\ \342\200\224 \\ any [10 marks] [10 marks] igR+ n\\ (a) an integer m > x By choosing v-n v-n xtl ^ \342\200\224 < \342\200\224 xtl and letting that: show n>m, m\" x- mn n\\ (b) (m-l)! the Squeeze By using Theorem show that x\" lim\342\200\224= 0. \302\253^\302\260\302\260 n\\ Find: s-V3s (a) lim 4-s s->4 (b) + 4 ^cosx-l^ lim X->0 V xsinx [9 marks] J 1 C S^ + d. Limits of sequences and functions Q that Suppose (a) that Show odd function is an f(x) there is some a e ]-x,x[ lim Given that 1 + I that show (c) Therefore, i\342\200\224 (b) Prove (c) Hence - that find (4n Find (b) Hence (c) What Option: Calculus r^ **. =-. nj e Theorem, using the Squeeze Show that (1 + xf (a) - marks] G^f lim (a) an 9 [8 = lim V Topic j\\a) =e: -] | 1 lim (b) Hence, 44 = that such It nj (a) Showthat jj on is differentiable sin x<|x| (b) Hence show that-|x|< 3 that lim 2^ Yn lim\342\200\224^ X->oo =1 of the sequencewhosegeneralterm \342\200\242 is given by t14 marks] '% find lim(ex assumption [13 marks] lim\342\200\224'- > nx foralln e Z+. the limit + 5n find + x)x have you made in part (b)? [9 marks] In this you chapter will learn: mproper \342\200\242 how relate to and differentiation integrals definite integration using the Fundamental Theoremof Calculus \342\200\242 to establish You probability and b by from the be familiar, should of a Core syllabus,with continuous random variable falling finding between the a integrating the pdf betweentheselimits. when an with integrals upper of oo (improper limit integrals) converge to a when \342\200\242 how and value finite they diverge to some evaluate improper integrals that converge \342\200\242 to establish between relationships some improper integrals and infinite series. = P(a<X<b) But what if we want real P(X > a), ff(x)dx where the pdf is non-zerofor all numbers? x P(X>a) = J\302\260\302\260/(jc)cbc 2 Improper r*a* +*. ,, integrals 45 'a h raises this but this take oo be finite and, or not the value of can find it. the how we of this form.We on integrals our knowledge of limits a finite value for the get use will from chapter 1to determine when integral we our integral, limit on upper if so, concentrate we chapter the as about whether questions will now integral In like to we would Here and link value. First,however,we analyse the and definite integration morecloselyusing find the cases some in differentiation between Fundamental the of Calculus. Theorem of Theorem Fundamental The Calculus and x = b x-a the limits between A area under a continuouscurve that the seen have will You y is found f(x) by calculating the definite integral: y = f(x)y^^X If the allow we Denoting A(x) = \302\243f(t)dt \342\226\272 by x we can write: A(x)=[Xf(t)dt Noticeherethat, as x is a limit, we cannot usex as the variable we are integrating with respect to, so we simply use another variable t (this could be anything as once the integration is done we are going to replace it with the limits x and a anyway). We refer to this as a 'dummy variable'. x. the graph y the upper limit, x, we will area the consider Now By changing under shown in the graph opposite. Ifthe in change x is a by approximated AA a upper limit. limit this be will upper of this function A= \\bf(x)dx limit to vary then the area -j{x) betweena and change area the as very small, the new areacan be with area: rectangle AA~ f(x)xAx AA \342\226\240M Ax In the limit, / (x) = \342\200\224. = lim A*^o Ax dx or alternatively: -f \\Xf(t)dt dx shows This with area But r-v 46 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus s>, + 0,. derivative of the areafunction Hence, the processof integration respect under a curve) is the reverse ofdifferentiation. to x. the isf(x). AA, is the that/(x) = f(x) function A(x) is not the only function A(x) (finding whose the derivative For function any A (x) = g (x) + c for someconstant c our understandingof differentiation, Value Theorem. proved formally using the Mean can be since Then, have must clear from This is A(a) g (a) have also we - f(x\\ we that g'(x) such g(x) + cc = => .\\ x = fo, we Letting A and 0 -#(a) \302\243(x)-\302\243(a) (b) = g (b) - g(a) A(b)=\\ f(x) Therefore J This is all KEY POINT g(b) \342\200\224 g(a) 2.1 of Calculus Theorem For a continuousfunction f(x) on the = \342\226\240^-\\Xf(t)dt dxJa \\af(x)dx can we Although functions integrated with find already at given respect Fundamental example following this idea. interval [a, b]: f(x) any function g(x) suchthat And for of the dx = dx in Key Point 2.1. summarised Fundamental through f(x) =0 jaf(t)dt = A(x) have = it but g'(x) = f(x): = g(b)-g(a) definite integrals and evaluate limits, the idea of differentiating to the upper limit as in the first statement Theorem of Calculus (FTC)is new. The illustrates a straightforward application of orked example2.1 Find \342\200\224[Xcos(t2) dt. dx- At this sight we indeed difficult; the first function cos(f2). FTC says We apply might appear0 cannot integrate the However, we don't need to. the theorem I3y Theorem Fundamental the \342\200\224 I coe(t2)c\\t = of Calculus: coe(x2) (XX with f(f) = cos(f2) 2 Improper C XJ^\\ + d. integrals The variable place orked with respect to which the differentiation dummy variable do not have and the to is taking be x and t. 2.2 example Find: d (a) 2.1, point except the the that ra d = --Jf(y)dy limit. lower the in we use Therefore \342\200\242 variable is w.r.t. the differentiation in statement the dz m J dx This is similar to Key rb (b) ^-\\\"f(y)dy = -f(a) relationship ro rb Theorem Fundamental the by of Calculus (b) Here the differentiation x but x is not one of the Therefore Differentiate and g(b) just w.r.t. x, \342\200\242 Then J f{z) dz = g(b)-g(o) [ f(z)dz Jo \342\200\242 that noting = are not functions g(o) Let g'(z) = f(z) limits. with an proceed expression for is w.r.t. J\"f(z)dz ^-(0(b)-g(a)) dxJa dx of x \342\226\240 0 could also apply the Fundamental TheoremofCalculus In such caseswe to a with two variables, f(x,y). needto make that we integrate (or differentiate) with and treat the other as a respect to just oneof these constant.The looks at this and also the idea example of the function before we integrate it; sometimes We function sure variables, following differentiating known as differentiating orked rb \342\200\224 Av Ja x2cosy integral 2.3 example Find: d (a) the under (b) dy (* f fdx Ja COS y)dy (a) The integration here is w.r.t. y, so we treat the x2 as constant, unaffected by the integration Topic 9 - Option: Calculus C XJ^\\ + d. a rb Ja x2coeydy = = rb x2\\ Ja coey dy x2[e\\nyfa = x2(e'\\nb-e\\na) sign. continued... Then differentiate sin a that remembering are sin b w.r.t. x, .*.\342\200\224\\x2coeydy (XX \342\200\242 and =\342\200\224(x2(sinb-sina)) (XX = 2x(e'\\Y\\b-e'\\Y\\a) constants just (b) need to differentiate time we This \342\200\242 \342\200\224 integrate. As the differentiation is w.r.t. x, cosy is we before (x2 dxK coe y) y) = 2x coe yy unaffected Now w.r.t. y, integrate is now x .'. \342\200\242 that noting \342\200\224(x2 coey)dy \\ Ja dx = = = that see integration Zxcoey dy unaffected = We \\ Ja we get the same answer,whetherwe do the or the differentiation first. This is true using 2x\\ J a coeydy 2x[e'mxfa 2x(e\\Y\\b-e\\Y\\a) any function. 2A Exercise 1. Find the following: (a) (i) (b) (i) (C) (i) Ar^H^a, (d) (i) ^-\\\"e-y3 d (i) c3 \342\200\224 f . /-..\\ (ii) j-\\ j2 dx 2cos5\302\243 dt .... d pi. . \342\200\224 (ii) 2sm(2t3)dt dx- f 5yjt2+3dt m At'^-te dtJbx2+7 dtJax2+2x+5 2. Findthe (a) dt dx JoJV -f- (ii) dy -^f 3cos2(2f2) dt following: (ii) j-\\Xf(t)dt \342\200\224\\yg(t)dt dyJc d (b) (c) (i) ^-\\bf{x)dx dbJa (ii) daJa d (i) \302\261ff(x)dx dxJa rb \"H gMdx rfc dtJa 2 Improper XJ^\\ + d. integrals d< (i) <e) (ii) \\b-^-g(x) dx dx (i) f^-f(x) (d) w ifM't f f W d< Find: d rx d d \342\200\224\342\200\224 ]nt (a) dt dt dxJa d rx \342\200\224 \342\200\224f(t)dt (b) [4 dxJa dt marks] Q (a) Find: d dx^a (b) Is rb rbx3 t dt = \342\200\224 f f(x,t) dtJa d fx3^ *a dx\\ t \342\200\224f(x,t) \\ Ja for dt J any function /(*,*)? r^ dt [6 (a) iC^t2)dt d rym \342\200\224 (b) 7 rule, find: the chain Using i marks] 4 e~x dx [5 marks] dyJy Let f(t) be continuous Use the Mean Value on \\a,b\\ andF(x)= f[t) that there to show Theorem I dt. exists c e ]a,b[ that: such J f(t) dt = [7 marks] f(c)(b-a) and divergent Convergent improper integrals return now We Jf a In See 1A and Sections <^[ IB for convergence <^[ of sequences. the core What if we Can we still an Option: Calculus v i-A = f(x) the limits of integration wereoften along this line of reasoning and let b evaluate the integral? continue integral can either much the sameway chapter 1. - course, whereg'(x) g(b)-g(a) convenient, relatively small numberssuch as 0,1, tt. However, can also be very large and this makesno difference to the method used to evaluating the integral. to oo, in 9 = f(x)dx familiar part of the FTC: limits Well, Topic to the converge to a finite that we saw with limit oo ? \342\200\224\302\273 or diverge sequences in 'a of the Integrals f(x) dx are knownas improperintegrals. 2.2 POINT KEY poo form poo The dx is convergentif thelimit f(x) integral improper limf/(*) ck b^ooJa ' = we When with work limits of following fc->\302\253 Otherwise the is finite. and exists - lim{/(&)) 1(a) integral diverges. use the improper integrals, we often functions (familiar to us from the previous chapter): orked \342\200\242 lim e~x = \342\200\242 lim at* Jo b and with limit but normal the# replace take the Jpb 0 lim dx- e~5x <s~5x dx b^ooJO limit after the integration is t^oo as (p>0) e~3x dx. Integrate as upper =0 2.4 example poo Evaluate 0 = e lim 3 completed = 1 lim e~5b+ I b^oo [ = 2 2 1 lim e | 1A \342\200\224 ,,1 + 1 3 As e~3b b^>\302\260\302\260, -\302\2730. the* Therefore is convergent integral 3 orked example2.5 Determine Replace take the the upper limit as different cases: that if p after b^oo \342\200\242 b and with limit h[ xp dx = lim b^ooJi [ xp dx the is completed integration We realise |.oo p e R, J xp dx is convergent. values of which for be two# there will = -l we need to integrate with Inx lim p + 1 ifp^-1 ib lim [Inx],, \\fp \342\200\224 \342\200\224\\ 2 Improper XJ^\\ + d. integrals f - 51 'a continued. /^F+i A 1F+i lim lim \\fp\302\261-\\ p+1 p + 1 (Inb-ln1) = ifp -\\ V+1-1A lim \\fp\302\261-\\ p + 1 Inb lim this At case two see that needs to be split we can stage p^-1 bp+i^oo p + when but the# \\fp>-\\ into p + l>0, When cases. separate = -\\ ifp \\fp<-\\ p + \\ l<0, ifp = -\\ i.e. xp dx j converges p < for only -1 Or e^uivalently r \302\260\302\260 1 \342\200\224 dx cower-ges J There are the or many in integrals many Section cannot be expressed in and yet lookat first sight as methods. Examples that we will that meet last (the function e~*2) is Gaussian it is Although perhaps we said above that can be expressed in they the sine integral function these terms integrals of special S\\(x) defined impossible error function We of specially kind this see a will that integrals ]^> not find and be expressed functions defined just in in Section --v Topic9 - Option: as important indefinite it the forms it integral, in for of standard terms this purpose; can for the that basis shown be functions, for example, function aid JXe-f2df our here at understanding integration is difficult need anotherway ]^> the 4E. Calculus + 0,. convergent without of The followingis oneway 2B, attempting this can not impossible question whether determining actually all? (if of standard functions,seeExercise estimation, s>, 4fJ\302\245^ chapter i Sometimes the we can- quantifying error 52 method otherwise, this in \342\231\246w of one to as defined approximating for either Option, an find cannot erf(x) = Does using (an indefinite as defined erf(x) functions susceptible = yfe w Jo Si(*)=f*^df or the this most the to j: e-x (jX When in >1 dx,jex2dx,je_x2dx jsin(x2)dx,jcos(x2)dx,j pdf for the normal distribution. should be if they integration 4E, include Of these, the of standard terms be found) cannot integral only for p 2(a)) or not to evaluate be achieved: in terms and so we an integral is it explicitly. 2.3 POINT KEY Test for Comparison If 0 < f(x) < g(x) for poo dx is J a f(x) poo convergent if (has finite area boundedby below g(x), then (and poo g(x) dxis convergent. f(x) dx is divergent. know the that dx g(x) is convergent is always that f(x) and x-axis) course of a smaller have a then: Ja poo if if we is intuitive: result This x > all is divergent dx g(x) improper integrals also be convergent the x-axis). by dx must f(x) area bounded orked example2.6 that Show The integration consider using find dx is [ Jo 1+ X2 a function convergent. S here is complicated the result and above g(x)>- 1+ x2 such that so we# \\ foraWxeU + x2>x2 to try [ ^v q(x) Jo 1+ J X5'2 X2 X2 converges We know example (Worked poo I that 1 j> Then, e'mce \342\200\224rydxconver9es# 2.5) and so we apply above JO dx converqee, J j3/2 the result JO 1 + X2 by the converges Comparison Test for Improper Integrate. The following result is alsouseful, often with the in conjunction Comparison Test: KEY 2.4 POINT As with the Comparison is just what Test for we mightexpect:I f (x) I is this integrals, improper always whereas f(x) mightgo belowthe x-axis.Therefore, above result the x-axis I | f(x) | dx 2 Improper r^ *a. integrals will always have a value there might latter as as large least at |.oo Ja f(x) dx, as for be cancellationdueto 'negative the areas'. y A = y y= /O) 1/0*01 is the I\302\260\302\260 \\f(x)\\dx sum of red and blue areas dx is the sum f(x) J areaslessthe of blue areas of red sum Of courseif J | f(x) | dx of value orked 01 ax converges. 5 Test* negative and so be we can't apply test the directly we can remove this* taking the modulus and However, by problem to show attempting converges abov< dx. f(x) the Comparison can cosx but be the smaller 1 Ji 1+ x3 to use want We COSX f\302\260\302\260 i so must then 2.7 example that Show |.oo is finite, cosx i that coex 1 x3 , + dx j 1+ 1+ x3 > x3 |cosx|<1and x3 (and hence, using the cosx e resu J] 1+ converges) oo From Worked converges example and so 2.5 [ Ji we can apply Comparison * 1 \342\200\224 dx x3 Since \342\200\224 dx J converges, coex the 1+ x3 Test by the Test for Comparison cosx C\302\260\302\260 COi Hence, 54 Topic 9 - Option: r*a* Calculus +\302\253. so does Ji dx 1+ x\302\260 converges. dx improper integrals, the limit of a convergentimproperintegral encountered may need to use any of the integrationmethods the Core syllabus, such as integration by parts and substitution, and also the methods from the previous chapter. to find need If we orked in 2.8 example |.oo the Evaluate we convergent Integrateby parts, use of to lim integral J xe~x dx. improper the# remembering with the deal xe~x h[ dx = upper = limit lim b^ooJi lim {{-be~b - = 2e-1 faced now are with a of the# limit 3y ' type '\302\243 and so apply lim -e~xdx\\ -J + e~') 1 + - - (e~b e~')} b' lim Rule: VHdpltaVe 1 + fr I'Hopital's dx [-xe-*]^ = lim We xe~x [ = lim \342\200\224 =o Rule xe~x dx In the above be quoted in i. the examin cases such \342\200\224 = 0, using can just results standard as Worked example 2.8. ^y. See VHopitals Section ID for ^u, Rule. XP \342\200\236 \342\200\224 = lim . lim 2.5 POINT r established Rule. This and the following l'Hopitals KEY we example = 2e~ 0 xp \342\200\242 lim *^\302\260\302\260ln.x Exercise 2B 1. Test the followingfor convergence. Forthosethat the value of the improperintegral. give (a) (c) T\342\200\224l\342\200\224-dx fe dx (b) Jo f e (d) fJO xe do converge, 4 dx x dx 2 Improper r^ **. integrals 'a 2. for following converge using the ComparisonTest of the which Find integrals: improper (b) JV*2 dx , cosf \342\200\224 ax poo dx <d) 3+5 ; I. 2+4x x+2 (e) J3r-^i-d* 3. Findfor sin2x (f) + 1 X2~3x of p values what dx f_?\302\2432 Jl X4+x + 2 the following dx improper integrals converge: (a) lnx dx f\302\260V* I Evaluate Evaluate (a) ji xp [3 marks] dx. I e~x f \342\200\224\342\200\2247 [3marks] dx. JO x2+1 Show that = (x2+3)2+5 x4+6x2+14 (b) n^d* (b) Jo all for xg] show that Hence x2+3 dx r x4+6x2+14 (a) [5 marks] converges that Show for 0 = 4 \342\200\224= dx \\ Ja - 2\\]a yjx < a < 4. 4. 1 f4 (b) Hence explain why Jo \342\200\224== dx converges find and its value. Vx [5 marks] ri (a) Showthat (b) Hencefind the 3 rJ3 Q ^ 56 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus r^ 4 a. of: value dx [6 improper integral:I roo sin Show that Does exact x2+x-2 Evaluate the Show x +2 x-1 x2+x-2 Jo by induction 1 the . improper (Ax) dx that .1 I integral xne~x dx = f\302\260\302\260sinx , Jl x [6 marks] [10 marks] . 1+ A2 e dx X = -\342\200\224- \342\200\224sin marks] n\\ dx converge? [11marks] r^ T 7 [9 marks] Approximation of improper integrals last section that in the saw We we that integrals exactly. It makes evaluate find an approximate there are someimproper are convergent can prove but that sense to see whetherwe of value the integral in such we can cannot at least cases. of integration as the area interpretation Using the geometrical between a curve and the x-axis,we shall try to place bounds on a convergentimproperintegral;that is, to find values L (the lower bound)and U (the upper bound) such that: L< J7(*) dx<u To achieve this, we consider of rectangles of the at the As the we a function f(x) and construct integer value of x > a. The height rectangle is determined by the height left hand endofthe interval. of the function f(a) some rectangles will overestimatethe areaunder In general it is not and some will underestimate. the total area of the rectangles is an over- or can see, function clear underestimate of whether area the value each 1 at width of the f(x) integral the function under (and hence of the dx). see from the diagramthat the area of the rectangles is an overestimatewherethe function is decreasing and an ifwe restrict underestimate where it is increasing.Therefore, ourselves to the specific case of either an increasingor a we can use the area of theserectangles to function, decreasing form the bounds we are looking for on the integral. We can So,consider a decreasingfunction firstly f (x) y . Upper y = r^ Sum U > fix) **. ,, dx f(x) Ja\302\260\302\260 for allx > a. 'a The area of total the rectanglesis (/(a)xl) + (/(a + l)xl) + (/(a = + /(a + l) + /(a + + ... /(a) + + 2)xl) \342\200\224 2) And the diagram shows that is an this \\j(x)dx<jj(k) which to as upper The soms as a^lower are also known Riemann sums. is the upper To form I f(x) consider the rectangles formed to as referred the lower sum, the right-hand end the rectangle of height using by with is starting referred dx. a lower boundL,usually of each interval; that giving k=a bound U mentioned above,usually sum of the upper overestimate, /(a + l). y Sum L < Lower \\y = f(x) a+l total The area / (x) dx Ja\302\260\302\260 a+2 a+3 a + 4 rectangles is: of these (/(a + l)xl) + (/(a +2)xl) (/(a =/ (a +1)+ / + 2) + / (a + 3)+ + + 3)xl) + \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (a = \302\261f(k) k=a+l And this is an understimate, giving: f^f(k)<[f{x)dx k=a+l consider an increasingfunction wewould have the same bounds but the other way round. However, note exactly that in order for an increasingfunction to have a convergent to improper integral (if it is divergentthereisno pointus trying bounds on the function must bebelow the x-axis. it), put If we were to now \\y 58 Topic 9 - Option: r^ Calculus +\302\253. = g(x) L dx < U g(x) <Ja\302\260\302\260 'a 2.5 KEY POINT For a decreasingfunction /(x)for allx> a, we upper and lower sum such that: these use will We relationshipsbetween an have ^w^ ^^ improper integrals and sums infinite Section 3B in X/(/c)<j7(x)dx<X/(/c)k=a the in ^^^ ^^ next chapter. k=a+l function g(x)for an increasing For an have sum such that: and lower upper allx > a, we fj(k)<rg(x)6x<fig{k) k=a+l k=a the upper and lowersumsaregeometric series them and give numerical actually be able to evaluate When the value the of orked 2.9 example Usuch and to establish need first We f 1V is L<\\ that - - or decreasing increasing and upper sum the round. We can do this y = to the graph reference by -(Z)~x) is a in the reflection x-ax\\e of y = 3~ y i the lower way dx<U. for our expressions to get order V whether* v\302\260y in bounds on integral. improper Find constantsL will we right either or by differentiating Therefore, Now lower sums of have now We for upper and \342\200\242 an increasing function the result apply the forming geometric series upper and lower -(Z)~x) is increasing for x all Hence: n i-GT<r-Gr*<i-G k=\\ k=2 V \342\200\242 But Z\" 3 1 * bounds so we can evaluate these Both have /\" = using 1 the \342\200\224; lower S^ =-. a \\-r sum has and2^- 1 the upper sum a = \342\200\224 6 Therefore: 1 a = \342\200\224 and 3 \342\200\224 < r - fiY - h dx< 6 2 Improper s^ + 01. integrals f - 59 Often we will not be able to evaluate the infinite sums and we will only be ableto give expressions for the upper and lower bounds. In such cases, however, we may be able to evaluate the itself and thereby form bounds on the value of the integral in the next chapter infinite sum. We shall look at this approach which dealswith infinite series; an introductionto the idea. but the following example gives orkedexample2.10 Find (a) and lower upper sums for the integral improper 1 fee \342\200\224 dx. J3 x2 oo Hence (b) and lower boundson V ^ place upper k=3 To the sum way right \342\200\224 whether is do this We can need round we function, decreasing limit of x = 3 on lower the evaluate can't can evaluate time we infinite the sums, 1 \342\200\224 fora\\\\x>3, is X5 X2 for x > all 1 Hence Y 3 1 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 dx <[ x k=A K the < Y 1 \342\200\224 k=3 R integral (b) this* but 1 integral improper <0 lower\342\200\242\342\200\242 noting the \342\200\224 decreasing and for upper of a sums We the result apply 2 As graph or by differentiating Now dx\\X2 to the reference by (a) AM establish to or decreasing increasing either k2 l and upper* for the lower the expressions get j \342\200\224. J3 x2 itself dx = lim x~2 dx b->\302\260\302\260J3 = lim = [-x-1l T J3 lim(-b-1+3-1) _\\_ ~3 This us a yqives lower bound ^ \302\253 1 of \342\200\224 immediately 1 1^1 *-^ \\,2 y ^ \342\200\242* h2 3 which gives a bound \\ower for V 1 Zu'Zz k=z>^ To an upper form oo bound we need to But change oo -| -J into Xli\" by adding the previous ^t^- ^ 1 \302\243k2 1 1^1 + 32 3 11 ^> - \342\200\224 \342\200\224< + h2 -X2 \342\200\242* k=3' k=Al term of the series, \342\200\224 =^> which Put these bounds together* 1 f, an upper gives 1^14 < > Therefore \342\200\224 3 4 \342\200\224 < \342\200\224 > bound \342\200\224 < \342\200\224 f-ik2 9 y Topic 9 - Option: C Calculus XJ^\\ + d. 2C Exercise 1. Findthe upperand lower sums functions are decreasing): (a) (O 2. dx f\302\260V2 f^ J2 for the (b) (the following integrals dx 1\342\204\242^=^= d* xz the upper and lower sumsforthe following functions are increasing): Find (a) r~\342\200\224 (c) f dx (b) -^\342\200\224 dx I Plnf (the integrals 1 r\302\260\302\260 Find (a) dx j2 e x \342\200\224 ex upper 1 Jo (x + 2)3 dx the (b) Showthat f(x) Find the (a) Find 1 r- f- (a) Show that (c) sums of: and lower (b) Jo improper integral = \342\200\224 ex+ e~x is x2+8x J3 ex+e_x sums lower 1 ex + [6 marks] dx exists. for all decreasing fupper and lowersumsof Js the upperand dx + 17 e~x x > 0. dx. [7 marks] of: dx \\\302\260\302\2602-x (b) By evaluating the two series, find such that: roo a <\\ 2~x dx J10 two constants a and b <b Give exactvaluesof a and b. (c) Using the result that f i a* \\ax ax- J and your ^ \\-C Ina answer from \342\200\224 <ln2<l part (b),show that: [10 marks] 2 2 r^ +\302\253. Improper integrals 61 Summary of Calculus Theorem Fundamental \342\200\242 The area under a curve).Fora (to find the links the conceptsof differentiation function continuous on the f(x) and integration interval [a,b], = -fj-[Xf{t)dt f{x) dxJa g(x) such any function for and that \342\200\224 g'{x) f(x) dx = \\j(x) \342\200\242 The integral improper \\ is convergent \342\200\242 Convergence known dx dx g(x) if is convergent if is divergent poo Ja 1 poo \342\200\242 \342\200\224 dx poo f(x) a ' ' \342\200\242 dx converges, of infinitely For for p poo Ja dx f(x) is divergent (does not exist). g(x) dx is convergent. > 1. does <Jpoo f(x) dx. a functions or many rectanglesof width a decreasing such function other f(x) dx is divergent. then so of increasing integrals Improper sum only converges J J \\ (exists) if the limit is finite. Otherwisethe integral poo \342\200\242 If lim of improper integrals can be established with by comparison < < > if or that 0 for all* a then: is, convergent divergentintegrals; f(x) g(x) poo a dx = f(x) or divergence J a f(x) J g(b)-g(a). /(x)for decreasingfunctions canbe approximated by the 1. all x > a, we an have upper and lower (Reimann) sum that: fJf{k)<[f(x)dx<f^f(k) k=a+l For an such increasing function g(x)for all*> a , we k=a have that: fJg{k)<[g{x)dx<fJg(k) k=a AJL r-v * 62 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus 1* *\302\273>\\ + 0,. k=a+l an upper and lower (Reimann) sum examination Mixed o the Evaluate j; Find the (a) [6 marks] ,d\302\273 + (x2+8x 5)2 following: ^rin(c\302\260s23x+i)dx (b) B integrals: improper following x+i w Q 2 practice [4 marks] ^rin(c\302\260s23x+i)df Write In n in the (a) where a,b x > and 1 and (b) For (c) By choosing rb form Inn = are to f(x) f(x) dx be found. c> 0, show that a suitablevalue \342\200\224 < xc~l. c, find for the limit of the sequence whose generaltermis: O (a) Using poo poo dx = cosx e~x Jo Find the value that: dx e~x sinx of these two [9marks] n integration by parts,show Jo (b) Inn = un [11 marks] integrals. IB (\302\251 Q Show Q (a) Show (b) Find upper (a) Show that x > (b) Find lim \342\200\224 a (c) that poo the improper that Determine Jl jc dx existsfor Xa all 3 >1. c 2007) Organization [8 marks] 2 f\302\260\302\260 e~x dx Jo *->~ integral sin converges. and lower vx sums for the integral. [7marks] -1 for x > 2 ex x whether \302\243* poo or not J 2 dx converges. \342\200\224j=\342\200\224 v* -l [8 2 Improper *V - ^ v>A + 01. marks] integrals El (a) Showthat *\342\200\242 2x - -JAx2 +21 = , where , 2x k is a constant to be + V4x2+21 determined. (b) Evaluate 4x r\302\260\302\260 qx \342\200\224, Jl 2 (a) Usea sketchto illustrate (b) Hence, determine roo(lnx) I Topic9 - Option: Calculus that [9 marks] In x <x for x > 1. the following whether converges or diverges. cosx \342\200\224 x* 64 dx. V4x2+21 dx. [6 marks] In this Infinite \342\200\242 how convergence from of this 1 a sequence geometric conditions (|r | < 1)the that sum positive converge to a limit; For example,for the series 27 9 2+ - +3 + 32 8 2 + --- sum converges 2^2 \342\200\242 to If | r | > 1 for a 2 1-r 1-- _ series a geometric types of series that or convergent divergentvery easily. For example the series for T, what or a no such finite can we categorise ^k series integer as clearly does not k=1 series such as 1H 111 1 ^1,\342\200\224? = 1\342\200\224 > 1 3 4 tlk \\ \342\200\224 > to 0, converges so perhaps that our sum will too? Unsurprisingly, the idea of the convergence of seriesisvery convergenceof sequences.We will start reference by defining convergence of series generallywith to convergence of sequences and then lookat ways in which we can determine whether series(including the above!) converge or diverge and in some caseswhat their limits are too. closely infinite which of x powers of x converge. limit. This looks as if it couldbe convergent; each term is getting smaller and indeed we know from chapter1ofthis option converge values in increasing 1+ 2+ 3+ 4H\342\200\224= 2 the sequence some series the \342\200\242 to find converge. But of limits convergent is) there is are other There or on bounds put U k=\\ to (its sum to infinity c negative diverge ^,(3 the the and terms converge = \342\200\224 both with positive series geometric whether \342\200\242 to determine number. never reach that of tests number a using more and more termsofthe sequence, the nearer and nearer to a finite number but could approached series converge or diverge added as we is, said to was series option whether \342\200\242 to determine infinite series where the were summed. Under certain you studied to of sequences chapter course of series infinite the the the relate to convergence series In main termsof you chapter will learn: related to that of the See 1A Section <^[ IB for convergence <^[ of sequences. 3 c xj^\\ + d. and Infinite series 65 'a 9 Convergence of series infinite From an series given by S= (S = divergent + u2 ux + u3 + <*>) infinite +... u4 sense of the ideaofa to make In order we have the infinite u1,u2,u3,u4,... sequence convergent series, up the sequence or divergent S^S^S^S^... where Sx of a idea familiar Sn, n each Here + S3-ux + u2 Sn-ul + u2+... u2 + u3 + e Z+, is known as the nth un partial sum. definition: 3.1 POINT KEY setting ux S2-ux have the following We then or \302\251o) the now sequenceby convergent = (S < relate this to we will r If the a limit sequence Sx,S2,S3,S4,...of partialsumsconverges series is convergent S, then the infinite (to S). to S = 1imSn= ^uk k=\\ Otherwiseit is orked 3.1 example By finding the divergent. nth of the sum partial determine whetherthe seriesconverge following series, diverge. 3-Jfc (a) (b) X Y?A% k=\\ We k=\\ series a = with 2 and r= 2 \342\200\224 and the first formula n terms to get partial (a) This is a geometric eerleewith a can 3 use the therefore sum of a geometric* this as recognise 4 the the nth nth partial _fl(l-r\ 1-r sum _f(iJ) ! 2 1 3 = 6 hd: 66 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus S>, + 0,. r= 2 \342\200\224 3 So the for \342\200\224 2 and sum is given by or continued... If this sums of partial sequence converges, converges so find recognisable, the now see so doee S\342\200\236 converges, - + \342\200\224 + 0 4 2 (b) terms few first series* arithmetic is an it = 6 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 a \342\200\224 ana a aa 2 to get n terms So, the the* for formula known the series arithmetic is an This 2 4 1 We can use a sum of the first ^2 x isn't perhaps so# This series We therefore 3, 5n^6(]-0) Since immediately \302\260o. I \342\200\224 0 and I \342\200\224\302\273 n series the then Letting nth with 1 \342\200\224 4 sum partial is given by: nth sum partial 2xi+(\342\200\236-,)(-l n-1 5n-n2 If this sums## of partial sequence converges, the then Letting series n^>\302\260\302\260 5n-n2 = \302\260o > \342\200\224 3\342\200\236 converges & 3-k Since the With use our certain work for are after just Za when establish of partial sequences about what think is to step a convergent all so does diverges, series,we can now of sequencesto helpus on convergence series (which converge.The first uk of infinite of convergence definition S>n sums) we know about series ^uk. k=\\ If ^uk then we converges know the that sequence of partial sums k=\\ [Sn } converges We also have to a limit that: S; that un=(u1+u2-\\ = Sn is, lim Sn = S. n\342\200\224>oo \342\200\224 Vun) {ul+u2-\\ 1- un_x) \342\200\224 bn_! 3 Infinite C XJ^\\ + d. series = lim(Sw So, limi^ = = - S^) ]imSn\342\200\2241imSn_1 s-s = 0. This givesus the importantresultthat: 3.2 POINT KEY series 2juk is convergentthen If the = 0. lim% k=\\ The not necessarily it is is not however, converse, true: just becauselim%= k^~ the casethat 0 is convergent. ^juk k=\\ In section next the we will use Key ]^> 3.2 to point divergence An the determine of latter is ]T-. k Here = 0 \\imuk k^\302\260\302\260 but, as we will k=i ]^> ~ some i see in the next section^\342\200\224diverges. serfes Exercise of the example k=i k 3A 1. Evaluate (correct to 3SF)the first four sums partial for the series ^uk where: k=\\ (a) = uk \342\200\224 \342\200\224- Kt=sin (b) y 3 k2 (c) 2. = -\342\200\224- uk an Write expression ofthe series, or convergent given uk (d) k+5 (in terms and hence J = e~k of n) for the nth partial sum decide whether the seriesis divergent. (a) + l f>fc (b) k=\\ w ii k=l 5 (d) ii.2* \302\260 hV |>-^ k=\\ k=\\ 2y p i 3. Given S\342\200\236=3\302\2532-l (b) S\342\200\236=3B-1 (c) Sn=^--5 (d) S\342\200\236=lnn 2\"-l = S\342\200\236 3x2w Topic 9 - Option: Calculus 1 r^ **, series 2J4k, k=1 (a) (e) 68 partial sum ofthe (and simplify) 4\302\253 r* for the nth the expression find uk: for Tests [sj and convergence divergence Divergence Test From be 3.2 we point Key a series of checking diverges. Test Divergence If cannot 3.3 POINT KEY the series have a possibleway We therefore convergent. whether note that if lim uk^0 or if ^ 0 limuk the limit does not exist,the series is V% divergent. this will Of course be might but not series (limuk k^oo could divergeas mentionedabove), thing to check. the series 0 and often the first it is a divergent identify always orked example 3.2 series the that Show To show that diverges. > we need ^0 limu^ \302\2434=- 4k2 to manipulate uk that enables us to into find a form its 1+ limit ^ +^ k 4 + as/c^oo limu, = Hence + 3 k2 4 \342\200\224 ^0 ^ 2 r~ diverges. now present a number of tests for determining or divergence of series, which can be established convergence the principles discussed in Section 3A. using We will The The first of these improper used integrals We like would to know or not. Divergence before tests is cons.der.ng other tests any of the similar to the ComparisonTestfor in chapter 2 of this option. whether the following from series converges chapter. this See Section 2B (Key point <l 2.3) for Comparison Test improper XJ^\\ + d. the for ^~ ^^ integrals. 3 c a to check good idea Test Test Comparison it is exam foe In Infinite series 'a 1+-11111 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 + + While we cannotsay recognise it is that + 82 much about this 1 -11111 + - + 244 series immediately, \342\200\224 \342\200\224 + + \342\200\242 + + 243 81 27 9 3 we do geometric series: to the similar \342\200\242 + + 28 10 4 1 which we know convergesbecauser = - (S^ = 3 term of our seriesis lessthan or corresponding term of the geometricseries: note that each 3 -). also We 2 equal to the 1<1 4 3 10 1 9 1 -<\342\226\240 27 28 sum each partial Hence, the (after correspondingpartial must therefore the of sum a limit (to converge This idea is generalisedby the first than the series and our series is less one) geometric less than 3 -). result: following 3.4 KEY POINT Comparison Test series two Given that < bk for ak \342\200\242 all k e is convergent ^bk terms 2Jik of positive Z+,thenif: to a limit k=\\ to T where is divergent, ^Jik 2 comparing 70 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus C XJ^\\ + d. such S, ^Jik is alsoconvergent so is ^bk k=\\ the Comparison of this option, this as with of partial \302\243pk k=\\ T <S k=\\ chapter and k=\\ a limit \342\200\242 Just k=\\ areas under sums. Test for improper integralsin result is intuitive. instead of Now, a functions, we are comparing sequence convergesto S and If ^bk < ak all k for bk e Z+ we have the k=\\ sums of each series: the partial for following If = Sn Tn = YX=i converges bk Y^k=i converges ak to S then toT < S **UJ m S1 \342\200\242rp T2 Ti \342\200\242n In looking and if diverges, we have: ^jik forji convergent ^bk k=\\ k=l Tn = If then Sk = first k, a\302\253 bk Z)fe=i diverges \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 \342\200\242 ak<h^ it is often that such Y2=i ak diverges worth considering geometric series. \342\200\242 \342\200\242 * S3 S2 \342\200\242* -\342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 We will see shortly the p-series that ]^> also \342\200\242*t2 commonly in the is used ]^> Comparison Test Ti \342\200\242n orked 3.3 example Establish whether or not the seriesV \342\200\224 converges, Jx2k+?> We will first try series the this we satisfies the conditions not have do we approach trying finding and converges Comparison If known of the Test any success with will to establish a that by finding* converges a series we know which show of all to then consider divergence by divergent series 3 XJ^\\ + d. Infinite series 'a continued... for 2k>0 The we is similar series know converges (it to \\ \342\200\224- is a geometric which k all and fora\\\\ k 2^+3>2^ \342\200\224-\342\200\224<\342\200\224 fora\\\\keZ+ series with r = \342\200\224 ), so let's start by considering 3 2^ + 2k this and elnce z^~^k the Limit converqee,eo doeeZ^ 2k + 3 test. Comparleon Test Comparison we meet a serieswhich is very Sometimes convergent (or divergent) series, conditions of the Comparison Test. but For series the example by ^> 1 = 1H 1 \302\243?2*-l 1 7 the not fulfil does 11111 3 known to a similar which 1 1 63 31 15 + \342\200\242 oo to our similar terms has known convergentseriesV k=\\ each of its series and terms are larger than thoseofthe known not smaller. is thereforeno use, the I Limit Comparison Given two convergent Although the standard ComparisonTest extension of the test is. following series Test of positive terms ^jik and^fc^, where k=\\ lim but z 3.5 POINT KEY j \342\200\224 / > other and k=\\ 0, then if one seriesconverges \342\200\224 = if one seriesdiverges so does so does the the other. EXAM HINT Choose as b^ had 72 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus xj^\\ + d. hoped the general to apply the series Test. Comparison term of the to which you orked 3.4 example Show that the series We know for the isn't suitable* series this that is convergent. l z k=\\ Let 1 ComparisonTest with akk = ^ fc=i but we of the Limit u anaa bk= 1 \342\200\224 2k Then conditions the satisfies it hope 1 2k -1 1 -x 2k \342\200\224 Test Comparison 2*-1 V and so lim Hence \342\200\224 1 V ^^ 7 by the converges Limit Comparison Test. Test Integral In the chapter previous (sums)forthe improper caseswhere was increasing use this resultforthe case and f(x) where function and a \342\200\224 1, but not the now dx in f(x) integral f(x) decreasing. is a bounds put bounds on method graphical usedin Section2Cto the separate sum and and upper lower sums,^^ example have: on the ^3* Worked at and 2.10 where we placed improper integral. So, from chapter2 we ^^ ^3* positive the infinite the establish Here we will decreasing at the back Look upper and lower found we sum bounds V \342\200\224 k=3 k2 fjf{k)<jj{x)dx<fjf(k) k=a+l For the lower k=a sum, letting a = 1 and noting that f{\\) is positive: f^f(k)<[f(x)dx k=l+l =>X(/(*))-/(1)<f/Md* k=\\ ^i/{k)<f{i)+jj{X)dx k=\\ with this Combining the upper sum J /(*) dx< 2jf(k) k=\\ we now have: f f(x)dx< ^J(k)< /(l)+f f(x)dx 3 Infinite *V - ^ v>A + d. series 'a h /\342\200\242oo if the Then, may be this use place an I L, the sumis boundedbetween you exam, the In integral improper dx f{x) L and/(l) constants two the to a limit converges + L: to \302\253q\302\253'\302\253fjf method bounds on infinite L k=\\ the sum increasesas moreand more terms are added. It seems clear that an increasing series that is + L) must converge to bounded above (hereby the constant/(l) be evaluated cannot + L<fj(k)<f(l) that som Also, directly. is positive, as/(x) a limit Area or equal than is less that curve: blue under Area + /(l) red curve: under Area to this bound: in grey dx f(x) J^\302\260 boxes: dx f{x) J^\302\260 /W Y^kLi y = J\\x) y = f(x + i) \"^ 1 1 1 r-^ 1 10 Do we need formal proof of have to a The general a ' decreasing result that any increasing seriesboundedabove or series bounded below has a limit is known as the MonotoneConvergenceTheorem. result Convergence Theorem when it seems so clear that it true? Does a proof add to our part of the syllabus is I is not the following test for us understand convergenceof series: 3.6 POINT KEY understanding? it helps result this Although like the Monotone Test Integral a positive Given decreasing function f(x), x>l, poo if I f(x)dxis: \342\200\242 then convergent ^f(k) is convergent k=\\ divergent then ^f(k) is divergent. k=\\ The closely following the of the example of Worked method use of the IntegralTestresembles example 2.5 when we examined the convergenceofthe improper integral Ajl r-v 74 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus s>, + 0,. I xp dx. orked example3.5 of p values which for Determine the series ^kp converges. k=\\ the Test Divergence it For p looks* divergent so must be the series use p >0 that when note We like >0 14 = lim For this p In = see p<0. and decreasing for We to# turn our attention that k? k> 1 [ xp the eerlee different there that realise cases: if = -l p be with + 1 p \\fp\302\261-\\ 1 two lim [inxl. |V+i-0 lim lim Inb lb->\302\260\302\260 At this two bP+] -> stage we p^-1 separate oo but can see that the# CX) needs to be split into cases. When p + l>0, when p +1 < 0, b^+1 = -\\ ifp In x , case the b lim we need to integrate by [ x^dx lim dx= is positive so we can will diverges Test. use the Integral Test. We =1#0 Iim1 cases both Divergence we =\302\260\302\260^0 = 0 \\\\muk Now \\lmkp to confirm -> If p # -1 /f p # -1 \\f-\\<p<0 1 \\fp<-\\ p + 1 0 ifp = -\\ ex: /. Integral Test by the \342\200\242 for divergent \342\200\242 convergent So, ^^p for ^/p is: -1<p<0 p < \342\200\2241 is convergent only when p < \342\200\2241 or equivalently, is convergent only when p > 1. 3 S?i>* + d. Infinite series 'a The series ^ k=\\ br The result is p-senes and this /er? often v/i\302\253 ueV.n pother such to but <* lor otherwise^ of other a seen that the have just about the what \342\200\224 \\ oo j harmonic series^\342\200\224diverges, k=\\ establish the convergence We p series Alternating conation tests the p-series. When to as referred series. harmonic is the be will kp be as the Cordon Test \342\200\224 same series with * and positive alternating terms? negative number ; ^V series. 2 3 4 k k=\\ greater chance of being convergentdueto the negative terms but we cannot use any of the tests we have seen thus far as these all require positive terms.Any series with positive and negative signs is known as an alternately series. The result allows us to analyse alternating following has a It certainly convergenceof KEY POINT this kind the of series. 3.7 Alternating Series Test I If for series ^juk: an alternating k=\\ \342\200\242 | uk+\\ \342\200\242 lim I k^J | < | uk | uk*' I then the f\302\260r sufficiently k large = 0 seriesis convergent. The fact that the magnitude of each the signs are alternately and positive sequence of partial sumsSk alternates w to 0 is decreasing negative) either means side of (while that the its eventual limit: s6 \342\226\240k 76 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus S>, + 0,. case ofour alternating harmonic series (in Worked example 3.6 belowwewill showthis is convergentby the Series Test) we have the first few sums: partial Alternating In the S1 = S2 S3 = = = l-- l-- 1> S 2 -<S 2 + - = ->S 2 3 6 2 3 4 12 In S = fact this \\^>find while we will not be required to approximate the limit using ln2 and we can exactly, L^> point 3.8. Key posWve Alternating It is stated in the conditionsofthe Alternating I uk+\\ | < | uk | f\302\260r to betrue for k e finite sum some have all Z+ (although it often will be) as we will from the finitely terms many situation occurs. This clearlydoesnot affect the series. the terms are need does not actually k. This large sufficiently just by H) \"sed br coslM the same purpose. of convergence usudhr generated this before negative and that Test Series orked example3.6 whether Determine Establish in expressions to apply readiness 1 \\k+l \342\200\224 ^(\342\200\224l) k=\\ for uk K and is convergent. \342\200\242 \\uk\\ uk+] 1 = -and = k+i| 1 \342\200\224 the Alternating Series Test now We conditions need of the to check test are that 0< the* \342\200\224<- k+1 satisfied i.e. K+i|<KI and lim Therefore, by the ~ Z*i\\ty for alike Z+ k for alike Z+ i i \\uk \\= lim -1 = Alternating 0 Series Test \\e convergent. 3 C XJ^\\ + d. Infinite series 'a Once we know we have a convergent series, we can alternating for the limit. go on to think about an approximation If we wereto stop,or truncate, the series at the nth partial sum, how accurate would this approximationbeto thetruelimit S? The distance between the nth partial sum and S, | S - Sn |, known as the truncation between the error, is lessthan the distance sum (n + l)th partial sum and the nth partial | Sn+1 -Sn\\. Sk A t T\" - S\\ |S\342\200\236 \342\200\224 i_ Sn+i\\ \\Sn TSVi+i + nn-h 1 But Sn+i-Sn=(ul+u2+'\" + un+un+l)-(ul+u2+'\" + un) = un therefore: and = |s-s\302\253|<|s\302\253+i-s\302\253| That is, we KEY POINT have the following: 3.8 is the sum = \\uk If S K+il an of series that satisfies: alternating k=\\ uk+11 < | uk | for all k e Z+ lim|% | = 0 k^ then error the the (n + the first in taking to S (thetruncation error) as an n terms is less than the approximation absolute value of l)thterm: |s-s\342\200\236l<h+i| For example, an 9 terms of our alternating error of lessthan the 10thterm of the limit: taking the first will give an series harmonic approximation |S-S9|<|u10| = If we increase the error the number is lessthan = 0.01. 100 78 Topic 9 - Option: C Calculus XJ^\\ + d. of termsin 1 10 our = for 0.1 approximation to 99, orked How many is it ^ (-1) k2 k=\\ to take to find an approximationthat J--1- Vf-iV\"-1 * actually is: this series what see \342\200\224 series of the terms necessary First 3.7 example fc=i ~r is an IB\"\" L J- J 22 32 42 2 (fc+i): lim \\uA= ^ and So, we have an alternating can consider using the if the result point expression for previous 3.8 to find the truncation ~1 k-i inr an* with \342\200\224 \342\200\224 0 Alternating Series Test convergesto 5 of using error truncation The series alternating fc->oofc2 by the Therefore, are satisfied conditions Use Key series* 0.001? it2 lim fc_\302\273J and to within is accurate the first n terms to 5 satisfies approximate error |s-s\342\200\236|<k+1|: (\302\253+T the error to We need We therefore be# 0.001 than less require 1 => (n =^> + -< 0.001 l)2>1000 n>Vl000-1 = 30.62 Therefore, seen have need to take 31 terms. and conditional convergence Absolute We we that series the harmonic ^11111 2 3 4 5 f^k while diverges, the alternating series 5 4 3 2 k \302\2431 of the version converges. Serieslikethis terms are that are negative whereas thosesuch become only as known > as conditionally \342\200\224 = \302\243ik2 when some convergent lH 1 22 convergent, 1 y of their 1 42 1\342\200\224 52 3 S>, + 0,. Infinite series 'a which are convergent negative,areknown as any of making the terms convergent. absolutely 3.9 KEY POINT series A before already convergent if the seriesZ^\\uk is absolutely 2J*k k=\\ is k=l convergent. If a *k series 2j*k is converi but gent k=\\ If > 0 uk the same are k then for all the option series is absolutely if ^J result to that for point (Key uk convergent, | is convergent then then it is so is follows immediatelyfrom the Comparison Test, e for all k Z+. uk \\ | this not seem that useful, it can might establish the convergenceof someserieswith all positive but which are not alternating series - nl ^i Snow that k=i note We ^. ^ . is convergent. k2 that terms positive is this or an not alternately are terms 3.8 sin/c ^ 0.841+ a series with only1 alternating series as the positive and negative: si : not 0.227+ 0.0156-0.0473+ to prove convergence, \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 i k2 In order therefore hoping that it is absolutely we are* convergent (and therefore convergent) 80 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus r*a* **. ^juk k=\\ While example convergent, i.e. as uk < clearly orked improper integrals 2.4). k=\\ This result convergence 3.10 POINT If a then convergent. absolute convergenceand analogous in chapter2 of this r is divergent, thing. We also have KEY I k=\\ is conditionally series the 2j\\ uk sin/c k2 allow us to terms that either. are not continued... In our disposal now# and therefore \342\200\224 taken the modulus have we tests at other the reviewing that |< .\\uk <1) {e'mce\\e\\nk\\ K all have positive series convergent terms, we recognise ^tj would be suitable for ae and is convergent, Zu~^ Test the Comparison with use the that Comparison Test so is by the elnk 2*i elnk since Finally, ^ 2~i~j~^T be absolutely to nae been convergent, shown it is also convergent. The answer is that for the same way series we convergent absolutely way we like without in any terms the or convergent convergent? conditionally reorder whether a seriesis absolutely it matter does Why can the affecting sum for any finite series).But, for surprisingly, conditionally convergent of the same terms of a series;that is, different arrangements in different series can result values for conditionallyconvergent (in just could we that do this cannot we the sum of the series! For + ^(-l) \342\200\224 S let S and again = convergent series the conditionally consider example, ^ 0 be its sum,i.e. 1111111 + + l-- 2 3 4 + ... + 6 5 8 7 consider the followingrearrangementofthe terms that ensures each occurs still just the onceand pattern And then a into with the correct sign: 1 -+ 12 7 (--\342\200\224) K 2) :-1 4 U 1 1 + - 8 6) 1 -1^, 1-- + + + 1 + 12 10 8 2345678 2^ 1 \342\200\224 + 4 6 1111111 2 10J +U - 14 _1 14 + ... 16 1_ 16 + . 1-S 2 Thus, since S ^ 0,we dependingon how the sum choose to order the terms, which we cannot re-order the terms of a have we a different value for is clearly hence absurd; conditionallyconvergentseries. 3 C XJ^\\ + d. Infinite series 'a where case The inconclusive ^^ \"*4 lim divergence. Uk+\\ lim The Ratio Testjs the when kl or < 1, then hence (and evolves next section. if: k=\\ convergence/ useful the determine to tests Given a series ^juk> of the other to one study of power seriesin Ratio Test resort to have will useful and will is particularly convergence KEYPOINT3.il ^. you ^^ occurs this for in our central next section. When ^w test in the in detail more The final will examined be Ratio Test Test is Ratio the the seriesis absolutely convergent convergent) > 1, then the seriesis divergent uk often uk oK Uk+1 \342\200\242 lim = 1, then Test is Ratio the inconclusive. Uk orked example 3.9 the Using Ratio Test, not the following whether or establish series k\\ (a) I (b) 10* k=\\ <c> K-if1 (b) you may assume that 1+ lim v Establish (2fc)l I k=\\ f In part (absolutely): converge for expressions readiness to apply -1 | =e n u^and uk+] in# the Ratio Test (a) w (-3)V ak\" = -\342\200\224 and \\0k ^+1 (-3)t+i(fc+iy\302\260 \342\200\224 \\0k Jk+] Find ensuring rearranged into a that the convenient the expression is## form limit to to enable be So, }0k + lf (-3)k+\\k \\0k found (-3)V + (-3)k+\\k \\0k tf\302\260 \342\226\240 X \\0k (-3)kk'\302\260 k + \\\\\302\260 -3 1 10 \342\226\2405 k + \\ 101 k 1+ 5_ 10 v 82 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus r^ **. j be continued... the Take k as limit oo and \342\200\224> the criteria with compare of the : Hence, Test Ratio lim fc-\302\273oo 1 101 uk Therefore Test the Ratio the by 10 J series convergesabsolutely. Establish for expressions ujk+i Find that the ensuring uk and k\\ uk+]j> kk form convenient a the to limit to enable (k+])M {k + = (k + \"k (*t + found be + l)l So, expression is* \"fc+1 rearranged into (fc J rivi the Ratio Test to apply \\)\\ kk 1)fc+1 k! 1)I k\\ *r* + lf1 X(fc k 1 = X (fc + 1)x k+1 -&J 1 1+Hence, We are given in the that* question lim -<1 1 + 7- Mm Uv absolutely. converges Establish for u^and uk+] to apply the Ratio readiness -^ Find in* expressions ^ = Test that the expression ensuring (c) (2fc)l a into the Note that the terms all as form convenient is no need for limit to + 1)!)2 I k\\ found. modulus {2k) \\2 {(k + (2k)! are positive there the 1))' (2(k+^x(^ So, to enable be + uk+^ ^^u\"i\"((k+i)!)2 ((k rearranged (2(^ and -j\342\200\224^ (^r is## Ratio Test the series by the Therefore + i) + 2)(2k _(2k sign i)\\ _4k2+6k + 2 k2+2k + A 4 + ,1+ Take the limit k as the oo and \342\200\224\302\273 criteria compare of the Ratio with Test \342\200\242* Hence, Therefore lim 6 2 \\ \342\200\224 \342\200\224+ k k2 2 1 k k2 \342\200\224 \342\200\224+ -^1 *->- = 4-> 1 Uk by the Ratio Test the seriesdiverges. >^> 3 Infinite C XJ^\\ + d. series '0> The lim result 1Y ( 1+ - <\302\243 was in Exercise established in Worked , used example 3.9, n) V <*& 7. IB, question Exercise 3B 1. Showthat the (a) (i) (b) a) y^- (c) (i) X following ~^\342\200\224 Y converge (ii) using the Comparison Test: iw^) (ii) I ^W+lk k=\\ (ii) x +1 Jfc-2 Jt=3 fc3+3 k2+3k+ 5 k=2 \302\260\302\260 1 (ii) X1 ?** 2t+3fc (e) (i) X fc=l (f) (i) 2. (ii) a quesfon requ.res exam CO fc=4 (b) wffl yoU be Jed However, \342\200\242lt for J fc=2 this (i) y^z\302\261 62^+1 + 1 fc X (ii) (u) > (ii) X Vfc4-2 X ;n.*\302\253 so look out {K + kf 3k fc=l it! (e) (i) Vfc2+i Vfc4+i X (ii) fc=l (i) k\\ (ii) X X + k M\\x k=\\ 3. X fc=l x + (f) whether the followingconvergeor diverge Test. Comparison Determine Limit (a) (i) X Jt=2 4 (ii) XJ+3 Sfc ]fc3-2 9* <\302\273\302\273 w (ii) i^1 ^5^-4 (c) a) Topic 9 - Option: r^ Calculus *a. + X^\342\200\224 \302\2433*-l y\342\200\224^\342\200\224 ti2k 84 or -j ^2fc2+7fc + 4 (c) (i) (d) occasionally ik2+2 Test following divergeusingthe Comparison X not to knov/ expecteat\" exercise (i) given you are Ls_ | use lim\\H-l=e' of S Test: Divergence tf *2 ? Show that the the in | sin /c cos2fc I yfk + 3 (ii) y\342\200\224-\342\200\224 \302\24324k2-k-l using the 4k2-k + 5 k2+5 (i) (d) \302\243 k=2 k4-2 (\") I (\") I 3fc+ 2 tls/3 + 4. the Using k5 whether the following determine Test, Integral tlj4k7-3 convergeor diverge. \302\260\302\260 i w (i) (i) (b) (ii) l^ Ivfe \302\243- (ii) I (n) i (ii) V\342\200\224sin *=4*2+9 k=4 k=i(k2+9) \302\260\302\260 3 i \342\200\224\342\200\224 (c) a) y (d) (i) V\342\200\224cos (e) (i) I \342\200\224 Infc ' i >^ U2y (ii) !>\" \342\226\240/c2 fc=l 5. Series Test to determine whetherthe or not. Where they do, find an upper converge the first 10 terms of the (to 3SF) on the error in taking the Alternating Use series following bound seriesas an approximation. k+1 (a) (-if (-1)' (i) (ii) \302\243 a=i (b) (o i(-if^ (\") 3A: + 4 (-2f inr^1 *=i (\") \302\243 fc=2 (-3)' I k=2 COs(/c7l) (d) (i) Jk t fc3 fc=l (c) (i) I COs(/c7r)/c (ii) \302\243 fc=2 In* \302\243 k=\\ k\\ fc+1 (e) {-kf (\"*)' (i) (\") \302\243 fc=l 6. Determine whether the following k3k i absolutely, converge or diverge. conditionally (a) (i) I cos/c \302\243 k=\\ /#.x >A (n) > sin/c K 4k2 (b) (i) g^'\"^ S(-)'^ COS (d) (i) \302\243 i-Jk (fat) + lk-l (ii) (-1)' I iilk2+2k k+1 (-2)' (e) (i) (-) l(-l)% \302\243 i(2k+i)\\ r*a* +3 <\"\302\273 k=2 +*. ... +l 7. Use establish whether Test to Ratio the the following series or diverge. converge k\\ (a) (i) + l) S(2* ^, (b) (i) (ii) Svs k\\ Jt=l K e (2*01 (c) (i) k=\\ (klf 2kk\\ (d) (i) (\") I (ii) I lk k3k (i) (e) \342\226\240J rtk -' =1 Determine whether + 4 each of the following series or converges diverges. fc (a) + 1 arctan/c (b) I I a (c) i(-ir [8 marks] /c3+l *=i (a) Find the values of which x for whether the series (b) Determine CO ^ -j [5 kin marks] or diverges. converges Determine VA:5+3 whether the series ^ cos(kn)4k k\\ k=\\ diverges, or converges conditionally converges absolutely. [6marks] (a) Show the series that H)fc tt{k\\y converges, (b) Determine how approximate the many sum terms series need 1 to within Determine whetherthe following clearly stating your reasoning. (a) of the [6 marks] 1000 series be taken to converge or diverge, |;{^/^TT-^/^T} k=\\ (2*)! (b) I(-l)' k=0 3kkl [9 marks] (a) Show that series the k-1 y K- k=\\ is convergent, (b) Find (a) Show the sum of the series. [7 general term the sequence with that uk marks] 4k2 = k3+9 for k> n stating the value is decreasing (b) Show that the of n. integer series the a+i 4k2 i(-ir converges. (c) Determine this whether or is conditional convergence absolute. [8 marks] Forthe series ^> (3/c)! / v c>0 S(Jfc!)V determine for which valuesof the constant c [7 marks] gives convergence. Showthat the Test Ratio the series sin A; i- [6 marks] converges. (a) Given write (b) a positive, down Hence give an partial sum Jn upper bound as an poo sums for and lower the upper f(x) for all x > 1, function decreasing the for error dx. / (x) the in using nth to ^f(k). approximation k=\\ (c) bound on Find an upper sum to estimate^> the error in using the 5th partial 1 \342\200\224 k=\\ K (d) How many approximate 3 terms of the seriesisit necessary to take ^\342\200\224 k- 10~6? within to [9 marks] ^5 (a) Show that 00 Ak+l Y\342\200\224\342\200\224 \302\243(3* + l)! converges. (b) Test for convergence: > V^ r^ **. ^\342\200\224 (3/c + l)! ti ,, [10 marks series the For (a) k=2k(lnk) determine for which valuesa the seriesconverges and for it diverges. which If or diverge. (b) Determine whetherthe following converge isconditionalor they converge state whetherconvergence absolute. 00 w I W k=2 ^jik is absolutely Show that if ,x2 Xw, kink k=2 J (-if (-i\302\243 [12 marks] Jfc(lnJfc) then convergent, k=\\ (ak +1 ak ^ [6 marks] is convergent. Ij k=\\ the Ratio that Show Test is inconclusivefor Ix3x5x...x(2fc-l) ^ power series as a function of x. ]^> chapter that are series of variety powert^> used to wide a represent In this chaptersofar, we series been has we will convergent, infinite series generated by a general term; when sucha the sum has been a number. Now into terms also includepowersofa series whose consider if convergent, igI; variable integers positive substituting seen have We next in the see will series Power of a think can We [5marks] + 2) S4x6x8x...x(2A: the value of the sum will therefore on x. depend common functions. KEY r 3.12 POINT A power series is an infinite ^jik{x-b)k series of the form: \342\200\242 \342\200\242 +\342\200\242 -aQ + ax{x-b)+ a2(x-b)2+ a3(x-b)3 k=0 Often b =- 0 and this reduces to \342\200\224 t*Q ~i U-t J\\> \\~ t*9 J* + a3x3 + ... k=0 As for the otherinfinite series in this chapter, we would know when (for which valuesof x) a powerseriesconverges. We are certainly familiar with this in some cases already, example Topic9 - Option: C Calculus XJ^\\ + 01. the geometric series: like to for = 1+ ex+ c2x2 (cx) ^ 7 h ^ T<- + + c3x3 constant \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 for some ce R fc=o to be know which we when \342\200\224<x<-. convergent only when | ex| < 1,i.e. c c More generally, it may be the casethat series, a power converges: ^ak(x-b)k, k=0 x g \342\200\242 for all \342\200\242 only R value b e R a single for \342\200\242 forallxeIR DIVERGES - b < \\ |x that such Re R, where R+. DIVERGES CONVERGES ** x 1 is the The latter and R KEY POINT = case for our above, with series geometric b - 0 - . c 3.13 Re number The largest IR+ such that series a power < R and diverges for | x - > R is converges \\x called the radius of convergenceofthe powerseries.It - for may be b b\\ by the determined \\ Ratio Test. If: \342\200\242 R = oo then the series converges for \342\200\242 R = 0 then the series convergesonly all xgR. when x \342\200\224 b. a complete description of the rangeof values for series will converge but sincethe Ratio Test does not help at the points x--R and x = R we need to consider these separately each time. is nearly which a power This 3.14 POINT KEY The interval all for points all pointssuch point(s)of r^ this of convergence of a power seriesisthe setof which the series converges. It always includes - b < R but that |x \\ may also include end interval. *c ... orked values of what For 3.10 example x is ^X (x Test to start ^~ radius convergent? the Ratio* applying by the find 2) v/c+i n We \342\200\224 i Let uk {x-2f = of convergence 7 (x-2f1 v Then X- 4k + 2 VkTT (x-2)k 2 1 + = (x-2)x 1 k 1+ i So, Jk+\\ lim fc-\302\273oo I3y the = \\x-2\\ Ratio Test, ^jjk is convergent for k=0 |x-2|<1 ^> 1<x<3 We know the that when |x-2| = l, so we Ratio i.e. when x = inconclusive* l and x = 3, When these two to examine need now Test is k=0 x = 1 : k=0 VK -r I possibilities separately have We will this an alternating be convergent series, so we by the Alternating Series hope* Test This is an alternating series with: (_r UWi = Jk + 2 1 \\[k + 2 1 4k + Apply result that'\342\200\224= 0'## and \\ = lim luJ lim Therefore, it is Series Test. consider Now what happens series to the power* When when x = 3 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus s>, + 0,. 3: 1 k=0 90 x = k=0 Vk+T . := 0 convergent by the Alternating continued... is very This to the p-series similar * with \302\260\302\260 1 1 = p \342\200\224 know . We 2 's divergent X-T and Then *=! P2 like to show so would series is larger term of this each than corresponding therefore p-series, of our term each that our making series divergent by the Comparison Test. each term of our series is However, actually smaller than that of the p-series. We therefore to use the attempt Limit Test Comparison of algebra Apply limits1 1+ Therefore,by = \\>0 0 the Limit \302\260\302\260 1 since d'werqee, so X-j= doee X information this is it then Why of a So, the together with that from4 the radius of convergence to know the interval so important power series? In part, the answer to this of 1 r\342\200\224- + 1 tW/c tW/c Put Test, Comparison \302\260\302\260 series is convergent for 1< x < 3 convergence is: 3.15 KEY POINT differentiated or integrated term contained within its interval of by at the end points of the interval). convergence(andpossibly A can be series power any interval over term Outsideof this interval differentiate cannot we or integrate in this way orked 3.11 example 1 Find an expression for Since example 3.10 we are lies entirely here term integral (x-2) interval within the of iz h iz to ^/k+T Jk + i series power to >.(x-2f dx Worked* in that the interval asked ax , over =1 (x-zr {k integrate + X)Jk + ~\\ k+1 interval we are able to by term, i.e. pass the inside the sum sign of convergence, integrate > we established convergencefor this is [1, 3[ and the which f5/2~ =1 = 1 (*+T s(fc+ir 3 m&x*'** \\ -0 Infinite series 'a 3C Exercise the radius of convergence and of the convergence following: 1. Find (a) (i) (c) (i) 2. Find (ii) fjclx\" the give interval of + 3)k fjcl{x (u) |^- lirr the valuesof x the which for following converge: \\k+\\ K k=\\ *J x K) yl ^ (b) fc=o W I (2Jk + l)! (-l)*s2* S (2*)! Findthe power series which the x for of values fcV+1 y [6 marks] converges. Find the interval of convergencefor the powerseries: ^5/c + (x [6 marks] 4) k=\\ (a) of convergence the interval Find *yZ, f(x) } v (b) Find = l *yO the for power series *yQ. + x +\342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + ... 3! 2! f'{x) stating for which 4! values of x this holds. [6 marks] iS For the series > -y S(fc (a) Find the radius (b) Find the values ^\342\200\224 + 1)4\302\273 of convergence. of x for which the series converges. [9marks] . 92 \\t> I Topic 9 - Option: Calculus /v - ^ v*\\ + d. of convergenceof the following, the interval Find of any nature end points the discussing of the interval. k5 K k=o 00 X5k+1 (-l)k (c) convergence the at J X [24 marks] 1 Summary \342\200\242 The nth sum, Sn, of a partial seriesis the sumofthe first Sn = series infinite An n terms: + un u1+u2+-~ to S if the sequenceofits partialsums S1,S2,S3,S4,... converges converges toS: S = limSw = y\\u k k=\\ \342\200\242 Test Divergence If lim% ^ 0 \342\200\242 or if thelimitdoesnotexist, the two series Given of positive terms ^jik and k=\\ to a limit is convergent ^bk k=\\ so is is divergent, k=\\ ^bk ak < that such all k, for bk then if: k=\\ S, ^Jik is alsoconvergent to a limit T where T <S ^bk. k=\\ Test Comparison Given two series of positive terms V% so converges \342\200\242 the other does and \\bk, where and if one seriesdiverges so = lim\342\200\224 / > 0, then if one series the other. does Test Integral - is divergent. k=\\ ^jik Given V% Test Comparison \342\200\242 Limit series a positive convergent decreasing function f(x), x > 1,if J then ^f(k) f(x) dx is: is convergent k=\\ - divergent then ^f(k) is divergent. k=\\ 3 Infinite r^ **. series 'a \342\200\242 An \342\200\242 Test Series Alternating alternately positive and negativeterms. is one with series alternating an alternating series ^juk: If for k=\\ |<|uk Iuk+i and keZ+ f\302\260r aU | lim|uk | =0 then the seriesis convergent. If S = sum of an alternatingseriesthat is the ^uk satisfies: k=\\ I then the error in than the absolute uk+\\ I < I uk taking the first n value of the (n + aU I f\302\260r I k^oo as an terms lim and keZ+ uk I = 0 to S (thetruncationerror) approximation term: l)th |S-Sn|<|nn+1| \342\200\242 A series convergent if the series ^J% is absolutely ^uk k=\\ If a series is convergent. k=\\ is convergent ^Jtk but ^J uk | then is divergent, the series is conditionally k=\\ k=\\ convergent. convergent series An absolutely \342\200\242 Ratio is convergent. Test ^juk, if: a series Given k=\\ lim uk+\\ then < 1, the series is absolutelyconvergent(and hence convergent). uk Uk+\\ lim > 1, then uk uk+\\ lim A then -1, k^oo is an series for - 94 Topic all for all 9 - (x - b)k \342\200\224aQ+ax{x-b) be IR + a2 (x converge: only for - test is inconclusive. infinite series of the form: ^jik k=0 - the Ratio Uv power It may the seriesis divergent. x e R a single xgR value such that Option: Calculus r^ +\302\253. \\x b\\ < R, where Re R+. - b)2 +a3(x- b)3 + \342\200\242 is less 'a h The largest numberR e IR+ such that a power series convergesfor \\x - b\\ | x b | > R is called the radius of convergenceofthe powerseries.It may Ratio Test. If: - R = \302\260\302\260 then the - R = 0 The interval then series the series converges be and for diverges by the determined for allxgR. b. converges only when x \342\200\224 of a power seriesisthe setofall of convergence converges. It always includesall pointssuch of < R that |x - b < \\ points R but for which may also the series include end point(s) interval. this A power series can within its interval be differentiatedor integratedtermby of term over any interval contained convergence. t- r-v 3 Infinite . i* i~)A + oi. ,. * I series 95 'a practice 3 Mixed examination the whether Establish following or diverge: converge 3k (a) T-^- 1 *=iK ... ^ (b) 2j 5^ + 81 [7 marks] t3k2Jk+7y[k Find the radius of convergenceofthe following: k3xk (a) I- k\\ k=0 X2k (klf (b) X u-o [6 marks] (2k)l (a) Show (b) Determine that \342\200\224 x2t f{x) x for all x > 2. is decreasing whether 2> 2e-k k=2 [8 marks] or diverges. converges y A \\y X 3 4 5 6 The diagram shows part of the graph parallel to the coordinateaxes. (a) Using the diagram y \342\200\224 \342\200\224 with together line segments x show that, r l 111 of 111 \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242< + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224+ \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 \342\200\224dx<\342\200\224 43 Hence (b) 53 63 find upper J3 x3 33 43 53 and lower boundsforthe sum ^ \342\200\224 IB (\302\251 96 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus m&x*'** Organization [15 marks] 2008) Consider the sequence of partial sums {Sn}given K k=\\ Show (a) that for by all positive integersn s2n>sn+\302\261 Hence (b) sequence {Sn} is not convergent. prove that the [7 IB (\302\251 ^ (a) Use the IntegralTestto show S 2002) Organization series the that marks] 1111 = lH 1 22 1 h... 1 42 32 converges. & 52 Let (b) ,,1111 Show that = 2| S-A \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 + 22 (c) Hence find Determine the sum A, (a) Show that, /1 x 2 y where down successive +2 f^yk 2 (d) [9 marks] [6 marks] 6 diverges. terms of the series, A ^~ \342\200\224. B A 2 k2+5k + 6 k + 2 A; + 3 A and B are constantsto be found. that, to converges. 1 show + . 62 convergesor ni By writing + 42 S converges that v \\ (b) Show that (c) given arctanx whether ^\\ k=\\ El 52 42 32 22 2 k^k2+5k + 6 3 B k+3 2 n + 3 Hence find, txk2+5k + 6 [11marks] 3 m&x*'** Infinite series 97 3 Test the convergence or divergence reasoning (a) the of your explaining following, fully K-D\"V n=0 cos (mi) (b) (c) \302\243 n=\\ Un n=2 J [13marfcsJ ^(-l)-1\342\200\224^_ n(lnn) The coefficientsof the powerseries^Jikxk the satisfy relation, k=0 ak (a) + A%_! + Bak_2 = 0, where/c Show that for | x \\ < (l + Ax + Bx2 = 2,3,4,... of convergence, the radius R, = )^akxk a0-\\-(a1 + Aa0 )x k=0 (b) establish Hence that, n j = Xxk for Use the 2^ (a) Ratio Testto determinewhether [8 marks] or not [9 marks] Find an expression for the (b) Hence determinewhether Find the interval of nth or not the series of the convergence sum of partial Show that the [8 marks] converges. series ( \342\200\224 n} (x ^sin (a) < 1 is convergent. 3+2 k=i Ix I x -1 k=o k [12 \342\200\224l) function \342\200\224 is decreasing for all marks] x >3 xlnx(ln(lnx)) (b) By making the substitution u-\\nx, l evaluate Jr j dx ^2/3\" xlnx(ln(lnx)j (c) Hence determine whether Zu ,, ,/, /, , \\\\2/3 k=3kmk[m{mk)) 98 Topic9 - Option: Calculus converges. [15 marks] \"\" (i ^ \342\200\224 ~~h -+ In this chapter Maclaurin \342\200\242 and find to how series in functions Taylor \342\200\242 how series power certain x for the error find to the only taking terms of as an of the end the previous chapter were that these noted they were actually of a functions ^Jikxk = power series as igI: \342\200\242 to find x-o \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + a3x3 + \342\200\242 its interval of convergenceand get a finite that is a value for the function at that point. we are already function with which sinx? Canwe can We relate power a start make already course that, the main for /(x) series a power has series of first geometric (l + expansion powerseries, powerseries. of series to functions form lim-f(x) it be a know from function (l + 3x)-1 since it is the sum to infinity function be possible should limits the sum; of term 1 and commonratio -3x;that If it is possibleto expressthe find power as ex, lnx or such as these? + 9x2-27x3+81x4-243;c5+... 3x)\"1=l-3x it = of x within such at answeringthis;we the certain 'gM' Could familiar, example, for in is functions of the to functions series for value would we be evaluating? function what But a value aeIR (where \342\200\242 to use series is convergent,we can input power results series power a constant) k=0 If a series functions using standard series power infinite other variable + a2x2 + axx a0 we lookedat from different first n a power series of composite and in approximation \342\200\242 to form At you will learn: = / (x) to express a is: |x|<- 3 (l + 3x) asa other functions as In chapter we look at methods for finding power series and see how we can use themto representations functions make for these functions and to evaluate limits. this for approximations series Maclaurin As are we able to manipulate, series their idea to express other types (within analyse them in the radius differentiate and integratepower of convergence), it seems of function as series so a good that we can same way. 4 Maclaurin C XJ^\\ + d. and Taylor series 99 'a To this end, consider a series with radius of convergence power R > 0 and suppose we define a function: f(x) = a0+ x = Letting + a3x3 + a2x2 axx we \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \\x\\ < R 0 we immediatelyhave: /(0) = Since + Oo the power series for |jc| f'{x) = a1+2a2x+ 3a3x2 + 4a4x3 + can differentiate < R, we have: \342\200\242 \342\200\242 \342\200\242 = a1 /./'(0) again: Differentiating /\"(*) = 2a2 + 2)a3x + (3 x = .-./\"(0) \342\200\242 \342\200\242 (4 x 3)a4x2+ \342\200\242 2!a2 /\"(0) = \342\226\240 \342\200\242a, 2! And again: = (3 x 2)a3+ (4 x 3x f'\"(x) = .-./'\"(0) + 2)a4x \342\200\242 3!a3 /'\"(0) = \342\226\240 \342\226\272a^ 3! Continuing way we will get: in this nx)=m+imx+rmx,+rmx,+... 0! 1! 2! KEY POINT series /(*) = /(o)+/'(o)*+ known as the see that ]^> will it is useful to be able to find series ]^> expansions about points other than 0. As we the that are evaluating series Maclaurin Topic 9 - C Option: Calculus XJ^\\ + d. 2, -xz+; series f(k\\0) 3, x3+- of the function exists for all k f(x). e N. all of the derivatives at x = 0, we say that of a function is centredat 0, or talk of the series expansion around0. we have = met so far (for example f(x) lnx doesnotsatisfy the above condition of f(k\\0) existing for all k e N; indeedit doesnot exist for any k e N) but we can find Maclaurin series for many We cannot find a Maclaurin familiar functions. 100 /\"(0).2^/'\"(0) Maclaurin It existsprovided In Section4D we jrMx\302\253 Jfc! it=o 4.1 The power is = 3! series for every function orked 4.1 example Find the Maclaurin (a) for: series (b) g[x)-sinx f[x)-tx Give your answersin the form ^ to establish need We few derivatives that see We the first* of (a) clearly (0) for all ke{0,1,2,...} = f\"(0) => 1 = 1 f'(0) => f'\"{x) = e* = f(0) => = e* r(x) = 1 series* Use the Maclaurin => f'(x) = ex x = 0. f<*> = ex f(x) and f(x) them at evaluate akxk 1 = 1 f'\"(0) So, formula \342\226\240pfrrt .pvrrt .p'Vn-\\ f(x)=M+m,+no)x2+no)x3+. 1! 3! 2! 0! 1 1 1 \342\200\224 + \342\200\224X + \342\200\224Xz +\342\200\224X\302\260 +\342\200\224X4 = 0! = 1+ 4! yJ 'y'-x Xzi \342\226\240AiAX\" +\342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\242 x 4! 3! 2! _ 3! 2! 1! mI %k v k=0 K! to establish need We few derivatives that see there is that a cycle the f(x) of 4 continually repeats (b) ^(^ = => f(0) 006^ = -e\\r\\x f\"(x) f'\"(x)= -C0SX such => f\"(0) = 0 => f'\"(0) 1! 0 1 + = \342\200\224 + -x 1! 0! _ X5 + ~X~3T that this is an term, general alternating will We found in = f(5)(0) 0 . 3! 2! \342\200\224 + _ . _ -1 1 0 \342\200\242 + \342\200\224x4 + \342\200\224x5 \342\200\224x5 2! 3! x2 X7 X5 (2k 5! 4! + \"' + 1)! them Exercise 3C, questions1(b)(i) and (although 2(b) that we both did not 4 + d. = 0 = 1 1 these power series convergeforallx e R relate the seriesto exand sinx). S?i>* f<4)(0) ~5!\"~7!\" lH)k series and only have generate = -1 X'2k+1 we note* so need (-1)^, and as we odd powers and factorials,2/c+ 1 So, 0! the = f'(0) w f(x)=M+mx+no)x2+no)x3+.. To form =0 => f(4)(x) = sinx => f(5)(x) = cosx => values series formula* Maclaurin = sinx f(x) and = f\302\253(0) that^+4)(0) Use the first* them at x = 0. as f(4) (x) = f(x) evaluate We of Maclaurin and Taylor series As mentioned above,we cannotfind \342\200\224 \\vl%. y for y we can However, problemof/(0) the all (and ln(l for this avoids the = 0) not existing. x) as + at x derivatives series Maclaurin the \342\200\224 orkedexample4.2 series Maclaurin the Find few derivatives of f(x) = ln(1 evaluate them at can We see alternating signs the Maclaurin Use x = 0. = f<4>(z) + -3l(1 f(5)(x) = 4!(1+ factorials series formula \342\200\242 = 0 f(0) f'(0) = 1 f\"(0)= -1 r\"(x)=2i(\\+xr of a pattern of + x) f'(z) = (1+ z)\"1 = f\"(x) _(l + x)-2 and f(x) form ^akxk. in the answer your the first* to establish need We = ln(l + x), giving for f(x) *r f(5)(0) = x)-5 1 0 3! 3! 4! - sum the with (-1 )k+ ] to first the \342\200\242in few derivatives at x the series how Exercise3C,question converges for x < 1. - u wi\302\273 behave. the < -1 Clearly,to have ot to be confident We found in of any at x, function converge hope of the we can only 2(a) to that that this power series function. four non-zero termsofthe Maclaurin cosx (ii) sin3.x (b) (i) e* (ii) (c) Vl (a) (i) e~3x 1 (i) + x (2-3x) (d) (i) - 5 series converging to the value take a value of x inside the functions. following 9 5! 4A Find the first Topic 4! \342\200\224 x\302\260 interval of convergence ofthe Maclaurin series of a function. if we know that a Maclaurin series However, converges for particular valuesof x, this does not mean that it converges to the function it was derived from! We will see in the next section how we can determine when the Maclaurin seriesof a function doesindeed Exercise x^+ ,(-ifV alternating series but* starting at k = 1, we need make the first term positive is an Look for patterns + : 4 3 2 3! 2! = \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 x xz+\342\200\224xD 1! 0\\ 2! this 41 So, f(i)=^+no)x+no)x2+no),5. 0! 2! Again = 2\\ f\"\\0) Option: Calculus S>, + 0,. tanx (ii) secx series for the Findthe f(x) Showthat f(x) x r< f(x) [6marks] 12 6 x4 in the Maclaurinexpansion of up to series to find an approximationin terms In 2. for 71 + ln(cosx). (a) Showthat the 1L = -\\ 21 (b) Find the (a) Find l + [7 marks] 1 1X3 8 2!82 -x + 2 x2+ Find = for f(x) series Maclaurin 1X3X5 3!83 1 ^4-x is , + Ix3x5x-x(2\302\253-l) x3+- expansion of the Maclaurin of convergence interval the xn+- n\\8n radius of convergenceof this series. your answer in the form ^jikxk. (b) for = Use this of 2 term the Find (b) the term in od is x (a) up to series Maclaurin the ln(l+sinx) Q Maclaurin series for [5 marks] of the terms non-zero three first = .x sin2.x. / (x) = x In(l [8 + x), marks] giving of this powerseries. [9 marks] (a) Find (b) Prove S the Maclaurin this that power expansion of y/l up to + x series converges the term in for |jc|< 1. [9 x3. marks] \\ y = f(x) Explain why neither the function/(x): , x (a) -1 + -x 2 (b) 2 1-3jc- + of the followingcan beMaclaurin series of x2 \342\200\224 + \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 8 -.. \342\200\224+ 4 4 Maclaurin ^3, v*\\ + 01. and Taylor series to the Approximations Maclaurin series you value for, say, One back Look the at expression for ^>- truncation error ^^ an alternatingseries^^ in Section 3B (Key point 3.8). calculator the of x are it power series.It cannotof course this many enough to give of such a sufficiently to the issuefor with inputted, series, so how many answer? accurate in chapter series alternating This is similar 3 of this option, for the truncation error at n but the Maclaurin series; here, by truncating series, we are actually determining an nth degree which polynomial, the function. approximates we terms of the 4.2 POINT Maclaurin series: \302\261r!mx,=m+mx+rmxl+...+ k\\ 0! 1! 2! n\\ k=0 to as is referred of pn(x) the the nth degree function Maclaurin seriesfor near approximatethe function can see how accurate the first sin x are. So, the for have c xj^\\ + d. x~ degree x (Worked sin to x few Maclaurin \342\200\242 For third sin x-x- example 4.1(b)) to (here we usex = polynomials 0.5), we for polynomial we x: give us sin 0.5~ 0.5,which the = 0 Maclaurin This would have Option: Calculus sin first Maclaurin polynomial, f(x). Using the - is terms an expression found where The truncated 9 can use terms infinitely KEY Topic a sin 0.5 or e3? evaluate simply of^>- calculator or computerfinds way is to program the series so that when values possible Maclaurin the how a wondered ever Have degree Maclaurin xJ is an error of just polynomial we over 4%. would This ~ 0.47916, us sin0.5 give which is only a error. 0.05% \342\200\242 For ~ x sinx have Maclaurin polynomial fifth degree the : I 5! 3! This would we which give us sin 0.5~ 0.4794270834, is now to 5DP. accurate becomesmore and more accurate Clearly, our approximation the degree of the polynomial; with the following can quantify the truncation error for any Maclaurin series. the higher result, we KEY For a the 4.3 POINT Although function f(x) for all derivatives which for the expression evaluated error Lagrange at x = 0 exist: Maclaurin for term series in does not appear k=o the error where term Rn (x) the k\\ the more is given case br by: series, R J-f(n+l) (x) = \342\200\224xn+l for some ce ]0,x[ given + l)! (\302\253 This is error sometimes referred to as the Lagrangeform general Taylor examined Section \342\200\242in (c) booklet, Formula in 4D, the is Formula booklet. of the term. 4 Maclaurin r^ +\302\253. and Taylor series The result is beyond the scopeofthe of this proof possible to understand the Lagrange about the particular caseofa Oth order it is polynomial where The Mean cg]0,x[ by the there must that states by thinking Maclaurin constant) (i.e. the error termis given Theorem Value such term error but syllabus first derivative. exist some that, /(*)-/<0) \342\200\224 x 0 = =>f(x) which is exactly In then idea This of c, soinsteadwe for orked the an in taking error we will a function, approximate bound to higher generalises the estimating nth value the particular possible error by taking c to be the worst error) to polynomial degree know not = 0. order derivatives. the largest find will point 4.3, with n in Key result the + f'(c)x f(0) case (an upper possible. 4.3 example (a) Find an expressionfor term error the in approximating ex by its 2nd degreeMaclaurin polynomial. bound to 4DP on the errorwhen an upper Give (b) 2nd the state First degree* (a) Maclaurin polynomial using the The 2nd degree Maclaurin e075. to find approximation gives polynomial the approximation above found series this using ex \302\2531 + x x2 \342\200\224 + 2 Find the error, with that* of e* are derivatives all noting error term ex \302\2432(x)=f(5)(g)x5 ce]0,x[ 3! e\302\260xu ^5\\ at Evaluate x = 0.75 \342\200\242 (b) Taking x = 0.75 we = K2 (0.75) As the an increasing function, value of c will possible ec is largest the give largest (the upper For bound) on the .\\ Kz (0.75) < c e ]0,0.75[ 3! ^0.75/0753 : = 0.1439 value error HINT EXAM a possible \342\200\242 have series alternating particular error Lagrange Topic 9 C the appropriate conditions), the result for the truncation error using (that of x value term. Calculus Option: XJ^\\ + d. satisfy it in is easier Key point to bound 3.8 the error rather than at the ^ ^^\"-^ ~~h h + use Key point 4.3to bound errors from the resulting truncation of Maclaurin series,but we can also determine for which valuesof x a Maclaurin series to actually converges the function from which it was derived. we said (Remember, at the end of the last sectionthat a Maclaurin series does not We can necessarily convergeto the function for all x in the interval of convergence.) = fM let n if we ^^-x^Rn(x) kk=o ft /W(Q) ^ \\ if the KEY POINT error term * Ki k=0 only Since sense that makes \342\200\224> <*>, it derived it was which from tends to 0. 4.4 I The function \342\226\240 as the all x where f(x) for = 0 lim\\Rn(x)\\ orked 4.4 example Prove that the We is preciselythe same series forf(x) Maclaurin (infinite) series Maclaurin need to show lim|/?n(x)| for ex is valid that* From = 0 f{n) for xgK. all exam pie 4.1 Worked (x) = ex = ex fora\\\\neU f(^)(x) + Therefore, f(\"+1)(c)x\"+1 K(4= (n + ce]0,x[ 1)l ecx\"+1 (n + Simplify the that noting modulus sign,* ec>0, (n + .'. ecx\"+1 lim that constant M e IR, From chapter examination question = we e'\\x\\n+' lim fl\342\200\224>\302\260o (n + 1)l M\"+1 J^\\ <M can nJ - \"->-(n + 1)l lir foreomeM of limits the algebra apply + 1)l (\302\253 l)!>0 for some** ec <M lim |^n(x)|= and 1x^1= M\"1 Noting 1)l 1 Mixed \342\200\242 Since practice, 6, we know | lm \"->~(n i i\" \\x\\ \342\226\240\342\226\2400- + 1)! that lim|K\342\200\236(x)|<0 lim^ = 0 n\342\200\224>\302\260\302\260 ft? 4 r^ 4 a. ... Maclaurin and Tayl continued. EXAM HINT And since, by the a useful \342\226\240 = 0 is lim clearly, Squeeze Theorem, n\\ in be can It but case this you should how to = 0 \\\\m\\Rn(x)\\ to know. limit quoted > 0 \\fcn{x)\\ also know Hence, it. prove A similar ex = V \342\200\224 for e all x argument works for cos x. x or sin orked example 4.5 2k Show cos x: ^(\342\200\224l) series for the Maclaurin that *=0 We (2^)' to find for4 f(n+1)(f), = cosf, so we find the first few derivatives and need f(t) is a a cycle of 4 f'\"(t) repeats continually such that = smt fW(t) = coet that values = -coet f\"(t) There pattern. = coet f (t) = -sint f (t) look for x for to cos converges 7\342\200\224r- = -sint f(5)(t) = f(k)(t) f(k+4)(t) \302\261sint all derivatives Since either that or \302\261sinf \302\261cosf, be will f(n+1)(f) one will we be* f(\"+D(t)= +zcoet know of these We need \\Rn(x)\\* M*)l = &+^(c)xn (n + 1)l |f(\"+1)(c)||x\"H (n + 1)l (n + f(n+1)(f): [\302\261cosf we that know Again |f <n+1) (c)| |x\"+1| < f\302\261sinf Since 1)! < 1 = 0 lim^\342\200\224\342\200\224 (n Since | 1m + 1)! |x|\"+1 :0\302\273 + \302\253->\302\253(n 1)l lim|^(x)|<0 And since, by clearly, \\Kn(x)\\ > the Squeeze Theorem, 0 = 0 lim|K\342\200\236(*)| Hence, cos x=y h 108 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus S>, + 0.. (-if \342\200\224 for (2\302\273:)i allx all xgR. Worked examples4.4and We see from x for always of the values that 4.5 the functions ex with An example of a function that is not equal to its x cos and to the functions themselvescoincide exactly are equal intervals series of Maclaurin the which the Maclaurin of convergence of the respectivepowerseries. This will be the case for the functionswe meet,but we still need to showthis for be able to each f(x) = function. particular series is e x*0 x x = 0 0 Investigate the Maclaurin series and graph of this function. 4B Exercise Find an upper boundon the polynomials of given degree functions for x - 0.5: to approximate (a) (i) cosx,p4(x) (ii) tanx,p3(x) e*2,p2(x) (ii) (b) (i) (c) (i) Jl + x~,p3(x) when error the Maclaurin using the following \\p2{x) 1 (ii) ->Pi(x) (4-xf Maclaurin for e~x. (a) Find the seconddegree polynomial (b) For what valuesof x > 0 will this polynomial approximate e~x to within 0.001? Give your answerto 4DP. [6marks] the Using error when / (a) x X5 . estimate to 1 . sin x 5! 3! x\302\260 (b) x 3 < 1, (a) = ex (b) Hence an find in the form [8 marks] [6 marks] Maclaurin degree to approximation a, b where \342\200\224, the first x. (b) Show that the / , giving your answer e Z three non-zero an upper on the bound [10 marks] series series - y.2k+l 2k for place terms of the Maclaurin (_D^\342\200\224 k=\302\260 converges polynomial forf(x). b arctan for 6 < the Lagrangeerrorterm, error in this approximation. Find ,\342\200\224 6 71 71 e (c) Using (a) T 71 71 + e~x fourth the Find r tor xe\\ that show 2! 3! Let f(x) for x tanx estimate to H For \\y\\ an upper boundon the using: X3 x term, find error Lagrange \\x\\ < 1 and + \\ that it converges to arctan x. [11 marks] 4 Maclaurin C XJ^\\ + d. and Taylor series 109 Maclaurin polynomial of ex What degree estimateof e to within guarantee an Show that for sin series Maclaurin the 2x convergesto the [8 marks] (a) Use the Lagrangeformofthe errorterm error involved in approximating -ln(l x+ - x) the bound at x - 0.5 by + \342\200\224. 3 / By noting that give an J to x2 x3 \342\200\224 2 (b) [6 marks] allxeR. for function 0~6? lxl to be taken must (a) Find R3 N (0.5) (0-5)4 (0-5)5 -\342\200\224= ^\342\200\224\342\200\224+ + improved bound the on the error. of the terms three first \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 5 4 [9 marks] Maclaurin Series for (\\ + xf. terms of the expansionof (l + x) areneeded to a value of 1.182 accurate to within 10~6? finding (b) How many guarantee [10 Show that the function for Maclaurin series for Maclaurin The standard following met), in the appear POINT KEY + x) (l 2 to the converges < 1. |jc| [10 marks] series of composite Maclaurin series (which functions we have 4.5 + \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 x + \342\200\224 2! \\n(\\ + v x)} = + x sinx = x cosx = ,l 2 3 x3 x5 1 3! 5! x2 x4 1 4! 2! arctanx \342\200\224 x 1 5 3 can be functions. used to find Maclaurin seriesof morecomplicated this Sometimes is straightforward. orked example 4.6 We just series Maclaurin the Using need to substitute for cos 2X3 into of cos(2.x3). x, find the seriesexpansion the# series for cos known x , ^ 0 Option: Calculus + G(. 6! 4! 2! 3 - (2x3f (2x3)4 (2x3)2 = 1-2x6+-x12- Topic 9 already Formula booklet: zx =\\ + These marks] \342\200\224 x16+- 45 Often this will involve two finding and then combiningthem. separate Maclaurin x and ex, find series orkedexample4.7 We for sin series Maclaurin the Using the series of esinx expansion as far as the term in x4. the series for* substituting as far as the x4 term going start by sin x, only We now use the only going as f far as ex# for series y-5 \\ 1+ +- + X+ x4 and then expand ^1 + + \342\200\224 + x + \342\200\224 2 6 2 3 \" + \342\200\242 1+ 4! 3! 2! - 6 24 + \342\200\242 3! 6 + \342\200\242 ^1 + x + HINT EXAM It is much quicker to where possiblein form series Maclaurin in this way so known series. combine exam the also useresultson intervals where the expansion to the function we know these will be the intervals (as converges of convergence of the functions we will meet) to find the values for which the expansion ofcomposite functions are valid. We can orked 4.8 example Find the Maclaurin series up term in x3 for In to the y[\\ + 2x and state the interval 2-3* in which the expansionis valid. the* know We into + ln(Vl = 2x)-ln(2-3x) -ln(l + 2x)-ln(2-3x) function = separate functions = -ln(l find the* series expansion for 2 1+ -3x + 2x)-<Jln2+ ln 1+ + 2x)-ln -ln(l this in form Now = the rearrange original so + x) ln(l + 2x 2-3x series expansion for Vl In each -ln(l + 2x) = (2x)-(2xf(2x) = \342\200\224 2x-2x2 separately 2\\ + \" + + -3x -+\342\200\242 \342\200\242\342\200\242 3 4 Maclaurin C XJ^\\ + d. and Taylor series 'a continued. - x2 + -Ax5 = x - + \342\200\242\342\200\242 -3x A3 -3x -3x -3x^ 1+ In -+ V1 + 2X = x- In And* 2-3x = ln, m - + for each note that for when \342\200\224< x / In x2 59x3 2 3 24 \342\200\2241 < jc < + + + & \342\200\242 & \342\200\242 + 1, -1<2x<1 \342\200\224 2 -3x is valid 1+ -1 < when -3x \342\226\240 \342\226\240<1 2 I V \342\200\242\342\200\242 1 < 2 smaller interval 2 i.e. when 2 < x< \342\200\224 3 3 Vl + Therefore, Exercise \342\200\224 2 5x when valid is valid 1 i.e. when to both is + x) ln(1 then we need the be valid Since ln(1 + 2x) of validity and In2 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \\ZJ function -In2- + * 9x3 + 9x2 -3x + .., 3 together separately + \342\200\242\342\226\240 Ax5 We consider the + \342\200\242 3 everything interval - 4x3 . + \342\226\240 x2 put finally 9x3 9x2 -3x - 2x is valid In 2-3x 1 < x when < 1 \342\200\224 2 2 4C In this exercise in the results 1. Find (a) the first (i) (b) (i) (c) (i) four non-zero of the terms sin(3x4) (ii) cos ln(2 + 3x) (ii) ln(l-2x) e~T (ii) e*3 Maclaurin series for: 2. By combining Maclaurinseriesofdifferent functions series expansion as far as the term in x4 for: (a) (i) ln(l + x)sin2x (b) (c) (i) (i) 1+ x Findthe (ii) (ii) the sinx \342\200\224 2x (ii) ln(l-sinx) sinx) series Maclaurin find ln(l-x)cos3x \\ ln(l + series booklet. Formula given standard Maclaurin all the assume can you as far as the term in x4 for e3x sin 2.x. [4 marks] Showthat I vl + x2 e x ~1 - x 2 1 + x2 \342\200\224x3+ \342\200\224x4. 3 112 Topic9 - Option: Calculus 1 r^ *a. 6 [5 marks] Q series for Maclaurin the Find (a) your form 2^akxk in the answer ln(l + 4x2+ 4x), giving (b) Statethe interval of of the convergence power series. [6 marks] 0 x. tan for non-zero terms of the Maclaurinseries first two the Find (a) the Maclaurin seriesof etanx the term in x4. Hence find (b) including up to and [6 marks] cos x, find the series to the termin x4. expansion x) up Hence find the first two non-zero termsofthe expansion (b) of In (sec x) stating where the expansion is valid. (c) Useyour result from (b) to find the first two non-zero Q (a) series for the Maclaurin using By for In (cos termsofthe series (a) Findthe first Q of the 4 terms = f(x) x. tan for ln[(2 + [8 marks] Maclaurin series for xf(l-3x)] (b) Findthe equationofthe tangentto f(x) at x = 0. [10 marks] (a) Findthe ^ series Maclaurin for In J \\ stating the interval power series. terms of this seriesto estimate the first three the Use X of the of convergence (b) J. value of x used. 2, stating the value in your (c) Provide an upper boundon the error the error term. approximation using Lagrange of In (d) 10.) Refine the error as a on the error by the considering geometric series. result standard the Using bound upper this not a valid for ex, form expansion?Doese^ a series for have e^. a Maclaurin Why is series? [13 marks] series Taylor d\302\243| We have seen that a Maclaurin series is valid in an interval = centred on x 0 and that close to this point, often just a few terms of the series are needed to give a very good approximation = 0, even within of the function. However, further away from x the interval terms more For where the of the series to we found example, polynomial for sin expansion is valid, you can needmany get a reasonabledegreeofaccuracy. above that the 5th degree Maclaurin sin 0.5 correct to 5DPbut x approximated 4 Maclaurin r^ **. and Taylor series 'a h if we the same to use try further 0, say at from away polynomial to approximatea value x \342\200\224 2, we would get sin2^ 0.9092974 which is correctto only worse this such as for all x g R, we higher higher desireddegreeof any reasonable matter away from how many this For accuracy. convergent approximation of the terms a Maclaurin have Maclaurin order is only series sin x that overcome can and whose further 0 we go the gets. functions For The IDP. other series valid by simply taking to get the polynomials such as ln(l + x) functions, difficulty for -1 < x < 1,we cannot make at all outside this interval, no polynomial we take. To overcometheseproblems we will try to convert the Maclaurin seriesexpansion to a power series centred on a a rather than x \342\200\224 0. In this way we will be able general point x \342\200\224 to makea reasonable of a function approximation polynomial near to any given point. So, starting with g\\x)and AJL r-v 114 Topic 9 - Calculus Option: S>, + 0,. letting g{x) the Maclaurin g{0) + - \342\200\224 f(x + a) series: x+ - x1+- so that g^(x) x5 -\\\342\200\224 = f{k)(x+ a) we have f(x + And a) = + f(a) x +a = f(x) + f(a) used generalise we have results the of in this way 4.6 POINT KEY series Maclaurin for ^{x-ar+\302\243^(x-aY+. Taylor series. All as the is known This \342\200\242 3! x: with + f^{x-a) x2+-\342\200\224\342\200\224x- 2! 1! finally replacing + \342\200\224\342\200\224x+J I approximations Taylor I For a function/(x) at a exist: | /W = /(fl) + the where / x is the + - + ^^/(\(fl)") error term Rn f{n+l)(c) = -p V^(x-a)w+1 form in which evaluated all derivatives which (x-a)/'(a) Lagrange Rr,(x) This for + is given (x) i?\342\200\236(x) by for some ce this error termis given i r \\a,x\\ in the booklet; of course to reduce this to the errorterm series we need only let a = 0. Formula Maclaurin of a orkedexample 4.9 (a) the Find the 4th degree Taylor (b) Using error for maximum Start by series expansion Taylor the first* finding a as an polynomial 1 pattern. (a) series for this f{x) = \\nx f(1) f\"(x) => => function, find 2\\x-3 f<4>(*)= -3lz^ f(5)(x) = 4!x-5 n > 1 = 0 = f'(1) 1 => f'\"(1) => fW(1) => f<5)(1) fW=M+m(,_1)+ni)(,_1)2+ni)(,_lf+... 11 0! 21 = 2! = a = 1 = \342\200\224 + -(x-1) 0! = 31 (*-!)-* 1! 2! (x-1) +\342\200\224(x-1) 3! (^_!)2J- + \302\261 (^_!)3'\342\200\224-\302\261 ^.^ ^- 4! + ---+v 4 Maclaurin - ^ -3! = 4! formula with *V the => f\"(1)= -1 = -x-2 f'\"(x)= have the Taylor* Apply approximation f'(x) = x-' ^oM-irVi)! for x-\\. point 2 2 Here we clearly the around 3\" and few derivatives look for xe for f(x) = lnx V>A + d. \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 (x-1) M)-1^.^ } *v and Taylor + \342\226\240 series 'a continued. Find for term1 the error this truncation look to and (b) have: \\Ne ,W=(,-0-fezl+fezl-fczl+K.M place an upper bound on Where, this M*) = \342\200\224^ 1 oe L, ^ 2'2 _4\\c~5(x-f 5! 5c5 bound produce A*-if lower1 Use the for c to the upper bound on -1 AM5 -r\342\200\224 5c5 4D Exercise 1. Find the first of the of the Taylor series for each following: (a) (i) (ii) (b) terms non-zero three tanx about xsinx about (i) \\[x (ii) e*2 (c) (i) 44 71 x- 2 x = 1 about x = about 71 \342\200\224 4 cosecx about x- 71 \342\200\224 3 Use to expressln(3+ x) asa seriesin the term Find a of ex in (x - 3) (c) Provide an upper bound 3) up to and [3 marks] series expansion for estimate the value 3 significant figures. Hence of (x - in powers \342\200\224 + x sin of sin for the up to degree three. ) V6 (b) 35\302\260 giving your answer Topic 9 - Option:Calculus XJ^\\ + d. to error in your estimate. [6 116 as far x, [3 marks] expansion Taylor including (a) \342\200\224 term in x3. Findthe Q x s expansion Taylor as the about cotx (ii) 71 marks] 'a Find an upperboundforthe errorin using + l-2(x-l) 1 1 to estimate \342\200\224 forxe -4(x-l) 3(x-l) 4'4. [5marks] /(*) = polynomial at a = 8 of degree Taylor *\302\243 <x< 9 for 7 that Show (b) second the Find (a) |R2(x)|< 0.0004 that Show about any point x0 expansion Taylor marks] has no Maclaurin expansionbut = 4x f(x) [6 a has ^ 0. [5 marks] Letf(x) = x*, forxgM+. that Show (a) 1-lnx /'(*)= (b) Find the term that this to cos Use Taylor's error in e up to the value of this polynomial and confirm sameas the maximumofj{x). x for expansion of cos x about marks] value any [8 marks] that when h derivative the [10 of x. values all to show theorem approximating = /'(*) is the the Taylor that converges x = about off(x) expansion Taylor the maximum Find Prove / x2. in (c) * x v is small the off(x) \342\200\224 + h) \342\200\224 f(% fix h) \342\200\224 L is approximately h^ 2h at a using i -h2f'\"(a). [6 marks] Applications of Representations a number of contexts. functions We look here series can be useful in at two: otherwise very difficult to not impossible to integrate as a standard that is a function \342\200\242 integrating (if integrate Taylor using At function) the end and \342\200\242 limits finding of the form c '0' next ' * \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \302\260\302\260 have L'HopitalsRulebut sometimes it is easierto dowith Taylor series, especially if the first part of the questionhas already asked for a Taylor series! For We of the will look a function function; we already second finding an expressionfor the integral that cannot be integrated to give a standard series method is just about the bestway integral in this case. the representing Series: solutions XJ^\\ + d. to of equations. of 4 Maclaurin and C third finding approximations the we of Taylor application differential first at the power ^> the chapter will look at a or 0 of Taylor series i> example 4.10 orked Find I sin(x2) series, giving your answerin the form ^akxk a power dx as - series the x we for sin series Maclaurin of result standard the Using the# e'mx= can find \342\200\236 all x< for (2fc+i)i h for sin(x2) expansion (-1)\" x2k+' c -\342\200\224 \342\200\224- > sin(x2) = \302\243 (-1)V)2 k=t (2/C+ 1)! k = ~-4k+2 (-1) x4 1 As this we can integrate term So, eR for allx is valid expansion (-1)*x4t+2dx term by i allx for 1)1 ,=o (2*+ (2k+ -ff^X(-1/x_ SJ (2*+ dx 1)1 (-1)\"x4t+5 !(4k + the In next L'Hopitals orked worked example we look at Rule for a limit of the form the We in the series for Maclaurin able to be hope to the avoid cos x, evaluate x4 the cancel to for cos the in x* coe x = 1 \342\200\242\342\200\242 coex-\\ situation + \342\200\242 + 6! 4! 2! '0' \342\200\224 x and Maclaurin that the x4 has cancelled, the simplify +: in the + 1 r 4! 6! b\\ limit denominator1 we are free r9 x* fraction to x^O So: let coex-\\ lim - + : 1 \342\226\240 JL-JL '4!~24 Topic 9 c Option:Calculus 1-A + G(. X2 \342\226\240 lim *-><\\4! 118 + 6! 4! 2! series taking the before Now to X* 0 So, substitute alternative \342\200\242 \342\200\224 lim- taking the before denominator limit an 4.11 example COSX-1 + Using 3)(2k + 1)! 6! X* h&\\ - -1 + - 4E Exercise 1. Evaluate sinx-x , x ,.x t. (a) (1) hm x^\302\260 x^\302\260 / x x x^\302\260 x x^O Find Maclaurinseriesfor rcos(x3)-l the sinx +x t. 3sinx-4xcosx x^O x .... hm (11) x (a) p^ X pX lim (ii) xcosx-sinx i. hm /.x (l) 1-cosx \342\200\224 t. hm x^O (n) X p\302\261 \342\200\224 p*X (c) .... \342\200\224 X lim- (i) (b) series: Maclaurin using in the following form ^jikX' k. d, J\342\200\224^\342\200\224 + l) '- rln(x (b) J \342\200\224^ x dx (a) Find the first [8 marks] the about (b) x = point -. find lim\342\226\240\" X^3 ; series, Taylor seriesfor 3. x2 -9 this Using of the terms non-zero three sin(x- 3) [6 marks] sin(x-3) the Maclaurin seriesfor (a) Find /i x TT (b) Hence (a) Using 1 2 \342\200\224xz (c) Maclaurin 1 * sin x-arctan _ . . and cos x, show of degree polynomial T [7 marks] for ln(l+x) series the term in x7. 4 for x) is ln(cos 4 x. 12 2 (b) Find . lim Maclaurin the the that i. i evaluate far as x as arctan the Maclaurinpolynomial ii. degree 6 for tan(x2). tan(x2) lim\342\200\224\342\200\224 -. x^\302\260 evaluate Hence, of [9 marks] ln(cosx) (a) a power series for the Maclaurin By using series . i of In expansion Hence find lim 1 ( \\l-2x3 ,o the term in xlz. (b) ln(l + ^ J x) or otherwise, find up to and including \342\200\224 2x3 / V1 \342\200\224 -. the 4th degree approximationto: (a) By taking [7 marks] polynomial [ for e *2, find an dx e~*2 Jo (b) B(a) (b) Place bounds on the error in Find a powerseriesfor How error many of less terms Jo of this than 10~9? this dx xv [8 marks] approximation. in the form \\akxk. ^\"^ k=\\ series are requiredto ensure an [10 marks] 4 Maclaurin and Taylor series Summary series \342\200\242 A Maclaurin is an infinite polynomialwhichmatchesall derivatives the of a function at zero. \342\200\242 The is given by: for f(x) Series Maclaurin f(x) \342\200\242 The nth degree Maclaurin ^ This is \342\200\242 The error in using f(x) where the an nth = can be to enablelimits of the form - 0 ,^ 120 1 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus ^ **\302\273*%* for \342\200\224xn+l 0 + 1)! Maclaurin Rn and (x) (x- used to terms. (c\\ f(n+l) \302\261 error term approximations by: n\\ some series to + ce allow expansionabout + oo any point, a: R\342\200\236(x) by f\302\260r some c e J a, provide a representationfor \342\200\224 to be by: ]0,x[ ^^-f^(a) is given a)n+l is given polynomial + {x-a)f(a) + - = f(a) Lagrange Maclaurin degree + l)! (\302\253 Taylor of the function/(x)is given series truncatedat n K (*) - \342\200\242 ^x>+- 2! generalise approximations Taylor f\"(0) k\\ Rn (x) \342\200\242 + + f'(0)x f(0) polynomial the full Maclaurin term = found. x\\ L the integral of functions and Mixed examination Q 4 practice /(x) = ln(l+ x). find the first four non-zero terms of the Maclaurin this expansion, find the exactvalue of the alternating first four the (a) Find (b) Hence (c) Using derivatives of series: the Find of ( x of cscx in expansion harmonic [7 marks] [5 marks] ascending powers *) up to and includingthe term 7cV ( in \\ . % 4j I (a) Find ^g series Taylor forf(x). 111 2 3 4 , Q series (b) Use the degree5 Maclaurinpolynomial e*2 sinx of the resultof part (a)to find tx2sinx-x lim ^^0 ^V (a) Find the Maclaurin series x3 term in x3 for to the up [6 marks] 2+x (b) Use the Lagrangeerrorterm that show the largest error occur could that polynomial to approximatef(x) for 0 < x < 1is using this when to 1 32* [7 marks] ^S (a) the Find and the terms series for Maclaurin xex, stating the first four non-zero general term. rx a Maclaurin find (b) Hence (c) Hence show that - -\\ Q Using Taylor's 1 3 2 ^S (a) Find a Maclaurin (b) Henceevaluate expansion e~*2 (a) Vl-*2 to within an error of 0.001. + [6marks] \342\200\224 forallxeR 24 2 ~ 1+ 3x4 x2 \342\200\224 2 5x6 + + 8 16 + 35x8 128 + lx3x5x-..(2A;-l)x2/: ^ \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 + k\\2k 4 Maclaurin 1* *p>\\ [8 marks] that Show 1 for e~*2. theorem, show that 2 Q [10 marks] Jo <cosx<l 1 correct dt. tef 6(4!) expansion dx I = l. 1\342\200\224 1 4(2!) series for and Taylor series (b) Find the radius (c) Hencefind VM (b) x = (i) (d) *->o estimate What (ii) (a) down series for x to arctan the = In by f(x) value estimation. error in your for the bound defined Write for made? have you upper function/is x7) tt. assumption (iii) Findan The x3 series (up to the term in Use your Maclaurin x-arctanx t t. lim evaluate TT (c) Hence J [12 marks] j\"f(t) dt for some function/ find the By integrating an appropriate powerseries, series of arctan x up to and includingthe termin x7. arctan x that Show (a) , stating the valuesof x for for arcsinx series a power power series. of this convergence is convergent. this which of [14marks] . constant term in the Maclaurin of the f(x). (b) Find the series Maclaurin derivatives three first up to forf(x) show that and hence off(x) and includingthe x3 x2 x3 2 3 the is: term + \342\200\224 x + \342\200\224 (c) Use this series to find an approximatevalue for In 2. (d) Use the Lagrangeform of the remainderto find for the error in this approximation. (e) How is this good upper bound as an estimatefor an bound upper the error? actual [17 marks] IB (\302\251 the series for (a) Using in form the e*, write the Maclaurin down 2008) Organization expansion of e2x Y^ifc k=0 (b) the Lagrange that Show error term, Rn(x) 2n+1 e Rn(x)<-\342\200\224-Xn+1ifO<*<- 0 + 1)! (c) that show Hence using 6 e2x, gives approximate satisfies i 2 terms of the expansionin an error of lessthan 0.0001 (a) to in the approximation of xe2x dx Jo (d) How less many than Topic 9 - Option: Calculus terms 10~9? are required to ensure the erroris [12 marks] '0> In this Differential as equations problems equations derivatives these \342\200\242 to solve differential involved velocity acceleration (as processes many you will course core have looked at and (as the rate of change of displacement) the rate of change of velocity).We can model in science by equations involving the rate of cooling of some variable,suchas populationgrowth and of bodies hotter than their surroundings.Newton's known Second change to that problems Law actually states that of changeof momentum.Tofind the these rates of change involves solving differential In this chapter we first learn to form differential with emphasis on real-worldapplications, and methods for solving different of differential types original by separating functions, \342\200\242 to solve a different type of differential well equation rate using by \342\200\242 to solve equations. another type of differential equations cover then it by equations. through multiplying by three equation a function solutions \342\200\242 to approximate to differential a differential solve we When equation derivatives involving this already the form the for case where equations To solve this integration:y Because of \342\200\242 to represent equations in series differential graphically. f(x). dy differential - equation \\3x2 dx equation all that \342\200\224 = 3x2. dx is needed is = x3 + c there is one solution to the differential equation. It could be a family of solutions: the more than one can be written Taylor dy example,considerthe differential As an and equation we work from an to one without. You have done the equation equations using Euler'smethod \342\200\224 = dx any differential up Setting a substitution from variable underlying equations the find the variables the to the is equal force and variables involving their the world real \342\200\242 to write In you chapter will learn: of constant of integration you find that 5 C XJ^\\ + d. Differential equations 123 The solution y the condition differential for told (0,2). example to solution equation. and the general solutionto We may also be given a boundary the curve passes through a point, allows us to narrow down the general solution - in this casey = x3 + 2. c is \342\200\224 x3 + that This particular called the Differential equations likethis areusedto solve rates of change and you often have to involving differential equation from the informationgiven There are several phrases you should recognise: KEY POINT problems a form in a question. 5.1 dy 'rate of change' meansthe derivative but other variables can be used) (sometimes 'proportional to x meansa constant \342\200\224, of x, multiple that is kx (k is a constant) 'inverselyproportionalto x 'rate orked example \342\200\224 means x means that the of decrease' is negative derivative 5.1 The rate of hair lossofa manis proportional to how much older than thirty he is. If he is born 20 000 hairs and has 200 000 hairsat the age of 30, when will he be bald? with the Define variables, units\342\200\242 including Let x minus The into an information the Turn sign indicates decreases of hairs equation the the equation by boundary age of \342\200\242 dx the integration conditions to find \342\200\242 When /. kx2 x = 20000 = 0 + 20000 = c x = > 180000 30,H - C Option: Calculus XJ^\\ + d. +c 0 + c = 200000 30x30 +20000 = 450k k= .'. + 30kx = 20000 0,H ^ When 2 200000 = -k\\ (302 9 in years = -k(x-Z>0) H = \342\200\242 constants Topic man x<30 when Use be the hairs when x>30 and increases Solve of number number the that the H be Let 400 H = -200x2 +12 OOOx + 20 000 continued, Interpret the requirement This is a by using * baldness for \\Ne need find x to when 0 = -200x2 x= quadratic equation. Solve it# the formula or a calculator Sinceage must 1. Findthe general 2. (c) (i) Find the 3sin2.x dx 3^_2e2*=0 dx dy dx differential following be + 20 000 (35F) positive 61.6(3SF) 4cos dx v3y (ii) 4e*\302\253-^ (ii) corx\342\200\224= = 0 dx dy o a = 3 equations: 4y = a \342\200\224 (ii) \342\200\224 = 2 cos2.x^- the of solution (i) +12OOOx 5A Exercise (b) 0 6Wor-W2 z = (a) (i) H = 1 dx particular solution of the following differential equations: (a) (i) (ii) \342\200\224 = x2+4 dx , y = 2when.x \342\200\224 = \342\200\224;^^=,y dx = \342\200\224 whenx 2 V4-x2 (b) (ii) (.x2+l)\342\200\224=2.x,;/= 0 when* dx (c) dy (ii) 2x\342\200\224= (i) -e3x^- (ii) e2x dx 1 dy 2 dx = 1 x2+l,7 = 3,;/ dy * \342\200\224 = 4, y (a) (i) The value of an = v2 = 1 when.x = l = 0when;c = 0 = 0 1 when x = \342\200\224 2 dx 3. =0 antique vase, in $, increases at a rate proportional to the time,in years, since it has been found. One year after it was found the value of the vase was $500 and it was increasing at the rate of $30 per year. Find the value of the vase 10years after it was found. 5 XJ^\\ + d. Differential equations 'a (ii) The distance,in of a m, from the top of a to the time, in s, is at the top of the falling object towerincreases a rate proportional it has been the object Initially 2 s the distance tower. from the top of the tower is 20m. the distance from the top of the tower at falling. After Find 3 s. after The rate of growth of a plant is inversely (t +1), where t is the time,in weeks, (i) (b) Initially the plant was 23 since to it was planted. its height tall and cm proportional increasingat the rateof5 cm/week. after 10 weeks. the Find was of height the plant of a mass The (ii) proportional the baby had baby increases at a rate to its age in months.When a mass of 4 kg, and was 5 kg. Find the massofthe 6 months old. (c) of a value The (i) car decreases at baby a rate of the age in years. The initial value two years later was \302\2433000. the value of the car which is t years old, old it it is when to its proportional car was \302\2434500, and Find the for equation old. of a new gamesconsole decreases The price month one 2 months when its value (ii) inversely at a rate proportional to the squarerootoftime, since it was released. Initially the games consolecost$350,and one month later it cost $300. Find the equation for the cost of the games console after inversely in months, t months. of variables Separation The second type of differential ableto solveis one that can ^ Technically this separation T is not mathematically ax the valid. However, -j- resulting correct answer. Is it important truth or a 126 more Topic 9 C XJ^\\ To solve \342\200\242 equations. a differential all the equation by separation x values on one sideand all the other sideby separate integrate + d. differential as 5.2 POINT full Calculus Option: separable \342\200\242 get the useful method? for you to variables get = f(x)g(y) solving such equations is called shall refer to these differential equations and \342\200\242 leads to the integration we variables KEY of need to be separationof for method The which you equation in the form: be written \342\200\224 dx both as multiplication if it sides. were a of variables: the or division fraction y values on orked 5.2 example Showthat the differential equation to the solution general dy -J--Xy-X dx written as y can be The + Aex2 -1 be written can equation if y > 1. dy in# form -f- the ax = f(x)g(y) y-1 divide variables: Separate and so use variables of separation by :x(y-1) dx j \342\200\242 by Then integrate dy=\\xdx j dx multiply ln|y-l| = x + \342\200\242 Rearrange e'mce I3ut y-1>0 = y-] . Since ec is relabel a constant, it A* as differential of of the = example,we changedfromexecto Aex on is a very common trickto convert constant to a multiplicative constant. the to do what 1 eo ex + Aex2 we equation In the above solution. line. This The next example shows conditions. boundary ex2 = Aex2 y Notice that when solvingthis type cannot simply add '+ c to the end c penultimate an additive from when you are given orked example5.3 Solve differential the givingyour answer cos2 equation form y in the t~2y for dx 0< the in x < \342\200\224 given 2 -fdx of separation form so use J>dy=f J variables integration XJ^\\ + d. 4 -, 2 EXAM HINT coe2 x 2c \342\200\224 J dx coe2 \\e2ydy=\\eec2x x dx is another just \342\200\242 e2y =tanx the To keep constant. algebra simplewe can rewrite it as another such as c or C. + c 5 C = \342\200\224, y 1 dx e~2y constant Do the x = f(x). A = f(x)g(y) when that \342\200\224 can be# The equation written = x\342\200\224 Differential equations 'a continued... is a This to use place\342\200\242 conditions boundary to c find to get y as 71 \342\200\224 + e[=2tan =>c' = c' 4 e-2 = 2tav\\x .\\e2y Rearrange 2tanx + c' =^>e2y = convenient + 2y = \\n(2tanx = f(x) \342\200\242 instructed => y + e-2) 1 \342\200\224 I n(2 ta = e-2 + e- nx 2) HINT EXAM as sec2 x Writing recognisable integral. This it into turn should common is a a more trick. in Notice that the last exampleaskedfor the equation explicit form (y \342\200\224f(x)).If it had not done so it would have been to leave the answer in implicit form suchas acceptable + e-2. e2>/=2tanx Exercise 5B 1. Find the following differential form y \342\200\224 f(x) answer in the = 0whenx =0 your giving equations, of the solution particular simplified far as possible. (i) (a) 2.x2 dv \342\200\224 = dx ,y 3y dy (ii) (b) (i) = 1 \342\200\224 = 4xy2,y dx ^ = 2when;c = l = iZ>;/ x dx dy (ii) when* = 0 \342\200\224 = y -3x2y, - 3 when x - 0 dx 2. the particular You do equations. Find t (a) v /.x (l) .... (n) 128 Topic9 c Calculus Option: xj^\\ + d. dy -^- = solutions of the following not need to give the equation sinx ^ , ,;/ = 0 when.x = dx cosy dy = -^- sec2.x dx sec2 y ^ t ,;/ = 0 whenx 71 \342\200\224 3 = 71 \342\200\224 3 differential fory explicitly. as (b) (i) 2(l + x)^- = dx (ii) (l + - 2x^/1 dx =0 = 0whenx y2,y \342\200\224 = x2) y2 ,y = 0 when x = 0 2ex+2>/,;/= 0when.x= 0 -^ = (i) (c) l + dx -J-= (ii) 3. the Find of the solution general following differential form y \342\200\224 simplified f(x) in the answer your giving = 2 when.x = 0 e*-^, 7 dx equations, as far as possible. (a) (i) (i) (b) = 2^ dx 3x2 (ii) -1^ x\342\200\224 (ii) dx -stcy (c) (i) = + 3) x(y (x-l)\302\243 Solve the Q differential Give your dN = that Given = xy - 2y(1 k is + y x) given that answer in the form y - where \342\200\224kN, +y2 {l-x2)^- \342\200\224 = dt N = -\\ dx dx x-Xy-\\. 2* cscx\342\200\224 (ii) equation = dx y2 a positive when [6 f(x). marks] constant, show that Ae~ [6 marks] Find the generalsolution dy 4 = y2, giving x \342\200\224 that 2y - = yy \342\200\224 = and that 4 /\342\200\224\342\200\224 dx \\l-x2 k is where + \\/l-x2, xyfk equation your answerin the form y dx Given that differential the of - x = \342\200\224 when [6 marks] f(x). show \342\200\224, 2 2 a constant to be found. [7 marks] differential Homogeneous equations A differential homogeneous ' dy dx For t example dy y2 \342\200\224^= ^\342\200\224 dx x2 and is one equation Z yx x2 , \342\200\224^dy dx of the form: = + y2 \342\200\224 are , both , , homogeneous 2xy because dy dx f dy = _l(x2_ and ^- ^7 dx V.xy 2 f_\\ xy 1 respectively. xy 5 r^ **. Differential equations 129 'a The first can we already second a new requires separating variablesbut the approach. 5.3 KEY POINT differential homogeneous Any solve by to a variablesseparabledifferential already) by makingthe can be equation (if it equation variable of change converted is not (or substitution): y-vx Here v variable is a we must substitution replacing and not a constant, so in be sure to differentiate making the this when product \342\200\224: dx d , dy v -^--\342\200\224(vx) dx dx -x\342\200\224 + dx (vxl) V ; dv \342\200\224 X hV dx We will use this method to solvethe secondequation given above. orked Find example 5.4 solution of the general Once we realisethat It homogeneous. we use the dx we variables we x2 H~ \342\200\224 v2 dv \342\200\224 = 2xy can't x, y separate consider whether is (see above) of variable change Change everything into > 0 the# in tl le form y2 = Let y = vx it is and so = vx y vand x# = Ther\\s^dx including -f- and then f(x). simplify \342\200\224(vx) } dxK dv ax \342\200\224 + v x \342\200\224 dx and eo, dv + v = X \342\200\224 x2+(vx) 7^^ dx dv X \342\200\224^ 2x[vx) xz+vzxz 1 V \342\200\224 2vx2 dx dv + v = => x \342\200\224 dx 130 Topic 9 - C Option: Calculus XJ^\\ + d. \\ + v2 2v continued... dv = =^>x\342\200\224 v 2v dx dv X \342\200\224/ \\-v2 \342\200\224 2v dx Separate the variables and solve as normal .'. \342\200\242 dv= \\ v2 \\ + \\\342\200\224dx jx h-v2 =^ -ln|l-i/2| = lnx => = ln^-C ln|l-^| 1 =^> - v2 = e + C x lnl c A X yz _ ^-* vwith Replace A X x2 -y2 => =^__~_y2 = Ax - x(x - ^) Exercise 5C 1. Use a substitution general solution to find the \342\200\224 vxto y followinghomogeneousdifferential your answers in implicit form. (a) = (0 ax 0,) (i) (c) (i) dx \\x ...x dy -*- (n) \302\243.*\302\2612Z x dx dy = x\342\200\224 4y dx (d) (i) ^ cbc =^ + e~* 2 xy-y \342\200\224\342\200\224\342\200\224 x2 dx \342\200\224 3x x \\xj - dy (ii) = x\342\200\224 (n) -r = dx + y 2xy +* dx cos x leave may 4y ty_=(yX (u) y-\\-2 \302\243 You equations. the V*, (a) Find (b) Find the (a) Using ,.rr particular solution for Find the y . ., equation in the form y (b) dx a substitution differential = the equation\342\200\224 solution to the general = vx dy -*- dx = 3 whichy \342\200\224. x when x = e. [7marks] find the generalsolution x2 + y2 \342\200\224 x2 +xy . . \342\200\224, giving your to the answer \342\200\224 f(x). particular solutionwhich passesthrough (ljl)- the point [9 marks] 5 r^ **. Differential equations (a) (b) the term Define Show that xy 'homogeneous dy \342\200\224 - x2 differential equation. + y2 is a homogeneousdifferential dx equation. (c) Find the particular solution for which x = \342\200\224 4 when y giving your answerin the formy2=f(x). (a) (b) the differential Write j / cbc V-^y Hence find the \\ (a) dv 4jc \342\200\224 v ~\\~V dx 2x+ y-l (a) find your answer (b) value of v is the (i) The differential x= X-l>y = Y x = when equation + 3 A-\342\200\224 = Prove that if / dx a differential 9 Although toolsto y \342\200\224 not solve - c. = 0, y \342\200\224 3 giving m mar]csi equation l, show that dy \342\200\224 = = 2e. Show i = h fiy)' dy 1. r2 \342\200\224 1nx ]ny dx has a particular ~ that dv f , the v Option: i-A Calculus 1. figures. substitution y-vx marks] produces in variables separable differential r$ have the necessary such as: equation the left hand side(LHS) marks] equations we already homogeneous, a differential form. = ex dx Topic9 = Jfclnv-v -*- + 2xy ,2dy x2 because y \\x equation Linear \342\200\224 turns [14 ^ v ~h \342\200\224 x dx value of k to three significant find the 4jc dv \342\200\224 = differential equation. solution with x solution with x = e,yy Hence y whenx = e. v-2 has /(v) If k (ii) form the in solution of the differential dv dx \342\200\224 [8 marks] form /(x,y) in the A particular = x\342\200\224 x- a homogeneous into the particular Hence dx v ~h \342\200\224 = /^J. \342\200\224 = (b) 4jc marks] = the substitution that Show dv [10 general solution of the equation in thefbrm2ln|x| ^ equation l, is of a convenient form. We notice that of x2 and -^- the derivative derivative is the 2x dx of y, we have which means the differentiation Therefore can we has resulted from the product rule. (x2y) using equation equivalently as: an of a product write the that expression n \342\200\224(x2y)-tx dxK Now, we can integrate both sidesand to get: rearrange x2y\342\200\224\\txdx zx+C X1 differential equationwherewe cannot separate the variables, the LHS will often be more However, complicated. this method does suggesta way to deal with these cases. faced with a When Consider, in general, a first that above: differential order equation to similar & + p(x)y = Q(x) where and Q(x) P(x) linear differential Note that functions of x. This are just equation. is a function in if there as a is known dy of\342\200\224,we front can divide this form. dx through the equation by that We now wish to make the LHS as above;to do this we multiply function I(x): /(*)\342\200\224 + have that the form the LHS in proceed exactly as we that =>y only remaining From require. = The - I(x)P(x) 1 = f \342\200\224\342\200\224]l(x)Q(x)dx is to question decide on the function We need: r(x) = l(x)P(x) Kx) ^\\?-^-dx=\\p(x)dx J I(x) J => ln|/(x)| = Jp(x) dx =>I(x) r^ can l(x)Q(x) this work. This function we then here we above: j-(l(x)y) make by a l(x)Q(x) such that V(x) is chosen if I(x) product the equation through = to it of a derivative the l(x)P(x)y dx Notice to get function = ei I(x) is known as the integratingfactor. *c ... I(x) to 5.4 POINT KEY linear a first order Given & solve and equation: = Q{x) + p(x)y by the through multiply differential factor, l[x) integrating = eJp(x)<k, differential equation. the resulting orked example 5.5 where We differential the Solve to see check first x = \342\200\224 1 when y the 2 dx whether It the LHS is the* (although if isn't weren't there it would we start by dividing through to get the equation in the correct for applying the integrating the Find 71 xe sure not to miss the coex dy ^ dy e'mx \342\200\236 =o dx 2ye'mx now through multiply check that -j\342\200\224 (ycos2x) dx '= LHS the 3 coex coex ax by form \342\200\224 ^> (XX \\x) = JP(x)dx = e] _ ~-2\\r\\eecx\\ _ Jn(secx)- _ - sign on P(x) by cos2x is of the -\"deecx -(2tanx)y-- factor cos2 x pin x =coe2 We 71 =>-r-2y\342\200\224=\342\200\224 factor\342\200\242 integrating l(x) making = 3 for be). Therefore cosx 2y sinx 0. a product. of derivative dy \342\200\224 - cosx equation and* 5o, coe2x dy form (2coe2xtanx) ,y y V dx dx x = \"Scoex dx (2coexe'mx)y dx (ycoe2x) can now both sides* integrate y coe2 x = J3 coe x dx = Z)e'mx And finally we need and rearrange to the find into the constant form y C1 = f(x) = 0,y \\coe20 = '5emO 9 - c Option: Calculus + G(. +c => c = \\ =^y Topic + c =1 Since x :. 134 xeecx cos2x-p--2cosxsinx => coe2 We = 3coe2 x ycoe2 = eec2 = Z)e'\\r\\x + /\\ x(pe'mx +1) = \"5coex 5D Exercise 1. Use an integrating factor to find the followinglineardifferential -^- + (i) (a) dx dy + 2y = ex (ii) -^--4y dx -^- + ^- (c) (1) =\342\200\224 of dy -Jdx which has y Find the = 2xy dx Find the 3 dx (7?) do integrating 0 equation differential equation + y the point sinx \342\200\224 cos2 x and (1,1). that y we ignore factor? = ^l -2y-\\-\\ + [10 marks] \342\200\224 2 when x \342\200\224 0, [12marks] the constant of integration when finding the to differential the equation 1 dy\342\200\224 \342\200\224*- [12 x dx S (a) Usethe marks] equation terms of x. \342\200\224+ 2y dx [8 marks] through passes \342\200\224 cos x ^ dy the of Find the generalsolution .x = ex [8 dx Why equation ecosx x that find y in differential [8 marks] \342\200\224 \342\200\224 that + xy Given x3 particular solution of the lineardifferential \342\200\224 x2 - sin x + y dx +y linear \342\200\224 x-3 solution dy the = \342\200\224 \\. Findthe general \342\200\224 x dx general solutionto the differential \342\200\224 - x2 x \342\200\224 e when + ^- -^- secx (XzxLx)y= dx (n) Find the particularsolution of to each ex dy x2 x dx = \342\200\224 \342\200\224 (ii) ycotx-\\ dx solution general equations: \342\200\224 (b) (i) the z substitution \342\200\224 \342\200\224 to transform marks] the equation dy + -^xy = xy1 dx into (b) Solve (c) Find y a linear the the resulting equation, particular solution \342\200\224 \\ when x and z. writing z in terms of x. to the original equationthat differential equation in x \342\200\224 1. [14 has marks] 5 r ^ 4a. ... Differential equations I 135 J the substitution z \342\200\224 or y2 (a) Using solve the otherwise, equation x dx given form y \342\200\224 \342\200\224 -5. 4, y Give your answer in the \342\200\224 f(x). to find the generalsolution substitution Use another (b) x when that the to equation dy + tan cos y \342\200\224 x sin dx to Approximations Although we can now a good solve y = sin x [15 marks] solutions number of first order there will still be some that cannot be In these cases of an exact algebraicexpression. is possible to find an often numerical approximation very good to the solution. differential solved We equations, in terms two consider will based \342\200\242 a method curve solution a Taylor forming here: on using the gradient of pointsaround to move closer and closerto the solution value of particular \342\200\242 such methods it the at a x to approximate polynomial the solution curve. Before representing a differential Given to such solutions methods, we will look at differential equations graphically. of these first the developing equation: \302\243=/<*>> we can find the gradientat putting thesevalues we Although could oix-a pick choose integer-valued For example, given the point (a,b) by simply - b into the equation. any coordinates for this, it is easiestto any given and y points. differential equation: -J!-= X-y2+2 dx we can find the gradient at ^ dx Topic 9 - Option: Calculus = the point (2,3): 2-32+2 = -5 'a this Continuing up a table for a process range of coordinates,we can build the gradient showing ~ -1 0 1 0 -4 -3 0 y 2 3 1 2 0 3 4 3 -1 0 -1 2 -2 represent the gradientat by drawing the tangent at that point: here from graphically we can \\ \\ \\ \342\200\224 / \\ \\ X / / / + / / X \\ each point - i X KEY points: -2 1 -3 -1 And various at i \\\\ - \\ 5.5 POINT A plot of of a field the tangents at all points (x,y) is calledthe differential equation. From the slopefield, we can solution curves that correspond To do so we just observe two construct then to different slope approximate initial conditions. rules. Solution curves: 1. the follow direction of the tangents at each point 2. donotcross. 5 c xj^\\ + d. Differential equations f - 137 'a The slight drawback hereis that, without finding enough in some detail, it can be difficult tangents to form the slopefield to get a good impression of what the solutioncurves should look like, and of course, it is very time to generate consuming the tangents of points. number a large at However, the processof generating easier by the finding the between relationship can be field slope all points with made the samegradient. 5.6 POINT KEY on which all points have known as an isocline. A curve the In dy \342\200\224 = dx same gradient x - y2 + is c. some constant c for dy \342\200\224 = above, with example 2 the isoclineswill be by: given c set isoclines find To the \342\200\224 x \342\200\224 => y2 y2+2 - 0 \342\200\242 c \342\200\224 c. isocline corresponding on the Therefore, + 2 \342\200\224x (y2 = x + 2),the tangents at every to: will have point gradient 0 \342\200\242 c = 1 (y2 = x +1), the tangents at every point will have gradient 1 and so on. This us to allows having to fill Todothis, we each isocline gradient. 138 V Topic 9 - C Option: Calculus XJ^\\ + d. in the first and dense slope field quickly of table we used above). sketch a sort sketch a few draw arrows (and without then go along corresponding to the appropriate isoclines, and 'a this Using reconstruct by starting moving points the family construct then can We slope field and solutioncurves, of the idea of solution curves: we can relating to a particular initial condition point (x0,y0) of the initial conditionand then in the direction of the slopefield to other step-by-step the curve at the that lie approximately on the solution curve: (xo,yo) I Step this Obviously, lengths but and only i \\ \\ curve, length 1| - \\ an approximation gives can be the = accuracy more of them: to the solution improved by taking smallerstep Oo,?/o) IStep length = 0.51 5 Differential S>, + 0,. equations 139 'a This follows. as summarised KEY POINT 57 Given the differential equation: \342\200\224 = at the mo = \342\200\242 Move - y) with y fix, dx \342\200\242 Start method and canbe as Euler's is known process point (x0,y0) and find the gradient step h in the a fixed x-direction and calculatethe from the y-direction k in the distance k = field: Using x0 f(x09y0). corresponding gradient of the slope \342\200\242 x = when y0 new the (xo, point m0h k) repeatthe above. (x0 +h,y0+ Vo) - \\ \\ I / Jr = 0.25 length Step \\ \\ - \\ the Continuing approximate orked the above generates solution curve. a sequence of points that 5.6 example UsingEulers a step with method length of 0.25, approximatethe solution,;/, ofthe equation -J!-=X-y2+2 dx when x = 1,given the Find that at the gradient (0, 1) by \342\200\224 1 when y substituting differential The x step length point* the into so this* gives x1 immediately corresponding = mx find the y-distance and add 140 Topic 9 C Calculus Option: XJ^\\ + d. \342\200\224 0. Give your answer to 3SE x0=0, y0=1 m0=0-\\2+2=\\ equation is 0.25 Usingy x to y0 Xi=0 + 0.25 = 0.25 yl=1 + (1x0.25) =1.25 differential continued... the Find at the gradient (0.25, 1.25) by point# so# is 0.25 find x2 by adding this step length until process It be may y1 the above \342\200\242 reached. to record the information in a table to keep track of the calculations, but for decimals record lengthy only few decimal first the and use the your calculator in X y m 0 1 1 0.25 1.25 0.6375 0.5 1.421 375 0.5-1.4213752+2 = 0.47327 0.75 places 1.421375 + (0.47327 = 1.54144 on button ANS x 0.25) + (0.6875 = 1.421375 x = 1 is helpful = 03 the add to with = 1.25 and y-distance continue y2 + 0.25 =0.25 x2 to x1 Using y = mxfind Now + 2 = 0.6875 -1.252 equation The x step length corresponding = 0.25 into substituting the differential m, subsequent 1.54144 1 + calculations (0.37395 x 0.25) 0.75-1.541442+2 = 0.37395 x 0.25) = 1.63493 to 3SF* Round y(l)\302\2531.63 |n the exam you can start a table We differential to knowledgeof Given equations, from series Taylor a differential such as th.s second method of approximating look at the now will solutions fitting.\" using our 4 of this option. this time chapter ^^ngoteach stage. equation x = with x0,y = y0 \302\243=/M we can form a Taylor pointx = y = y(Xo) xQ given the solution, y, about Taylor <^[ series looked at in 4D. were Section <^[ + y^(X-Xof+. y>(Xo)(X-Xo)+>^(X-Xof this Truncating the boundary condition: + where y(x) meansy (usually for series in the 3 or evaluated series to at the point x \342\200\224 x . a polynomial of somedesireddegree an approximationto the solution 4) will produce as required. The only difficulty can be done here is in finding the derivatives, by successivelydifferentiating equation with respect to x: This differential y\\y'\\y\"\\... the original 5 c XJ^\\ + 01. Differential equations 'a d fdy = y dx y\"=\342\200\224\\\342\200\224{f(x>yJ) dx vdx as required, beforeevaluating = x0,y y0. so on = and atx each NB.To differentiate/^,;/) herewe will technique of implicit differentiation. The solution of a differential = -\302\243 can be to use the 5.8 POINT KEY need derivative x = f(x>y) by forming approximated x0,y = a Taylor y0 for y polynomial point x: about the y equation: = + y'(x0)(x-x0) y(x0) y\"M + ^(*-*o)' 2 , 3! 2! whereyf\\yff\\ etc. can (*0) + ym be found by the original differential equation (x-x0f +... successively differentiating respect to x. with orked example 5.7 a Taylor Find of degree polynomial 3 to approximatethe solution dy \342\200\224 = dx this use and a Form to find polynomial point x = l, the To do the# initial given point. will need we this y2, x = l,y = 0 an approximation of y(1.1)to 4DP. about polynomial Taylor x2 + y(i) =o y'(l) = 12+02=1 y(l),y'(l),y\"(l)andy\"'(1) We are given y(l) we can and immediately evaluate y'(l) x = substituting \\y = 0 by into the differential equation then We yw(l) by need first to find Use the y\"(l) and## the differentiating differential rule chain equation for \342\200\224 dx 142 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus S>, + 0,. of (y2) :2x + 2yy' the differential equation continued... Evaluate at x = l,y Follow the same = chain * /. * procedure for the product rule Apply =1 0,y' + (2x0xl) (2xl) = 2 the# to yy rule = =2 Similarly, y'\"(l) and y\"(1) = + yy\ + 2(y'y' 2(l + (y')2 .-. y'\"(l) = 2(l + + yy'j 12+(0x2)) = 4 Now form the \342\200\242 Taylor polynomial Therefore the Taylor polynomial of degree + y~y(i)+y'(i)(x-i)+^(x-i)2 = 0 + 1(x-1) = (x-1) + ^(x- -i)s + -(x-1)2+-(x-1)3 + -(x-1)5 (x-1)2 3 So -1.1-1 + y(1.1) 3 is o (1.1 -1)2 - 0.1107 + -(1.1 3 - if Exercise 5E 1. Use value approximate differential (a) step length h - 0.1to find of y when x = 0.4forthe following s method with Euler an equations: (i) (ii) (b) (i) ^ = x2-y2,y = dx latx = 0 dy dx = 2 at x \342\200\224 = + y), y ln(x -^-/ dx = dy (c) (i) (x+ y)\342\200\224= dx (ii) (x + = y)\342\200\224 dx 3x2 = 0 = lat.x sin(.x2),;/ (ii) ~^--y- 2ex,y= dx - 0 0 + y2,y e^02^,7 0 atx- = 2atx = 1 =0 atx = 0 5 *V - ^ y*A + d. Differential equations 1 2. For the following differential isoclines hence and and (ii) &-2X-, \302\243-\302\243 ax ax dy (b) (i) \342\200\224 = dx that = (ii) 2x-y2 (ii) y dy ^ \342\200\224 = xy + dx 2x ^ = x2+ y-3 dx polynomial of degree 3 about the pointx the solution of the following differential a Taylor Find #y dx (c) (i) ^ 3. the slope field these construct by sketching curves. solution (a) (i) equation of the find the equations, approximates equations: (a) (i) -f- ax = y2-x, y0 (ii) (l + 2x)\342\200\224= dx x + = l at x0=0 \342\200\224 = (b) (i) (ii) sinx \342\200\224 + ycos.x For the differential x0=0 \342\200\224 2 atx0=-7l ;/2, y0 = V2 = dx Q at 2 y0= cosx-siny-\\-x2, dx - 4y2, y0 = atx0= \342\200\224 4 equation \302\243-(>+ix*-3) (a) Give the (b) Construct equations of the isoclines. the slope field. (c) Sketch the solutioncurves. (d) What can to initial For the the say about you the solution curvecorresponding x = condition = \342\200\224M Qyy [9 marks] differential equation dy _ (x + y) xy + dx with y \342\200\224 \\ when method Eulers \342\200\224 use x 0, to find an approximatevalue 2 x=l. when ofy with correct to three decimalplaces. Consider the differential step h = length 0.2 answer Give your [9 marks] equation dx boundary conditionx = Use Eulers method with h = with the (a) value ofy when (b) Solvethe differential (c) (i) Find the part lyy 0.1 to Topic 9 1 ^ - Option: *i.v%ft Calculus find an approximate x = 1.3. equation. percentage error in your from approximation (a). (ii) How can this error be decreased? 144 = 0.3. [14 marks] The function y f'(x) = x2y with f(x) satisfies /(o) = 0.5. \342\200\224 the differential equation Use Eulers methodwith step length h = 0.25 to find an approximatevalue of/(l). accurate? (ii) How can your approximationbe mademore Solve the differential equation and hencefind the actual (a) (i) (b) value of/(l). (c) Sketch the graphof your your approximationfrompart (a) value of/(1). 0 For the (a) (i) differential (l + equation to explain why than the actual use it and solution is smaller [17marks] x)y' = y2 + ex Show that: y =: y'(2y-\\) + zx x 1+ \\2 x l + also that y = 1 at x = 0, find polynomial about x - 0to approximate (ii) Given (b) Hence find at solution. an approximationto the solution [12 marks] equation -^- dx2 with boundary conditionsy Find Taylor degree the x = 0.1. Consider the differential (a) a 3rd an expression for = 6xe~x = 3 dy \342\200\224 in approximate ofy when dy \342\200\224 = step 1 when dx terms dx (b) Use the Eulermethodwith value and x = 0. of x. length x\342\200\224\\. 0.2 to find the [12 marks] 5 Differential r ^ +c ,, equations i 145 Summary \342\200\242 'Rate 'Proportionalto x a constant means but (sometimes\342\200\224, dx of x, that multiple k means to x proportional Inversely dy the derivative means of change' can be variables other used). is kx (k is a constant). \342\200\224. x means that the of decrease' 'Rate \342\200\242 A differential of the equation 1 \342\200\242 A differential differential \342\200\224 vx turns y ^ solved by separation can be f(x)g(y) dy = the form \342\200\224 / dx (V\\ \342\200\224 is called \\xj differential \342\200\242 A linear \342\200\242 Linear differential of the into Drawing a slopefield of variables: a homogeneous equation. An isocline the all differential equation. the same conditions. initial the gradient. equations at a given point states that to differential equation: \342\200\224 = withy f(xyy) dx = y0 whenx \342\200\224 x0 point [x0>y0) and find the gradient m0 = / [x0,y0). a fixed step h in the x-directionand calculate the corresponding - Start at the - Move factor: integrating solution curvesto a differential approximate solutions of a field slope determined by have tangents by the through l(x)Q(x). curves are solution approximating differential = construct us to enables is a curve on which Euler's method for y) variables separable = Q(x). dx at all points (x,y) is calledthe different These (x) \342\200\224(/ dx tangents + as \342\200\224 P(x)y solved by multiplying can be equations This turns the equation plot can be written equation equations into differential homogeneous differentialequations. given \342\200\224 = equation. \342\200\242 A substitution A form can be written in which equation is negative. derivative distance k in the y-direction from the gradientofthe slopefield: k) repeat the above. Using the new point (x0 +h,y0+ k = m0h. - The solution of a differential equation \342\200\224 = f(x,y) can be y where by forming approximated y'\\y'\"-> = y(x0) etc. + y\\x0)(x-x0) can be w.r.t. x. Topic 9 - a Taylor Option: Calculus withx = x0,y polynomial + ^(x-x0)2 found by successivelydifferentiating = y0 for y + about the point xQ: >^(x-x0f+... the original differential equation Mixed examination on Sketch (a) 5 practice graph paper the slope field for the differential equation dy ax and points (x,y) wherex e {0,1,2,3,4} y e {0,1,2,3,4}. sketch the curve that passes through the point (b) On the slope field (0,3). Solve the differential to find the of this curve. (c) equation equation at the Give form y in the answer your \342\200\224 [14 marks] f(x). IB (\302\251 (a) For the differential equation . . dy ^ + ysmx + zy* cosx^dx and the boundary condition y this Use (b) = 1 at =0 ^ 0, find a 3rd degreeTaylor close to x = 0. the solution at to approximate polynomial x= the solution to approximate polynomial 2007) Organization x = 0.2. Give your [9 answer to 3 significantfigures. differential the Solve equation = x2 \342\200\224 3xy dx given that A y that curve = 2. Give at x = 4 marks] passes through + 2y2 in the answer your the point (1,2) is form y = f(x). by the defined [9 marks] differential equation \342\200\224 = + x2-y) 2x(l dx (a) (i) UseEulers methodto get of 0.1. steps taking an value approximate ofy when x = 1.3, steps to four decimal placesin Show intermediate a table. (ii) How can a more accurateanswer (b) Solvethe differential form y = f(x). Consider the giving equation, (a) x Use the the value answer method? in the equation - Axy - e2 \342\200\224 0. Euler method with ofy your Euler s using marks] differential \342\200\224 4 when obtained [14 dy dx with y be when x step lengthh \342\200\224 0.05 to find an approximation to \342\200\224 0.2. 5 Differential equations 'a (b) Usethe integrating hence the (c) How canthe value exact find to solve method factor of y when equation and x=l. values the between difference the differential found in (a) and (b) be decreased? marks] differential the Given [17 equation -*- = y ,2dy xz dx condition y=latx=l: with boundary Show that (a) (i) + y \342\200\236 y'(l-x) / =\342\200\224\342\200\224^~. a degree Find (ii) + xy 2 Taylor polynomial closeto x \342\200\224 1 to approximate the solution. (iii) Hence find (b) = y (c) f(x). the true solutionat 5 decimal places. the Find 1.1. equation exactly, giving your answerin the form Hence find (ii) solution at x = to the approximation the differential Solve (i) an error in your percentage x = 1.1, giving your answer to approximation, to [17 2 significantfigures. Given that 1 dy y2 +1 2 dx x2 +1 \342\200\224\342\200\224 = marks] and that y = 0 when x = 0, express y in terms of x. Q Solve [9marks] differential the equation dy XV (l + x)\342\200\224\342\200\224 y -xt x V Jdx given thaty = 1 at x \342\200\224 0. Give your answer in the form y \342\200\224 f(x). [9 marks] (a) Show that dy x^-dx is a homogeneous differential (b) 148 Topic 9 - > 0,y > 0, find givingyour answer If x Option: Calculus XJ^\\ + d. the + : lny-lnx equation. general in the x y solution form yey,x = to the f(x). differential equation, [11 marks] and Summary examination mixed practice revisited problem Introductory a wedding Consider cake with four layers: fc^o Each has layer third a of 1. The first a thickness radius of 1 and the layer a radius fourth of the cakeand the volume needs a radius 1 of 1, the seconda radiusof -, of\342\200\224. the surface area (excluding the bottom of the first layer) that with icing. covering Now imagine there areinfinitely to the cake. What can you say many layers of the cake and the surfaceareathat needs now? icing each layer of the cakeis a We note that the 2 1 4 3 Find has \\2 = cylinder so the volumes will be about the volume given by: -71 y,=\342\200\236x|-jxi 2 V, = V 7C X | - I Xl = Xl = -TIXI-I 71 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 6 Summary 3T*a* +*. and mixed examination practice 149 'a ,V = V1+V2+V3+V4 = 71 = 71 71 71 71 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 22 42 32 .11 l l 1 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 + + + 42 32 22 this series Continuing which we now infinitely layered know to many layers we get V infinitely be a convergentp-seriesand ^^\342\200\224, k k=\\ volume of this that the can conclude we so - is finite! cake If we did not know could say: with cake the for this (or if result p-series we did and wanted an upperbound L1111111 .22 I1) U2 + I(1) 2 I TC|1 f + I(1) 4 82 72 volume) we 4 + J + J_+. 42 42 +- = 71-11 + -f- + -+-f2l2 4U 2) = 62 52 J_+J_+J_+_L + <^1+|i+l the 1 42 32 22 [ on 42) - + -- + ... -+ 4) 8U 4 + . U2 I+ ... + I(1) + ..l 8 J \\ 1 -K (sum of a geometric sequence) 2; v = 271 way the Either volume is finite (and < 2tt). In fact it can be shown that ^i 1 ^77 = the surface areaof eachcylinder If we deal first with we get together the the tops circle full sameno matter how of each layer, of radius layers many which Topic 9 - c Option: Calculus xj^\\ + 01. down looking 1; that is up of the top and the sides. from above we a total surface areaof 71 see that x 7T \342\200\224\342\200\242 6 when l2 = 71. This taken will be the we have. We can also establishthis in a moreformalway the circular area of the top ofthe cylinder minus 150 is made = 6 k=lk Now for 7lz \342\200\224so V by noting the that circular the top of each layer is area of the layer above. made up of 'a T2 = ri = -(irxay) (*xay) (7rxl^)-(7rx(i)2) So, Tx = X l2 ) (tT - -1 7IX[ 2\\ 2\\ T2 = icxil *XI3 J 1 7TX T3=\\kx ) 2 - nx Td= A - / 2\\ - 7TX| 5 ( (l\\2^ .-.r = (7cxl2)-hex V V (all other v5y ) with n layers, terms between cancelout) 2\\ = i-i 71 i ) The same pattern of cancellation will occur cake the for leaving us with just: 2\\ l- r=7c w Then letting n^oo so we have for the layers many infinitely + l cake, T = limT\342\200\236 w = = To finish we need cylinder is given by to add to 71 (l (0)2) 2^ 1 1- = 7llim + 1 (algebra of limits) 71 this the surfaceareaofthe sides cylinders (curved surface area of 2nrh). 6 r^ of the **. Summary and mixed examination practice 151 Sx = 271 X1 X1 = S2 = 271 x 271 - x 1= \342\200\224 2 2 S3 = 271 1 , 271 --xl = \342\200\224 x 1 =\342\200\224 x 3 3 S4 = 271x - x1 \342\200\224 = 4 4 /. 5 =^ + 52 + 53 271 271 271 = 271 + + + this series the for with cake +- 3 4 2 many layers we get, infinitely S = 2ttYk=\\ know to we now which areaof sidesis the Therefore eat but of each top be a divergentp-seriesand layer is finite (total tt) l o d1 + -l + -l 271 ^ Continuing 4 3 2 = + 54 the so total K we conclude surface though the surface including the areaofthe that even area when infinite. we have a cake with finite volume but infinite could not find enough icingto cover... is, a cake that algebraically; that is, if the sequence{an}converges to surface area; that we could Summary \342\200\242 Limits as expected behave a limit a and the sequence [bn] to a limit b, then: lim( + pan = limaw lim(anbn) = pa +qlimbn qbn)-pliman + qb forp,qe. = ab limbw lima,, a - = \342\200\224 when 1limfr, b \342\200\242~~{bn) b # If the sequence{a\342\200\236} diverges, and liml = 0 limU a, n \"-+*>{ \342\200\224 = | 0 then for some constant c e ] oo J usually necessaryto manipulatean into a form where the numerator and denominator have finite limits so that the algebra of limits can be applied. This can often be achieved by dividing through by the highest power of n. It is both If a sequence is sandwichedbetween then limit, The that sequence Theorem: Squeeze if we have sequences < \302\243l < cM aM \"n \342\200\224 n then -L \\imbn Topic9 v Option: i-A Calculus other both of which convergeto the same sequences, and must convergeto thelimittoo. two is squeezed for all n e Z+ {<?\342\200\236},{bw} and limaM and {cn} = limcM that such = L < \302\260\302\260 If for sequence any thelimitofthe yn If we find the limit we write lim/(*). If so by do we to exist at f(xn) and a sequence that x0 point. Theorem and lim/(*) functions Given = lim- x^a g(x) lim^-\342\200\224 x^a g (x) x\342\200\224>a that provided = 0 or limf(x) = the Both point x0 if the value f(x0) must existfor To show that a function The function is said to be continuous The of a derivative Or equivalently If not, For a - then A is not that Theorem Rolle's Fora function X at x0 is differentiable ^ \302\260\302\260 x0 must that +c (and into limit continuous there. x for which \342\200\224> but xQ points of its domain. by f'(x0) f(x +h)- ) f(x \342\200\224-\342\200\224\342\200\224 = lim exists. i at that a point hence not be point. x0: lim f(x) must already exist) x^x0 ) i vertical. that point. functions statesthat: is continuous ,, - oo ' f(x0) at all at a point, is continuousat exist ' form 0 x oo'or' <^ a sequence find is given on an interval [a,b] and differentiable a point ce ]a,b[ such that 6 r of a point a and XQ at for differentiable - f(b) then theremust if f(a) oo - is not differentiable at = to be \342\200\224-\342\200\224\342\200\224 if the have a 'sharp point' at x0 to f(x) f(x), 0 = g (x) of the f(x) f(x) ) f(x fix]- ^^^o f(x) must be continuous function lim function f(x) at the point x0 the function the tangent 5 \342\200\224 : and x\342\200\224>a limits is continuous if it by f'(x0)= lim must not C Q x^x0 continous at a point xQ, function f(x) to be differentiable f(x) the limit exists. the latter at the is continuous and limit for (x) g f(x) \342\200\242 \342\200\224 neighbourhood lim x\342\200\224>a be necessary to manipulate functions that have Rule can then be applied. quotients so that l'Hopitals function f(x) coincide as well. ' < functions in the differentiable are It may A xQ from below, that approaches limits of functions of the form that = lim lim f(x) x\342\200\224>a then \342\200\224> and lim f(x) X^Xq~ the algebraoflimitshold for and g(x) f(x) g(x)^0, if either: = X^Xq+ Rule to find use L'Hopital's can xn If they lim f(x) = We sequences we write lim above from two find a sequence having approaches X^Xq The Squeeze by y same limit. from aboveand thelimitfrombelowto existand do then: the limit that f(yn) x a point to the tend not do function at point of a having both need We R is said to be L e \342\200\224> L, then thatf(xn) of a function does not existat which for \342\200\224> x y but have \342\200\224> x0 we xn function. the limit that show To such that {xn} Summary f'(c) and on ]a,b[, = 0. mixed examination practice i 153 \342\200\242 The is a generalisationof Rolles Theorem that Theorem Value Mean For a function f(x), must exist that \342\226\240f 11%\\ \342\200\242 The c e ]a,b\\ a point the area under a curve).Fora -f ( \\ . f'(c) b-a links the conceptsof differentiation of Calculus Theorem Fundamental (to find such that and differentiateon ]a,b[,there interval [a,b] on an is continuous that: states function continuous f(x) and on the integration interval [a,b\\ \302\261rf(t)dt=f(x) dxJa and for function any such that g'(x) g(x) = f(x) rb = J a f(x)dx \342\200\242 The g(b)-g(a). integral improper /\342\200\242oo dx = f(x) is convergent(exists) \342\200\242 Convergence known - a (does not of improper integrals can be established with comparison by < < > if or that 0 for all x a then: is, convergent divergentintegrals; f(x) g(x) f(x) dx is convergentif g(x) dx poo J Otherwise the integralis divergent is finite. limit f(x) dx or divergence |\302\273oo J if the *b lim 1 poo \342\200\242 \342\200\224 dx only converges If j |/(x)|dx if is divergent poo Ja for p converges, then poo I g(x) dx other is convergent. f(x) dx is divergent. > 1. so does I f(x) dx. functions integrals of increasing functions or decreasing of width 1. many rectangles Improper exist). can be approximated by the sum of infinitely - For a decreasing function f(x) for all x > a, we have For an increasing function upper and lower sum such that: k=a k=a+\\ - an g(x) for all x > a, we an have upper and lower sum such that: fJg(k)<[g(x)dx<fjg(k) k=a+\\ k=a The nth partial sum, S , of a seriesis the sumofthe first Sn = An series infinite to converges converges + un u1+u2+-~ to S if the sequenceofits partialsums Sl,S2,S3,S4,... S. *k k=\\ 154 Topic 9 - Option:Calculus n terms: \342\200\242 Test Divergence If limuk ^ 0 or if thelimitdoesnotexist, \342\200\242 is divergent. \\uk Test Comparison of positive terms ^Jik two series Given series the and ^bk k=\\ - to a limit S, ^Jik is alsoconvergent is convergent ^bk ak < that such k=\\ for bk then if: all k, k=\\ to T where a limit T <S k=\\ - so is ^bk Jk- is divergent, ^ak k=\\ k=\\ \342\200\242 Limit Test Comparison series of positive terms V% Given two and V/\\, k=\\ so does converges \342\200\242 \342\200\224 = / > 0, then if one series un k=\\ and if one seriesdiverges the other lim where so does the other. Test Integral /\342\200\242oo a positive Given - is is convergent then ^f(k) convergent x > 1,if J f(x) dx function f(x), decreasing k=\\ - then divergent ^f(k) is divergent k=\\ \342\200\242 An series alternating \342\200\242 Series Alternating alternately positive and negativeterms. is one with Test an alternating series ^juk: If for k=\\ - | uk+l | then \342\200\242 If < | uk the series S = ^jUk is I for all k e Z+ and lim | uk | = 0 is convergent. the sum of an alternatingseriesthat satisfies: k=\\ I then than uk+\\ | < | uk | taking the first n the absolute value of the (n + the error in f\302\260r aU as an terms keZ+ lim | uk and approximation | = 0 to S (thetruncationerror) is less term: l)th \\S-Sn\\<\\an+l\\ \342\200\242 A series ^juk is absolutely convergent if the series^| If a series ^uk w* | is convergent. k=\\ k=\\ is convergentbut ^J k=\\ uk | then is divergent, the series is conditionally k=i convergent. An absolutely convergent series is convergent. 6 Summary and mixed examination practice Ratio Test Given a series ^juk: k=\\ - < 1, then the seriesis absolutely Uk+l Iflim hence (and convergent convergent). Uk - Uk+l If lim > 1, then the seriesis divergent. Uk = 1, Iflim k^oo \342\200\242 A Test is inconclusive. infinite seriesof the form: is an series power the Ratio then ^jik(x-b)k=ciQ+al(x-b) + + a3(x-b)3 a2(x-b)2 H\342\200\224 k=0 It may converge: - all for - only for \342\200\242 The \\x e R+. such that a power seriesconverges J?gR+ the radius is called > R b\\ R \\x-b\\<R, where R R such that number largest - be value a single x g all for R x e - b < \\ |x for of convergenceofthe powerseries.It may R and be for diverges determined by the Ratio Test. If: - R = oo - R = 0 \342\200\242 The then then converges for all xgI the series b. converges only when x \342\200\224 the series of a power seriesisthe setofall of convergence interval converges. It always includesall pointssuch of that \\x - < R b\\ for points but may which the series also include end point(s) any interval contained interval. this be differentiatedor integratedtermby series can A power within its interval of convergence. is an series \342\200\242 A Maclaurin over term infinite polynomialwhich matchesallthe derivatives of a function zero. \342\200\242 The for f(x) series Maclaurin is given by: no) 2! ^ik=Q The nth degree Maclaurin of the functionf(x) is given polynomial ,,,^.r(o)..\302\273. + /'(0)* +' \302\273 /W(Q)..\302\273-^. 4-^k=0 This full Maclaurin is the \342\200\242 The error term -**=/(0) k\\ in using an nth Rn(x) = l K^-x\" ^n+i (n \342\200\242 generalise approximations Taylor f(x) Topic 9 - Calculus Option: S>, + 0,. = f(a) n\\ n terms. Maclaurin degree ./(w)(Q)^ ; + +\342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 xn 2! series truncated at -xz by: is given polynomial for Some cg + 1)! Maclaurin series to by: ]0,x[ allow expansionabout + (x-a)f'(a) + -+i-^^f(\"ka) + RnM any point, a: at Lagrangeerror termRn where the Rn &+l\\c) = (x) is given (x) by - (x c e some for a)n+l a, x\\ (n + \\)\\ \342\200\242 '0' \342\200\224 form of the limits enable to provide a representationfor used to can be approximations Taylor Coo' \342\200\224 to be and 'Proportionalto x a constant means but (sometimes\342\200\224, dx of x, that multiple k means to x proportional Inversely dy the derivative means of change' of functions integral and found. 0 \342\200\242 'Rate the can be variables other used). is kx (k is a constant). \342\200\224. x means that the of decrease' 'Rate \342\200\242 A differential 1 \342\200\242 A differential \342\200\224 = ^ solved by separation can be f(x)g(y) can be written in which equation ov form of the equation is negative. derivative dy = the form \342\200\224 / i y i \342\200\224 is dx of variables: a homogeneous called \\xj equation. differential \342\200\242 A substitution differential equations into variablesseparable turns homogeneous y-vx differential equations. differential \342\200\242 A linear \342\200\242 Linear differential can be written equation = Q(x). dx solved by multiplying can be equations as \342\200\224 + P[x)y by the through factor: integrating l(x) = JP{x)dx A plot of the equation. An isocline y) - l(x)Q(x)- construct us to enables all differential the same conditions. initial the gradient. equations at a given point states that to differential solutions approximating solution curvesto a differential approximate have tangents differential equation. of a field slope determined by curves are solution is a curve on which Euler's method for the dx different These (x) \342\200\224(l at all points (x,y) is calledthe tangents Drawing a slopefield given into the equation turns This equation: \342\200\224 = withy f(x,y) dx point (x0,y0)and find = y0 whenx = x0 - Start - Movea fixed step h in the x-direction and calculate the corresponding = k from the ofthe field: m0h. slope y-direction gradient k) repeat the above. Using the new point (x0 +h,y0+ - at the The solution of a differential = approximated y where y'\\y\"\\ = y(x0) etc. can m0= gradient f (x0,y0). distance k in the equation -j7 can be the f{x>y)with by forming a Taylor + y\\x0)(x-x0) be found x = x<\302\273y= for y polynomial + yo about the point xQ: +... J-^(x-x0) +^\342\200\224^(x-x0) by successively differentiating the original differential mixed examination equation w.r.t. x. 6 Summary and practice 'a practice 6 examination Mixed differential the Solve equation -3x dy + ye~3x dx that given y = e~x Let f(x) x = \342\200\224 \\ when x = tan 0. Give your answerin the form the Maclaurin seriesfor = 2fix) W J 3x2+ -x4 y \342\200\224 f(x). [13 marks] x6 x and ex cosx, show that \342\200\242 \342\200\242 + \342\200\242 90 6 e (b) Hence find 0, 2.x. + cos (a) Assuming 71 for x e cos x 2.x-2 + cos lim [8 marks] [6 marks] [7 marks] x\" Find: xP-a? x^a xq \342\200\224 aq (a) lim -\\-x-' tx (b) lim- xJ x^O By considering the gradientsof In In n < n for n > 1. (a) (i) show Hence (ii) that vJ_ Zj i x and x, show that t. diverge ^es. &=2 (b) Use the InJfc Comparison Testto determinewhether k=3 or diverges. Consider y -2 the differential whenx dy = equation \342\200\224 dx ye~x of y 2 with the boundary condition = 0. (a) Use Eulersmethodwith value converges zli~T~ when x step \342\200\224 0.3. Give h = length your answer 0.1 to find an approximate to three decimal places. (b) d2y d3y \342\200\224 to find the valuesof \342\200\224\342\200\224 and dx2 dx3 Use differentiation when x - 0. (i) (ii) Find the Maclaurin the term in Hence (iii) when series can Topic 9 - Option:Calculus ^3, v*\\ + 01. up to approximation for the value improve approximationsabove. 158 for y, and including x3. find another x = 0.3. (c) Explain how you expansion the accuracy ofy of each of your [20 marks] 3 (a) the function b such that a and Find x<0 cosx+ a /(*)= \342\200\224 \342\200\224 0<x< +1 xsin\\ x) 71 2 71 I 1 \342\200\224 x> \342\200\224x2+b I 2 71 is continuous (b) Show that everywhere, at x is differentiate f(x) \342\200\224 \342\200\224 but at x not \342\200\224 0. [9 marks] 71 ^ Consider .i i.^r i differential the . equation .i dy = ^(9x+y)(4x+y) -^^-^ (a) can be written that this Show in ^- for x> 0. \342\200\236 x2 dx dy [ \342\200\224 = form the f\\ dx (b) Q Hence solve the formy - f{x). (a) Evaluate (b) Hence the equation,givingyour y \342\200\224 \\x in the answer [13 \342\200\224dx. integral improper show that the 'COS* improper integralJ dx exists x (is [10 marks] convergent). Q (a) Find (b) Show the (a) x5. |x|< 2: that, for Find up to the term in for sinx series Maclaurin sin.x-.xH 9 marks] [9 3! 15 marks] dx f\302\260\302\260 oo j (b) Consider whether determine Hence the differential and 4-x2 .x = \342\200\224 1 when y (a) Use Eulers methodswith of y when x=l, (b) (i) By first equation. (ii) Give 0. h \342\200\224 0.25 your giving finding your XJ^\\ + d. an approximate value decimal places. factor, solve this differential an integrating answer to find to two answer in the form y \342\200\224 f(x). Calculate, correct to 2 decimal places,the value when.x= 1. 6 C [8 marks] equation dx where | x | <2 or diverges. converges Zj~\342\200\224~ \342\200\224 1 k=2 , 'K In K Summary and of y mixed examination practice (c) of y the graph Sketch why your explain value for 0 \342\200\224 f(x) approximate <x value < 1. Useyour sketch is greater than the ofy to true marks] [24 ofy. IB (\302\251 2005) Organization 00 Q (a) Show (b) Find an (Q -\342\200\224 converges. number of terms it is necessaryto taketo ensurethat the minimum sum is correct to of this approximation integral J = the improper Consider (-lf+1k V the series that 1 7 A 1 Shmrtfaat OI1UW where (b) Hence A find (c) (i) Find the upperand partial (a) part for/. ~k2+?>k+2~ Hence evaluate the upperand \342\200\224 show that (d) Hence < In 12 ID limx sin (a) Find *->~ (b) in Determine (a) Use 1 -x 2 (b) 1x3 2x5 Determine divergent. 160 Topic 9 - Option: Calculus [15 marks] < \342\200\224. 11 \342\200\224 -1 the radius + sums. \342\200\224 \\\\\\) ^^/csinl \342\200\224 I , x2+ + ln(l [6 marks] or diverges. converges Taylors theorem to prove that (a) Find 2 n + 2 lower (b) By making an appropriatechoiceofx, ^3 few \\xj whether ^axa2 ...an< first 1 1 1 A (iii) out the and writing that: deduce sums, found. sums lower (ii) By using the resultin dx. of I. value exact the mark] x +2 to be constants B are and 1, 1 x + -\\-3x-\\-2 x2 [1 B \342\200\224 LIldL +2 + 3x x2 f0 (a) 1 decimalplace. x) < x. hence prove that: [9 marks] n- 2- n of convergenceof the infinite 1x3x5 2x5x8 whether , x3+ the series 1x3x5x7 2x5x8x11 ^sin| k~1 series: A x4+... y + kn ] is convergent or [15marks] ofthe powerseries: (a) Determine the radiusof convergence y(*-tf ft h (b) m (a) the set of all x points for which interval of convergence). (the the Using that Show for all real numbers 1integrating the inequality that show otherwise, for all or otherwise, t parts Using (d) or (a) and all positive 0 < s < integers n: |<1 4: >i [t, 2] or t < 2: >2-t J show that nln (e) for of part (b) over the interval real numbers t, such that 0 < \\ Hence [10marks] s, suchthat 4-t In (d) converges 4-5 S (c) By i + - series show that Value Theorem, Mean f 1 nln 1+ (b) the Find all positive for integers n: 2n 1+i,> 2n+ l n) otherwise, showthat: lim| 1+ - =e nj [19 marks] 2002) (\302\251IB Organization ^ (a) Find the degree5 Maclaurin f(x) = (b) (i) Show the function ex2 that f6) O) (c) for polynomial = (646*6+ 480x4+ 720x2+ 120)e^2 (ii) Show that/(6)(x) (i) Using the answer for all x > 0. is increasing to part (a), find an estimate for 2ex2dx Jo Give your answerto 5DP. (ii) Using part (b) and the Lagrange error term,placean this estimate. XJ^\\ + 01. bound on [18 marks] 6 c upper Summary and mixed examination practice 'a lim Answers 1 Chapter (c) (i) Exercise 1A 1. (a) (ii) (i) 3 0 (c) (i) (i) 3. -2 (ii) (ii) 4 (ii) 0 (b) f(x) lim f(x) does not lim f(x) does not exist lim/(x) = 0 lim f(x) does not lim /(x) does not exist (d) (i) lim/(x) 125 lim 2 1B Exercise =2 /(x) (a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 0 (d) 0 =2 lim/(x) = -7 lim/(jc) = -8 4. (a) 1 5. (b) 0 does /(x) (e) (i) lim/(x) x^x+ 3. (c) 1 lim f(x) lim f(x) (ii) lim/(jc) x^x+ (b) not exist =3 =3 x^xo (b) 1 a =e = 2 lim f(x) lim lnx<x lim (c) 3 (d) exist \342\200\224 (ii) 7. exist oof 5. 1 6. (a) = -oo lim f(x) 4. 0 1. = does not exist x^xo 27 (b) lim x^x+ \342\200\224 16 2. = oo x^xo (b) (i) (d) f(x) x^xo /(x) = 3 =2 = 2 x^xo (i) e (ii) That limit of function lim is /(x) = 2 function of limit. 1. (a) (i) lim/(x): 2/ 2. (a) 1C Exercise =1 /0*0 = 5 lim f(x) = 5 X^XQ lim /(x) lim /(x) (ii) lim f(x) X^XQ lim (b) (i) (ii) /(x) =5 = 1 ~3 _1 ~3 1 = (b) ~3 (c) lim/(x) = oo lim /(*) = \342\200\224oo /(x) lim f(x) = x^x+ lim/(jc) x^-3 (d) not exist \342\200\224oo Answers ^ \302\243 Sa + 0,. 2 4. a = -3 = 4 c=l 162 =-5 = -5,1 jc 3. (a) b = 6, Yes (e) <does lim lim/(jc) a\302\273i lim/(jc) = -l 5. (b) No; 6. (b) 4 7. (a) 1 lim/(jc) x- 2 1. (a) (b) -1 (c) Doesnot 9 (b) 2 8. IF Exercise exist 9. 0 10. exist not Does 1D Exercise 1. (a) (b) (i) (c) (ii) 1 (i) 2 (i) (ii) 6 471 1 \302\253\302\273! 2. (a) -2 < (d) 2 (e) oo 3. (a) 0 4. (a) -1 5. (a) (b) 6. (b) (b) Secondset c )f oo (c) differential -4 4 9 8. 0 9. -1 IE Exercise (ii) Yes Yes (a) (i) (b) (i) Yes (c) (i) No (d) (i) No (f) 2. (a) Yes (ii) Yes (ii) No (ii) No (ii) No (i) 1 (ii) (iii) Yes (f) jc= 1 0 Does not exist (iv)2 (vi)2 (b) (ii) (i) Yes (e) (i) 3. (c) 1 7. i. 0 All x (v) 2 e R exceptx = 0,1 L X k = -l 4. (a) a = -l,b (b) All x g =-2 (g) R except x = - 6. Consider such as C a sequence xfc=x0+-^\342\200\224 S>- + d. 4 y x^O 'a 30 3. 5. (b) /(l)*/(4) 12. (c) 0.732 13. Use and Theorem Rolle's induction. (b) 1 root. 15. xe] All UseRolles except x = 0 (c) All xeR 3.(a) examination Mixed 1. (a) a = 2, b 2. 1 e R except jc (c) All x 5. (a) e c = 5.b=16, 6. (b) sin 7. -20 yx \342\200\224 1. = f(x) where g(x) + kx, 1. (a) 1G = (i)x (b) (i) x = - (b) (i) -2sin(2*3) t3+3 (ii) x = (ii) x = 271,671 (ii) * = 1 -l = \302\261-t 3. (ii) 2cos5x (ii) -5^f2+3 (d) (i) f{b)-f(a) (ii) t2+7 (ii) -3cos2(2a2) (ii) g(y) (ii) ~g(a) (ii) 0 (ii) 0 (e) (ii) -(h4 + 5 e-*3 2. (a) (i) /(*) 2 (c) (i)* e2 (i) (d) (i) Exercise 2 (a) (c) (i) -r^t2+2t question. previous e (b) That limit of function is function of limit in is function g[x) (b) (i) (c) (i) 0 (a) (i) f(b) (f(x))2 - (b) X 2. (a) (i) x = 2 (ii) (b) (i) x = 0.881 (ii) (c) x = jc (ii) jc = 16 \\\302\243 4. (a) (i) 1 -- Answers r^ (ii) 3*2ln(-j 5. (a) 2xsin(x4)-sin(x2) (b) 164 4 a. /'(*) 0 = 0.680 (b) No (i) *: 1 2 Exercise 2A 11. Let (b) - Chapter 0 -cos (c) 2xsin \342\200\224 1 0 (c) (c) =0 10. (b) /'(0) (b) of limit \302\261 except x- xeR, 1 501 of function 11. (a) 1 9. (a) a = 3,b= -2 All > v (b) 10. (c) 5 cos x 2 (a) 9. \342\200\224 \\xj - (c) That limit is function = 0,2 exceptx = -3, 1,3 4. All xgR, (b) (a) 1 except x = -l 1 4. AllxeR practice = l All xeR, (b) (b) Theorem -y 27 2e-^2 1 -- 4e-^ \342\200\224y 47 -\"\"0 Exercise 2B 1. 1 (a) (b) f\342\200\224i\342\200\224<r\342\200\224i\342\200\224^ J\302\260 + x2+8* + (b) 4 17 f^k2+8k (c) Diverges <i\342\200\224L + 17 fc=0/c2+8/c 2. (a) 3. (b) Diverges Converges (c) Converges (d) Converges (e) (f) Diverges . , v 4- (c) 17 dx < > J3 S^+e4 e*+e\"* Converges (b) p>\\ (a) p<0 4. 1 5. 5. 1 7. 4 (b) 8. (b) 9. 2 (a) X2-*<JV*dx<X2-* < (b); v 1024 2*dx< J'\302\260 512 In examination Mixed 1. (a) 2. i- 3. k2 w Xe\"fc2<re\"*2ck<5/ (b) > . k=6 < 1 Jk + 2 3/3 + ln(cos2 (a) a = (c) 0 l,b = k=l fc=2 - (a) < Jsr . 1 Jx +2 4. + 2 6. 7. l1T<)2-r*x<l ^ K J10 Xv2 ^ |;_\302\261<r_^<|:_\302\261 K \\c2 fc=10 x fc=ll (b) Xe\"fc2 < Ji < fc 9. (b) < Xe\"fc2 = 21 (c) Diverges (b) 3 Converges lr2 3 Chapter U2+i Exercise 3A U2+i y d* J\302\260\302\260e\"x2 fc=0 oo (b) dx U2+u 6fc=i s / \342\200\224 n,f(x) = X < 8. (a) (b) 1) dx fc=l 2. (a) 5 y\342\200\224 Jk (0 1 (b) ln(cos23x+ l) 2C Exercise (b) 2 Integrate by parts 2 practice Yes 12. dx f k=2 1. (a) 1.00,1.25,1.36,1.42 (b) 0.866,1.73,1.73,0.866 (c) 0.167,0.310,0.435,0.546 < 1^ (d) 0.368,0.503,0.553,0.571 k _\342\200\236k + 5), 2. (a) \342\200\224(3n /lx \342\200\224 n(l9-n) 1 (b) y 10 (/c + 2)3 S (c) 1 divergent ^ -, divergent / V 1- (I' \\') k )J convergent Answers r^ **. 'a (d) divergent 6(1.2\"-l), / 3. Compare to / V (a) 3(2fc-l) ^ \342\200\224 convergent (ii) Compare to V1 J_ UJ ^k (b) (d) \"3X^ (d) (i) 2X3*\"1 lnfe \\* to Compare (ii) Compare to 3x2fc (e) (i) Test (lim = Divergence (ii) Divergence 3B Exercise (a) Compare (i) (f) ^ to > (i) (lim = Test 1) <*>) Test (lim = e) Test (lim = e_1) Divergence (ii) Divergence l \342\200\224 ^ (e) 1. \342\200\224 (i) \342\200\236\\ 1-o < (C) (c) \342\200\224 kz 3. (a) (i) i , Converges ^ \342\200\224 (ii) Compare 1 (ii) Diverges V (b) (i) Compare (b) (ii) Compare (c) (i) Compare (i) Converges \342\200\224 | \"1^k? /\342\200\242 (ii) Converges ^k' 1 (ii) Compare ^ (c) (i) Diverges kJ k3n r (ii) Converges (d) (i) Compare \\Kk2 k-\\ (ii) Compare 1 (d) (i) ^ ) (-^ Converges k2 \\K\302\260 J -Ifi f \\_ (ii) Converges (e) (i) k? Compare 1 ^ < (e) (ii) Compare (i) Diverges yfk VV/cy (ii) Converges (f) (i) Compare ^k' 4. (a) (i) (b) (i) (ii) Compare 2. (a) (i) Compare 5. Diverges (ii) Converges (ii) Diverges Diverges (c) (i) Converges (d) (i) Converges (ii) Converges (ii) Converges (e) (i) (ii) Converges (a) Diverges (i) Converges,0.202 (ii) Converges, (ii) Compare ^~Sk k413 (b) (i) 0.302 Diverges (ii) Diverges (b) (i) DivergenceTest lim V = \342\200\224 2y (c) (i) Converges,7.71X (d) (i) (ii) Divergence Test | lim = \342\200\224 10~3 (ii) Diverges Converges, 0.402 (ii) Converges, (e) (i) Diverges 2.76 X 10~7 (ii) Converges,1.35x 10~22 166 *v Answers r^ *\302\253. 6. (a) (i) Absolutely convergent (ii) Absolutely convergent (b) (i) (ii) (i) Divergent (b) (c) (i) (ii) Divergent (c) (i) convergent Conditionally (d) (i) Conditionally convergent (ii) Conditionally convergent (e) (i) (d) 2. (a) Diverges (ii) (c) ( ) Converges (ii) Converges (ii) Converges converges absolutely for all xgM R = 5; converges absolutely = l; converges for all x e (i) R = 2; convergesfor (ii) R = l; convergesfor all x for e ]-5, 5 [ 1[ ]\342\200\2241, all xg[3,7[ e [0, 2] all x Converges (ii) Converges (e) (i) (ii) Diverges Converges (Limit x e for absolutely Converges ]\342\200\224l,l[ Diverges (d) ( ) Diverges Diverges = oo; \302\243 convergent (a) ( ) (b) ( ) (a) for all xel convergent Absolutely (ii) Absolutely 8. converges (ii) R convergent (ii) Absolutely = oo; R Diverges = -1 Convergesconditionally ^ 1 Test: / Comparison at x \342\200\224) x = 1 at (b) Converges absolutely for all xel (c) Convergesabsolutely for all xel k (b) 9. (Comparison Test: Converges (c) Converges (a) x>e2 (Alternating / 3. Convergesabsolutely ,TT7T) 4. ]-5,-3[ Series Test) 5. (a) 10. (Comparison Converges X1 with (a) Converges (b) Diverges Test: (Comparison ^> ) 1 ^/c3/2 Test) (Ratio = 3 \302\243 7. (a) Converges n ^3 + fL ^l 3! (b) for x e = 2 (b) Converges absolutely for x e (c) Converges absolutely for (b) f^ = n+l 18. (b) (d) ]\342\200\224l,l[ \342\200\224 1 at x examination Mixed =1 1. 23 (a) (Comparison Diverges 3 practice ^ 1 Test: / \342\200\224) k Diverges the Express as (b) Converges(Limit of sum 2. fractions two 19. x e 1 1 2*2 k=n X/W-X/W<r/Wdx (c) 4X10-4 = conditionally Converges f(k)<jj(x)dx<^f(k) ]-4,4[ x = -4,4 at x Diverges k 41 4! xe[-7,l[ absolutely Divergesat 15. Oil (a) + fl+... ) (c) Conditional 17. eR all xe] for 6. (a) (b) 1 14. (a) ?! 2! Holds 11. (b) 4 13. -5,-3 = i+JC+ ^L \342\200\224 absolutely Converges 12. x = ,2 (b) v ' ^/'(JC) v ; (b) all x M x g All at Diverges for (a) Convergesfor a > 1 (b) (i) conditionally 3. Diverges for a < 1 Converges (ii) Converges 4. (a) c\302\253 (b) 2 Comparison Test: ^ > 1 \342\200\224) ^k2 (b) Converges 85 (b) < 72 absolutely ^V 1 < 263 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \342\226\240 ^m3 216 K2 6. 3C Exercise 12 7. 1. (a) (i) R = (ii) R 0; only = 0; (c) converges only converges at x at =0 x = Diverges (Test for Divergence) -3 Answers ^ \302\243 S>, + 0,. 8. (b) = 2 = B A 4B Exercise 2 <d,9. (a) (b) 1. (Comparison Test: 3~2^ Divergent convergent Conditionally Series Y (3\342\200\224 11. Convergent 12. (a)ln(ft + l) 13. 0<x<2 4.28 xlO\"2 (ii) 0.5625 2.44X10\"3 (c) (i) (ii) 1.70 XlO\"4 (Alternating 2. convergent (Integral Test) 3. + \342\200\224(b) (a) 1-jc (a) 1.43XlO5 5. (a) 1+ ^ Diverges 0<x<0.1817 2 1.27 (b) 433 x4 x2 (b) (ii) 0.187 (i) (b) ) Test) (c) Absolutely (a) (i) 1.25X10\"4 ^4! + 2! \342\200\224 (b) 384 (c) 1.36 XlO\"4 14. (b) oo (c) 6. Diverges + x (a) \342\200\224 + \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 5 3 7. 9. (a) 4 Chapter 17 32 L_J_ Factorise 4A Exercise (b) the from 4 i-_ 1. (a) (i) + 2 9 f\\\302\273 + ... 24 243 7 x7 560 , +\342\200\224x5 40 2 (b) (i) 1+ -+\342\200\224+ (ii) \\-3x + 8 48 +... 10. 9 2 2 \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + ... (c) (i) 1+ \342\200\224- 4 4 16 8 15 (n) l + -x2 +\342\200\224x4+ 2. 4 2x2 5. (b) 6. (a) (b) 30 \342\200\224 n(n 1) + \342\200\224-x2 4C 24 720 3x4\342\200\224xl2+\342\200\224 x20 (ii) W l-2x (b) 4 3 45 3 9 2 8 560 x28+. x3+... 9 +-x3 +.. 8 xe+... (ii) ^ + ^1 18 --x3 -2x-2x2 (c) (i) 1 + ... 2 + -x2 4 3 + 2 -4x4+... + . 48 8 + \342\200\224 + ... (n) 1 + x3 + \342\200\224 2 6 972 = 4 \302\243 \\k X (b) ~1<X^1 \302\243(-l)Vt k ~ 1 2. (a) (i) 2x2-x3\342\200\224xA+... 3 81 9 8. (a) Not equal to /(0). at (b) /(x) an increasingfunction derivative of series is negative Answers V>A + 01. 1 25 2 6 (ii) -x--x2+\342\200\224x3+2xA+. (a) 1+ -jc\342\200\224x2 +\342\200\224x3+... 3 168 40 2 (b) (i) ln2 + -x--x2 15 2 12 243 (i) k=2 7. 81 9 (a) 17 315 xA + \342\200\224 xe+... 3 4. (a) l + nx . 27 27 3 \342\200\224x2 +\342\200\224x3 +. x5 + (d) (i) x + -x3 +\342\200\224 2 1. 16 8 .... -13 + -jc + (n) (a) Exercise -x2--x3+... 2 R3(0.5). \342\200\224 + ... 9 2 for expression 720 81 , 3x--x3 (n) _-_ x = at 0 x = but first (b) (i) \\ + -x2--x3+-x*+-- 2 3 8 0 (n) x + 2x2 + \342\200\224x3 + \342\200\224x4 + \342\200\242 6 3 (c) X (i) x + X + 12 6 2 2. In3 + -x X x2+\342\200\224x3+... + -e3(x-3)2+-e3(x-3)3. 3. e3+e3(x-3) (ii) -x 23 3. 2x + 6x2 5- W (b) (a) (b) + \342\200\242 -i<x<- 5. 6. 2 + x +\342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + -x4+... 2 2 (b) 0.574 (c) 1.39 X10-6 i\302\260- (a) 2 + \342\200\224 (jc-8) + ... 4E Exercise 1. \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + ... 12 (a) (i) (ii) i -i 2 (ii) 2 6 (b) (i) 2 (c) (i) -\\3 3 \342\200\224 x3+... x2- ln8--x-\342\200\224 8 2- (a) 8 (ii) fc X(-l) 3. 9. (a) - 0.687552; x (c) 0.949 (d) 0.00625 3 =- ^ 4. (a) x 5 10. No Maclaurin seriesas derivatives x = 0 do not exist. 1. (a) (b) (i) 5. at i + 2fx--l (b) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (a) +... + 2fx--l Mixed a) 1. 2 (ii) e16+ 8e16 (x - 8 4) + 33e16 (x - A)2 (a) ' *2 \302\243f 120V + 3 ... -1 x' xJ 7 5 x2 +\342\200\224 + ... (b) 6 -2 (c) Sx9 2x3+2x6+ 23 4x12+... (b) error < 2.38 X = f'{x) (\\ + X2 2 + Xy3; X4 3 4 6 practice x)-l;f\"{x) X3 2 10 (b) -1)(2* -1)! examination x (b) (-D*\"1 y f^-K'-f)+l4-f)'+(c) + 3 (b) 30 f'\"(x)= 2(l+ +... (b) \302\253> \302\253) xJ S(2*c \302\253\302\2534HKHJ+i+I(x-i)-I(x_i)2+... ** .\\fc+l 2(-lf 3 4D Exercise X^/ (b) 6 ;-\\<x<\\ 2 ,1 x \" (b) 6V YIn 2 *6k (a) (x-3)--(x-3)3+\342\200\224 (x-3)5+. ' ' r2fc-l (b) J2 (2*)! 3 + ln8 (b) y = \342\200\224x 00 (x-8)2+- 288 12 (c) 8 2 12 2 V3:aJ+. 12 8. (b) ee-\342\200\224(x-e)2+... + ... (c) x + \342\200\224 8. (a) xA 729 3 2 4 \342\200\242 + ... x + \342\200\224 \\ >x 1 . 1 11/4. (a) - + -V3: 2 2 Z\342\200\224jT\342\200\224x k k=\\ 7. (a) (b) + + \342\200\224x3 + 5x4 3 2 6. 12 6 2 81 18 3 \342\200\242 fi(x) = -{\\ + xy2= -6(l + xY4 + ... ln2 Answers r^ **. 4 5 Chapter M*-!)+\302\245H)'- 5A Exercise + ... -{'\342\226\240 3. a) 5x3 x+ 41 x5 + b) + \342\200\242 1. 120 6 (b) (i) X + a) X2 X3 8 16 + 4 x+ XA X* X* \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + \342\200\224 + ... 1! 2! +- 4! Xn 4(2!) 3(1!) (a) = 12sin 3 (ii) = 8e2+c + y (i) y = ln(x2+l)-ln2 (ii) y = 3 \342\200\224 x2+ \342\200\224 lnlxln\342\200\224 xn = arcsin \342\200\224 2)\\ (b) K id (c) (i) y 5651 3. 7560 (a) (i) 11 b) R=l *+ + 40 (ii) 45 m (ii) 6.58 (ii) 350-50yft (ii) y-- kg 5B Exercise + l) k\\2k(2k 1. 1 (i) (a) y = -x3/2 3 (b) (i) y = 2x* I+T2\" l-2x2 (ii) y = 3e .3 +. + 7 5 3 $1985 = -2e1\"2*+2 + ---;-1<a:<1 b) x (ii) y 112 Ix3x5x---x(2fc-l);c2/c+1 + o m- = -2e\"3*+2 cm 4500-375t2 (i) (c) 6 4 2 (i) 35.0 (b) 5x7 \342\200\224 H\342\200\224 + ...; n(n 4 x3 3x5 \342\200\224 + + - +2 (11) - + ... \342\226\2402k k=o y (ii) y = tanx-x y = arctan -1<x<1 c) - (ii) y (i) (n-l)! + ...+ 2 = -e2*+c y (c) (i) y = 3tanx +c 2. b) + c 2 \342\200\242\342\200\242\342\200\242 2 b) y =\342\200\224cos2x X I .1 a) (i) (a) 2. (i) (a) siny = \342\200\224cosx 2 \342\226\240,v ,., d) (1) 10. a) 304 4 (b) m 9 1-x 3. 1 = <C| 170 (ii) arcsiny v = + x| ln(l + x2) 6. 7. 1 10 Approximately times ,2* (d) 11 Answers r*a* (ii) e^=e*+e2-l (i) y = (i) y = arcsin(ln|x|+c) (ii) y (c) (i) y 4. X77** k=0 K' (a) (b) (l-xf (a) (i) 2arctany = ln|l 2> (1-x) f'\"(x) 11- tan y (c) (i) e\"2'=-4e*+5 0 fix) (e) (ii) {m) b) /'(*) (d) \342\200\224 tan x \342\200\224 3 +*. too large. y \302\261yjx3+c (ii) 2 tan = Aex(x-l)-3 (ii) y = (In x2 +c) fc = 3 Exercise 5C 1. (a) (i) = - x2 +c = tan(c-cosx) = e-(i-*)2 y = r -In y-2x y +x = \\n\\x\\ + c l-x c \342\200\224 Sx (ii) -In y (b) = Ui (i) In (ii) \342\200\224 = \\n\\x\\ + t -\\n\\x\\ 4. y = 5. r = + c 6. y = 8. y: ecosx(x+ c) 2 3 -\342\200\224+- X1 (x + 2)cosx X2 +c ln|x| y (c) (i) --In (ii) In = 3-^1 = ln|x|+ L\\X_L X\\ X 9. ln|x| + c X +C 2(x2-l) xz = -x (a) dx z = l (b) + ce2 c (c) y=l 36 x3 e* =ln|x| (i) (d) (ii) sin 10- +c {a) '=Wt+t + c) (b) siny = cosx(lnsecx ln|x| + c \342\200\224 = \\x 2. y = (a) (b) y 3. xln| x | y = (a) xln|x|+cx 4. + \\x the form 5. (a) f (b) 6. is one equation (ii) 1.07 (c) (i)2.89 (ii) (a) (i) of Kx) =^ x_y_ = arctan | 2ln|x| + 4f(4x + (b) (x-y -^1-1^4 y + + ^- \\ + c lf =16 7. (b) (ii) 3.79 5D Exercise 1. (a) (i) -ex+ce~2x y= 1 -e*+ce4 (ii) y(b) (i) y = + ccscx \342\200\224cotx x +c .... (n) y = cosx . ... (c) In + _ (i) y = \342\200\224L_L X (n) y = 2. 1 y c 1x1 X c \342\200\224+ 1 x2 x y 1 , 2 = -e^+-e2-x 2 3. y = x2ln|x-3| + r^ cx2 **. ... 2.32 (b) (i)1.57 + 8) y2=2x2(ln\\x\\ ^dx differential (ii) \342\200\224 = dx (c) 2. ln|x|n\342\200\224 A homogeneous (a) 1. (a) (i) 0.708 xtan(ln|x| + c)) (b) y = xtan 5E Exercise = \342\200\224 x^O x 1.45 'a (c) (d) Solution is constant or in 5. (c) 1.629 6. (a) (i) equilibrium. 0.825 (b) r = (c) (i) x2 1 + _ + e-o-3 _m^__ 11.0% (ii) Take smaller h. 7. (a) (i) 0.615 (ii) use smaller step length (b) y = -e3*3;/(1) = 0.698 (c) 8. (a) The tangent (ii) \\ is always below the (b) 1.2165 + -x2+-x3 + 2x 2 2 9. (a) ^ = 4-3e\"*2 dx 1. - -x2 + 3 y 3. (a) (i) \\ 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 A \\ \\ X \\ X I 2 3 - + x + \342\200\224 xz + \342\200\224 x5 (i) 71 \342\200\224 + r ~ / + n)-n(x (n2 -2)(x + n) + (3 47T2)(x V2 + (U) + 4. (a) y = + JCV \342\200\224- / / / / / / -t- -/- \\ 0 on 7Tx3 4, (b) 3. y = Answers **. l-2x + \342\200\224 x 2 0.671 6-x2 y = x y \\ jc-3 r^ \342\200\224f\342\200\224*X ^-^ 2. (a) 172 \342\200\224 \342\200\224 \\ 7r)3 V2U-^] lW2f 6 + \\ gradient = (b)yt + practice I (n) 2 4.58 V + c + -x2+-x3 + x X ,\302\273X (b) (a) (b) examination Mixed curve. 56 5 'a 4. (i) 2.141 (a) 7. (b) y = 8. (a) 1 smaller steps (ii) Take (b) y = x2+e1~x2 9. 5. 4.46 (a) (b) y = (x + 4)e2x2 ; (c) Take a smaller 6. y step (a) (ii) l + 2(x-l) + y = (ii) 1.204 -(x-if (ii) xe Diverges - \342\200\224 + \\2) | 2 = L77 y(l) (c) Gradient is decreasing;hencethe produced by Euler s method will than the true curve. x 69 (c) 0.026% chords track higher 12. (b) 19 13. 2x 7. y: (b) (b) (i) y = yJA-x2\\arcsin[ x-l (i) 5! oo (a) 1.83 11. length (iii) 1.205 (b) + 3! 10. (a) = 4.55 lnx + C x\302\260x\302\260 \342\200\224 + ... x (a) -6x- (i-*2) A = (a) 1,B = -1 (W h(\302\243 5e* 4(l + 9. (b) - e~ - 2xe~* a) (c) x) (iii) ye^/x=Ax2 f\342\200\224-\342\200\224</<f\342\200\224-\342\200\224 \302\243lk2+3k + sum Upper sum = 2. (b) -3 3. (a) = practice 6 examination y -(e3*+2)cosx 14. \342\200\224 \342\200\224 1 (a) (b) Diverges (DivergenceTest) 15. no. x. Take + On 0,+On+... -f1-ru2 ^ < 4. (b) Diverges 5. 2.674 (a) (b) (i) (ii) 16. d2v ^4 dx2 7y == 2, d3y -^- dx3 = -2 ~ 2 + 2x + x2 17. (a) (b) X3 - a = R = l xe[3,5[ 3 (iii) 2.681 (a) (a) (b) Convergent (c) For (a) take smaller step length; more terms. 6. +2 12 6 Chapter 1. ~0k2+3k 11 Lower Mixed = 2 0,b = for (b) take 19. (a) (c) \\ + x2+ x4 \342\200\224 2 (i) 0.54479 (ii) 6.59X - 10- Answers 173 w C XJ^\\ + d. \\> Glossary Words that more definitions of other terms are also defined in this glossary. The abstract in terms of other, defined terms can realistically be explained only in bold in the appear nature of this option means that some concepts. simple Term Definition absolutely convergent A negativeterms which still converges terms are made all the when and both positive with series positive. series alternating A are alternately terms positive and negative. Alternating Series Test A test stating . , , , is absolutely h... 7 8 111 , convergent because H 1 4 2 1 \\-. is convergent. whose series Example , 111 1 1 111 1-- + , for convergence of that an alternating whose terms tend to 0 is series, series ^The ... + 4 3 2 111 1 series 1 convergent. is h... 4 3 2 always convergent. boundarycondition value The of the unknown at one point, which find a particular differential Comparison Test A test function us to allows solutionof a equation. of series for convergence based on comparing it to If we know the order to find its Since Jfc2 Comparison Test for A test to determine whether an improper integral converges by it to another improper comparing t -1 dx 2,77 test states also converges. converges because 1 cosx < \342\200\224 and integral. 1 ^ and \342\200\224\342\200\224 J example the comparison > 7 1 that J \342\200\224dx we know converges. convergent conditionally A convergent series which diverges when all the terms are made 1 positive. convergent because u the .,111 series H u but 1 2 3 i. 4 1-... is conditionally it is 1 2 3 1 convergent, 4 1-... is divergent. A function continuous lim f(x) = which satisfies f(x0) for every point x0. The function shown above is not continuous because lim/(x) /(1) Glossary c XJ^\\ + d. = 3. in we need = 0. + l<Jfc: converges, object displacement when its position 1 that improperintegrals an one boundary condition, for another series. velocityof = 2 > but Term Definition converges (to a limit) When Example sequence un to a limit as n close arbitrarily get of a terms the The sequence = \342\200\224 converges un to 0. n increases. differential An equation involving an unknown and its derivatives. equation function Ay \342\200\224 = 5 -3y dx differential Test Divergence A of series, for convergence if the terms that test stating do not a equation. The series 1 + 2 + 3 + ... diverges. of the series then the series to 0 tend is an exampleof diverges. diverges When Euler's method An The sequence does not a sequence converge. approximate sequenceof of Theorem Calculus to diverges infinity. for solving method a differential equation where the solution curve is approximated by a Fundamental = n u line straight segments, the the line shorter The more accurate the approximation. segments. The result relating differentiation and integration: \342\200\224j/(t )dt = \342\200\224 f(x). dx}0 sin = sin x tat a general solution A most form of a function general a differential satisfies which The series / Definite integrals = Ae2x. y series or both is a e~*dx infinite. diverges, tend to although its terms where one integrals are limits 2yis harmonic The -. k=i k improper = of the equation solution general dx equation. harmonic series The dy -jL 0. convergent definite 0 integral. Integral convergence of a series A test for Test on based it to an comparing improper integral. We can tell that factor A because converges in solving used function first differential order a equation: I \342\200\224dx interval of convergence isocline The of values interval of x for which a powerseriesconverges. on which all A curve the same gradient. l'Hdpital's rule The that, stating both tend to = thenlim^ x^a Lagrange form of the An error term The series 1 + x + x + x2 of convergence Isoclines are used to field of a differential sinx _ = hm cosx *^\302\260 x equation. + x3 + ... has ] -1,1[. a slope sketch equation. =cos0 = l 1 lim^. x^a When for estimating expression or Taylor the integrate g'(x) g(x) the error when approximated integrating _ of functions lim x^O if two functions /and g oo either 0 or as x \342\200\224\302\273 a, limits about result factor interval points have converges. x the equation by the allows us to use the Multiplying product rule to = JP(x)dx l(x) 1 \342\200\224 n2 i integrating ^ V series the a function by a is Maclaurin series approximations. sin(0.2) is approximated 0.23 \342\200\224'-\342\200\224 by 0.2 sin(c) the A \342\200\236 \342\200\224^X0.24for 4! error is equal to some ce , 0,0.2. Glossary l^\\ + 0,. Term Definition Limit ComparisonTest A Example of series for convergence test based on lookingat the limit of the ratios of the terms of the two series. As 17(^1) ^1>andi^ also converges, then > converges. differential linear A equation differential equation dy \342\200\224 both and terms.dx lower sum Ay \342\200\224 = appear as linear y only drawn under of rectangles sum The in which the graph in order to approximate the value of an improper integral. Maclaurin series A a given Theorem Value Mean The result stating Maclaurin A terms of Maclaurinseriesup polynomial nth The sum sum partial a series.A series converges the sequence of its partial if sums solution One possible function which y - 5e2x and e]0,2[ degree Maclaurin are * -\342\200\224,etc. 6 2 satisfies a differential is x sin x. -_,S S =1,S and/(3) = 9 there i converges. particular = 4 f(2) l The partial sums of V 2^ JJ of n terms first since for polynomial of the 5! the 3rd -is 3! to n. power ... 1 X3 x \342\200\224. rk2 we can concludethat for which/'fx) = 5. by taking the formed polynomial 1 V X5 X3 \342\200\224 x For/(x) = x\\ function we can always find a tangent parallel to a given chord. nth degree \342\200\224dx is W 3! a for that \302\260\302\260 7 1 sum for The lower sin x function. and differentiable continuous equation. in order constructed series power to approximate not a linear differential y2 is dx y = \342\200\224 e2x are two examples equation. of particular solutions of the equation dx power series A series A series radiusof convergence only 2 + -x-Ax3 of x. powers p-series containing natural 2 of the The largest form 2a 77 k=i kp value of | x | for Thep-series a The series1 +x + Test A test for convergence basedon lookingat the of a series ratios of its The result Theorem stating that if a continuous function takes equal at two points, then there must be a turning point between them. This is a special case of the values Mean Value of variables separation for solving a differential on integrating the equation with to x and y equation respect A method separately. c XJ^\\ + 01. = x2, concludethat since/(l) there is which/'Oc) = 0. find the of a power =/(-l) we can x e] -1,1[ for Theorem. based Glossary Test can beusedto of convergence \302\245orf(x) radius of is 1. The Ratio radius + x3+... 1, so the series. terms. Rolle's x + x2 converges for | x \\ < convergence Ratio > 1 and diverges otherwise. series converges. power whenp converges \342\200\242 which +... x2 dv \342\200\224 = \342\200\224 dx variables. can y3 be solved by separation of Term Definition slope field A Example various points to represent of tangents at in order plane plot in the solutions of a first can be curves Solution following the direction sketched by of the tangents. differential order equation. Squeeze The result about limit of sequences stating that, if two sequences to the same limit, and converge Theorem sequence can third between then them, < Since\342\200\224 a be 'squeezed' the third sequence convergesto the < and \342\200\224, \342\200\224 and n n n n both converge to converges to 0. 0, it \342\200\224 n that follows n same limit. A result showing how to Taylor approximations This approximate a function by a power series and how to estimate the error in such truncation error result to Maclaurin applies approximation. The differencebetweena partial sum and the full sum of a series. We know that \342\200\224 = 2. \\ l \342\200\224 \342\200\224 = 0.875, H 1- 4 8 error is 0.125. 2 The the of rectangles drawn above in order to approximate graph variables differential of an Differential separable solved by the equations that can be method of separation ofvariables. The upper sum for \302\260\302\260 -1 is V\342\200\224. [\342\200\224dx \\ x2 2k2 integral. improper equations the truncation \302\260\302\260 -1 sum the value If we ^ the series by approximate upper sum series as a specialcase. dv x2 dx y3 \342\200\224 = \342\200\224 can be solved by separation of variables. Glossary l^\\ + 0.. Index absolute error term 79-81 convergence, 94, 155, 174 definition, algebra 16-17 applied to functions, to sequences, 5-7 Euler's 94, 155, 174 definition, functions Test, 76-79 Series Alternating definition, 94, 155,174 approximation approximations to Maclaurin approximations to solutions of differential equations, general 141-43 harmonic Test Limit Test, 72-73 infinite 50-55 definition, 29-32, 42 definition, 123 136-45 solutions, approximations 127-28 condition, 124, boundary definition, 146, 157, 175 124, linear, 132-36 mixed exam practice, separation up, setting summary, definition, 75, 84 integrals, error term, 105-7 175 157, 175 153, exercises, 23-24 comparison test for, 53, 62 Limit 65, 66,69 XJ^\\ of the rule, 19-23 definition, 93, 155, 175 limits lex c form Lagrange definition, tests for, 69-79, 82-83 definition, 41, 152, 175 diverges, Ind. exercises,144 l'Hopitals 84-88 exercises, 138 definition, 146, 157,175 147-48 146 divergent series, 149-52 revisited, isocline, 123-26 improper divergent introductory problem, 1-2 127 of variables, 126-29 DivergenceTest,69, 156, 175 95, definition, 124 solution, particular 89, 91 of convergence, interval 129-32 homogenous, 133-34 146, 157, 175 exercises,135,143 to solution, 69-88 93, 155, 175 factor, integrating exercises,33-34 general 96-98 tests for convergence/divergence, Test, 73-75 Integral 175 definition, functions, equations, practice, 93-95 summary, converges (to a limit), differential 66-69 power series, 88-93 69-84 differentiable 63-64 65 mixed exam exercises,84-88 for, series, convergence, convergent series tests practice, summary, 62 integral, improper exam mixed 24-27 exercises,27-29 convergent 174 53-54, Theorem of Calculus,46-50 Fundamental 42, 174 definition, 62 175 154, definition, 79-81 functions, 146 convergence and divergenceof, 50-56 94, 155, 174 definition, continuous ComparisonTest, 53-55 convergence, 129-31, approximation of, 57-61 155, 175 Comparison equations, 45-46, integrals, improper for a series, 69-72 conditional 175 homogenous differential exercises, 131-32 174 for improper integrals, 76 series, definition, 141 124, 127-28, condition, 93, 175 exercises,131-32,135-36 137-39 definitions, 127 124, solution, definition, polynomial, Comparison 154, 175 62, 140-41 isocline, 138 definition, Theorem of Calculus,46-50 Fundamental definition, method, boundary of, 11-19 limit exercises, 143-45 Taylor 29-34 differentiable, 136-37 slopefield, 24-29 continuous, integrals, 57-61 series, 104-9 of improper Euler's 146, 157, 175 exercises,143-45 76-79 series, 140-41 method, definition, applied alternating 157, 175 105-7, Lagrange, Maclaurin series, 115,120,156 of limits + d. Comparison Test, 72-73 definition, 93, 155,176 of sequences and functions, 3-4 continuous differentiable functions, 24-29 functions, 29-34 power, 88-91 11-19 limit of a function, limit of a sequence, 4-8 p-series,76 Mean Value Theorem, mixed exam practice, 43-44 Rolle's Squeeze Theorem,8-11 8-11 157, 176 146, 133-34 141-43, 146 Taylor series, 113-16 58-60 117-18 of, definition, applications exercises,61 for approximating 141-43 solutions to exercises, 116-17, 119 Maclaurin 99-102 series, 110-12 functions, definition, Value exam infinite Ratio Test, Fundamental Theoremof Calculus, Value Theorem, 36-40 Theorem, Squeeze particular 58-60 definition, exercises,61 154, 176 124 solution, variables 176 definition, 177 sum, improper integrals, 62, 154, 177 upper 66-67, 78 93, definition, 8-11 error truncation 104-6 polynomial, 156, 176 120, definition, nth partial sum, 46-50 Rolle'sTheorem,34-36 definition, Maclaurin 82-83 Mean 96-98 limits of sequencesand functions, 43-44 121-22 Maclaurin and Taylor series, mixed exam practice, 63-64 degree 73-75 theorems equations, 147-48 series, Test, 76-79 Limit Comparison Test, 72-73 158-60 practice, differential Test, Integral definition, 42, 154,176 exercises,39-40 mixed equations, Comparison Test,53-55,69-72 Test, 69, 75, 84 Divergence 36-39 Theorem, Series Alternating 120, 156, 176 112-13 exercises,102-3,109-10, Mean differential tests to, 104-9 approximations of composite nth 120, 156-57, 177 polynomial, Taylor improper integrals, 62, 154, 176 115 approximations, definition, factor, integrating lower sum, 152, 15-16 Taylor exercises, 135-36 177 definitional, for functions, equations, 132-33 differential definition, equations, 137-39 157, 177 146, definition, 41-42 summary, field, differential slope 34-36 Theorem, Squeeze Theorem, linear 36-40 differential separable definition, 146, equations, 126, 130 157, 177 135 exercises, 125, 128,131-32, polynomials roots finding nth degree of, differential Taylor, Theorem Rolle's for, 35-36 Maclaurin, 104-6 141-43 equations, power series, 88-91 156, 176 94-95, definition, exercises, 92-93 89, 91 89, 90, 91 of convergence, interval of convergence, radius p-series,76, 91, 150, 152 definition, 176 89, 91 of convergence, radius 95, 176 definition, Ratio Test, 82-83 and of power convergence series, 89, 90 156, 176 94, definition, Rolle's Theorem,34-36 153, 176 42, definition, separation of variables, definition, sequence,limit 126-29 146, 157, 176 of, 4-8 series alternating, 76-79 76-78 harmonic, Maclaurin, 99-113 Index r ^ +a. ... \342\226\240 I. # Acknowledgements and authors The are grateful publishers for the permissionsgranted to reproduce materials the original or adaptedform.While effort has been made, it has not always every to the sourcesof all the materials u sed,orto trace all copyright holders. possible identify If any omissions arebrought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate in either _^\" ^ been on acknowledgements IB exam ~ L reprinting. \302\251 International questions f permissionto reproduce International Baccalaureate Baccalaureate Organization. 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