TRANSLATE THE INTERNATIONAL WORDS Satellites, communication systems, effect, electromagnetic pulse, intense, equivalent, detonation, effective, distance, radiation, normal, atmospheric, categories. . WORD FORMATION • • • • • • • structure – structural – structurally pressure –pressurize – pressurization - over pressurization add – addition – additional – additionally company – accompany – accompanying force – reinforce – reinforced basis – basic – basically secure – secured – unsecured WRITE DOWN THE NEW WORDS burnout crush debris cavity expel hollow surge residual incendiary выгорание раздавить обломки полость высылать полый всплеск остаточный возгорание timber fling hurl kindle ingestion diminish merge consequence billow древесина швырять швырять разжечь проглатывание уменьшить сливаться Последствие вздыматься Match due to to free hazardous result incendiary throw consequence flash rapid pulse hurl to release quick dangerous fire because of WORD COMBINATIONS • • • • • • • • • • a high altitude blast intense electrical surge escaping fireball reinforced blast wave expansion and compression phases of weapon detonation primary blast injuries air shock wave secondary blast injuries strong blast winds number of possible chemical reactions NON-FINITE FORMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Alpha particles have little skin-penetrating power and must be taken into the body through ingestion or cuts to be injurious. Secondary blast injuries are caused by strong blast winds reaching hundreds of miles per hour, collapsing buildings and timber and flinging debris about. Water rushing into the cavity is thrown upward in the form of a hollow column It merges with the cloud formed by the escaping fireball. The main reason for using an air blast is its destructive value produced in phases of weapon detonation. Waves Injuries caused by blast waves can be divided into primary and secondary injuries. Instead of being localized, the casualties extend over the entire ship. NUCLEAR WEAPONS Nuclear explosions are classed according to the point of detonation—a high altitude blast, an air blast, a surface blast, and a subsurface blast. A high altitude blast is a blast that takes place above 100,000 feet. The major aim of this blast is to destroy or interrupt satellites and communication systems through the effect of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Basically, the EMP is an intense electrical surge that affects electronic or electrical equipment in a burnout that’s equivalent to that caused by a lightning strike. An air blast is one in which the fireball is below 100,000 feet and doesn’t touch the earth’s surface. The radiation effects from an air blast are minimal. The main reason for using an air blast is its destructive value produced in the expansion and compression phases of weapon detonation. The blast causes an over pressurization that crushes everything in its path. An air blast would be most effective to use against a battle group at sea because it would structurally damage and/or sink many ships. A surface blast is one in which the fireball touches the earth’s surface. Most of the damage caused by a surface blast is due to the shock wave that accompanies the explosion. Large amounts of surface materials are vaporized and taken into the fireball. As the fireball rises, more debris is sucked up by the strong after winds. Much of this debris returns to earth as radioactive fallout. In an underwater burst a fireball is formed. However, it’s smaller than the fireball of an air burst and is not normal. The explosion creates a large bubble (cavity) that rises to the surface where it expels steam, gases, and debris into the air. Water rushing into the cavity is thrown upward in the form of a hollow column that may reach a height of several thousand feet. When the column collapses, a circular cloud of mist, called the base surge, is formed around the base of the column. The base surge billows upward to a height of several hundred feet and expands rapidly outward to a distance of several thousand yards. Then it rises from the surface and merges with the cloud formed by the escaping fireball. The effective range of blast damage is less than that from an air blast because much of the energy is transmitted in the form of a ground or water shock wave. Near ground zero the severity of the shock wave is greater than that of the blast wave. The distance at which thermal radiation is hazardous is less than that from an air blast. Nuclear radiation is of two types—initial and residual. Initial radiation occurs within the first minute after an explosion; residual radiation occurs thereafter. In most cases, initial radiation is of little consequence because the lethal range of its effects is less than that of the blast wave. Residual radiation for a surface burst is dangerous because the large amount of surface material drawn into the cloud is heavy enough to fall while still highly radioactive. The fallout area of a surface blast is much larger than the area affected by heat and shock. Detonation of the nuclear bomb creates a blast wave that travels outward in all directions at an initial speed much greater than the speed of sound. When the wave strikes the earth’s surface, another wave is formed by reflection. At some distance from ground zero, the primary and reflected waves combine to form a reinforced blast wave. Pressure at the wave front, called overpressure, is many times higher than normal atmospheric one and causes most of the physical damage. Underwater bursts create large water waves, some of which reach heights of over 90 feet within a few hundred feet from the blast. They move outward at high speed for a distance of several miles, gradually diminishing in size. The overpressure decreases as the distance from the blast increases. Nuclear weapons produce explosions of great force and heat and release nuclear radiation. Their primary purpose is the mass destruction of property and personnel. Their effects are divided into three categories—blast waves or shock waves, incendiary, and radiation. Shock Waves Injuries caused by blast waves can be divided into primary injuries and secondary injuries. Primary blast injuries result from the direct action of the air shock wave on the human body. Secondary blast injuries are caused by strong blast winds reaching hundreds of miles per hour, collapsing buildings and timber and flinging debris about. Personnel may also be hurled against stationary objects or thrown to the ground by high winds accompanying the explosion. EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS There are two general ways fires can originate in a nuclear explosion. Kindling fuels can be ignited as a direct result of the absorption of thermal radiation. Fires can be started from electrical short circuits, broken gas lines, or other interrupted heat sources as an indirect effect of the blast wave. Nuclear radiation hazards consist of alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons. α particles have little skin-penetrating power and must be taken into the body through ingestion or cuts to be injurious. β particles can present a hazard to personnel if the emitters of these particles come into contact with the skin or get inside the body. β particles with enough intensity cause skin burns. γ rays are pure energy and not easily stopped. They can penetrate every region of the body. γ rays that do strike atoms in the body cause the atoms to ionize. The ionization may result in any number of possible chemical reactions that damage the cells of the body. Neutrons have the greatest penetrating power. When the neutron is captured in the atoms of various elements, the elements become radioactive and release high-energy γ rays and β particles. Initial radiation contains both γ and neutron radiation. Residual radiation contains both γ and β radiation. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1) What types of nuclear explosions do you know? 2) What is the EMP? 3) Name the types of radiation created by explosion? 4) How many categories of nuclear weapon effects do you know? 5) What are the Nuclear radiation hazards? FIND THE EQUIVALENTS вызывать значительное повышение температуры; лучи, обладающие высокой проникающей способностью; наносить поражение личному составу; вызывать поражение крови и тканей; создавать опасные уровни радиации; излучать альфа-частицы; производить разрушения; наносить ущерб; сопровождаться сильным ветром; классифицироваться в зависимости от высоты взрыва principal shock emitting pulse radiation converted residual wave Among the 1) ________ effects produced by a nuclear explosion are: blast or shock 2) ______, thermal radiation, radio-active contamination, electromagnetic 3) _______ and neutron radiation. The sudden release of energy causes a considerable increase of temperature and pressure, so that all the materials present are 4) ________ into hot, compressed gases. These gases rapidly expand and initiate a 5) ______ wave in the surrounding medium — air, water or earth. A fairly large proportion of the energy in a nuc explosion is emitted in the form of light and heat, generally referred to as «thermal 6) ________». The nuc explosion is also accompanied by highly penetrating and harmful invisible rays, called the «the initial nuclear radiation». Finally, the substances remaining after a nuc explosion are radioactive, 7) ________ similar radiations over an extended period of time. This is known as the «8) ________ nuclear radiation». TRANSLATE USING THE WORDS 1. Проникающая радиация состоит из потока нейтронов и гамма-лучей. 2. К поражающим факторам ядерного взрыва относятся: ударная волна, световое излучение, проникающая радиация и радиоактивное заражение. 3. Ядерный взрыв может быть произведен в воздухе, у поверхности земли (воды) или под землей (водой). 4. В соответствии с этим взрывы подразделяются на воз душные, наземные (надводные) и подземные (подводные). ______________ effects; air burst; gamma rays; blast wave; neutrons; surface burst; initial nuclear radiation; subsurface burst; thermal radiation; nuclear explosion; radioactive contamination. TRANSLATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Проникающая радиация состоит из потока нейтронов и гаммалучей. Initial nuc radiation is that nuc radiation which is emitted by a nuc explosion within the first minute after the burst. Ударная волна является основным поражающим фактором ядерного взрыва, так как на ее долю приходится 40-60 % общей энергии, высвобождающейся при ядерном взрыве. The blast energy can cause damage either through direct action of blast overpressure or through secondary effects caused by flying debris or by overturning and tumbling objects. The nuc explo is also accompanied by highly-penetrating and harmful invisible rays, called «the initial nuc radiation». К поражающим факторам ядерного взрыва относятся: ударная волна, световое излучение, проникающая радиация, радиоактивное заражение местности и электромагнитный импульс. There are three types of explosions, classified according to height of burst: the air burst, the surface burst and the subsurface burst. Nuclear weapons produce explosions of great 2. Their primary purpose is the mass 3. Nuclear weapons effects are divided into three categories— 4. Nuclear explosions are classed according to the point of detonation— 5. The major aim of a high altitude blast is to destroy or interrupt 6. The EMP is an intense electrical surge that affects electronic or electrical 7. The main reason for using an air blast is its destructive value produced in 8. The blast causes an over pressurization that 9. Most of the damage caused by a surface blast is due to the shock 10. Nuclear radiation is of two types 11. Nuclear radiation hazards consist of alpha and 12. The fallout area is much larger than. 1. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) blast waves or shock waves, incendiary, and radiation. the expansion and compression phases of weapon detonation. initial and residual. satellites and communication systems through the effect of an electromagnetic pulse. beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons. crushes everything in its path. force and heat and release nuclear radiation. equipment in a burnout that’s equivalent to that caused by a lightning strike. wave that accompanies the explosion. a high altitude blast, an air blast, a surface blast, and a subsurface blast. the area affected by heat and shock. destruction of property and personnel. VIDEO TRANSLATE IN WRITTEN FORM The explosion of a nuclear weapon has the following effects. In less than a second, an intense pulse of nuclear radiation is produced together with an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The EMP travels at the speed of light and can destroy electrical circuits by generating huge voltages and currents. As a result, electrical networks, computer equipment, phone networks, car management systems, and satellites may become inoperative over areas covering hundreds of miles. The EMP is accompanied by an intensely powerful flash of light sufficient to blind anyone looking at it by destroying their retina many miles away. Test observers not looking directly at a nuclear detonation experienced being able to see their bones imaged through their hands. An intense pulse of nuclear radiation irradiates a relatively small area around the explosion with sub-atomic particles known as neutrons and intense gamma radiation. These three initially intense effects of the nuclear explosion - heat, blast and radiation - combine to create a lethal inner ring in which no one can survive. TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH При ядерном взрыве действуют пять поражающих факторов: ударная волна, световое излучение, ионизирующее излучение, радиоактивное заражение и электромагнитный импульс. Ударная волна является основным поражающим фактором. Это область сильно сжатого воздуха, которая движется со сверхзвуковой скоростью во все стороны от центра взрыва. Световое излучение представляет собой поток видимых, инфракрасных и ультрафиолетовых лучей, не ходящих от светящейся области, состоящей из продуктов взрыва и воздуха, разогретых до миллионов градусов. Ионизирующее излучение - поток элементарных частиц и электромагнитных лучей, не видимых и не ощущаемых человеком, испускаемых в момент ядерного взрыва. Альфа-излучение обладает высокой ионизирующей и слабой проникающей способностью. Бета-излучение имеет меньшую ионизирующую способность, чем альфа-излучение, но большую проникающую способность. Гамма- и нейтронное излучения обладают очень высокой проникающей способностью. Электромагнитный импульс (ЭМИ) - это кратковременное электромагнитное поле, возникающее при взрыве ядерного боеприпаса. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nuclear weapons produce explosions of great force and heat and release nuclear radiation. Their primary purpose is the mass destruction of property and personnel. Nuclear weapons effects are divided into three categories— blast waves or shock waves, incendiary, and radiation. Nuclear explosions are classed according to the point of detonation— a high altitude blast, an air blast, a surface blast, and a subsurface blast. The major aim of a high altitude blast is to destroy or interrupt satellites and communication systems through the effect of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The EMP is an intense electrical surge that affects electronic or electrical equipment in a burnout that’s equivalent to that caused by a lightning strike. The main reason for using an air blast is its destructive value produced in the expansion and compression phases of weapon detonation. The blast causes an over pressurization that crushes everything in its path. Most of the damage caused by a surface blast is due to the shock wave that accompanies the explosion. Nuclear radiation is of two types—initial and residual. Nuclear radiation hazards consist of alpha and beta particles, gamma