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SDG Adoption: Benefits for Company Culture & Sustainability

Title: The Benefits of Adopting the SDG In the Company Culture
Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, culture, creativity and decent
work. Protecting and promoting culture is not an end in itself, but at the same time it contributes to
many of the sustainable development goals: safe and sustainable cities, decent work and economic
growth, reducing inequality and the environment, encouraging gender equality and peaceful and
inclusive societies. [Sources: 11]
The United Nations International Development Agenda for the first time refers to culture under the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in September 2015. Implementation of the SDGs and
their further work are required to build a systematic and measurable evidence base that shows the
contribution of culture to sustainable development. The indirect benefits of culture flow into the
effective implementation of development goals. [Sources: 11]
Let us explore the Sustainable Development Goals and how we can achieve them. The UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) were launched with 17 goals in 2015 to end poverty, transform health and
education, improve our cities and communities, address gender equality and address pressing challenges
such as climate change. The SDGs propose a new development path based on partnerships between
governments, civil society, and business to transform our society. According to the Business for
Sustainable Development Commission, sustainable business models will create $1.2 trillion worth of
economic opportunities and 380 million jobs by 2030. [Sources: 6, 8]
The UN Global Compact calls on companies to pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges
through entrepreneurial innovation and cooperation. Growth of business is generally linked to the
achievement of the SDGs at the macro level, but action at the local level allows companies to see how
they can help to achieve the goals in a way that drives the financial performance in the markets in which
they operate. [Sources: 5, 8]. Understanding the potential contribution and progress of the SDGs and
why they are so important is crucial, given the role of small businesses in the global economy. The
incentive to embrace these goals lie in contributing to the greater good of a better future and there are
countless potential benefits for small businesses to consider. Moral and ethical responsibility to uphold
the principles at their core, as well as the financial benefits that companies can use to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals. [Sources: 4, 8]
For SABMiller, a multinational beverage and beer producer, philanthropy and community investment
continue to play a role in sustainable development through our strong contributions to the Sustainable
Development Goals achieved through our core activities and value chain. The Australian Council for
International Development is leading the way in creating innovative private sector partnerships with
Australian businesses to strengthen the economy and promote sustainable development and
commissioned a flagship report, Better Businesses for a Better World which sets out the economic prize
for SDG-oriented businesses. Businesses can work with industry peers, governments and civil society
to create a supportive environment that ensures transparency and accountability. [Sources: 6, 7]
Vodafone's Global Communications Group focuses on SDGs materials within the company to create
credibility for potential partnerships with NGOs and other organizations. CEO presentations, town hall
meetings with NGOs and partnership events with communities and customers are possible. With the
products and services of the Global Communications Groups, the strategy of VODAFONE Foundations
focuses on the goals that the company believes can have the greatest impact. [Sources: 3]
By paying our employees a living wage and providing the best services we can afford, we fight SDGs
1) poverty, 2) zero hunger, 3) health and well-being, 8) decent work and economic growth, 10) reducing
inequality and 11) sustainable cities and communities. By offering our website with renewable energy
and offset the greenhouse gases of our Chicago-based companies, we support DGs 7) affordable and
clean energy, 11) sustainable cities and communities, 12) responsible consumption and production, and
13) climate action. Your acquisition and acquisition by organizations and stakeholders may not be on
your radar, but you are positioning yourself as a company and as a community to be part of this global
movement. [Sources: 3, 9]
On September 25, 2015, a process initiated by the United Nations (UN) resulted in 193 Member States
adopting 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which aim to end poverty, combat
inequality and injustice and fight climate change by 2030. We recognise the natural and cultural
diversity of the world and that culture and civilisation make a decisive contribution to sustainable
development. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and its negative effects
undermine the countries "ability to achieve sustainable development for all. [Sources: 2, 5]
A total of 17 objectives of the United Nations Development Programme have been adopted by 193
countries. We will focus on the third SDG, which extends to remote work and is heading towards
completion. [Sources: 0]
By synthesising knowledge from more than 300 publications, we demonstrate that cultural
characteristics are linked to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals and 79% of the
Sustainable Development Goals. [Sources: 10]. The synthesis of this report provided in December 2014
intensive public consultations and engagement with civil society and other stakeholders around the
world, including the valuable work of the General Assembly and the Open Working Group of the
Secretary General on Sustainable Development Goals. [Sources: 2]
[0]: https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/sdg-goal-promote-good-health-remote-work/
[1]: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-right-way-to-support-the-uns-sustainable-developmentgoals/
[2]: https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda
[3]: https://www.thinkparallax.com/Insight/sdg-sustainability-communications/
[4]: https://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/businesses-sustainable-development-goals
[5]: https://www.ey.com/en_us/assurance/why-sustainable-development-goals-should-be-in-yourbusiness-plan
[6]: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jun/06/adopting-the-sustainabledevelopment-goals-is-a-business-opportunity-for-australia
[7]: https://www.sdgfund.org/universality-and-sdgs
[8]: https://www.business.com/articles/un-sustainable-development-goals-for-small-business/
[9]: https://www.mightybytes.com/blog/aligning-un-sustainable-development-goals/
[10]: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590332221000580
[11]: https://en.unesco.org/courier/april-june-2017/culture-heart-sdgs