Indictable offences, summary offences & indictable offences heard summarily Summary Indictable Summary offences are minor crimes (less serious). Summary offences are usually heard in the Magistrate's Court rather than a jury Summary offences include drinkdriving, disorderly conduct, and minor assaults. All summary offences are listed in Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) Indictable offences include homicide, culpable driving causing death, and rape. All indictable offences are listed in the Crimes Act Indictable offences are serious crimes. Indictable offences are usually heard in the County or Supreme court by a judge or jury. Indictable offences heard summarily Indictable offences heard summarily are indictable crimes that can be heard in the Magistrate's Court under certain circumstances. These include: being less than 10 years punishment, a fine less than 1200 penalty points, damages or theft less than $100,000, less serious assaults, and with the consent of the accused. Practice SAC Qs Explain the difference between summary offences, indictable offences, and indictable offences heard summarily with an example of each. (6 marks)