LESSON 1 – MORE ABOUT PLANTS REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS FROM SEEDS FROM STEM FROM LEAVES FROM ROOTS Eg: Pea,Soyabea n,Corm rose,hibiscus,sug arcane,bougainvil lea,potato,onion, ginger bryophyllum, begonia sweet potato,carrot SEED DISPERSAL FROM SPORES mushroom, fungi bread mould,fern BY WIND cotton,dandelions(have long and fine hair),drumstick,jacaranda,maple (have wings) BY WATER coconut( light, air trapped between fibres so that they can float) BY ANIMALS BY EXPLOSION litchi,peach,papaya,orange (seeds thrown away germinate), animals excret seeds they cannot digest after eating, xanthium( cocklebur) have hooks or splines that stick on the fur of animals pea,geranium,gorse pod,poppy and balsam burst open when ripen CROPS - cultivated in large quantities - provides food and raw materials for cloth,medicine and timber - is called agriculture KHARIF CROPS(MANSOON SEASON) SUMMER CROPS FOOD CROPS maize,rice,pulses,sugarc ane,wheat FIBRE CROPS cotton, jute,flax,hemp OIL- PRODUCTING CROPS canola.jatropha,mustard, sunflower,soya bean • CROPS - rice,jowar,bajra,jute,hemp,peanuts,maize,pulses • VEGETABLES - spinach,brinjal,tomato,onion,pumpkin,garlic, gourd • FRUITS peach,litchi,mango,watermelon,muskmelon,plum,apricot RABI CROPS ( WINTER SEASON) • CROPS - wheat,gram • VEGETABLES radish,turnip,carrots,peas,mustard,cauliflower,c abbage,beans • FRUITS - apples,oranges,pomegranates STAGES OF AGRICULTURE 1.The field is ploughed 2. Manure is added to the soil 3. Seeds are sown 4. The field is supplied with water - called irrigation 5. To protect the crops they are sprayed with pesticides 6. The crops are then cut and gathered - called harvesting 7. The harvested crops grains are stored in granaries. TIPS FOR GROWING HEALTHY CROPS 1. Different crops - Different soil • rice - grows in wet,clayey soil • groundnut - grows in porous, sandy soil 2. Manure and Fertilizers - added regularly in sufficient quantities - make soil fertile • excessive fertilizers harm the soil 3. Adequate water at different stages for proper plant growth • rice,sugarcane need lots of water • wheat need less water 4. Seedssown should be of good mature and quality • should not be planted too close or deep in the soil 5. Sprayed with insecticides and pesticides to keep them free from pests, diseases and harmful animals. • extreme use harm the people who consumes • bio - pesticides are biodegradable in nature and cause no harm to the environment. 6. Weeding - removalbe of unwanted plants - done regularly. PROTECTION OF CROPS crops are destroyed due to • birds, insects, pests such as rats,squirrels • bad weather - excessive rain • diseases - affects leaves, stem and roots • grazing of animals - cows, goats STORAGE OF SEEDS 1. grains stored in air tight containers after harvesting - prevent from getting spoiled due to moisture, from rodents, birds 2. fencing fields - prevents from grazing animals eating them