Exam #15 Remedial Instruction in English 1. One of the strategies to help struggling writers in the secondary level is explicit teaching of the structure and language features of written genres. Which of the following procedures explicitly teach the genres? a. Asking students to read the different text types. b. Making students write specific text type each day. c. Conducting a text analysis of the specific text types. d. Asking students to read text types and write about them. 2. Which of the following should a teacher do prior to reading remediation? a. Conduct an interest inventory through questionnaire. b. Thoroughly assess and evaluate students. c. Administer an informal reading inventory d. Design a material reading program 3. Which of the following characterizes remedial students in general? a. They have a number of learning disabilities. b. They failed in two or more subject areas in their level. c. Their abilities fall several levels below their current level. d. They have low intended quotient and low emotional quotient. 4. What is the primary goal of remedial instruction in English? a. To separate the low performing from the high performing. b. To identify students who do not achieve school standards. c. To help students cope with the demands of their actual level. d. To help schools achieve their mission and in quality education. 5. Which of the following is NOT an instructional adaptation in remedial instruction? a. Scaffolding instructional cues. b. More challenging texts and tasks. c. Leveling and chunking of materials. d. Ongoing assessment and feedback. 6. ow might class size be affected in remedial instruction in English? a. Class size becomes heterogeneous. b. Class size depends on the teacher. c. Class size gets smaller. d. Class size gets bigger. 7. Which is an important curriculum consideration in the remedial writing program? a. Place emphasis on difficult-to-form letters. b. Develop hand writing fluency through speed trials. c. Stress neatness and legibility of cursive hand writing. d. Prioritize word recognition and spelling sight words. 8. Reading diagnosis is a crucial component of the remedial reading program. What could be the problem of the students to constantly read pat as bat and got as dot? a. Phoneme isolation b. Segmenting syllables c. Blending of sounds d. Graphophonic correspondence 9. In designing a remedial program in English, which of the following is the most important of the student considerations? a. Learning styles b. Likes and dislikes c. Background knowledge d. Socio economic status 10. Remedial programs face a number of difficulties and challenges both in the local and national levels. Which of the following appears foremost in many studies and researches in remedial instruction? a. Parent's acceptance b. Program cost and resources c. Teacher's skills preparation d. Availability of instructional materials 11. Which is primary consideration in choosing instructional materials for remedial instruction? a. Congruence with skills being developed. b. Demands of the mainstream class. c. Variety of instructional materials. d. Appeal to the student 1 of 5 12. How should students be selected in the remedial program in English? a. Through interviews and conferences b. By administering standardized exams c. Through teacher election and recommendation d. All of the above 13. Evaluation of remedial programs comes in many forms. Which of the following criteria ensures that the program achieves its goal of improving student abilities to prepare them for the mainstream class? a. Organizational context b. Accountability c. Effectiveness d. Impact 14. Listening comprehension problems are caused by linguistic and non linguistic factors. Which of the following is considered a linguistic obstacle? a. Students fails to concentrate on what is being listened to b. Student has limited schema or background knowledge c. Student fails to discern changes into intonation patterns d. Student has poor listening habits and strategies 15. Which of the following is an important remedial listening strategies for those students who cannot distinguish between /r/ and / I/? a. Provide ample exercise on sound discrimination. b. Give exercises on various intonation patterns. c. Practice strategies in decoding sight words. d. Identify liaisons and incomplete plosives. 16. To address listening comprehension problems what must teachers in the remedial class do? a. Train students in various types of listening. b. Train students in predicting and inferring strategies. c. Train students by asking them to listen to native speakers. d. Train students in distinguishing between British and American English. 17. Which of the following linguistic cueing systems allow a reader to figure out an unknown word base on its place in a sentence? a. Linguistic b. Graphophonic c. Syntactic d. Semantic 18. Early intervention for struggling learners may be done through which of the following strategies? a. Clinical teaching strategies b. Teacher-student interaction c. On-going family literacy d. Rigorous assessment 19. Which of the following does NOT correctly apply syllabication principles? a. Grum-ble b. Swag-girl c. Irre-pa-ra-ble d. Un-touch-a-ble 20. Which of the following remediation strategies may help students in phonemic awareness? a. Sound isolation b. Motor imaging c. Sight words drill d. Syllabication 21. The following are factors to consider in designing a remedial program except. a. Assessment b. Curriculum c. Evaluation d. Instruction 22. Which of the following components of a remedial program involves learners monitoring of their progress? a. The enforcement and extension b. Personal emotional growth development c. Cognitive development d. Schema enhancement 23. Which is the best way to correct basic sight vocabulary deficit? a. Have students trace the word on paper 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. b. Discuss the meaning of words through pictures c. Let students use context clues d. Have student write sentences Which skill should students learn in remediation through phonemic awareness? a. Clipping b. Coining c. Decoding d. Blending Which of the following is least useful for the teacher when doing remedial vocabulary instruction? a. Words study journal puzzle b. Cross word puzzle c. Drawings and graphs d. Standardized vocabulary test Below are general instructional guidelines that should be considered in remedial program (Strickland, 1998 cited in Gunning, 2003 and in Vacca, Vacca, and Gove, 1991), except: a. Instruction is systematic when it is planned, deliberate in application, and proceeds in an orderly manner. This does not mean a rigid progression of one-size-fits-all teaching. b. Intensive instruction on any particular skill or strategy should be based on need. Thus, intensity will vary both with individuals and groups. c. There should be substitute for ongoing documentation and monitoring of learning to determine the order in which skills should be addressed and the level of intensity required to help a child or group of children succeed in a particular area is ongoing. d. To track specific goals and objectives within an integrated language-arts framework, teachers must know the instructional objectives their curriculum requires at the grade or year level they teach. The orientation component principle in remediating reading means that: a. It should provide continuity and focus to the remedial session b. It should never be traded away, even for one period, without some compelling reason. c. It should contain an attempt to enhance basic thinking operation such as: inference d. It should contain proper communication among students and parents of what is to be remediated. How would you correct a student who has sight-word knowledge deficit? a. Ask students to write the word themselves and to be sure have them say the word while they write it. b. When students are first learning to blend, use examples with continuous sounds, because the sounds can be stretched and held. c. Identify the relevant and irrelevant features of the concept in question. d. Take a difficult word from the text, write it on the chalkboard, pronounce it, and tell what it means. 29. The following are the ways to improve students’ listening comprehension, except: a. Practice sound discrimination, liaisons, and incomplete plosives b. Teach grammar c. Improve skills in predicting d. Teach Stress, rhythm, and intonation 30. One of the techniques in teaching pronunciation is minimal pair drills, what do you mean by this? a. The teacher established the setting or context then key vocabulary is presented. b. These provide practice on problematic sounds in the target language through listening discrimination and spoken practice. c. Articulatory descriptions, articulatory diagrams, and a phonetic alphabet are used. d. Passages and scripts are used for students to practice and then read aloud focusing on stress, timing, and intonation 31. You can distinguish a student with knowledge difficulty in writing if he/she has __________. a. Do not analyze or reflect on writing 2 of 5 b. Show poor attention and concentration c. Difficulty accessing existing topic knowledge d. Have visual motor integration weaknesses and fine motor difficulties. 32. You can distinguish a student with motivation difficulty in writing if he/she has __________. a. Impoverished, fragmented, and poorly organized topic knowledge b. Fail to balance performance goals, which relate to documenting performance and achieving success, and mastery goals, which relate to acquiring competence. c. Less awareness of what constitutes good writing and how to produce it d. Have limited ability to self-regulate thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the writing process 33. One of the strategies in teaching pronunciation is Passages and scripts are used for students to practice and then read aloud focusing on stress, timing, and intonation which is under ____________. a. Reading aloud/recitation b. Recording of learners’ production c. Developmental approximation drills d. Listen and imitate 34. It refers to understanding that letters represent sound so that words may be read by saying the sounds represented by the letters, and words may be spelled by writing the letters that represent the sounds in a word. a. Sight-Word Knowledge b. Basic Sight Words c. Alphabetic Knowledge d. Knowledge on Sound-Symbol Correspondence 35. It refers to the readers’ ability to use phonics, phonemic, and structural analysis knowledge. a. Alphabetic Knowledge b. Kno Exam #15 Remedial Instruction in English wledge on Sound-Symbol Correspondence c. Phonemic awareness d. Phonology 36. Below are the factors that make speaking difficult (Brown, 2001) except: a. Clustering b. Redundancy c. Slang d. Performance variables 37. Below are the techniques teacher can use in improving students’ listening comprehension, except: a. Recognize stressed and unstressed words b. Enrich vocabulary c. Teach IPA d. Practice inferring information not directly stated 38. The following are causes of poor comprehension, except: a. lack of background knowledge b. inadequate level of vocabulary c. failure to know the meaning of non technical academic langauge d. inadequate understanding of vocabulary development 39. The following are factors to consider in developing students' vocabulary, academic language, and background knowledge, except: a. utility b. morphemic value c. frequency d. level of knowledge 40. What is the strategy which is considered as ineffective when teaching vocabulary instruction? a. contextual redefinition b. looking up the word in the dictionary c. semantic maps d. semantic feature analysis 41. When a lesson is not engaging, what should the teacher do? a. Ask more lower level questions b. omit parts of the activity c. Modify the materials, lesson, or student groups d. Choose another lesson 42. Why is feedback to students important? a. Allows the teacher to assess the situation b. Makes them question their work c. Helps students understand the subject matter and guides them to continue with their learning d. There aren't any real benefits in the long run 43. This means providing more and slightly longer pauses to give students more time to make sense of the utterances a. Speak at standard speed b. Use shorter, simpler, sentences c. Use specific names instead of pronouns d. Use more gestures, movement, and facial expressions 44. These provide emphasis on words and give learners extra clues as they search for meaning. a. Speak at standard speed b. Use shorter, simpler, sentences c. Use specific names instead of pronouns d. Use more gestures, movement, and facial expressions 45. In order for teachers to support all students' writing ability development, certain qualities of the writing classroom must be present, they should do the following, except: a. Routines should permit students to become comfortable with the writing process and move through the process over a sustained period of time at their own rate. b. Lessons should be designed to help students master craft elements (e.g., text structure, character development), writing skills c. Activities should be set high in order to close the gap among the students d. A common language for shared expectations and feedback regarding writing quality might include the use of traits 46. These are consideration in accommodations in teaching strategies in remedial instruction, except: a. Devote more instructional time to writing mechanics. b. Provide physical assistance during handwriting practice. c. Re-teach writing skills and strategies. d. Provide impromptu feedbacking for fast-paced learning 47. These are the curriculum considerations for teaching handwriting, except: a. Visual cues, such as numbered dots and arrows, and verbal descriptions are used to guide letter formation. b. Activities to reinforce letter recognition and naming are combined with handwriting practice. c. Style of handwriting should be dependent on students’ needs. d. Students practice using a comfortable and efficient tripod pencil grasp 48. The following are considerations for teaching spelling, except; a. Previously taught spelling words are daily viewed to promote retention. b. Correct use of spelling vocabulary in students’ written work is monitored and reinforced. c. Students are taught and encouraged to use dictionaries, spell checkers, and other resources to determine the spelling of unknown words d. Spelling “demons” and other difficult words are posted on wall charts. 49. This period of time ideally should build on the direct instructional period and be spent in empowered reading, writing, and discussion of what was read. a. Direct Instruction Component b. Schema-Enhancement Component c. Reinforcement and Extension Component d. Personal-Emotional Growth Development 50. There is little learning or consequence that can occur without the learner involvement and anticipation of personal progress. 3 of 5 a. b. c. d. Direct Instruction Component Schema-Enhancement Component Reinforcement and Extension Component Personal-Emotional Growth Development Exam #16 Translation & Editing of Text 51. The terms “computer-assisted translation” and “machine translation” are the same. b. True c. False 52. The interpretation of non-specific language. a. Specialized Translation b. Literary Translation c. General Translation d. Human Assisted Machine Translation 53. In translating idioms or figurative language we need to use. a. Lexical Synonymy b. Cultural Equivalence c. Functional Equivalence d. Transposition SL- TL 54. A translation from press releases to promotional videos. a. Literal Translation b. Literary translation c. Media Translation d. Knowledge Translation 55. Intersemiotic translation is also called? a. rewording b. transmutation c. literal translation d. formal translation 56. The translator uses a computer to improve or speed up the process of translation. a. Machine/Mechanical Translation b. Human Assisted Machine Translation c. Audiovisual translation d. Computer Assisted Translation 57. SL: To make a delicious turkey requires the following simple steps TL: Mga simpleng hakbang kailangan para sa masarap na pabo. *The translation above is an example of? a. Contraction b. Translation Collocation c. Lexical Synonymy d. Expansion 58. Under this technique is ‘Shift in order of words’. a. Functional Equivalence b. Transposition SL- TL c. Lexical Synonymy d. Cultural Equivalence 59. It basically means that the translator makes a conscious choice to use the same word in the target text as it is found in the source text. a. Contraction b. Translation Collocation c. Lexical Synonymy d. Borrowing 60. Who is the proponent of ‘Linguistic Aspect of Translation’? a. Lev Vygostky b. Roman Jakobson c. Noam Chomsky d. Michael Halliday 61. If a document with 1,000 Tagalog words is translated into English, it would on average convert into 1,250 words. a. Reduction/Contraction b. Cultural Equivalence c. Functional Equivalence d. Addition or Expansion 62. Translation of Research Findings is a good example of? a. Machine Translation b. Knowledge Translation c. Literary translation d. Media Translation 63. Translating the word depends on its meaning not just literal translation. a. Contraction b. Translation Collocation c. Lexical Synonymy d. Borrowing 64. The words that goes together in harmony with other word as appropriate pairing. a. Contraction b. Translation Collocation c. Lexical Synonymy d. Expansion 65. The aims at keeping the contextual features of the source text intact in the target language. a. Lexical Synonymy b. Cultural Equivalence c. Functional Equivalence d. Addition or Expansion 66. A translation without any help of human. a. Machine/Mechanical Translation b. Human Assisted Machine Translation c. Audiovisual translation d. Computer Assisted Translation 67. Proofread: “Last summer, my family and I camped by the Mississippi river.” a. change family to Family b. change I to me c. change river to River d. The sentence is correct. 68. Recognised Translation refers to… a. translating the lexicon in terms of meaning. b. using the officially accepted translation. c. dividing a sentence by segments. d. to use the same word in the target text 69. In this principle you have the same words but have different meanings, the word can be different in a way how it was spoken or expressed. a. Consider differences in written expression from spoken expression. It requires formally of words in translation. b. The believe that Filipino language is inadequate, hence, translators resort to imitation or borrowing not only the word, but also the idioms, way of expression, and the structure of the sentence of English. c. Brief, concise, condensed expressions should always be observed in translation process. d. Every language is rooted from the culture of the people who owns it. 70. It refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. a. borrowing b. loan words c. adoption of words d. lent words 71. Which is not an example of Audiovisual translation. a. Dubbing b. written translation c. voice-over d. subtitling 72. Also referred to as automated translation or instant translation. a. Knowledge Translation b. Literary translation c. Machine Translation d. Media Translation 73. A translator should be a totally dependent to dictionaries. a. True b. False 74. This principle requires the formality of words in translation. Something done because if follows the usual or accepted way of doing things, although it may not be important. a. Consider differences in written expression from spoken expression. It requires formally of words in translation. b. Brief, concise, condensed expressions should always be observed in translation process. c. Every language is rooted from the culture of the people who owns it. d. The believe that Filipino language is inadequate, hence, translators resort to imitation or borrowing not only the word, but also the idioms, way of expression, and the structure of the sentence of English. 4 of 5 75. It checks for the quality of the manuscript, or proof, before mass production. The focus is the language and the layout of the manuscript. a. Copy-Editing b. Editing c. Proofreading d. Translation of Text 76. Intralingual translation is… a. an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems. b. an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language c. an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language. d. none of the above 77. Which is not a meaning of Literary Translation? a. Is a type of translation where the source documents are fiction. b. The academic conference into the hands of people and organizations who can put it to practical use. c. It is the poetic focus of the text that makes this type of translation different from, d. The artistic image created in the particular literary work 78. This is known as “translation proper”. a. Intersectional translation b. Intralingual translation c. Intersemiotic translation d. Interlingual translation 79. An effort to find equivalent and appropriate terms for the transfer from Source Language to Target Language. a. Terminology b. Tuning c. Analysis d. Understanding 80. Filipino: Ang buwan ng pebrero ay buwan ng pag ibig English: The moon is a moon of love The translation above is an example of? a. Literary translation b. Media Translation c. Literal Translation d. Knowledge Translation 81. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated? a. In the middle of night. The van pulled up. b. Chuck would not, give Jane the seat. c. Over coffee and toast, Kelly told me about her new job. d. Lemonade. My favorite drink. 82. This principle shortened versions of word or phrases help speed up our communication. a. Every language is rooted from the culture of the people who owns it. b. Abbreviations and Acronyms including formulas that are considered established or universal in use need not to be changed to conform with spelling and equivalence. c. Consider differences in written expression from spoken expression. It requires formally of words in translation. d. There are instances when direct expressions best said euphemistically to avoid awkwardness. 83. The process of checking for mistakes, inconsistencies and repetition; the polishing of your manuscript before publication; it is also used to remove the obstacles between the readers and what the author wants to convey. a. Copy-Editing b. Editing c. Proof-Reading d. Translation of Text 84. The example of this AB English- Literary Translation. a. Specialized Translation b. Literary Translation c. General Translation d. Human Assisted Machine Translation 85. It can be one through reading and digging information in discussion as much as you can about the content and context. a. Terminology b. Tuning c. Analysis d. Understanding 86. Is the art of PERSUASION. a. Discourse b. Communication c. Rhetoric d. Contextual Application 87. The following sentence pair should be combined to make a better sentence. Which is the best revision? “The bicycle tire is flat. The bicycle tire is on the bike.” a. The bicycle tire is on the bike and the bicycle tire is flat. b. The flat bicycle tire is on the bike. c. On the bike, the bicycle tire there is flat. d. The tire on the bicycle is flat. 88. Is a process of going from the semantic structure analysis to the initial draft of the translation. a. Transfer b. Analysis c. Understanding d. Reconstructing 89. The third step in translation process according to Ronald H. Bathgate. a. Terminology b. Tuning c. Analysis d. Understanding 90. Carries a source text (or artefact) across sign systems and typically creates connections between different cultures and media. a. Intralingual translation b. Intersemiotic translation c. Interlingual translation d. Intersectional translation 91. A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. a. Consider differences in written expression from spoken expression. It requires formally of words in translation. b. There are instances when direct expressions best said euphemistically to avoid awkwardness. c. Every language is rooted from the culture of the people who owns it. d. Translation should be accepted by the target receiver. 92. La Parure to ‘The Necklace’ is an example of? a. Literal Translation b. Knowledge Translation c. Literary translation d. Media Translation 93. In this process the translator needs to know whether he makes and adequate translation. a. Transfer b. Analysis c. Understanding d. Reconstructing 94. This principle can be best describe using “went to heaven” instead of “dead”. a. Consider differences in written expression from spoken expression. It requires formally of words in translation. b. There are instances when direct expressions best said euphemistically to avoid awkwardness. c. Every language is rooted from the culture of the people who owns it. d. Abbreviations and Acronyms including formulas that are considered established or universal in use need not to be changed to conform with spelling and equivalence. 95. A human translator is the one reading and deducing the meaning of the source text and transferring it into the target language. a. Machine/Mechanical Translation b. Human Assisted Machine Translation c. Audiovisual translation d. Computer Assisted Translation 96. Common Errors to look in “proofreading” EXCEPT: a. Spelling b. Content c. Typography d. Grammar 97. Which sentence uses commas correctly? a. I went to the store and bought apples, oranges and bananas. 5 of 5 b. I went to the store and bought apples, oranges, and, bananas. c. I went to the store, and bought apples oranges and bananas. d. I went to the store and bought apples, oranges, and bananas. 98. As the translator reads through the text, he should note down any lexical items which seem to be the key words. The process is called? a. Transfer b. Analysis c. Understanding d. Reconstructing 99. Is used to refer just to the special vocabulary of a particular science or social practice a. Discourse b. Communication c. Rhetoric d. Contextual Application 100.The replacement of lexical items by other equivalent items that are considered more suited to the target audience. a. Intralingual translation b. Intersemiotic translation c. Interlingual translation d. Intersectional translation