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English speech

Today we will talk about research shown 25% of teenagers think playing computer
game is exercise. So, our answer is yes, we agree playing computer game is exercise.
Our first opinion is most parents are thinking all the computer is bad for child and
they don’t want their child to play lot computer game, and we some of computer can
training child’s skill, for example, Minecraft, in this game player can build anything.
Some of computer game is about culture, history. Computer game can make child
spend more focus on it. Now many parents think that games are bad things, and
many parents think that children's inattention and poor academic performance are
caused by playing games. In fact, it will cause children's inattention, and hyperactivity
may also be eating too many types of things, such as chocolate. The game is a virtual
world. If you can't talk to real people in the real world, you can talk to a stranger in
the virtual world. Because he doesn't know you, even if you tell him, don't worry that
he will spread his bad reputation everywhere. Now many children have no sense of
security. Maybe the Internet and games are a way for them to comfort their hearts.