Uploaded by daniil_0511

Spring Security Lab: Authentication, OAuth2, and Session Control

Labwork # 11. Spring Security
 Upload your archive with name {firstName}_{lastName}_{group}. If you
don't upload like this, automatically 0.
 Project should be configured with Java version up to 11.
 Lab should be download as whole project. Project folder should be
archived before upload to dl.
 If project won’t run, automatically 0.
Use your previous project FROM LAB9/10.
 Add JUnit test with at least 60% code coverage.
 Use Spring Security Basic Authentication.
 DO NOT USE in memory authentication (auth.inMemoryAuthentication())
 Use BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint
 Use Spring Security Remember Me
 Use Custom AuthenticationFailureHandler
 Add JUnit test with at least 80% code coverage.
 Use OAuth2 and JWT секьюрити конфиг аутапи
 Prevent Brute Force Authentication Attempts with Spring Security
 Control the Session with Spring Security
o always
o ifRequired
o never
o stateless он нужен для того что бы брать сессию под контроль
 Fix 401s with CORS Preflights and Spring Security Cекьюрити конфиг 149
 Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in a Spring Application 94 строка
секьюрити конфиг