Labwork # 11. Spring Security Prerequisites: Upload your archive with name {firstName}_{lastName}_{group}. If you don't upload like this, automatically 0. Project should be configured with Java version up to 11. Lab should be download as whole project. Project folder should be archived before upload to dl. If project won’t run, automatically 0. Use your previous project FROM LAB9/10. Assignment: 0-60% Add JUnit test with at least 60% code coverage. Use Spring Security Basic Authentication. DO NOT USE in memory authentication (auth.inMemoryAuthentication()) Use BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint Use Spring Security Remember Me Use Custom AuthenticationFailureHandler 60-100% Add JUnit test with at least 80% code coverage. Use OAuth2 and JWT секьюрити конфиг аутапи Prevent Brute Force Authentication Attempts with Spring Security Control the Session with Spring Security o always o ifRequired o never o stateless он нужен для того что бы брать сессию под контроль Fix 401s with CORS Preflights and Spring Security Cекьюрити конфиг 149 строка Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in a Spring Application 94 строка секьюрити конфиг