Code Presentation SNU Code of Ethics Group Members 1. Ahmed dhuubow osman 2. Sulaiman Said mohamed [ B3ENG208 ] [ B3ENG255 ] 3. Yusuf daahir omar 4. Omar dhicisow mohamed 5. Abdirahim abubakar yakub [ B3ENG219 ] [ B3ENG225 ] [ B3ENG203 ] 6. Abdirahim mohamed hassan [ B3ENG193 ] Main Idea • Introduction • Characteristics • Writing ethical code • Process of writing ethical code • Sources of writing ethical code • Issues of writing ethical code • Cooperation of writing ethical code Introduction • Ethics codes are as old as antiquity. Religious traditions and civic cultures have codes as their foundations. Ethics codes are necessary at all because good people should know how to act ethically without any guidance.Contemporary social psychological research also strongly suggests that codes can guide or induce behaviors in developing countries that are critical to a functioning public service.Codes are not designed for “bad” people, but for the persons who want to act ethically. The bad person will seldom follow a code, while most people – especially public servants -- welcome ethical guidance in difficult or unclear situations. Characteristics A Code of Ethics should be: • Easy and clear • Simple words that can be understand to any one. • Logical and reasonable • Inclusive • Positive Writing Ethical Code • Process of writing ethical code • Sources of writing ethical code • Issues of writing ethical code • Cooperation of writing ethical code Process of Writing Ethical Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discussion Research Improvement Paraphrasing Writting Sources of Writing Ethical Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Books Websites Digital libraries Articles Ideas International ethical code universities Challenges of Writing Ethical Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Time Meetings Searching Technique Conflict of Interest Resident Cooperation writing Ethical Code 1. 2. 3. 4. Different places ( mosque, University and cafeteria) Time table Sacrifice ( time and energy ) Teamwork Environmental Setting Classrooms - Maintaining classroom computers, benches, walls etc. .. clean and safe out of respect for the rights of others • Faculty Facilities - Preserving the faculty facilities - Maintaining the corridors clean and well-decorated - Avoiding sitting in the halls, waiting for lectures to begin - Turning off water taps Environmental Setting The Library • Books - Returning borrowed books on time - Keeping books without any markings - Avoiding ripping pages or parts out of books - Keeping books in a good condition Environmental Setting - Keeping books in their proper place - Using library catalog to look for books - Abiding by the laws of photography - Documenting references accurately, and observing copyrights Environmental Setting •Place - Keeping the library clean and not throwing papers or litter - Switching off mobile phones before entering the library - Refraining from eating or drinking inside the library - Keeping silence inside the library - Visiting the library during opening hours - Abiding by the rules and regulations inside the library Environmental Setting •Staff - Respecting the instructions of the staff - Requesting the help of the staff when needed - Speaking in an appropriate manner with the staff - Objecting in an appropriate manner - Fulfilling one’s duties to get his/her rights Laboratories •Tools or Materials - Economizing the use of materials used in experiments - Informing teaching staff or lab technicians/assistants in cases of danger, accidents, or equipment breakdown - Using lab equipment and tools properly, and leaving them as they were received at the beginning of the lab Laboratories •Place - Keeping the lab clean - Refraining from eating or drinking inside the lab - Bringing tools and devices back to their place after finishing experiments - Keeping silence inside the lab - Switching off mobile phones before entering the lab Laboratories •Supervisors and Staff - Abiding by the instructions of the teaching staff as well as lab technicians/assistants - Requesting the help of the staff when needed - Speaking in an appropriate manner - Objecting in an appropriate manner Social Setting • Collaborating with and respecting others • Dressing properly and speaking politely • Holding fast to one’s opinion and apologizing for mistakes • Maintaining good and friendly relations with students of other departments • Providing guidance to colleagues, listening to advice and giving priority to public interest • Maintaining good manners in speaking Social Setting • Showing mutual respect to faculty members and teaching assistants • Showing respect to administrative staff • Abiding by the regulations to get his/her rights and fulfill his/her duties • Cooperating and participating in various activities with teaching assistants • Assisting colleagues with special needs