SEMINAR RADAR NASIONAL III 2009 Prosiding Bandung 30 April 2009 Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel Penyelenggara: ppet Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (PPET - LIPI) LIPI dan Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI - ITB) bekerjasama dengan International Research Centre for Telecommunications and Radar (IRCTR) Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) The Netherlands Sponsor: i Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional III 2009 ISSN : 1979 - 2921 Hak cipta © 2009 oleh Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi – LIPI Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang menyalin, memproduksi dalam segala bentuk, termasuk mem-fotocopy, merekam, atau menyimpan informasi, sebagian atau seluruh isi dari buku ini tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit. Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional / [editor by] Mashury Wahab, Asep Yudi Hercuadi A.A. Lestari, A.B. Suksmono, , Yuyu Wahyu, Pamungkas Daud. vi + pp.; 21,0 x 29,7 cm ISBN : 1979 - 2921 Radio Detecting and Ranging (Radar) Technical editing by Yudi Yuliyus Maulana, Dadin Mahmudin, Deni Permana K,Yadi Radiansah, Sulistyaningsih, Folin Oktaviani. Cover design by Yadi Radiansah. Diterbitkan oleh : Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi (PPET) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Kampus LIPI Jl. Sangkuriang, Bandung Telp. (022) 2504661 Fax. (022) 2504659 Website : ii Pelindung Deputi Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknik LIPI Ketua Umum Mashury Wahab Panitia Pengarah Lilik Hendradjaja, Dephan Adang Suwandi, ITB Syahrul Aiman, LIPI Tatang A. Taufik, BPPT Hiskia Sirait, LIPI Andriyan B. Suksmono, ITB A. Andaya Lestari, IRCTR-IB Endon Bharata, IRCTR-IB Nana Rachmana, ITB Yuyu Wahyu, LIPI Syamsu Ismail, LIPI Rustini S. Kayatmo, LIPI Eko Tjipto Rahardjo, UI Adit Kurniawan, ITB Panitia Pelaksana Iskandar, ITB Andi Kirana, RCS Gunawan Handayani, ITB Pamungkas Daud, LIPI Folin Oktaviani, LIPI Sulistyaningsih, LIPI Yudi Yulius Maulana, LIPI Dadin Mahmudin, LIPI Deni Permana K., LIPI Sri Hardiati, LIPI Iqbal Syamsu, LIPI Asep Yudi Hercuadi, LIPI Yadi Radiansah, LIPI Zaenul Arifin, LIPI Endang Ridwan, LIPI Lisdiani, LIPI Poppy Sumarni, LIPI Noorfiya Umniyati, LIPI Dicky Desmunandar, LIPI iii Daftar Makalah 1. Tinjauan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Seluler GSM Diaplikasikan Sebagai Pasif Radar ............................................................................................................. Febrian Wijoseno, Adit Kurniawan, Arwin D.W.Sumantri 2. Analisa FDOA-RADAR Sekunder Terhadap Gangguan Random Noise Wahyu Widada dan Sri Kliwati ………………………………………………………….. 3. Sistem Identifikasi Pesawat Menggunakan Kecepatan dan Radar Cross Section Pesawat Berbasis Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation ………… Maman Darusman, Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari, Aciek Ida Wuryandari 4. 5. The Performance Of Supervised And Unsupervised Neural Networks In Performing Aircraft Identification Tasks ……………………………………………. Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi S, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Maman Darusman, Nur Ichsan Utama Minimalisasi Sinyal Harmonik Radar Indra I dengan IF Lumped Element Filter ........................................................................................................................ Liarto, A.A Lestari, Sri Hardiati 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-22 23-26 6. First Results Of The Signal Processing Of INDERA …………………………….. W. Sediono, A. A. Lestari 7. Teknik Pengukuran Pola Radiasi Transduser Dwi-Fungsi Akustik Bawah Air ………………………………………………………………………………… Syamsu Ismail 30-32 Analisis Penyesuai Impedansi NTL Menggunakan Metode Ekspansi Fourier ..................................................................................................................... Rudy Yuwono, Achmad Setiawan, D.J. Djoko H.S 33-38 Antena Array Electronic Switch Beam Untuk Pengerahan Beam Antena Pada Sistem Radar ................................................................................................. Yoko Wasis, Bambang Edhie Sahputra, Iswahyudi, Yogi Koswara, A.A Pramudita 39-41 8. 9. 27-29 10. Antena UWB Bentuk T Untuk Aplikasi SFCW-GPR 100-1000 Mhz ................... A.Adya Pramudita, A. Kurniawan, A. Bayu Suksmono, A.Andaya Lestari 42-46 11. Sistem Trigger Pada Radar Maritim Indera .......................................................... Oktanto Dedi Winarko, A. Andaya Lestari 47-51 12. Penelitian-Penelitian Radar Dan Pendukungnya di Lipi ..................................... Masbah R.T. Siregar 52-56 13. Karakterisasi Penggunaan Garis Kurva Pada Lengan Seri 3 dB Hybrid Coupler MicrostripPita Lebar ................................................................................ Y.K. Ningsih, F.Y. Zulkifli, E.T. Rahardjo, A.A. Lestari 57-62 Optimasi Pemodelan Arima Dengan Efek Deteksi Outlier Pada Data Curah Hujan Di Surabaya ...................................................................................... Achmad Mauludiyanto, Gamantyo Hendrantoro, Mauridhi Hery P, Suhartono 63-67 Desain Dan Simulasi Tranceiver Stepped Frequency ContinuousWave Ground Penetrating Radar (SFCW GPR) 700 – 1400 Mhz .................................. Tommi Hariyadi, Endon Bharata, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono 68-74 14. 15. vi 16. Sistem Antena Radar VHF Lapan ......................................................................... Peberlin Sitompul, Aries Kurniawan, M. Sjarifudin, MarioBatubara, Harry Bangkit, Timbul Manik, J.R Roettger 17. Pembuatan Modul Receiver Untuk Sistem Perangkat Pemancar Jamming ………………………………………………………………………………….. Elan Djaelani 79-84 Pemanfaatan Sistem Pakar dalam Perancangan Sistem Analisa Masalah Dan Penentu Tindakan Pemeliharaan Radar ....................................................... Edith Nurhidayat Kurniawan S. , Aciek Ida Wuryandari , Arwin D.W. Sumari 85-88 18. 75-78 19. Penggunaan Radar Bagi Kepentingan Pertahanan Udara ................................. Suparman D, MM 20. Kerjasama DEPHUT Dan Lembaga International dalam Penggunaan Radar Untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan Hutan yang Lestari ……………………………... Iwan Setiawan Priyambudi Santoso 95-96 Perbandingan Performansi Sistem Identifikasi Pesawat Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Mode Adaptive Resonance Theory 1 Dan 2 ................. Nur Ichsan Utama, Aciek Ida Wuryandari, Arwin D. W. Sumari 97-101 Ilmu Pengetahuan Rekayasa dan Teknologi Dan Seni (ILPERTEKS) Untuk Pengembangan Radar Pengawas Pantai ................................................. , Elan Djaelani Prof. Dr. Rohani J Widodo, Ridodi Anantaprama, Iwan Setiawan 102-108 21. 22. 89-94 23. Usulan Pemakaian Radar Langit Untuk Daerah Khusus Atau Rawan .............. Hari Satriyo Basuki 109-113 24. Implementasi Peta Dinamis Pada Radar INDERA ............................................... Deni Yulian, W. Sediono, A. Andaya Lestari 114-118 25. Perancangan dan Realisasi Antena Rolled Dipole Untuk Keperluan Ground Penetrating (GPR) Dengan Menggunakan Metoda Finite Different Time Domain (FDTD) .............................................................................. Yudi Yuliyus Maulana, Yuyu Wahyu, Folin Oktafiani dan AA Lestari 119-124 26. Antena Ground Penetrating Radar Adaptif Terhadap Multi Pulsa ..................... Folin Oktafiani, Yuyu Wahyu, Yudi Yuliyus, A.A Lestari 27. Estimasi Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Dalam Sistem Antena Patch Array Untuk Radar ................................................................................................. Sri Hardiati, Sulistyaningsih 129-132 Antena Dipole Dengan Pembebanan Resistif dan Layer Dielektrik Untuk Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) ......................................................................... Y.Wahyu, A.Kurniawan, Sugihartono, A.S Ahmad, A A Lestari 133-137 28. 125-128 29. Kajian Mengenai Radar Clutter Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Unjuk Kerja Radar ... Mashury Wahab dan Sulistyaningsih 138-142 30. Pembangkit Chirp Untuk Radar FMCW Menggunakan DDS .............................. Purwoko Adhi 143-146 vii The Performance of Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Networks in Performing Aircraft Identification Tasks Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari 1) Aciek Ida Wuryandari 2) Maman Darusman 2) Nur Ichsan Utama 2) 1) Departemen Elektronika, Akademi Angkatan Udara Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta 55002 – INDONESIA Telp. 0274 486922 ext 6101 Fax. 0274 488918 Email: 2) Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika - ITB, Kampus ITB Labtek VIII Lantai 2, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132 – INDONESIA Telp. 022 2502260 Fax. 022 2534222 Email:,, ABSTRACT This paper is a report on our research progress in the area of aircraft identification by utilizing neural networks and information fusion. In this paper we address the performance comparison of supervised and unsupervised neural networks in aircraft identification tasks in a generic system called Neural Network-based Aircraft Identification System (NN-AIS). We select Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) for the unsupervised neural network and Back Propagation Network (BPN) for the supervised one. As for previous research, we use two kinds of input namely aircraft Radar Cross Section (RCS) and average speed. Their performance will be validated by using already-learnt and never-learnt patterns. Keywords: ART, BPN, aircraft identification, RCS, speed In this paper we address the utilization of two kinds of neural network architecture for performing aircraft identification tasks namely supervised and unsupervised. We use the two types of input for training and validating the networks and measure their performance. In general our proposed system is called as Neural Network-based Aircraft Identification System (NN-AIS). The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 1 cover the background of the paper and it will be followed by Section 2 which covers a short introduction to neural networks as well as related matters to aircraft RCS and speed. Section 3 presents the NN-AIS design as well as the NN training. Section 4 delivers the system validation. The paper is summarized in Section 5 with some concluding remarks. 1. INTRODUCTION Aircraft identification task is a critical matter to recognize the identity of an aircraft that is entering a monitored air space. The sooner the observed aircraft is identified, the faster the authorized authority can make a decision. In normal flight procedure, all aircraft flight plans must be reported to the authorized authority to be recorded. The records will be used to monitor every single aircraft movement in the monitored air space. The reported flight plans ease the authority to track and identify a certain aircraft that is displayed on monitor room’s displays. A problem is arisen when the authority cannot identify a certain aircraft that is detected by radar system. There are two possibilities when an aircraft cannot be identified. First, there is a possibility the aircraft transponder for answering the interrogation signal from ground station is not working properly or failed. Second, there is an intention to turn-off the transponder in order to hide the aircraft identity. For the second reason, we can conclude that the aircraft must be in undercover missions and can be a threat to our country’s sovereignty. Because of it, the authority must have a way to identify the unidentified aircraft before something harmful occurs in the future. One of ways in identifying aircraft is by using its Radar Cross Section (RCS) value and combining it with its speed. On the other hand, one approach that has been known well for object recognition is neural networks. 2. A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL NETWORK AND AIRCRAFT RCS In this section, we will present a short introduction to neural network, its learning paradigm taxonomy, and a brief explanation regarding two types of learning paradigm we select for our research. We also deliver a very brief explanation regarding aircraft RCS and speed. 2.1. Neural Network The most basic constructing element of a human nervous system is a neuron which is called as “processing unit” as presented in Figure 1. According 16 to Shepherd and Koch (1990) in Haykin (1994), human brain has more than 10 billion neurons and 60 trillion synapses or connections between neurons. Even though it is relatively slower than computer systems that are made up from nano-technology silicon gates, it can do highly complex, nonlinear, and parallel tasks such as pattern recognition and perception, faster and very much better than the best computing system that human ever created. In NN model, neuron takes a set of inputs, xm , along with a set of connection or link or synaptic which are characterized by weights, w km . The summing junction, ∑, sums up the input signals that are amplified by the connection weights. The activation function, ϕ ( . ) , limits the net outputs in allowable values. The architecture of the NN model is depicted in Figure 2. The general mathematical equations for neural information processing are given in Equation 1 for inputs summing process to obtain v k vk = ∑ wkj x j m (1) j =0 and Equation 2 for producing the NN output, yk . yk = ϕ ( v k ) (2) Figure 1: Neuron or nerve cell. 2.2. Neural Network Learning Model Taxonomy Because the neural networks are good for recognition tasks, some earlier researchers such as McCulloch-Pitts, Grossberg, Minsky, etc., tried to model the nervous processing unit so its mechanism can be emulated in computing systems. From this perspective, we define Artificial Neural network (ANN) or usually called as just Neural Network (NN) as an emulation of human nervous system when performing information processing. Its characteristics are displayed on the ability to obtain new knowledge after a successful learning process and store it in the information storage which is its synaptic weights. In more detail, NN is generalization of mathematical models of human cognition based on the assumptions that (Fausset, 1994): • information processing occurs at many simple elements called neuron, • signals are passed between neurons over connection links, • each connection link has an associated connection weight which multiplies the signals transmitted, • each neuron applies an activation function which is usually non linier, to its net input to determine its output signals. According to Haykin’s (1994) taxonomy, there are three NN learning models. • Supervised. The essential of this paradigm is the availability of an external supervisor, so there will be an input-output relation in order to find the most minimum disagreement between the NN outputs with the examples given by the supervisor. • Unsupervised or Self-Organized. In this learning paradigm, there is no external teacher or examples to be learnt by the NNs. So, the NNs will perform a competitive learning rule where the winning neuron is entitled to keep the input in its memory. • Reinforcement Learning. This is the on-line learning of an input-output mapping through a process of trial and error designed to maximize a scalar performance index called as reinforcement signal. 2.3. Supervised Neural Propagation Network Network – Back The BPN was developed to cope with the limitations of single-layer NN. The BPN actually is a feedforward NN that is trained by backpropagation which means the signals is propagated in reverse direction. The primary aim of NN training is to train the NN to achieve a balance between the ability to respond correctly to the input patterns that are used for training or memorization, and the ability to give reasonable responses to input that is similar that used in training or generalization. In training the NN with backpropagation mechanism, there will be three steps, namely: • feedforwarding the input training patterns to the NN input layer, Figure 2: A mathematical model of a neuron. 17 • Figure 4: ART1-NN architecture (Sumari, 2008a). calculating the NN outputs and backpropagating the associated error, • adjusting the connection weights to minimize the error. After passing the training session, the NN uses the final connection weights when recognizing the input patterns given to it. As commonly in a multilayer NN, BPN has three layers namely input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The number of input and output layers is depended on the input pattern and the output’s target. The number of hidden layer is depended on particular applications, but commonly one hidden layer is sufficient for many applications. The architecture of BPN is depicted in Figure 3. ART-NN, as presented in Figure4, is designed to facilitate degree controlling of pattern similarity that is placed at the same cluster and overcomes stabilityplasticity problem that is faced by other NN. The ART1-NN is also designed to group (cluster) binary input vectors. It has two layers, F1 layer is divided into two sublayers namely F1(a) as input part, and F1(b) as interface part, and layer F2 (cluster) along with reset unit that is used to control degree of patterns similarity that is put down at the same unit cluster. F1 and F2 layers are connected by two groups of weight paths, bottom-up weight and top-down weight. To control learning process, some complement units are also entangled at this NN. For performing pattern matching, ART is provided with a parameter called vigilance parameter, ρ with a value in range 0 < ρ ≤ 1 . Higher values of ρ are applied for training session, while lower values are applied for operating session. ART1-NN architecture consists of two parts. The architecture of the ART1-NN is depicted in Figure 4. • Computation Units. It consists of F1 layer (input part and interface part), F2 layer, and reset unit. The F2 layer is also called as competitive layer. • Complementary Units. This unit provides a mechanism so that the computation that is carried out by ART1 algorithm can be done by using NN principles. These units are also called as gain control units. For the ART1-NN algorithm in detail, refer to (Skapura, 1991). Figure 3: The architecture of the BPN model (Priyanto, 2008). 1) Training Algorithm. Refer to (Fausset, 1994) for detailed BPN training algorithm. 2) Activation Function. There are four common NN activation functions namely: • identity function which produces binary output (0 or 1), • binary step function with threshold θ , • binary sigmoid (logistics sigmoid), • bipolar sigmoid, • hyperbolic tangent. The sigmoid function and hyperbolic tangent are the most common activation function for training NN with backpropagation mechanism. 2.5. Aircraft Radar Cross Section and Speed Radar Cross Section (RCS) is comparison between power density that is reflected to transmitting source and power density that is reflected by detected target or object. Figure 5 shows example of aircraft RCS that captured by Radar. Every aircraft or air object has sharply differentiated RCS in accordance with configuration elements that form RCS itself. 2.4. Unsupervised Neural Network – Adaptive Resonance Theory 18 Figure 6: The concept of information fusion (Ahmad & Sumari, 2008). The information sources can be from as follows: • observation data from distributed sensors, • commands and data from operator or user, • a priori data from an existing database. Referring to (Hall, 2001) in (Ahmad & Sumari, 2008), for obtaining a comprehensive information in decision level, we can select many technique options such as Boolean operator methods (AND, OR) or heuristics value such as M-of-N, maximum vote, or weighted sum from hard decision and Bayes method, Dempster-Shafer, and fuzzy variable for soft decision. In this paper we use the Boolean operator for all approaches. Figure 5: Common aircraft RCS (Nopriansyah, 2008). Aircraft speed that is presented at Radar screen can be obtained by using Doppler principle that is shown in Equation 3. Figure 3 illustrates how to calculate object speed by using Doppler principle. fd = 2.v λ cos θ (3) which fd is Doppler shift, v is aircraft speed, λ is wavelength, and θ is angle between direction of incoming signal propagation with direction of antenna movement. In this paper we use RCS and speed data taken from previous research done by Nopriansyah, (2008) as presented in Table 1. 3. A GENERIC MODEL OF NEURAL NETWORK AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM The NN-AIS generic model is modified from Sumari et. al (2008b) which consists of three processing blocks namely Pre-processing Block, Aircraft Identification Block, and Post-processing Block. Table 1: List of aircraft RCS and speed data (Nopriansyah, 2008). No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aircraft Type Bell 47G F-16 Fighting Falcon Hawk200 Su-30 Sukhoi Cobra AH-1S Cassa C-212 CN-235 A-310 Airbus RCS 3 5 8 15 18 27 30 100 Speed (km/hour) 168.532 1470 1,000.08 2,878.75 227.796 364.844 459.296 980 3.1. NN-AIS Diagram Block 2.6. A Brief Introduction to Information Fusion In general, information fusion is a technique in combining physical or non-physical information form from diverse sources to become single comprehensive information to be used as a basis for prediction or estimation of a phenomenon. The prediction or estimation is then used as the basis for performing decisions or actions. Figure 6 illustrates the concept of information fusion. Figure 7: Generic NN-AIS architecture. Because the system processes two different data, so there will be two NNs within the system, one is for processing aircraft RCS data and the other is for processing aircraft speed data. The generic architecture of NN-AIS is depicted in Figure 7. 19 In general, the Pre-processing Block prepares the inputs in form of vector patterns to the two NNs. The Aircraft Identification Block performs identification of the received inputs to the knowledge stored in the NNs. The Post-processing Block fuses the output resulted from Aircraft Identification Block, converts and displays the estimated identity of the received inputs. The peculiar feature of an NN is if it already learned the received input, it will produce an exact result. But if it has never learnt the received input, it will try to find the best match or estimated result. 3.2. Training in Supervised NN-AIS (Darusman, 2009) In the NN1 architecture we use 150 neurons in hidden layer, while in the NN2 architecture we use 20 neurons. We take these numbers after carrying out some observations to find the most appropriate numbers. For training the two NNs, we did some researches to find the most appropriate activation functions to be utilized to the NN architectures. We select the combination of logsig and purelin activation functions for hidden layer and output layer. The BPN needs some time to train its structure in order to learn the vector patterns given to it by minimizing the difference error between the net’s outputs with the target’s values. In order to train the supervised BPN, we created vector patterns as presented in Table 2 and Table 3. The results of the NNs training are depicted in Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 8: NN1 knowledge for aircraft speed data. Table 2: Aircraft speed as inputs to NN1 and the NN1 learning’s targets. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aircraft Speed 168.532 1470 1,000.08 2,878.75 227.796 364.844 459.296 980 Target 00000001 00000010 00000100 00001000 00010000 00100000 01000000 10000000 Figure 9: NN2 knowledge for aircraft RCS data. 3.3. Training in Unsupervised NN-AIS (Utama, 2009)(Wuryandari, 2009) In the same as the supervised one, we also created vector patterns for unsupervised ART but in different perspective as presented in Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4: Aircraft RCS data and its associated pattern Table 3: Aircraft speed as inputs to NN2 and the NN2 learning’s targets. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aircraft RCS 3 5 8 15 18 27 30 100 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Target 00000001 00000010 00000100 00001000 00010000 00100000 01000000 10000000 20 Aircraft Type Bell 47G F-16 Fighting Falcon Hawk 200 Su-30 Sukhoi Cobra AH-1S Cassa C-212 CN-235PTDI A-310 Airbus RCS 3 5 8 15 18 27 30 100 Vector Pattern 000000000011 000000000101 000000001000 000000001111 000000010010 000000011011 000000011110 000001100100 Table 5: Aircraft speed data and its associated pattern Table 6: Validation data for supervised NNs. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aircraft Type Bell 47G F-16 Fighting Falcon Hawk 200 Su-30 Sukhoi Cobra AH-1S Cassa C-212 CN-235 PT DI A-310 Airbus Average speed (km/h) 158.532 1,470 1000.08 2,878.75 227.796 364.844 459.296 980 Vector Pattern Input Data 000010011111 010110111110 001111101000 101100111111 000011100100 000101101101 000111001011 001111010100 Speed RCS 1st Detection 168 3 2nd Dectection 169 3.2 3rd Detection 167 2.7 Table 7: Validation result. Output Types Speed RCS Final result The results of the unsupervised NNs training are depicted in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Aircraft Number of Type Information Bell 47G 3 Bell 47G 3 Bell 47G Figure 12: The identification process carried out by the supervised NNs. Figure 10: Unsupervised NN1 knowledge in form of topdown and bottom-up weights for speed pattern. 4.2. Unsupervised NN-AIS To validate the unsupervised NN-based system, we select three aircrafts in random manner, namely Cobra AH-1S and Bell 47G. In this validation we set up the vigilance parameter ρ = 0.5. The results are presented in Figure 13and Figure 14. Figure 11: Unsupervised NN2 knowledge in form of topdown and bottom-up weights for RCS pattern. Figure 13: Identification process result for Cobra AH-1S. 4. NN-AIS VALIDATION In this section we present the NN-AIS validation on the two types of NNs we already explained. 4.1. Supervised NN-AIS Figure 14: Identification process result for Bell 47G. To validate the unsupervised NN-based system, we select three aircrafts in random manner, namely Bell 47G as presented in Table 6. In this validation we modify the speed and RCS inputs to see if the system works as it is designed. The results are presented Table 7 and the identification process is depicted in Figure 12. 4.3. Measuring the Performance 4.3.1. Supervised NN-AIS As we can see from the validation presented in Table 5, the NNs in supervised NN-AIS tries to 21 recognize the detected aircraft’s patterns by generalizing the knowledge of what they “see” and what they have already learnt during training session. The result is the system is able to produce the correct aircraft estimation, namely Bell 47G helicopter. 4.3.2. [4] Unsupervised NN-AIS Figure 14 and Figure 15 clearly present the mechanism carried out by unsupervised NN-AIS in identifying the detected aircrafts. The identification is done directly by matching the detected aircrafts’ patterns with the knowledge they already memorized during the training session. The result is the system is able to produce the correct aircraft estimation, namely Bell 47G and Cobra AH-1S helicopters. [5] [6] [7] 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS We have presented the utilization of supervised BPN and unsupervised ART NNs and observe their performances in identifying the identity of aircrafts in NN-AIS framework. The two approaches result in good estimations even though the vector patterns have been modified. The supervised NNs use the generalization capability to recognize the patterns while the unsupervised ones use matching mechanism in recognizing the patterns. By noticing the results of this research, there is a possibility that these approaches can be combined with the real-life Radar system in order to increase its identification tasks. 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