Uploaded by Mishika Tiwari

Sun Poem Reading Comprehension Exam

Student Name - Mishika Tiwari | Roll number - 51182 | Exam Code - 2367644
Read the poem below and answer the following questions.
A Poem on Sun
The sun lives up in the sky.
I can't reach it, it's too high. (2)
I feel its warmth on my face
When it shines on every place. (4)
The sun rises in the east
And sets in the west. (6)
The sun is bright
And gives us a lot of light. (8)
The sun is yellow and round.
Its hot rays reach to the ground. (10)
At night when I see the moon,
I wish for the sun to come back soon. (12)
- Snehal Raut
Word meaning:
warmth - feeling warm from the rays of the sun
Q12 of total 28 questions
Which of these does the speaker tell us about the sun?
why the sun sets in the west
why the sun is so hot and bright
what time the sun rises in the morning
what the shape and colour of the sun is
Not Answered: 17
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