Econ 100B Professor: Alonso Villacorta Problem Set 2 Please upload your answers on Canvas. Exercise 1. Production function model Consider an economy “I” with a representative household that consists of 1000 workers and ) = 100). There is a representative firm with a Cobbowns $100 million of capital ("# = 1000, ( Douglas production function that rents capital and hires labor to produce. Assume that the TFP parameter equals one (A=1), we have * = ( +/- "./- . Markets are competitive. 1. Define an equilibrium in this economy. Follow class notes. 2. Solve for the equilibrium. You should get numbers for (Y,K,L,r,w). 3. Graph the following: o Graph 1: Plot output per capita (Y-axis) against capital per capita (X-axis). And show with an “x” the point that characterizes the equilibrium. § In this plot output per-capita (y) and capital p.c. (k) are your variables, while all other are constant and equal to their assumed values. o Graph 2: Plot wages (Y-axis) against capital per capita (X-axis). And show with an “x” the point that characterizes the equilibrium. § In this plot wages (w) and capital p.c. (k) are your variables. Edel Consider another economy “II” with labor equal L=500 and capital equal to K=20. Assume that this economy also has a TFP parameter that equals one (A=1). First, assume each of these economies are in autarky, so capital cannot flow across countries. 4. Show in your previous graphs--with a circle--the equilibrium of economy II. some steps as Assume now that these economies open boundaries. So, capital can freely move across them. Describe the new equilibrium. What are the new wages and rental rate of capital in each country? (Assume that there are no transaction costs of capital, so rental rates of capital should be the same; otherwise there would be an arbitrage opportunity.) 5. In your previous two graphs, show with a square the new equilibrium with open boundaries. Exercise 2. The empirical fit of the production model The table below reports per capita GDP and capital per person in the year 2014 for 10 countries. Your task is to fill in the missing columns of the table. a) Given the values in column 1 and 2, fill in columns 3 and 4. That is, compute per capita GDP and capital per person relative to the U.S. values. 1 Define equilibrium From lecture equilibrium notes defined is An allocation of Prices r w Such that Firms s and K K LIE HH by LK Y and price of consumption markets clear 100 Met tooo clearing conditions Firm's optimization prob again step zed's wi d 1,11 4342 r tea 1 maximise their profit bychoosing L K Labor 14 7000 andcapital K 1007 supply their 2 step I that we understand r K Ld IiiI ri r off zit z jh k w o Step Household hhs Ls step labor andcapital 100 1000 Demand supply III'd We have 4 3 Ks L their entire supply I I KS problem IIÉÉI r W II ICE restudy using eq w Solvefor 3 Et w s 34 o 310 K Y r w 1000 100 110013 g 110094000s and e F CK K 5 ooo s 3 1053 3 production TIL Function K's L Y KII y equilibrium K's c K Y ill values me k K'c and KIL EEE É When K E I 3 4 10.1 0.1 graphy In port z k W equilibrium of W and W 3 Et W KIL 36 1 3 k b f K s I k s 4 Some steps as 2 Solve for equilibrium KF Ki LEE É 20 soo C FEC Fbi Solvefor using eq w 3 w 100 s 318 Et 310 economy K Es 5 20 11 Equilibrium in this Cese Allocation Prices Li ta r Vin W ki Ka Ti Ti Wii Maximise profit by choosing Labor L Poe and i 1000,41 500 and Capital rich Kit Kirk 21 IT 1000 Lin L 1 500 K lil K let 1 K 100741 K K 20 K 100 20 K 120 rn r s ICE s II s 1000 L L Li Tilt 500 FI 55 K tK2 I 120 KH 12013 K 40 yep go 80 L K 1000 O 8 3 Yt Wages K 40 80 5 economy kink 2 rental rent economy KY y'T I Eo 40 14 500 k 1 100 Ki 80 É x a 6 I FÉ gp Yan tdm K A unknown C d I colon Some populace y 4 Dg 5 countries to college If K s Colum 6 can Support sending the ire us b) In column 5, use the production model (with a capital exponent of 1/3) to compute predicted per capita GDP for each country relative to the United States, assuming there are no TFP differences. c) In column 6, compute the level of TFP for each country that is needed to match up the model and the data. d) Why do you think that A is close to one for some countries, but not for others? I eking a United States Canada France South Korea Argentina Kenya g Y In 2014 dollars (1) (2) Capital per Per capita person GDP 141,841 51,958 128,667 43,376 162,207 37,360 120,472 34,961 53,821 20,074 4,686 2,971 Relative to the U.S. values (U.S. = 1) (3) (4) (5) (6) Capital per Per capita predicted Implied TFP to 2 0 person GDP / match data 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? e ? K'Y E E Exercise 3. Human capital Consider the following variant of the production function that allows for human capital = 3( +/- (4")./- . B e * 213 Kus the number us of workers in the country while 4 represents the In this equation, " represents average years of education. Assume that the average years of education of the U.S. is five times larger than the years of education in Kenya. Using the data from the previous table, calculate Keen's again the predicted Kenvalues of GDP per capita /0 and the TFP needed to fit the data. Jus events Y United States Kenya • • Average years of education 6 1 0.2 Predicted 0 / 1 ? Implied TFP to match data 1 ? Is the implied TFP bigger or smaller than in the previous exercise? Why? What is the wage of U.S. workers relative to the wage in Kenya? o Hint: To answer this question assume that firms at each country maximize the following 2/3 profits: max:,; Π= = 3= (1/3 (4? ") − B? " − C? (, where ? ∈ {FG, (4HIJ} I02 Exercise 4. Case Study. Read the following case studies and think about them. (No need to deliver any answer) CASE STUDY: LABOR’S SHARE OF OUTPUT ACROSS TIME AND ACROSS COUNTRIES We’re going to rely heavily on the Cobb-Douglas equation; in fact, we’re going to treat it as a basic model of a national economy. If it’s going to be so central, it would be nice to have some evidence that such a simple equation actually can sum up something as complex as an entire national economy. So, is there a simple way to check and see if this equation actually makes some good predictions? Yes, there is. As showed in the lectures, the Cobb-Douglas model, combined with competitive markets, has a clear prediction about how much of a nation’s income goes to the workers and how much goes to the firms. It’s surprisingly simple, actually. Recall the function * = 3( +/- "./- . Under competitive markets, Cobb-Douglas makes the following prediction: the exponent on labor is the fraction of the nation’s income going to workers. That means that in every country in the world, about two-thirds of the income should go to the workers, and about one-third should go to owners of capital. In Chapter 2, we showed that in the United States, this share has been stable for decades. But can this possibly be true around the world? As the chart below shows, the answer is a rough yes. Each dot represents A Model of Production | 29 one country, ranging from the richest to the poorest. Only in the very poorest countries is there much of a difference poorest. Only in predicts. the very poorest countries is there much of farm owners stickfrom to thethe agreement they value two-thirds our model a difference from the two-thirds value our model predicts. 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 Fraction of GDP l store? Because they are trapped in a prisconcept many students will have seen in n introductory political science class, if over such a topic). Each farm owner hopes m owners are “honorable” enough to stick but whether the other farm owners stick to not, it’s in each farm owner’s self-interest hers. In competitive markets, firm/farm g a prisoner’s dilemma against each other. ll often return to the competitive markets worth keeping this in mind as we start off. 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 the farm owners aren’t making any profit? ey’re not making any profit on their tenth 0.0 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 mer is just indifferent between hiring and Real per capita GDP rker. But they’re making profit—or more n on their capital equipment—on each of Estimates of labor share are derived using an adjustment to Estimates of actually labor shareaccount are derived using an adjustment to account for income of self-employed rkers. How much of a profit? It’s for income of self-employed persons and proprietors, and proprietors, combined cross-country andseries time-series data. The adjustment involves on this graph. (Justpersons shift the tangency line combined crosscountry and timedata. The adjustosses the origin, and it instantly involves assigning the operating surplus of private assigning thebecomes operatingment surplus of private unincorporated enterprises to labor and capital income ne.) Now we can see how much (accountunincorporated enterprises to labor and capital income in the owner makes on each worker at this wage. same proportions as other portions of GDP.1 mber of workers, the gap between the proIt turns out that the hardest thing to measure when looknd the wage bill line is the profit the farm ing at these data from different countries is the wages of e if they hired that many workers. small-business owners—for the most part individual farmers, people scraping out a bare existence on their own plots of land. It’s hard to decide how much of a small farmer’s Y: LABOR’S SHARE OF OUTPUT income should count as “capital income” and how much as ME AND ACROSS COUNTRIES “wage income.” But Gollin sweated the details for years to in the same proportions as other portions of GDP. 1 It turns out that the hardest thing to measure when looking at these data from different countries is the wages of small-business owners—for the most part individual farmers, people scraping out a bare existence on their own plots of land. It’s hard to decide how much of a small farmer’s income should count as “capital income” and how much as “wage income.” But Gollin sweated the details for years to create this chart, and in doing so he gave good evidence that for the vast majority of countries, Cobb-Douglas does a good job predicting how much of GDP gets paid to workers. Our simple model passes a big test. This is a surprising result—after all, we often hear in the news about how the power of workers seems to rise or fall in different countries or in different decades. You might think, for example, that western Europe, with its strong unions, would have a much higher labor share than the capitalist-friendly United States. But that isn’t the case; all of the world’s rich countries are right around the magical two-thirds labor share. Despite these findings, rising wage inequality remains an important source of increasing income inequality in the United States. The functional income distribution data does pick up this factor. (For example, see James Galbraith, Created Unequal: The Crisis in American Pay [New York: Free Press, 1998].) CASE STUDY: SETTLER MORTALITY AND EXTRACTIVE INSTITUTIONS In a famous paper, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson tried to find out whether institutions really do matter. In economics, it’s often hard to separate cause and effect—do countries have good economies because they have good governments, or is it vice versa? Or does high education really cause both? Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson try to get around these kinds of puzzles by looking at what happened to countries after 1492, when Europeans started colonizing the rest of the world. 2 Europeans quickly found that some countries were easier to colonize than others. In some countries—generally those near the equator—tropical diseases were so deadly that few Europeans went there. Other places, like North America, Australia, and New Zealand, were easier for Europeans to settle. Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson argue that in places where colonizers died at high rates, Europeans set up “extractive” government institutions—gold mines 1 Raw data are taken from United Nations (1994). Data on real per capita GDP are taken from the Penn World Tables, Version 5.6. Douglas Gollin, “Getting Income Shares Right,” Journal of Political Economy 110 (April 2002): 458–74. 2 Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation,” American Economic Review 91, no. 5 (December 2001): 1369– 1401. and slavery-intensive plantations, for example. These institutions required only a few Europeans to stick around and endure the deadly environment. In these countries, Europeans generally didn’t worry about creating incentives for long-term investments in education or about creating stable property rights. They just needed enough political power to control the mines, plantations, and other physical sources of wealth—that was all. By contrast, in places that were less deadly to Europeans, many of them created institutions with strong property rights, personal freedoms, and mass education. This led, they argue, to centuries of prosperity for these countries. The combination of disease and power relations that existed centuries ago appears to have had very real implications for living standards hundreds of years later.