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Anatomy One Liner

Centre of Excellence
Powerd by ISM EduTech
One Liners for FMGE
Dr. G. Bhanu Prakash
1. Heart Wgt Females - 240-280gm/Males - 280-320gm
2. Atypical ribs - 1st 2nd 10th 11th 12th
3. Typical ribs - 3rd- 9th
4. Floating ribs - 11th & 12th pair of ribs
5. False ribs - Last 5 ribs
6. Ansa nephroni is lined by - Cuboidal & columnar epithelium
7. Cranio facial angle is - 130 degrees
8. Axial artery of upper limb is derived from - 7th cervical intersegmental space
9. Ossification centres in calcaneous & talus appears - 3rd & 6th month
10. Through Superior orbital fissure - Occulomotor/trigeminal
/trochlear nerves passes thru
11. In embryo the inner cell mass forms the - Embryonic disc
12. Injury to the ulnar nerve at wrist causes paralysis to - Adduction of Thumb
13. In cross section of thorax at T4 - Arch of Aorta
14. Drainage of Glans penis is to - Deep inguinal nodes
15. Toughest layer in oesophagous is - Muscularis
16. Somites develop from - Paraaxial mesoderm
17. Structure archiving over hilum of right lung - Azygous vein
18. Serratous anterior is supplied by - Long thoracic nerve
19. Nerve supply of brachialis is from - Musculo cutaeneous nerve
20. Splenic artery supplies - Spleen/pancreas/stomach
21. 2nd,4th,5th rib directly articulate with sternum
22. Posterior interosseus nerve of upper limb is branch of - Radial nerve
23. Posterior belly of digastric is supplied by - Facial nerve
24. Trigeminal nerve supplies - Masseter/Ant.belly of digastric
25. Rt upper motor neuron lesion of facial nerve causes - Lt lower facial muscle
26. While flexing knee,femoral condyles r prevented frm rolling backwards by cruciate
27. Thoracic duct starts at - Continuation of cysternachylli
28. Manubrio sternal joint - Syndesmosis
29. Example for ellipsoid joint - Wrist
30. Sensory nerve supply of trachea - Recurrent laryngeal nerve
31. Symptom of sudden onset of b/l vocal cord palsy - Dyspnea & stridor
32. Great cardiac vein lies in - Ant 4th groove
33. Lower border of scapular corresponds to - D7
34. Venous drainage of upper part of uterus & placenta is thru - Uterine vein
35. Parietal peritoneum is lined by - Simple squamous
36. Femoral vein lies medial to femoral artery
37. Saddle joint - Carpo metacarpal joint of thumb
38. Brunner’s glands are located in - Duodenum
39. Reiter’s syndrome triad - Arthritis/urethritis/conjunctivitis
40. Most dependant part of lung in supine position - Lower apical
41. Apoptosis - Existing epithelial cells of skin replaced by new epithelial cells
42. Bundle of his is supplied by - Right coronary
43. Eternal nose is formed from 2 paired & 2 unpaired cartilage
44. Part of heart lying in front of oesophagus - Left atrium
45. Nerve damage affecting movements of thumb - Median nerve
46. Knee jerk is primarily served by - L3
47. PCT develops frm metanephric tubules inter condylar area
48. Anterior cruciate ligament is attached to medial part of anterior
49. Spontaeneous pelvic diasthesis is seen in squating
50. IV infusionis avoided in - Long saphenous vein
51. Weight of the body is supported in sitting posture by Ischial tuberosity
52. True ribs are - 7th & 8th rib
53. Foetus born during 6th month of intra uterine will not survive due to - Abscense or
insufficient amount of surfactant
54. Nerve supply to pronatar teres is - Median nerve
55. Structure derived from right fourth aortic arch - Right subclavian artery
56. Saftey muscle of tongue is - Genioglossus
57. Superior cerebral veins drain into - Superior sagittal sinus
58. Lacrimation occur when facial nerve supplies Lacrimal gland/nasalgland/submandibulargland
59. Visual cortex is supplied by - Posterior cerebral artery
60. Space of disse is seen in - Liver
61. Deep inguinal ring contains - Round ligament of uterus
62. Psterior relation of left atrium - Oesophagus
63. No man’s land in palm corresponds to - Zone 2
64. Number of Barr bodies in super female - 2
65. Subcutaeneous muscle extending frm clavicle to mandible - Platysma
66. Olfactory epithelium is - Pseudo startified
67. Unpaired structure in brain - Basilar artery
68. Nasolacrimal duct directed - Down/lateral & backwards
69. Couper’s gland open into - Penile urethra
70. Chaissaignac tubercle is - Carotid tubercle on c6 vertebrae
71. Complete sulcus is calcarine sulcus
72. Halocrine secretion is seen in - Sebaceous gland
73. Transverse ligament of atlas is a part of - Cruciate ligament
74. Blood supply to the uterus is by which artery- Uterine/ovarian/vaginal
75. Foot plate of stapes is developed frm- Reicherts cartilage
76. Blood supply of breast is from- Inter costal artery/internal mammary artery
/thoraco acromial artery
77. Middle cranial fossa is supplied by- Mandibular nerve
78. Opening of jaw is done by- Lateral pterygoid
79. Endodermal origin- Hepatocyte/alveolar lining cells
80. Mesodermal origin ciliary body/iris stroma/vitreous
81. Major function of gluteus medius&minimus at hipjoint- Abduction
82. Nailbed of thumb is supplied by- Median nerve
83. Tip of corocoid process of scapula gives attachment to- Short head of biceps
84. Anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint prevents forward displacement of tibial
85. Commonest cartilage to ossify- Fibro elastic
86. Nerve supply to the skin around the umblicus- 10th thoracic ventral ramus
87. Stellate cells of vankuffer are seen in- Spleen
88. Lower angle of scapula- T6
89. Iliac crest at level- L4
90. Sympathetic innervation of heart is- T2T6
91. Trendlenburgs sign is +ve with weakness of - Gluteus medius & minimus
92. Content of femoral sheath - Artery/vein/lymphnode
93. Midline cleftlip is due to failure of fusion of - Two medial nasal processes
94. Oligo dendrocytes are important in - Myelin formation
95. Weight of upper limb is transmitted to avail skeleton by coraco clavicular ligament
96. True about gastrulation - Process by which 3 germinal layers form
97. Intestinal epithelium is rich in - T-cells
98. Bypass grafting - great saphenous vein resected likely nerve to be injured Saphenous nerve
99. Pt having external piles his pain is carried by - Pudendal nerve
100. Notochord develops in 3rd week
101. Cranial nerve decussate within the brain - Trochlear nerve
102. Bone not present at birth - Petrous temporal
103. After herniotomy los of sensation of scrotum, root of penis is due to injury to illioinguinal nerve
104. Sensory nerve supply of pinna is - Mandibular nerve
105. Posterior fontanelles are ossified at the age of - 3yrs
106. Umblical cord has - 2 arteries & 1 vein
107. Reduction of physiological hernia occurs at - 10th week
108. Testes descends into the scrotum - 9th month
109. 1st bone to ossify in membrane - Clavicle
110. Lymphatic drainage of umblicus - Axillary & inguinal nodes
111. Lymphatic drainage of anal canal - Inguinal lymph nodes
112. Uterine artery is a branch of - Internal iliac artery
113. Shortest part of colon - Ascending colon
114. Lymph node of tonsills drains into - Jugulo digastric node
115. Arterial supply of tonsils - Facial artery
116. Middle meningeal artery branch of - Maxillary artery
117. Foot drop results in injury to deep peroneal nerve
118. Pouch of douglas situated between - Uterine & rectum
119. Oesophageal opening in diaphragm is at level of - T10
120. First teeth to appear in infant - Lower central incissor
121. Cranial nerve with longest intra cranial course - Abducense
122. Superior oblique musle supplied by - Trochlear nerve
123. Which organ has no end arterial supply - Lung
124. Erb’s point is - C5-C6
125. # Surgical neck of humerus - Flat shoulder
126. Double barr body is seen in - Klienfelter’s syndrome
127. In new born spinal cord ends at - L3
128. Testes descends inguinal canal in - 7th month
129. Longest vein in human body - Long saphenous vein
130. Ca-prostate commonly occurs in - Posterior lobe
131. Total volume of CSF is - 150ml
132. Inferior oblique is supplied by - 3rd cranial nerve
133. Commonly used donor nerve for graft - Sural nerve
134. Wrist drop - Radial nerve
135. Porter’s tip deformity - Erb’s paralysis
136. Musician’s nerve - Ulnar nerve
137. Foot drop results from damage to - Ant.Tibial nerve
138. Policeman of the abdomen is - Omentum
139. Labourer’s nerve - Median nerve
140. Housemaid’s knee - Prepatellar bursa
141. Boxer’s muscle - Serratus anterior
142. Toynbee’s muscle - Tensor tympani
143. Internal pudental artery is branch of - Ant.divisionof internal iliac
144. Bundle of HIS - Artery supply - Right coronary-Interventricular branch
145. Does not drain into coronary sinus - Anterior cardiac vein
146. Kidney has 5 Lobes
147. Innervation of tensor tympani muscle is - Mandibular nerve
148. Length of oesophagus - 25cm
149. Boundaries of Morison’s pouch - Inferior surface of Liver/peritoneum over right
kidney/coronary ligament
150. Abduction & adduction of fore foot occurs at - Mid tarsal joint
151. Carpel tunnel syndrome - Median nerve compression
152. Spring ligament - Synonymus with plantar calcaneo navicular ligament
153. Artery present in anatomical snuffbox - Radial
154. Machen rodt’s ligament provides maximum support to uterus
155. Superior oblique muscle action - Abduction/intorsion/depression
156. Brocha’s area is localised in - Inferior frontal lobe
157. Placenta is developed from - Decidua basilis & Trophoblast
158. Tip of nose is supplied by - Opthalmic nerve
159. Nerve supply to spleen is from - Coeliac plexus
160. Hinge joint - Elbow
161. Clitorius develops from - Genital tubercle
162. Root of tooth contains - Pulpchamber/dentine/cementum
163. Formation of primary ovary in female fetus takes place by - 8th wek
164. Motor area in cerebrum associated with - Performing all voluntary movement
165. Lamina cribrosa is a modification of - Sclera
166. Germ cells in the ovary develops from - Yolk sac
167. Major part of skin of pinna is supplied by - Great auricular nerve
168. Medial collateral ligament of elbow is related to - Ulnar nerve
169. Muscles of hypothenar eminance is innervated by - Ulnar nerve
170. Hofbauer cells are seen in placenta
171. Dentate nucleus is a part of - Cerebellum
172. Automatic bladder is seen in lesions of higher centres
173. Example of syndesmosis joint - Inferior tibio fibular
174. Nerve responsible for the fine movements of hand - Ulnar nerve
175. Broca’s area is - 44 & 45
176. Oesophagus commences at the level - Lower end of cricoid
177. Muscles posterior to both kidney’s - Psoas major/quadratus lumbarum
/transverse abdominis
178. Pancreatic bed includes - Left kidney/left renal vein/left curves of diaphragm
179. Os trigonum is atavistic type of epiphysis
180. Posterior boundary of carotid triangle is - Sternoclaido mastoid
181. Ossification centre of medial epicondyle appears - 7th year
182. Inability to oppose the thumb to the little finger - Damage to median nerve
183. Highest inter coastal space used in liver biopsy is - 8th
184. Due to bony support most stable position of ankle joint - Plantar flexion
185. Xiphisternal junction is at level of disc between T9 - T16
186. Fascia of gerota is - Thoraco lumbar fascia
187. Adductors of the hand at wrist joint includes - Flex&extensor carpi ulnaris
188. Sacral canal volume is - 25 to 35cc
189. Thoracic duct is also called - Pecquet duct
190. Umblical vesicle attains full development in 4 weeks of develop of foetus
191. Incissor foramen in the mouth is foramen of - Vesali
192. CSF is partlyabsorbed by lymphatics around 1, 2, 7, 8 cranial nerves
193. Number of ossification centres for hyoid bone is - 6
194. Mastoid process begins to develop in - 2nd year
195. Isthmus of the thyroid gland is across - 3rd to 5th tracheal rings
196. Right supra renal gland is related to IVC & right lobe of liver
197. Popliteal muscle forms the floor of popliteal fossa
198. Bronchial veins of right side opens into azygous vein
199. Smallest cranial nerve is - TROCHLEAR
200. During quiet breathing lower border of lung is found at - 6th rib mid clavicular line/
8th rib mid aillary line
201. Retina is an out growth of - Diencephalon
202. Peroneal artery is a branch of - Posterior tibial artery
203. Serratus anterior cause refraction of shoulder
204. Coraco brachialis assists in flexion of the arm
205. Posterior triangle of neck borders - Superior border of clavicle
/post.border of sternoclaido mastoid/sup.border of Trapezius
206. Medial wall of axilla is formed by - Serratus
207. Glenoid cavity of scapula is rotated by - Trapezius/serratus anterior
208. Central canal of the spinal cord is central in region - Lumbar
209. Lateral boundry of cubital fossa is formed by - Brachio radialis
210. Coronary sulcus is occipied in the coronary sinus
211. Juxta glomerular apparatus JG cells - Smooth muscular cells of afferant arteriols
212. Thinnest portion of myocardial wall - Right Atrium/left atrium
213. Axillary nerve rises from - Posterior cord
214. Ducts of bellini are found in kidney
215. Skull consists of 22 bones
216. Melanoblasts are derived from - Neural crest cells
217. Posterior interventricular artery is a branch of - Right coronary artery
218. Cisterns of lateral sulcus contains - Middle cerebral artery
219. Internal thoracic veins are the tributaries of brachio cephalic
220. Epithelium of cornea is - Startified squamous - non keratinised
221. Anterior interventricular artery is a branch of - Left coronary artery
222. Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
223. Buck’s fascia is related to - Penis
224. Fascia cribrosa is related to - Femoral canal
225. All prostatic arteries are branches of inferior vescicle
226. Urachal fistula results from - Persistant allontois
227. Choroid fissure of eye permits entry of Hyaloid artery
228. By 3 cerebellar peduncles,cerebellum is attached to - Medulla, pons, midbrain
229. Important structure involved in development of IVC is - Sub cardinal vein
230. Length of mature human spermatazoon is 50-60 microns
231. Premature closure of foramen ovale results in right ventricular hypertrophy
232. Urethra in female is shorter than in male
233. Derivative of mesoderm - Ureter/uterus/epididymis
234. Structure passing thru foramen spinosum is mid.meningeal artery
235. In ca tongue pain is referred to ear through - Glosso pharyngeal nerve
236. Coronary sinus opens into - Right atrium
237. Thymus develops from - 3rd pouch
238. Brunners glands are seen in - Duodenum
239. Appendicular artery is a branch of - Descending branch of Ilio colic artery
240. Right testicular vein drains into - Inferior vena cava
241. Lens/Brain/Spinal cord developed from ectoderm
242. Bile duct opens into the 2nd part of duodenum
243. Functional unit of kidney is called - Nephron
244. Tip of tongue drains into - Submental lymph node
245. Foreign body in the nose enters - Apical segment of right lower lobe
246. When median nerve is paralysed in carpal tunnel syndrome - Loss of sensation of
thenar muscles.
247.Bed of stomach is formed by - Pancrease/spleen/Lt.Kidney/lt.suprarenal
gland/diaphragm/transverse colon & its mesocolon
248. Sternal angle is related to - 2nd rib/arch of aorta/lower border of T4
249. Lens is formed from - Surface ectoderm
250. Ciliary muscles formed from - Neural crest
251. Iris muscle - Neuro ectoderm
252. Lacrymal gland - Surface ectoderm
253. Structures developing from all 3 germ layers - Vagina/urethra/Tympanic membrane
254. Longest intra cranial nerve - Trochlear
255. Smallest cranial nerve - Olfactory
256. Thickest CN - Trigeminal
257. Thickest nerve - Sciatic nerve
258. Labourers nerve - Median nerve
259. Dentist’s nerve - Inferior alveolar nerve
260. All from right border of the heart except - rt.Atrium/rt.ventricle/SVC
261. Implantation occurs on - 7th day
262. Tensor palate is supplied by - Mandibular nerve
263. Level of spleen - 10th Rib
264. Level of lower border of scapula - T7
265. Level of Floating Rib - T12
266. Azygous drain into - Superior venacava
267. Cricothyroid is supplied by - External laryngeal nerve
268. Lymph nodes from the Tonsil drain into the - Jugulo digastric node
269. Ligamentum arterriosum is derived from - Ductus arteriosus
270. Arch of Aorta develops from - lt.3rd aortic arch artery
271. Auricle of ear is made up of - Elastic cartilage
272. Fate of notochord is nucleus pulposus
273. Trigone of urinary bladder develops from - Mesoderm
274. Tympanic membrane of ear has origin from all the 3 layers of germ layer
275. True diverticulum is - Meckel’s diverticulum
276. Largest branch of femoral nerve is - Saphenous nerve
277. Nerve supply to hypothenar muscle is from - Ulnar nerve
278. Nerve lying in the spiral groove of Humerus - Radial nerve
279. Structure passing deep to flexor retinaculum at wrist - Median nerve
280. Middle piece of spermatazoa is formed by - Mitochondria
281. Hassal’s corpuscles r seen in - Thymus
282. Blood test barrier is formed by the - Sertoli cells
283. No. Of parathyroid glands in humans - 4
284. Nasolacrimal duct opens in - Inf.meatus of nose
285. Motor supply to the muscles of the tongue is by - Hypoglossal nerve
286. Cadaver like position of vocal cords seen in - Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
287. Safety muscle of tongue is - Genioglossus
288. Sensory nerve supply to angle of jaw is thru - Great auricular nerve
289. Musician’s nerve - Ulnar nerve
290. Largest sesamoid bone of body is - Patella
291. 1st teeth to appear in infant - Lower central incisor
292. 1st bone to ossify in the body - Clavicle
293. Most sensitive part of the body is periosteum
294. Nerve supply to tip of the nose is - Opthalmic division of Mandibular nerve
295. Deltoid muscle is innervated by - Auxillary nerve c5-c6
296. Root vaue of axillary nerve is - C5-C6
297. Root vaue of saphenous nerve is - L3-L4
298. Space of Kanavel is - Mid palmar space
299. Nerve involved in tarsal tunnel syndrome is - Posterior tibial
300. Order of nerovascular bundle in intercoastal space is - VAN frm top to down
301. Normal fluid level in pericardial cavity is - 50ml
302. Inhaled foreign body usually lodges in - Lower lobe of Rt.Lung
303. Bifurcation of trachea is at - T6-T7 vertebrae
304. Rt. Common carotid artery arises from - Brachio cephalic artery
305. Commonest location of diaphragmatic hernia in children - Posterior & left
306. Length of oesophagus in adult - 25cm
307. Base of heart is formed mainly by - Left atrium
308. Arterial supply to SA node is by - Rt.coronary artery
309. Pouch of douglas is between - Rectum & Uterus
310. Left testicular vein drains into - Lt.renal vein
311. Artery supply to testis is - Testicular artery
312. Blood supply of the Uterus is by - Ovarian & Uterine artery
313. Trigone of urinary bladder develops frm - Mesonephric duct
314. Maximum representation in brain is - Thumb
315. Chief muscle of inspiration is - Diaphragm
316. Commonest position of appendix is - Retrocaecal
317. Level of thoracic aorta piercing diaphragm- T12
318. Level of oesophagus passive through diaphragm is - T10
319. Level of inferior vena cava piercing diaphragm - T8
320. Length of female urethra - 10-20cm
321. Length of ureter - 25cm
322. Vein used in Bypass surgery - Great saphenous vein
323. Cartilage which calcify most frequently is - Hyaline
324. Inversion & eversion occurs at - Subtalor joint
325. Trendelenberg test is done to test - Gluteus medius
326. Space of disse is present in - Liver
327. Most complex & largest joint of body is - Knee joint
328. Ductus arteriosus closes at - Immediately after birth
329. Chorda tympani supplied by - Facial nerve
330. Ovarian artery is the branch of - Abdominal Aorta
331. Uterine artery is a branch of - Internal iliac artery
332. Clitorius is formed from which embryonic structure - Genital tubercle