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Notes - industry talk

Penguin Creative Director
Industry talk by Richard Ogle, art director at Transworld, Penguin books
Range of covers from autobiographies to literary
Graphic design degree at university in London in the 1980s
First job associated with graphic design took 4 months to find and worked
there for 4 months
Come up with concept first linking to book
Job consists of conception and selling the ideas to others
Works with different types of illustration
Examples: Romesh Ranganathan – as good as it gets, bill Bryson – the
body, joseph knox – true crime story
Romesh Ranganathan, as good as it gets – started as project, thoughts on
adulthood, mainly middle aged, parents of modern world, different
aspects to produce – photography studio, makeup, dressing, shooting,
technical, editing for book cover etc, different options for final cover –
different poses, props, angles, expression etc
Commission illustration – the body, bill Bryson
The body – explores human body, how it functions, ability to heal itself,
sketched.. drawn it up.. range of practical skills of initial ideas, colour and
vibrancy, movement, spacious areas, patterns, progression shown through
screenshots, found too feminine and sophisticated at first – took a lot of
development and experimentation, unusual layout, painted and cut out
Stock imagery – true crime story, joseph knox
True crime story – 3 books previously, his name is important but title is more
important, experimented with different colour schemes – fluorescent
Film poster moodboards
Useful tips on seeking commission – Tip 1: Research, Tip 2: Ensuring your
work is noticed, to get into industry, draw attention to it by embedding to
message not through link, Tip 3: Be patient, with feedback from designers,
Tip 4: Email etiquette, send reminder but not too frequently