PS 312 Lecture 5 Honor- precedes ethics. o Honor comes before ethics o A person without honor has no moral compass about what is good or bad Three Special Obligations o Citizens – moral obligation to the people they serve o Regime Values – Unites States system of government o Constitution – uphold the constitution of the United States Corruption o Bribery – Individual greed o Public Scandals – Watergate, Monica Lewinsky, Blackwater o Lies – common. Outright lies, innuendo, omissions o Lying for the Public Good – “the ends justify the means” o Dirty Hand Dilemma – Lying for the public good or committing ethics problems 4 Kind of Ethics o Personal Morality o Professional Ethics – relates to office person holds o Organizational Ethics – norms within an organization o Social Ethics – norms or values within a society Codes of Honor Conduct and Ethics – Lecture 6 Military Heritage of Administrative Theory – Roman military had earliest pervasive influence on public administration. Kept Roman legions loyal with: o Regular pay, pensions and pride o Depersonalized owner-not owned by a monarch or single owner o Hierarchical Structure o Use of tax revenue Theories of Organizations o Classical Organizational Theory – Organization centered not human center. Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management: measuring specific tasks in work and breaking them down so employees are placed in the best position POSDCRB o Neo-Classical – o Modern Structural Theory – i Mechanistic Organic – organizations evolved with environment o Systems Theory of Organization – world is made up of interrelated organic and dynamic system. Organizations are constantly interacting and reacting with their environment Butterfly Effect: small causes on a system Cybernetic: organizations strive for conditions of dynamic equilibrium. Leadership is instrumental in keeping the organization in that state The Learning Organization: orgs adapt and learn from their environments and survive as organic entities Administrative Doctrine o Core Values o Staying Power o Flexibility and Growth o Changing Models Chapter 7 Major Understandings of Organizational Behavior How Groups Decide: o Group Dynamics: scientific observations of group behavior showed how groups interacted in organizations. Explains how norms and values can create group cohesion and stability o Groupthink: Irving Janis showed how strict adherence to groups norms lead to over conformity and rigidity and is a pathology of organizations. o Brainstorming: Alex Osborne suggested that the antidote to groupthink would be unearthing creative alternatives via the brainstorming process Groups in Organization: Chester Bernard Informal Org gives rise to formal orgs from o Formal Organization: Companies o Informal Organization: Sub groups in big formal organization Org Development o Adaptation to change. Origins in Hawthrone Studies and studies of Kurt Lewin Impact of Personality o Chris Argyris suggested conflict between personalities of mature individuals and needs of the org. Orgs tended to treat employees like children. Seen in authoritarian structures leads to job dissatisfaction Bureaucratic Behavior o Bureaucratic Dysfunction: Bureaucratic structure stresses de-personalized relationships. Power gained by position, not innovation. Bureaupath o Bureaucratic Impersonality: Max Weber saw dehumanization as part of the ideal bureaucracy. Elimination of all personal traits from official business o Bureaucratic Bashing: During Reagan years bashing was fashionable. Government was blamed for waste. Major Theories of Motivation o Hawthorne Studies: Workplaces are social situations: that workplaces are social situations: workers are motivated by peer pressure, attention by leaders, and other complex factors unrelated to remuneration. o Needs Hierarchy: Abraham Maslow asserted that a person’s needs are not equal, but ascend in a hierarchy. At the bottom are survival needs, in the middle are social needs, and at the top is the need for self-actualization. Once lower needs are satisfied, they no longer motivate. o Motivation Hygiene: Herzberg argued that job content factors such as achievement, advancement and responsibility are motivators as they lead to growth and self-actualization. Working conditions, on the other hand, such as pay and benefits, are hygiene factors because they prevent unpleasantness. o Theory X & Theory Y: McGregor’s Theory X and Y of organizational and leadership styles shows that managers holding a Theory X vision tend to be authoritarian, believing that people are lazy and irresponsible. Theory Y managers believe in the goodness of human beings and that it is natural for people to work hard and creatively, if there is meaning in work. Future of Organization-Postmodernism