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The Scarlet Letter Lesson Plan

Hunsley-­‐Hunt English 235 1st & 5th Hours 10/10/11-­‐ 10/14/11 Objectives Activities Monday Homework NO SCHOOL Assessments Resources/ Materials NO SCHOOL Standards/ WorkKeys Tuesday Students will make generalizations about text and make connections to prior knowledge of Puritan life. Students’ notes and participation will serve as the assessment for the day. The Scarlet Letter Novel LEXILE: 1340 Keynote notes GEN 301: 20-­‐23 Draw
generalizations and
conclusions about people,
ideas, and so on in
uncomplicated passages Wednesday Students will use textual evidence and prior knowledge to discover author’s purpose. As a class we will fill in a KWL chart and take background notes on Nathaniel Hawthorne in preparation for reading the novel The Scarlet Letter. In class, students will read the first section of the novel, The Custom House. Students will answer comprehension questions and questions about author’s purpose. The Custom House Review Worksheet. The Scarlet Letter Novel p. 1-­‐40 LEXILE: 1340 Thursday Students will use textual evidence and prior knowledge to discover author’s purpose. In class, students will read the first section of the novel, The Custom House. Students will answer comprehension questions and questions about author’s purpose. The Custom House Review Worksheet. The Scarlet Letter Novel p. 1-­‐40 LEXILE: 1340 Friday * Early Dismissal End of Quarter Students will use textual evidence to make generalizations about the introductory characters of the novel. We will discuss the Custom House and start chapter 1. Students’ notes and participation will serve as the assessment for the day Finish reading Chapter 1 and take notes. Prepare for quiz over the chapter next week. The Scarlet Letter Novel Chapter 1 LEXILE: 1340 SUP 503: 24 -­‐ 27 Discern which details,
though they may appear
in different sections
throughout a passage,
support important points
in more challenging
MID 503: 24-27
Summarize basic events
and ideas in more
challenging passages
SUP 503: 24 -­‐ 27 Discern which details,
though they may appear
in different sections
throughout a passage,
support important points
in more challenging
MID 503: 24-27
Summarize basic events
and ideas in more
challenging passages
GEN 502: 24-­‐ 27 A. synthesize
information in
challenging texts, making
valid generalizations or
conclusions about people
and situations
Turn in any missing work by Wednesday to get grades in before the end of the quarter. 