IGLECERIO N. ZOTOMAYOR, JR. MAED – Major in Mathematics Group Activity Determining the Significance Among Variables Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of grade 7 learners in modular distance learning and sought to answers the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the two groups of respondents in terms of: 1.1. Sex, 1.2 .Age, 1.3. Length of years in Teaching, 1.4. Educational Attainment, 1.5. Civil Status? 2. What is the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong national High School School Year 20212022 assessed by the two groups of respondents with respect to: 2.1 Engaging to Self-pace activities 2.2 Giving feedback, 2.3 Using Marking ladders, 2.4 Peer sharing and checking, 2.5 Maintaining Student Records, 2.6 Encouraging Parental Involvement? 3. Are there significant differences in the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong National High School School Year 2021-2022 as assessed by the parents in terms of their demographic profile with respect to the factors? 4. Are there significant differences between the responses of parents and teachers in the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong National High School School Year 2021-2022 with respect to the factors? 5. What problems do the teacher and parents' respondents encounter in the monitoring and feedback of the performance of the Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong National High School School Year 2021-2022? 6. What do teachers and parents do in order to cope up with the encountered problems? 7. What output may be proposed based on the result of the study? Statistical Treatment In order to analyze the data that will be obtained from the questionnaire, the researchers will use the following statistical tools to answer the problems of the study. Problem number 1. To determine the profile of the two groups of respondents, frequency, percentage, and rank distribution tables will be used. These statistical tools will allow the researchers to illustrate the distribution of the profiles of the respondents. Problem number 2. To measure the extent of feedback and monitoring of performance, the researchers will use weighted mean with the equivalent verbal interpretation. Problem number 3. To determine if there are significant differences in the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong National High School School Year 2021-2022 as assessed by the parents in terms of their demographic profile with respect to the factors, the researchers will use one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Problem number 4. The same with problem number 3, to determine if there are significant differences between the responses of parents and teachers in the extent of strategies employed in feedback and monitoring of the performance of Grade 7 learners in modular distance learning in Bagumbong National High School School Year 2021-2022 with respect to the factors, the researchers will also use one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Problem number 5. To determine the problems commonly and frequently encountered by teachers and parents respondents, ranking was used. Moreover, knowing the mean ranks of each problem is also done. Lastly, ranking the mean ranks from the lowest mean rank into the highest mean rank will determine which is commonly encountered and less likely to be a problem. Problem number 6. To know the coping mechanisms done by the teachers and parents respondents in order to cope up the encountered problems, summarizing their responses were done. Summary of findings Based from the analysis and interpretation of data the following findings are summarized. 1. Profile of the Respondents; 1.1 In terms of sex, the highest frequency is the female, both for the parents and the teachers, with counts of 84 (75%) and 4 (100%), respectively. 1.2 In terms of age, the highest frequency is the middle-age adults (30 to 45), both for the parents and the teachers, with counts of 75 (66.96%) and 3 (75%), respectively. 1.3 In terms of length of years teaching, only for the teachers, the same frequency of 2 was achieved by the categories 1-5 years and 6-10 years which is equivalent to 50% of the respondents, each. 1.4 In terms of educational attainment of parent-respondents, the highest frequency is the High School Graduate with count of 66 (58.93%) while for the teacher-respondents, the same frequency of 2 was achieved by the categories Bachelor’s Degree Graduate and With Units in Master’s Degree which is equivalent to 50% of the respondents, each. 1.5 In terms of civil status, the highest frequency is the married respondents, both for the parents and the teachers, with counts of 66 (58.93%) and 4 (100%), respectively. 2. Extent of Strategies; 2.1 In terms of Encouraging Self-Pace Activities, the teachers always let the students be engaged with self-paced activities and be given reading materials for extended activities with a general weighted mean of 4.22 for parents and 4.58 for teachers. 2.2 In terms of Giving Feedback, the teachers always put corrections, write comments and suggestions, and provide notes in the students’ output with a general weighted mean of 4.33 for parents and 4.25 for teachers. 2.3 In terms of Using marking ladders, the teachers always set out objectives and assesses students’ work using marking ladders with a general weighted mean of 4.37 for parents and 4.33 for teachers. 2.4 In terms of Peer sharing and checking, for the parents, the teachers always allows the students to talk by group about what they are thinking or feeling at the moment to relieve stress brought by the pandemic with a general weighted mean of 4.22. While for the teachers, they just sometimes allow their students with a weighted mean of 3.33. 2.5 In terms of Maintaining Student Records, the teachers always maintain, keep and update academic records with a general weighted mean of 4.51 for parents and 5.00 for teachers. 2.6 In terms of Encouraging Parental Involvement, the teachers always work with the parents to develop solutions and discuss what support the students need from them to better achieve the objectives with a general weighted mean of 4.47 for parents and 4.50 for teachers. 3. Significant difference between the Means of Perception Level of the Parent Respondents in terms of their Demographic Profile; 3.1. In terms of Sex, there are no significant differences with respect to all the variables. Male respondents somehow differ with the female for there is a factor which was responded by them as Often, this factor is the Engaging Self-pace Activities. 3.2. In terms of Age, there are no significant differences with respect to all the variables. Only the responses of middle-aged adults have a pure verbal interpretation of Always. 3.3. In terms of Educational Attainment, there are no significant differences with respect to all the variables. All the groups are heterogeneous in nature for they all have a factor which is interpreted as Often. 3.4. In terms of Civil Status, four variables are concluded to be there are no significant difference. Peer Sharing and Checking and Maintaining Students’ Records have significant difference when it comes to civil status. The responses of the single and separated respondents have a pure interpretation of Always. The responses of the married respondents have an interpretation of Sometimes. 4. Significant difference between the Means of Perception Level of the Parent and Teacher Respondents as two distinct groups; 4.1. In terms of the two groups, there are no significant differences with respect to five of the variables. There is a significant difference when it comes to Peer sharing and checking. Teacher respondents somehow differ with the parents for there is a factor which was responded by them as Often, this factor is the Peer sharing and checking. 5. Problems Encountered by the Teacher and Parents' Respondents in the Monitoring and Feedback of the Performance of the Grade 7 Learners 5.1 For the parents, Insufficiency of time to support the learner (3.29) became the foremost problem that the parents are encountering while Clarity of Curriculum for the parents (4.62) is the last. 5.2 For the teachers, the most encountered problem by the teachers is the Difficulty in contacting students' parents and learner with a mean rank of 1.50 while Students’ handwriting is not legible with a mean rank of 16.25 is not a big deal for the them. 6. Coping Mechanisms of the Teacher and Parents' Respondents for the Problems Encountered 6.1 For the parents, it resulted that time management, optimistic way of thinking, continuous communication with the teachers regarding the students’ performance, self-realizations and also unending support for the learners’ progress are the coping mechanisms they are doing to cope up the various problems. 6.2 For the teachers, the coping mechanisms that they are doing are summarized as follows: strengthened working relationship with the parent as well as with the learners, formulation of possible means of communication, and most especially, time management.