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Hotkey Command List for Trading Platform

Hotkey Command List
This document list all the hotkey commands listed in Hotkey Script Builder window
Fig 1 – Hot Key under the Setup option on the menu bar.
New Script Building
Follow listed all commands under the new script building section
Hotkey Commands under the Trade category.
Price: This group of commands are used to set the price of orders.
Set the specified order price. Change 0.00 to the price you want.
Set the order price to the current Level I Bid price.
Set the order price to the current Level I Ask Price
This is to set the order price at some price above or below the current
Level I Bid level. For example, to set the order price 0.03 higher than the
current level I bid price, change 0.00 to 0.03. Use Price=Bid-0.03 to set the
order price 0.03 below the current level I bid price.
This is to set the order price at some price above or below the current
Level I Ask level. For example, to set the order price 0.03 higher than the
current level I ask price, change 0.00 to 0.03. Use Price=Ask-0.03 to set the
order price 0.03 below the current level I ask price.
This is to set the order price at current Level II Bid level
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
This is to set the order price at some price above or below the current
Level II Bid price by a specific amount. Change 0.00 to the amount of
Use Price=L2Bid-0.00 to set the order price below the level 2 bid price.
This is to set the order price at current Level II Ask level.
This is to set the order price at some price above or below the current
Level II Ask level by a specific amount. Change 0.00 to the amount of
Use Price=L2Ask-0.00 to set the order price below the level 2 ask level.
This is to set the order price at Last trade price.
This is to set the order price to a price higher or lower than the Last trade
price by a specified amount. Change 0.00 to the amount of increment.
Using Price=Last-0.00 to set the order price below the last trade price.
This is to set the order price to a today’s low price.
This is to set the order price to a today’s high price.
This is to set the order price to the average cost of the position which is
implied by current selected symbol and account in mintage window.
This is round the order price to specified number of decimals to avoid too
many decimals which could lead to order being rejected. Currently
Round1, Round2, Round3 and Round4 are supported, which correspond
to 1, 2, 3, and 4 decimals. For example, if original price is 25.238, after
executing hotkey “Price=Round2”, new price will be 25.24.
This hotkey will set the value of the price text box that is on focus. For
example, if Stop Trigger Price text box is on focus, then this hotkey will
enter the “price” value specified in the hotkey script into the text box.
There are 3 price text boxes on Montage window that can be set using
this hotkey.
Share: This group of commands are used to set the number of orders.
This will set the number of shares to the amount you already own (as
shown in the Positions window) for the relevant symbol.
This will increase/decrease the number of shares displayed in Shares box
of the selected trading window. Change 0 to the number of share you
want to increase.
Use Share=Share-0 to decrease.
Share=DEFSHARE+0 This will set the number of shares higher or lower than the default
number of shares by a specified amount. Change 0 to the mount of
increment of decrement.
Use Share=DEFSHARE-0 for decrement.
This will set the number of shares to a specified number. Change 0 to that
specified amount.
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Hotkey Command List
This is to set the number of shares to a specified number which is the
rounding result of an integer number divided by the value of price. The
value of price is the price text box in Montage window.
This is to set shares using percentage. “Pos” can be replaced by an
integer or “Share” depending on user’s strategy.
This is to set the number of shares to a specified number which is the
rounding value of a percentage of available Buying power divided by
Price. For a limit order, the value of Price is the value in price text box;
For market order, the value of Price is the last price or bid price. For
example, current account’s buying power is 10,000, the price value is 20
in price text box, so number of shares will be set to 10,000*0.5/20=250.
If share value less than 100, this script will round it to 100. (Hint, only
works for odd-lot shares, which is share number between 1 and 99.)
This hotkey will set the value of the qty (number of shares) text box that
is on focus. Currently two qty text boxes on montage window can be set.
When this hotkey is pressed, the box that is on focus will be set to the
value specified in “share” in the script.
SShare: This group of commands are for reserved orders. SShare denotes Show Share box in
the Trading window. This box displays how many shares you want to show.
This sets the number of shares in the Show Share box of
Trading window. Change 0 to the specified number to show
in the box.
This increase the current Show Share number in the trading
window by a specified number. Change 0 to that specified
number. Use SShare=SShare-0 to decrease.
TogSShare=[number of shares] Toggle the show share box on or off. Toggling off just
means to set it to empty, else set SShare to X. Xis the
number of share you want to show. For example,
TogSShare=100 will display 100 in the Show Share box.
DEFSHARE: Set the default share size of an order.
Sets the Default Share number as explicitly specified. Change 0 to
the number you want.
DefShare=DefShare+0 Increase the current Default Share by a specified number. Change 0
to the number you want. Use Defshare=DefShare-0 to decrease.
Route: This group of commands set the Routing methods of the order.
Set the route to ARCA. Other availabilities might be route=INET; Talk to your
broker to see how many options you have.
Set the preference route as DOTM. Other Possibilities are:
Pref=DOTA; Pref=DOTI; Pref=DOTD; Pref=STGY;
No order Rerouting. NoRR=N; will set the rerouting as permitted.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Time in Force: This group of commands set the TIF of the order.
Set Time in Force as DAY
Set Time in Force as DAY+ (Orders expire at 8:00pm)
Set Time in Force as IOC, i.e. Immediately or Cancel.
Set Time in Force as GTC, i.e. Good Till Cancel.
TIF=At Open
Set Time in Force as at market open.
TIF=At Close
Set Time in Force as at market close
Time in force can also be specified as how many Min. For one hour, use
60Min instead. This number can be any positive and there is NO SPACE
between the number and the word “Min”.
Handle instruction:
Set the handle instruction to ANY
Set the handle instruction to AON
Set the handle instruction to N Hold
Stop Order: This group of commands are related to Stop orders and Range orders
StopType=Market The order becomes a market order immediately upon the triggering of
stop price. This command is to be used with StopPrice=X to set the stop
price to X. For example, to set up the stop order with type ‘Market’ and
stop price at 10.00, use StopType=market; StopPrice=10.00.
The order becomes a limit order upon the triggering of stop price.
StopType=Trailing Set the stop order to trailing stop order; a corresponding trailing price
should also be specified.
For range stop order, one can specify stop price and a target price
simultaneously. The low price is specified by StopPrice= , and the high
price is specified by trailPrice= .
Set the stop price
Set the trailing price if the order is a trailing stop order.
StopPrice=Round2 This is to round the stop price to specified number of decimals to avoid
too many decimals which could lead to orders being rejected. Currently
Round1, Round2, Round3 and Round4 are supported, which correspond
to 1, 2, 3 and 4 decimals.
TrailPrice=Round2 This is to round the trailing price to specified number of decimals to
avoid too many decimals which could lead to orders being rejected.
Currently Round1, Round2, Round3 and Round4 are supported, which
correspond to 1, 2, 3 and 4 decimals.
Trigger Order: This is to define a trigger order script. Trigger order will be sent to market
when primary order fully filled.
Each field’s definition:
RT: route, ARCAL/ARCAM/STOP etc.;
StopType: LIMIT/MARKET/Trailing/Range;
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Hotkey Command List
PX: order’s price. STOPPRICE: order’s stop price.
QTY: order’s shares, can be a digit value or ‘POS’;
TIF: time in force, DAY+/DAY/IOC etc.;
ACC: account for this trader, default is primary order’s account;
SYM: order’s symbol, default is primary order’s symbol;
Switch Cover Mode: Liquidate the whole account.
SwitchCoverMode This command will turn the cover mode on or off. In cover model, if
there is a position for the current displayed stock in the trading window,
then either BUY or SELL button will become COVER button, which means
clicking the button will close the position. If there is no position for the
current stock displayed in the trading window, then trading is not
allowed (BUY and SELL buttons not available).
Order Preparation: This group of commands are related to order preparation.
OrdPrepare=Y Enable order preparation. Note, please use BUY=Load or SELL=Load
command instead of this one, they achieve the same result but are more
convenient. For description of BUY=Load, go to Sub Category BUY and then
select BUY=Load from the available commands.
OrdPrepare=N Disable order preparation.
Toggle between enabled/disabled statuses of order preparation.
Prepare the order as post only order.
Don’t prepare the order as post only order.
Toggle the “Post only” attribute of the order.
Montage Window: This group of commands are specific for trading window (also called
Montage window)
Go to the next trading window.
Open an order template window.
Refresh the level 2 quotes.
Set the share limit box. In the trading window, there is a box for OverFill
protection. If that box has a value, the system will auto-cancel the
pending order if specified number of share is reached. Some customers
may want to put a lot of orders in different market place, as soon as the
number of shares filled reaches the ShareCap, the system will
automatically cancel the remaining order.
For example: ShareCap=1000 will let you set your share limit to 1000;
This is an example of how to use this hotkey. Suppose an account
currently holds 400 shares long of a stock. The default shares is set up
to be 1000. Suppose the user is ready to buy the same stock again and
set up this hotkey. When this hotkey is pressed, the number of shares
displayed in the Shares box will be 600 (1000-400). If the 400 shares are
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Hotkey Command List
held in a short position, then pressing this hotkey will display 400
shares in the shares box.
This is an example of how to use this hotkey. Suppose an account
currently holds 400 shares short of a stock. The default shares is set up
to be 1000. Suppose the user is ready to short the same stock again and
set up this hotkey. When this hotkey is pressed, the number of shares
displayed in the Shares box will be 600 (1000-400). If the 400 shares are
held in a long position, then pressing this hotkey will display 400 shares
in the shares box.
Toggle the Auto Cancel Cover order; When the AutoCancelCover is on,
the order will be marked as auto cancel, this is used for cover position,
for example, customer have 500 shares long ABC, he post sell 500 at
INET and another 500 sell at ARCA, as soon as the position goes flat,
Order server will automatically cancel the rest order to protect over fill.
ONLY ORDERS MARKED with AutoCxlCover will be canceled, regular
orders will not be affected.
Set the Auto Cancel Cover order ON; When the AutoCancelCover is on,
the order will be marked as auto cancel, this is used for cover position,
for example, customer have 500 shares long ABC, he post sell 500 at
INET and another 500 sell at ARCA, as soon as the position goes flat,
order server will automatically cancel the rest order to protect over fill.
ONLY ORDERS MARKED with AutoCxlCover will be canceled, regular
orders will not be affected.
Set the Auto Cancel Cover order OFF; When the AutoCancelCover is on,
the order will be marked as auto cancel, this is used for cover position,
for example, customer have 500 shares long ABC, he post sell 500 at
INET and another 500 sell at ARCA, as soon as the position goes flat,
order server will automatically cancel the rest order to protect over fill.
ONLY ORDERS MARKED with AutoCxlCover will be canceled, regular
orders will not be affected.
Toggle the order entry part of the montage window on/off.
Set the current input focus to Share box.
Set the current input focus to Show Share box.
Set the current input focus to Price box.
Set the current input focus to BUY button.
Set the current input focus to SELL button.
Set the current input focus to CXL button.
Set the current input focus to Replace button.
Set the current input focus to Level I window symbol input box, so you
can change the symbol.
Set the current input focus to Stop Type. This is for the Stop order entry
Set the current input focus to Stop Price. This is for the Stop order entry
Set the style of Montage window. Available styles are Stop, Basic,
Default, Detail, Option, FULL.
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Hotkey Command List
Press this hotkey while holding left mouse button down will start the
process of dragging anchor. This hotkey has the same effect as placing
mouse cursor on the anchor and start dragging. (Hint, holding left
mouse button down on the montage window and press the hotkey first,
then you can just move your cursor to other windows and press this
hotkey to link them to the selected montage window. During the
process you cannot do any other mouse clicks, once you click the
mouse it will automatically stop the function.)
Stop all montage windows from receiving lv2 quotes.
Resume updating all montage window’s lv2 quotes (after using
StopLevel2 hotkey)
Buy: this group of commands are related to buy orders.
This command will send the order as a BUY order. Whether the order is sent out
or not depends on OrdPrepare; if order prepare is ON, then order is not sent.
BUY=Load Prepares the order as a buy order, order is sent out after Enter key is pressed.
BUYCLOSE Press BUY CLOSE button on Options Chain window or Montage window.
BUYOPEN Press BUY OPEN button on Options Chain window or Montage window.
Sell: this group of commands are relates to SELL or SHORT orders. There is no SHORT
command, use SELL
Use this to SELL or SHORT.
SELL=Load Prepares the order as Sell, order is sent out after Enter key pressed.
SELLCLOSE Press SELL Close button on Options Chain window or Montage window.
SELLOPEN Press SELL OPEN button on Options Chain window or Montage window.
SELLCOVER: Covering long positions only.
SELLCOVER Send sell order to cover existing position. If order quantity is more than amount
of shares in position, then order can’t be sent. This hotkey doesn’t support
prepared state, and it only allows one order at time to prevent the duplicate
order. So user will have to focus/click on other window first, then focus back to
the montage window in order to place a new order.
Send: Send command will send buy or sell order according to position. Usually people want to
ask how they can cover half of their position, here is the hotkey:
Route=Market; Share=POS/2; SEND=Reverse;
Send=AddShare This script will send order to increase position, it will add more shares,
if you have long position, it will send buy order,
If you have short position, it will send short order.
This script will send order to cover the position.
If you have long position, it will send sell order.
If you have short position, it will send buy order.
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Hotkey Command List
Replace: This group of commands are related to replace orders
REPLACE This Command will send the order as a Replace order; Whether the order is sent
out or not depends on OrdPrepare, if order prepare is ON, then order is not sent.
Cancel: This set of commands are used to cancel orders you might also want to set your
AUTOCXLCOVER from Properties->Auto Cancel Cover; look into the Action DropDown
List to detail.
Cancel all open orders.
This is to cancel all the buy orders only.
This is to cancel all the sell orders only.
Cancel all the orders that have same symbol on Level II
Cancel all the BUY orders that have same symbol in Level II
Cancel all the SELL orders that have same symbol in Level II
Cancel the most recent order in the order queue.
Cancel the oldest order from the order queue.
Cancel the most recent order for the current symbol in the Level II
(Montage) window.
Cancel the oldest order for the symbol in the current Level II
(Montage) Window.
Cancel the in bid orders for the symbol in the current Level II
(Montage) Window. (Hint, the order in the first bid range/color)
Cancel the in offer order for the symbol in the current Level II
(Montage) Window. (Hint, the order in the first ask range/color)
Cancel the long order with the closest price to current lv1 bid price
for the symbol in the current Montage window.
Cancel the short order with the closest price to current lv1 ask price
for the symbol in the current Montage window.
Cancel the long order with the furthest price to current lv1 bid price
for the symbol in the current Montage window.
Cancel the short order with the furthest price to current lv1 ask
price for the symbol in the current Montage window.
Panic: Liquidate the whole account.
This button cancels all open orders and sends the necessary
market orders to clear position; it will liquidate the whole
This cancel all open orders and send market order to clear
positions, effectively liquidate the specified account.
Set the route used to send orders to clear position. The
default route is ARCAM.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Account Summary: This group of commands are for opening of a new window specific to one
ShowAccount 1234567 This will open an account summary window for account 1234567,
Replace 1234567 with your account name.
This will open a statistics window.
This will open a login dialog.
Trade & Order Filters:
ClearFilter; DoFilter
SetFilter Symbol X; DoFilter
SetFilter Status Open; DoFilter
SetFilter Status Canceled;
SetFilter Route X; DoFilter
SetFilter Branch X; DoFilter
SetFilter Account X; DoFilter
SetFilter Trader X; DoFilter
SetFilter Category Real; DoFilter
SetFilter Category Training;
SetFilter Side Buy; DoFilter
SetFilter Side Sell; DoFilter
Removes the filter for the trades’ window or the orders’
window, depending on which window is selected.
Show only symbol X for trades window or orders window,
depending on which window is selected.
Show only open orders for orders window, depending on
which window is selected.
Show only canceled orders for orders windows, depending
on which window is selected.
Show only orders with route X for orders window,
depending on which is selected.
Show only orders from branch X for orders window,
depending on which window is selected.
Show only orders with account number X for orders
window, depending on which window is selected.
Show only orders by trader X for orders window,
depending on which window is selected.
Show only production orders, not training orders, for the
orders window, depending on which window is selected.
Show only training orders for orders window but not
production orders, depending on which window is
Show only buy orders for orders window but not the sell
orders, depending on which window is selected.
Show only Sell orders for orders window but not the buy
orders, depending on which window is selected.
Basket Trader
Hotkey Commands under the Basket Trader category.
Basket Trader: Theses hotkey commands are specific to Basket Trader.
Corresponds to the Edit button in the basket trader window.
Corresponds to the Insert button in the basket trader window.
Corresponds to the Reverse button in the basket trader window.
Corresponds to the Clear button in the basket trader window.
Corresponds to the Delete button in the basket trader window.
LongBasket Corresponds to the Long Basket button in the basket trader window.
ShortBasket Corresponds to the Short Basket button in the basket trader window.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Chart Window
Hotkey Commands under the Chart Window category.
Chart Specific: This group of commands are for chart settings
Pop up chart data configure window.
Pop up chart study configure window.
Pop up chart area configure window.
Show history of viewed charts.
Zoom in the chart.
Zoom out the chart.
Fit the chart to the window, also means zooming out to show
all data.
NumBar 25
Zoom in/out the chart to set the number of bars on the chart.
25 is an example, you may change it to any number you would
Print the chart.
Manage chart data.
Remove all the user drawn lines from the current chart.
Symbol X
Show the chart of symbol X.
Show/Hide the Pre/After Market bars.
MinuteChart X [Xd]
Show a chart of X minutes with range of X days. The parameter
Xd is optional. For example, “MinuteChart 5 10d” shows a 5
minutes chart with 10 days range.
DayChart X [Xd or Xy]
Show a chart of X days with range of X days or X years. The
parameter Xd or Xy is optional. For example. “DayChart 1d
150d” shows a 1 day chart with 150 days range, “DayChart 1d
3y” shows a 1 day chart with 3 years range.
DayChart Xw
Show a chart of X weeks.
DayChart Xm
Show a chart of X months.
DayChart Xy
Show a chart of X years.
Switch between opened chart windows.
Show or hide chart toobar.
Add note to chart.
IncreaseTopBottomMargin Increase top and bottom margin.
DecreaseTopBottomMargin Decrease top and bottom margin.
Reset top and bottom margin to default.
Stop updating all chart windows.
Continue updating all chart windows (after stopped updating
using StopChartUpdate hotkey.)
TrendLine Hotkeys: This group of commands are for chart trendlines.
Send the selected trendLines in current chart window to global, gloval
trendlines will display in all other chart window with same symbol.
Send the global selected trendLine to local chart window and area.
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Hotkey Command List
SaveGlobalTrendlines Save all global trend lines to file.
LoadGlobalTrendlines Load all global trend lines from file.
RemoveAllTrendlines Remove all the trend lines of the same symbol in current chart
window and global trend lines.
Draw trend line.
Draw ray line.
Draw horizontal line.
Draw vertical line.
Draw Fibonacci line.
Draw Fibonacci Project.
Draw Fibonacci Arch.
Draw Rectangle.
Window Configuration
These commands are related to window and layout configurations, including opening a new
window, popout/popin, setting the window position and size, and setting focus, etc.
SwitchDesktop: Hotkeys related to desktop/tab switching.
SwitchDesktop XXLayout Close current desktop and open XXLayout.dsk, changeXXLayout
to the name of desktop file you want to open.
SwitchTab tabname
Switch to the tab with specified tabname. If no tabname is given,
it will go to each tab in sequence.
SwitchGroup GroupName Switch each sub window in a group window.
New Window: This group of commands are for opening of a new window.
NewWindow Montage
Open a new Montage window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
NewWindow Alert
Open a new alert window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
NewWindow Chart
Open a new Chart window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
NewWindow TimeSale
Open a new TimeSale window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
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Hotkey Command List
NewWindow Position
NewWindow Order
NewWindow Trade
NewWindow Account
NewWindow Option
NewWindow TradeLog
NewWindow EventLog
NewWindow MarketView
NewWindow HighLow
Open a new Position window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new Order window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
Open a new Trade window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
Open a new Account window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new Option window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
Open a new TradeLog window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new EventLog window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new MarketView window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop
it out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position
and size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only
be used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new HighLow window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
NewWindow Toplist
NewWindow Mail
NewWindow TMP
NewWindow Basket
NewWindow ShortList
NewWindow Global
NewWindow Manual
NewWindow TradingSetting
NewWindow ShortLocate
Open a new TopList window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it
out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and
size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be
used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new Mail window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop it out,
use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position and size
of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only be used
with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child window in
the main frame.
Open a new order template configuration window. Use
“SetPopOut Y” to pop it out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W
H” to set the position and size of the new window. Note:
WPos and WSize can only be used with windows that pop
out. Won’t work with child window in the main frame.
Open a new Basket trader window. Use “SetPopOut Y” to pop
it out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W H” to set the position
and size of the new window. Note: WPos and WSize can only
be used with windows that pop out. Won’t work with child
window in the main frame.
Open a new ShortList window to see the shortable list. Use
“SetPopOut Y” to pop it out, use “WPos X Y” and “WSize W
H” to set the position and size of the new window. Note:
WPos and WSize can only be used with windows that pop
out. Won’t work with child window in the main frame.
Open a new Manual order window.
Open a new Manual order window.
Open Trading Settings dialog.
Open Short Locate window, you need to have short locate
permission to run this script. If run this script in montage
window, it will automatically setup symbol field of current
symbol in montage window.
Window Position/Size: This group of commands are for position and sizing of a window on
focus. These two commands have to be used with SetPopOut Y together, because for
child window, their behavior is not defined at this moment.
WPos X Y
This will set the position of the window on focus at (X, Y). Using virtual X, Y for
multiple screen. For example on a “Samsung 2ms 22” with resolution
1680X1050, WPos 1680 0 will put the window on the left corner of the second
screen on the right side for a dual moniter screen. This command has to be a
dual monitor screen. This command has to be used with SetPopOut Y, because
for child window, its behavior is not defined at this moment.
WSize W H This will set the size of the window on focus at [Width, Hight]. Using virtual X, Y
for multiple screen. See WPos. This command has to be used with SetPopOut Y,
because for child window, its behavior is not defined at this moment.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Poping out: Hotkeys related to popping in/out windows.
SetPopOut Y
This will set the current focused window as a pop out, i.e. will pop the
window outside the main window.
SetPopOut N
This will set the current focused window as child window, i.e. popin
This will toggle/change the current window’s popout/popin status.
Configure: This group of commands are for window configuration settings
This will open the configuration window to configure to the current window on
Move Window: This group of commands are for moving windows.
Moves the window in focus to the location of mouse cursor.
MovePopoutWindowToCursor Moves the popout window in focus (including main window)
to the location of mouse cursor.
Duplicate Window: This group of commands are for duplicating window on focus.
DuplicateWindow Create a new window with the same settings as the window on focus.
Currently this hotkey can be used only for Montage, Time/Sale, Options
and Chart Windows.
FocusWindow: Hotkeys related to windows focus.
Change focus to the specified window. For example, FocusWindow
Chart1, will change focus to the window name Chart1. Window’s name
can be set be right clicking title bar, then in Frame Window Configure
dialog enter a name in Name text box.
ShowAllHiddenWindows: Show all hidden windows.
ShowAllHiddenWindow Move all hidden windows to the center of the screen. Hidden
windows include child windows that are out of the main window
display area and pop out windows that are out of the monitor
display area.
All other commands
Simple Speaker: Simple Speak command.
Speak HelloWorld This is the simplest speak command possible. Just put something you
want the Speaker to speak out and that’s it. Note: no quotation Mark.
Stop the speaker from reading.
Pause the speaker.
Resume paused speaker.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
For a Montage window on focus, this will read the current level I bid/ask
price. For a News window on focus, this will read the current news.
This command is specific to news window; it will read the new title.
Read Account Info: This group of commands use the speaker to speak out user specified
information regarding account. The command has format as “Read Account n
AcctID”: n, an integer, denotes the information you want to hear; acctID, a string,
denotes your account. See each individual command in the list to see which “n”
corresponds to what account info.
ReadAccount 1X
Account Name
ReadAccount 2X
Account realized PnL
ReadAccount 4X
Account unrealized PnL
ReadAccount 8X
Account Buying Power.
ReadAccount 16X Account Net PnL.
ReadAccount 3X
Account Name + Realized Value.
ReadAccount 5X
Account Name + UnRealized Value.
ReadAccount 9X
Account Name + Buying Power.
ReadAccount 17X Account Name + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 6X
Account Realized + UnRealized PnL.
ReadAccount 10X Account Realized PnL + Buying Power
ReadAccount 18X Account Realized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 12X Account UnRealized PnL + Buying Power.
ReadAccount 20X Account UnRealized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 24X Account Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 7X
Account Name + Realized + Unrealized PnL.
ReadAccount 11X Account name + Realized + Buying power.
ReadAccount 19X Account name + Realized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 13X Account Name + UnRealized + Buying Power.
ReadAccount 21X Account Name + UnRealized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 25X Account Name + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 14X Realized + UnRealized PnL + Buying Power.
ReadAccount 22X Account Realized + UnRealized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 26X Account Realized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 28X Account UnRealized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 15X Account Name + Realized + UnRealized + Buying Power.
ReadAccount 23X Account Name + Realized + UnRealized + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 27X Account Name + Realized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 29X Account Name + UnRealized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 30X Account Realized + UnRealized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
ReadAccount 31X Account Name + Realized + UnRealized + Buying Power + Net PnL.
Shell: Run shell commands
Shell [shell command] Run Shell command.
For example: Shell calc, it will open the windows calculator program.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Web Surfing: This group of commands are for web surfing
This will open the default web browser and set the page to the address you
specified. For example, you can link to finance.yahoo.com like this:
http:// finance.yahoo.com
Or you can link in the level2 symbol to yahoo profile:
http:// finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?/s=%SYMB%
the %SYBM% will be replaced to the symbol in the montage window.
Screen Recorder: Screen Recorder related hotkeys
ScreenRecorder SelectRegionAndRecord
ScreenRecorder SelectLastRegionAndRecord
ScreenRecorder StartFullScreenRecording
ScreenRecorder FullScreenshotToClipboard
ScreenRecorder FullScreenshotToFile
ScreenRecorder SelectRegionScreenshot
ScreenRecorder SelectLastRegionScreenshotToFile
ScreenRecorder StopRecording
ScreenRecorder Play
ScreenRecorder StopPlaying
ScreenRecorder Pause
ScreenRecorder Forward
ScreenRecorder Rewind
Select a region to record. This hotkey
works without screen recorder window
Use the rectangle region selected last
time to record. This hotkey works
without screen recorder window open.
Start full screen recording. This hotkey
works without screen recorder window
Take full screenshot and copy to
Take full screenshot and save to file.
Select region to take screenshot.
Use the region selected last time to take
screenshot and save to file.
Stop recording.
Play selected recording.
Stop playing selected recording.
Pause playing selected recording.
Prebuilt Scripts
Script: LiveChat
Description: This is the quickest way to reach DAS support team.
It will open the default web browser and point to the DAS
web chatting portal.
Script: RemoteHelp
Description: This is another way to reach DAS support team. It
will start the remote assistance procedure automatically.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Zoom To Number of Bars
Increase price by 0.001
Increase price by 0.01
Decrease price by 0.001
Decrease price by 0.01
Increase shares by 100
Increase shares by 1000
Decrease shares by 100
Decrease shares by 1000
Zoom in chart
Script: Hotkey
Description: This opens hot key configuration window.
Script: NumBar 25
Description: Set the number of bars to be displayed on the chart
window. In this example, 25 bars will be displayed. A chart
window must be selected (set on focus) before it can react to the
Script: NewWindow Montage; Symbol SPY; WSize 365 500;
SetPopOut Y; NewWindow Chart; Symbol QID; SetPopOut Y;
MinuteChart 1;NumBar 25; WPos 382 0; WSize 600 500;
Description: The best way to find out what this script does is to
try it. It opens two windows and does some configuration to each
window. More windows can be opened and configured by
pressing this hotkey buy adding more commands to this script.
Script: Route=ARCA;Share=100;Price=Bid;BUY
Description: This is a simple buy order. Buy 100 shares on Bid
through ARCA. This command is effective on the selected
Montage window (the one on focus).
Script: Price=Ask;Share=100;Route=ARCA;SELL
Description: This is a simple Sell order. Sell 100 shares on Ask
through ARCA. This command is effective on the selected
Montage window (the one on focus).
Script: Share=100;Price=Bid-0.05;Route=INET;BUY;
Description: This will send two orders simultaneously on the Bid
and Ask side to accomplish a spread trading task. This command
is effective on the selected Montage window (the one on focus).
Script: Price=Price+0.001
Description: Increase price by 0.001
Script: Price=Price+0.01
Description: Increase price by 0.01
Script: Price=Price-0.001
Description: Decrease price by 0.001
Script: Price=Price-0.01
Description: Decrease price by 0.01
Script: Share=Share+100
Description: Increase shares by 100
Script: Share=Share+1000
Description: Increase shares by 1000
Script: Share=Share-100
Description: Decrease shares by 100
Script: Share=Share-1000
Description: Decrease shares by 1000
Script: ZoomIn
Description: Zoom in chart
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Zoom out chart
Close all Positions
Cancel all open orders
Cancel buy orders
Cancel sell orders
Cancel last
Buy Stop Range
Buy Stop Market
Sell Stop Market
Sell Stop Range
Switch Trading Window
Script: ZoomOut
Description: Zoom out chart
Description: This button cancels all open orders and sends the
necessary market orders (ARCAM is the default route used) to
clear positions; it will liquidate the whole account.
Script: CXL ALL
Description: Cancel all open orders
Description: Cancel all the buy orders only
Description: Cancel all the sell orders only
Script: CXL LAST
Description: Cancel the most recent orders in the order queue
Script: Route=STOP;StopType=Range;StopPrice=;TrailPrice=;BUY
Description: Send a market stop range order. Please fill in the
StopPrice (low price) and TrailPrice(high price)
Script: Route=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=;BUY
Description: Send a market buy stop order. Please fill in the
Script: Route=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=;SELL
Description: Send a market sell stop order. Please fill in the
Script: Route=STOP;StopType=Range;StopPrice=;TrailPrice=;SELL
Description: Send a sell stop range order. Please fill in the
StopPrice(low price) and trailPrice (High price)
Script: SwitchTWnd
Description: Switch to the next trading window
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Order Script Wizard
Fig 2 – Order Script Wizard in Hotkey window
Explanation of Buttons and Fields
Name: Given a name to this hotkey
Hotkey: Assign a hotkey to this script
Script: Hotkey script
Side: BUY or SELL
Share: Share quantity
Symbol: Security symbol
Price: Price
Account: Account number
Route: Route
TIF: Time In Force, which will be the expire time for this order
Show qty: Show share, for reserve order, enter the number of shares you want it to be
displayed in market books.
Stop Type: Use the drop down menu to selected the stop type
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019
Hotkey Command List
Trigger Price/Lo Range: For the Stop Market and Stop Limit orders this will be a trigger
price, but if it is for Stop Range order this price will become a low range price.
Trailer Price/Hi Range: For the Stop Trailing order it will be a trailer price, and for Stop
Range order it will become a high range price
Pref: This is for the preference order, you can enter the broker ID in this field
Mode: Load means prepare order only, do not send it. Load and Send means load the
orders from script and send it to market.
Minimum: Use the drop down menu to select the volume type for this order, AON
means ALL or Non, it requires order to get fully fill in one trade, whereas an ANY order
could start filling as soon as shares were available, and N Hold means the order will not
be hold. (Hit, not all routes support AON and H Hold orders)
Build Script: Click this to automatically build the scripts base on the parameters you
Commit: Click this to commit it.
Make a copy: Click this to copy the selected script, which allows you to modify it and
then assign another unused hotkey to it.
Cancel: Click this to close the window and left everything unchanged.
Last Updated by Jason: 1/17/2019