Uploaded by Van Henson

Telescopes: Peeking at the Universe

peeking at our wonderful, mysterious, universe
time-traveling to a distant past
2LT Van Henson
CAP California Wing, Gropup 2
Squadron 156
Aerospace Education
January 20, 2021
Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant -- image credit Russell Croman
Medulla Nebula Supernova Remnant
the remains of a star that exploded around 10,000 years ago
looks about the size of the full moon but is extremely faint
over 130 hours of exposure time through two different telescopes
special filters that isolate light from sulfur (yellow), hydrogen (red), and oxygen (blue)
1. What is light?
2. Reflection and Refraction
3. Prisms, rainbows, and the like
4. Basic telescopes and what they are good for:
1. Refractor
2. Reflector
3. Optical aberrations
5. Twinkle, Twinkle, little star
6. The big kids:
Adaptive Optics
Guide Star
During the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn a few weeks ago, I
dragged out my old 2.5” refracting telescope. This is approximately what I
During the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn a few weeks ago, I
dragged out my old 2.5” refracting telescope. This is approximately what I
What is light?
• The superficial answer:
a narrow band in the electromagnetic spectrum
What is light?
• Whoa! Not so fast! It is considerably more complex!
• Light is a wave, yes.
Interference patterns from
the double slit experiment
show that…
• But it also acts like separate
“particles” of light make up
the waves, these are called
Hologram of a single photon reconstructed from raw
measurements (left) and theoretically predicted (right). Credit:
Reflecting light
• For our purposes, light is a wave that
can be described by rays, that is, lines
perpendicular to the wavefront
• When the wavefront hits a surface,
it acts like a point-source for a new
wave. Interference of these waves
with the original produce coherent
• Law of specular reflection:
the angle of incidence equals
the angle of reflection:
Reflecting light
• Specular reflection: Light
reflects off smooth and shiny
objects (glass, polished metal,
mirror, still water) at angle of
reflection equal to angle of
• Diffuse reflection: Light
reflects off uneven objects (rippled
water, frosted glass, etc.) at angle
of reflection equal to angle of
incidence everywhere relative to
the normal to the surface
Refracting light
• The speed of light is different in different media (air, vacuum,
water, oil, etc). When light passes from one medium into another,
it is refracted such that the wavefronts change direction, and the
“rays” are bent:
• Going from high-speed medium (air)
to lower speed (water) the rays are
bent toward the normal θinc > θrefr
• From lower to higher, θinc < θrefr
• This phenomenon produces some cool effects and proves to be
exceptionally useful!
Refracting light
• But we can use these reflection and refraction properties
Refracting lenses to focus light
• But we can use refraction to build lenses that focus light:
Monochromatic aberrations affect
all wavelengths the same1. Defocus
1. Defocus
2. Spherical aberration
2. Spherical aberration
3. Coma
3. Coma
4. Astigmatism
4. Astigmatism
5. Field curvature
5. Field curvature
Refracting light of different
• The different colors we see are different wavelengths of the EM
spectrum. In air or vacuum, they all travel at the same speed, c.
• In slower media the different colors of light travel at slightly different
speeds, and therefore refract at different angles.
• This effect is how prisms separate out colors of light, and how rainbows
• This breaking of white light into a rainbow is called dispersion
Chromatic aberrations affect different
wavelengths in differing degree
1. Perfectly focused ring
2. Axial aberration: different
wavelengths (colors) focused at
differing “depths” along line
perpendicular to the focal plane
(distortion of lens varies with
wavelength) – typical with long
focal length lenses
3. Transverse aberration: different wavelengths (colors) focused on different positions on
the focal plane – typical of short focal length lenses
So, at long last: telescopes!!
• What kinds? And what are they good for?
The refractor telescope
• Simplest design
• Galileo didn’t invent the refractor, he built
one from a description of a Belgian
• What did Galileo see in his telescope?
• Galileo saw the craters of the moon.
• He saw Jupiter and the four largest moons of
• He saw “appendages” on Saturn
• He saw phases of Venus
The refractor telescope
The Newtonian reflector
• Newton didn’t invent it
• Galileo knew about it
• Lenses were easier to make than mirrors
• Newton built the reflector telescope to prove his theory that white
light is composed of spectrum of colors
• Refractors suffered chromatic aberrations; Newton believed the
lenses were at fault
• Wanted to build a telescope without lenses
The Newtonian reflector telescope
The Newtonian reflector telescope
A Newtonian
circa 1873
Note the large structure
to allow observer access
to the eyepiece
The entire assembly
rotates around two axes,
parallel and
perpendicular to the
Earth’s axis
When we look at the heavens,
we’re looking back in time
• Light travels through space at 186,000 miles per
• Light-second is the distance light travels in one
second (186,000 miles)
• Light-minute is the distance light travels in a minute
• Light-year is the distance light travels in one year
(approx. 5,865,696,000,000 miles)
• So when we see light from stars and galaxies we are
seeing what was going on some time ago!
• Suppose the North Star actually went nova and
blew up 300 years ago.
• We won’t see that for another 20 years!
“What I like is the way they twinkle.”
We can correct the aberrations,
BUT… twinkle, twinkle!
Any optical telescope on earth “sees” through this variable
atmosphere; whatever it looks at, the image is marred by this
How can we fix this?
Idea! Get the telescope outside
the atmosphere!
• The Hubble space
• Launched in 1990
• Has beamed awesome
images to us
The “Pillars of Creation”
• in the Eagle Nebula
• columns of cold gas driven
by stellar winds
• Columns about 4 light-years
Idea! Get the telescope outside
the atmosphere!
• The Hubble space
• Launched in 1990
• Has beamed awesome
images to us
Jupiter’s “Northern lights”
• An aurora Jupiter’s
• in the ultraviolet band
Idea! Get the telescope outside
the atmosphere!
A “Seyfert” spiral galaxy
• 150 million light-years away
• In the constellation of Libra
• Unusually bright center, causes by “hungry, supermassive black holes,”
billions of times the size of the sun, pulling in gas and dust
Great! What could go wrong?
• The Hubble space
• Launched in 1990
• Has beamed awesome
images to us
• Like any man-made object, it gets old, wears out,
needs repair
• Two space-shuttle missions to repair it
• And we no longer have the space shuttle
• So...
Idea! If we can’t keep fixing the
telescope, let’s fix the atmosphere!
• Let’s use
optics to
remove the
effect of the
on the
Does it work?
The key is knowing what the image should look like!
Focus the telescope on a bright star; that should
always be a point.
Keep it looking like a point; everything else will be in
What if there is no star in view??
No star in view? No problem! Just
make one.
• Enter “Guide Star.”
Train your telescope at the part of
the sky you want to see
Shine an intense, very narrow laser
beam up from the telescope
It forms a “dot” on the ozone layer
Use the dot as if it were a star, and
focus the adaptive optics on
keeping it a point source.