Received: 27 November 2019 Revised: 22 February 2020 Accepted: 15 March 2020 DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12438 ARTICLE Digital game-based learning in a Shanghai primary-school mathematics class: A case study Li Deng | Shaoyang Wu Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China | Yumeng Chen | Zhengmei Peng Abstract This study examined the perceptions and experiences of a teacher and students in a Shanghai public primary school when digital games were used in a second-grade Correspondence Zhengmei Peng, Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China. Email: math class. The participants included one teacher and 45 students. Data collection methods included classroom observation, focus-group and individual interviews, and document analysis. Digital gameplay, when used once daily over a 6-day period, was found to enhance student engagement and interest in learning; many students, however, were concerned about its effect on academic achievement and eyesight. The Peer Review The peer review history for this article is available at 1111/jcal.12438. teacher employed a “making thinking visible” approach using pencil and paper and problem-solving strategies to help students understand the game's mathematical principles and master mathematical knowledge. Obstacles included large class size, difficulty evaluating learning outcomes, balancing fun and learning, and effective game–classroom integration. This study found that exam-oriented education and traditional teacher-centred teaching in China influenced participants' perceptions and experiences of digital game-based learning. KEYWORDS 21st century skills, digital games, perceptions, primary mathematics education, teaching strategies 1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N classes focused on repetitive practice and knowledge acquisition (Wang & Feng, 2017) hinders students' participation, proactive inter- In the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012, est, and personal development (Zhang & Huang, 2016). Shanghai students ranked first in the world in math, placing them To address these problems, the Shanghai Municipal Education approximately 3 years ahead of the OECD average (OECD, 2014a). Commission promoted educational reforms and explored building digi- This caused international educators to flock to Shanghai to investigate tal-curriculum environments, which included conducting digital-text- the reasons for such success. However, this spike in interest book experiments in some schools. However, such efforts have been concealed several problems in Shanghai mathematics education: (a) limited to the partial use of digital textbooks and have not produced Shanghai students are skilled at integrating new mathematical con- substantial changes in education. In 2016, the Chinese Ministry of cepts but face obstacles solving practical problems (OECD, 2014b; Education (2018) launched a new round of nationwide K–12 reforms Zhang & Huang, 2016), (b) students spend considerable time learning based on key competencies. These reforms also emphasized trans- mathematics and experience pressure and learning fatigue as a result forming traditional teaching methods and developing students' criti- (Zhang & Huang, 2016), (c) teachers in Shanghai carry heavy work- cal-thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills loads (Wang, Ning, & Feng, 2018) and have low job satisfaction and and information awareness. This prompted researchers to further adverse health effects as a result (Yuan & Huang, 2018), and (d) explore unconventional teaching methods, including digital game- China's deep-rooted culture of exams, authority, and lecture-style based learning. J Comput Assist Learn. 2020;36:709–717. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 709 710 DENG ET AL. Numerous studies have found that digital game-based learning is effective and can create a more relaxed learning environment that perceptions, interactions, and challenges with this game are not clear and should be included in future studies. promotes student engagement, interest, motivation, and confidence This study aimed to examine the perceptions and experiences of (Chen, Liao, Cheng, Yeh, & Chan, 2012; Girard, Ecalle, & Mag- Shanghai teachers and students when the digital game Wuzzit Trouble nan, 2013; Ku, Chen, Wu, Lao, & Chan, 2014). It can also cultivate was introduced in their math classes to explore the possibility of intro- 21st-century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, ducing game-based learning into traditional classrooms in China. The and collaboration (Hsiao, Chang, Lin, & Hu, 2014; Qian & Clark, 2016; following research questions were investigated: (a) How did the Whitton, 2014). teacher and students perceive and feel about digital game-based Some studies comparing experimental and control groups suggest that digital game-based learning is effective for mathematics. Learning learning? (b) How did the teacher and students interact with digital math games and the game-based learning environment? with digital games can help students acquire mathematical knowledge This study not only provides a reference for transforming tradi- more effectively than traditional lectures (Siew, 2018). Games more tional Chinese teaching methods but also adds to the limited empirical effectively promote academic achievement, self-efficacy, and motiva- research on digital game-based learning in China. More broadly, it tion (Hung, Huang, & Hwang, 2014); enhance students' self-confi- enriches international research on digital game-based math learning. dence (Ku et al., 2014); improve the speed and accuracy of mathematical calculation (O'Rourke, Main, & Hill, 2017); and positively affect adaptive number knowledge and related arithmetic skills 2 METHODS | (Brezovszky et al., 2019). Meta-analytical studies have found that math-related video games produce higher learning gains than tradi- To gather comprehensive, systematic, in-depth information (Pat- tional classes (Tokac, Novak, & Thompson, 2019). ton, 2002, p. 447) and understand teachers' and students' perceptions Some studies on students' experiences with game-based math and experiences of game-based learning, this study used a qualitative learning have found that students find it fun and engaging, feel chal- approach (Ke, 2008; Watson, Mong, & Harris, 2011; Yin, 2014) based lenged and better able to learn, have improved self-efficacy and task on constructivist grounded theory. Research approaches and inter- persistence (O'Rourke, Main, & Ellis, 2013), and show improved view content were adjusted according to the situation to achieve an rational number knowledge (Ninaus et al., 2017). Ke (2008), how- interpretative understanding and analysis of the data and to deter- ever, noted that not every computer math training game involves mine emerging themes (Charmaz, 2006). students in learning. Studies have also found that while most stu- The first, second, and third author collected the data. Multiple dents are initially highly involved, engagement decreases in the lat- forms of data collection were chosen (e.g., classroom observation, ter part of the semester (Deater-Deckard, Mallah, Evans, & focus-group and individual interviews, document analysis) to achieve Norton, 2014). Studies have also suggested that teachers and par- triangulation of the qualitative data. All four authors coded repeated ents tend to prefer traditional teaching methods (Yong, Gates, & ideas and analysed the data separately. They then discussed the data Harrison, 2016). to agree on the themes. While many studies have focused on game-based learning's effec- The teacher, student participants, and their parents all expressed tiveness in math classrooms, few have investigated teachers' and stu- willingness to participate in the study; the parents filled out informed dents' perceptions and experiences of it or the associated challenges. consent forms in advance. Since teachers are “the true agents of change in schools,” whether game-based learning can be successfully adopted largely depends on teacher acceptance (Bourgonjon et al., 2013). Students are also impor- 2.1 | Procedure tant actors, and clearly understanding of their perceptions can help teachers attempting to implement techniques to improve learning The research was conducted in a public primary school in a suburb of (Selim, 2003). Thus, teachers' and students' perceptions and experi- Shanghai that participated in the Shanghai Municipal Education Com- ences of game-based learning are important factors affecting whether mission's Digital Textbook Experiment Project. To limit disturbances it can be successfully implemented (Huizenga, Ten Dam, Voogt, & to teaching routines, digital game-based learning was conducted for Admiraal, 2017). Therefore, to transform Shanghai's lecture-based, 6 days in one second-grade math class for one 35-min period each teacher-centred math classes and find ways to improve students' day. The game Wuzzit Trouble was used to teach the four arithmetical competencies and their interest in learning, we need to understand operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). The the experiences, perceptions, and challenges related to using digital class was taught by a math teacher with 12 years of teaching experi- games in math classes. Further, relevant studies in this area have ence. The 45 students (25 boys, 20 girls) in this class had not used mostly been conducted from a Western perspective, with little empiri- game-based learning before. cal research in China. The present study sought to fill this gap in the Before the game-based learning sessions, the researchers pro- research. Moreover, Pope and Mangram (2015) found that the math vided clear instructions for the teacher, and the teacher designed the game Wuzzit Trouble could improve students' number sense but lesson plans, including teaching objectives, content, and processes noted and gave students a 10-min introduction to the game and its rules. that teachers' and students' math class experiences, 711 DENG ET AL. During the game classes, 44 of the students shared one iPad in pairs, and one student had an iPad to himself. In every 35-min class, interviews, and collected the teacher's lesson plans and the students' exercise books for analysis. the teacher would briefly lecture about math knowledge and game Observation. The researchers observed and videotaped two regu- strategies; students were also told to take turns using the iPad and lar classes and six game classes. The researchers carefully observed that one should participate in thinking and discussion while the other the spoken language, behaviours, blackboard writing, and facial used the iPad. Students took full control of gameplay while the expressions of the participants; took notes in each class; and analysed teacher provided verbal instruction or helped some pairs during the the videos afterward. The observations were used to triangulate infor- limited class time. Sometimes, there was a debriefing session after the mation with the teacher and student interviews. gameplay; other times, there was not enough time. Interviews. The researchers identified the scope of the questions for the focus-group interviews in advance, including student experiences using digital games in the classroom, the differences between 2.2 | The game game-based and regular learning, feelings about collaborative learning, the relationship between games and mathematics, and the learning Wuzzit Trouble was developed by BrainQuake. It teaches math con- outcomes obtained from gameplay. At the end of each class, the cepts such as prime numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with different division, fractions, and polynomials. The game's purpose is to help stu- groups consisting of six to eight students. After each focus-group interview, the researchers conducted a dents enhance their conceptual-thinking, problem-solving, criticalthinking, and creative-thinking skills. semi-structured interview with the teacher about her experiences In the game, small creatures called Wuzzits accidentally fall into a using the game and any changes in her perceptions. The interview trap in a castle. Players must tap and turn small gears to align keys questions for the teacher focused on classroom game use, differences found at specific numbers on a wheel with the pointer to collect keys between game and regular classes, teaching objectives, strategies, to free the trapped Wuzzits. To achieve higher scores, players must design intentions, and difficulties encountered in game-based learn- find the shortest path to the target. A player wins by collecting all ing. Additionally, the researchers noted and discussed other relevant keys and earns three stars per level for the best solution. issues in the student and teacher interviews. The difficulty of Wuzzit Trouble increases by level, starting with Document analysis. The researchers collected and analysed lesson simple puzzles that help players learn the rules, gradually advancing to plans to understand teaching objectives, content, and processes, puzzles that require higher-order thinking. The first task is to collect a which clarified the gap between instructional design and actual teach- key positioned at 10 while the small gear moves the wheel by five ing practice; thus, the difficulties and challenges the teacher faced notches each turn. A player can turn the gear forward to 5 and then were well understood. The lesson plans from regular classes and move it a second time to 10; or, the player can tap and turn the gear game-based classes were compared to understand the differences. forward twice to reach 10 in a single move. In Puzzle 25, there is a Moreover, to understand students' thought processes and identify key positioned at 29 and a treat at 38, and the small gear moves the whether they were engaged in learning and have mastered the math wheel by nine notches each turn. Players can collect both in a single knowledge in the game, their exercise books with their in-game calcu- move by tapping and turning the gear backward five times before lating processes were also collected and analysed. Document analysis releasing it. BrainQuake suggests that the game is designed for third- was used to triangulate information with observations and the teacher grade students in primary schools; however, the four arithmetic oper- and student interviews. ations are part of the second-grade syllabus in Shanghai's primary schools. The teacher decided to use the game in the second semester of second grade, after students already had regular classes on the four 2.4 | Data analysis arithmetic operations. Data were analysed following constructivist grounded theory to determine themes, code recurring ideas, and organize them (Char- 2.3 | Data collection maz, 2006; Watson et al., 2011). The four researchers transcribed the interviews, as well as data from observations and other classroom The data collection methods included classroom observations, records, and reviewed the teacher's lesson plans and the students' focus-group and individual interviews, and document analysis in two exercise books. These data were coded with numbers, such as the regular and six game classes. The two regular classes were con- time of data collection and the number of students interviewed. All ducted and observed before and after the six game classes. The classroom data were amalgamated; each researcher separately researchers videotaped eight classes. After each class, the watched the class recordings while encoding and analysing the data. researchers conducted 15- to 20-min focus-group interviews with They identified emerging themes from the data and then met to dis- the students and a 40- to 50-min individual interview with the cuss and consolidate the codes before reaching consensus on the teacher. All 45 students were interviewed. The researchers themes. The findings were triangulated with multiple data sources and videotaped the students' interviews, audio-recorded the teacher's data collectors as well as multiple coders. 712 3 DENG ET AL. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION | 4 Instant-feedback mechanism: After passing a level, the game evaluated students' performance and offered a star rating that told them From classroom observations, video analysis, focus-group and individual interviews, and document analysis, two major themes emerged: (a) student engagement and learning and (b) teaching strategies and immediately whether they had found the best means of getting the key and allowed them to rethink the method they used. 5 Fault-tolerant atmosphere: Students could make multiple attempts in the game. Even if they failed, they could start again without pen- challenges. alty. Making mistakes was welcomed. This atmosphere also helped improve the teacher–student relationship, as evidenced in class- 3.1 | Student engagement and learning room observation and interviews. Fun versus anxiety. Based on classroom observation and lesson plans, However, the students' feedback on game-based learning was the teacher typically delivered fast-paced lectures structured with an not all positive. During the interview on the last day of the study (i.e., introduction, explanation, exercises, and summary. Most classroom after the second regular class), when asked if they would like to play activities involved the teacher giving explanations, students answering games in future math classes, most declined. They worried that game- the teacher's questions, and exercises. Approximately one-third of based learning might damage their eyesight, affect their math perfor- students responded positively to questions or raised their hands, but mance, or cause game addiction. few could describe the methods and strategies they used. Students S37: If I overused the iPad, my eyes would be damaged. If all usually did not ask questions or interact with peers. The teacher math classes used games, I would always be thinking, “I want to play maintained discipline in the classroom, and students who misbehaved games; I want math class,” when I am in other classes. or answered questions incorrectly were criticized or punished. There- S35: If my eyes are damaged by using the iPad, I cannot per- fore, most students observed self-discipline and tried to avoid mis- form well in class, then I cannot attend a good university, and then takes. Students described regular classes as “not motivating,” “boring,” I will not be able to get a good job, so then I will become a “uninteresting,” involving “too much homework, practice questions, beggar. and exam papers,” involving “lots of punishment,” “tiring,” and “unhappy.” However, the game classes were filled with noise and excitement, and the students were more active, dynamic, and relaxed. Most students said they liked game-based learning: S19: I prefer game class, because there is a goal—to rescue the Wuzzits. I am more focused in class than before.(Interviewed after the fourth game class.) S27: Classes before were all about exam papers; the game class we have now is like heaven. (Interviewed after the sixth game class.) Once game classes were initiated, students looked forward to their daily mathematics class, describing it as “fun,” “happy,” “joyful,” Others expressed that although they enjoyed the game classes, they did not learn much math and worried that they might not master basic skills: S18: If we always play games in math class, we cannot learn much. Digital games should help us learn and not damage our eyesight. Otherwise we will be paying our tuition for nothing. (Interviewed after the second regular class.) S37: Although I really liked the game class, math is very important. My mother told me that if I am not good at math, I would be cheated out of waste money when I am shopping, so I do not think it is a good idea to play games all the time and not to learn math in class. (Interviewed after the second regular class.) “interesting,” “exciting,” “thrilling,” and “stimulating.” When game clas- The concerns expressed above seem to beyond the students' age ses ended and students returned to regular classes, they expressed and thus show the influence of parents, teachers, and educational cul- their feelings as “sorry,” “sad,” “upset,” and “lost.” These emotional ture. China has a deep-rooted examination culture, and children there- outcomes might have resulted from the following mechanisms (Chen fore often feel anxiety and guilt about gameplay and leisure time et al., 2012): (Peng, 2017). 1 Attractive situation and clear goal orientation: The game's story classrooms have strict rules and students are in a passive learning gave students a sense of purpose, which also drove them to mode. Many students cannot stay focused on learning tasks for explore the relevant knowledge and methods. extended periods. However, in game classes, most students sustained “Getting my brain working” versus trying one's luck. Traditional 2 Hands-on fun: Their gameplay proficiency affects the outcome, providing a rare hands-on experience. attention and were rarely distracted. Yet, the question remains whether students really learn when 3 Reasonable task difficulty: Students can quickly advance at the playing games. The concepts of “time-on-task” and “academically beginning, enabling them to build confidence and enhance self-effi- engaged time” can be helpful when determining whether students are cacy. As the game becomes more difficult and presents regular fulfilling task goals by using mathematical thinking and problem-solv- challenges, students with higher learning abilities are not bored. ing skills or just playing the game without effectively learning (Chen et Many students mentioned that they “like difficult levels very al., 2012; Gettinger & Walter, 2012). In interviews, students often much,” so they can “get their brains working.” After passing a diffi- used the phrase “getting my brain working” to express that they were cult level, students reported feeling “very proud and very happy.” really engaged in learning and thinking: 713 DENG ET AL. S3: Before in class, we only needed to memorize, but game class Most students said the greatest advantages of collaborative learn- gets our brains working with a game we like. (Interviewed after the ing were peer help, group discussion of problems, and increased in- second game class.) game S5: The game class is interesting because it allows me to get my brain working. (Interviewed after the first game class.) achievement and rewards. This supports Hattie and Yates's (2013) view that collaborative learning is more effective for complex problem solving because team members share the cognitive However, classroom observations, interviews, and document load. Additionally, some students said they communicated more and analysis showed that not every student's brain was “working.” For had a closer relationship with their partner after collaborative some students, “time-on-task” might not translate into sufficient learning. “academically engaged time,” their exercise books indicated that S10: Collaboration allows us to communicate our ideas better. If they did not master the math knowledge and rules though they we do not know how to solve the problem, we can discuss it. had passed the game. The teacher said some students did not use (Interviewed after the first game class.) mathematics to solve the problems and rarely used mathematical S33: I think collaboration is fun because I can play the math game thinking to get through the levels. Usually, they were just trying with my partner, and we think about it together. We used to get only their luck. one or two stars [working individually], and now that we are partners, S4: Now the game is harder; we are stuck at level 13. My partner and I just randomly try anything. (Interviewed after the third game class.) we can get three stars. (Interviewed after the sixth game class.) Students also experienced conflict while collaborating. The interviews highlighted three main reasons for conflicts: S2: I was just rolling and rolling, and I succeeded. (Interviewed after the third game class.) Such statements are consistent with Ke (2008). Guessing is part of playing; students were not always cognitively engaged, and they avoided effortful calculation and problem solving. Possible reasons include the following: 1 One student would dominate the iPad and refuse to share. The teacher noted that second graders' ability to empathize is not yet fully developed. 2 Students were dissatisfied with their peers' engagement level. Some complained that their partner was playing randomly, not thinking, or failing to record the thought process as the teacher 1 They avoided strategies that increased cognitive load. The game is requested. results-oriented, and one only needs to pass a level to get to the next. People naturally avoid cognitive load (Hattie & Yates, 2013). S38: The collaboration between my partner and me is not pleas- Therefore, when problems become more complicated, many stu- ant at all. When asked to write something down, he would just ask me dents tend to try their luck, because solving a complicated problem what to do. (Interviewed after the sixth game class.) requires deeper thinking and increased cognitive load. S37: I was the one who was thinking and operating all the time. If 2 The degree of task difficulty did not match some students' cogni- I could pass the level with three stars by myself, my partner was tive levels. When a task is moderately difficult and within students' happy too, but if I could not, she would just turn around and play with proximal development zone, students are more likely to exert other classmates. (Interviewed after the sixth game class.) effort. However, when the task is too difficult, and students lack the necessary knowledge and skills, they might choose a simpler strategy (e.g., just trying their luck) or give up. 3 Learning progression was inconsistent within a group. When one student is dominant or when there are big differences in students' abilities, the less dominant child may become distracted or too To prevent this situation, the teacher would provide a step-by- dependent on his or her partner. step discussion of the strategy, leading to a breakthrough in the thought process. If the students could use the teacher's scaffolding to S28: I was always crying when working with my partner because I solve the game, they were really “getting their brains working” and wanted to play the easy levels, and he always chose the difficult ones. not just “playing games.” (Interviewed after the sixth game class.) Peer interactions. Traditionally, students spend most of their time S36: The unpleasant side is that I did not think much. It is my individually learning. In game classes, developing students' collabora- partner who was always thinking, because she always found the solu- tive skills is one of the main goals of game-based learning according tion very quickly. When I figured it out, she had already finished. I to the teacher's lesson plans. The teacher arranged classroom activi- could only try it out or help her adjust it a little. (Interviewed after the ties to promote collaboration and communication by asking partners sixth game class.) to explain strategies, exchanging what they had learned or found con- Generally, students showed considerable individual differences in fusing, acting as “little teachers.” Peer interactions and teacher–stu- peer collaboration. Some were more willing to work together to solve dent communication became the main classroom interaction. problems, while others preferred their own iPad. This study found that The focus-group interviews covered collaboration and communi- students' collaboration and communication skills had no obvious rela- cation between peers. Most conversations included “helping each tionship with their math performance and were more closely related other,” “conflict,” and “negotiation.” to students' personality and learning style. According to Kreijns, 714 DENG ET AL. Kirschner, and Jochems (2003), social interaction is key to collabora- Some students responded, “The teacher was ‘cramming’ us in regular tive learning, and cultivating and developing a collaborative learning classes, but now we are ‘calculating strategically’.” group takes time. Writing down the process: Making thinking visible. To help students acquire math knowledge, calculation ability, and math rules, the teacher asked them to write down or verbalize their thought process. 3.2 | Teaching strategies and challenges The teacher mentioned and used this strategy the most. Successful game-based learning allows students to transcend the As Bell and Gresalfi (2017) observed, integrating games into teaching game world and grasp the subject knowledge presented in the game is challenging and requires teachers to adjust their strategies. The (Chen et al., 2012). The first game class interviews indicated that teacher in our study usually used a direct instruction method and many students were immersed in the story scenarios but did not spent most class time explaining arithmetic problems or assigning understand the math connection. They simply used trial-and-error to exercises. In game classes, the teacher's strategies changed, and after find a solution. Although some realized they needed to use their arith- a 7- to 10-min lecture, students were given time to explore, think metic knowledge, their exercise books showed that they could not about, discuss, and record their problem-solving strategies. As stu- express their thought processes clearly. Communication between stu- dents engaged in these activities, the teacher provided feedback. dents was observed to be limited to successfully achieving the next Problem-solving teaching: From “cramming” to “calculating strategi- level and not the math principles; therefore, the teacher believed that cally.” Compared with direct instruction in regular classes, in game students had not developed mathematical thinking through gameplay. classes, the teacher used flexible problem-solving strategies to guide The teacher believed the highest purpose of the game was devel- students towards “strategic calculation.” The teacher devoted more oping mathematical thinking. If students merely played, that could not attention to developing students' thinking skills. Butterworth and be achieved. Therefore, the teacher decided to “guide students to use Thwaites (2013) specified three strategies for problem solving: (a) mathematical methods to solve game problems” and then adjusted heuristic strategies, which rely on intuition and trial-and-error; (b) the teaching goals and strategies from the second game class: the exhaustive strategies, which try every possible solution until resolu- teacher asked students to articulate and record their thought pro- tion; and (c) systematic strategies, which include collecting informa- cesses and methods, which compelled them to switch from trying tion, clarifying the problem, finding solutions, and selecting the their luck to using mathematical knowledge. optimal solution. However, the teacher did not want to make the writing task too In the initial levels of the game, students solved problems quickly onerous and sacrifice the fun of the game. Thus, students were asked and easily with heuristic or exhaustive methods. As the game prog- to write a “game guidebook” or “tips for winning the game,” in which ressed, problems became more complicated, involving deeper analysis, they would summarize their methods, calculations, and problem-solv- and those strategies were no longer adequate. After the second game ing strategies. The “little teachers” also shared their methods and class, some students said they were stuck at a certain level throughout problem-solving strategies with other students, helping them to find the whole class and had been blindly trying to solve the problem. This the best problem-solving strategies. was a good time for the teacher to intervene and teach systematic In the teacher's practice, making thinking visible by writing it methods. The teacher allowed students to collaborate to explore down meant combining direct instruction with game-based learning. problem-solving strategies. She then concretized the systematic prob- In the last two game classes, interviews and document analysis indi- lem-solving strategy by specifying five steps: “collect information, cal- cated that some students had learned to use mathematical language culate distance, determine the direction, calculate laps, and optimize to express their own game skills and that this was practiced and the solution.” The first step in systematic problem solving is collecting consolidated. information, including overall rules and information presented at that Large class size and individual feedback. Large class size, time con- level in the game. After some attempts at previous levels, students straints, and energy required made it impossible for the teacher to had roughly determined the overall rules of the game. Students also support all groups and offer immediate feedback. In the third game needed to find the variables in every level—the gear's value and key's class, as the difficulty of the game increased, some groups could no location—and accurately distinguish among multiple values for levels longer advance, and they felt overwhelmed. However, they could not with multiple gears and keys. receive timely guidance and feedback. Classroom observations and document analysis indicated that It was also difficult for the teacher to adapt to “a classroom out of most students could complete information-collecting tasks, but using control”—one that was “chaotic” and had “too many students.” The mathematical thinking to use the information perhaps posed the teacher felt “a little powerless.” Sometimes the teacher had to raise greatest challenge. The second through fourth steps are closely her voice or find ways to attract students' attention through rewards related; the problem presented in the game can be simplified as the or threats. Students often still did not pay attention as they were ratio of the distance between the pointer and key to the gear's value. immersed in the game. Although the teacher had summarized the The teacher adopted various strategies to help students overcome methods and rules, many students did not understand or master the game difficulties, including scaffolding, providing examples, encourag- game strategy, which made the teacher feel the classroom was not ing thinking aloud, recording the thought process, and collaborating. under control. 715 DENG ET AL. Difficulties in evaluating learning outcomes. The teacher had difficulty assessing whether students had achieved the game's desired into teaching, and promote student-centred reform in Chinese mathematics education. learning outcomes. The only methods available were observation and Consistent with Watson et al. (2011), this study revealed that feedback. The teacher did not know whether students mastered the digital games can increase engagement and promote a student- relevant mathematical knowledge. Although students had been asked centred environment. Game-based learning allowed the teacher to to write down their thought processes, the teacher said she did not break free of the lecture-based class structure, creating more time have enough time or energy to evaluate them all. for independent exploration and thinking. Students also interacted, Tension between fun and learning. The teacher tried to enhance communicated, and collaborated more with their peers and teacher. the cognitive engagement of students in game-based learning, but In this more relaxed environment, students enjoyed decreased students' enthusiasm and interest decreased when they were asked workloads and evolved from being passive receivers to active to write down their thought process. thinkers. “Students like to play on the iPad, but they don't like to write. If However, students' psychological burden also increased since students are required to explain the thinking process, many of them Chinese may not like the game anymore.” (Interviewed after the fifth game (Peng, 2017). Students in this study liked game-based learning but class.) worried that it would not teach them enough math knowledge and In Dickey's (2015) study, teachers also expressed scepticism that if a game's educational content increased, it would lose part of its appeal. The challenge lies in finding the right balance of fun and learning (Ferguson et al., 2019). culture strongly emphasizes academic achievement thereby affect their academic goals and achievements. They also believed the game could harm their physical and mental health. For the teacher, game-based learning was new, but she said it “provides an interesting experience for students” and could potentially Difficulties integrating digital games into the curriculum. Integrating help them develop higher-order thinking, collaboration, communica- games into the curriculum can be challenging, and it is one of the main tion, and mathematical-modelling skills. After finding that many stu- obstacles to teachers using digital games in the classroom. dents used trial-and-error to find solutions, she adopted “problem- The teacher in this study believed that the traditional textbooks solving teaching” and “make-thinking-visible” strategies to maximize focused more on knowledge and method mastery while games students' time spent in academic engagement. “Problem-solving emphasized exploration and interest. The teacher felt the game and teaching” draws on Dewey's (2001) “five-step teaching method,” textbook combination was “very blunt” and made her feel “very forced while “making thinking visible with pencil and paper” draws from tra- and tired, with distracted thoughts.” Therefore, for the last 4 days of ditional teaching. Such strategies helped bridge the gap between the game classes, textbooks were abandoned and students only played game world and math learning. the game. However, there were some challenges the teacher could not However, the mathematical principles learned from the game solve. Game-based learning enhances students' ability to use knowl- might not meet national curriculum standards and teaching require- edge flexibly, but it may also limit them when taking standardized ments. According to the teacher, games should be selected consider- tests, which is the greatest obstacle to widespread implementation. ing curriculum standards. Therefore, to promote game-based learning in China, the following Widening the performance gap. Game-based learning benefits stu- conditions need to be satisfied: (a) support from schools and parents, dents' individual development but may widen the performance gap (b) co-integration with direct instruction, (c) evaluation-system reform, between students. In regular classes, the teacher controls the pace, (d) conformance with national curriculum standards, (e) teacher train- but in game-based learning, all tasks are in the game, and each group ing, (f) smaller class sizes, and (g) teachers' and students' improved can autonomously progress. Students who were better at math often understanding of game-based learning's value. These cannot be easily chose to keep going on their own or would individually maximize or quickly met in the Chinese context. However, the teacher's learning problem steps to get more stars; others, meanwhile, often stopped ability and resilience suggests that teachers can indeed accommodate playing when they faced difficult levels since they were not getting game-based learning and become an important force for game-based teacher instruction. This resulted in an increased achievement gap. teaching reform. A limitation of this study is that the duration of game-based learning was relatively short. Given more time, there could be further 4 | CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS changes in the teacher's and students' perceptions. Future research should adopt a longer time frame. Further, the learning outcomes of This study aimed to understand how a teacher and her students per- students in a game-based class need to be addressed in future ceived and experienced learning through digital games. It found that research in response to teachers' and students' concerns and contra- Chinese exam-oriented culture deeply influences their perceptions dictory attitudes. and experiences, exhibiting a contradictory attitude that is both approving and concerned. This attitude is rarely observed in related AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S Western research. The findings provide empirical evidence that could We appreciate the support and participation from the school's princi- help transform teaching and learning methods, integrate technology pal, teachers, and students. 716 DENG ET AL. 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