CANDIQATJO' PI EASE NOTE' PRINT your name on the line below and return thisbookletwi~ht~eans~ers~eet. Failureto do so may result m dJSquahfication. TEST CODE 02138010 MAY/JUNE 2012 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PHYSICS Unit 1- Paper 01 90 minutes ( 22 MAY2012 (a.m.) ) READ THE FOLLOWING lNSTRUCTIONS I CAREFULLY~ l. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer shee!. 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. 4. Each iten1 in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following lists one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? (A) (B) (C) . (D) Mass : temperature Momentum : pressure Force : velocity Potential energy : volt Sample Answer The best answer to this item is "Momentum : pressure", so answer space (B) has been shaded. -- i iiiii -= -~ . -- ~--... 6. If you want to change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go Oii to the next one. Your may return to this item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 9. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 10. You may use a silent, non-programn1able calculator to answer items. iiiiiiiiii DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. !!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council ;;;;. ............ _.. . -·--··-- -. ----- . -- _..._ --"'' ~--- . ------ . . . ··-. --......---..- -~~- ~- -.......----· .· ____ .... ,J·--- -~ ~ -~-. -- ·~-- -··- '-··- ......... "............... -~-.-- .. -- .... -.................-. - 2- IJST OF PHYSICAl, CONSTANTS Universal gravitational constant Acceleration due to gravity 6.67 x 10- 11 N m2 kg·2 G ·- g 1 Atmosphere Atm Boltzmann's constant k 9.81 m s·2 1.00 x 105 N m·2 :::: 1.38 X 10"23 J K- 1 . 1.00 x 103 kg m·) Density of water = Specific heat capacity ofwater 4200 J kg· 1 K- 1 2.26 X 106 J kg· I Specific latent heat of vaporization of water Avogadro's number NA 6.02 x 1023 per mole Molar gas constant R 8.31 J K·' mol·' Stefan-Boltzmann constant cr 5.67 x I0-8 W m·2 K 4 Speed of light in vacuum c 3.0 x 108 m s· 1 - 3- 1. .2. · Which of the quantities below are dimensionless? 1. II. III. IV. Relative density Force Length Refractive index (A) (B) I and II only I and IV only (C) II and III only (D) II and IV only 4. Which of the following is NOT an S.I. base unit? (A) (B) (C) -(D) In determining the density ofa cube, a student records the following measurements: Length of side, I= 3.0 ± 0.1 em ·Mass of cube, m =12.5 ± O.j g . _· 6 to determine the density of the cube. The percentage error in the calculated value of p is (A) (B) (C) ·(D) 3400m (D) 34000m . . . Which of the following is NOT an equation for uniformly accelerated motion? v 2 = u 2 + 2at (B) · v =u+ at (C) s = ut + (D) s= Yz Ji at2 (u + v) t . the~ the ~xpression ; . 2 P . has the same unit as m energy force irripulse acceleration (A) (B) (C) (D) . does --!::::.. PO represent? Wh at quantity R (A) (B) (C) (D) 34m 340m (A) . (B) (C) lfp is the momentum of an object ofmass,m, . 7. P: kg m-3 Q: kg m s-2 R: kg 2 m-3 s- 1 3. s (A) 0.6% 7% 14% 40 o/o Item 3 refers to the following quantities . with their base units. m A signal station soWids its hom and flashes a light to warn an·approaching·ship. The · ship hears the sound 10 seconds after the flash is seen. If the speed of sound in air is 340 rn s-1, how far away from the signal ·station is the ship? · 5. The student then uses the equation p = .~ g K Distance Speed· Acceleration Force .I i ll 1 J GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE l l 02138010/CAPE 2012 - ------·--. -~------ ·--------~~--~---~·~~- ------~~-~-...------- ~---- ··-------- ----9·-------- ____,_____ ---- ----· ~--·- ·------- -· -, •~·•• .,, • --' •·•· '·••••·---~---.-----· _ ••• _ , . ••••• ~--- ~--_....,, .< •·. ,., •• · - • -·-•··• ••· • ' ' ' • ··--·~-- ••- - '• - - 'v-, I .... .... ._ ~ --·--····~--··-··- ...... ·~ ·-·..-...----.... -.•.......... ...._~............-.................~·-.. ........ --. _ _._._ -~~-·- ··--·-·- ·-·- ...... ~ ... :~-- ...... - ...-..........-.-~.,. -~·-· -- - .. ~~_,... ..... --,~ ·-· .......... __........~ ..·-·· ......... ....... -.- ···-~ ........, .........~-._..,.. _...... .-....... _._ .... -.........-_. ..... ._........ ... -.... _....... . -4- 8. Which of the following pairs of conditions is true for an inelastic collision? Kinetic Energy Conserved (B) Not conserved (C) Conserved {D) Not conserved (A) 11. Momentum A car with mass, m, moves round a circular road of radius, r; at a constant speed, v. Which of the following statements is/are true? I. Conserved Conserved Not conserved Not conserved v2 r II.· III. 9. Which of the following equations gives the correct relationship between impulse and momentum? (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. Impulse = momentum Impulse = rate of change of momentum Impulse = change in momentum Impulse = (momentum)2 A force of 200 N acts on a trolley of mass 2 kg causing it to move off from rest and reach a speed of 14 m s- 1• The rate of change of momentum of the trolley is (A) (B) (C) (D) 28 kg m s-2 100 kg m s-2 200 kg m s-2 2 800 kg m s-2 Its velocity changes and the magnitude of t~e acceleration is (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. There is no resultant ·force on the car since its speed is constant. The resultant force on the car is outwards from the centre and ., mvequals - - · r I only II only III only I and II only When a small steel ball bearing falls through glycerine it quickly reaches a terminal velocity. This happens because the (A) (B) (C) (D) viscous drag reduces to zero upthrust the ball bearing equals the viscous drag weight of the ball bearing equals the upthrust acting on it viscous drag increases as the velocity of the ball bearing increases on ·.- .............. ·~·~· ····-.· ..... ; ' .. . - 513. A body falls from a cliff 80 m above the ground. If it loses 25% of its energy overcoming friction, what is its velocity on ii?pact with the ground? [g = 9.8 N kg- 1] (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. 16. x = 8 sin 0.4 (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) 17. 0.2 Hz 0.4 Hz 5Hz 8Hz A pendulum is held at its highest point and then released. A suitable graph to show one · cycle of this motion is 2P mv t lS A van has mass, m. The van's engine has a maximum power output ofP. The LEAST time for the van to be accelerated froni rest (A) 1t The frequency of oscillation of the particle 19.8 m s- 1 28.0 m s- 1 34.3 m s- 1 39.6 m s- 1 to a speed, v, is The displacement of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by Velocity (A) p mP v Velocity (D) 15. 2P mv 2 (B) If m is the mass of an object and E its kinetic energy, then its linear momentum lS (A) (B) Velocity (C) (C) (D) Velocity . ..f2mE (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138010/CAPE 2012 < ...................... ~--........--.•.• ___ ,_ _ _ _ '_'-:"-............:. '-·-.................._ ............... ----- k"••• ..... _..... __ , __........_ ....... _.._......., ----~~-----.. ·~--. ···~· ......... _ .. - .. ~-- ........._ .. __. ...- .....- ...... : .... __ _ oo · - - .. ~ ....... ___ ...................., __ ,..................._._.._., _ _,..0• ----··P~ ....-.. -~------·-··--····-···-~ '00 ,,._.,,.,,-~-·-- -.·r·--·· .. o•,·•~ .... '"' ·~- • -618. Which of the· following graphs represents a body undergoing critical damping? (A) 20. Amplitude Which ofthe following events is associated with transverse waves but NOT longitudinal waves? (A) (B) {C) (D) (B) 21. Amplitude Reflection· Refraction Interference Polarisation What is the phase difference between the two points labelled A and B on the graph below? D Time X (C) Amplitude Time (D) (A) 3tr dians -ra 4 (B) 37r d"tans -ra 2 Amplitude (C) 1tr d"1ans -ra 4 (D) 37rradians Item 22 refers to the following displacementposition graph which represents a stationary wave at two different instants of time. Displacement 19. Which of the following statements concerning sound and light waves is correct? Position (A) (B) (C) (D) Both sound and light waves in air are longitudinal. Both sound and light waves in air are transverse. Sound waves in air are transverse and light waves are longirudinal. Sound waves in air are longin1dinal and light waves are transverse. 22. What does the distance PQ represent? (A) (B) (C) (D) Half the velocity Half the period Half the wavelength Half the amplitude ... - 723. The intensity of soun<l 1s directly proportional to the (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. amplitude ofthe oscilh1tion wavelength of the oscillation square of the wavelength of the oscillation square of the amplitude of the oscillation (C) (D) when they have the same frequency only when they have a phase difference of zero when they can undergo superposition when they have a constant phase difference between them After investigating the refraction of water waves in a ripple tank, a student draws the following conclusions. In a double slit experiment using a monochromatic light source of wavelength 400 nm, the distance between the bright fringes was found to be 8.0 mm. If the screen is 5 m from the double slit, what is the slit separation? (A) (B) (C) (D) Two sources are said to be coherent (A) (B) 25. 27. 28. What is the ratio of the intensity of two sounds if one is 8.0 dB louder than the other? (A) (B) (C) (D) 29. 0.001 mm 0.25 mrn 1 mm 250 mm 0.63 6.3 80 108 The power of a lens of foca1length 15 em is I. II. III. When refraction occurs, the wave length of the waves changes. Refraction is caused by a change in the speed of the wave. When the waves are incident along the normal, a change of frequency occurs. (A) (B) (C) (D) 30. Which of the above conclusions is/are correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) 26. As light travelling in air enters a medium its speed changes to 2.4 x 108 m s- 1• The refractive index of the medium is (A) (B) (C) (D) 6.7D 67D If an object is placed 10 em in front of a converging lens of focal length 30 em, where is the image forrned? (A) (B) (C) I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III 0.067 D 0.67D 10 em behind the lens 30 em in front of the lens Between 10 em and 30 em behind the lens Between 10 ern and 30 em in front ofthe lens 0.60 0.80 1.25 1.50 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138010/CAPE 2012 ., . .._~,.._~~'"'-·•'• ••·• __ ,.,..,,., •••. _ . . , , _.,..,..,..,...,.,_ ..... . _ . , , , ,.. ... _ .,. -"-'•-...:•·-~ ..- · ........•, • ' · ' ·~-.-.. .. ••,· .-,..,_.,..,.._..,.... --•--·,•· _.,....., ..., - _ , , _ . . , _ , •• ,..._.-...... -.--..·,,•, o••.·, ,.,_,,.,,,, ,,, •• .., .. , , .. ,., ..... ~..... , ................ -..-,·~-·· • ,,._.,~.- • .....,,- .. ...,_,.., '""'' .., .. ,-.,~,,.,. • o _ _ _ _ , . . , , ... , •··~·- 'o ...... ••"'•W••• ' ' • - ,,...,. .... • ,, ' !• -·•·•- • ' •• ·'• •O' . ~ --· ~ ......~ .. ~~---~---· .-.-- --~·~ ·-·--· ..,........ .-....~.... ~~--· ~~._, . .,. -~···~ • .,._..,.,._,_ •. _ _.. -.-.-.-.. • ..._.._,~~··· . .-.•.o·• ....-.-....- ... .,,.,... ._.,_~,·-·· ' " ' • , . ..,. ... ._,. • .,,.,. .-<-• ~,....,...._ .. ~- .. ,....... ....._,,.,...-. ,,.,...._,, __,..,,..,-.,•• ......_.. v , .• ,., o _.,., . . . . . . •·•·•··"''",. ,,,,....._........... ., ·~-~•- .._ ,_..,,_.~ -·~•-·-''"-"'"''""' "'"••'·· "· ,.,. •• - - . ..... , ··~· ,..,__., ... ·• ••· • - ~ •• - . • ·--• .- • . .. -831. Which of the thermometers listed below could possibly measure temperatures between 73 K and 1473 K? (A) (B) (C) (D) 32. 34. Thermocouple Alcohol-in-glass Mercury-in-glass ·Constant volume oxygen thermometer In an electrical method for determining the specific heat capacity of a metal, the following readings were obtained: 2kg Mass ofmetal 240V Supply voltage 3A Current Time for which heat is supplied 200 s lOK Temperature rise of metal What is the specific heat capacity of the metal? Temperatures on the empirical centigrade scale are determined by the formula, (A) 240x3x6 Jkg. 1K_ 1 2xl0x200 where x is a physical property that varies with temperature. What is x for a . thermocouple? (B) 2xl0x200 Jkg. 1K_ 1 240x3x60 (A) (C) 2x10x200 Jk _,K_ 1 240x3 g (D) 240x3x200 Jk _1K_ 1 2xl0 g B= Xo-Xo .X 100 °C Xtoo -xo (B) (C) (D) 33. e.m.f. Volume· Length· Resistance Which of the following statements is/are true about temperature? 35. I. II. IlL (A) (B) (C) (D) Whilst a substance is melting its temperature remains constant. The temperature at the triple point of a substance has a constant value. The boiling point of a liquid does not depend on the pressure of the surroundings. · I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III On a hot day, you feel cool when you perspire because the (A) (B) (C) (D) perspiration is wet and you feel cooler when you get wet molecules in the air absorb the perspiration from your skin day is so hot that you feel cooler when compared to the heat of the day perspiration takes heat energy from your skin to help it evaporate - 9Item 36 refers to a compo_site conductor with materials of thermal conductivities, k, k/2, k/3, which has insulated sides. Heat is transferred through it from left to right as shown in the diagram below. Each material has the same thickness. 37. .,.__ Insulation A contractor builds an office window of height 150 em and width 200 em with a glass pane of thickness 0.5 em. The temperature difference across the glass is 15 K and the thermal conductivity of the glass is 0.65W m- 1 K- 1• Calculate the heat energy per second conducted through the window. Q . (A) (B) (C) (D) .,.__ Insulation 36. Which of the following diagrams BEST describes the temperature gradient of the composite wall? 38. Ill. (A) (B) (C) tl tl ·- -~~---+---""! (B) 585W · Covering a bowl of hot soup with a plate reduces heat loss by I." II. (A) 1.63 kW 5.85 kW 163 w (D) conduction convection evaporation I only II only II and III only I, II and III t3 -+--t-----"''icc---+ (C) . tl +----"'1<:--t----t t3+--+--~~-+ t4 (D) tl tl t3 t4 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138010/CAPE 2012 ... - 10- 39. (A) Which graph BEST represents pressure 'P' of a gas as a function of its mass when the gas is pumped into a container of fixed volume and the temperature remains constant? p (C) p Mass (B) p (D) p Mass Mass 40. The total kinetic energy of n moles of a monatomic gas at temperature T is given by the equation (A) Ek = 41. What is the total pressure on the base of a container of cross-sectional area 5.0 m 2 if it is filled with ethylene glycol of density 1120 kg m-3 up to a depth of3.0 m? nRT [Atm. press= 1.0 1 (B) E= k 2 kT (C) E= k 3 2 (D) E= k 3 nRT 2 nk:T (A) (B) (C) (D) 3.3 x 104 Pa 6.7 x 104 Pa 1.0 x 105 Pa 1.33 x 105 Pa x 105 Pa] - 11 - 42. Item 44 refers to the following graph. Two identical springs hang side by side (in parallel) and are connected to a loadof7.5 N. They each experience an extension of 2.5 em. What is the force constant of ONE of the springs? Stress The graph above is MOST likely to apply to 44. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5 Nm-1 30 Nm-• 150 Nm- 1 300Nm- 1 steel glass fibre an elastic band polythene sheet Item 45 refers to the following diagram. 43. A 5 kg mass hangs from a uniform steel wire· and the resulting stress in the wire is cr. Hanging a 10 kg mass from a steel wire of twice the diameter would result in a stress of (A) (B) (C) (D) F(N) 60 cr/2 cr 2cr 4cr 30 1 45. 2 e(mm) The figure above shows the force-extension graph of a wire. How rr.tUch work is done in stretching the wire from an extension of 1 mm to2 mm? (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.015 J 0.030 J 0.045 J 0.060 J ENDOFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02138010/CAPE 2012 ' I ·. - 12- Two ide~tical sp1ings are hung side by side (in parall~l) and they are connected to a load 9f7 .5 N. :They each experience an extension 6f2.5 crri. What is the force constant of one 9fthe sp9ngs? 44.~ Ite1n 45 refers to the follo·wing diagran1. FIN .. I i I' I .I 30 I· I 45. i i 1.5 Nm·• I i' 30Nm·1 i'I· rboNm· 1 I; The figure above shows the force-extension graph of a wire. How tnuch work is done in. stretching the wire from an extension of 1 rnm. to2mm? 300Nm· 1 ! (A) (B) ! 0.015 J 0.030J 0.0451 0.060 J (q j, (D) ,. : I I· i· i i I:· I~ I I i·IF f. ----·- • ------·- ' - · · - ~ ----~--- -~-- - ~ou ~H BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, cHECK YOUR woRK oN THIS TEST. i "' • ; ~ ............. ··~ _ . .. · · - - ........ k ~ ~ ........ v •• · · · · - · · ' k . . . . . . . · - - - - - ~--- --~--- • • • • ·--~ · - · - · - . ........ , , .. ·.r .•. • ....... ·- · · - - · · ~ · · - - • - - - . , .................. -·----·~._ . ----- · · - · --· • --···- ··- • ---- . ·- . - ...... ··-··· '· - - · · · · · · · •••.•• ~,... ~-- ..... ··-h ..... -~-'·"- •• ·-. • • • • • . w ··-"-·. · - . - . . . . . _.~·-· · - ·