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What Is Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

What Is Salesforce Commerce Cloud?
There are many eCommerce solutions on the market, but few compare to the one-to-one
experiences created with Salesforce commerce cloud certification. Renamed from Demandware in
early 2016, SFCC provides a seamless unified commerce experience to inspire a customized shopping
journey for each customer across all commerce channels: web, mobile, social, store, and more.
If you're like many of our enterprise eCommerce clients, you'll be looking to achieve more control
over your online brand, a more customizable customer experience, or are simply outgrowing your
current platform. Choosing the proper platform to power your eCommerce brand can predict the
scalability and future success of your business.
Let’s take a deeper dive into how SFCC can help reach those goals.
In early 2016, Pixel launched Gardner’s Supply Company, one of our first full SFCC implementations.
Over two and a half decades of experience in launching other eCommerce platforms told us SFCC
wasn't like other digital commerce solutions. The unique opportunity that SFCC allows controlling
customer journeys through data-driven touchpoints and computer science, made this unified
commerce product one that we knew would propel our clients into the simplest of cloud commerce.
We are so confident the advantages of this platform are the simplest solution for our clients, that we
shifted our sole focus of the business to the launch and support of lifestyle brands in eCommerce on
Salesforce. Learning and understanding the nuances of the eCommerce ecosystem on Salesforce led
us to successfully launch a number of the foremost beloved lifestyle brands including Red Wing
Shoes, Samsonite, iRobot, Sketchers, and Brahmin.