DEFINITION Computer assisted learning is defined as learning through computers. Computers are used extensively in all aspet of nursing HISTORY In 1980 , the first computer assisted learning became available to university students to looking for an alternative to the traditional textbook. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY GOAL Presents information to be memorized Support for student exploration A creative and production tool A communication tool TECHNOLOY CANHelp make learning more efficent by controlling large amount of data. Motivate students. Strengthen teching. Work quickly and objectively. TECHNOLOGY CAN NOTMake friends or show respect. Drill and practice Tutorial Simulation Games Multimedia Word processing Programmed instruction DEFINITIONDrill and practice software provides exercises in which students work example items one at a time and recive feedback on their performance. FEATURESReinforce instruction by providing the repetition necessary to move acquired skills and concepts into long term memory. Capture and retain the attention of students Save teachers-time and efforts. TUTORIAL DefinitionA tutorial exposes the learner to material that is believed not to have been previously taught or learned. A tutorial often includes pre test,post test and drill and practice activities. FEATURES Guide the learner throughout learning from the beginning (objectives) to the end (evaluation). DEFINITION: A simulation is a computerised model of real or imagined system designed to teach how a system works and allows learners to create their own sequence for using simulation Involve students in learning process. Save money and resources . Make experimentation safe. Make impossible situations possible and controllable. Let students repeat events as many times as they want DEFINITIONS Instructional games are designed to motivate learning by adding game rules to learning activities. GAMES FEATURES Make learning fun and motivating. Motivate learners via the challenge of competition Engage the learner In a situation where the learner is competing for a high score. MULTIMEDIA Definition Programme that support the interactive use of text ,audio,still images,video and graphics and manipulate them to support learning. FEATURES OF MULTIMEDIA. Engage a variety of learning modalities. Focus practice of skills that support transfer of learning. DEFINITION The creation ,input,editing,and production of words in documents and texts by means of a computer system. ADVANTAGE OF WORD PROCESSING Time saving Better appearance Shared methods Storing document for later use. Searching and replacing words. Checking and correcting spelling. Creating tables. Programmed instruction can be described as a different way of presenting materials to be learned. There are two types of programmig(1)Linear programming:In linear programming the students have to participate actively by making a response.They must fill in the blanks, answer a question,solve a problem,the programme checks the response by giving the correct answer. (2)Intrinsic programming:Intrinsic programming presents new ideas through a short discussion of the material to be learned followed by multiple choice question designed to test the points just discussed,but very few programmed materials are suitable for nursing courses at the time. (1) SCALABILITY Many aspects of CAL are scalable,particularly when Internet derived technologies are utilised to produce a CAL package. CAL package is digitally stored thus it may be reproduced without error as many times as required. CAL package on Internet may be accesible at wide range of computers. (2) INTERACTIVITY“What I hear I forget . What I see I remember .What I do I remember always” The nature of CAL lends itself to involving the student with the learning processes. (3) AUTOMATION OF ASSESSMENT As a student interacts with a CAL exercise. it is possible to keep a record of each interaction on an identifiable log file. (3)MULTIMEDIA The incorporation of multimedia elements such as images,sounds and videoclips in CAL packages provide more than simply added interest (4) DISTANCE LEARNING ON INTERNET. (5) VIDEO CONFERENCINGVideo conferencing allows people at two or more sites to see live pictures ,with sound ,whereas data conferencing allows people at different sites to view and work on a common document of file. (6) WEB BASED LEARNING Goals of web based learning 1-Enhancing communication 2-Students share perspectives 3-Students experiences a sense of equality 4-Activity learning 5-Physical location is not an issue. Access to multiple perspectives about a particular situation or concept. Access to applications or instructional materials about a particular situation . The basic idea of the this technology based education is to help the students to gain the knowledge from the internet at any time they need. This helps the students who feels difficult to learn with the help of books and it benefits the students who are differently abled by using the devices or software which helps them to learn. The objectives are to analyze how the students are benefited because of the technology-based education and to find an association between the education qualification and the benefits offered by the education which are provided via the web (internet) - based courses Implementation of web-based learning in educational institutions might be quite difficult due to issues such as change in learning approach leads to confusion and difficulties for teachers and students, and the problem of computer illiteracy and connection and bandwidth issues. Some of the students might feel lost especially during the early stages of implementation of this approach as they are used to be spoon-fed and depend solely on the teachers . 1 CAL is ideal for distant learning such as the open university as you don’t need a lot of teacher contact. 2 Facilitates instruction to a large number of students. 3 Reduces the work load of teachers. 4 Promotes multiple diementional learning. 5 Promotes interactive learning. 6 Provides immediate feedback. 7 Increase mastery on fundamental concept. 8 Promotes critical analysis and problem solving amog students. 9 Updating of latest technology in education. 10 CAL is a precursor for mobile based learning. DISADVANTAGE OF CAL 1 Produce mental and physical fatigue. 2The facility require time and money. 3 It is very expensive. 4 It is a mechanical approach to education. 5 CAL lack the human and emotional factors. 6 As the student can not interact with the computer in the human language THANK YOU.