Short Essay Ethics, codes of conduct in area of specialization (Medical) Definitions Ethics are the moral principles which control the behavior of a person or group of people . They determine what is good for Individuals as well as the society Code of Conduct are the rules which outline the responsibilities , values, norms and practices of an individual party or organization in a society Medical Ethical Problems The patient has the right to treatment without discrimination as to race, age, religion, sex, national The patient has the right to treatment without discrimination as to race, age, religion, sex, national origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or source of payment. You will be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect as an status, or source of payment. You will be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect as an individual. individual. • Accept money from drug manufacturers and prescribe those medicines • Getting romantically indulged with patient or family member • Covering up own mistake • Postponing treatments to get Organization budgets • Discrimination and Not Providing All Facilities Key Values of Medical Ethics These are the Principles of Bioethics regarding to the decisions of medical and healthcare. Some of the Medical Ethics are given as, • Decision Making Ability to make a proper decision about the care & well-being of patients • Starting and Stopping Treatments of the patients when it is not achieving a Desired Goal • Non-maleficence i.e. don’t harming the patients even if the patient requests for it • Health Maximization i.e. putting utmost efforts to maximize the health of the patient . • Efficiency in the treatment as well as the resources given to the patients. Using techniques in the field which are efficient i.e. less cost and more productive • Non-discrimination and Justice i.e. taking all the patients equally and providing all the facilities. There should be health equity which promotes fairness and justice • Helping the Colleagues and Workers in their works. The patient has the right to treatment without discrimination as to race, age, religion, sex, national origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or source of payment. You will be treated with 1 dignity, compassion, and respect as an individual. Practical Applications of Ethics • Doing the right and proper cure regardless of having more patients and money • Not showing yourself uninformed about the patient • Having Respectful relations with Clinicians, Staff and Colleagues • Maintaining and regulating the medical records for almost 3 years . If patient requires his records, he should be given acknowledged documents on time • Exposure of Unethical things. Any health professional or physician should not fear or favor regarding any kind of corruption and dishonesty • Payment of Professional services should be informed before giving the treatment or he / she should announce his fees. • Responding properly in case of medical emergencies and military services • Reporting the Births and causes of Deaths Code of Conducts in Medical • The greatest ethical code for any health professional is the welfare of the patient • Approaching patients with consideration and protecting their privacy and respecting their personal honor. • Performing all the preventive measures including the diagnostic and therapeutic processes even if it takes greater time • Maintaining the information of the patient’s disease or other information like background confidential . Even the death of patient should not release the physician from maintaining confidentiality • It is the necessary duty of every health professional to develop and update his professional knowledge & skills and share it with his workers and colleagues. • Obtaining the Consent of patients for treatment Conclusion So in Medical Field , There are different kind of ethics and Code of Honors like respect, kindness, justice , etc. discussed above. For a Peaceful and Progressing Society , these all should be Accomplished. 2