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Types of Tests: Educational Assessment Overview

Group 4
Mary Jane Pascual
Floriza Matias-Gumboc
Catherine Manahan
Danna Camacho
Everlyn Balagtas
Psychological test
is systematic use of tests to quantify
psychophysical behavior, abilities, and
problems and to make predictions
about psychological performance.
Educational test
is used to examine someone's knowledge of
something to determine what they know or
have learned.
Achievement Test
According to Scope of Content
Survey test
is a research method used for
collecting data from a predefined
group of respondents to gain
information and insights into various
topics of interest.
Mastery tests
is a achievement tests which
measure the degree to which an
individual has mastered certain
instructional objectives or specific
learning outcomes.
According to Interpretation
is a research method used for
collecting data from a predefined
group of respondents to gain
information and insights into various
topics of interest.
Criterion-referenced test
are designed to measure student
performance against a fixed set of
predetermined criteria or learning
According to Language Mode
Verbal Test
Verbal reasoning exams are intended
to test a child's ability to understand
and reason using words, and are a
test of skill, rather than of learned
knowledge. Example : Spelling Test
Non-verbal Test
It is problem-solving using pictures
and diagrams. It tests the ability to
analyze visual information and
solve problems based on visual
According to Manner of Construction
Standardized Test
is any form of test that requires all
test takers to answer the same
BLEPT and College-admissions
Informal Test
An informal assessment is spontaneous.
It is a method of evaluation where
the instructor tests participants'
knowledge using no standard criteria or
Tests and quizzes made by the
According to Manner of Administration
Individual Test
Group Test
A test can be said individual test in
Is consists of tests that can be
the sense that they can be
administered to a large group of
administered to only one person at a
people at one time. This is opposite
time. The individual test mainly done
of an Individual Test, which is
to observe characteristic to of
Graduate Record Examinations
Intelligence test by school
According to Effect of Biases
Objective Test
are measures in which responses
maximize objectivity, in the sense
that response options are structured
such that examinees have only a
limited set of options .
true or false
Subjective Test
aim to assess areas of students’
performance that are complex and
qualitative, using questioning
which may have more than one
correct answer or more ways to
express it.
Essay questions
According to Format
From the word select, this is a kind of
test with options or choices where
you can select the right answer.
Matching Type.
It is a completion question, provide
students with a partial sentence or
question and then require them to
write the answer in the blank that
best completes the statement or
Time Limit and Level of Difficulty
Power Test
a type of test intended to calculate
the participant’s level of mastery of a
particular topic under conditions of
little or no time pressure. The test is
designed so that items become
progressively more difficult.
Speed Test
refers to a measuring tool
composed of a list of relatively easy
items, intended to be answered in a
very limited time.
College entrance examination.