BASIC PRINCIPLES Power In Single-Phase AC Circuit Let instantaneous voltage be v(t)=Vmcos(ωt+θv) Let instantaneous current be i(t)=imcos(ωt+θi) The instantaneous p(t) delivered to the load is p(t)=v(t)i(t)=Vm imcos(ωt+θv) cos(ωt+θi) p(t) = |V||I| cosθ[1+cos2(ωt+θv) ] + |V||I| sinθsin2(ωt+θv), where | V |= Vm / 2 , | I |= I m / 2 The first term is the energy flow into the circuit The second term is the energy borrowed and returned by the circuit Energy Conversion Lab BASIC PRINCIPLES Power In Single-Phase AC Circuit p(t) = |V||I| cosθ[1+cos2(ωt+θv) ] = |V||I| cosθ+ |V||I| cosθ cos2(ωt+θv) ] The first term is the average power delivered to the load The second term is the sinusoidal variation with twice of source frequency in the absorption of power by the resistive load power absorbed by the resistive component is active power or real power |V||I| is called apparent power in VA P=|V||I| cosθ is real power in watts, cosθ is called power factor when current lags voltage, cosθ is lagging, and vice versa Energy Conversion Lab BASIC PRINCIPLES Power In Single-Phase AC Circuit pX(t) = |V||I| sinθsin2(ωt+θv), This term is the power oscillating into and out of load of reactive element (capacitive or inductive) Q=|V||I| sinθ is the amplitude of reactive power in “var” (voltage-ampere reactive) For inductive load, current lagging voltage, θ = (θv-θi) > 0, Q is positive For capacitive load, current leading voltage, θ = (θv-θi) < 0, Q is negative Energy Conversion Lab BASIC PRINCIPLES The Instantaneous Power Has Some Characteristics For a pure resistor, cosθ=1, apparent power |V||I| = real power In a pure inductive or capacitive circuit, cosθ=0, no energy change but the instantaneous power oscillate between circuit and source When pX(t) > 0, energy is stored in the magnetic field with the inductive elements, when pX(t) < 0, energy is extracted in the magnetic field with the inductive elements If load is pure capacitive, the current leads voltage by 90o, average power is 0, vise versa for pure inductive load Energy Conversion Lab BASIC PRINCIPLES Example 2.1(PSA-Saadat) supply voltage v(t)=100cosωt, inductive load Z=1.25∠60o Ω determine i(t), p(t), pR(t), px(t) Energy Conversion Lab COMPLEX POWER The rms voltage phasor and rms current phasor V = |V|∠θv and I = |I| ∠θi The term VI* = |V||I| ∠(θv -θi) = |V||I| ∠ θ = |V||I| cosθ + j |V||I| sinθ V θv θ θi I S θ Q P Define a complex power quantity S = VI* = P + jQ, where S = P 2 + Q 2 , apparent power The units of complex power S are kVA or MVA apparent power S is used as a rating unit of power equipment apparent power S is used for an utility to supply power to consumers Energy Conversion Lab COMPLEX POWER Define a reactive power quantity Q Q is (+) when phase angle θ is (+), i.e. load is inductive. Q is (-) when load is capacitive I θ θv V P θ Q (-) S Given a load impedance Z θi capacitive V=ZI S=VI*=ZII*= (R+jX)II* = (R+jX)|I|2 S=VI*=V(V/Z)*=V(V*/Z*)=(VV*)/Z*=|V|2/Z* Z=|V|2/S* Complex power balance real power supplied by source = real power absorbed by load see Example 2.2 (PSA-Saadat) Energy Conversion Lab POWER FACTOR CORRECTION AND COMPLEX POWER FLOW Apparent Power |S| > P if power factor (p.f.) < 1 Power factor current supplied in p.f. < 1 will be larger than current supplied in p.f. = 1 a larger current will cost more! inductive load causes lagging current and result in a lagging power factor (p.f. < 1) , Z=jX, I=V/(jX)=(V/X) ∠-90o (lagging) capacitive load causes leading current and result in a leading power factor (p.f. < 1), Z=-jX, I=V/(-jX)=(V/X) ∠+90o (leading) resistive load has a unity power factor (p.f. = 1) To keep p.f. ≈ 1, we need to install capacitor banks through the network for inductive load industry probably operate at low lagging p.f. since most of them are motors (inductive load) to correct low power factor, capacitor banks are connected in parallel to the load for p.f. correction, see Ex. 2.3 in pp.23, Ex. 2.4 in pp.24 (PSASaadat) Energy Conversion Lab COMPLEX POWER FLOW Complex power flow (PSA-Saadat) see Figure 2.9 in pp. 26 complex power S12 V1∠δ1 2 V1 V1 V2 S12 = ∠γ − ∠γ + δ1 − δ 2 Z Z real power at the sending end 2 V1 V1 V2 P12 = cos γ − cos(γ + δ1 − δ 2 ) Z Z reactive 2power at the sending end Q12 = V1 V V sin γ − 1 2 sin(γ + δ1 − δ 2 ) Z Z Energy Conversion Lab Z∠γ V2∠δ2 COMPLEX POWER FLOW OBSERVATION Observation on complex power flow assume transmission lines have small resistance compared to the reactance (Z=X∠90o, cosγ=0), P12 and Q12 becomes V1 V2 P12 = sin(δ1 − δ 2 ) X V1∠δ1 V Q12 = 1 (V1 − V2 cos(δ1 − δ 2 )) X Z∠γ V2∠δ2 maximum power occurs at δ = 90o, where maximum power transfer: Pmax=|V1||V2|/X real power flow P12 could be changed by small change in δ1 or δ2 reactive power Q12 is determined by terminal voltage difference, (i.e., Q≒|V1|-|V2|) line loss = S12 + S21 Energy Conversion Lab (PSA-Saadat) COMPLEX POWER FLOW OBSERVATION Ex. 2.6 direction of power flow between two voltage sources voltage source 1 can change phase from ±30o in step of 5o phase of voltage source 2 is constant Energy Conversion Lab PROJECT 2 Two voltage of sources V1=120∠-5 V rms and V2=100∠0 V rms are connected by a short line of impedance Z=1+j7 Ω. The figure is shown below Write a Matlab program such that the voltage magnitude of the source 1 is changed from 75% to 100% of the give in steps of 1V. The voltage magnitude of source 2 and phase angle are kept constant. Compute the complex power for each source and the line loss. Tabulate the reactive powers and plot Q1, Q2, and QL versus voltage magnitude |V1|. From the results, show that the flow of reactive power along the interconnection is determined by the magnitude difference of the terminal voltages. Z∠γ V1∠δ1 Energy Conversion Lab V2∠δ2 Transmission Line Modeling Derivation of Terminal V,I relations Transmission matrix Transmission line circuit equivalent Complex power transfer (short line) Complex power transmission Complex power transmission short radial line long or medium line Power handling capability SHORT LINE MODEL Short line model assumption length shorter than 80km/50 miles, voltage < 69kV capacitance is ignored line is represented with series RL circuits Equivalent short line model is shown as below IS + VS - IR Z=R+jX + VR SR - Phase voltage at sending end: VS=VR+ZIR Phase current in the short line: IS=IR For steady state transmission equations, sending ends V,I in terms of receiving ends VS 1 Z VR VR I = 0 1 I = T I R R S 1 Z T = 0 1 SHORT LINE MODEL For steady state transmission equations, receiving ends V,I in terms of sending ends V VR D - B VS −1 S I = − C A I = T I S R S For short line (line length<80km/50mi) Series RL circuit model, no shunt admittance VS 1 Z VR I = 0 1 I , R S Voltage regulation of the line Percent VR = Z = zl = ( r + jωL)l VR ( NL ) − VR ( FL ) VR ( FL ) × 100 Transmission line efficiency P η = R ( 3φ ) PS ( 3φ ) MEDIUM LINE MODEL When length>80km (50miles), line charging current becomes appreciable and shunt capacitance must be considered To consider the shunt capacitance, half of the shunt capacitor may be lumped at each end of line The referred shunt circuit is called the nominal π model IS VS R Y/2 jX IL Y/2 IR VR Y is the total shunt admittance of line with length l: Y=(g+jωC)*l Derivation of the shunt circuit matrix From KCL, I = I + Y V , L R R 2 from KVL the sending end voltage: VS = VR + ZI L We have VS in terms of receiving end variables: ZY VS = 1 + VR + ZI R 2 MEDIUM LINE MODEL Derivation of the shunt circuit matrix Y VS 2 The sending end current: We have IS in terms of receiving end variables: IS = IL + ZY ZY I S = Y 1 + VR + 1 + IR 4 2 For medium line, nominal π circuit model ZY 1 + Z VR VS 2 , Z = zl , I = S Y (1 + ZY ) 1 + ZY I R 4 2 Y = yl In general, the medium line matrix, ABCD have complex constants and symmetrical with A=D, and AD-BC=1 DERIVATION OF V,I RELATIONS From Kirchhoff’s voltage law, taking limit as Δx -> 0 V ( x + ∆x) = V ( x) + z∆xI ( x) V ( x + ∆x) − V ( x) or = zI ( x) ∆x dV ( x) = zI ( x) dx From Kirchhoff’s current law, taking limit as Δx -> 0 I ( x + ∆x) = I ( x) + y∆xV ( x) I ( x + ∆x) − I ( x) or = yV ( x) ∆x Energy Conversion Lab dI ( x) = yV ( x) dx DERIVATION OF V,I RELATIONS Second order V equation is d 2V = yzV = γ 2V 2 dx d 2I = yzI = γ 2 I 2 dx General solution is: VS = VR cosh γl + Zc I R sinh γl IS = I R cosh γl + where VR sinh γl Zc is characteristic impedance γ = zy is the propagation constant Zc = z/ y γ=α+jβ, α is attenuation constant, β is phase constant For a desired load voltage or complex power is specified, we can use this equation to calculate supply side variables to satisfy its loads Under normal operation, a power system is driven by the demand of loads TRANSMISSION MATRIX Arrange V,I equations in matrix form V ( x ) = cosh γx VR + Zc sinh γx I R I ( x) = The transmission parameters A,B,C,D form the transmission matrix T B = Zc sinh γx where A = cosh γx, A B T = C D 1 sinh γx VR + cosh γx I R Zc C= Therefore, 1 sinh γx, D = cosh γx Zc VR V ( x ) A B VR = = T I I ( x ) C D I R R As before, A=D and AD-BC=1 If we want to calculate V,I from sending end to receiving end. Just simply use T-1 LUMP-CIRCUIT EQUIVALENT The π equivalent circuit for transmission line I1 IR Z’ V1 Y’/2 Y’/2 VR We end up with the solution Z 'Y ' ) VR + ( Z' ) I R 2 Z 'Y ' Z 'Y ' I = Y ' (1 + ) VR + (1 + )IR 4 2 V = (1 + Z 'Y ' + Z' 1 VR V 2 I = Y ' (1 + Z ' Y ' ) 1 + Z ' Y ' I R 4 2 LONG LINE LUMP-CIRCUIT For the l meter transmission line sinh γl Z ' = Z C sinh γl = ( zl ) , γl Y' Y tanh(γl / 2) yl tanh(γl / 2) = = γl / 2 γl / 2 2 2 2 where γ = α + jβ = zy As you can see, the equivalent circuit is affected by “z”,”y”, and the length of the transmission line “l” For example, z=r+jwL=0.169+j0.789, y=j5.38e-6 this means if the length is not too long, the effect of z,y could be neglected REVIEW FOR SIMPLIFIED MODELS For steady state transmission equations, sending ends V,I in terms of receiving ends VS A B VR VR I = C D I = T I R R S A B T = C D For steady state transmission equations, receiving ends V,I in terms of sending ends V VR D - B VS −1 S I = − C A I = T I S R S REVIEW FOR SHORT, MEDIUM LINE MODELS If |rl|<<1, Z ' = ( zl ) sinh rl Y' Y tanh( rl / 2) Y yl = Z = zl , = = = rl 2 2 rl / 2 2 2 For short line (l<50mi) Series RL circuit model no shunt admittance VS 1 Z VR I = 0 1 I , R S Z = zl For medium line (50<l<150 mi, approximately) Nominal π circuit model, shunt admittance becomes more apparent ZY 1 + Z VR VS 2 , Z = zl , I = ZY ZY IR S Y (1 + ) 1+ 4 2 Y = yl LONG LINE MODEL For long line (l>150 mi, approximately) Use π equivalent circuit, contains trigonometric term and Z,Y parameters Equivalent π circuit model Z 'Y ' + 1 Z ' VR VS 2 , I = S Y ' (1 + Z ' Y ' ) 1 + Z ' Y ' I R 4 2 sinh γl sinh γl =Z Z' = zl , γl γl Y' yl tanh(γl / 2) Y tanh(γl / 2) = = 2 2 2 γl / 2 γl / 2 Complex Power Transmission From steady-state V,I equations VS A B VR 1 Z VR I = C D I = 0 1 I R R S The complex power transfer delivered to the receiving end can be computed from For lossless line − S RS = −( PR + jQR ) = −VR I R* V − AVR = −VR S B * S SR = PS + jQS = VS I S* = VS (CVR + DI R )* Complex Power Transmission Complex power transfer from sending end to receiving end Assume Z = R + jωL VS = VS e jθ S , VR = VR e jθ R Z = Z e j∠Z , θSR ≡ θ S − θ R Calculate the complex power transfer from sending end S SR = VS I S* = VS ( VS − VR * ) Z 2 VS VS VR j∠Z jθ SR j∠Z e e e = − Z Z Complex Power Transmission Complex power transfer from receiving end to sending end Assume Z = R + jωL VS = VS e jθ S , VR = VR e jθ R Z = Z e j∠Z , θSR ≡ θ S − θ R Calculate the complex power transfer from receiving end ( ) − S RS = VR − I R* = VR ( =− VR Z 2 e j∠Z + VS − VR * ) Z VR VS Z e j∠Z e − jθ SR Power Circle Analysis Sending end circle and receiving end circle S SR = CS − Be jθ SR , - S RS = CR + Be − jθ SR Circles do not intersect if |VS|≠|VR| θSR increase will increase the complex power transfer until ultimate limit 2 For the transmission line VS ∠Z , CS = 2 Z VS VS VR j∠Z jθ j∠Z S SR = − S RS = − Z VR Z e − 2 e j∠Z + Z VR VS Z e e SR 2 VR ∠Z , CR = − Z e j∠Z e − jθ SR VS VR B= Z COMPLEX POWER CIRCLE 2 S SR VS VS VR j∠Z jθ SR j∠Z = − e e e Z Z sending end circle Q 2 − S RS = − VR Z 2 e j∠Z + VR VS Z VS ∠( Z ) Z e j∠Z e − jθ SR δ ∠δ = θ S − θ R = θ SR P 2 V − R ∠( Z ) Z receiving end circle δ VS VR j∠Z radius = e Z COMPLEX POWER FLOW For lossless line, the real and reactive power transfer from sending end to receiving end B=jX, θA=0, θB=90o, A=cos βl PSR ( 3φ ) = − PRS ( 3φ ) = QSR ( 3φ ) = VS ( L− L ) VR ( L− L ) VS ( L− L ) VR ( L− L ) X X cos δ − sin δ VR ( L− L ) X 2 cos βl Power is transferred proportional to power angle δ, as load increases, δ increase For lossless line, max power occurs when δ=90o, but for the adequate margin of stability, δ is between 30o to 45o Power Circle Analysis The circles do not intersect of |VS|≠ |VR| As θ12 increases, the active power sent and received increases. o The maximum limit of active power sent is θ12 =180 – angle(Z) The maximum limit of active power received is θ12 =angle(Z) Q sending end circle 2 VS ∠( Z ) Z δ ∠Z Pmax(sent) ∠δ = θ S − θ R = θ SR P 2 V − R ∠( Z ) Z receiving end circle δ Pmax(received) Ploss = PS − PR = 43.2315 MW Qloss = Qs − QR =104.6636 MVar NCKU EE Energy Conversion Lab. 92781 Power Circle Analysis too much θSR increase will force synchronous machine running out of synchronism How can we increase the ultimate transmission capability? Decrease X or increase |V| Decrease X: line design (space, material) Increase |V|: sometimes not feasible For lossless line |VS| ≈ |VR|,|Z| ≈90o, θSR <10o , PSR coupled with θSR , QSR coupled with |VS|-|VR| POWER TRANSMISSION CAPABILITY Power handling capability is limited by thermal loading: Sthermal=3VφratedIthermal stability limit: load angle δ In practice, when generator and transformer are connected to transmission line, the combined reactance will result in a larger δ for a given load Power Handling Capability of Line Thermal limit: line temperature to prevent line sag, irreversible stretching and insulation Bundling for greater spacing Current limit: Thermal limit can affect current carrying Voltage limit: Conductor size, spacing and insulation MVA limit: MW and MVAr, typically a 345kV line has a thermal rating of 1600MVA θSR limit: synchronism max limit between 40-50o, which is about 65 to 75% of the ultimate transmission capability Power handling capability is limited by thermal rather than stability for short lines, vice versa for long lines Project analysis (project 2-1) Distributed Parameter Model The distributed parameter model states that ∂v i ( x ) − i ( x + ∆x ) = (Gv + C ) ∆x ∂t ∂i v ( x ) − v ( x + ∆x ) = ( Ri + L ) ∆x ∂t I Let Δx -> 0, the above equation − ∂i ∂v = Gv + C ∂x ∂t − ∂v ∂i = Ri + L ∂x ∂t Laplace transform dI = −(G + Cs )V = −YV dx dV = −(R + Ls )I = − ZI dx Distributed Parameter Model When the line is lossless, R and G are zero characteristic impedance ∂v L = ∂i C propagation speed of v and I along the line ∂x = ∂t 1 CL Take the time derivative of the left equations dI = −(G + Cs )V = −YV dx d 2I 2 = ( G + sC )( R + sL ) I = γ I 2 dx dV = −(R + Ls )I = − ZI dx d 2V 2 = ( R + sL )( G + sC ) V = γ V 2 dx Distributed Parameter Model The solution of the second order differential equation Ib Vf If Propagation constant γ= V ( x, s ) = Z c A2e − rx − Z c A1e rx I ( x, s ) = A1e rx + A2 e − rx characteristic impedance R C + s LC 2 L Voltage component Vf=IfZc, Vb=-IbZc V(x,s)= Vf+ Vb=Zc(If –Ib) For terminal impedance Zd Vb V (d , s) Z c ( I f − I b ) Z d ( s) = = I (d , s) I f + Ib Zc = ( R + sL) (G + sC ) Distributed Parameter Model Define current reflection coefficient ρi=Ib/If from: Z ( s) = V (d , s) = Z c ( I f − I b ) = d I (d , s ) Zc ( I f + Ib The following relations hold Z d 1 − ρi = Z c 1 + ρi or Zc − Zd ρi = Zc + Zd If If If If − + Ib ) If Ib If = Zc (1 − ρ i ) (1 + ρ i ) Distributed Parameter Model Define voltage reflection coefficient ρv=Vb/Vf ρv = Vb − I b Z C Z − Zd = =− c Vf I f ZC Zc + Zd ρi = - ρv The reflection coefficients of some common terminations are: Open-circuit Zd = ∞ ρv = 1 ρ i = −1 Short-circuit Zd = 0 ρ v = −1 ρi = 1 Zd = Zc ρv = 0 ρi = 0 Matched termination Wave Propagation Characteristics The solution of the second order differential equation I ( x, s ) = A1e rx + A2 e − rx Ib I (0, s ) ρ i e −2 rd A1 = 1 + ρ i e −2 rd Vf e 2 rd ρi ) A2 = I (0, s ) 1 + ρ i e −2 rd Let A1 -> 0, A2 = I(0,s) for d->∞ (infinite line) -γx=I I(x,s)=I(0,s)e f Neglecting G, the propagation constant reduced to If I (0, s ) = A1 + A2 = A1 (1 + V ( x, s ) = Z c A2e − rx − Z c A1e rx γ= R C + s LC 2 L Current wave: I ( x, s ) = I (0, s )e −( R C + s LC ) x 2 L Vb Distributed Parameter Model Transient wave propagation characteristics, for ∞ long line i ( x, t ) = e −( R C )x 2 L atten. Factor i (0, t − LC x )u(t − LC x ) delay The time-domain response of the forwarding voltage v ( x, t ) = Z C i ( x, t ) V,I reflection coefficients, ρv, ρi Simulation of a single-phase line The Bewley Lattice Diagram V is applied at t=0 to a line of length d, characteristic impedance ZC that is terminated with an impedance Zd at the other end Assume the source impedance at the sending end is zero, i.e., ρvs = -1 The bewley lattice diagram is as follows Simulation of A Single-phase Line Source circuit Load circuit di e − vS = RS iS + LS S dt iR = iS = 1 ( vR − RLiR )dt LL ∫ State variable: vbs, vfR vS = Z C iS + 2vbs vR = 2v fR − Z C iR forward, backward wave relations: sending end and receiving end relations v fs = vS − vbs v fR ( x, t ) = e −( R C )x 2 L 1 ( e − vS − RS iS )dt ∫ LS vbR = vR − v fR v fs u(t − LC x ) vbs ( x, t ) = e −( R C )x 2 L vbR u(t − LC x ) Distributed Parameter Model Line model v fR ( x, t ) = e vbs ( x, t ) = e −( −( R C )x 2 L R C )x 2 L v fs u(t − LC x ) vbR u(t − LC x ) Distributed Parameter Model Single phase line simulation Project 3 A transmission system with a supply source at sending end in rated voltage 500 kV, 60Hz. The 1000km single phase line has the following electrical parameters R = 0.15 Ω/km, L=2.96 mH/km C=0.017 µF/km with 1000 km long line. The source electrical parameters are: RS=50 Ω, LS=0.1H Now the transmission line is connected to a single phase RL load of RL=5.4kΩ, LL=10.743H Project 3 Operating status Observe and plot the following 1) 2) 3) show the trace of e, VS, iS, VR, iR, from t=0 through t=0.3 in one figure with different subplots show the traces of Vfs, ibs, VfR, ibR from t=0 through t=0.3 what are the ρv and ρi at the receiving end from the results of 2) you obtain? could you verify it by Eq.(3.132) and Eq.(3.134)? Operating status the voltage source “ e = 500 2 / 3 cos ωet ” is operated at rated value to supply the load when there is a step wave of VS=500u(t) volt injected into the sending end of line, use the same line and load Observe and plot the following 1) 2) show the traces of VX and iX at the point of x=600km show the Bewley Lattice diagram of VX