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Project ID:
Overview of the Company
Project name : GYMZONE
Project Type : APPLICATION
Technology used in Project : ANROID , JAVA , XML , FIREBASE.
Internship summary :
Internship duration : 12 weeks.
Internship field : ANDROID APPLICATION.
The main purpose of this project is to make a gym or a fitness center management Hessle
free. It makes the clients and staff data and schedule easily accessible and also making it
easy to keep records in a secure database.
2.3.1 Member Management
A key objective of gym management systems is to simplify the entire member
management process. The bloodline of any health club is a happy and sustained
membership base. Gym management software should help you both market your business
to new gym members and retain those you already have. Using gym software for member
management will simplify all aspects of the process, such as check-ins, online
registration, payments, and database management.
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
2.3.2 Member Sheduling
You should be able manage all bookings and any other events you’re hosting. A gym
management system should link class bookings to your client so that your members can
manage their classes and book time slots with their favorite instructor both offline. Over
time, it increases your member retention and attracts more customers who expect
flexibility and complete convenience.
2.3.4 Member Retention
By automating communication and interacting with members regularly, it increases the
overall customer experience, whether it’s push notifications as a reminder to get into the
studio or promotions, you want to choose membership management that aligns with your
2.3.5 Improve Member Experience
An incredible member experience is an essential part of running a successful fitness
business. You could have great equipment and an impressive facility, but it’s your
member experience that will set you apart from the competition. It’s what makes your
business unique and retains members over time. To create the best experience possible,
it’s important to streamline the customer journey and empower your members. That
means booking, Enquiry, and interacting with your brand should be as easy as possible.
Members need to be able to book classes, manage memberships and manage their gym
schedule. Without this, the member experience will suffer. Nowadays, consumers expect
a tech solution to streamline the ongoing relationship with your business.
2.3.6 Reduce Costs
Putting your time and resources into the right part of the business can reduce timewasting and costs. Administrative tasks take up a lot of time for gym owners and
managers. A gym management system should free up a lot of time so that your team can
focus on what they do best; selling gym memberships, creating a great member
experience, and producing fantastic member results.
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
Gym zone helps admin to control over whole application
It helps user to check for their groups .
User gets updated with the new plasn as well as the events which are happening in
the gym.
Trainer gets a schedule about the batches as well as the members.\
Members can see their health data and check their BMI into the app.
App have login for both trainer as well as user
App have diffrrent ui for both trainer and uset.
Trainer marks his attendance and check the attendance of members also
Admin have control over the data of user and trainer.
User can add member to his group or remove them.
User can get idea about the new plan as well as events or special activities carried
out in the gym.
User have unique id for his identity and user can checks for it login details.
User have activity module in user facing ui , where user gets an idea about the
activity he needs to do.
 Gym zone does not provide payment gateway for the customer.
 It does not have online training option as not all have the online fasiblity in their
gym .
 It does not provide any email notification feature or promotional mail over email.
 If user forgots his password he can only sets it via the registerd email not via one
time password on the sms.
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
2.5 Technology and Tools Review
We are using firebase as backend system , java and xml as programming language
and android studio as working environment.
Technology review:
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored as
JSON and synchronized in Realtime to every connected client. When you build
cross-platform apps with our Apple platforms, Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all
of your clients share one Realtime Database instance and automatically receive
updates with the newest data.
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you
store and sync data between your users in realtime
The Firebase Realtime Database lets you build rich, collaborative applications by
allowing secure access to the database directly from client-side code. Data is
persisted locally, and even while offline, realtime events continue to fire, giving
the end user a responsive experience. When the device regains connection, the
Realtime Database synchronizes the local data changes with the remote updates
that occurred while the client was offline, merging any conflicts automatically.
Fig 2.1
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
The Realtime Database provides a flexible, expression-based rules language,
called Firebase Realtime Database Security Rules, to define how your data should
be structured and when data can be read from or written to. When integrated with
Firebase Authentication, developers can define who has access to what data, and
how they can access it.
2.5.2 XML
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language similar to HTML, but without
predefined tags to use. Instead, you define your own tags designed specifically for your
needs. This is a powerful way to store data in a format that can be stored, searched, and
shared. Most importantly, since the fundamental format of XML is standardized, if you
share or transmit XML across systems or platforms, either locally or over the internet, the
recipient can still parse the data due to the standardized XML syntax.
Fig 2.2
The XML is used to implement UI-related data, and it's a lightweight markup language
that doesn't make layout heavy. XML only contains tags, while implementing they need
to be just invoked.
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
2.5.3 JAVA
Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun
Microsystems in 1995. It has evolved from humble beginnings to power a large share of
today’s digital world, by providing the reliable platform upon which many services and
applications are built. New, innovative products and digital services designed for the
future continue to rely on Java, as well.
There are many applications and even some websites that will not function unless you
have Java installed. Java.com, this website, is intended for consumers who require Java
for their desktop applications – specifically applications targeting Java 8. Developers as
well as users that would like to learn Java programming should visit the dev.java website
instead and business users should visit oracle.com/java for more information.
Fig 2.3
Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android
app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA . On top of IntelliJ's powerful code editor and
developer tools.
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
Project ID:
Overview of the Company
Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your productivity when building
Android apps, such as:
A flexible Gradle-based build system
A fast and feature-rich emulator
A unified environment where you can develop for all Android devices
Apply Changes to push code and resource changes to your running app without restarting
your app
Code templates and GitHub integration to help you build common app features and
import sample code
Extensive testing tools and frameworks
Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems
C++ and NDK support
Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud
Messaging and App Engine.
Fig 2.4
Gujarat Technological University
Alpha College of Engineering and Technology
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